Paciterra Identity System Manual

Page 1


Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Logos 8 Signatures 10 Incorrect Uses 12 Typography 14 Stationary 22 Advertising 24 Vehicles 26 Ancillary Items 18 Summary and Check List

As the country of Paciterra continues the transformation that is preparing it for the next century, it is imperative that we all work together to communicate a clear and consistent identity to our important external audiences. The development of visual identity standards that are applicable to the entire country is critical to achieving this objective. Paciterra’s symbol, the heart-trident, provides the basis around which this graphics standards manual has been developed. The manual provides guidelines for proper use of the symbol, the Paciterra logos, and a variety of signatures pertaining to the country’s many official departments. The material is presented in a simple and concise manner that provides easy access to a range of information that will help assure consistency in the way we utilize our logo. Although no one symbol can tell the whole story of a complex country, the visual identity presented in this manual conveys a sense of Paciterra as a great nation rooted in a proud heritage and poised to be a critical part of our world’s future. I ask you to comply with the standards outlined here, and I urge you to join me in implementing Paciterra’s identity system with pride and enthusiasm.

Austin W. Hunter President

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Introduction


Graphic Design Standards


Quality and Coordination

The focus of a graphic identity is usually

Originally established as one of the four

Paciterra’s Creative Media Office

a symbol or logo. However, an identity

states in the Federated States of Micronesia

at the Communications Center will oversee

system is much more than the utilization of

(FSM), and among the Senyavin Islands

design standards. These offices are valuable

a symbol. A comprehensive graphic system

(part of the larger Caroline Islands group),

resources for facilitating and maintaining

is a structure for communicating and

Paciterra achieved its independence

graphic design awareness, consistency, and

presenting information logically, clearly,

in 1975. The islands are located about


and with distinction.

2,5oo miles southwest of Hawaii: and the population is close to 40,000 residents and

Please direct your questions and/or

The standards and guidelines presented in

always growing. Our Paciterra islanders

requests for information, camera-ready

this manual have firm institutional support.

have a reputation as being extremely

reproduction art and electronic files to:

Embracing and following these standards

welcoming to outsiders, and the island

will be advantageous to the entire Paciterra

contains a wealth of biodiversity. Paciterra

Paciterra Creative Media Department

community, enabling us to achieve clarity

is also one of the wettest places on earth

Telephone: (+55) 555-4567

and effectiveness in all print and electronic

with annual recorded rainfall exceeding 300

Fax: (+55) 555-3684


inches each year.

At this time, it is impossible to cover all

Paciterra’s visual symbol is the comprised

Paciterra Communications Department

of the possible uses and applications of

of two items: a heart and a trident. Both

Telephone: (+55) 234-5678

the new identity; therefore, this manual is

are rendered very softly and gracefully

Fax: (+55) 234-3967

intended to be an introduction and a guide

mimicking the country’s motto of “Peace,

to the basic components of the

Love, and Prosperity.”

identity system. Implementation of these

Additionally, standards information and electronic files are available on the

standards will develop greater awareness of

The trident represents our fishing industry,


the country as a whole, while enabling the

which we have become famous for. In

individual departments to convey distinct

Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god


of the sea. (His Roman counterpart was Neptune) Also, the three prongs comprising

Our comprehensive commitment to

the trident stand for the three aspects of

excellence in design will exemplify

our motto, “Peace, Love, and Prosperity.”

our commitment to quality in all other respects. When the graphic system is fully implemented, the identity will consistently distinguish all Paciterra publications and advertising.

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos


Paciterra Symbol As previously stated in the history of our country, Paciterra’s visual symbol is the comprised of two items: a heart and a trident. The negative, or white space, shall always be the trident; the positive, or colored space, shall always be the heart. Both are rendered very softly and gracefully mimicking the country’s motto of “Peace, Love, and Prosperity.” The trident represents our fishing industry, which we have become famous for. In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea. (His Roman counterpart was Neptune) Also, the three prongs comprising the trident stand for the three aspects of our motto, “Peace, Love, and Prosperity.” When referring to the country or a signature, the symbol must always be accompanied by the wording. The only time the heart-trident symbol may stand alone is when utilized as a graphical element. In this case, it should be fairly large on the page. In this sense, the symbol may run off of the page; however, this must be done carefully so that the sense of the heart and trident elements are not lost and the meaning is still visible on the print area of the document.

Heart-trident symbol

Heart-trident symbol

Paciterra Turquoise Version

Black Version

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos

Paciterra Logos The official Paciterra logo is the heart-trident symbol accompanied by our country’s name. The logo is the formal identifier for the country of Paciterra. It may be used by any of Paciterra’s departments, organizations, affiliates, etc. with limitations. The word “PACITERRA” is all caps, displayed in the typeface Optima, and has a 25pt kerning between all letters. Our logo has two versions: a horizontal logo and a vertical logo. The horizontal logo is the standard and preferred logo to use. The vertical logo is used when appropriate in terms of matching layout orientation. This vertical logo is also used in times when it is looked upon in a more graphical sense: mainly in advertising or other highly visual printed/digital pieces. The use of the Paciterra logos should be limited. In general, the use of the Paciterra logo is to be used primarily by its government or when it is being reffered to as the actual country. The use of Paciterra signatures (as shown on page 8) is preferred when used in direct relation to departmental, organizational, etc. entities. The logos may be used in print advertising with specific limitations (as shown on pages 22-23.)

PACITERRA The horizontal logo and primary logo for Paciterra. This version is to be used in everyday instances when referring to the actual country. Naturally, this logo is also used when referring to the Government of Paciterra.

PACITERRA The vertical logo and secondary logo for Paciterra. To be used when orientation is appropriate or when used in image-heavy documents.


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos


Two-Color The official color of Paciterra is Paciterra Turquoise (or PANTONE® 329). The identity system utilizes this official color with the addition of Paciterra Grey (or PANTONE® 514) for most primary typography.

Paciterra Turquoise* PANTONE® 329 C=100 M=34 Y=62 K=0

The Two-Color version of the logo must always be printed on a 100% white background to maintain the integrity of the logo.

Paciterra Grey* PANTONE® 514

(The official logos may also be printed in

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=65

Black. Black is the alternative when budget or context rule out the use of two-color.)

The colors shown on this page and throughout this manual have not been evaluated by PANTONE®,

Except for special print techniques, these

Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE®

are the only colors which may be used

Color Standards. Refer to the current edition of the

to print the logo. The four-color process equivalent for Paciterra Turquoise is 100%

PANTONE® Color Formula Guide for accurate colors. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of PANTONE®, Inc.

Cyan, 34% Magenta, 62% Yellow, and 0% Black. For Paciterra Grey, it is solely 65% Black.




Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos


Reproduction Art and Files Camera-ready reproduction art for the Paciterra logos and signatures are available through the Paciterra Communications Department. (See page 1.) Electronic (Illustrator™ EPS) files of the logos are also available. These files are provided in no particular size. The integrity of the logo is of such quality and finéss that resizing is done quite comfortably without the need of altered, smaller logos. When scaling either logos, the ascender height of the “C” in “PACITERRA” shall never be any smaller than 1/8” (or 0p9.)

To ensure that the wording on both logos is the same

An example of a 0p9 square. Remember that the height

size, the ascender height of “C” is used, the not height

of the square is in conjunction with the letter “C” — no

of the entire logo.

other letter’s ascender height may be used.



Clear Zone The integrity of the logo demands that no words or images crowd, overlap, or merge with it. All words and images used in proximity to the seal should be placed no closer than one pica (1p0) in proximity to each side of the logo as a whole. It is important to note that although only the full color marks are shown below, all Paciterra marks must follow the clear zone guidelines.



An example of a 1p0 square. The clear space may be larger than 1p0, but must never be less than it. Remember, the clear zone must be equal on all sides.

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos


Print backgrounds: Light

Print backgrounds: Dark

In general, the Paciterra logos in Two-Color

To produce the logo on a dark background,

Please note that although only one logo is used for

are only ever printed on a solid, 100% White

it should be presented as full White, or

demonstration purposes, all of the logos are subject to

background. However, when printing on a

reversed out. Again, the Two-Color logos

these parameters. (See pages 10-11 for discussion of

light background that is not White, the solid

should never be printed on any color other

incorrect uses.)

Black logo should be used.

than solid, 100% White.

Any of the full Black logos may be printed

Any of the logos may be reversed out of

on any solid color, screen of color, textured,

any solid color, screen of color, textured,

illustrative, or photographic background

illustrative or photographic background

that is light enough to provide sufficient

that is dark enough to provide sufficient

contrast for clarity and legibility.

contrast for clarity and legibility.

Although a logo may be printed on a variety of backgrounds, no words or images should overlap or merge with it. It should never be integrated into an illustration, cartoon, or other symbol or logo.




PACITERRA Examples of proper color and background integration and usage for the Paciterra logos.




PACITERRA Examples of unacceptable color and background integration and usage for the Paciterra logos.

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos


Special print techniques The seal may be embossed, engraved, foil stamped on paper, etched in metal or glass, cast in metal, or carved in stone or wood. Some of these special print (and fabrication) techniques may produce colors other than the official colors. However, these colors should be the result of the needs of the technique and they should be natural, neutral, and compatible with the official identity, (e.g., silver, gold, wood grain). Most of the special print and production techniques require an altered design for the seal, whether it is a change in color or even the type may need to be bold to be legible in certain techniques. It is important to note that although only the full color marks are shown below, all Paciterra marks must follow the special print techniques.


Top left: An example of a gold logo to be used for the special technique, metallic ink.

Bottom left: An example of a logo with bold type, typical usage for engraving techniques in dense materials, such as wood or stone.


Paciterra Graphic Standards —Signatures

Examples of signatures The term signature refers to the joining of two primary elements in the graphic identity system — the logo and the department/organization. The logotype consists of the word identifiers — “Paciterra” and “‘Particular’ Department/Service,” set in the official Optima typeface and style. One universal signature template is used to reduce any confusion and to maintain a universal look. The additional line of text, the actual signature part, is Paciterra Turquoise. The size of the signature verbage should be exactly half the size of “PACITERRA.” The entire word element is now the same height as the heart-trident symbol. The words in the signature must align flush left to the “P” in “PACITERRA” and be exactly one pica (1p0) below the descender in the country’s name. Normal clear zone and reproduction art/file procedures as stated earlier are applied to all signatures. (See page 5.)











digital media services

water services

island coast guard

police department

marine conservation

health department

waste management

electricity services

public school system

pprivate school system


wildlife conservation


Paciterra Graphic Standards —Signatures

Print backgrounds: Light

Print backgrounds: Dark

In general, the Paciterra signatures in Two-

To produce the signature on a dark

Please note that although only one signature is used

Color are only ever printed on a solid, 100%

background, it should be presented as full

for demonstration purposes, all of the signatures are

White background. However, when printing

White, or reversed out. Again, the Two-

subject to these parameters. (See pages 10-11 for

on a light background that is not White, the

Color signatures should never be printed

discussion of incorrect uses.)

solid Black logo should be used.

on any color other than solid, 100% White.

Any of the full Black signatures may be

Any of the signatures may be reversed out

printed on any solid color, screen of color,

of any solid color, screen of color, textured,

textured, illustrative, or photographic

illustrative, or photographic background

background that is light enough to provide

that is dark enough to provide sufficient

sufficient contrast for clarity and legibility.

contrast for clarity and legibility.

Although a signature may be printed on a variety of backgrounds, no words or images should overlap or merge with it. It should never be integrated into an illustration, cartoon or other symbol or logo.









Examples of proper color and background integration and usage for the Paciterra signatures.









Examples of unacceptable color and background integration and usage for the Paciterra signatures.

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos/Signatures: Incorrect Usage

Incorrect Uses In order to establish and maintain consistent and effective use of the Paciterra logos and signatures, it is essential to follow the standards in this manual. The sample incorrect examples illustrated on these pages demonstrate some common errors that can be made. Such misuses will undermine Paciterra’s effort to present a strong and unified image, and will alter the perception and meaning of the logos and signatures. Also, improper use could jeopardize their status as components of a registered identity. Please note that although only one logo is used for demonstration purposes, all the official logos and signatures are subject to these parameters. You should never: Change the typeface Change the typestyle Improper proportion Improper color Add shadows/glows Improper alignment Framing Distort Add elements Overlapping elements Improper placement



Paciterra Graphic Standards — Logos/Signatures: Incorrect Usage



Different typeface: Optima is the only

Improper color: The logo and any of the

typeface which may be used in the

signatures should never be reproduced in

signature format. Others ( i.e., Helvetica, as

any colors other than the official approved

shown above) are not allowed.



PACITERRA Distortion: The seal and signature should not be subject to distortion or manipulation, i.e., slanting, stretching, twisting or curving.


Different typestyle: Optima is the only


typestyle used in the signature format.

Shadows or glows: The logo and its

Adding elements: Never add any elements

Others (i.e., Optima Italic, as shown above)

signatures must never have any sort of drop

as part of the logos or any of its signatures

are not allowed.

shadow or outer/inner glow.



Improper proportion: The symbol in

Improper alignment of symbol: the symbol

relationship to the typography should not

relative to the typography should not be

be altered. Reduce and enlarge logos and


signatures proportionately.

PACITERRA Overlapping or alignment of visual element or symbol: The logo and any of its signatures should not be encumbered

PACITERRA PACITERRA Framing: The logo and any of its signatures should never be framed in a restricting box, shape, or specific area.

Improper placement of symbol: the placement of the symbol relative to the typography should not be altered.

by other visual elements. Avoid the use of any copy, slogans, symbols or images overlapping or aligned with the logos or signatures.

Paciterra Graphic Standards —Typography

Typography The official identity system typefaces are Myriad Pro and Optima — for both of these typefaces, all typestyles are allowed for use. The typeface used for the text of this particular manual is Myriad Pro. Myriad Pro: typestyles Regular, Semibold, Italic, and Semibold are the only approved typestyles for the Paciterra identity. Never use Bold or Bold Italic. Optima: typestyles Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic are the only approved typestyles for the Paciterra identity. Never use Extra Black. In cases of online web sites, Verdana is to be used, as it is a web-safe font which will be displayed correctly on all monitors and cause no problems for viewers. This is the only approved usage for Verdana: it is never to be used in any print documents. Specific Uses While Optima is the font used in the Paciterra logos and signatures, Myriad Pro is the most commonly used typeface in Paciterra-related documents. Myriad Pro is used as the “text” typeface, as it more easily legible. Optima is typicall used as a display typeface for graphics, however the usage in text documents is also acceptable.



Paciterra Graphic Standards —Typography

Myriad Pro Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Myriad Pro Semibold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Myriad Pro Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Myriad Pro Semibold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Optima Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Optima Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Optima Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

0123456789 Optima Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary

Stationary The stationery system provides for customization of all components; such as letterheads, envelopes, and business cards. To the right and below are some examples of these stationary items. As previously stated, the typeface Myriad Pro shall be used in these documents. When appropriate, signatures should be used instead of the country logo itself. Each stationary item’s “blueprints” will be explained in following pages.

Malissa Koebel

Creative Media Director Creative Media Department 219 Oceanview Blvd., Suite 115 Pohnpei, Paciterra, 96941 T +55 386-1037 E

PACITERRA Above left: Business card front at 80% Above right: Busincess card back at 80%

PACITERRA Paciterra Name of Department Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000

Addressee Name (Business or Department Name) Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000

Envelope shown at 40% — actual size 3-34 x 7-5/8


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary

PACITERRA Paciterra Department of Revenue 219 Oceanview Boulevard, Suite 104 +55 123-4567

Addressee Name Company Name (optional) Department or P.O. Box Number Street Address City, Country, 00000-0000

Today’s Date

Dear Addressee, This letter illustrates how the text of any letter can be integrated in a harmonious way with the design of the Paciterra letterhead. The format shown here helps to unify all correspondence from the country and its departments or organizations and, therefore, reinforces the consistency of image which is an overall part of the graphic identity system. The format shown here is typed in Myriad Pro, one of the official typefaces. Optima may be used in more formal situations. Ostrud dolor at am, consenibh er augiam amet ulluptate conse te dipis augiamet alit acilla ad ming el exer alismod tie mod el ing ero dolobore tat lor iure do er sed esequipit prat. Ut dolenim alit adio consed dolendi amcore mincin veniat. Ut nummy nulput nos do consequ ipisisl dolorperit irit wis elenim velit luptat dionse conse vel dit prat, sustrud dionsed magna alisl eum eugait nonsecte diatet aute modolent inissit praesequamet pratem iriusto exercidui el eu faccum digna faccum nisci blamcor sed te et adigna facillut lum vel ulla feummod del do ercin henim illaore tatin vulputpate vel iriure vel exerat wisl inibh ea amcommy nim ea feugue commolore dit velessi.

Complimentary Close, [Signature] Sender’s Name Title (optional)

Letterhead shown at 80%

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Business Letterheads

Letterheads The format shown here helps to unify all correspondence from the country and its departments or organizations and, therefore, reinforces the consistency of image which is an overall part of the graphic identity system. Paragraphs are indicated by one line space, with no indention. After the complimentary close, allow three line spaces for the sender’s signature. The margins or text frame is where the entire document shall be placed in. Logo placement and text alignment will be flush with the edges. It is important to use the primary, horizontal logo with the letterheads. The wave graphical element is placed at the bottom of the document with a full bleed. The top “peak” of the wave shall rest directly on the bottom margin line. Text for this document shall be Myriad Pro 10/15 in the “regular” weight. If bold text is needed, use the “semibold” selection.



Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Business Letterheads

PACITERRA Paciterra Department of Revenue 219 Oceanview Boulevard, Suite 104 +55 123-4567

Addressee Name Company Name (optional) Department or P.O. Box Number Street Address City, Country, 00000-0000

Margins are as follows:

Today’s Date

Top 6 Bottom 14 Left 6 Right 6

Dear Addressee, This letter illustrates how the text of any letter can be integrated in a harmonious way with the design of the Paciterra letterhead. The format shown here helps to unify all correspondence from the country and its departments or organizations and, therefore, reinforces the consistency of image which is an overall part of the graphic identity system. The format shown here is typed in Myriad Pro, one of the official typefaces. Optima may be used in more formal situations. Ostrud dolor at am, consenibh er augiam amet ulluptate conse te dipis augiamet alit acilla ad ming el exer alismod tie mod el ing ero dolobore tat lor iure do er sed esequipit prat. Ut dolenim alit adio consed dolendi amcore mincin veniat. Ut nummy nulput nos do consequ ipisisl dolorperit irit wis elenim velit luptat dionse conse vel dit prat, sustrud dionsed magna alisl eum eugait nonsecte diatet aute modolent inissit praesequamet pratem iriusto exercidui el eu faccum digna faccum nisci blamcor sed te et adigna facillut lum vel ulla feummod del do ercin henim illaore tatin vulputpate vel iriure vel exerat wisl inibh ea amcommy nim ea feugue commolore dit velessi.

Complimentary Close, [Signature] Sender’s Name Title (optional)

Letterhead shown at 80%


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Envelopes

Envelope The Paciterra envelope measures exactly 3-34 x 7-5/8. The back flap is Paciterra Turquoise with an extended “tab” of the reversed out heart-trident symbol with a border of the Paciterra Turquoise. On the front, the Paciterra logo or signature is displayed with the sender’s name or department name and address. The addressee information is also given. The actual “blueprints” for the envelope are explained on the next page.

PACITERRA Paciterra Name of Department Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000

Addressee Name (Business or Department Name) Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000

Envelope shown at 94%


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Envelopes





Paciterra Name of Department Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000


Envelope shown at 94%

Addressee Name (Business or Department Name) Street Address City Name, Paciterra 00000-0000

Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Business Cards

Decorative “Wave” Mark The official decorative graphic that may be used in documents is the Paciterra “wave.” The wave was derived from a portion of the Paciterra heart: it is a “fork” from the trident. It is typically used in tourism graphics, but can be used in many other instances. This graphic has specific criteria for usage as follows: Specific Usage Criteria 1. Do not change the opacity level of the graphic. 2. Never change the blend mode of the graphic (i.e. it should always remain at “normal.”) 3. The left and right edges of the wave must bleed off of the document. 4. The wave may only be placed over a solid white background or the Paciterra turquoise. 5. Do not change the color of the wave. 6. Do not take away or add additional waves. 7. White text and the Paciterra logo may be placed over the wave, but nothing else. 8. Do not skew, stretch, or rotate the wave except for certain exceptions, such as vehicular usage. 9. Placement is to be on the bottom half of the document: cutting off part of the bottom half of the wave is acceptable. To the right is an example of the wave being placed into a basic 8.5x11 document.


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Stationary: Business Cards


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Advertising

Advertising The mood of Paciterra’s advertising is tourism and showing potentional customers the wonders of Paciterra. Second to commercial fishing, tourism is the largest form of revenue for the country. This has been a large focus for the country’s economy the past few years. There are two approved taglines for tourism-related Paciterra advertising: Perfection is hard to find. Let us help. We’re experts. What are you waiting for? Jump into paradise. Images used in our advertising must showcase our islands’ beautiful and relaxing qualities. Images of beaches, foilage, and people utilizing an island resource are the most commonly used. As often as possible, the tagline should be placed in the upper right-hand corner. This should be changed if the image’s content does not flow well with the verbage. Certain key words may be made bold to emphasize certain qualities or moods. Featured on the bottom of the ad there should always be a rectangle element in Paciterra Turquoise. The “wave” should be imposed on top of this, but at an opacity lower than 50%. This is also where the body copy shall go, centered to the page. At the very bottom lefthand corner there should be information about the Paciterra Tourism Department. Finally to the right-hand bottom corner, the Paciterra logo should be placed. (Use of the Paciterra Tourism Department’s signature is also approved.)



Paciterra Graphic Standards — Advertising

Perfection is hard to find. Let us help. We’re experts. This hidden gem comes in the form of small remote villages and a simple way of life. Here you’ll find some of the world’s most stunning beaches, dive sites, and fishing sites. It’s a welcome surprise if you’re looking for that perfect mix of relaxation and adventure. Go to or call 555.123.4567 and order your free Paciterra visitor package today.


Perfection is hard to find. Let us help. We’re experts. This hidden gem comes in the form of small remote villages and a simple way of life. Here you’ll find some of the world’s most stunning beaches, dive sites, and fishing sites. It’s a welcome surprise if you’re looking for that perfect mix of relaxation and adventure. Go to or call 555.123.4567 and order your free Paciterra visitor package today.


Perfection is hard to find. Let us help. We’re experts. This hidden gem comes in the form of small remote villages and a simple way of life. Here you’ll find some of the world’s most stunning beaches, dive sites, and fishing sites. It’s a welcome surprise if you’re looking for that perfect mix of relaxation and adventure. Go to or call 555.123.4567 and order your free Paciterra visitor package today.


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Vehicles

Vehicles Official Paciterra vehicles, such as planes, cars, and boats are often seen around the islands. The markings are the same on each side of the vehicle. The primary horizontal mark is to be used on planes and boats, due to the lack of vertical space. However, on automobiles, the vertical mark shall be used. In this instance, it is acceptable to skew the wave graphical element to fit correctly with the vehicle’s form and to ensure proper visability and recognition.


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Vehicles


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Ancillary Items

Ancillary items


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Ancillary Items


Paciterra Graphic Standards — Summary and Checklist



The heart-trident symbol is the most basic

Signatures all consist of the same basic

unifying element of the graphic identity

elements — the heart-trident symbol

All country publications, advertising,

system. It is designed to be an integral

and the country/signature logotype

print collateral, and electronic and

part of the identity system, and in that

combination. The relationships of those

audio visual materials must display an

capacity, it functions as the primary

elements are consistent and only change

approved application of a signature or

identifier within the basic components

for special printing issues. Each signature

seal in a reasonably prominent, but not

of the system — the logo and the

should be treated like a unit and should not

necessarily dominant, location.


be changed or modified.



Check the following reminders when The symbol should never be connected


utilizing a Paciterra logo or signature: 1 Signatures and logos should always be

to, or combined with, any other graphic elements or typography — except as used

The official identity system typefaces are

taken directly from authorized electronic

within the identity system. To achieve

Myriad Pro and Optima — for both of these

files or camera-ready art.

consistency and maximum effectiveness of

typefaces all typestyles are allowed for

2 When a signature or a logo is reduced or

the identity, it is imperative that the symbol

use. The typeface used for the text of this

enlarged, it should be treated as one

be used according to the standards in this

particular manual is Myriad Pro.

unit. Resize all elements proportionately. 3 Check all color for accuracy and make

manual. Improper use will jeopardize the identity’s copyright and trademark

In cases of web sites, Verdana is to be

sure the signature is legible in

registration protection.

used, as it is a web-safe font which will be

the chosen print context.

displayed correctly on all monitors.

4 A signature or a logo should never be

The symbol is an inseparable part of the country’s identity. It should not be

integrated into illustrations, cartoons or Color

other symbols or logos. 5 A signature or a logo does not have to

used by itself — except when used for decorative purposes in an already

The identity system colors are Paciterra

be large to be effective — but it should

established Paciterra context or

Turquoise (or PANTONE® 329) and

have ample space around it for legibility

environment. These uses are limited

Paciterra Grey (or PANTONE® 514).

and integrity.

and should always be authorized. The four-color process equivalent for For advice and authorization, consult:

Paciterra Turquoise is 100% Cyan, 34%

Paciterra Communications Department

Magenta, 62% Yellow, and 0% Black. For

Telephone: (+55) 555-1345

Paciterra Grey it is solely 65% Black.

Fax: (+55) 555-1582 Stationery Additionally, you may access graphic

It is essential that all stationery items

standard information and electronic files

be of consistent design and print quality.

on the internet:

There is one approved source for all

Paciterra stationery items. Requests for all stationery items can be made by filling out a standardized form. For information and forms, contact: Paciterra Purchasing Department Telephone: (+55) 555-5821 Fax: (+55) 555-5465

Body text: Myriad Pro, Regular and Semibold, 9/14 Caption text: Myriad Pro Italic, 7.5/12.5 Page Title/Numbering text: Myriad Pro Regular, 7.5/12.5 Designer and copy writer: Malissa Koebel All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without permission. All identity system related imaging are Š the artist(s), reproduced with the kind permission of the artist(s) and/or their representatives. Š 2009 Paciterra Creative Media

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