AIAS Reinventing Home Competition Submission

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Set directly east of the picturesque beaches of Bandon, Oregon, The Orchard Assisted Living Home provides a unique outlook on a residential approach to assisted living. Borrowing concepts found in nature, the program was based on the growth of tree rings, strengthening the tree as it grows. The key outcomes that The Orchard seeks to achieve include stimulating, reviving, and creating memory, strengthening community among residents and staff, and provide a place of self-healing for the residents, battling boredom, loneliness, and helplessness. These outcomes are achieved by several main factors throughout the site. Research from Susan Rodiek shows that outdoor spaces are vital to the healing process, a notion that is put to practice in our effort to strengthen community. By placing outdoor common areas around the site, the residents are sure to use these landmarks as social gathering spots. For residents that might be incapable of getting out of their building, DIRTT plant walls have been used throughout each building to create green space inside. The interior finishes contain many different textures, enticing the residents to touch, feel, and trigger memories from their past, as well as provide a beautiful space to create new memories. By allowing residents to furnish their own rooms with treasured belongings, The Orchard seeks stimulate memory. Just as a tree grows new layers every year to heal any wounds from its previous year of life, the residents of The Orchard will be encouraged to find self-healing. Staff members and residents alike are sure to find a positive and safe environment at all times. Staff will enjoy ample space to themselves, including clinic, office area and break rooms in the main building, and private offices in each house of residence. The latest technology has also been incorporated throughout the program to accommodate the staff fully, such as voice activation sensors at front doors, temperature sensors, Personal Emergency Response Systems, touch pad nursing stations, and GPS tracking devices. Staying in tune with the latest technology advances in healthcare is a passion of The Orchard facility. The Orchard is not only a beautiful site for the aging population, but also a wonderful place for members of the larger community to come and enjoy their day visiting one of the many features on site, including walkable gardens, several outdoor cooking spaces, gym, theater, salon, and more. Residents of varying capacities can be accommodated at The Orchard because of the various specialties in each place of residence, including individual units for memory care, skilled nursing, and assisted living, as well as a more structured area of semiprivate rooms for short-term rehabilitation clients. Each unit is fully outfitted to accommodate any of the stated conditions. Keeping residents close to other residents will not only strengthen community, but provide a more efficient work place for support staff and nurses. By utilizing these key concepts and borrowing a few rules from nature’s tree rings, The Orchard seeks to be a fully functioning medical facility that feels just like home.



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Tree Rings


Suggested Plants for Site





Scale: 1/128” = 1’-0”






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