My Freak

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My Freak-­‐out Experience By: Mallory Saverino I was lying in bed with my mom; I was closest to the wall; the room was dark and silent. All of a sudden I felt bubbles gurgle in my throat... GULP GULP GULP; I was swallowing one right after another. When I told my mom about the weird feeling I was having she told me everything was fine and to go back to sleep. As I layed in the bed, I knew something wasn’t right. A few minutes later I sat up super fast. The next thing I knew, puddles, chunks, and globs of dark red blood was coming up from my throat and gushed strait out of my mouth. Could you imagine being perfectly fine and all of a sudden almost all the blood you had was now leaving your body? My mom quickly jumped out of bed and flipped the light on. “OH MY GOD” scolded my mom, with a look as if she was going to barf from what she saw in front of her. “Mom, am I going to die?” I panted. My mom looked as if she had no answer. She ran into the other room to wake up my grandpa. They both came running back into the room. The unpleasant taste of metallic was not making anything better. My mom seemed very confused; she didn’t know what to do. Finally she stripped me out of my blood-­‐devoured clothes. “Are you okay sis” asked my mom while she put my clean pajamas on me. “I I I’m tired” I weakly stuttered to her as my head nodded. My mom hurried to the back door and slipped on her shoes. Than, she said, “oh crap” and ran over to the cabinet and grabbed a trash bag! “Stay awake Mallory” My mom demanded, she scooped me up into her arms and carried me out to the car and handed me the bag, she said if I had to throw up than to try and aim into the bag. She got in the car, and off to the hospital we went... All I remember is then arriving at the ER and nurses all around the gurney I was laying in. I remember one nurse, she has a hair net that has crazy designs on it, she told me everything was going to be aright and I would see my mom as soon as I woke up

from recovery. I then remember waking up and my mom leaning over me, she kissed me and promised me everything was okay! The experience I had that night really showed me what a great mother I have. She was just as scared as I was, but she stayed strong for me. I know that she loves me and that I can count on her no matter what! She is my rock!

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