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Regrets By: Mallory Saverino

No matter how good people say their life is; or that they wouldn’t change anything about their life, in reality, everyone has some type of regret in life. Although I do believe god has a plan for every one of us, and that everything happens for a reason, there are several things I wish I would have done different with my life. It isn’t too late to change anything, but I wish I could have started doing them earlier! There is one thing that I regret more than anything. My main regret is not starting a sport at a young age and really sticking with it too become good at it. I danced, played softball, and played basketball, but I didn’t stick with any of them. Sports are a huge thing in life and you benefit so much by being a part of a team. Not only do you gain more friends, stay fit, and have lots of fun, but later in life sports can be important! For instance, I think it would be so fun to go play a sport not only in high school but also in collage. I could have kept playing basketball and eventually became really good at it and later go on to collage and play. I would make a career out of it! Sometimes I sit around and think of how different life would be if I had gotten involved. Although because of this, I have learned that when an opportunity comes, TAKE IT! Another regret I have is not being closer to my loved ones that have now passed away. When I was 6 my dad was in a car accident that resulted in his death, we were very close and when he passed away I was so confused and scared to get close to anyone else. For about 3 years I pretty much just kept to myself, stayed in my room most of the time, and never socialized much. Then my grandmother died and I was so mad at myself for not spending very much time with her. As I got older I learned that at one time or another in life, every one dies. While your loved ones are alive take the time to make memories and have as many fun times with them as much you can! Even though this was one of my biggest regrets, it opened my eyes and made be be closer to my loved ones while their alive! One other regret I have is wasting my elementary years on drama. In elementary school, my friends and I often had useless “boy” drama and arguments over the dumbest things. I wish I could have had a more enjoyable time in elementary school without all the drama. Looking back it was so dumb to argue over things that meant NOTHING! I’m not sure if its something all young girls go through, but it sure did teach me a lesson! I’ve learned that no body is worth the friendship between two friends so never waste your time on drama, your friends are more important! With every regret comes along a lesson and through every single bad time, and mistake in life, I’ve learned a lesson from it. Don’t live your life

mourning on all the things you’ve done wrong in life because it will only make you a stronger and smarter person.

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