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Reflections T h e Wa y We L i v e Fall 2014/15

Malorie Earles

Table Of Contents Editors Note ... p 2 Refections, intro ... p 4 Title Page ...p5 Utilitarian...p7 Color Stor y ... p 9 Mood Board ... p 10 Elements ... p 11 Womens Knee High boot. ... p 13 Pointed Mule ... p 15 Mens Utilitarian High Top ... p 17 No Lace Boot ... p 19 Folkloric Urbanite ... p21 Color Stor y ... p 23 Mood Board ... p 24 Elements ... p 25 Womens

Within the Details. ... p 27 Royal Flat ... p 29 Mens Pattern Dress ... p 31 Woven City ... p 33 Synthetic Experiencer’s ... p 35 Color Stor y ... p 37 Mood Board ... p 38 Elements ... p 39 Womens Rubber Soul ... p 41 Iridescent Oil Spill ... p 43 Mens Technologically Transparent ... p 45 Liquid Metal ... p 47 Closing ... p 50


Editors Note: I was asked to use my collective skills that I have gained through out my education at the Savannah College of Art and Design to create a project to reflect what I have learned. Over the past four years I have been inspired by the fashion industry and business as a whole,. To be more specific, the fashion industries fast pace and forward thinking nature has been the bases of excitement through out my education. To represent my understanding and knowledge of the product development process, more specifically trend forecasting I have created Reflections. Reflections is a trend forecasting book dedicated to the fall and winter seasons of 2014/15 in footwear. Throughout this book I will propose how society and their life style choices have altered the world of fashion. I will be show casing the abstract trend ideas for the upcoming footwear seasons.


Reflections T h e Wa y We L i v e

T h e t r e n d s f o r F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 h a p p e n t o r e f l e c t t h e w ay we a s h u m a n s l i ve t o d ay. T h i s t r e n d f o r e c a s t i n g p u bl i c a t i o n , R e fe c t i o n ’s , i s a n ove r v i e w o n h ow t h e w ay we h ave c h o s e n t o l i ve o u r l i ve s a n d m e r r e l y a “ r e f l e c t i o n ” o n h u m a n i t y. I n t a k i n g a d e e p e r l o o k i n t o s o c i c e t y t o d ay i t i s v i s i bl y c l e a r t h a t t h e w ay s we h ave c h o s e n t o l i ve a f fe c t s t r e n d s i n f a s h i o n a n d m o r e s p e c i fi c a l l y f o o t we a r a n d a c c e s s o r i e s . Reflections encompass three categories of life styles, which include the modernistic utilitarian, the folkloric urbanites a n d t h e s y n t h e t i c e x p e r i e n c e r ’s . E a c h l i fe s t y l e h a s c u r a t e d a theme of trends, colors and fashion direction that c r e a t e s a n d t e l l s a c o m p e l l i n g s t o r y o f s o c i e t y t o d a y.

Modernistic Utilitarian


Synthetic Experiencer

Folkloric Urbanite


Modernistic Utilitarian The modernistic utilitarian is one who has chosen to “unplug�. This means that they have given up the need for social media, television, and the instant and constant connection with other s. This type of society can be compared to an organic style of life . This idea reflects things such as moder n ar t, the use of or ganic mater ials and idea that ever ything has a naturalistic function and a purpose. This trend is reflected t h r o u g h t h e u s e o f h eav y wo o ls , c a nv a s c o tto n s a n d n a t ur a l t ones .

Pantone 16-0924

Pantone 14-0000

Pantone 18-4105

Pantone 19-3803

Pantone 11-0604

Pantone 19-4022 Pantone 13-4110 Pantone 18-1408 9

Pantone 19-1218

Geometrical Wood Grain Simplistic Natural Minimal Soft



Knee High Boot The knee high boot this winter will be ver y structural. It will have elements of natur al leather and suede . The Knee high boots will have a wedge or chunky heel to help co mpliment t he so ft but architectur al feeling. Le ather s will be treated to have a p ro tective glo ss help keeping the leather safe fro m winter elements.



Pointed Mule T h e p o i n t e d mu l e i s s i m p l i s t i c a n d r i g h t fo r f a l l 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 . A d o r n e d w i t h t r i m m i n g s s u c h a s fe l t e d wo o l w i l l h e l p ke e p yo u r fe e t warm throughout the cold months. E l e m e n t s t r e n d i n g i n s h o e we a r, such as the pointed toe, and the h i g h we d g e w i l l h e l p m a ke t h i s s h o e p o p u l a r fo r t h e f a l l . T h e m a t e r i a l s u s e d s u c h a s d a r k s h i ny l e a t h e r a n d t h e s o f t wo o l h e l p create a interesting contrast.



Utilitarian High Top For men, the high top will continue to be a popular style in the coming Fall. Elements of the high top will include colored soles and the paring of leather and canvas details. The high top will create a ver y comfor table yet stylish look that will make the utilitarian high top a versatile shoe to have in the closet. High tops will be made of leathers and waxed canvas to protect from the elements.



No Lace Boot A modern and simple booth will keep men in fashion this fall. Trending are boots with no laces,, to help keep design minimalistic and easy to use. Key elements of mens boots this fall will be white and brown softened and hard leathers, and elastic appliquĂŠs to help with function.



Folkloric Urbanite This trend was inspired by the concept of traveling and experiencing cultures around the world. This wanderlust type of society is very bohemian in attitude and the way they participate the world around them. The kind of person who has inspired this trend is very eclectic and eccentric in a very vibrant way. The folkloric urbanite has inspired trends that use decadent wearings and embroideries and a clash of patterns and colors. This very vibrant and textured trend is reflected through heavy embroidery, wearings and the reflections of different cultures through out.

Pantone 19-1521

Pantone 17-1048 Pantone 19-3953

Pantone 19-0508

Pantone 13-4105 Pantone 17-6153

Pantone 18-2027

Pantone 19-4022 Pantone16-1225

Pantone 1818-1405


Pantone 17-0839

Embroidered Embellished

Embrodiered Embellished Patterend Luxurious Cultural Beaded 25


Within the Details Womens formal wear will be heavily influenced by beading and adornments. Heels, Wedges, and booties are all predicted to be popular but it is within the details that make these shoes special. Beading, appliquĂŠ, and embroidery will help accomplish the well traveled and cultural look that will be popular for Fall 2014/15.



Royal Flat This antique styled flat will be making a royal impact this fall. Being inspired by cultures past, the high tongued flat will be adorned with beading and embellishments. Heavy emphasis on these details will create a very luxurious feeling with these shoes. Materials include suede, leather, and brocade fabrics.



Patterned Dress Fall will bring many patterns to the world of men. This is seen through the heavy detailing appearing in the men shoes. Brocades, animal prints and embellishments are inspiring and pushing mens dress shoes to a whole new level.



Woven City Being inspired by nomadic cultures, many designers have been lead back to the of the woven shoe. In mens city wear the detailing of woven leathers has sparked creativity into these stylish shoes. Materials include extremely soft leathers and nubucks which are woven to create intricate detailing.



Synthetic Experiencer The synthetic experiencer’s are people who are turned on by being connected with technology. This fast past, techno life style has brought much of the world together today on an imaginary platform called the Internet. Due to this hyper digital age there have been many advancements in the field of technology that help push the limits of ordinary fibers and textiles. In reflection of this trend items such as high performance sports wear and the use of plastic materials has inspired the world of fashion to push beyond ordinary limits.

Pantone 17-1462

Pantone 16-1255

Pantone 13-0752

Pantone 17-6153


Pantone 16-5515

Pantone 18-4252


Pantone 18-2333

Pantone 871c


Pantone 8400c

Pantone 18-2333


High- Tech Innovative Futuristic


Plastic Iridescent Oil Spill Bright Liquid



Rubber Soul The advancement in high-tech inspired dress has only been pushed further. The inclusion of thick rubber treads to emulate the futuristic active wear has inspired “rubber soul�. Key elements being rubber, textured treads, and leather making bold statements in womens wear for fall.



Iridescent Oil Spill The use and discovery of oil has impacted the world in such a large way. One of the aspects that has been reflected into ready to wear fashion has been the iridescent effect of the oil spill. Predominate this fall many hightech textures and fabrics have been developed to emulate this must have resource.



Technologically Transparent The mens fall and winter collections have reflected the need for transparency of our lives and what we do each and every day. This idea has been translated into see through materials for mens shoes, giving us the real picture of whats underneath. Materials include the use of clear vinyl and molded plastics to create this see through effect.



Liquid Metal Technological advances in materials has lead to the creation of the liquid metal look.. This trend has key elements of high shine, high contrast and the appearance of a liquid within a solid form. This tromp oil’ effect has taken mens wear to a whole new and innovative level. The shine is a plastic material that is applied to leather or fabric which then can be manipulated into the boot or shoe.



In viewing this book I hope that the trends for fall 2014/15 are more clear in their directional nature. B e i n g i n s p i r e d b y t h e w a y h u m a n s h av e c h o s e n t o l i v e their lives will continue direct the creative process of t h e f a s h i o n l e a d e r s . T h a n k yo u f o r y o u r t i m e .

Malorie Ear les

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