Invest Brochure

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The consortium partners represent the different aspects addressed by the project: Mediterranean Bank Network (Malta) and Association EFFEBI (Italy) are organisations specific to the financial services sector. Eurocrea Merchant (Italy) and IDEC(Greece) are organisations related the education sector. Bridging To The Future (United Kingdom), Inqubator Leeuwarden (The Netherlands) and Malta Business Bureau offer different advisory perspectives to business and entrepreneurship.

INVEST Financial & Forecasting models for Entrepreneurs

EU-allocated funding to help support the development of a training model and tools to support micro enterprises and entrepreneurs, with focus on generation Y. The objective is to provide a guide to make responsible economic, financial and investment choices.

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Responsible economic, financial and investment choices.

About the Project INVEST Financial and forecasting models for entrepreneurs.

The project aims to develop a training model and tools to support microentrepreneurs, especially those pertaining to generation Y(those aged 18-34), to make responsible economic, financial and investment choices, not only for business but also personal finance.

The project kick off meeting was held in Valletta (Malta) on the 27th and 28th October 2016 as a Europe wide effort to build and boost financial literacy in micro enterprises helping them stay stable on the market, foster local economies and support further employability.

Ultimately, the project seeks to boost the financial literacy in microenterprises in order to help them remain stable in the market, foster local economies and support further employability. After the training, micro-entrepreneurs will be able to manage their businesses responsibly, planning current and future investments as well as making accurate and economic financial choices through rational forecasts based on genuine costs/benefits analysis. ln order to achieve this, the project seeks to develop: - a training model addressing the topic of financial literacy to boost entrepreneurs' capacity to undertake responsible financial choices with the contents adapted to the needs of the target group. - the instruments needed to develop financial competences through the use of transparent and recognition tools ECVET so as to ensure transfer of competences, transparency of learning outcomes all within an edutainment methodology.

Further transnational meetings will be held in Naples (ltaly), Birmingham (UK), and Leeuwarden (The Netherlands). The project will be finalised at the end of September 2018.

NVEST in financial literacy INVEST in management tools INVEST in stability

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