MBB Annual Report 2009

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Contents list 1 Foreword from the President


2 Introduction from the CEO


3 Informing on EU Legislation and Policy Developments

Malta Business Foundation Board of Trustees 2009: Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association

Mr. George Micallef (President) and Mr. Anthony Zahra Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry

Mr. Anton Borg, Mr. John Huber, Mr. Mario Spiteri and Mr. Tancred Tabone Mr. Anthony J. Tabone and Mr. Stefano Mallia were superseded in July and November 2009 respectively.


4 MBB Communication Initiatives


5 MBB Events


6 MBB Calendar of Events



1 Foreword

from the President

Foreword from the President

Looking back, when I took over

resources at the Brussels office.

This Annual Report provides

as President of the MBB last year,

Ms. Mariella Scicluna and Ms.

readers with a glimpse yet

it was evident that the role of

Amanda Sciortino joined the MBB

comprehensive insight into the

the MBB as an organisation had

Malta staff complement, whilst

MBB’s various activities and

evolved considerably since its

Mr. Yves Cordina was recruited to

initiatives it has undertaken

early years just before and during

assist the Permanent Delegate at

throughout 2009. The results

Malta’s accession negotiations

the Brussels office. Furthermore,

achieved so far demonstrate

with the EU. As President of

the restructuring process also

that the MBB is slowly but

the MBB Board, I have strived

saw the relocation of the Malta

indefatigably reaching its strategic

to ensure a more proactive role

Office from its old premises at

goals of heightening its presence

for the organisation enabling the

the Malta Chamber in Valletta

at both national and EU-level.

MBB to be better positioned in

to the prestigious Casa Leone in

Nonetheless, there is no room for

delivering direct assistance to both

Floriana. We believe, the move to

complacency and there is clear

the parent organisations as well

the new offices complements the

scope for a lot more that can be

as to the general membership. The

overall drive to expand the MBB’s

done and indeed, should be done

Bureau’s development strategy was

services and activities.

with the appropriate resources.

strengthen the organisation’s own

On a more long-term perspective, it

Finally, I take this opportunity to

distinct identity whilst focusing at

remains an important operational

thank our CEO, our Permanent

the same time on the expansion of

objective of the MBB to keep

Delegate in Brussels and the

the services portfolio.

working towards greater revenue-

Executives at the MBB for the

therefore realigned primarily to

generation capabilities for the

unrelenting commitment and hard

The development strategy was

organisation. This will be a

work. A word of thanks also goes

implemented in conjunction with

gradual process to be achieved

to the respective Director-Generals

a comprehensive restructuring

through a structured well-

of the Malta Chamber and the

process steered through by

planned process allowing the

MHRA, and last, but certainly not

our newly-appointed CEO

MBB to significantly consolidate

least to my fellow colleagues on the

Mr. Joe Tanti, who oversaw

its presence and influence, both

MBB Board of Trustees. I wish the

s President of the MBB,

the enhanced role that the MBB is

the appointment of a team of

locally as well as within the wider

MBB and the new President all the

I am very pleased to

currently exercising through an

new executives as well as the

EU ambit.

success possible!

present our Annual

enhanced presence at both national

strengthening of the human


Report which records the various

and EU level. I can proudly say

activities and initiatives which the

that the core objective set out for

MBB has undertaken throughout

2009 has been achieved and indeed

2009. This Annual Report tracks

attained successfully.

the developments that have led to

George Micallef President Malta Business Bureau

4 MBB Annual Report 2009



2 Introduction

from the CEO

Introduction from the CEO

strategy. Through our new

within the EU and outlines

initiatives impacting the Maltese

publication, Business Agenda

how MEPs can safeguard and

Business Community. Our events,

and a revamped website, the MBB

promote our local business needs.

namely the Business Breakfast on

has raised its profile on both

It proposes a set of concrete

Late Payments and that about the

national and EU level, while also

and realistic recommendations,

Services Directive, have set the ball

strengthening its services package

grounded on past experiences

rolling and have created a sense of

to members.

as well as on the expectations of

heightened reaction and changes

thousands of Maltese Businesses.

coming especially from the local

Business Agenda aims to provide

Throughout 2010 the MBB

political front. Throughout the

interesting valuable and timely

intends to consolidate the efforts

coming months we will continue to

information imbued with EU

brought through the Business

push these debates, for heightened

perspective yet relevant to the local

Manifesto by means of a number

action rather than reaction on

business scenario. The updated

of events enabling businesses

these topics of interest for Maltese

website is a parallel exercise to the

to meet MEPs to create an open


launch of our publication, aimed to

and direct channel of dialogue

provide a more value added service

and discussion, aimed to voice

This report therefore looks back at

by becoming more accessible to

concerns and really achieve some

our accomplishments throughout

our members. I am pleased to say

tangible answers and results. Apart

the last year, but it also looks

that after months of hard work and

from creating the Manifesto, the

ahead to our future roles and

enthusiasm from the team at MBB,

MBB has also issued a number

ambitions. Here at the MBB we

these initiatives have been well

of other important reports,

are on a journey of growth and

received by the majority.

namely: Settling Late Payments

development, and we are pleased

on Time, Communication

with the progress that has been

The adoption of a Business

on Cross-Border Business to

made throughout 2009. Throughout

Manifesto has also been a

Consumer E-Commerce in the EU,

the coming months we will strive to

milestone for the MBB, which

Consultation on the Future EU 2020

be of better service to our members

gave a clearer direction of what

Strategy and last but surely not

and to strongly communicate the

the Maltese Business Community

least, the Consultation Report on

agenda for business, to ensure that

his year has been a year

profile and become closer to its

wants to achieve through its

the Post i2010 ICT Strategy.

it is heard within the appropriate

of substantial change and


representation at EU level. The


development at the MBB.

In 2009 we have tried to balance

During the past months the MBB

the need to deliver a service to our

has gone through a restructuring

members with the imperative of

process which included the

developing and updating the means

recruitment of new executive

which enable the MBB to raise its

staff, a new office and a renewed

institutions, both at a national and

Manifesto details the needs

Throughout 2009 the MBB has also

and concerns of local business

taken the lead on a number of EU

European level.

Joe Tanti chief executive officer Malta Business Bureau

6 MBB Annual Report 2009


The ‘Settling Late Payments on Time: Analysis and Recommendations on the Recast of the EU Late Payments Directive’ report


Informing: EU Legislative and Policy Developments

In the first few months of the year, the Report on the Success Stories project entitled: Maltese Business Success Arising Out of EU Membership, Survey Evidence and Useful Lessons was issued. The Business Success Stories project’s results are carried in this report, produced and published by

3 Informing on

EU Legislation

& Policy Developments


uring 2009 the MBB has

Business. Throughout the year, the

worked on a number

MBB has issued five key reports

of topics which were

aimed to inform and support the

determined at EU level and which

Dr. Gordon Cordina, and the

The report also highlights the

findings indicate that EU

importance for public authorities

membership has in the main

to support business in order to

benefitted businesses which

access funding, better exploit the

were proactive in exploiting

commercial opportunities afforded

opportunities created by the

by the European single market

implementation and enforcement

whilst channelling adequate

of standards as well as those

resources for developing human

businesses who took the plunge

capital. Funding opportunities,

The report was presented at the

into the internal market aided also

according to the report were

conference on Business Success

by reduced currency exchange

undoubtedly relevant, especially

& the Global Economic Recovery

costs following Malta’s currency

for training, environmental

which was organised by the MBB

changeover to the ‘Euro’. The

management and improvements

and the European Commission

Business Success project, aimed

in business operational systems,

Representation Office in Malta on

at assessing the extent to which

but their importance to overall

the 27th March 2009.

these benefits were perceived

business success was somewhat

by thirty-one firms, considered

less pronounced. The main lessons

The ‘Settling Late Payments

to be successfully operating in

emerging from the report regard

on Time: Analysis and

Malta following EU membership,

the need to focus on product

Recommendations on the Recast of

and to derive policy implications

innovation, specialisation and

the EU Late Payments Directive’

inspiring ‘best practices’ that

distribution networks supported

report was issued in July. The

could be adopted by other local

by strategic long-term planning at

MBB collated this report based


both enterprise and sector-level.

on the feedback received from

Maltese Business Community.

have a close impact on Maltese

8 MBB Annual Report 2009


Consultation Report Post-i2010 Strategy: The Maltese Business Perspective on a new strategy for the European Information Society


Informing: EU Legislative and Policy Developments

member companies through a

payment timeframes registered

payments by public authorities

accessible throughout the EU and

survey conducted within the

in both business-to-business and

retained to be considerably more

to create a vision based on desired

Malta Chamber’s Business Section

public-to-private transactions.

impact-intensive on the operational

end results. As a consequence

meetings and a questionnaire

A remarkable variation in the

margins of creditor firms.

the development of a thoroughly

circulated over a number of weeks.

outstanding payment periods

connected European society and

between business-to-business

In October and November the MBB

economy through high-speed

The Survey had the dual aim

and payments owed by public

also worked on a Consultation

and open internet raises serious

of eliciting reactions to the

authorities has been a key finding

Report entitled: ‘Post-i2010

challenges especially with regards

Commission’s recast proposals of

of the report emerging from the

Strategy: The Maltese Business

to privacy, security of networks

the Late Payments Directive, while

responses obtained through the

Perspective on a new strategy for

In this report the MBB focused

and identified shortcomings within

also assessing the competitiveness-

survey and questionnaire.

the European Information Society’

on the most relevant sections to

EU network investments. For this

related implications on the late

which aims to boost Europe’s lead

Maltese-ICT businesses which are:

reason, the report suggests that the

settlement of invoices on the

The report also captures the

in ICT and to unlock the benefits

ICT for growth and jobs; creating

upcoming strategy should strike

Maltese SME segment, especially

impact on the operational

of the information society for

a 100% connected society and

equilibrium between the best

within the context of the

competitiveness of private firms

European growth and jobs. This

economy through high-speed and

possible use of these innovative

international economic downturn.

faced by outstanding payments.

programme was adopted in 2005

open internet for all; consolidating

services and the associated risks

The Late Payments Report

and reached its final stages at the

the online Single Market; and

with regards to privacy and

The overall report finds

points out that there is a clearly

end of the year.

making modern and efficient


considerable problems with

discernable variation in the

belated payments, both in

impact of belated payments owed

In order to gauge the impacts of

terms of business-to-business

to businesses on the one hand by

the i2010 Strategy, the Commission

transactions and also payments by

other private operators and on the

issued a consultation document

The report points out various

guiding objective for a post-i2010

public authorities to the private

other hand by public authorities.

on nine various aspects of ICT

elements, however, we feel that

Strategy. In this regard, substantial

sector. The report portrays a

The effect of late payments on

in Europe. This was done with

one of the most important aspects

measures must be taken into

clear disproportionate incidence

business by private operators and

an aim to increase a new ‘digital

of this consultation should be

consideration, as this would be

in terms of both frequency and

public authorities is completely

agenda’ in order to be in a better

building upon the potential of ICT

an initiative, from which both

effective duration of outstanding

divergent with outstanding

position to meet the emerging

in order to create a stronger online

companies and consumers will

payments by public authorities

challenges and to unlock the

single market, as this is now more

benefit. For this to become a

in Malta when compared to those

potential of the internet as a

important than ever to keep on

reality there is a paramount

which occur within the private

driver of growth, especially to

feeding the economic recovery.

need, as stated in the report, to


boost economic recovery. The

public services available and accessible to all.

The ambition of the EU digital single market is to be the core

increase consumer confidence

MBB report analyses and portrays

On another note, the new digital

in online business transactions,

The effective average payment

the feedback gathered from the

agenda according to the report,

in particular in cross-border

delays suffered by suppliers are

Malta Chamber ICT members,

must strive to develop an improved

e-commerce, in both goods and

a matter of grave concern given

to create a common position

digital infrastructure across

services. This can be achieved

the wide fluctuations within the

with that of EuroChambres and

a broad range of commercial

through the development of


services, making e-services more

best-practice codes of conduct

10 MBB Annual Report 2009


Consultation on the Future “EU 2020” Strategy

Communication on CrossBorder Business to Consumer E-Commerce in the EU


Informing: EU Legislative and Policy Developments

and through the diffusion of various EU-wide trust marks. Once this confidence is instilled into consumer behaviour then,

commercial options for consumers

e-learning, e-government and

and businesses alike. Such market

e-health tools can be fully

trends are in turn reinforced by the

developed, deployed and exploited

inherent cost/selection-competitive

the ideas of the members of the

well as the transformation of

commercially by the private sector.

edge that cross-border electronic

Malta Chamber and MHRA, which

the macroeconomic climate in

commercial transactions can avail

directly relate to the proposed

Europe into a framework which

EU Economy. Maltese Business

During the last month of 2009 the

themselves of, in comparison with

policy actions suggested in the

encourages entrepreneurship.

commends this proposed tri-focal

MBB also issued a ‘Communication

conventional over-the-counter

Commission’s communication.

The MBB points out that the

approach in so far as it correctly

on Cross-Border Business to


Consumer E-Commerce in the

Maltese Business Community feels

identifies the crucial challenges

Work is also currently in progress

that the new “EU2020” strategy

that need to be overcome in order

EU’. The report states that

The report points out that the

on a Commission Working

should not be a repetition of

to make a success of the new

Maltese businesses welcome the

development of an EU-wide online

Document; ‘Consultation on the

the current Lisbon process, but

EU2020 Strategy.

Commission’s efforts to enhance

single retail market cannot be

Future “EU 2020” Strategy’. The

rather and more imperatively

this cross-border business to

attained unless a parallel effort is

Commission working document

it should ensure that focus is

The report states that the new

consumer e-commerce and

also conducted by eliminating the

builds upon the shortcomings of

placed on globalisation in order

focus in the EU2020 is about re-

agree with the Commission’s

obstacles hindering e-commerce

the Lisbon Agenda and seeks to

for EU business to become the

energising the reform to focus on

assessment that the potential for

in services. The report states that

give feedback from the Maltese

leading global exporter of green

clearer, fewer but strategically-

development of the digital retail

the Commission’s communication

Business perspective on the new

technologies and also for EU-based

oriented targets. The report is in

internal market is substantial.

pointedly excludes the address

goals to be attained in the EU’s 2020

industry to move up the value-

its conclusive stages and is being

What is more important, the report

of these obstacles from its scope,


chain and beat off competition

consulted by the Ministry of

states that this demonstrates

thus preventing a faster and wider

emerging from economies enjoying

Finance Economy and Investment,

a need which goes beyond

take-up of e-services in cross-

The MBB believes that overall the

lower labour and cost structures.

together with the Malta-EU

regulatory reform. It discusses the

border commercial transactions.

Commission’s paper takes good

heightened, pragmatic support

The report continues by assessing

stock of the shortcomings in the

The new thematic approach

(MEUSAC) and the Malta

which is required to develop the

a set of concrete measures,

current Lisbon Process, which

proposed by the Commission

Council for Economic and Social

market model in a better and

which should be developed in an

have hindered the achievement

puts focus on three main areas:

Development (MCESD).

quicker manner underpinning the

integrated manner to create a

of several quantitative targets

Knowledge, Inclusive Societies

successful expansion of electronic

better environment for the success

set to be attained by 2010, as

and an Inter-Connected Greener

trade in the past years.

of e-commerce in the EU. The

Steering Action Committee

concluding pages of the report are Electronic transactions are a fast

a number of remarks reflecting

growing market phenomenon, driven in part by technological development resulting in new

12 MBB Annual Report 2009


Business Agenda: MBB Quarterly Publication


Communication Initiatives

and EU level that have an impact on local business. The development of the MBB’s services comes at a time when the organisation is on a momentum of change, adaption and growth, where it is increasing its efforts to position itself as a key player on all EU-related matters of interest, concern and opportunity for Maltese Business. Throughout

Business Agenda: MBB Quarterly Publication

2009 the MBB also produced a




Business Manifesto and organised

The new publication aims to

a number of well attended

heighten the MBB’s presence

information seminars, where the

amongst members whilst providing

topics discussed included a number

interesting, valuable and timely

of hot issues on the EU front,

information while always keeping

which had a main aim of reaching

a European slant. Business Agenda

out and informing enterprise.

is aimed to be a strategic element

quarterly publication is aimed

of the MBB’s evolving mission

at business owners, managers

function. The MBB’s initial role

and executives within private

towards its parent organisations

organisations to have a greater

was to provide information and

voice in EU affairs. This is not the

advice on EU-related matters. Over

only purpose however, Business

the years this role has gradually

Agenda is also meant to appeal to a

evolved to a more pro-active

wide cross-section of national and

approach seeking to provide direct

EU policy-makers. The publication

assistance to local business. This

is therefore distributed among the members of the Malta Chamber and MHRA, to a number of

T 14 MBB Annual Report 2009

contacts established through our

he MBB has stepped

publication - Business Agenda -

Brussels office, our counterparts in

up its communication

and its new EU & Business Web

Brussels namely EuroChambres,

initiatives with the main

Portal www.mbb.org.mt, have

BusinessEurope and HOTREC

objective of boosting the services

taken the MBB’s communication

and other important national and

offered to the local business

drive to the next level. The two

international business contacts.

community. The launch of the

new initiatives both deliver the

MBB’s new quarterly business

latest developments at business


MBB Business Manifesto

Launch of EU and Business Web Portal


Communication Initiatives

Throughout the end of November and the beginning of December,

Launch of EU and Business Web Portal

MBB Business Manifesto

the MBB distributed the first

The Manifesto was especially

Other Publications

relevant at the time, due to the impending changes in the

Apart from these efforts the MBB

edition of the newspaper type

The restructuring of the MBB’s

In a press conference held on the

legislature of the EP, and the

also features in the publications

publication. It has been very

website into a more modern

25th May at the Hotel Phoenicia,

considerable opportunities which

of its parent organisations on

well received by the business

and user friendly website, is a

Floriana, the MBB presented

this represented for Maltese MEPs

a regular basis, namely on the

community. Debate is the key word

parallel exercise to the launch

Maltese MEP candidates with

to participate in debates, votes and

Chamberlink, Commercial

for the success of the publication

of Business Agenda, aimed to

a detailed Business Manifesto,

decisions on a series of legislation

Courier and the MHRA Journal.

which will strive to provide a

provide more value-added service

with an aim of heightening the

and reports, important to the

These efforts are aimed to bring

platform for the exchange of views

while also seeking to better

communication between the

development of Maltese enterprise.

important EU topics to centre

and serve as a meeting point for

connect Maltese Business to the

Maltese business community and

Moreover, the Business Manifesto

stage, giving an explanation and

both convergent and divergent

EU. The website was launched

its representation in the EU.

had an aim to trigger better links

providing other opportunities

perspectives on unfolding EU

with a primary objective of

between the European Parliament’s

which may be of value to their

issues. The next issue of Business

strengthening the MBB’s presence

The Business Manifesto details

political agenda and the everyday

members. Apart from providing

Agenda is set to be distributed

amongst the members of its parent

the needs and concerns of local

realities which Maltese businesses

relevant information, these articles

during the beginning of March

organisations. The website’s role

business at European level and

have to operate in.

allow the MBB to increase its

2010. It is sure to be an interesting

is twofold. Firstly it will service

outlines how Maltese MEPs

edition including features on

the Maltese Business Community’s

can safeguard and promote

The Manifesto was presented to

of its parent organisations. The

Foreign Investment in Malta, the

needs vis-à-vis commercial

local business needs. The MBB

MEP candidates contesting the

MBB also remains in the public eye

Accessibility of Bank Business

opportunities and information

developed the Manifesto as

June 2009 EP elections, by Mr

through a number of press releases

Loans in Malta and interviews

on tenders, schemes and funding

part of its efforts to ensure that

Joe Tanti and Mr Omar Cutajar.

and articles which are featured

with top people who are in the EU’s

opportunities. Secondly it aims

the interests and aspirations

Interventions were made by a

in a number of local newspapers.


to provide an online platform for

of Maltese enterprises are

panel consisting of Ms Helga Ellul

Through this medium the MBB

easy access to EU policy news,

safeguarded. Through the

(President, The Malta Chamber

gets the position of its members

developments, explanatory briefs

Manifesto, the MBB was able to

of Commerce, Enterprise and

across to a wide cross-section of

carrying a business oriented

propose a set of concrete and

Industry) and Mr Winston J. Zahra

Malta’s economic structure.

analysis on new EU legislation and

realistic recommendations,

(Vice-President, MHRA), and the

proposals. The website is planned

grounded on both past experiences

President of MBB – Mr George

to have three distinct levels of

as well as the expectations of

Micallef, who pressed forward the

membership, where some articles

thousands of Maltese Businesses,

scope of the manifesto, through

are free to all users of the website,

for the improvement in the

a discussion with the MEP

while others are strictly limited to

European Parliament’s operational


members of the website. The new


visibility amongst the members

website was launched during the last week of November.

16 MBB Annual Report 2009



MBB Events

16 January

5 Malta Business



The MBB saw this as an opportunity as it fully appreciates the invaluable role and political strength which the European

27 March

On the 19th January the MBB

Parliament has within the complex

organised a Networking Dinner

decision-making process of the EU.

On the 27th March, the MBB in collaboration with the European

at the Hotel Phoenicia between

To this end the MBB believe that

Commission Representation Office

the Members of Parliament and

local business interests should also

in Malta, held a conference at

the MBF Board of Trustees. The

be duly taken into account in the

the Westin Dragonara Resort, St.

purpose of this event was to bring

European Parliament’s discussions

Julians on the theme of “Business

the senior officials and directors

and elaboration of new legislation,

Success and the Global Economic

general of the leading employer

rules and adoption of reports.

Recovery”. The Conference

and business representation

The Networking dinner thus gave

served as an opportunity to

associations in Malta together

the opportunity for an informal

present the results of the Success

with the five Maltese MEPs for

exchange of views on the issues

Stories Project which the MBB

an exchange of views on the

deemed of significant importance

was coordinating together with

key issues which were being

to Malta Chamber and MHRA

the European Commission

discussed locally and within the

Members. The informal discussion

Representation Office in Malta.

EU institutions. During the dinner

helped the MBB and MEPs to

Key note speakers at the event

the new MBF Board of Trustees,

better communicate concerns

included: The Hon. Prime Minister

which was presided by Mr. George

and also the timely exchange of

Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, The Hon.

Micallef throughout 2009, were

information and positions in a

Tonio Fenech Minister of Finance,

also introduced.

timely and effective manner.

Economy and Investment, Mr. Günter Verheugen European Commissioner for Enterprise & Industry, Dr. Joanna Drake Head of the European Commission Representation in Malta and Mr. Stefano Mallia Malta Business Foundation Board Member.

Networking Dinner at the Hotel Phoenicia between the Members of Parliament and the MBF Board of Trustees.

18 MBB Annual Report 2009



MBB Events

Business Success and the Global Economic Recovery.

During the conference, parts of

07 May

an audio visual presentation were shown to explain the details of

within the EU institutions, the

The General Assembly also

President Mr. Kent Nyström, called

examined the progress carried

for a shift in EU policies based

out by the Working Party in

on sound economic principles to

charge of producing the Charter

hasten the recovery of business.

for fire safety in hotels in Europe

During the event HOTREC

and the fire safety methodology

welcomed the outcome of the

promised by HOTREC to the EU

the research project. Dr. Gordon

On the occasion of the 59th

VAT saga on reduced rates, as an

institutions. The participants

Cordina also presented the

General Assembly of HOTREC

example of a healthy pro-business

positively received the first drafts

analytical report on the project

on the 7th and 8th of May , MBB

policy, while on the other hand,

produced and expressed numerous

entitled: ‘Maltese Business Success

in extraordinary interventions

President Mr. George Micallef

pointed out that the Commission

comments and suggestions for

Arising Out of EU Membership,

by governments across the world

and CEO Mr. Joe Tanti joined 40

proposal imposing food labelling

improvements. This HOTREC

Survey Evidence and Useful

in efforts to sustain aggregate

other hotel, restaurant and café

requirements to restaurants is a

initiative is a clear demonstration

Lessons’. The report explained

demand”. Dr. Gonzi also stated that

Minister of Finance, the Economy

associations from 25 different

clear example of a burdensome and

of the hospitality and the

the results from the Business

the report drawn up by economist

and Investment put forward during

European countries in Stockholm

inappropriate legislation which

industry’s commitment to the

Success Stories Project as well as

Dr. Gordon Cordina for the Success

his speech at the conference. The

to discuss the challenges and

should be withdrawn.

provision of safe services to

the findings and lessons learnt.

Stories Project has portrayed that

Minister acknowledged that SMEs

threats faced by the European

With regards to the report, Dr.

due to Malta’s economy being

are the catalysts of growth and as

Hospitality industry during one of

The Swedish Secretary of State

Joanna Drake stated that: “The

so small and open its “business

a result the Government has over

the worst economic crisis

for European Affairs, Mr. Belfrage,

objective was to show that success

cycles tend to follow those of

the past months sought to facilitate

in history.

made an interesting presentation

in Europe is achievable and that

the EU with a close lag and are

SMEs growth potential. “The

entrepreneurs can emulate the

typically and significantly more

Government appreciates that Malta

At the event worrying business

Swedish presidency of the

success of others”.

pronounced.” He went on to say

needs new and dynamic companies

trends were reported by all

EU at the General Assembly.

14 its clients.

of the priorities of the upcoming

that “it is the duty of Governments

that are able to avail themselves of

HOTREC Member Associations

The participants particularly

A number of interventions were

to enable business success by

the benefits of the single market

across Europe. On the eve of

appreciated that “Competitiveness”

made at the conference, most of

means of creating a congenial

and be innovative.”

a major renewal of leadership

will top the agenda.

which included references to the

national economic environment”,

economic downturn, which was a

ensuring that the government

Commissioner Verheugen

EuroChambres 16th Annual

major issue at the time. Referring

was implementing a number of

delivered a speech on the

Congress kicked off in Prague,

to this, Prime Minister Gonzi

initiatives for firms to grasp the

importance of SMEs in Europe and

Czech Republic with the theme

said that the Government plays

benefits of the single market.

more so in smaller countries such

“Doing Business Without

an essential role in contributing


On the 14th and 15th of May

as Malta, explaining that some of

Barriers”. Ms. Helga Ellul-Malta

to business success stating: “The

“Jobs are our priority. SMEs are

the initiatives that the European

Chamber President, Ing. Ray

rapidly deteriorating global

our largest job-generators. That is

Commission was currently

economic scenario is clearly

why they will remain at the centre

undertaking were to help SMEs

impinging” on a constructive

of our attention.” This was the

survive these turbulent economic

attended the debate. Discussions

business attitude “and is resulting

message that Mr Tonio Fenech


revolved around a variety of topics

20 MBB Annual Report 2009

Muscat-Malta Chamber DG HORTEC General Assembly.

and Mr. Joe Tanti - MBB CEO,

Doing Business without barriers.



MBB Events

Business Breakfast on the Impact of EU Membership on Local Business.

including, the major challenges

through a survey entitled ‘The

that less bureaucracy and more

for businesses, innovation, energy,

Effect of EU Membership on

information was needed when it

access to finance and trade within

Maltese Business’. This was

came to applying for funding.

the internal and foreign markets. Günther Verheugen, Vice-

33% of the participants voted that

President of the European

education and training is the main

Commission responsible for

solution to tearing down barriers

enterprise and industry and Jan

between businesses in Europe.

Fischer, Czech Prime Minister

One fourth of the participants on

were among the keynote speakers

the other hand, underlined the

of the Congress opening session,

need to ‘secure an open global

organised in conjunction with the

market and support European

European Commission which, on

business in accession third

the same occasion was concluding

markets’. Internationalisation

its first European SME week.

implies huge opportunities for businesses to increase their profits,

The main conclusions and results from the Congress pointed towards


carried out amongst the members of the Malta Chamber and the

The results of the survey

Malta Hotels and Restaurants

were presented during a very


well attended event held in

25 May

collaboration with the Hotel

The MBB organised a Press

The results of the survey also

Phoenicia. Mr. Anthony Carabott,

Conference on the 25th May, at

revealed that access to EU funding

General Manger at MISCO

the Hotel Phoenicia, Floriana

was also seen as a main advantage,

International, gave a detailed

where the Business Manifesto

with one of every four respondents

presentation of the results of the

mentioned earlier in this report,

stating that they viewed this

survey, which was followed by a

was presented to MEP candidates

On the 22nd May the MBB held a

as a prime advantage of EU

panel discussion that included, Ms.

contesting the June 2009 elections,

Business Breakfast on the Impact

membership. However many felt,

Helga Ellul (President of the Malta

by MBB CEO Mr. Joe Tanti,

of EU Membership on Local

Chamber of Commerce Enterprise

and MBB Permanent Delegate

Business. This was a supporting

and Industry), and Mr. Winston J.

in Brussels Mr. Omar Cutajar.

however enterprises feel the need

event to a business survey

Zahra (Vice-President MHRA) and

Interventions were made by a

for information and support in

conducted by the MBB through

Mr. George Micallef (President of

panel consisting of Ms. Helga

education and access to foreign

entering foreign markets. 16% of

MISCO, in order to gauge the

the MBB). The Business Breakfast

Ellul (President, Malta Chamber)

markets being the top priorities for

voters pledged for a reduction of

effect of EU membership on local

was also addressed by Mr. Joe

and Mr. Winston J. Zahra (Vice-

‘business without barriers’, where

regulatory and administrative

business, five years after accession.

Tanti and was moderated by Mr

President, MHRA), and the MBB

Joseph F X Zahra.

President Mr. George Micallef, who


burdens so as to continue the completion of the internal market.

These statistics were revealed at

pressed forward the scope of the

Other participants voted for an

the Business Breakfast meeting

manifesto, through a discussion

increased investment in research

where 92% of Maltese Businesses

with the MEP candidates.

and development and accessible

stated that EU accession has been

financing instruments to alleviate

beneficial for business, where the

At the press conference, the

SME cash-flow difficulties.

adoption of the single currency

President of the MBB, Mr George

was cited as the most beneficial

Micallef, stated that the MBB was

result of membership. The MBB

fully committed to a follow-up of

felt it was opportune to evaluate

the Manifesto where, he added

how EU membership has affected

that as an organisation, the MBB

the Maltese Business community,

is ready to support the elected MEPs in their work in Brussels and Strasbourg, by providing them with direct feedback from the Maltese business community. Business Manifesto Press Conference.

22 MBB Annual Report 2009



MBB Events


Seminar about the Directive on Energy Labelling at the Conference Hall of the Malta Chamber.


The MBB and MEUSAC in

The main speaker at the event

collaboration with the Malta

was Ing. Joseph Micallef from the

Standards Authority held a

Regulatory Affairs Directorate

seminar on the 18th June about the

within the Malta Standards

Directive on Energy Labelling at

Authority, who stated that energy

the Conference Hall of the Malta

labelling is important amongst


other things, as it helps to reduce energy consumption, gives


Seminar about the Authorised Economic Operator scheme

measures are implemented

of Maltese business is actively

The MBB presented these

through the issuing of a Certificate

pursued, promoted and sustained

considerations, submitted by our

by Customs, depending on the

at the very core of all relevant

Business Manifesto to all MEP

fulfillment of specified criteria

EU and national decision-making

candidates at the event in May,

relating to the applicant’s

processes.” This was the message

within the ambit of the MBB’s

operations and control system.

reiterated by a senior delegation

commitment to a sustained follow-

from the MBB led by MBB

up to the EU policy priorities

The legal basis of the AEO Scheme

President Mr. George Micallef

bound to shape the medium-to-

is provided by Regulation (EC)

during a meeting held with Prime

long term development of the

648/2005 amending the Community

Minister Hon. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi

regulatory environment, within

Customs Code and the relevant

on the 7th July.

which local enterprise has to

implementing provisions as

operate. A copy of the Business

contained in Regulation (EC)

The MBB delegation held an

Manifesto was officially presented

1875/2006. The four criteria that

exchange of views with Prime

to the Prime Minister during the

must be satisfied in order to obtain

Minister Gonzi on a wide


an AEO Certification were also

array of issues, which were

discussed during the presentation.

most likely to feature high on

The MBB President George

the legislative agenda of the

Micallef called upon the Maltese

European Parliament, which

MEPs to select the committees

was at that time in the process

they will be actively participating

of reconstitution following the

in with a judicious and balanced

EU-wide elections held in early

sense of national responsibility.

June. Sensitive discussions on

The MBB recommended that

a new Lisbon Strategy, on CAP

particular importance should be

reform, on the formulation of a

given to the Internal Market &

This event was of particular

consumers the opportunity to

interest to operators involved

compare products, and also gives

in the manufacture, retail and

businesses a competitive edge in

purchase of energy-related

their marketing. Ing. Micallef

On the 25th June, the MBB and

products. This is because

delivered a presentation outlining

the Malta Customs Division held

manufacturers are responsible

the current state of play as well as

a well-attended seminar about the

for supplying energy labels with

the proposed legislative changes

Authorised Economic Operator

appliances and providing a fiche

and other developments which

scheme at the Conference Hall of

in the brochure, where they are

are expected in the future. He

the Malta Chamber of Commerce,

responsible for the accuracy of the

also pointed out that the Directive

Enterprise and Industry.

information supplied. An importer

imposes an obligation on suppliers

post-2013 Cohesion Policy and the

Consumer Affairs Committee, the

dealing with manufacturers

of household appliances to

The scheme is designed to balance

“Business competitiveness is

restructuring of the current R&D

Employment and Social Affairs

in a non-EU country has the

provide information on the energy

increased security requirements

the cornerstone underpinning

funding instruments at EU level

Committee, the Transport and

same responsibilities as the

consumption of each product

with facilitations for reliable

social welfare and environmental

are a short-list of issues that the

Tourism Committee, the Industry,

manufacturer, while the retailer is

supplied. The seminar was also

operators who trade with non-EU

sustainability. There can be neither

then newly-elected Maltese MEPs,

Research and Energy Committee

responsible for attaching the right

addressed by Dr. Gabriella Pace,

countries. The seminar brought

social wellbeing, nor sustainable

will be called upon to pitch in their

and the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee.

label to the matching appliance.

24 MBB Annual Report 2009


07 July

Head of MEUSAC’s Information

light onto the fact that traders

environmental policies in the

say during the EP legislature

Unit, and by Mr. Joe Tanti, Chief

who are certified under the AEO

country unless the competitiveness


Executive Officer of the MBB.

Scheme enjoy simplifications

At the meeting Prime Minister

in both conventional customs

Gonzi was also briefed about the

procedures and customs safety and

restructuring undertaken at the

security measures. The facilitation

MBB with the intent of allotting

MBB delegation held an exchange of views with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.



MBB Events

MBB Board of Trustees meets Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat to discuss business’ concern.

greater resources to provide more

an aim to bring to the forefront the

meeting. The discussion panel was

be detailing the concerns of the

Anything over a 90 day period is

and better services to Maltese

proposed recast of the directive,

made up of Ms. Maarit Nyman,

business community and setting

simply business not worth doing”


which according to European

Mr. Reginald Fava (Chairman,

out concrete proposals for tackling

he stated.

Commission expert Maarit Nyman,

of the Importers, Distributors

this sensitive issue.”

who was a speaker at the event,

and Retailers Economic Group

Finally, the discussion between

Angelo Xuereb said that businesses

the Prime Minister and the MBB’s

disappointment at the lack of

will aim to act as a disincentive for

and of the Health Care Business

The presentations and discussions

are not financial institutions.

delegation focused on how the

representation of Maltese MEPs

public and private entities against

Section, Malta Chamber), Mr.

held during the business breakfast

He expressed his scepticism on

MBB can better communicate

in the Tourism and Transport

settling late payments outside the

Keith Fearne (Chairman of the

also saw a number of well-known

the effectiveness of the proposed

on key EU-related issues and the

Committee (TRAN) and the

timeframe stipulated by law.

Information Technology Business

operators within the business

recast of the Directive, especially

EU consultation process. Prime

Industry, Research and Energy

Section, Malta Chamber) and Mr.

community expressing their views

“because the new rules emanating

Minister Gonzi acknowledged

Committee (ITRE), which are of

During her presentation, Ms

Angelo Xuereb (Chairman of the

and concerns. Reginald Fava, who

from the directive are optional.” He

the work being done by the MBB

particular relevance to the Maltese

Nyman, a specialist within the

Federation of Building and Civil

was present on behalf of the Malta

explained that it would be difficult

however, it was agreed that

business scenario.

SME Policy Development Unit

Engineering Contractors).

Chamber to represent importers,

for contractors to include a right to

the MBB needs to step up its

distributors and retails, stated

charge interest on late payments as

communication efforts with the

Dr. Muscat noted the position

European Commission had

The event was organised to

that he was “disappointed that

it could be viewed as a downfall by

institutional stakeholders and the

expressed by the MBB but

consulted extensively with the

elaborate upon a report compiled

no government representative

potential clients.

Maltese business community

highlighted the fact that the

business community and had

by the MBB called Settling

attended the meeting”.

at large.

Maltese MEPs will be sitting on the

learnt that late payments were

Late Payments on Time, which

internal market and environment

having a negative impact on

revealed that late payments are

He went on to say that the proposed

IT sector, said that he felt that the

committees, amongst other things.

businesses across the union. “It

a considerable problem for local

recast of the directive to address

national tribunal system “is not

The meeting followed a discussion

has transpired that late payments

businesses. According to a survey

late payments was certainly

efficient enough to settle small

concerning approved European

hamper the development of

conducted by the MBB amongst the

welcome, but he was concerned

payments.” He suggested that

Legislation having a direct bearing

business in the EU, notably for

members of the Malta Chamber,

that the proposals would not

the setting up of a special system

on Maltese Business.

SMEs. Late payments can reduce

many payments in commercial

adequately address the issue.

might be a solution to the current

cash flow to such an extent that

transactions between businesses

“The proposals for the recast of

situation, and would avoid drawn-

sometimes businesses, that are

or between public authorities

the directive focus on introducing

out and expensive court cases

otherwise viable, go bankrupt”

and businesses tend to be made

interest when payments are not

“which discourage businesses,

she said, “From our consultation

very late, often surpassing the

issued on time. This is not what

especially SMEs, from applying the

and research it appears that public

stipulated timeframes. Mr. George

we are after. We simply want to

legislation into their practice.”

authorities have the worst track

Micallef said that the MBB will

have a limit - that makes business

record when it comes to settling

shortly be presenting a report to

sense - to the length of time we

Other issues that were highlighted

payments. It’s a pity as they should

Government: “The report will

have to wait before being paid.

during the discussion were the

25 August

The MBB Board of Trustees held a meeting on the 25th August, with the Leader of the Opposition Hon. Dr. Joseph Muscat to have an exchange of views and discuss business community’s concern

of DG Enterprise, said that the

01 October

Keith Fearne, representing the

be leading by example.”

loopholes by which paying parties/

at the lack of representation

On the 1st October, the MBB

within the European Parliament’s

organised a Business Breakfast,

A panel moderated by MBB

debtors may find ways to work their way around this legislation

committees. During the

about the Late Payments Directive.

President Mr. George Micallef

in a more indirect manner, rather

meeting the MBB expressed its

The meeting was organised with

generated active debate at the

than by inserting a flexibility

Business Breakfast about the Late Payments Directive.

26 MBB Annual Report 2009



MBB Events

MBB officially started operations from new premises at Casa Leone, in Floriana.

clause into the contract of sale as

Kent Nyström renewed HOTREC’s

On the occasion of the 60th

Malta Chamber of Commerce took

allowed by the draft directive. This

call for a shift in EU policies

General assembly the participants

place. The offices are being shared

is especially evident when tenders

to hasten the recovery. At the

were presented with the new

with the Foundation for Human

are issued and certain terms and

Assembly he stated; “it is now

HOTREC publication entitled

Resources Development, where the

conditions are implied, where the

great time for the EU to anchor pro-

“Some 60 measures affecting the

MBB occupies the first floor of the

European Hospitality Industry”.


stipulated timeframes are longer

of the retail financial needs of

the implications of the financial

business policies, better regulation

than those laid down by law.

the Maltese community living

crisis on the Euromed partner

and burden reductions in the heart

abroad. BOV are in the process of

economies. A networking reception

of its daily activities”.

developing a tailored-made package

was held in the evening of the 4th

for the Maltese expat community

November at the private residence

In this context, HOTREC showed

in Brussels and Luxembourg.

of the Maltese Ambassador to

its support for the Member states


which were already making

09 04 October

The Brussels office hosted a group of BOV officials for presentations

at the La Vallette Business Centre


on Thursday 9th October. The

05 November

19 16 This publication focuses on

measures from the EU of most

direct relevance to the industry.

use of the possibility to apply reduced VAT rates to hospitality services, and strongly encouraged other Member states to follow in the same path to help the hospitality business to survive



On 19th November, the MBB organised a business seminar to analyse the implications and

through the crisis. Moreover,

As of the 16th November, the

discuss the ongoing process linked

HOTREC pointed out that the new

MBB officially started operations

to the imminent transposition of

Commission should withdraw the

from new premises at Casa

the EU Services Directive. This

group that was on an informal visit

In another event, the Brussels

to Brussels had the opportunity

office part-hosted a visit by

On the 5th and 6th November MBB

burdensome and inappropriate

Leone, in Floriana. The premises

directive propelled a number of

to hold an exchange of views with

senior executives from the

President Mr. George Micallef,

proposal imposing food labelling

were previously occupied by the

amendments to local licensing

officials from DG ECOFIN. The

Mediterranean Bank Network

MBB CEO Mr. Joe Tanti and

requirements to restaurants,

Federation of Industry up until last

regulations affecting a wide cross-

meetings were organised with

(MBN) on 4th November for a joint

MHRA CEO Mr. George Schembri

suggested by the predecessor.

January before the merger with the

section of local business sectors

the purpose of informing the

seminar CEPS-MBN seminar on

attended the HOTREC 60th General

BOV group of the implications

the difficulties encountered by

Assembly in Barcelona. Six months

of the current excessive deficit

Euromed business in obtaining

after the General Assembly in

procedure opened by the European

access to finance. Senior officials

Stockholm, hospitality business

besides the general licensing

Commission against Malta and

from the Directorate-General

trends reported across Europe


several other member-states due to

for Trade within the European

were still very worrying and the

the spiralling public deficits. The

Commission addressed the group

recovery was still slow in many

MBB Brussels office facilitated

of bank executives on the current

member states. Given the hostile

an informal gathering of Maltese

state of play of the Euromed

economic climate, the President

expatriates living and working in

free trade area and the political

Brussels with the purpose for the

developments linked to the Union

BOV officials to be better informed

for the Mediterranean as well as on

28 MBB Annual Report 2009

such as the travel and tourism HOTREC 60th General Assembly in Barcelona.

industry, the regulated professions like auditing and engineering,

EU Services Directive Business Seminar.



MBB Events

Minister of Finance, the Economy

Government Task Force (MFEI)

MBB CEO, Mr Joe Tanti stated

and Investment Tonio Fenech

who gave a detailed presentation

that “the MBB plans to present

introduced the seminar and

on the transposition process of the

Guidance Notes for the business

welcomed the Services Directive

Directive in Malta and its effect on

community, in a tangible and

as it comes at a timely period


easy-to-read format with the aim

when many economists and

to inform and give local business a

02 December

essential that new capital rules

action to combat climate change,

remain proportionate, avoiding

committing all developed countries

any further credit constraints.

to internationally legally binding and strong emission reduction

BusinessEurope believes that

targets and creating a level playing

Europe must avoid being caught

field worldwide for internationally

in a policy dilemma. Stimulus

traded goods. BusinessEurope also

commentators are starting to

Following the break, Mr. Carlos

head start” vis-à-vis the facilitation

predict signs of recovery in the

Almaraz, Deputy-Director

of cross-border business

Between the 2nd and 5th December

policies are a key factor of the

stated that not enough commitment

world economy while showing

Internal Market Department of

establishment within the European

Malta Chamber President Ms.

current economic rebound. It was

has been placed on measures that

concern as to how much recovery

BusinessEurope elaborated on the

Single Market.

Helga Ellul, Malta Chamber DG

pointed out that growing fiscal

connect the strength of free trade

of jobs there will be. Minister

European business expectations

Ing. Ray Muscat and MBB CEO

imbalances will soon put upward

and the market economy to boost

Tonio Fenech argued that the

in relation to the transposition

A panel prompted by Ms.

Mr. Joe Tanti were present for

pressure on long-term interest

technological cooperation to fight

introduction of this Directive into

of the directive into the national

Vanessa McDonald (Editor

BusinessEurope’s Council of

rates and crowd out private

against climate change. According

our legislation will provide us with

statute books of all the EU-27

Di-ve news portal) provided the

Presidents in Stockholm.

investment. BusinessEurope

to BusinessEurope, greater priority

yet another tool that will allow us

member states. Mr. Almaraz

platform for an exchange of

suggested that the EU Council

should be given to research and

to make the best use of the benefits

stated that despite some progress,

views by representatives of the

At the meeting BusinessEurope

can break the circle by first of all

development in the fields of energy

that come with EU accession. “It is

there are serious risks of late and

Malta Chamber, the MHRA and

pointed out that the responses to

defining an exit strategy from the

and clean-technology in the new

a legislation that fits in perfectly

incorrect transposition, and that

representatives of professional

the economic and financial crisis

unprecedented public intervention

EU budget, and this is essential

with our primary objective that of

Member States must continue their

organisations. The discussion

are beginning to produce results,

in the economy, and secondly by

if environmental protection

creating better jobs.”

efforts beyond the 28 December

panel included the participation

but in counter said that recovery is

preparing its implementation in

and economic growth are to be

implementation deadline.

of: Mr. Kevin J Borg (Director

fragile and that Europe is lagging

2011 by speeding up structural


reforms in 2010.

General of the Malta Chamber

behind in the global upturn.

Fontcuberta, Legal Officer at

The European business perspective

of Commerce, Enterprise and

In order to ensure a sustained

DG Internal Market within the

was complemented by a focused

Industry), Mr. George Schembri

recovery, BusinessEurope

In light of the UN Climate

the Lisbon Strategy for Growth

European Commission delivered a

national case-study from the UK

(CEO of the Malta Hotels and

believes it is crucial to restore

Change negotiations which were

and Jobs, BusinessEurope

speech about the expected cross-

delivered through a recorded

Restaurants Association), Mr.

access to finance for companies,

taking place in Copenhagen,

recommended that this strategy

border commercial benefits to

presentation by Ms. Karen

Julian J Mamo (Chairman of

in particular to SMEs. It is also

BusinessEurope also highlighted

should be based on five strategic

be generated through a proper

Clements, consultant on EU

the Service Providers Economic

a number of factors involved to

objectives, namely: deepening

and even implementation of the

Affairs at the British Chambers

Group, Malta Chamber), Mr.

make the agreement a success

economic integration and restoring

Services Directive.

of Commerce. Ms. Clements gave

Benjamin Rizzo (President of the

for European Companies. Some

financial stability, enhancing

an insight into the process leading

Malta Federation of Professional

factors included establishing a

innovation, entrepreneurship

The audience was addressed from

to the setting up of the point of

Associations) and Mr. Godwin

shared vision for long term global

and skills, putting modern

the national viewpoint of the

single contact within the UK public

Warr (Director General Commerce

employment policy in place,

implementation process by Ms.


Division, MFEI).

integrating energy, environmental

Subsequently, Ms. Maria Canal-

On another note with regards to

Phyllis Farrugia from the Malta

and competitiveness policies and finally shaping globalisation and fighting protectionism.

BusinessEurope’s Council of Presidents in Stockholm.

30 MBB Annual Report 2009



Calendar of Events

07 22 25 April






Appointment of new executives:

Business Breakfast on the Impact

Seminar on the Authorised

Ms. Amanda Sciortino and

of EU Membership on Maltese

Economic Operator Scheme at the

Ms. Mariella Scicluna

Business at Hotel Phoenicia

Malta Chamber Conference Hall






HOTREC 59 General

Press Conference on the

Meeting with Prime Minister

Assembly in Stockholm

Presentation of Business

Hon. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi and

Manifesto to the MEPs at

Presentation of Business

Hotel Phoenicia

Manifesto to Government





07 25 07 Calendar of Events 14 18 01 16 27 30 6 MBB











EuroChambres 16

Seminar on The Energy Labelling

Preparatory work on new IT

Networking Dinner at Hotel

Conference on SME: The Key to

Appointment of new

Annual Congress

Directive at the Malta Chamber

infrastructure and Office Move

Phoenicia between MEPs and MBB

Global Economic Recovery

CEO Mr. Joe Tanti


Conference Hall

Board of Trustees

32 MBB Annual Report 2009



Calendar of Events

25 05 26 August






MBB Board meeting with

HOTREC 60th General

Launch of New MBB Website

Leader of the Opposition

Assembly in Barcelona

23 16 27 Hon. Dr. Joseph Muscat







Appointment of new apprentice

MBB Office Move to New Offices

Publication of 1st Issue of Business

at the Brussels office,

at Casa Leone








Business Breakfast on the Late

Business Breakfast on the Services

BusinessEurope Council of

Payments Directive at the

Directive at the Hotel Phoenicia

Presidents in Stockholm

01 19 03 Mr. Yves Cordina

Hotel Phoenicia

34 MBB Annual Report 2009

MBB Offices Casa Leone

Avenue d’Auderghem

Pjazza Robert Samut

B-1040 Brussels

Floriana, Malta


Tel: 00356 2122 4415

Tel: 0032 4859 81124 0032 4859 81124

Fax: 00356 2124 5223

Fax: 0032 2736 0855

Email: info@mbb.org.mt

Email: infobrussels@mbb.org.mt

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