MBB Annual Report 2011

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Annual Report 2011

Contents 1 Foreword from the President


2 Introduction by the CEO


3 Malta Business Bureau – Timeline


4 15 Years of Service – Views on the work undertaken by the Malta Business Bureau


5 EU Funded Projects


6 Brussels Office


7 EU Legislation & Policy Development


8 Main Events & Participation in International Conferences


9 Board of Trustees and Executive Team



Foreword from the President It is my pleasure to present you the Malta Business Bureau Annual Report for the year 2011. This year’s Annual Report coincides with the celebration of our 15th anniversary. The MBB was set up 15 years ago to assist Maltese business prepare for EU membership, and it has since grown into a solid, credible and respected organisation.

Foreword from the President

This publication reflects a consistently developing organisation, which is positively establishing itself as a relevant player in Malta’s civil society. The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) prides itself on being of service to the members of its parent organisations – the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber), and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) – with respect to EU affairs. It is after all the remit of our organisation to inform and update Maltese businesses on EU related matters that are relevant to them, as well as to assist our business community to continue exploiting EU membership and the single market. This year I also had the pleasure of serving as President of the Bureau for a second term. Together with my colleagues on the Board, the priority was to consolidate the foundations of the MBB and build on the tasks that the organisation was already renowned for. Thus we sought to introduce new value-added services of benefit to the local business community. 2011 started off with our celebration of the 15th anniversary since the founding of the MBB, and my Board decided to mark this milestone with an extensive rebranding exercise which captures the core characteristics and mission statement of the organisation. The new identity aims to portray the MBB’s dynamic approach to its service provision to the local business community. The new logo is the graphical representation of the underlying values and the vision steering the way forward for the organisation. During these two years the MBB embarked on a number of exciting projects that took the organisation to new levels. For instance, we actively sought to participate in a number of EU funded projects, both as leading and as collaborating partners. Furthermore since taking over the presidency of the MBB I have set a target for the organisation; that of being increasingly active in national and international debates to safeguard the interests of Maltese business. One way to achieve this end was for the organisation to conduct economic impact assessments, in order to scientifically quantify the impact of directives decided upon at EU level on our economy. Following the success of our first pilot-project on the impact of the Pregnant Workers’ Directive in 2010, this year I was pleased to sign an agreement with Bank of Valletta, which shall be supporting us in pursuing other such duties. At the time

of writing, the first MBB-BOV Economic Impact Assessment is being carried out on the Commission’s proposals for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). One of the most satisfying achievements of the MBB in 2011, and one which fills me with particular satisfaction, was seeing more undergraduate students from the Institute for European Studies undergo a traineeship with us in our Malta and Brussels offices. We have made it part of our mission to provide prospective students with an opportunity for a practical experience working in EU affairs which is related to their studies. In this respect we pride ourselves on having concluded an agreement on business-academia collaboration with the Institute for European Studies, which accredits students for undergoing traineeships with the MBB. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the MBB Executive Team – a dedicated staff that focuses its time and energy on implementing the vision set out by the Board. Special thanks go to my fellow colleagues on the Board, which I had the pleasure to chair for the past two years, for their participation and commitment. I would also like to thank the respective Councils and Director Generals of both our parent organisations for their guidance. I would like to express my gratitude particularly to the Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment, the Hon. Tonio Fenech, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Malta H.E. Richard Cachia Caruana and the Presidents of our parent organisations – Mr Tancred Tabone and outgoing MHRA president, Mr George Micallef, without whose relentless support we would not have reached this level of success. As stated, the MBB celebrated its 15 years of service. A lot has been achieved during these years of operation, and we are certain that exciting times lie ahead for the Bureau. The MBB today has a solid foundation and thus has huge potential for the future. We are determined to keep developing this organisation further in order to consistently keep fulfilling our mission – that of Voicing Maltese Business Interests in the EU.

John A. Huber PRESIDENT Malta Business Bureau




Introduction by the CEO 2011 has been a rather challenging year for the economy and for business in general. Organisations representing businesses need to be proactive during these difficult times. This reality posed an added responsibility for an organisation like ours to be more meticulous in providing information as was coming out from Brussels throughout the year, and furthermore to identify opportunities that benefit our businesses.

Introduction by the Ceo

During this year, more than ever, the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) moved on from its traditional role of solely informing local businesses about developments in EU legislation. It has now introduced a number of services which tangibly assist its members to exploit the vast opportunities offered by the European Single Market. For instance, EU Tenders Alert is an e-service that contains procurement tender information on projects taking place across the 27 EU member states. Through this service the business community is duly kept informed of prospective business opportunities and aims to provide the necessary tender-related information via a light business-friendly notification system, therefore avoiding complex political/ bureaucratic jargon. This service, which can be requested and accessed through the MBB website, has been received well, and we are very pleased with the response so far. The aspect of promoting EU opportunities however did not shift our core focus or reduce our natural scope of informing on EU legislative developments in relation to business issues. Towards the end of the year we have in fact launched an electronic version of Business Agenda, as a supplement of our printed publication. The intention was to increase the circulation of this quarterly newspaper by disseminating the information to reach out not only to senior officials, but also other individuals within public and private organisations. Numerous high profile events have once more marked the calendar of the MBB. We have actively followed the development of EU legislation and proactively led debates on a national level with public authorities as well as private stakeholders on the various subject matters. It was our pleasure to welcome key politicians and policy-makers such as Commissioner John Dalli and MEP Louis Grech, as well as other experts and stakeholders from various fields. These events and debates organised by the MBB have drawn the interest and active participation of our members and civil society. During this year the MBB worked hard in promoting the idea of responsible business as a win-win situation for all stakeholders. This takes different forms. For instance the recent EU funded project awarded to the Bureau by the ‘EU

Life Unit’ within DG Environment, aims to reduce utility costs for business while safeguarding the environment. Another EU funded project awarded by the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) was the Leonardo Mobility Programme to train local HR Managers and Executives in flexible work arrangements and family-friendly measures. This responsible initiative will ensure employee satisfaction and higher productivity for businesses. Finally, I also positively recall a Conference organised by the MBB and MEUSAC promoting the concepts of PublicPrivate Partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility among Maltese businesses, NGOs and local councils. Its purpose was to expose business opportunities that may serve the purpose for all these stakeholders in civil society. In conclusion I would like to thank MBB President Mr John A. Huber, who for the second year running, has led the Board and firmly stood by me in overseeing important challenges in the development of the organisation. My appreciation goes to the members of the Board as well as the Director Generals of Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, for dedicating valuable time to share their business experience by giving sterling advice to keep driving the MBB forward. Also, my work at the MBB would not be possible without the support of my team. Special thanks go to Omar, Mariella and Daniel for their hard work and commitment throughout the year. Finally, I would like to welcome on board the latest addition to our team, Geoffrey Saliba, who has taken over the management of the Life+ ‘Investing in Water Project’, a co-financed project by the European Commission that was recently awarded to the MBB. I take this opportunity to invite you to read through our Annual Report 2011 to become more acquainted with our operations and activities, and to encourage you to contact us should you wish for us to assist you. In the meantime we shall remain committed to serve you by bringing local business closer to the EU!

Joe Tanti CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Malta Business Bureau




Malta Business Bureau: Timeline

Malta Business Bureau: Timeline

Timeline of events since MBB’s inception









2009 2008 2007


2006 2005


2004 2003

2002 2001



1999 1998 1997










Malta Business Bureau: Timeline



Foundation of the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) as a joint-office of the Malta Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Federation of Industry.



A major conference was organised on ‘Understanding the Four Freedoms’ to comprehend the EU’s acquis.




Inauguration of the La Valette Business Centre in Brussels.


The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) joined as parent organisation of the MBB.



The first permanent delegate was posted to Brussels on behalf of the parent organisations, to sit on UNICE and the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry.



A major conference was organised on European Monetary Union convergence and Euro Adoption.



The MBB embarked on a project entitled ‘Business Success Stories’ in conjunction with the European Commission Representation Office in Malta.





Publication of Business Manifesto in view of the European Parliament elections; and launch of Business Meets MEPs events.



New MBB head offices were inaugurated in Casa Leone, Floriana, former home of renowned Maltese composer Robert Samut.


Official Launch of the Ambassadors in Malta for Increasing Women Entrepreneurs (AMIE) Project on 4th April.






First Impact Assessment on the Estimation of the Costs to the Maltese Economy of Implementing EU Legislative Proposals related to Maternity and Paternity Leave.

New communication strategy with the launch of a new MBB website and the first publication of Business Agenda.





LLP Mobility project proposal, SHIFT accepted by the European Commission and commenced as of 1st September.



Life+ ‘Investing in Water Project’ accepted by the ‘Life Unit’ of the European Commission and commenced as of 1st October.

MBB underwent a rebranding exercise presenting a rejuvenated brand expressing MBB’s dynamic and efficient approach to its duties.




15 Years of Service:

Views on the work undertaken by the Malta Business Bureau Political and Business Leaders have their say on MBB’s role over the past 15 years, including at critical times in Malta’s challenging journey leading to EU membership and in the post-accession scenario.

15 Years of Service

Hon. Dr Lawrence Gonzi Prime Minister

The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) has been an active partner with Government in European matters for the past 15 years. From assisting Government during accession negotiations to reaping the benefits of European Union membership for its members, the MBB has always been at the forefront of European issues in Malta. Keeping its members’ and

the country’s interests close to heart, I am confident that the Bureau will continue working in the future to the benefit of the country at large.

Hon. Tonio Fenech

Minister for Finance, the Economy and Investment Maltese business owners have managed to turn the challenges and opportunities presented by EU membership into recipes for growth and success. A substantial number of local businesses have managed to tap into EU funding, improved their products and services and expanded their businesses into the 500-million Single Market. The Maltese economy has benefited from this through economic growth, job creation and increased stability.

The MBB has played a very important role in ensuring that our businesses are kept in the loop on latest developments at an EU level, as their voice in Brussels and by updating them on the opportunities which are available to them.

Hon. Dr Joseph Muscat

Leader of the Opposition

The Labour Party that I lead has placed great emphasis on the best possible promotion of Malta’s business interests, and we welcome the very positive contribution made by the MBB in this regard. The MBB has set up excellent channels of communication via its offices in Malta and Brussels, and does a very good job of informing and updating the Maltese business community on all issues which could impact them and their businesses. This is not merely my personal view. I have, ever since I was chosen to lead the Labour Party continued to

develop deep, frank and excellent relations between my Party and Malta’s business community. The universal view is that they hold the MBB, its leaders and its employers in high regard, and value the excellent work that they do. We look forward to even closer relations with the MBB over the coming years, and know they will be excellent partners to help produce the growth which will be indispensable to Malta’s economic success in the coming years.



15 Years of Service

H.E. Ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana

Permanent Representative of Malta to the European Union For the past 15 years, the MBB has been a symbol of the ambition of Maltese businesses and their eagerness to look beyond our shores. Together with its parent organisations, it has always recognised the benefits that EU Membership would bring, and has focused its members’ attention on what is needed to successfully operate in the Single Market. The MBB played a key role during the screening process and the subsequent accession negotiations, which were highly complex, that ultimately concluded with Malta’s EU membership. The Government saw its social partners and civil

society as an essential part of Malta’s negotiating process. In this context, the MBB’s role in engaging the social partners fully in the Government’s internal deliberations was notable and created a feeling of ownership of the negotiating process amongst Maltese businesses. Post EU accession, the MBB rightly focused its efforts on creating a direct channel for Maltese businesses, linking them to the various EU institutions. Its presence in Brussels has enabled it to form strong partnerships with other like-minded European business organisations and to be more effective in benefiting

from EU funding and participating in EU programmes. Through this engagement, the MBB has enabled local businesses to take advantage of the many opportunities provided by Malta’s EU membership and likewise continues to play a pivotal role in contributing to the success of Malta’s reputation as an excellent business location for Maltese and others alike.

Dr Simon Busuttil

Maltese Member of the European Parliament – Head of the Maltese Delegation – EPP Group I have known the MBB since it was set up and I have always been an active supporter. MBB was there long before any other Maltese organisation, bar the Government, had invested time and money in getting to know what the EU is all about and how to make the best out of the opportunities that it presents. Having done a marvellous job in the pre-accession period, MBB

Mr Louis Grech

Maltese Member of the European Parliament – Head of the Maltese Delegation – PES Group I would like to thank the MBB for their good work connecting Maltese businesses to our efforts to improve the Single Market. They do this on two fronts. Firstly, the MBB gives businesses an insight into how participating in the Single Market provides great opportunities not only for citizens and consumers,



but also makes it easier for SMEs to grow into new markets. Secondly, the MBB has given Maltese businesses a strong voice in Europe and provides first-hand involvement in the policymaking process. As such, The MBB can serve as a catalyst between Maltese businesses and the opportunities afforded by the Single Market.

then moved on to the trickier tasks to help its members deliver on the benefits of membership. I think that a lot more can be done to help Maltese entrepreneurs and companies make the best of EU membership. The potential is boundless for a country our size. So I hope that MBB will be around for another 15 years.

Mr Tancred Tabone

President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber) Back in 1996, and with a pending EU membership application, it was felt that a presence on an EU level was crucial for the local business community. With this in mind, together with the Federation of Industry, we took the decision to set up the MBB with a base in Brussels. Shortly after this, Malta’s EU application was frozen and the role of the MBB changed to evaluating the pros and cons of EU membership for business with respect to the possible alternatives. Backed with technical reports, the Malta Chamber and FOI could, at the time, argue confidently that EU membership was the only reasonable option for Malta. With the country’s EU membership back on track, the role of MBB continued to evolve as it offered guidance and support to Malta Chamber and FOI members

throughout national milestones such as the pre-accession and negotiations phases which necessitated total trade liberalisation and the adoption of the acquis communautaire. The Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association joined the MBB in 2004 when, after the membership date, the MBB now acted as an early warning signal for local entrepreneurs with respect to evolving developments in Brussels. The MBB subsequently offered support and technical advice during Malta’s adoption process of the euro. Since then, the MBB has grown in leaps and bounds, creating a hub for EU-related information and research, events and projects.

maternity leave and the common consolidated corporate tax base, as well as the launch of the Life+ project will ensure that the MBB continues to keep the Maltese business community adjourned on EU matters that affect it.

On behalf of the Malta Chamber I would like to congratulate the MBB on the occasion of its 15th anniversary and the successes achieved. Its recent achievements, such as the study on

Mr Tony Zahra

President of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) Up until the time Malta joined the EU we had one government based in Valletta with whom MHRA interfaced. Being part of the EU we now also have to deal with the government in Brussels. MBB has been instrumental in keeping MHRA informed of what is being talked about or on the agenda in Brussels which will impact the hospitality industry in Malta. With its office in Brussels, MBB helps us when we require specific action in Brussels with either the EU institutions or with HOTREC – the EU hospitality industry associations Brussels-based lobby group.

not be able to have its views heard before or during decision making time. Furthermore MBB has been instrumental in helping our members seek business opportunities in the EU markets. With the fast developing events in Europe, it is crucial for MHRA to have the continuing help and assistance that only a focused organisation such as MBB can offer.

Without MBB, MHRA would find it impossible to keep abreast of developments in Europe and would




EU Funded Projects

EU Funded Projects

EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project

The EU LIFE+ ‘Investing in Water Project’ aims to identify a set of solutions which will allow businesses and hotels to reduce the amount of service water consumed during their operations. It will run for 30 months with a budget of €334,642, and is 50 per cent co-funded by the European Commission. The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) is the leading partner and is supported by the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber) and the Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association (MHRA).

tailor made to the local conditions and circumstances of businesses and hotels, which will allow a reduction in water consumption will then be identified.

The project will provide solutions that are based on a study reflecting the needs and opportunities for businesses and hotels. This study will consist of widespread data collection, supported by water audits of a sample group of businesses and hotels.

The project started in October 2011. During the final quarter of 2011 the project hired a project manager and engaged a local water expert. It also concluded the administrative set-up, and set February 2012 as the first internal reporting stage. Cofinancier and sponsor agreements were agreed to and signed.

The information gained through these actions will allow the project to best understand local water consumption, and water conservation measures already in place. A range of solutions,

The solutions will be published and workshops elaborating on the implementation of these solutions will be organised for businesses and hotels. The project will also offer free individual technical advice on the implementation of solutions, to further facilitate the adoption of water conservation measures.

Several project actions were initiated, including the drafting of the Project Portfolio, water data collection

questionnaires and terms of reference for a project website. A call for proposals was issued for parties interested in providing the project with market research services, and businesses and hotels were invited to participate in the project. Media work was initiated with an article reporting on a debate held at the University of Malta, attended by the project manager and project administrator, and a press release being issued in December. The project closed the year with the planning of the official project launch in January 2012, and a set of meetings with industry to identify water savings opportunities.

For further information on the project kindly contact Life+ ‘Investing in Water Project’ Manager, Geoffrey Saliba on gsaliba@mbb.org.mt



EU Funded Projects

SHIFT – Supporting Human Resources In Family-Friendly Training then be given the opportunity to visit Denmark and Germany respectively, which are two pioneer countries in this area. Such an opportunity provides the participants with a vital experience to learn more about family-friendly work environments and flexible work arrangements which in turn will encourage further productivity and efficiency at their respective work places.

SHIFT is a project which seeks to contribute towards enhancing expertise on innovative measures required within the Human Resources field. The MBB intends to gather best practices from countries with an advanced Human Resources level in order to raise awareness about family-friendly measures and flexible work arrangements. This is crucial to help increase productivity, female participation rate in the labour market and ensure equal opportunities. The need to invest in such measures was also underscored by the HR committees of the Malta Chamber and MHRA, in respect to the EU2020 strategy which highlights the importance of flexibility to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Establishing a system of familyfriendly work environments strengthens society across the board. Family-friendly measures



and flexible work arrangements allow employees to strike a balance between work commitments and family responsibilities, allowing more people to work and be financially independent. In turn, the human resource is protected through such measures as it is made possible for experienced employees to continue contributing to the labour market. While family-friendly measures are applicable to all public service and private sector employees working on full-time, part-time, definite or indefinite contract basis as part of Malta’s government policy, they are still regarded as innovative measures leaving room for improvement. Hence, throughout the project lifetime the MBB will be responsible for selecting two groups of ten HR managers/executives coming from the hotel, manufacturing and services sectors. The groups will

In 2011, the MBB launched the first call for applications for a two-week overseas opportunity in Denmark, which proved to be very popular. The preparations are now well underway for the first group of participants to go for this overseas experience in March 2012. Once both overseas experiences would have been organised, the MBB is planning to hold a National Conference on Improving Family Friendly Measures in the Private Sector. The 20 participating HR managers will act as envoys to promote knowledge gathered through their experiences. SHIFT is a Leonardo Mobility Programme (PLM) Funded Action No: LLP/LDV/MT/MOB/PLM/13/2011

For further information on the project kindly contact MBB Executive, Mariella Scicluna on mscicluna@mbb.org.mt

AMIE – Ambassadors in Malta for Increasing Women Entrepreneurs The AMIE project aims at promoting female entrepreneurship in Malta, through the establishment of a Network of Women Ambassadors. This was prompted by a number of organisations who came together as a consortium in achieving this aim, in view of the evident low figures of self-employed women in Malta. The project was officially launched in Malta on 4th April 2011, during a half day seminar. Ten Maltese female entrepreneur ambassadors were introduced to the stakeholders and to the local media. This Network forms part of the European Network of Women Entrepreneurs, and campaigns among unemployed women, women with an active professional life as well as students looking to set-up their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. Furthermore the objective of the ambassadors is to act as role models, so as to raise awareness on women’s ability to create a vision for themselves

Ms Mariella Scicluna (Executive, MBB)

AMIE Project Launch in Malta

as entrepreneurs, as well as to promote the required motivation and self-confidence in setting up and creating a successful business. During 2011 the AMIE Ambassadors engaged in a number of activities targeting students and women on many occasions. These activities included visits to students in schools and to women both in employment and those seeking gainful occupation, whereby educational sessions were held to promote and discuss the potentials of entrepreneurship. MBB’s role within the project is also to ensure a smooth interface between the Network of Ambassadors in Malta and the Network of Ambassadors across Europe. As part of its project responsibility the MBB coordinated a visit to Brussels for AMIE Ambassador Ms Theresa Delia, who addressed the Conference ‘A Europe for Women Entrepreneurs’, in the capacity of a Maltese AMIE

Ambassador. Our presence in this conference certainly gave further strength to the network created in Malta, which also benefited from the pan-European campaigning efforts. During 2012 the MBB will be coordinating a series of interactive sessions between local and European stakeholders of the AMIE project, where various themes concerning female entrepreneurship, the EU framework, current challenges and opportunities will be debated. AMIE is a Competitiveness Innovation Programme (CIP) FUNDED ACTION N°: ENT/CIP/09/E/N08S003

For further information on the project kindly contact MBB Executive, Mariella Scicluna on mscicluna@mbb.org.mt or visit www.amieproject.eu




Brussels Office

Brussels Office

Informing and influencing EU policy developments The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) has been in operation for the last 15 years, operating as an information office both in Malta, as well as in the midst of the EU institutions. Through its permanent delegate in Brussels, Mr Omar Cutajar, who is supported by the executive team at the Malta Head Office, the MBB maintains and reinforces its close links between EU institutions and the local business community. In this way the MBB aims to represent the interests of its parent organisations, the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber) and the Malta Hotels

and Restaurants Association (MHRA) with the various EU institutions, which have such a direct bearing on the local business scene. A very close relationship exists at EU level with the European institutions, the Maltese Permanent Representation to the EU, and Maltese MEPs. Furthermore, the MBB is highly active within pan-European organisations such as Eurochambres, BUSINESSEUROPE and HOTREC, by acting as the permanent liaison on behalf of the parent organisations. The MBB Brussels Office acts as an information point handling queries

from member companies interested in obtaining market knowledge and potential business contacts in Belgium. It also collaborates with the Maltese bilateral Embassy to Belgium and Luxembourg, thereby facilitating access to information through the Belgian enterprise development agencies and international investment bodies. Furthermore, it is committed to following disparate issues that can broadly be grouped within three different thematic categories, namely the internal market, employment and social affairs and access to finance for businesses.

Supporting Malta’s employers interest representation at the EESC The MBB Brussels Office has throughout 2011, provided policy and research support, to Malta Chamber Deputy President, Mr Stefano Mallia - one of the two Maltese members representing employers’ interests on the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This is a new task undertaken by the MBB Brussels Office following the nomination of Mr Mallia in 2010 as one of Malta’s five representatives on the EESC. The MBB Brussels Office has provided EU policy support to Mr Mallia on an extensive range of important matters discussed in the various study-groups in which Mr Mallia was actively participating in his first year as a Group I member at the EESC. He participated on several study groups dealing amongst others on the Single Market Act, the EU budget review in the light of the

forthcoming EU budgetary period post-2013, the strengthening of the link between EU cohesion policy and the EU2020 Strategy as well as on structural economic hindrances faced by islands in the EU. Most importantly, Mr Mallia was appointed the EESC rapporteur on the Commission’s Green Paper on Online Gambling – a growing sector of significant value to Malta’s economic fibre. The final opinion steered through by Mr Mallia was adopted by the EESC plenary by a vast majority with just four votes against, out of a total of 134 votes cast. Throughout 2011, the Permanent Delegate, supported Mr Mallia by reviewing draft EESC opinions, suggesting issues for interventions in plenary and occasionally drafting preliminary amendments that would

be later fine-tuned and submitted by Mr Mallia for consideration in both study-group and plenary phase. In the words of Mr Mallia who acknowledges the pivotal role the MBB Brussels Office has played in assisting him in the preparation for study-group meetings and in the drafting of position papers, “the MBB is ideally placed to provide the required supporting role, which it has and it continues to do with excellent efficiency.”

Mr Stefano Mallia



The MBB Brussels Office — continued


EU Legislation & Policy Development

EU Legislation & Policy Development

Internal Market From a policy perspective 2011 was heavily punctuated by the adoption of the ‘Single Market Act’ with a Communication entitled ‘Working Together to create new Growth’. The twelve “levers for growth” announced by the Commission are all of direct interest to Maltese business, and include initiatives affecting labour legislation, tax matters such as investment funds and the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) proposal, business governance, access to finance and fast-track investments in transport and energy infrastructure. Maltese business is well acquainted with most of these proposals, since few were novel initiatives, with the exceptions of new legislative proposals aimed to facilitate access to venture capital markets across the EU, the induction of more business-driven standardisation agenda for the services sector and the simplification of EU public procurement rules.

The renewal of the EU internal market was complemented by the announcement of a new policy framework guiding corporate governance. Understandably business governance and corporate social responsibility are key elements in building consumers’ trust in the European single market. A Green Paper setting out a consultation on the EU Corporate Governance Framework raised an array of issues ranging from the role of the Board of Directors, the company’s internal engagement with its shareholders and questions on whether a voluntary or binding implementation of corporate governance codes should be pursued at company level.

This Green Paper sought to assess the need for EU action on a broad range of issues, related for instance to the gender and professional composition of Boards, the mandates of non-executive directors, disclosure of remuneration, shareholder identification and the protection of minority shareholders amongst others.



EU Legislation & Policy Development

Employment and Social Affairs Undoubtedly the EU’s social agenda generates considerable administrative and compliance costs for Maltese business; a situation often exacerbated by new employment-related proposals that are not subjected to competitiveness-proofing, particularly in relation to small businesses. In this regard the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) Brussels Office has once again retained special focus on continuous EU developments in this sensitive field, some of these issues are already well-known, having often ignited concerns for Maltese business over the past years. In 2011 several social issues regained the centre stage of EU political debate despite the international financial crisis, with the most important ones being the continued attempts at revision of the Working Time Directive, the stalled enactment of the revised Pregnant Workers’ Directive and the announced ‘modernisation’ of the Professional Qualifications Directive.



The revision of the Working Time Directive has undoubtedly stood out as a thorny process, sometimes tending towards the undesirable direction of undermining the flexible organisation of working time. In 2011 the European Commission addressed an invitation to the European social partners to assess whether there are the grounds for starting social dialogue negotiations, with the intent of resolving the debacle on the issue of the retention of the opt-out, and the calculation of on-call time as effective working time. Social partner negotiations involving experts on the one side from European employers’ organisations, spearheaded by Businesseurope and on the trade union side by the ETUC kick-started in December. The MBB secured a seat within the European employers’ delegation, whereby Mr Omar Cutajar acts as the Maltese private sector’s representative within the Businesseurope negotiating team.

European social partner negotiations could also be the way forward for the resolution of another long-standing EU legislative saga, dealing with the revision of the ‘Pregnant Workers Directive’, also commonly known as the maternity leave directive. Following the collapse of the conciliation procedure which attempted to bridge the disparate positions of the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, in particular on the issue of the proposed extension of mandatory maternity leave, the Belgian Presidency had requested the European social partners to feed in their opinion on the issues preventing a political agreement on the draft EU directive. To-date the discussions remain stalled at political level.

Access to Finance The facilitation of business access to credit was perhaps overall the most critical issue that pervaded in a cross-cutting manner the EU policy agenda in 2011. Following the acknowledgement of the severe difficulties businesses are encountering in securing capital, the European Commission adopted an action plan on access to finance, laying down the EU’s strategy on easing access to credit by SMEs. There are several measures envisaged in this Action Plan, some of which completely novel, others re-tabled for more urgent political and practical follow-up at implementation by member-states’ governments. The most important initiatives announced in the Action Plan concern the facilitation of the provision of loan guarantees, the review of state aid guidelines enabling better support for small business, and simplification measures in reporting requirements for listed SMEs. In parallel the European Commission also adopted a separate regulation on venture capital funds, with the

intent of fostering the integration of the European venture capital markets, thereby strengthening the supply of venture capital for entrepreneurs. The MBB recognises that access to finance is not simply about strategies, but is also about the provision of procurement opportunities for local companies to deliver goods and services. The future of the cohesion policy, with its indisputable tangible benefits for Maltese business, kicked off at European level in the last quarter of 2011 when the European Commission presented its draft proposal for a regulation, laying the legal provisions on the future structural funds post-2013.

This strategic debate is in its infancy at the time of writing; however it will certainly develop into one of the most critical issues of discussion at EU level over 2012. In the next months the MBB Brussels Office will maintain its streamlined and focused communication with both its parent organisations and the constituent business membership of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber) and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA), on all the key EU issues of concern for the Maltese private sector as these unfold throughout the 2012 political calendar.




Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

Main Events 23


Malta Business Bureau (MBB) presents a position paper on the Single Market Act to then Parliamentary Secretary Hon. Dr Jason Azzopardi

and he also cautioned against “the adoption of EU proposals that have a direct bearing on business before it can be ensured that the proposal and related regulations can be effectively implemented and enforced.” Dr Azzopardi thanked the MBB for presenting him with its position paper and said that the Government welcomes a healthy exchange of ideas, with the various sectors of the economy. It is this close contact with the key representatives of the sectors that allows Government to better legislate, and design the ideal climate for our SMEs.

24 MBB President, Mr John A. Huber, together with Chief Executive Mr Joe Tanti and Permanent Delegate, Mr Omar Cutajar, officially presented a position paper in response to the public consultation by the European Commission on the 50 proposals for the Relaunch of the Single Market to then Parliamentary Secretary Hon. Dr Jason Azzopardi, who accepted it on behalf of the Maltese Government. The MBB also presented this document to the European Commission’s Internal Market and Services Directorate General on behalf of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Malta Chamber), and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA).


MBB celebrates 15th Anniversary by launching a new brand identity The MBB unveiled its new brand identity to mark the 15th Anniversary since the launch of the Bureau, with a networking event between the Council Members of the Malta Chamber, and the MHRA. Members of Parliament, MEPs, and other distinguished guests were also present. The new logo was unveiled by MBB President Mr Huber and Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment Hon. Mr Tonio Fenech.

Mr Huber stated that, “In recent years, the MBB has stepped up its services and it is entirely fitting that the organisation takes on future tasks with a rejuvenated brand that befits its dynamic and efficient approach to its duties.” Mr Fenech congratulated the MBB for its work in recent years, stating that the organisation has helped to ensure that the local business community was well informed on EU developments and decisions.



MBB Business Breakfast with EU Commissioner John Dalli The MBB organised a Business Breakfast with EU Commissioner John Dalli, focusing on the theme of ’Business Competitiveness and Legislation‘. The Councils of the Malta Chamber and the MHRA participated in this event.

MBB President Mr Huber urged Government to “send a strong message against any proposal that undermines Malta’s competitiveness,”



Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

Main Events — continued Mr Dalli discussed the prospects of EU competitiveness and economic growth. He expressed the view that the role of the European Union is to support and supplement action at national level. “The member states are in the driving seat and the EU assists. But Europe can certainly play a role in bringing the member states together in order to look at European solutions to European problems and challenges,” he explained. “I believe that the key to securing increased competitiveness is innovation and it is essential that national Governments allocate sufficient resources to ensure results in this area.” The seminar was also addressed by MBB President Mr Huber, Mr Anthony J. Tabone, member of the Board of Management of Malta Chamber, and by Mr George Micallef, President of MHRA. An open floor debate followed with Commissioner Dalli. The event was moderated by PBS journalist Mr Keith Demicoli.



AMIE officially launched in Malta The Ambassadors in Malta for Increasing Women Entrepreneurs (AMIE) project was formally launched in Malta during a half day event whereby ten Maltese female entrepreneur ambassadors were



introduced to the stakeholders and the local media. The partner organisations of this project are the Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs, MBB, Reach Beyond Foundation, the National Council for Women, and the Malta Association of Women in Business. This project is being coordinated under the Competitiveness Innovation Programme (CIP) funded action no. ENT/CIP/09/E/N08S003. For further information on this project please go to page 17.



MBB launches new service for its members: EU Tenders Alert EU Tenders Alert is an e-service that contains procurement tender information on projects taking place across the 27 EU member states, which the Maltese business community can benefit from. This service provides the members of our parent organisations with the opportunity to be duly kept informed of prospective business opportunities across the EU. The service aims to provide the necessary tender-related information via a light business-friendly notification system, therefore avoiding complex political/bureaucratic jargon. EU Tenders Alert addresses the following sectors: Construction, Environment, Health, IT, Publishing & Printing, and Services. A biweekly email including new tenders is circulated to those registered, informing our esteemed members to access new information and updates directly online from the Services section of the MBB web portal.



MBB meets with DG Enterprise MBB Executive, Ms Mariella Scicluna represented the MBB in a meeting with Mr Daniel Calleja Crespo, Deputy Director General of DG Enterprise & Industry (ENTR) and Special Envoy for SMEs, as well as Dr Joanna Drake, Director DG ENTR responsible for SMEs and Entrepreneurship and Deputy Special Envoy. During the meeting Mr Calleja Crespo stated that it was of utmost importance that the EU goes back to the real economy thus noting that currently a review of the SME Policy was being carried out, with a focus on three pillars, the Small Business Act, Access to Finance, and SME Internationalisation. He also announced that each country should have a national SME envoy. In Malta’s case, it will be Dr Azzopardi, Minister for Fair Competition and Consumers. Stakeholders stressed, the importance of simplification, and highlighted the fact that Malta is yet to have a corporate ID number system. On the issue of Access to Finance, it was remarked that the European Investment Fund lacks a scheme designed for start-ups even though incubation centres are very important. On the internationalisation of SMEs, it was stressed that market research and harmonisation of standards is still lacking, as well as the concept of a true one-stop-shop. It was also noted that the EU is not capitalising on trade agreements with third countries, while ease of access to materials,

as well as the strengthening of the internal market is a growing problem. Other stakeholders such as the Malta Chamber, MHRA, Malta Enterprise, Gozo Chamber of Commerce, and GRTU also attended the meeting.



MBB and BOV sign a strategic collaboration to conduct Economic Impact Assessments

derived from the studies on various economic issues and provide policy makers with a realistic picture of the effects that certain proposals and decisions can have on the local economy. MBB has stated its conviction that through the commissioning of such studies, they will be safeguarding Maltese business interests by drawing the attention of both EU and national public authorities to certain decisions that may hinder the competitiveness of particular sectors. It was also revealed during the event that the first joint-Impact Assessment will focus on the



MBB announces new Board of Trustees MBB announced two new members on its Board, Mr Charles Brincat and Mr Sergio Vella. Mr Huber was nominated to serve as President for a second consecutive year, while Mr George Micallef, Mr Tony Zahra and Mr Anton Borg have all been re-confirmed. While welcoming its new Board members, the MBB thanked outgoing board members Mr Tancred Tabone and Mr Mario Spiteri for their service and contribution to the constant development of the organisation.



Business Meets MEP Louis Grech

MBB and Bank of Valletta signed a collaborative agreement that has sealed their collaboration commitment on a number of detailed economic impact assessments. The agreement was signed by MBB President Mr Huber and then BOV CEO Mr Tonio Depasquale. Economic Impact Assessments serve an extremely important purpose in providing evidence-based conclusions

effects that the proposed Common Corporate Consolidated Tax Base Directive (CCCTB) would have on local businesses, particularly foreign firms operating in Malta, as well as the general economy at large.

In a Business Meets MEPs session organised by the MBB, MEP Louis Grech stated that currently there is a lack of ownership when it comes to overseeing the relaunch of the European Single Market and that the European Union is not being aggressive enough to ensure the Union’s competitiveness on a global level. “There is broad consensus on the need to rethink the European Single Market, so as to ensure that it works for the citizen and for SMEs rather than the other way around.



Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

Main Events — continued But there is currently a lack of clear leadership and ownership of the numerous initiatives that have been adopted to ensure that the relaunch of the Single Market is a success. It is essential that both the European Commission, as well as member states, take ownership of this initiative if it is to be successful,” he stated.

project, the MBB is seeking to gather and promote best practices in terms of flexible work arrangements and family-friendly measures among HR Managers in the private sector. For further information regarding this project please go to page 16.



Launch of the MedAlliance Action Plan in Alexandria, Egypt

Mr Grech also expressed his wish to see SMEs as the “prime movers and shakers” within the Single Market, stating that action must be taken to ensure that access to the Single Market must be made easier for these business organisations. The event was moderated by The Times journalist Ms Joanna Ripard.


MBB Permanent Delegate Mr Cutajar and Malta Chamber Internationalisation Manager Klaus Pedersen participated at the ‘Invest in Med’ final conference, organised by the MedAlliance – a consortium made up of ANIMA, ASCAME, BUSINESSMED and EUROCHAMBRES. The MedAlliance acted as the management body for the ‘Invest in Med’ programme – a €12 million EU funded programme aimed at developing sustainable trade relationships, investments and enterprise partnerships between the two rims of the Mediterranean.


MBB awarded another EU funded project entitled SHIFT: Supporting Human resources In Family-friendly Training SHIFT is a Leonardo Mobility Project that was awarded to the MBB through the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) with a budget of €47,504. Through this



Various high-level political interventions were delivered, with special focus given to the fast-

evolving political scenarios in the North African region. The ‘Invest in Med’ conference served to step up the momentum towards a more project-oriented economic cooperation efforts in the Euromed region as initially flagged during the 8th Euromed Industry Ministerial meeting held in Malta in May. The MedAlliance will contribute towards attracting key players and technologies by providing businessdriven proposals, identifying and highlighting EU and Mediterranean countries’ mutual competencies, and reinforcing regional clusters for ‘Mediterranean competitive offers’. These will support the global specialties that were identified during the ‘Invest in Med’ project to reinforce the Southern Mediterranean industrial strategies.



MBB awarded EU Life+ Investing in Water Project The EU Life+ Investing in Water project seeks to identify solutions targeted towards reducing water consumption among businesses and hotels. A total of €334, 642 are allocated to this project whereby 50% of the funds are co-funded by the European Commission. This project is led by the MBB in collaboration with the Malta Chamber and MHRA. For further information on the objectives of this project please go to page 15.



Joint MBB & MEUSAC National Conference on Promoting Public-Private Partnerships

for the development and operation of infrastructure for a wide range of economic activities. Such PPP arrangements were driven not only by limitations in the availability of public funds to cover investment needs, but also by efforts to increase the quality and efficiency of public services.



MBB President and CEO invited by the European Commission Representation to Malta for an information visit in Brussels The European Commission Representation for Malta in collaboration with the Visits’ Section of the Directorate-General for Communication of the European Commission hosted a group of twenty representatives of Professional Bodies and Non-Governmental Organisations to an Information Visit to Brussels earlier this month. During their two-day visit, participants attended talks by various speakers on the EU Institutions, the political priorities of the EU, the EU budget, and the EU’s Citizenship policy.

MBB and MEUSAC organised a half-day conference on ‘Promoting Sustainable Partnerships’. The aim of the conference was to promote Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Malta as well as to provide an opportunity for networking between the various stakeholders in the Maltese public and private sectors as well as civil society. In his opening address, the then Parliamentary Secretary for Consumers, Fair Competition, Local Councils and Public Dialogue Hon. Dr Chris Said, highlighted the fact that recent years have seen a marked increase in cooperation between the public and private sectors across the European Union. Public and private sectors worked hand in hand

MBB President Mr Huber underscored the Maltese business sector’s belief in the need of a mind-set shift within the policy parameters charting the development of public-private partnerships: “Traditionally, publicprivate partnerships have seen the financing of major infrastructural developments. However, the framework for such agreements should be facilitated to target smaller-scale projects,” he said. The event was moderated by MITA Chairman Mr Claudio Grech.

Participants were also addressed by Ms Joanna Darmanin, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner John Dalli, who spoke about the main issues related to the Commissioner’s portfolio, namely Health and Consumer Policy. The programme also included a visit to the building that hosts the European Council where the participants were given a presentation on the role of this institution and the decisionmaking process by Dr Peter Agius.



Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

Main Events — continued All the participants had positive feedback on the visit, describing it as a rewarding and beneficial experience that has given them a direct access to and a better grasp of EU affairs.



MBB & Parliamentary Secretariat for Small Business jointly organise a Conference on Harnessing Intellectual Property Protection for Investment Promotion The absence of an efficient patent system in Europe was highlighted during a conference organised by the MBB and the then Parliamentary Secretariat for Small Business, as part of the SME Week 2011 Activities. The event was held at the Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre (MFCC), Ta’ Qali. A number of key experts in the field highlighted how diverging EU patent rules are causing the European Union

to lose out on innovation. Experts also highlighted the fact that European enterprises’ research and innovation investments are not duly protected. Speaking during the event, MBB President Mr Huber stated that “this matter has dragged on for over a decade. These are timeframes that for the business environment are simply not acceptable.” “Action is needed. It is needed now!” he said. “A European patent system truly responds to

business needs to reduce costs and cross-border administrative burdens.” The then Parliamentary Secretary, Dr Azzopardi also addressed the audience, stating that “Intellectual Property is sometimes referred to as ‘hidden value’, but whether hidden or expressly valued, it is clear that patents, copyright and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications and trade secrets are significant contributors to enterprise value.” Other speakers in the Conference included Mr Nikolaus Thumm – Chief Economist, European Patents Office; Mr Godwin Warr – Director General, Commerce Department; Mr Vincent Tilman – Senior Advisor, Eurochambres; Mr Claude Vella Bonanno – Plant Manager, Solea Pharma Ltd; Ing Nicholas Sammut – CEO, Malta Council for Science & Technology; and Dr Jeanine Rizzo – Associate, Fenech & Fenech Advocates.





MBB welcomes new Project Manager for EU Life+ Investing in Water Project The MBB was pleased to announce its most recent addition to the team, Mr Geoffrey Saliba, who took over the post of Life+ Investing in Water Project Manager. Mr Saliba is a graduate in Tourism Studies from the University of Malta and has extensive experience in coordinating as well as managing EU LIFE+ projects.



MBB and the University of Malta sign a business-academia collaboration agreement The MBB and the Institute for European Studies within the University of Malta concluded an agreement that will make it possible for students to obtain credits through traineeship programmes with the MBB. The collaboration between the MBB and the Institute for European Studies has been successfully evolving over the past two years resulting into a mutually-beneficial relationship now culminating into a formal agreement signed by MBB CEO Mr Tanti and Institute for European Studies Chairperson Prof. Roderick Pace. This partnership will provide invaluable opportunities for European Studies undergraduate students to gain a practical and professional experience.

Second-year students of the Institute will have the possibility to choose the traineeship as an elective study unit during their second semester. The MBB executive team will mentor students on an individual basis and assist them in developing and enhancing practical knowledge in the area of European affairs. At the end of the traineeship, an assessment of each individual will be determined by a board of examiners on the basis of a logbook held by each student constituting of all the work done during the traineeship programme, in addition to a report drafted by their mentor.



Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

MBB Participation in International Conferences 14



MBB CEO participates in a Regional Development Forum in Portugal

MBB CEO invited to participate in a conference in Romania

MBB CEO Mr Tanti was invited to participate in a Regional Development Forum in Portugal which addressed the concept of public-private partnerships. Minho, the locality hosting the forum is a sheer example of private firms, local development associations, regional tourism boards and municipalities, who come together to foster business, jobs and the reputation of the locality.

MBB CEO Mr Tanti participated in an international conference on the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development (SOPHRD 2007-2013) in Bucharest. The main objective of this conference was to promote the objectives and operations of the European Social Fund (ESF) interventions in Romania. This was a good opportunity which aided the exchange of experiences, practices and information between national and transnational organisations.

The Concorcio Minho-IN project was launched in 2009 by the Portuguese Government with a regional development initiative for the upgrading of four thematic areas: environment, tourism, agro-industry and cultural heritage. Amongst others, the development included ten anchor projects featuring health and wellness, competitiveness and entrepreneurship, the Verde wine route and nature tourism. The conference was addressed by Mr Dirk Ahner, Director-General of European Commission’s Regional Policy DG.




Mr Joe Tanti’s visit was funded by the European Commission.



MBB Permanent Delegate participates in the eleventh edition of the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro A presentation on the role, scope and activities of the ‘Blue Chamber Network’ was delivered by MBB’s Permanent Delegate Mr Cutajar, at a conference organised by the Adriatic and Ionian Chamber of Commerce (AIC) Forum in Montenegro. The 11th edition of the AIC’s Assembly was also held on the margins of the conference. The conference dealt with different issues however all related to the main theme of the development of an integrated maritime policy for Europe. Several working sessions were held tackling various perspectives on the evolving debate linked to EU maritimepolicy formulation. Discussion panels featuring EU Commission officials from DG Mare and senior representatives from stakeholder organisations were held over the span of the two-day conference proceedings. Issues discussed included short-sea shipping, the territorial dimension of the EU’s integrated maritime policy priorities and subregional cooperation structured around the various sea-basins in Europe such as the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic/Ionian Seas.

19 The presentation delivered by Mr Cutajar, focused on the added value that the ‘Blue Chamber Network’ can bring about for Chambers of Commerce with a key interest in maritime-related industries. The Blue Chamber Network was launched in March 2010 in Brussels with the intent to address the threefold-challenges of the enlarging scope of EU maritime regulation, the need to better network the diverse stakeholders representing the various sectors of the private maritime industry and finally, to create a critical mass for tapping into EU-funded projects assisting the maritime industries.


MBB Executive attends Brussels Economic Forum MBB Executive Mr Daniel Debono attended the Brussels Economic Forum entitled ‘Rethinking Economic Policy in Europe – A New Era of Economic Governance’. This annual event has now come to its twelfth edition, and saw the participation of a number of decision-makers, opinion leaders, and other key players from government authorities, international organisations, European institutions, financial institutions, social partners and academia. In other words, the Brussels Economic Forum has become the EU’s platform for debate on economic issues. Among others, the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn and the President of the European Commission José Manoel Barroso addressed the Conference.



MBB Executive participates in a Conference debating the Posting of Workers Directive in the Framework of the Single Market in Brussels MBB Executive Mr Debono participated in a conference on Fundamental Social Rights and the Posting of Workers in the Framework of the Single Market in Brussels, representing the MBB and BUSINESSEUROPE. The free movement of workers is a pillar of freedoms guaranteed by the Treaty of the European Union along with the freedom of movement of capital, goods and services. A worker is considered to be ‘a posted worker’ when s/he is employed in one EU member state and is sent by their employer on a temporary basis to carry out work in another member state. For instance, a service provider may win a contract in another country and send the respective employees there to carry out the contract. This trans-national provision of services, where employees are sent to work in a member state other than the one they usually work in, gives rise to a distinctive category, namely that of “posted workers”. This category does not include migrant workers who go to another member state to seek work and are employed there. Mr Daniel Debono’s visit was funded by the European Commission.



Main Events & Participation in International Conferences

MBB Participation in International Conferences — continued




MBB CEO participates in a Conference on ‘Wage Trends in Europe’ in Brussels

MBB Executive participates in a Conference on Gender Equality in Brussels

MBB CEO Mr Tanti was invited by BUSINESSEUROPE to participate in the Conference addressing wage developments and their impact on competitiveness and social cohesion in Europe, through a high-level debate between researchers, employment policy makers and social partners.

MBB Executive Ms Scicluna attended the conference on Gender Equality, which provided the first opportunity to discuss and share ideas on implementing the priorities of the European Commission strategy for equality between men and women (2010-2015). It addressed the challenges and opportunities of gender equality, assessing how this can contribute towards economic growth.

The sessions focused on trends in nominal wages, productivity and their impact on competitiveness; the declining wage share as a catalyst of the recession; growth in wage inequality and consequences for social policy; wage-setting systems and Europeanization: indexation and levels of collective bargaining. The conference also provided an analysis of developments and policy issues in the European context, examining how wage determination at national level can contribute to preventing and rectifying macroeconomic imbalances and enhancing competitiveness. Mr Joe Tanti’s visit was supported by the European Commission.




The conference brought together more than 400 participants from European institutions, international organisations, EU member states, social partners and civil society. It marked the first year of the Strategy for equality between women and men (20102015), adopted in September 2010.

The conference heard a strong and detailed articulation of the case for gender equality. This case was established in terms of justice, business success, economic growth and societal well-being. The economic crisis was reflected in the debates whereby it was argued that gender equality can and should be a factor in the recovery from the economic crisis. It can also enable the targets for Europe 2020 Strategy to be met. Ms Mariella Scicluna’s visit was supported by the European Commission.



MBB participates in the 2nd Edition of the Single Market Forum in Krakow, Poland MBB CEO Mr Tanti and MBB Permanent Delegate Mr Cutajar participated in the 2nd Edition of the Single Market Forum, hosted by the Polish EU Presidency, bringing together senior representatives from all the EU institutions as well as representatives from organised civil society at European level. The discussions were, in their main thrust, an inter-institutional reflection on the future of the European Single Market in the context of the ongoing economic crisis and the prospects that a deepening and extension of the single market to the services industries and other fast-emerging digital commercial services would contribute to sustainable recovery.




Board of Trustees and Executive Team

Board of Trustees and Executive Team

Board of Trustees Mr John A. Huber (President) Mr George Micallef Mr Anton Borg Mr Tony Zahra Mr Charles Brincat Mr Sergio Vella Mr Tancred Tabone and Mr Mario Spiteri served on the Board until May 2011.

Executive Team Mr Joe Tanti (Chief Executive Officer) Mr Omar Cutajar (Permanent Delegate in Brussels) Ms Mariella Scicluna (Executive) Mr Daniel Debono (Projects Administrator) Mr Geoffrey Saliba (Life+ Investing in Water Project Manager)











Head Office Casa Leone

Brussels Office La Valette Business Centre

Pjazza Robert Samut Floriana, FRN1200 Malta

289, Avenue d’Auderghem B-1040 Brussels Belgium

info@mbb.org.mt www.mbb.org.mt

infobrussels@mbb.org.mt www.mbb.org.mt

Tel: +356 2125 1719

Tel: +32 485981124

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