MBB Annual Report 2014

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Malta Business Bureau Annual Report 2014

Official sponsors of the MBB Annual Report




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The Malta Business Bureau is the winner of the National Enterprise Support Award 2014.



Content House Group Mallia Buildings 3, Level 2, Triq in-Negozju Mriehel QRM3000 T: 00356 2132 0713 E: info@contenthouse.com.mt www.contenthouse.com.mt Editor: Joe Tanti Design: Nicholas Cutajar



Publication Sales Managers: Matthew Spiteri, Petra Urso Advertising Sales Coordinator: Lindsey Ciantar The Annual Report of the Malta Business Bureau is distributed to all members of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, all the members of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association and to leading public and private institutions in Malta and Brussels.


Foreword by the President

2014 has been an interesting year for the Malta Business Bureau (MBB). This report outlines various unprecedented achievements, which are expected to lead to more ambitious projects in the upcoming years. Firstly, this year the organisation strengthened its structure with the signing of a new statute between the parent organisations, that is the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. It also underwent a transition in its leadership, as is stipulated by the statute. As a result, in June I had the pleasure to accept the nomination to serve as President of the MBB for a two-year term.




By that time, the Bureau had actively participated in the European Parliament elections debate. Our role is to promote European issues of interest to the business community, and this is in fact what we pushed on the agenda. We were proud to contribute to a business manifesto that was published and was endorsed by the main business and employers’ organisations in Malta. The business manifesto was officially presented to the political parties and MEP candidates in May. 2014 also saw the conclusion of our largest EU funded project to date, the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project. This 30-month project resulted in an annual saving of 141 million litres of water, which amount to the average consumption of two medium sized four-star hotels and three large factories. The good work done by this project was acknowledged by various institutions. To start with, the MBB was awarded the ‘2014 National Enterprise Support Award’ by the Ministry for the Economy, and subsequently the project was shortlisted for the ‘European Enterprise Promotion Awards’. At the award ceremony held in October parallel to the SME Assembly in Naples, the MBB classified as a runner-up. This was the highest ranking ever achieved by a Maltese organisation. Later this year we also announced the launch of a new European Social Fund project ‘ESF 4.245 – Innovation Leaders: Improving Knowledge on EU Direct Funds’, which will be implemented by the MBB throughout 2015. The objective of the project is to train managers from industry to tap direct EU funds through master classes on three programmes of great relevance to the private sector: Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe.

that this will create better synergies and improve the value of advisory and support services offered to local businesses that wish to grow and internationalise. Another important initiative relates to a LIFE+ project on energy efficiency, which aims to support local businesses conform to the guidelines of the Energy Efficiency Directive that was transposed to Maltese law in June. This will not only enable enterprises to be more environmentally sustainable, but furthermore it will help them reduce energy costs and on a macro level help Malta meet its energy efficiency obligations as stipulated by the Europe 2020 targets. While eagerly expecting the outcome of these project applications, in 2015 the MBB will continue to be active in Brussels on the policy front, as it assesses the European Commission’s work programme and influence legislative proposals that may have an impact on our businesses. In this respect, a number of specific issues have already been outlined, and our team is expected to hold meetings and participate in all fora where it is possible to influence decisions. In conclusion, I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their valuable input throughout the year. A special thanks goes to CEO Joe Tanti and the Executive Team for their commitment and work that continues to drive this organisation forward. I am very positive on the MBB’s future. The work accomplished so far can only serve as a stimulus to work harder and achieve more ambitious results. We look forward to another productive year, offering a service to Maltese businesses, while representing their interests in the EU.

Furthermore, throughout the year the MBB invested substantial time and energy in identifying the needs of local businesses and consequently submitted new applications for EU funded projects, with the outcome expected to be known in 2015. For instance the MBB will be forming a consortium with Malta Enterprise, the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Council for Science and Technology, to host and implement the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) in Malta. We believe

Mario Spiteri PRESIDENT Malta Business Bureau




Every organisation requires to renew itself in order to grow and remain relevant with the times. Through its work and initiatives in 2014, the MBB did exactly that. It took stock of what worked well for it in the past, and used the experience to project its work for the present and the future. Following up on the achievements resulting from the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water project, we kept the environmental initiatives at the top of our agenda, and subsequently submitted a new application for another LIFE+ project that this time round will focus on promoting energy efficiency within businesses.


Implementing a LIFE+ project also confirmed to us the benefit of tapping direct EU funding. It is a known fact that there is a low absorption of EU funds by the private sector from programmes that are centrally managed by the European Commission. There are various explanations to this. Lack of knowledge, experience and resources are the most evident. For this reason, in 2014 we have submitted and were granted a European Social Fund project to use funds for this very purpose; that of increasing the knowledge and offer training to managers in the private sector on direct EU funding. This will certainly serve as professional development for the participants and capacity building for their companies, but also for the MBB. Our intention is to continue mentoring the managers together with our partners, the Brussels-based European Projects Association, with the objective of submitting projects for funding. Another important decision was to take a strategic role within the Enterprise Europe Network. This project required a lot of energy and commitment to get to submission stage. Throughout the application process, a strong collaborating sentiment was created between the participating consortium members, and this augurs well for the future, in particular as the hosting and project implementation will be for a seven-year period till the year 2020. The MBB’s primary role within the EEN Network will be to offer an enhanced advisory service to local businesses on EU policy and funding related issues. Furthermore it will boost its communications efforts via seminars, publications and interactive online tools. Through the consortium, the MBB will be able to support companies to get in contact with potential foreign partners within the network and to participate in tailored missions in other markets. Yet, while the MBB’s work is very visible on the EU projects front, it may be less so with regard to the work implemented in Brussels, even though in reality this remains our core area of activity. As you know, throughout the year many decisions are taken in Brussels that will somehow or other impact Malta as well as Maltese enterprises.

One consistent message that we have been voicing for many years is that EU policy should not be ‘one size fits all’. Small countries including Malta have a different reality with specific needs for its business community. In November, a new European Commission took office and a work programme for 2015 has been published. In this respect, a number of issues that require improving have been identified. Through a reinvigorated lobbying strategy, the MBB will be utilising its limited capacity more effectively to voice its position and suggested changes to European officials in the different stages of the EU’s legislative process. People in the business know that any success achieved through lobbying is an unsung victory. In spite of this, we believe that this is required and shall therefore remain committed to safeguard the interests of Maltese businesses. In conclusion, I would like to thank MBB President Mario Spiteri and his predecessor George Vella for their leadership and guidance throughout the year under review. I also thank our Board of Directors and the Director General/CEO of Malta Chamber and MHRA for their continuous support and advice. A special thanks goes to my team. I am proud to lead such a dedicated and committed team of professionals that believes and lives MBB’s vision. I am optimistic that 2015 will be another good year for the MBB. Likewise I wish all our readers a successful and productive year.

Joe Tanti Chief Executive Officer Malta Business Bureau




2014: A transition from Barroso II to Juncker Commission 2014 saw the standard five-year changing of the guard among the European Commission. Barroso II, the last Commission to have an appointed President, was replaced by the Juncker Commission. The Barroso II Commission The Barroso II Commission faced many challenges, perhaps the worst of which stemmed from the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis. This crisis then exploded into a sovereign debt crisis, which made people seriously wonder about the sustainability of not just the single currency, but also the Union itself. The Commission pushed for various initiatives among the member states, including austerity to secure stable national finances, as well as moving on to pushing for an increase in competitiveness. This came on the back of the competitiveness crisis, which saw our share of global GDP declining.

Focusing on competitiveness was largely achieved by attempting to make the single market easier for businesses to tap into, what with the various dossiers falling under the Single Market Acts I and II initiatives. The REFIT programme was also introduced, attempting to increase legislative simplification and reduce regulatory costs. Renewed funding for research and development was also negotiated, with the new Horizon 2020 programme being introduced during the last Commission. Aside from this, the Commission also introduced more ambitious energy targets, with which they hope to commit member states in order to ensure sustainable energy sources are used and thus ensuring greater collective action towards climate change mitigation.




© European Union 2014 - source:EP

Despite this good balance of issues on the table, there was strong criticism of the fact that the Barroso II Commission did not cross swords with the Council of the EU on critical issues. One can hope that the Commission’s political strength will be tested under the leadership of President Juncker.

The Juncker Commission The Juncker Commission was the first to use the Spitzenkandidaten system, whereby the result of the 2014 MEP elections directly reflected upon the leadership of the new European Commission. This, along with the resounding backing offered by MEPs to Juncker’s new College strengthens the institutional credibility of the incoming Commission whilst it lends a political legitimacy to his political mandate. From a business perspective, the new political programme carries both interesting and ambitious prospects, some of which had stalled during the Barroso II Commission. Such issues include the Financial Transactions Tax (FTT), the re-tabling of a proposal on a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB), and an ambitious revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Juncker’s political programme is very appealing in relation to the proposed way forward for a ‘deeper and fairer’ internal market based on a strengthened industrial base. Juncker re-instated the outgoing Barroso Commission target of re-balancing industry’s weight in the EU’s GDP

back to 20 per cent by 2020, from less than 16 per cent today. Mr Juncker should also be continuing Barroso’s mantra about the need for economic policies delivering sustainable economic growth, investment and new jobs. Juncker’s flagship proposal is his so-called ‘Investment Package’, worth up to €300billion, aimed at re-launching the EU economy whilst softening the blow of austerity measures that are increasingly being seen as a dangerous spiral of permanent economic stagnation. To this end, “more effective financial instruments, including in the form of loans or guarantees with greater risk capacity,” will be developed whilst a further increase in the European Investment Bank’s capital will be considered. The Juncker Commission also promises to be focused on the digital single market, through digital connectivity, copyright claims, the provision of cross-border telecom services, and data protection rules. In addition Juncker has made a commitment to conclude an ‘Energy Union’ for the EU to become the world’s number one producer of renewable energies. There is no doubt that the new Juncker Commission has several daunting and pressing challenges that it will need to overcome. However, one remains hopeful that it will deliver upon its positive, business-oriented vision and ambition.



Project closes with 141 million litres per annum saved




The MBB’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project closed in the year under review, announcing savings of 141,000,000 litres per annum among businesses and hotels collaborating with the project.

harvesting. More importantly, analysis of all the factories collaborating with the project showed that rainwater could meet the needs of around 50 per cent of industry’s current consumption.

The project highlighted a strong element of over-design in buildings, leading to an excessive consumption. The good news is that retro-fitting to reduce consumption has proved to be cost-effective and leads to excellent water and financial savings.

Minister for Energy Konrad Mizzi commended the project, stating: “this project is a good example of demand management and stakeholders taking direct and independent action to contribute to reducing demand. Results showed that big savings are possible, even in the industry.”

The project also identified excessive flow rates in showers and wash-hand basins, excessive toilet flushing volumes, rainwater harvesting, grey and black-water treatment as the water saving measures with the most potential locally. The project carried out audits in 136 enterprises and the amount of water being saved is enough to meet all the needs of two medium-sized four-star hotels and three large water-consuming factories. Furthermore, some enterprises are still in the process of planning or implementing water saving measures, and the amount of water saved in the long-term is therefore expected to increase further. The project helped individual enterprises reduce their consumption by 30 per cent through rainwater

Minister for Environment Leo Brincat also endorsed the project, saying: “with resource efficiency within the context of a knowledge based economy, will go to prove that the linkage between LIFE PROJECTS is not only of direct national benefit while leading to financial savings to industry, but it also leads to an innovative and creative way of mapping a new way ahead – one that creates new high quality jobs while ensuring our well-being.” Information gained through the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project outlines a vision for a more sustainable industry – for instance the hotel industry alone could reduce costs by €7,500,000 per annum if certain water and energy management measures



were to be incorporated. Through the project a set of recommendations were prepared, focusing on water management policy for industry. These were presented to the European Commission’s DG ENV Unit, the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA), the Ministry for Sustainable Development and Climate Change, and the Ministry for Energy and Health – under which the water conservation portfolio falls. Indeed, it is worth highlighting that the MTA has already adopted certain recommendations, increasing the emphasis of grey-water treatment within the hotel sector. The recommendations placed through the project may be accessed from the website – www.investinginwater.org Flow rate regulation and grey-water treatment could lead to a hotel industry consuming significantly less water

and energy. The implications are, increased profitability due to decreased operating costs, and an enhanced environmental performance. The broader economic implications, particularly with regards to boosting the domestic green economy, are also attractive. In short – grey-water treatment and flow rate regulation appear to have tremendous potential on many fronts, and their widespread adoption would lead to an evolution within the hotel industry. The MBB believes this is a vision worth exploring, and will be informing businesses about future actions and projects in due course.



In November 2014, the Malta Business Bureau announced the launch of its new European Social Fund project: ESF 4.245 - Innovation Leaders: Improving Knowledge on EU Direct Funds. The ESF-funded programme will provide training on the three EU direct funding programmes of greatest relevance to private industry: Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe; the MBB aims to create a Learning and Exchange Network on EU direct funding programmes in co-ordination with their Brussels-based transnational partner, the European Projects Association (EPA). The EPA is a non-profit organisation focused on research and development, innovation and internationalisation.




This network will act as a “train-the-trainers” structure revolving around training key individuals from private enterprises, on how EU direct funding works, the identification of potential project opportunities, the process of filling out an application, the structuring of project consortia as well as project implementation and reporting, all under the direct mentoring of the trainer sourced through the EPA network of experts. Training will take place in Malta and in Gozo, where participants will be required to work on simulated proposals as an integral part of their training programme. Applicants will be assessed on the quality of their projects with a simulation exercise constituting as a key element for their final assessment so as to determine the successful completion of the training. Moreover, those with the most feasible proposals will be selected to attend an institutional study visit in Brussels organised by the MBB in conjunction with the EPA.

The three, full day master class training programmes, will be held in March, April and June 2015 and will focus on the following modules, tailored to each respective funding stream (Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, and Creative Europe): • What are direct EU funds and how they work? • Business development element: identification of project opportunities • Building a project concept • Identification of the right funding stream • Applying for direct EU funds • Project Implementation • Project reporting For more information and to apply please contact Karla Chetcuti Bonavita, Project Coordinator, on +356 2125 1719 or karla@mbb.org.mt



Business Agenda marks its fifth anniversary Business Agenda – a leading business title and the official business publication of the Malta Business Bureau – celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2014 – an important milestone in the life of Business Agenda, as the past five years have seen the publication grow in credibility, size and reputation.


business agenda Five years ago, the Malta Business Bureau – the official body that represents the interests of Maltese businesses in Brussels and provides regular information and assistance to Maltese businesses on business and EU-related matters – and Content House Group – one of the leading media organisations in Malta – joined forces to create Business Agenda, with the aim of providing local businesses with a fresh and credible source of information on EU and business-related matters.


anniversary 2009 2014




business agenda


anniversary 2009 2014

Joe Tanti, Chief Executive Officer of the Malta Business Bureau, outlined the publication’s importance for Maltese businesses: “looking back, when I took over as CEO of the Malta Business Bureau in 2009, the Bureau’s development strategy was realigned primarily to strengthen the organisation’s own distinct identity, while focusing at the same time on the expansion of the services portfolio. Business Agenda was aimed at being a strategic element of the MBB’s evolving mission function, enabling the organisation to raise its profile and get closer to the business community. I am pleased to say that thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of the team at MBB and Content House, Business Agenda has become a cutting-edge business publication with a difference, providing the latest business and EU-related news, analyses, features and interviews that are relevant to the Maltese business community.” Jesmond Bonello, Managing Director of Content House Group, stated that “this is an important milestone for Business Agenda. We are very happy that after five years, Business Agenda has continued to grow and has become a strong leading business publication in the local market. I would like to thank all the team – both at the Content House and at MBB – that works on Business Agenda as well as the hundreds of regular advertisers that believe in this successful project.”

Since the Malta Business Bureau is jointly owned by the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry as well as the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, Business Agenda is the only business publication that is distributed to all business sectors in Malta – be it retail, tourism and hospitality, services and the manufacturing industry.



Calendar of events 15th January

16th January

MBB and MHRA present recommendations on the contribution of grey-water treatment to Minister Leo Brincat

Seminar on facilitating cross-border business and debt recovery in the EU

The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) and Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) presented recommendations submitted as part of the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, to Minister Leo Brincat, who is responsible for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change. The recommendations focus on the contribution of grey-water treatment by the hotel industry as a Green Economy initiative. The recommendations highlight that if a policy encouraging grey-water treatment were adopted, the hotel industry could reduce its water consumption by nearly 500,000m³ per annum, representing savings of around €1million. Apart from strengthening the competitiveness of the hospitality industry, this would also generate around 20 full-time equivalent jobs in the private waste water treatment sector.

The recommendations support the adoption of a policy encouraging the voluntary implementation of greywater treatment, twinned with a financing system for environmental upgrade projects for hotels. The policy should aim at a widespread adoption of grey-water treatment over a medium-term, as this would give hotel operators time to upgrade plumbing during infrastructural renovations.

The European Commission, in collaboration with the MBB, held a business seminar aimed at informing businesses on the EU’s measures to facilitate cross-border business and debt recovery in the European single market. The event was held as part of a European Commission’s campaign to help SMEs recover debts across borders. This aims to inform SMEs on how to take advantage of existing laws and tools in order to pursue debtors in other countries more successfully. Introducing the event, Martin Bugelli, then Head of the European Commission Representation in Malta, emphasised the crucial importance of keeping stakeholders informed about developments within the single market. MBB President George Vella, gave an insight into the European Commission’s initiatives aimed at facilitating cross-border debt recovery in the single market.


21st January A presentation on pre-contractual issues and contract design was given by Hugh Ward, from Hugh J Ward & Co Solicitors in Ireland. This was followed by a presentation by Simon Camilleri, representing CreditInfo, who explained the basic safeguards a company should undertake before committing to trade with another business. Such safeguards can significantly cut down on the burden of having to initiate debt recovery procedures. Domestic and EU enforcement procedures were delved into by Daniel Buttigieg and Adrian Attard from Fenech & Fenech Advocates. Drs. Buttigieg and Attard also explained the step by step process businesses can undertake in order to ensure a smooth recovery process. At the end of the seminar, an open panel discussion with all the speakers was chaired by Josef Busuttil from the Malta Association of Credit Management.

European Elections 2014: A Maltese Business Manifesto The European Parliament Office in Malta along with the main business organisations launched a process leading to the drawing up of a joint manifesto on the expectations of Maltese businesses for the European Parliament legislature and in view of the elections that took place later in May. Senior representatives of the MBB, Malta Chamber, MHRA, General Retailers and Traders Union (GRTU), and the Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) exchanged views with candidate MEPs on their expectations in view of their prospective mandate in the European Parliament. The discussion kick-started with a presentation by Dr Peter Agius, Head of the European Parliament Office, who described the work of the European Parliament committees as the battleground where proposals and ideas are promoted or axed to finally end up as European laws affecting all businesses.

The business organisations then intervened, highlighting their perspectives for the European Parliament elections and other outstanding issues on the EU agenda. Reduction of regulatory burdens, ‘one size fits all’, access to finance, EU funding, public procurement and employment conditions were among the themes discussed. MEP candidates participating in the discussion were Alfred Sant and Ivan Grixti for the Labour Party, Helga Ellul and Jonathan Shaw for the Nationalist Party and Carmel Cacopardo for Alternattiva Demokratika.




Calendar of events

7th February

11th February

WORKSHOP on business experiences of EU Funding

Round-table on financial services and impact on local economy

The objectives, good use and existing shortcomings of EU funding were discussed by representatives of businesses with candidates for the European Parliament election in a round-table discussion organised by the European Parliament Office. The event was one of a series of similar discussions being held as part of an information campaign leading up to the elections in May. The MBB was invited to give a presentation at the event on the various streams of EU funding available from which Maltese enterprises have benefit so far. This was delivered by MBB Projects Manager Geoffrey Saliba and Executive Mark Seychell. Parliamentary Secretary for EU funds Dr Ian Borg referred to proposals made at EU level for a minimum portion of structural funds to be committed in favour of SMEs. “Malta,” he said, “welcomes this proposal and the Government is exploring how best to ensure access to such funds.” He also stressed the importance of diligent use of EU funds as the abuse of the few could tarnish the reputation of other beneficiaries. He called on business representative bodies to be proactive in flagging any misuse of funding opportunities.

Omar Cutajar, Permanent Delegate of the MBB in Brussels, moderated a round-table debate on financial services during an event that was held at Europe House, Valletta. Following the economic crisis, decisions had to be taken to support the banking sector and eventually to ensure that the proper safeguards be put in place to avoid a similar meltdown in the future. This scenario dominated the EU’s agenda in the last five years. Meanwhile, the banking sector in Malta remained relatively strong, thanks to a traditionally prudent approach and a solid regulatory

framework. The financial services industry in general was not badly hit compared to elsewhere in Europe, where governments had to step in to save ailing operators. Building on the success achieved in this field in the past 20 years, Malta has been opposing proposals for a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) and a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). These were some of the issues discussed between practitioners from the financial services and MEP candidates. This event was one of a series of information events being organised by the European Parliament Office.


Calendar of events

14th February

Official launch of the Maltese Business Manifesto

The main bodies representing Maltese business launched a joint document highlighting their priorities and expectations in view of the European elections. In the presence of a good number of MEP candidates, they discussed the focus areas pointed out in the document. The need for better dialogue between stakeholders and MEPs stood out as a recurrent theme. It remains key for representatives of Maltese business in European fora to point out Malta’s specific circumstances but, at the same time, SMEs ought to draw on the existing opportunities and better exploit the potential of the European single market.

The manifesto, entitled ‘We’re in business together’, was drawn up jointly by the MBB, Malta Chamber, MHRA, GRTU and the Malta Employers’ Association. MBB Vice President Mario Spiteri represented the Bureau on the panel discussion at a business seminar that was coordinated by the European Parliament Office in Malta. Recommendations put forward by the MBB highlighted ways that the MEPs can improve the promotion of business interests in Europe. One way that this can be achieved is for them to have constant contact with business organisations in order to ensure that MEPs will be up to date with what is currently at European Commission proposal stage, as well

as with the position of the Maltese business towards it. They should also pursue better inter-parliamentary collaboration between the European Parliament and the shadow committees tasked with the equivalent scope of activities within the National House of Representatives. This would allow for a framework whereby the House of Representatives tasks elected MEPs with debriefings of the ongoing work in the various European Parliament committees in order to ensure that the national parliament is kept as up to date as much as possible.




Calendar of events

24-26th February

UK experts address workshop on food labelling and allergen disclosure

Anticipating the changes of a new EU Regulation on the provision of food labelling and information to consumers, the MBB organised two practical workshop sessions aimed at educating and informing the hospitality sector and food importers. This was done in conjunction with the British High Commission. The new regulation includes a requirement to state nutritional information on processed foods, the origin of unprocessed meat from pigs, sheep, goats and poultry. Furthermore

it became mandatory to highlight allergens, such as peanuts or milk, in the lists of ingredients. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the new food labelling requirements of the new EU Regulation. The workshops also served to train the participants on how to handle allergens during the preparation, cooking and final presentation of freshly-made meals. The workshops were organised with the support of the MHRA and the Institute for Tourism Studies.

Two senior food policy experts from the UK Food Standards Agency, Dr Chun-Han Chan and Tendy Lindsay, conducted the workshops. They led discussions on the new EU food safety rules and outlined ways to make mandatory information about all food allergens more accessible to customers. Dr Chan and Ms Lindsay also had the opportunity to meet senior officials from the Malta Tourism Authority and the Environment Health Directorate.


Calendar of events

11th March

28th March

MBB CEO nominated on EC Working Group on the ‘Modernisation of Higher Education’


Following a nomination by BUSINESSEUROPE, MBB CEO Joe Tanti participated in the first of a series of workshops that focus on the modernisation of higher education under the strategic framework of ‘Education and Training 2020’. The working group aims to enable policymakers, on the basis of country evidence, national and institutional good practices, to develop effective strategies for reforms and to identify the conditions needed for implementing them. Mr Tanti’s participation in this working group is funded by the European Commission.

The MBB announced at the closing conference of the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project that a total savings of 141 million litres per annum were being saved among businesses and hotels collaborating with the project. The event was attended by 60 representatives from industry and stakeholders, who among others were also addressed by Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and Environment Minister Leo Brincat.

praised the project defining it as “a concept of the Green Economy that requires us to reformulate fundamentally the way we produce, consume and live, so that our economic activities do not harm human health and the environment. It all boils down to living well within planetary limits while encouraging us all to do much more with less resources. Life+ Projects are a pivotal tool that will make it happen.”

MBB President George Vella said “the project highlighted a strong element of over-design in buildings, leading to an excessive consumption. The good news is that retro-fitting to reduce consumption has proved to be costeffective, and leads to excellent water and financial savings.”

The project published its Layman’s Report at the event. The report summarises project actions, results and how the partners intend to continue working on reducing industry’s demand following the project conclusion. The report may be downloaded from www.investinginwater.org.

Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said “this project is a good example of demand management and stakeholders taking direct and independent action to contribute to reducing demand. Results showed that big savings are possible, even in the industry.” Environment Minister Leo Brincat

MBB CEO Joe Tanti concluded the event by thanking all collaborating enterprises, the project team led by Geoffrey Saliba, the water engineers engaged to carry out technical work Ing. Marco Cremona, Ing. Christian Zammit and Perit Celine Schranz, and the co-financiers and sponsors of the project.




Calendar of events

13th May

Debate on business competitiveness A political debate held by the MBB highlighted that safeguarding competitiveness through economic growth, environmental protection and social responsibility should be a priority for the next European Parliament legislature (2014-2019). The debate, entitled ‘European Elections – Debating the Real European Issues’ focused on issues at a European level which will be tackled by the newly elected European Parliament over the next five years. Such issues will also have a profound impact on the business community at large. MEP candidates nominated by the three main political parties participated in the debate. These were Marlene Mizzi for the Labour Party, Helga Ellul for the Nationalist Party and Carmel Cacopardo for Alternattiva Demokratika. The debate was moderated by Vanessa Macdonald, Business Editor at The Times of Malta. Topics for discussion included curbing budget deficits, the business environment and energy policy. All parties agreed that reducing national budget deficits is of extreme importance in order to maintain a competitive environment for business. The European People’s Party believes that economic stimulus and austerity should go hand in hand. Ms Ellul explained further, “we must consolidate our finances and control

public spending. There must be a very fine balance between austerity and economic stimulus.” On the issue of the business environment, it was stressed that job creation is crucial. However, this can only come about if the right conditions are created for SMEs to be able to grow further, leading to increased employment. MEP Mizzi pointed towards the tenpoint plan drawn up by the Socialist Party in the European Parliament, entitled ‘Europe Back to Work’ which aims to facilitate such measures. She stated that, “the fulcrum of this tenpoint plan is the SMEs themselves. Jobs cannot be created without the optimum environment being created for SMEs to grow.” Energy policy was also discussed, with particular reference being made to the European Renewable Energy Community being proposed

by the European Green Party. This proposal aims at addressing the need to stimulate the green economy in renewable energy. “Setting up a Renewable Energy Community would go a long way to facilitate research and innovation in the sector, while paving the way for commercially viable projects which could produce renewable energy,” claimed Mr Cacopardo. George Vella, then President of the Malta Business Bureau, closed the event by citing the importance of constant communication between the newly elected MEPs and their teams, and business intermediary bodies such as the MBB. “It is imperative that the newly elected MEPs keep a solid link with Maltese business. In return, Maltese businesses should take a more active role in the design of European legislation through their MEPs,” Mr Vella said.



Calendar of events

14th May

MBB wins National Enterprise Support Awards

The MBB’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project was awarded first place at the 2014 National Enterprise Support Awards. This was organised by the Commerce Department which forms part of the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business. The national competition is the first phase of a European drive to recognise excellence in promoting entrepreneurship. The MBB’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water project was submitted based on its contribution to help enterprises improve their resource efficiency. Minister Chris Cardona congratulated the MBB on achieving first place with their innovative project. He said that the main objectives of such an initiative reflect the commitment the Government has pledged to the needs of small enterprises. “Economic growth

– both on a European and a local level – depends greatly on these enterprises and for this reason, the Government cannot but support such initiatives,” Minister Cardona said. The EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project ran for 30 months from October 2011 to March 2014. During this period 136 enterprises collaborated with the project, sharing and being provided with recommendations and training on how to implement water saving best practice. By the project’s end, enterprises which adopted water saving measures were saving an estimated 141 million litres of water every year – enough to supply the needs of two medium-sized four-star hotels and three large water consuming factories.

Commenting on the award, MBB CEO Joe Tanti said “while thanking the panel for this prestigious award, we must also credit the enterprises which have recognised the need for increased resource efficiency, collaborated with the project, adopted water saving measures and reduced their consumption. These enterprises, which recognise that environmental measures make business sense, are pioneers in driving industry to ever higher levels of sustainability.” Mr Tanti thanked Project Manager Geoffrey Saliba and the project team for their work in ensuring the project was a success. As a result of this award, the MBB was nominated to compete in the prestigious European Enterprise Promotion Awards.


Calendar of events

26th May

27th May

Annual Board Meeting

Round-table event on Better Regulation

The MBB held its Annual Board Meeting in the presence of the Presidents of the parent organisations; the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association. During this meeting, a new Board was elected for a term of two years. This saw the departure of two long serving Directors, Anton Borg and George Micallef, who both gave invaluable contribution towards the growth of the organisation. They were replaced by Tony Zahra and Dr John Vassallo respectively. Mario Spiteri, George Vella, Charles Brincat and Charles Zahra were re-elected for another term.

Mr George Micallef

Mr Anton Borg

A debate organised by the MBB and the British High Commission focused on the EU’s ‘Better Regulation Agenda’. This brought together key business representatives and decision makers to discuss progress and ways of simplifying bureaucracy in the EU, which often impedes the growth of business. The event was part of an ongoing cooperation between the two entities. Opening the event, British High Commissioner Rob Luke said: “as the dust settles after the European elections, all European governments agree the importance of restoring growth, boosting competitiveness and creating jobs. Key to that is letting business get on with it, unfettered by needless or cumbersome regulation. Our discussions today showed that the UK and Malta share the goal of better regulation at EU and national level.” Anthony Agius Decelis, Commissioner for Simplification and Reduction of

Bureaucracy stated: “this Government is committed to improve public service delivery through simplification of regulation and administrative procedures, cutting red tape by 25 per cent. It is geared to generate wealth and economic prosperity for its citizens, investors and entrepreneurs. We aim to give our support to businesses to grow and thrive successfully through better regulation initiatives such as the ‘one in, one out’ and ‘sunset clauses’ principle.” Omar Cutajar, MBB Permanent Delegate in Brussels updated participants on the state of progress on the EU Better Regulation agenda. He shed light on how the European Commission is committed towards a competitiveness proofing policy with its REFIT programme in order to ensure more business-friendly regulation.




Calendar of events

2nd June

MBB announces new President The MBB announced its new President, Mario Spiteri, who will be serving in this role for a two-year term. Mr Spiteri is an entrepreneur involved in tourism, insurance, local and international real estate, and financial and management consultancy. Throughout his career he worked in senior management roles, predominantly in the financial services sector, for established firms such as KPMG, Cutrico Services Group, Investment Finance Bank Ltd, APS Bank, Malta External Trade Corporation and GasanMamo Insurance Ltd. Mr Spiteri is a Certified Public Accountant, a Fellow of the Malta Institute of Accountants and also a Member of the Malta Institute of Management. For many years, he served on various committees, including as elected Council Member and Honorary Treasurer at the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and currently represents the Malta Chamber as board member of the Malta Community Chest Fund and the Malta Trade Fairs Corporation. On his appointment as new MBB President Mr Spiteri commented: “I am pleased to have been given this opportunity to contribute towards the local business community. In the last few years the MBB has established itself as a key stakeholder on EU-business affairs. I look forward to help the Bureau sustain its growth particularly by strengthening its EU lobbying efforts and continue implementing EU-funded projects for the benefit of businesses.� The MBB thanked George Vella, who was at the helm of the organisation for the previous two years, for his dedication and commitment to see the Bureau develop and increase its services to the Maltese private sector. Mr Vella remains involved as a member of the Board of Directors.


23rd June

MBB CEO represents Eurochambres in a policy dialogue on higher education MBB CEO Joe Tanti represented Eurochambres in a dialogue meeting on higher education, with the participation of southern Mediterranean representatives. This forum was set up by DG Education and Culture in 2012 with the objective of providing a regional platform for policy dialogue on higher education, and to share good practice as well as experience among the participants. Following the initial actions to strengthen the promotion of Erasmus+ amongst higher educational institutions and to carry out thematic events to support regional peerlearning, this meeting discussed a roadmap of activities to take place over the next two years. The events will be organised at a regional level by European bodies in the field of higher education, vocational education and training. Sustainable Energy Europe & ManagEnergy Awards 2014 During the same visit, Mr Tanti was also invited to participate in a networking event as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week. The event showcased successful case studies in renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean transport. The objective was to inspire other projects and boost replication. Mr Tanti’s visit was supported by the European Commission.




Calendar of events

18th September

High profile round-table workshop on bridging youth to business

The MBB collaborated with the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) and Agenzija Zghazagh to organise a high-profile round-table event that focused on bridging the communication between the private sector and youth workers/career advisors. This initiative was part of an Erasmus+ project entitled ‘Cross Over’, which is a Key Action 2 project aiming to foster cooperation between organisations from different countries in the fields of youth work and non-formal learning for young people. The session explored in what ways youths’ attitude and soft skills determine the selection for a job. This was reflected particularly in the context of low skilled jobs that do not require a high level of education. The objectives of the event were for the private and youth sectors to share and exchange experiences in order to get a better understanding of current practices, as well as to set up

a dialogue for long-term partnerships and future actions.

the manufacturing, retail, waste management and hospitality sectors.

The session was moderated by PBS News Production and Current Affairs Manager, Mario Xuereb. An introductory presentation was given by MBB CEO Joe Tanti and Agenzija Zghazagh CEO Miriam Teuma, who kicked off the discussion by outlining a number of issues experienced by the private and youth sectors. Mr Tanti referred to the fact that despite certain jobs being classified as low skilled work, the private sector expected to recruit individuals with some basic training. Primarily they should have awareness on the importance of customer service and a positive attitude.

A number of recommendations emanating from the session included the development of training programmes specifically designed for non-skilled workers wishing to enter the labour market; the provision of a better industry experience to youths particularly to secondary school students; and the importance of enticing more students to work during summer to gain experience. All agreed that this dialogue should be continued and to involve further stakeholders for a more holistic approach.

The Malta Chamber was represented by Matthias Fauser, Chairman of the Manufacturers and Other Industries Economic Group, and the MHRA was represented by Council Member Isabella Debattista. Other participants from the private sector came from

As part of the ‘Cross Over’ Erasmus+ project, representatives from both sectors were nominated to participate in a trans-national dialogue that took place in Latvia in December.



Calendar of events

19th September

MEP Roberta Metsola visits MBB

During a visit to the MBB, MEP Roberta Metsola agreed to collaborate in the best interest of Maltese businesses and consumers. She expressed her wish to have a more open and continuous dialogue with businesses so as to be in a position to take their concerns on EU legislation into consideration. “Too often I hear businesses complain that the EU-decision making process is too far away from their every-day reality and I believe that through continuous dialogue we can help address this. Malta’s businesses have a lot to contribute on an EU level. We need to find the right balance between safeguarding consumer rights and not increasing unnecessary bureaucracy or unfair burdens on small businesses,” said Dr Metsola.

The MBB touched on a number of issues and particularly expressed its concern on the EU Data Protection package. CEO Joe Tanti said that this could negatively affect businesses in Malta as it could impose unreasonable financial burdens on SMEs. “This could mean that businesses would have to employ an officer to deal with Data Protection when the number of people employed by the company may already be very limited,” he noted. Dr Metsola said that while a high degree of data protection is essential, she agreed that a one size fits all approach could not work. “We cannot treat multi-national conglomerates with the same glove as we would with an SME employing a smaller number of people,” said Dr Metsola.

Dr John Vassallo, who was representing the MBB Board of Directors, augured that this would be the start of a continuous dialogue with MEP Metsola and other MEPs, both local and foreign, throughout this legislature. “In addition to providing the Maltese business position on various legislative proposals issued by the European Commission, the MBB is also looking forward to work proactively on developing long-term policy proposals that would ultimately add value to the local business community,” he stated. Also present for the meeting were Senior Executive Daniel Debono from the MBB and Francesca Debono from MEP Metsola’s office.


23rd September

2nd October

MBB Senior Executive participates in European Business Forum on Vocational Training


MBB Senior Executive Daniel Debono participated in the European Business Forum on Vocational Training, which had the theme of ‘Business and VET – Working together for growth and competitiveness’. This was the second forum being held following the first edition that took place in June 2012. The European Business Forum on Vocational Training was set up following a recommendation by European Ministers for VET and Social Partners to the European Commission in December 2010.

From Left: MBB CEO Joe Tanti, then EU Commissioner Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and MBB President Mario Spiteri

The aim of the forum is to provide a high-level platform for exchanges between the education and training sectors, businesses and policy makers, on a wide range of topics related to excellence, attractiveness and relevance of skills to labour market needs.

The MBB’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project classified as runner-up in the ‘Supporting the development of green markets and resource efficiency’ category at the 2014 European Enterprises Promotion Award. This was held during the SME Assembly in Naples.

Among others, this year’s edition saw the participation of European Commissioner for Education Androulla Vassiliou; Maxime Cerutti, who is Social Affairs Director at Businesseurope; Mikael Andersson from the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA); and Cedefop Director Dr James Calleja.

This was only the second time that a Maltese project was shortlisted since the start of this EU initiative nearly ten years ago. The MBB was nominated for these awards as a result of winning the National Enterprise Support Awards earlier in May. The winner of the category was a Portuguese project by the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, Public Enterprise (AICEP) that implemented a project which resulted in greenhouse gas reduction.




Calendar of events

13th October

MBB Project Manager awarded by THE European Projects Association

MBB project manager Geoffrey Saliba was presented with an award by the European Projects Association for his role in managing the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, at an awards event held at the European Parliament. This is the fourth consecutive year that the European Projects Awards were held. The awards this year featured 12 examples of excellence in European projects, and rewarded personalities

that contributed to the development of the European Union during the programming period 2007-2013. MBB CEO Joe Tanti said “this award comes after the MBB won the 2014 National Enterprise Support Awards, and classified as runner-up in the Green Markets and Resource Efficiency category at the European Enterprise Promotion Awards, which was organised by the European Commission.” He also reiterated

the MBB’s commitment to continue maximising EU funding opportunities by submitting new projects, which would benefit the local private sector, the environment and the economy at large. Mr Saliba was acknowledged for his management and communications role in the successful implementation of the project.


Calendar of events

16th October

MBB officials part of Malta Chamber’s delegation to THE European Parliament of Enterprises MBB President Mario Spiteri, CEO Joe Tanti and Permanent Delegate Omar Cutajar, accompanied the Malta Chamber delegation at the European Parliament for Enterprises in Brussels. The Maltese delegation was led by Deputy President Anton Borg, and also included members of the Chamber’s Council and Board of Management. Mr Borg addressed the plenary meeting of the European Parliament of Enterprises. During his intervention, which focused on the needs of island states and regions, he explained that the external dependencies and remote insularities of island states and regions such as Malta seriously hamper the capability of such countries to be competitive. He appealed for the adoption of the principle of common

but differentiated responsibilities, rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach, so as to recognise differences between countries’ economic and technical capacity to address certain inherent disadvantages. During the same visit, the delegation met with the Employers’ Group President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Jacek Krawczyk. The meeting was organised by the Maltese employers’ representative, Stefano Mallia.

21st October

MBB CEO participated in a round-table debate at a CEDEFOP workshop in Thessaloniki MBB CEO Joe Tanti participated in a round-table debate on emerging new roles of training providers at a CEDEFOP workshop. The event was entitled ‘Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning in continuing vocational education and training’. With the role of training providers continuously changing and expanding, they are becoming more involved in collaborating with employers in the design of training. Trainers therefore have a key role to reinforce the quality

of training and its ability to meet job requirements and firms’ specific needs. The workshop event was addressed to European and national policy‐makers, including social partners and other key stakeholders working in the field of continuing vocational education and training (CVET) such as human resources managers, training providers and researchers. The workshop focused on the effective use of work‐based learning in CVET in firms and how this can be supported through public policies and different modes of

governance. It aimed to share new knowledge and practical experience in work based learning for adults, to discuss their implications for policy and practice, and to inspire action. Mr Tanti was also invited to moderate one of the workshops entitled, ‘The emerging new roles of training providers’. Mr Tanti’s visit was sponsored by CEDEFOP.




Calendar of events

23rd October

Business seminar on start-ups and crowdfunding as part of the 2014 SME Week activities The MBB and the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business organised a business seminar on start-ups and crowdfunding as part of the 2014 SME Week activities. Among other key note speakers, Oliver Gajda, President of the European Crowdfunding Network, addressed the seminar. Mr Gajda discussed the surge of crowdfunding in recent years and how this offered an alternative financing means to start-ups and SMEs at a time when the credit market was slowly recovering from the economic crisis. The presentation was given in the context of a debate aimed to explore Malta’s potential to attract and nurture start-ups, particularly through business incubation. It then discussed how crowdfunding can serve as a financing instrument to finance innovative and creative projects that usually find it hard to secure traditional financing such as bank loans. The seminar was first addressed by Ing. Ray Muscat, who took stock of the start-up offering in Malta and put forward policy recommendations on frameworks as well as incentives required in order to increase Malta’s potential in becoming a regional startup hub. Dr Anton Bartolo discussed the role of business incubators, particularly of the University of Malta’s Take Off incubator, to support

and direct innovative start-ups in setting off to the right business direction. Vanessa MacDonald, editor for The Business Observer, moderated the panel debates with the participation of other speakers including Dr Alexandra Bush from Oxford University, George Vella from the Malta Business Bureau, Tyron Lloyd Baron from Inbound Muse – a local start-up, and Kris Micallef who has funded a project through crowdfunding. In the introductory note, MBB President Mario Spiteri made a case for the need for varied financing instruments in Malta. “While crowdfunding is buzzing all over Europe, in Malta, it is still rather dormant. Very few have so far sought

to use crowdfunding to finance their business initiatives,” he said. “The Malta Business Bureau believes now is the opportune time to put this instrument on the local credit map, and discuss how it can further support enterprises in Malta,” he continued. The event was also addressed by the Minister for the Economy, Hon Chris Cardona. He noted that “crowdfunding is certainly intriguing – not just because it can be used for market research, financing or marketing. It works at an emotional level too, with funders becoming ambassadors for the project or business they support. And, let’s face it, where a funder brings business skills as well as finance that is to be welcomed too.”


Calendar of events

24th October

27th October

MBB CEO participates in panel debate on Access to Finance Day seminar

Information session on The SME Instrument

MBB CEO Joe Tanti was invited to participate in a panel debate during a business seminar hosted by the European Commission. In this session businesses and public officials received information on the EU financial instruments, and had an exchange of views on the situation of access to finance in Malta. In his intervention, Mr Tanti talked about the MBB report published last year on Market Gaps in Access to Finance, which for instance highlighted that 72 per cent of SMEs in the start-up phase are currently using ‘traditional’ lending products such as loans and overdrafts when these are not necessarily the best solution for companies that are going through this stage of development. 30 per cent of local enterprises also said that they found it difficult to raise the finance required to further their development.

The MBB co-organised a business seminar with Malta Chamber and the European Commission Representation in Malta with the objective of providing information on the current EU funding and technical assistance opportunities for innovative start-ups and SMEs, particularly through ‘The SME Instrument’. Pierre Roubaud, Head of Sector Coaching, Reporting and Stakeholders from EASME gave an interactive presentation on the opportunities offered under the SME Instrument through which innovative start-up companies can initially benefit from. Dr Joanna Drake gave a general overview of the EU financing programmes for SMEs and showcased the European Commission’s initiatives over the last programming period. She reiterated the Commission’s commitment to continue supporting

SMEs and explained how enterprises can benefit from future programmes. Malta Chamber’s Deputy President Anton Borg set off the discussion with a presentation on the need to set up an innovations, research and development strategy for innovative start-ups in Malta. The seminar was also addressed by the Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds, Hon Ian Borg. Concluding the event, MBB President Mario Spiteri said that the EU, hand in hand with business organisations, should do more to help businesses understand the nature of EU funds and how best they can be put to use. He augured that more local SMEs put effort in developing innovative initiatives and successfully manage to receive funding to achieve projects that in the absence of such capital would be very difficult to achieve.




Calendar of events

28th October

4th November

MBB bid to implement European Social Fund project approved

MBB President participates in a Eurochambres panel debate in Brussels

Over the next 12 months, the MBB will be implementing a European Social Fund project entitled ‘Innovation Leaders – Tapping Direct EU Funding’. The project was awarded to the MBB following an open call for applications issued under the Operational Programme II Priority Axis 4, programming period 20072013. The project’s objective is to increase the capacity building within companies by training managers from the private sector to tap direct EU funds. The MBB, in partnership with the Brussels-based European Projects Association, will be organising intensive training programmes on three EU funding streams: Horizon 2020, Creative Europe and Erasmus+. The training sessions are expected to commence in March 2015. As part of this training, the participants would be expected to develop a detailed project proposal with the intention of submitting applications for EU funding. The most innovative proposals will receive further mentoring by the Malta Business Bureau and the European Projects Association. More information on the ESF project ‘Innovation Leaders – Tapping Direct EU Funding’ can be viewed on Page 23. Any other queries can be directed to Project Coordinator Karla Chetcuti Bonavita on karla@mbb.org.mt or 21 25 1719.

MBB President Mario Spiteri was invited to participate in a panel debate by Eurochambres. Mr Spiteri shared his experience as an entrepreneur as well as his views on the challenges of SMEs to access finance. The workshop’s objective was to come up with a set of recommendations for SMEs in general to improve their prospects of accessing finance, and for national and EU institutions to set up a vision to introduce effective solutions for SME financing.

During his visit in Brussels, Mr Spiteri had the opportunity to hold other meetings with Ben Butters, a Director at Eurochambres; Christian de Barrin, Hotrec CEO; Therese de Liedekerke, Managing Director at BUSINESSEUROPE; H.E. Marlene Bonnici, Malta’s Permanent Representative to the EU; and H.E. Ray Azzopardi, Malta’s Ambassador to Belgium. Mr Spiteri was accompanied by MBB Permanent Delegate Omar Cutajar.

7th November

Project Coordinator joins MBB The MBB is pleased to announce that Karla Chetcuti Bonavita has joined the MBB team as a Project Coordinator. Her role will be to oversee the implementation of the ESF project ‘Innovation Leaders – Tapping Direct EU Funding’.

Ms Chetcuti Bonavita has a long experience working in project management and coordination in the private sector. She has graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Bachelor of Science.


3-4th December

MBB Senior Executive participates in the Erasmus+ Cross Over training programme in Latvia

MBB Senior Executive Daniel Debono formed part of a Maltese delegation participating in a training seminar focusing on the new Erasmus+ funding programme, which was organised as part of the Cross Over project. The aim of the Cross Over project was to bring together stakeholders from the business, educational and youth sectors, with the aim of exchanging

ideas for potential partnership in project proposals for Erasmus+ funding. Mr Debono was joined by Rachel Bartolo, representing the Malta Chamber; Isabella Debattista, representing the MHRA; Jason Zammit and Bryan Magro, representing the Agenzija Zghazagh.

The respective organisations recognise the value of inter-sectoral partnership and are exploring various avenues for partnership in future Erasmus+ projects. The Maltese delegation’s visit was funded by the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).




Board of Directors & Executive Team Directors

Mario Spiteri

Tony Zahra

George Vella


Vice President


*George Micallef and Anton Borg served on the Board till May 2014

Executive Team

Joe Tanti

Omar Cutajar

Geoffrey Saliba


EU Affairs Manager

Projects Development Manager

*Justine Cuschieri and Solange Vella served as interim Projects Assistants in 2014.


Dr John Vassallo

Charles Brincat

Charles Zahra




Daniel Debono

Mark Seychell

Karla Chetcuti Bonavita

Senior Executive

Policy Executive

ESF Project Coordinator






Cornerline, Level 1, Dun Karm Street, Birkirkara BKR 9039, Malta

La Valette Business Centre, 289, Avenue d’Auderghem, Brussels B-1040, Belgium

Tel: +356 2125 1719 info@mbb.org.mt

Tel: +32 485 981 124 infobrussels@mbb.org.mt



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