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25 years of service

Past MBB Presidents and CEOs have their say on the organisation’s role over the past 25 years, including at critical times in Malta’s challenging journey leading to EU membership and in the postaccession scenario.

Leonard Mizzi


Director in 1996, MBB’s 1st year of operations

My role as the first Director of the Malta Business Bureau just after summer of 1996 got off to a rocky start when Malta’s EU application was frozen following the General Elections of 26th October 1996. One of the tasks I was entrusted with was an options analysis of the costs of non-membership, which included a Swiss type of Free Trade Agreement or the European Economic Area.

The uncertainty on the future of the office was resolved once the EU application was reactivated in 1999. The subsequent years were amongst the most intense, not only in terms of informing the various sectors of the Maltese business community membership of what the EU body of legislation implied on say a particular economic activity – but also how to navigate EU policy making. In the first years as MBB Director, I was mentored by the Irish Business Bureau Director and staff (to recall that Ireland had benefited significantly from EU membership) and then we became fully autonomous as the office grew, in Brussels and in Malta. I cherish my formative years in Brussels with MBB until I joined the European Commission a decade later.

Lino Mintoff

Appointed as MBB’s first CEO in 2007

I am honoured to have participated as CEO in the development of MBB during a critical stage of transformation. Its initial phase coincided with Malta’s pre-accession strategy to join the European Union. The role of MBB focused on disseminating information about the EU and reaching out to the commercial community to explain the implications of an eventual Maltese membership.

My term as CEO came at a time when Malta was already a member of the European Union and started to experience the full impact of opportunities and responsibilities of its membership. This development necessitated a change in strategy. I feel privileged to have steered the new strategy, which focused more on the identification and evaluation of the needs and interests of Maltese businesses in relation to EU legislation and developments to the Lisbon Strategy. It became essential that the Maltese business community had a direct voice in Brussels to ensure effective feedback on the impact of EU policy on Maltese businesses.

Stefano Mallia

President in 2008, when Malta adopted the Euro

When I took over as President of the MBB in 2008, Malta had just joined the Euro Area and therefore it was a period of considerable change and transition. In light of this, the MBB had just played a very active role in preparing the Maltese business community for the transition to and adoption of the Euro, which formally took place on 1st January 2008. This was a key milestone that would transform the Maltese economy and I am proud that the MBB played an active and key role in this transition.

During my presidency, we had also undertaken a ‘Business success stories project’ which identified entrepreneurs in various sectors of the economy who were making a success of EU membership. This brought to the fore in a very concrete manner how Maltese enterprise was taking full advantage of the EU’s Single Market. The tail end of 2008 was also the beginning of the global financial crisis and therefore was a period of significant uncertainty. Whilst the organisation’s role has continued to evolve, the main scope was and must still remain that of being the voice of Malta’s business community in Brussels.

John A. Huber

President in 2011, MBB’s 15th anniversary

I had the honour and privilege to serve as President of the Malta Business Bureau between 2010 and 2012. This was the first time in the history of the Bureau that the term of President spanned over a two-year period.

We had just moved to new offices at Floriana and immediately embarked on a rebranding exercise. We continued with our ‘Business meets MEPs’ which was originally conceived by my predecessor, George Micallef. During my tenure we also embarked on ‘Impact Assessment Studies’ through a collaboration agreement signed with Bank of Valletta plc, the first being on the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base which assisted to formulate the Maltese position at the EU negotiating table.

A first for MBB during my presidency was also being awarded the LIFE+ EU Investing in Water project aimed at the reduction of waste and managing water consumption in business.

I have very fond memories of my time at MBB, even recently serving as Vice-President, and cherish the friendships made and the successes we enjoyed.


John Vassallo

President in 2016, MBB’s 20th anniversary

Having had the honour to serve as President of Malta Business Bureau for a few years, I join the Presidents who served before me and those who have followed to congratulate The Malta Chamber and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association – the joint principals of the MBB. An organisation like the MBB was set up to represent the Maltese business communities at EU level, to keep them informed of developments and to pursue lobbying efforts on their behalf.

My experience at the helm was a very rewarding one because the MBB is blessed with an excellent team of dedicated staff ably led by their energetic CEO, Joe Tanti. The energy and enthusiasm that the staff exhibited, as well as their dedication to the interests of Maltese business is hard to describe. One best way to recognise this during my tenure was to remember how the Maltese Government recognised the importance of working hand in hand with the business community during the run up and the exercise of the Maltese Presidency of the European Union. In fact, National Government found it wise to enter into a close relationship with the Brussels office of the MBB, even housing one of the team embedded within the presidency unit at the Embassy in Brussels. At the end of the presidency, this close relationship continues with funding by Government for staff reflecting the value of MBB’s lobbying expertise.

My advice to Malta’s business community is to bring their problems, their legal or policy issues arising out of Brussels in as clear and practical a way as possible to the MBB staff. I assure you that the MBB will achieve great results for all of you through their dedication.

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