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Calendar of Events

January – June 2021



14-15th January: Kick-Off Meeting for TAPROOM Project

MBB launched TAPROOM, a project co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme, in collaboration with four other partner organisations based in Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, and Italy.

This project aims to develop a multidisciplinary, interactive, and comprehensive training programme in the production and marketing of organic and craft beer. It goes a step further to ensure that more is done in terms of promoting beer as part of the intangible cultural heritage of the European Union.

By adopting a blended learning approach, the TAPROOM partnership expects to develop a tailored training programme that is suitable for anyone who does not have the time or the possibility to attend formal academic courses, which are generally of a longer duration.


23rd-24th February: MBB Senior Executive attends EEN Communication Champions Workshop

As part of her role as a Communication Champion within Malta’s Enterprise Europe Network consortium, Sarah Abdilla attended the EEN Communication Champion’s workshop. This was an intensive two-day online workshop focusing on the achievements of 2020 and identifying the needs and priorities for 2021 as a year of transition for the business community.


3rd March: Webinar on Alternative Sources of Finance for Entrepreneurs

MBB hosted a webinar on Alternative Sources of Finance for Entrepreneurs as part of the Erasmus+ DIFME Project, with the participation of The Edward de Bono Institute (from the University of Malta) and partners in Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and the Netherlands.

The webinar provided a deeper understanding of alternative finance opportunities and their adoption in EU regulation. These alternative financial instruments sit outside the traditional banks and capital markets, and provide an unconventional yet equally well-founded business opportunity for micro entrepreneurs to embark on. The event also highlighted what finance investors look for in a business finance request.

This webinar was organised as part of a series of online thematic events hosted by the DIFME project partners in 2021. Some of the topics discussed included cybersecurity, digital marketing in self entrepreneurship, online networking for entrepreneurs, business intelligence, and data analytics.

10-11th March: MBB participates in EU-Turkey High Level Business Dialogue

The EU-Turkey High Level Business Dialogue brought together private sector organisations in Turkey and the EU, Turkish public bodies, and EU institutions to discuss challenges and opportunities in view of the EU Green Deal and to draft recommendations from the business community towards policymakers, with the aim of improving EU-Turkey relations and economic cooperation, and thereby contributing to the further development of the Customs Union and to moving Turkey’s EU accession process forward.

The MBB is supporting the Turkish Chambers through the allocation of an expert to help develop an energy efficiency outreach for Turkey.

11th March: Launch of INCOME Tourism Project Webinar Series

The Erasmus+ INCOME Tourism Project organised a fourpart webinar series titled Skills for Today & Tomorrow: Tourism Education, Employability and Industry-University cooperation, as a way to contribute to the discussion and reflect about the challenges the tourism sector is going through.

Industry professionals need to have relevant skills in times of rapid change, hence it is even more critical now to discuss how Industry-University cooperation initiatives, namely dual education systems, can answer these questions. The INCOME Tourism Project is addressing these challenges, proposing a new learning approach, linked to the development of soft skills and based on a cooperative learning process that brings together higher education institutions and businesses in the tourism industry.

17th March: MBB publishes report on Improving the Access to EU Funds by Private Enterprise

MBB published a report on the impact of EU funds on the Maltese economy and the opportunities and challenges that businesses face when applying for EU funds. The report, entitled Improving Access to EU Funds by Private Enterprise in the Programming Period 2021-2027, found that while businesses need further facilitation to apply for EU funds, most of the businesses that do apply manage to obtain funds.

The report was launched in a webinar entitled Unlocking Business’ Capacity to Access EU Funds, where it was also explained that EU funds during the 2014-2020 programming period were estimated to have contributed €662m to Malta’s GDP and 1,920 new jobs during that seven-year period. The report also featured a survey with responses from over 100 Maltese businesses that have either already applied for EU funding or are considering doing so, to be able to evaluate businesses’ experiences and expectations, and what more needs to be done to facilitate access.

Earlier that month, the report was also presented to the Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, in a meeting where the key findings and recommendations were highlighted. MBB and the Parliamentary Secretariat have committed to working together to encourage more businesses to apply for EU funds.

22nd March: MBB and HSBC Malta Foundation launch Financial Literacy Web Series

In collaboration with the HSBC Malta Foundation, MBB launched a four-episode web series aimed at breaking down core financial concepts, including creating a business plan; differentiating between a balance sheet, an income statement, and cash flow statement; building a savings plan; and distinguishing between stocks and bonds.

In these challenging times, understanding how to manage your money has become even more critical. These brief, targeted episodes are especially relevant to those people who are willing to enhance their financial knowledge in order to start up a new business or to contribute further to the running of one that is already established.

The production of this series, released online in an episodic form throughout the month of April, was brought to life thanks to the INVEST+ project, which has delivered mentoring sessions and workshops on finance, accounting, savings and investment since the end of 2019.

The episodes can be accessed from the Malta Business Bureau’s YouTube channel.

26th March: MBB publishes study on Working From Home in Malta

MBB published a study looking into the economic and environmental effects of working from home by businesses in Malta. This study was presented by MBB President Simon De Cesare and Economist Marie Briguglio in an online event hosted by the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD), also addressed by Minister Carmelo Abela, Minister Aaron Farrugia and MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall.

The objective of this study was to examine the economic and environmental implications of working from home, including online, remote, and flexible measures, so as to identify measures that businesses could efficiently introduce into their daily operations.

This research was commissioned against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, which introduced a new reality for businesses having to promptly ask employees to work from home where possible. This unfortunate situation brought to the fore several potential opportunities for businesses, employees and the environment. Going forward, the gradual easing of restrictions would then allow this research area to be expanded into other areas such as remote working more generally.

Later in May, MBB Senior Executive, Gabriel Cassar presented this study to EUROCHAMBRES’ Skills and Entrepreneurship Committee.

26th March: Introducing TransFormWork Project

The Malta Chamber and MBB have joined a European consortium of social partners to collaborate on digital transformation of the world of work. The TransFormWork project focuses on the implementation of the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation (June 2020) in seven EU member states (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, Malta, Romania, and Sweden).

The project also seeks to raise awareness on how, with the implementation of the right strategies, digital transformation may bring about clear benefits and added value for employers and workers by providing new labour market opportunities, new ways of organising work, as well as an improvement of working conditions.


13th April: LIFE FOSTER Project hosts Student Food Waste Hackathon

The international gastronomic competition organised by the Italian Federation of Chefs (FIC) took place in April, as part of the EU LIFE Foster Project. The competition involved 15 participants between the ages of 18 and 23 selected by the international partners of the project from among the best students of the training centres of Enaip Net for Italy and of Afpa National Agency for Adult Training for France.

The theme of the food competition was the reduction of food waste and sustainability in the kitchen. In particular, the young competitors were asked to prepare an artichoke-based dish live on stream. Participants competed to create a recipe that, in addition to being well prepared and served, was able to use as much artichoke as possible and/or reuse its various components.

14th April: TAPROOM Project Focus Group

An online focus group was held bringing together home-brewing and craft beer experts from the local scene, including lecturers, lobbyists, and actual producers. This was organised as part of MBB’s EU-funded TAPROOM project, which aims to develop a training programme in the production and marketing of organic and craft beer.

The focus group provided crucial insight into the needs of the local (beer) brewing community, in addition to proposals and ideas on how the community can be supported by local and national authorities.

20th April: Webinar on EU Pay Transparency Directive

MBB organised a webinar aimed at creating more awareness among the Maltese business community on the recent European Commission EU Pay Transparency legislative proposal, whose objective is of strengthening the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work, or work of equal value between men and women, through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.

The webinar was addressed by keynote speaker European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli. MBB also invited several guests representing local social partners to share their initial views on the proposal, including Fabianne Ruggier, Chairperson of The Malta Chamber’s HR Committee; Norbert Grixti, Council member of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association; and Josef Bugeja, Secretary General of the General Workers Union. In his address, MBB CEO Joe Tanti reiterated that MBB plans to consult more closely as it studies the proposal in more detail to determine the impact of the EU Pay Transparency Directive.


4th May: MBB Participates in TEBD Energy Efficiency Training

MBB Advisor (Energy Efficiency), Geoffrey Saliba participated as an Energy Efficiency Expert in the Turkey-EU Business Dialogue Energy Efficiency Training that took place during the month of May. This training hosted 35 Turkish representatives from 29 Turkish Chambers of Commerce and/or Industry & Commodity Exchanges.

The training aimed to develop capacity and knowledge within Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, which allows them to advise SMEs/members on how they can reduce their energy consumption, and thus become more competitive and raise awareness on Energy Efficiency.

The MBB is supporting the Turkish Chambers through the allocation of an expert to help develop an energy efficiency outreach for Turkey.

10th May: MBB CEO Addresses Webinar on EU-life Post-COVID-19

MBB CEO Joe Tanti was invited to speak at a webinar hosted by CORE Platform entitled ‘How can the EU drive a post-COVID recovery?’. Organised to launch Europe Direct’s CORE Platform and to celebrate Europe Day, this webinar delved deeper on two of the EU’s recovery tools, including the EU Green Deal and the mechanisms making ‘Europe Fit for a Digital Age’.

It is increasingly clear that clean, green and ground-breaking technology will be fundamental for Malta, the EU, and indeed, humanity to not only survive post-crisis but to navigate and thrive for the decades to come.

12th May: MoU Signed Between FPEI and the Ministry for Economy and Industry

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which is to enhance the collaboration between the Ministry and the Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Initiatives (FPEI) to further encourage new ideas from prospective entrepreneurs. Through the MoU, the Ministry is investing in FPEI to (1) continue promoting new and existing business and social proposals aimed at increasing added value towards the Maltese economy, (2) to pursue its research to strengthen platforms using new emergent technology, as well as (3) for the Foundation to continue with its day-to-day management. In 2020 alone, ZAAR crowdfunding platform, established through the FPEI, was crucial to springboard 26 new projects onto the market.

18-19th May: INCOME Tourism Project Final Conference

In 2018, 13 partner organisations from six EU countries started the INCOME tourism project, coordinated by Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (Portugal). This project has now come to an end. The main aim of this project was to develop a new learning approach based on a cooperative learning process joining Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and tourism businesses, applied to soft skills learning.

To present the project’s key results, a virtual two-day conference was held in May 2021. Discussion revolved around the future of higher education in tourism, as well as the main challenges and the advantages of closer cooperative learning between HEIs and businesses from different perspectives, namely students, academia, and businesses.

MBB CEO Joe Tanti and Project Manager Marija Elena Borg addressed this conference on behalf of MBB.

26-28th May: EU Open for Business International Conference

Following last year’s national EU Open for Business Info Day, the European Commission organised an international virtual conference, EU Open for Business – A New Compass for SMEs. This was designed to help entrepreneurs and business intermediaries navigate through the various EU support tools and mechanisms for SMEs. This event also put forward ways SMEs can recover after the COVID-19 pandemic and make the transition to a more sustainable and digital economy.

Participants had the opportunity to not only hear about the SME strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, but also to receive practical tips and advice on doing business in the EU Single Market; EU financial support for SMEs; intellectual property and how to protect it; Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme; access to new markets in the EU and beyond; and the CASSINI Initiative and how SMEs can use space data in a down-to-earth way.


10th, 16-17th June: LEADER Project Online Training Activity

On 10th June, the LEADER project partners initiated a three-day digital learning activity for selected teachers and trainers. Its aim was not simply to raise awareness about the importance of soft skills, but also to provide the opportunity for teachers and trainers to be the first to test the developed LEADER e-learning platform and serious game, and subsequently provide their feedback for final improvement.

The original plan was to hold this learning activity in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. However, owing to COVID-19 restrictions which are expected to limit travelling for at least some more months, it was decided that this activity will be held virtually.

23rd June: MBB kicks off a Lunchtime Web Series on Working From Home

MBB organised a three-part lunchtime live web series focusing on working from home and remote working. This comes in the context of an in-depth study carried out by MBB and economist Marie Briguglio to assess the potential of working from home in Malta, as well as its benefits and shortcomings. Almost 350 replies were gathered from business owners, senior managers and employees.

In its first webinar, the MBB presented the study findings, in comparison to the global context. Two other webinars took place on 30th June and 7th July for a discussion with business leaders and a discussion on the policy environment.

On 23rd May, the local business community mourned the passing of Joseph R. Darmanin. Mr Darmanin was the President of The Malta Chamber in 1996 and was one of the founders of the Malta Business Bureau in the same year.

Mr Darmanin will forever be remembered for his instrumental role in the setting up and running of the MBB in its earliest days. He believed that by setting up the Brussels office, it became possible for Maltese businesses to be better represented in the EU, and rightly so. The MBB sends its condolences to Mr Darmanin’s family and relatives.

From left to right: The late Mr Joseph Darmanin, MBB co-founder Chev. Anthony Cassar, and MBB CEO Joe Tanti

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