Women In Construction 2024 Brochure

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April 11th marks the date for this year’s focused event from 8 AM to 1 PM at the Malta Chamber of Commerce, part of our yearly commitment to highlighting the integral role of women in construction

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E N 1 1 T H A P R I L A T T H E M A L T A C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E 8 : 3 0 A M T O 1 P M


Win Construction event stands as a beacon for gender diversity and empowerment within the construction industry, a sector historically dominated by men This initiative seeks to dismantle barriers and foster an inclusive environment by spotlighting the invaluable contributions of female professionals, leaders, and innovators. Through a series of speaking sessions, the event aims to provide a platform for sharing experiences, challenges, and best practices. It encourages dialogue on leadership, skill development, and equal opportunities, with a focus on driving systemic change and promoting a more equitable future By uniting a diverse group of participants from various backgrounds and expertise levels, the Women in Construction event not only celebrates the achievements of women in the field but also lays the groundwork for ongoing progress and collaboration.

O R G A N I Z E D B Y : S P O N S O R E D B Y :

As a government, we have strived to foster a culture that incentives women to enter the field of work and work in an equal opportunity environment. We are committed to providing the necessary resources and incentives to nurture the next generation of female leaders in construction. The construction industry is undergoing continuous transformation; thus we remain committed to introduce and implement more policies and legislative reforms with the ultimate aim to elevate the standards to higher levels.

Hon Dr JonathanAttard

This is no longer a niche issue, it is a core business issue which has an impact on the bottom line, as research demonstrates. I also welcomed the men who attended, noting the important role that men have as allies.

It was such a positive event, with a theme emerging on the need for culture change and a new approach, embracing professionalism and diversity and looking to support those coming into the industry.

rive in the construction eld. It involves a holisti ously addressing the cultural and structural obstacles This comprehensive strategy should include creating g mentorship programs that connect women with ual opportunities for advancement and recognition of achievements


Hon Rebekah Borg

Hon Katya De Giovanni

Dr Josianne Cutajar (OHSA)

Dr. Audrey Demicoli (Infrastructure)

Moderator: Maria McKenna

Foundations of Innovation: Fostering Entrepreneurship and Women-Led Start-ups in Construction

Highlighting the role of women as entrepreneurs in the construction industry sheds light on the unique challenges they face, as well as the remarkable successes they achieve in the realm of innovation. This segment explores the importance of creating and maintaining support systems that are crucial for women to successfully launch and grow their businesses within the construction sector. Access to funding, networking opportunities, and mentorship are key components of these support systems. By addressing these needs, the industry can ensure that women entrepreneurs have the resources and support necessary to overcome obstacles and thrive.


Gabriella Borda

Beverly Costa (Project Green)

Ing Simone Muscat (CoE)

Mary Gauci (H&S Advisor)

Moderator: Neil Azzopardi

he Site: Women

cipation of women nnovation and stre

ng the distinctive challenges these women face and th them is vital for improving project management and team dynamics. By problem-solving approaches, women enhance communication, foster teamw to complex challenges, benefiting the industry as a whole


Lara Lewis (Bridgepoint)

Charlene Jo Darmanin (AP)

Sandra Magro (Housing Authority)

Catherine Hurley (AIS Interiors)

Moderator: Vera Sant Fournier

Building Futures: Engaging the Next Wave of Female Leaders in Construction

The nurturing of the next generation of female leaders in construction is pivotal for dismantling the barriers that have historically limited their participation and advancement in this field This endeavor requires a multifaceted approach, starting with educational initiatives that span from early exposure to the industry through school programs to targeted outreach initiatives aimed at young women These efforts should be designed to not only retain talent within the field but also to cultivate a skilled and diverse professional workforce that is equipped to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.


Denise Xuereb (AX | MDA)

Katrina Attard (Panta)

Rebecca Dalli Gonzi (University of Malta)

Patrick Mercieca (Attard Brothers)

Moderator: Beatriz Rodríguez Sanz

Breakfast / Reception

Opening Remarks

Address by Caroline Gumble, CIOB CEO

Beyond Entry – Cultivating an Environment for Women to Thrive in Construction

Foundations of Innovation – Fostering

Entrepreneurship and Women-Led Start-ups in Construction Break Commanding the Site – Women Leading Major Construction Ventures Building Futures – Engaging the Next Wave of Female Leaders in Construction

Concluding remarks by the Minister

Jonathan Attard Refreshment & Networking

08:30am 09:10am 09:20am 09:30am 10:00am 10:30am 10:50am 11:20am 11:50am 12:00pm




The Malta Chamber of Construction Management would like to thanks its sponsors and partners Organized by: An initiative from:

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