What does teaching really mean?
Is teaching sharing? By: Dayana Gonzalez Dayanna Armijos Mayra Alvarez Diana Guajala.
In this article we will know the true meaning of sharing in a very important area that is education. Sharing is the act of giving, without expecting anything in return, just for the pleasure of making another person happy. Without a doubt, it is a fundamental social skill for human beings, it is an action of solidarity towards other people. In the first place, we are going to question on this subject, commenting, investigating and giving as an example our own experiences in the course of educational life. In short, it would seem that for us to educate is to share. Because it is a fundamental part of teaching where we all exchange knowledge, ideas and values. When mentioning sharing implies many things since it is a value that we learn from a very young age, at the moment that our parents already teach us to say our first words, they are already sharing their knowledge with us and thus we begin to develop this value. Therefore, from home they are already teaching us this value and promoting its importance. Teaching and sharing are fundamental in the life of every human being, where those who have the main role in this are parents and teachers. Teachers play a super im-
portant role in our education since they and our parents together are the main human beings in sharing their knowledge in everyday life if not in the formation of each of their students. Educating is not an easy task because doing this implies many challenges when working with different people; we say different because of their way of thinking, their religion, their ethnicity, among other characteristics. Teachers look for different methodologies with the aim of reaching their students, leaving in them a new knowledge, a new teaching or a beautiful experience. On the other hand, sharing is essential in education, teachers teach us and share their wisdom by implementing different methodologies. Like doing teamwork, maintaining a dynamic class in order to awaken the interest of their students because otherwise there would be a scenario of little interest, boredom and fatigue that would limit learning. Both have the same purpose of helping one or a group of people in the same sense. By taking these into account, they encompass very important virtues such as respect, honesty, punctuality and above all good communication with those who broadcast and with those who receive what they are being taught and at the same time sharing. According to the above we can conclude that if there is a relationship between teaching and sharing, since if we 2
start to think when we are in a classroom, our teachers share experiences with us in the same way as we as students. In daily life we share experiences, moments and situations that, although at that moment we ignore it, these always leave us a lesson in life. However, in this article we want to clarify the question posed quite a bit, putting aside selfishness and individualism. These are two words that imply a lot in society because apart from contributing a grain of sand in each human being that passes through our lives, they are words with great meaning in the concept of education. We human beings at all times learn and contribute something new either at home, in a classroom or in our case in the future we will do it, but as teachers. In the classroom, sharing would be a primary basis for developing skills in students by implementing dynamic group methodologies; Teamwork thus fostering respect and better communication between student and teacher.
Encourage proactive thinking and creativity By: Franklin Tenepaguay Franco Jara Maribel Arcos Isabel Medina
Creativity is generating a more reflective, open, autonomous and creative thinking that helps to think and reflect on what is happening in a specific and complex situation. It is also a fundamental skill or competence for the present and the future of the students that must be helped to seek and develop. One way to achieve this is through proactive thinking, which allows us to face reality in an agile, creative way and in tune with life changes. From our knowledge throughout our educational trajectory, we can make known that proactive thinking seeks to overcome the difficulties of teaching in students who do not adapt to the school system and cannot face the situation they are going through. Proactive education is responsible for finding situations and ways so that school failure does not occur, that is, facing the situation and improving it by implementing more didactic and practical teaching methods. To achieve everything established and the goals to be achieved, we have to foster creativity in what we want, be persevering, determined and strong, in that way we would be using our creativity to solve small educational problems, thus achieving our goals. We all
have creativity within us and we have to work on it to develop it through open questions and let students seek their own answers, so they should also have the freedom to ask, comment and be curious, favoring introspection and self-knowledge. In addition, leadership must be promoted with active methodologies and creating an environment in which the works are published in some way, a method of relaxing must also be taught since disconnection contributes to creativity, thus allowing critical thinking and an attitude proactive. To develop proactive thinking, it is necessary to be flexible and highly original thinkers with a positive vision and attitude towards the future and towards ourselves, in addition, observation, analysis and the awakening of an intuitive vision about things must be promoted. From our school experience we take the theme of proactivity, because in discussion with university colleagues we come to the conclusion that certain extracurricular activities motivate the student, such as recreational subjects where the student interacts with nature, painting, playing an instrument, doing outdoor sport. At school getting in touch with nature is satisfactory for most students, since in these activities young people have a certain positive attitude and most of them actively participate outside the institution. In response to proactivity, activities are needed that gi4
ve students that space of freedom during the same school hours, based on experiences and anecdotes so that they can take the initiative to find a solution through the implementation of extracurricular activities such as clubs, survey students of what they would like to do. We conclude that we must give students a clear mind for the following activities corresponding to their school schedule. In conclusion, we can verify that by promoting proactive thinking and creativity it is possible to improve in different aspects of life, whether school or work, with the necessary guidance and the correct predisposition, it will be effective to use all the tools at our disposal to achieve what established by ourselves and avoiding resignation, thus and only then will our educational and subsequent work path be a success.
How important is technology in learning? By Jenny Cajas Julissa Jara Berenice Guachizaca Steve Arevalo
Today the use of technology has changed the way in which people interact with others. The progress it has had is so great that, over the years, it is difficult to find a place in the world where technological devices are not used for certain daily activities. Especially when it comes to work and education. For many years there have been significant changes in the educational aspect. From the materials used by teachers for their teaching, to the methods that were used 20 years ago to teach students. Accordingly, if we analyze our reality, we can say that education is one of the most important and technology-dependent factors, which has changed the way of learning and teaching. Well, for a teacher, being up-to-date is a very practical tool, since all the information you need is at your fingertips either on a computer or cell phone. In the same way, for a student, access to any type of information is easier than in previous years where it was not possible to navigate the internet. Let us remember that at the beginning of the 21st century, the majority of students who did not have access to these tools such as the internet and therefore neither to the use
of cell phones, had to look for books, magazines in libraries that could provide them with useful information to carry out their tasks or any type of investigative work. In the same way, teachers were guided in the courses and trainings that were given to them so that their teaching life was in accordance with what the student had to learn at that time. The reality is that technology is essential for all of us who have evolved with it. Therefore, it is important to mention some negative and positive aspects that technology has in our modern world: Positive aspects: • Development of creativity
us to meet our objectives. In addition to continuing to evolve and adapt to new teaching and learning methods, without forgetting the importance of not being dependent on it and giving appropriate use to technological devices. Conclusions: The educational field depends on technology to continue evolving and creating new ways of learning and teaching by implementing a certain methodology. However, teachers who wish to guide their students' learning, encouraging interaction, have a strong ally in technology, mainly in the different resources and services offered by the Internet.
• Avoid monotony • More didactic. • More information on the web.
• Development of digital materials.
https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2015 /09/28/04/53/sp092602a
Negative aspects: • The students have progressively learned the management and use of technology and therefore have become dependent. • Virtual fatigue. • Less interest in reading. Recommendations: As UNAE students, we believe that technology is essential in student and university life. Therefore, we believe that the proper use of it will allow 6
https://blog.colegios-cedros-yaocalli.mx/ya ocalli/tecnologia-educativa-ventajas-desven tajas https://www.eumed.net/rev/atlante/2019/05 /internet-aprendizaje.html https://www.uv.es/bellochc/pedagogia/EVA 1.pdf
The influence of studentteacher relationship in the context of self-esteem By: Carolina Córdova Viviana Chumbi Michael Córdova Renato Campaña Brian Arévalo
The school life is the most beautiful things and it depends of many things like friends, subjects, trips, sports and something like that but we are going to focus in How the relationship of a teacher with a student can influence in a teenager’s life? We define self-esteem to know oneself, it is the function of looking after oneself, self-defense, value, self-esteem and self-observation. Self-respect is learning to love, respect and take care of ourselves. It constitutes an attitude towards oneself same. The teacher is a fundamental pillar in the life of a child who is growing up and begins to see the world with his own eyes, a teacher can be very serious, brave, funny, versatile, and it analyze the influences between self-esteem and learning. A lot of that is what we remember as students maybe even some teachers had helped us with advice in addition to teaching us in difficult moments of our lives. Interacting with students who have low self-respect, generates possibilities to help them not only influencing their life but also in the academic degree. The causes that lower self-esteem are multiple: fear, tension, failures, diseases, anguish, anxiety, fat, failure to meet goals, and
addictions, among others. In conclusion, the confidence that a teacher offers to a student is very important for the student to have a better educational performance. Not only does he/she motivate his/her students, but they will grow as empathetic human beings with a high level of self-esteem. Personal Experience I have experiences in the college. I had low self-esteem because I don’t had a support. In my college, I don’t understand the class and my grades were very low because I didn’t feel good with me. I had a teacher that he always helps us with our self-esteem. He always gave us advices that helped me in my worst moments, so I think that a low self-esteem influences our learning and that teachers can help overcome it.
Technology as an educational tool in times of pandemic By: Gabriel Barreto, Andrés Berzosa Emmanuel Bermeo Michael Carrión
Description: How to use the technology as a tool in education. Use technology not only as a face-to-face method of education but also as a global method. Using technology as a tool has its positive and negative points, for example: Positive aspects • The Internet is a technology tool that has allowed us to evolve the field of education by receiving classes for distance students and replacing the traditional method of faceto-face education. • In this pandemic period, it was very useful to use technology since with it we can receive classes, it is better to receive the class than to stay at nothing. not to mention that no one runs the risk of contagion. • By avoiding travel, the cost of studies is reduced since students do not have to leave their homes to go to educational institutions. • As positive aspects we have that the Internet allows you to study from anywhere either from your home or from
the place of your choice, it allows you to save time and money in terms of your economic budget to move from one place to another, you can choose when and how to study according to your preferences and tastes, you can develop a study schedule, it also allows you to have a balance in terms of study and work since your studies are not in person and take it online, it allows you to be in your place of I work in a better way. Negative Aspects • As well as technology also has its positive points, it has its negative points that would be: The inequality that exists in some places also encourages a sedentary lifestyle, while there is less human interaction, and the one that may be most noticeable is the dependence on technological devices such as (computers, cell phones and internet). • One of the negative things we can say is that many children and young people do not have electronic devices or do not have the necessary equipment to be able to study, since it is due to different factors such as lack of economy or place where they reside. • In the current pandemic, the majority of students have preferred to stay at home without exercising or productive activi10
ties for our health, this also gives way to verify the inequality that exists in a country like Ecuador, since with the current educational system it has been evidenced the lack of internet and technological gadgets that many people have. • On many occasions, interaction with teachers can be cold and distant, since there is no classroom and all we receive is their voice and image through screens and speakers. A well-established system of tasks and control is needed to prevent the student from performing other tasks or being distracted at the time of having classes, since many times, due to certain circumstances, tasks are uploaded in places that do not correspond and this affects both the teacher who needs to look elsewhere for homework and students in turn lose their grade. In conclusion, education through the technological tool of the internet has its advantages and disadvantages It revolutionizes the educational system and that in turn offers a great variety of topics and activities to teach classes on the other hand we have the disadvantages that not all have an internet connection or some electronic device to be able to educate themselves in a correct way in This period of pandemic in turn does not have classrooms to be able to work in an adequate way and to be able
to interact with our classmates and teachers, which hinders the learning method. This is all we think about technology and how it influences education in this period of pandemic.
Emotional and pedagogical education. By:Danna Lligui Andrés Paida Bryan Espinoza Erika Rea
The educational system in previous times has been based on pedagogical linear education, but emotional education has not been considered, so students tend to fall into the conformist routine and in many cases affecting their mental health, for this reason, the question is: to what extent does the emotional state influence the academic performance of students? Many of the teachers leave the emotional state of the students, focusing only on the pedagogical, in this way they have become robots, forced to fulfill daily tasks, However, the knowledge gained under this system does not meet the expectations of teachers. Although classes should be covered with content that students should learn, you must research to avoid mental fatigue by reforming the educational system and giving up spaces of free expression in order to ensure an improvement in academic performance. We as students share experiences of routine classes and how stressful they can be, because when we were in school, most of the teachers only focused only on the pedagogical, due to the excess of work, daily tasks, generally this did not help motivate us as students. To conclude, emotional and pedago-
gical education must have the same importance in the curriculum, since both are essential in the development and this may be null due to the requirement of the educational system, in the event that the two types of education are met, students with more ability to acquire and exercise knowledge in a different and more effective way than usual.
The Interaction in learning By: Elsa Sánchez Doris Tacuri Jennifer Tacuri Karina Romero Santiago Jara
We believe that to be a good teacher, you must know your students and help them choose a professional path. Both teachers and students must have a good interaction with each other respecting values such as respect, punctuality, honesty and friendship. The interaction that exists in education is what defines the way in which the student learns with respect to the content, the teacher and their classmates. The interaction of a teacher with a student is very important, because of that there will be a good teaching not only professionally it can also be in personal life, a teacher must train a student with many perspectives. Good teaching should be based on all educational methods, depending on the learning level of the students including a critical level of the student A strategy that we would like to add and that helps us to reflect would be to increase the time of the students and decrease that of the teachers, that the silence in the classroom is adapted to the task and that it is not a stable norm.
Everything that we have written down we believe is essential for teaching and learning, this is the way in which we define our learning. In conclusion, we believe that for the students the interaction is main protagonist of the teaching-learning process it is clear that we cannot omit his voice. For this reason, we believe that it is important to take advantage of the situations that happen in class to promote the exchange of opinions, reflections and points of view with and among the students, since it seems to us a fundamental tool for authentic learning to happen.
Methodologies for a best teaching and learning process in the English area By: Fabiola Ramón Jennifer Ulloa Leslie Mejía Daniela Jimbo
Everyone says that school and university are the best stages of our life. But what makes it special? We may not remember everything, but one of the things that made it special was our favorite teachers with their methodologies that made the class a very enjoyable time. But what were the methodologies they used and why were they so good? How do these methodologies work so that our learning is the best? We as future teachers must learn well about methodologies that will give the correct content and tools for our future students. For these reasons, the next project focuses on showing the best methodologies for teaching English. The teaching process is very important for the student to be able to capture and developed a better understanding of learning of learning in this case of the English language and a good technique to achieve this the active methodology, that is, there is more participation on the part of the students, and this methodology to achieve by applying it in activities that are more collaborative and cooperative since from my own experience doing teamwork has helped me a lot because it helps me to interact more with my classmates
in a much more fluid way since we must have, necessarily a process of organization,integration and the most important interaction apart from that each student leads us to investigate and at the same time understand a little more either by looking for information in books, the internet or other sources and therefore that also leads us to go further into the subject since I am in team we also give ourselves the opportunity to practice more comfortably and to be able to flow with you in more natural or safe way. One of the ways to learn English is to live with native speakers, but what if I don't live in the United States? Okay, you can stay most of the time listening to songs or series in English. For this reason, the natural approach method tries to imitate as much as possible the way in which a student acquires their first language, students acquire the knowledge of the language intuitively and through experience, this method has personally helped me. Students must have to do all the things but also think in English, so for example if I say a word in my mind, I repeat it in English. It is a way to expand our vocabulary and our pronunciation would improve every day, so it is important to practice. Obviously, we have to know the rules of grammar and it helps us with writing, in that case we need to read much more in English and that can start with small texts, little by litt17
le but we would have very good results, and get better English. “Knowing the grammatical rules of a foreihn language is believed to be the prerequisite for developing communication skills.” (Metodoss,2021).We agree with this because in the classrooms the teacher made sure that the classes were attractive and interactive, for example they sent us to make videos, dramatizations, listen to music, play games and other things, this helped us to develop a level of subconscious learning, getting to adapt easily and quickly to the new language. Promoting active learning is not an easy task to achieve and teachers play a key role in their teaching process, since without the teacher to student practice, adequate learning can never be obtained, it is also important to clarify that practice is very necessary to have better results in development. Also, take into account that the methods promote collaboration, learning from experiences.You must consider that to carry out various methods it is necessary to take into account the classroom with which you are working, considering the age, the group, the available materials, areas whether rural or urban, among other aspects.
Teaching is a vital process in people’s life By: Bryan Saavedra Janneth Quizhpi Chatlotte Siguencia
Teaching from our perspective is the transmission of knowledge and experiences that occur in everyday life, and thanks to teaching we can learn good and bad things that serve us throughout our lives. Every day each person learns something new in their life, that is why we are going to talk about the importance of learning and teaching in people's lives in order to motivate everyone not only to continue learning day by day If not, also encourage teaching, since it is better to share knowledge and experiences than to keep them only for oneself, because if nobody explains it to me; The question is: How can I learn? To know more about how teaching and learning is vital in people, we must start by saying that it is for us each. In itself, teaching is very important to us because through it we are formed as good people and with too much knowledge, especially with events that come to pass us throughout our lives. Learning, as it says, is learning new things, having both good and bad experiences that in the end leave us with a life lesson from which we must learn. To know more about how teaching and learning is vital in peop-
le, we must start by saying that it is for us each. In itself, teaching is very important to us because through it we are formed as good people and with too much knowledge, especially with events that come to pass us throughout our lives. Learning, as it says, is learning new things, having both good and bad experiences that in the end leave us with a life lesson from which we must learn. Constitutionally we know that learning and teaching is a very valuable method in the lives of children as well as that of adults by means of which they are filled with knowledge thus giving fruits to a good learning and teaching since it should be seen as a method of communication between student and teacher in learning, the intelligence that is given with each teaching must be taken into account. In this, knowledge is transmitted to them in such a way that they can set their imagination to fly with every drop of teaching and learning that we spill on them, in which teaching and learning from both our teachers and ourselves makes us realize what It is vital that it is in our lives, since knowledge itself is passed from generation to generation, coming to have the same or different ideas when learning. Personally, an anecdote of mine will be that my teachers always taught us about values, to see life in a fun way, to learn from every mistake that we come to commit that each step 19
that we take in our lives, whether for better or for worse, we should not give up and keep trying until we achieve our objectives, this is how their teachings remain in us to value them and that they remain in us as something that we must learn for a good to come both for ourselves and for others. This is how vital teaching and learning is in people's lives. We came to the conclusion that learning and teaching go hand in hand because if you do not learn anything you cannot transmit anything these two variables are fundamental and essential throughout our lives, learning new things, knowing about life itself and its variants and to be able to develop in each stage. A fundamental point is teaching from childhood from teacher to student since it has an important role in the intellectual and emotional development of the student, everything will depend on the teaching method that he applies, that is, with innovative methods that attract the attention of the student since We consider that the antiquated methods did not appeal to the student and the learning was not suitable. Learning and teaching is getting out of our comfort zone, risking success or failure anyway, learning will be obtained and we will not be left with a doubt that many people do not. What if I had done...?
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