The Malvern St James Scholarship Programme 2024-25
Scholars are exceptional in their field. They naturally inspire their peers by their talent and commitment. They are usually self-starters who are highly driven and who lead tangible and positive change as a natural consequence of their talent.
Scholars are mentored and have a specialist programme to develop their talent and help them manage their other commitments, including the expectations of being a scholar. Our scholars are held in high esteem.
Scholars have a responsibility to uphold the expected high standards. All scholars will be expected to write their own personal annual review. There is an annual review by staff for all scholars to ensure that they continue to fulfil the expectations of being a scholar and we reserve the right to remove scholarships for those who fail to do so. Scholars will receive an annual written report.
Scholarships and Honorary Scholarships are available and are highly competitive. Scholars and Honorary Scholars mainly follow the same programme. Full scholarships carry a fee remission of 10%. We welcome and encourage applications from external pupils.
Academic scholarships are awarded for outstanding academic ability.
Art, Music, Sport, Drama, Technology and Equestrian scholarships support the development of exceptional talent.
In any one academic year the following are available:
Year 7 – 2 academic, 1 music, 1 sport may be offered.
Year 9 – alongside the above carried over, 1 academic, 1 equestrian, 1 music, 1 sport, 2 art, 1 technology, 2 drama may be offered. These last 5 will usually commit to the subject as a GCSE.
Year 12 – those in receipt of Music, Sport, Technology, Art and Drama will continue to receive scholarship recognition on condition that they continue to contribute significantly to their respective subject areas, as per departmental criteria. Those in receipt of an academic scholarship will continue to retain scholarship status on passing at least 8 GCSEs, 6 of which must be Grade 7 and above.
In addition, for new entrants or emerging talent from internal candidates, 2 academic, 1 each in Art, Technology, Drama, Music and Sport may be offered and will be available on condition that the recipient chooses this subject as an A-Level in the case of in Art, Technology, Drama and Music.
Applicants will need to complete an application form, attend an assessment day which will include a practical assessment or a written examination, and attend an interview.
Scholarships detailed are those offered under normal circumstances. All scholarships are awarded at the Head’s discretion, who may choose to vary this offer for exceptional candidates.

The programme has allowed me to participate in a wide array of intriguing discussions and broaden my perspectives as a result. Ruby, Year 12 ‘‘

The academic scholarship programme has allowed me to extend my knowledge and curiosities outside of the classroom, providing a plethora of external opportunities such as trips, via mentoring, discussion dinners and competitions.
Claudia, Year 12

Academic Scholarship: Years 7, 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Academic Scholar offering:
• Weekly attendance at Scholars meetings
• Opportunities to attend extension classes, masterclasses
• Support with entry into internal and external competitions at national level
• Academic subject mentor for Years 9 and above and by Head of Enrichment for Years 7 and 8
• Pupil mentoring and support from within the scholars’ community
• Opportunity to mentor younger scholars, for older pupils
• Submitting an academic article for the school magazine ‘The Chronicle’ for Year 9 and above
• Opportunity to lead whole school assembly
• Priority invitation to Somerville academic discussion supper in Year 10-13
• Leading and active involvement in the half termly Young Academic Platform
• Priority of opportunity for academic extension trips
Minimum requirements for Years 7, 9 and 12
All scholars:
• Demonstrate higher order thinking in interview and from scholarship papers
• Demonstrate drive and commitment in relation to developing their own academic growth
• Demonstrate evidence of entering wider academic involvement outside the curriculum, thereby leading by example and inspiring peers
• Excellent results in assessments
• Recognition of excellence by teaching staff supported by a teacher reference
Year 12:
• At least 8 GCSEs, 6 of which must be Grade 7 and above, or equivalent if applying from overseas
Art Scholarship: Years 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Art Scholar offering:
• Attend open studio evenings from 16:00-18:00
• Support with entry into internal and external competitions
• Opportunities to extend skill set, working with art based specialists (portrait painting, textiles and printmaking)
• Scholars will take an active interest in supporting the art department, participating in clubs (Year 9) and running senior school clubs (Year 12). All Scholars will support department events such as the Junior School Art Exhibition and open days (where possible)
• Priority spaces for Art Club
• Priority spaces for Year 12 Photography Enrichment
Minimum requirements for Years
9 and 12
All scholars:
• Excellent results during practical assessment (1.5 hours Year 9, 2.5 hours Year 12), demonstrating extensive understanding and application of tone, mark making and texture. Work illustrates carefully considered proportions, depth and shape, accurately recreating what they have observed
• Submission of portfolio – we expect a minimum of 10 pieces in the portfolio for Year 9 that shows a range of materials and processes. There is no limit for the Year 12 portfolio
• Scholars have the drive and independence to progress their own skills, showing an active interest in discovering new styles, techniques and materials
• Scholars will actively seek out opportunities to explore new artists, attending galleries and exhibitions

To me, an art scholarship is a recognition of my art skills, and opening a path for me to help others will my abilities.
Volunteering in various art clubs as an scholar to assist the younger ones is a very heartwarming experience to me. As a fine artist, having the opportunity to try out different art clubs is definitely a one and only experience. Who would’ve thought, one day I would put my fingers on sewing machines instead of brushes?
Kylie, Year 13

Drama Scholarship: Years 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Drama Scholar offering:
• One speech and drama lesson per week working towards LAMDA (Scholars only)
• Work with Drama Graduate in Residence
• Greater opportunities to perform and attend additional trips than other pupils
Minimum requirements for Years 9 and 12
All scholars:
• Perform from memory 2 audition pieces. These should be taken from two different published plays and one must be from a Shakespeare play. Maximum length of each piece is 2 minutes
• Discuss the pieces and the plays showing understanding of the plot and the character performed
• Submit a portfolio detailing previous drama experience and interest in the theatre
Year 9:
• Answer questions on the piece performed in written format
Year 12:
• Complete an examination paper discussing an extract from a play and a piece of theatre or drama seen as an audience member
Music Scholarship: Years 7, 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Music Scholar offering:
• One free instrumental or vocal tuition on one instrument or voice (Scholars only)
• Concert visits / workshops / masterclasses opened up to Scholars to enhance their musicianship
• Opportunities (and an expectation) to perform at a variety of events across the year
Minimum requirements for Years 7, 9 and 12
All Scholars:
• Aural and sight reading at the required grade will be carried out at the audition stage
Year 7:
• Grade 4 on one instrument / voice or Grade 3 on two instruments / voice
Year 9:
• Grade 6 on one instrument/voice or Grade 5 on two instruments / voice
Year 12:
• Grade 7 on one instrument / voice with at least Grade 5 on a second. Grade 5 Theory will be considered an advantage

Being a scholar is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow.
Mikayla, Year 7 ‘‘

Equestrian Scholarship: Years 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Equestrian Scholar offering:
• Individual mentoring
• Personal Training Programme (reviewed each term)
• Weekly strength and conditioning sessions
• Workshops / masterclasses / visiting speakers
Minimum requirements for Years 9 and 12
Year 9:
• An exceptional performer. For show jumping applicants should be competing at a minimum of 90cm-1m in regular competition. For dressage applicants should be competing at preliminary level as a minimum in a regular competition. Applicants are likely to be placed highly in the competitions that they participate in and may also be part of regional teams
Year 12:
• An exceptional performer. For show jumping applicants should be competing at a minimum of 1.10-1.20m in regular competition.
For dressage applicants should be competing at elementary level as a minimum in a regular competition. Applicants are likely to be placed highly in the competitions that they participate in and may also be part of regional or national teams
Sports Scholarship: Years 7, 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Sports Scholar offering:
• Personal Training Programme (reviewed each term)
• Weekly strength and conditioning sessions
• Individual mentoring
• Sport specific coaching sessions
• Workshops / masterclasses / visiting speakers
Minimum requirements for Years 7, 9 and 12
Year 7:
• An exceptional performer in one of our core sports (Hockey, Netball, Cricket). Performing at a minimum of school A team and playing club sport in one of our core sports regularly. Applicants are likely to be part of county development squads in one of our core sports
Year 9:
• An exceptional performer in one of our core sports (Hockey, Netball, Cricket). Performing at a minimum of school A team and playing club sport in one of our core sports regularly. Applicants are likely to be part of county and regional development squads or performance centres
Year 12:
• An exceptional performer in one of our core sports (Hockey, Netball, Cricket). Performing at a minimum of school A team and playing club sport in one of our core sports regularly. Applicants are likely to be part of county and regional development squads or performance centres

Technology (Food, DT or Engineering) Scholarship: Years 9 and 12
The Malvern St James Technology (Food, DT or Engineering) Scholar:
• 1:1 mentoring
• Workshop masterclasses to widen skill set
• Leadership of a lower school project / club
• Support with entry into internal and external competitions
• Involvement in cross-curricular and community projects
• Relevant trips to enhance learning regardless of age / target audience
• Priority of opportunity for popular clubs
Minimum requirements for Years 9 and 12
Food Year 9 and Year 12:
• Excellent results during the one hour unseen recipe practical assessment demonstrating a high standard of personal hygiene, food safety and practical skills
• Evidence of an understanding of the science of the ingredients used will be judged through discussion points during the practical
• Excellent results during a written assessment
• Portfolio of evidence with discussion and annotation about food in the news, topical issues to do with nutrition, health, food safety and emerging trends in food which has been of interest, and evidence of independently developing their practical skills.
Product Design and Engineering
Years 9 and 12:
• Candidates should show creative ability within design or engineering as well as a genuine enthusiasm for all aspects of the subject
• Excellent results during a written assessment and a practical test
• A portfolio of work which includes at least two projects showing skills in at least two material categories and examples of any projects or competitions completed outside of school
Year 12 only:
• Studied a technology subject at KS4, achieving a minimum grade 6
• Show evidence of participating in a national or international competition relevant to the subject e.g. Arkwright Scholarship

The Founders’ Award: 16+
The Founders’ Award, is a Sixth Form Award with means-tested bursary assistance. The Award seeks to enable outstanding all-round students to access the excellent educational opportunities offered at MSJ. Applicants for this award are expected to be academically strong in addition to strengths in other areas such as Expressive Arts or Sports and who also make or are willing to make a significant contribution to school life. The Awards are named in honour of our founding schools and the pioneering women who established all-girls’ education in Malvern. The Founders’ Awards will increase accessibility to the school and build upon an already deep-rooted tradition of Bursary and Scholarship provision.
The number of Awards given, and the value of each, will be kept deliberately flexible so that we are able to reach the most deserving girls and address their individual circumstances. In this way we create something which is bespoke and represents a meaningful contribution to the recipient.
Applicant criteria:
Founders’ Award recipients should show a pursuit of excellence. They will be mentors, role models, and outstanding ambassadors who will enjoy being part of our community and play a leading role within it.
Applications are welcomed from Year 11 girls already at MSJ as well as those currently at school elsewhere who, in their pursuit of excellence, will make an exceptional contribution to the academic and enrichment life of MSJ.
How to apply:
In the first instance parents should complete a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances Form which is available on the Founders’ Award page of the website. Please email the completed financial form to our Finance Department, finance@ malvernstjames.co.uk or alternatively post to Finance Department, Malvern St James, 15 Avenue Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3BA. The details supplied on this form are confidential to the Director of Finance and the Finance Manager who will assess each application on an individual basis.
Candidates who are eligible will then be invited to:
• Complete a Founders’ Award application form
• Provide a Personal Statement of no more than one side of A4
• Submit a three minute video presentation
• Provide an academic reference and predicted grades
• Sit a CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test) test if not already taken
• Panel interview
Publicity and fundraising
The Awards are funded purely from fundraising and charitable donations. Recipients of Awards will be expected to take part in fundraising activity for the scheme by featuring in communications materials and this can be through still images, quotes, text and video, using first names only.

Fee Remissions and Bursaries
Fee Remission
Senior School Scholarships carry a fee remission of up to 10%. The final award will be considered alongside any other bursaries and remissions, the combined total of which will not exceed 40% of fees. Sixth Form Scholarships and Awards may carry a fee remission subject to means testing.
All Scholarships are awarded for as long as the student remains at the School, provided that the Scholar’s progress and conduct are excellent. We also expect Scholars to actively contribute to their Scholarship specialism.
Our bursary programme is generous and designed to allow as many girls as possible who meet Malvern St James entry criteria to take up a place here.
Alongside sibling, Forces and Old Girls’ Association discounts, means-tested bursaries are worth up to a maximum of 40% discount from the fees. All bursaries are granted on the recommendation of the Director of Finance, at the discretion of the Head. All bursaries are reassessed annually.
For more information email msjadmissions@malvernstjames.co.uk

Scholarship dates
Sixth Form:
• Friday 25 October – Application deadline
• Thursday & Friday 07 & 08 November –Practicals
• Saturday 09 November – Written exams
• w/c 18 November – Interviews
Senior School:
• Monday 11 November – Application deadline
• Thursday & Friday 09 & 10 January – Exams and practicals
• w/c 27 January – Interviews

Being an academic scholar has allowed me to dive into the details of subjects that interest me, that I might not have a chance to in daily life.
Sabrina, Year 13