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品 牌 簡 介

| 展覽概述

碗起 | 碗食


碗起 | 尋常作 碗天開 Bowl's Origin

J IA 就是「 家 」 。 JIA IS "HOME"

我們,十歲了。 JIA Inc. 品家家品以「華人人文、家庭溫暖」為品牌核心精神,陪伴你我生活進入第十年。

碗起、碗食、碗器、碗想、碗文、碗用,透過展覽的小節鋪陳,娓娓道來無論在哪裡、和什 麼人,只要坐下來好好吃碗飯,哪裡就是家。

生於香港,早年留學法國。設計及文化研究工作室總監。 與故宮出版社共同成立故宮文化研發小組並擔任總監。故 宮《紫禁城雜誌》編輯委員。主要著述:《不只中國木建 築》、《筆紙中國畫》、《筆記清明上河圖》、《大紫禁 城──王者的軸線》、《國家藝術.一章木椅》及《我的 家在紫禁城》系列叢書等。

從文化研究的角度,碗盛載珍惜、筷選擇取捨,彼此互補,成為理想的食具組合。JIA 十周年, 雙手捧碗,伸手挾筷,重返味的核心 ─ 家。

“Home is where the heart is.” To anyone, home provides a sense of belonging that is calming and comforting as a symbol of happiness. Starting from Chinese culture, JIA Inc. invites international designers to explore and re-interpret traditional materials and craftsmanship to cross the boundaries of time and space, creating a new way of modern living.

JIA Inc. is celebrating a decade of brilliance as a lifestyle brand. Over this time, we have upheld our core values of Chinese culture and the warmth of home, through design to share the spirit and taste of “home” across cultures. Now, as we begin our next decade, we are again picking up a pair of chopsticks and a bowl to digest and savor the notion of home. After all, mindful eating starts at home. With our upcoming exhibition and its core contents of " Origin," " Food," " Vessels," " Thoughts," " Writings," and "Workshops." we convey the philosophy that home is where people can sit down and have a proper meal – no matter who they are with and where they are. From the perspective of cultural studies, the bowl signifies gratitude and the chopsticks represent a choice; these complementary meanings make them the ideal combination of tableware. For JIA's 10th anniversary, we are holding a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other as we return to where taste begins: HOME.



碗起 | 尋常作 碗天開


Curatorial Statement

碗盛載珍惜、筷選 擇取捨, 彼此互補,成為理 想的食具組合。 The bowl signifies gratitude and the chopsticks represent choices; their complementary meanings make them the ideal combination of tableware.

碗食 | 母食風土 採集

Bowls for Food | Collecting Food from the Mother Earth

Brand Story



Bowl Thoughts


Bowl Writings

碗食 之 三、四

Bowls for Food

Bowl Thoughts

JIA日 常 碗 器

碗食 之 一、二

Bowls for Food

Bowl Vessels | Collection of Traditional Bowls


Bowls for Food

Bowls for Food



Bowls for Food


六張餐桌故事,六 種生活滋味。 Six tastes of life and their stories


碗器 | 新品設計 視野


Bowl Vessels | Visionary Designs 展覽論述

Curatorial Statement


Use of Bowls | Workshops

六張餐桌故事都有獨到的關鍵字,也因而呈現出多元層次和飽滿精彩的故事。藉由這些餐 桌故事跟真實物產的鏈結,讓觀者從別人的餐桌故事看到自己家裡的餐桌是怎樣的一幅風 景。而這次餐桌故事的策展呈現,不單侷限在物產跟食器,在餐桌上面其實交織了非常多 不同的線索,讓人看到餐桌上的料理背後代表的美好故事。

碗食 之 五、六

Bowl Vessels


碗器 | 傳統碗公 收藏

碗用 | 工作坊

掃描 QR Code 閱讀六張餐桌故事全文

每 家 的 餐 桌 故 事 都 有 獨 特 的 關 鍵 字, 也 因 為 這 些 關 鍵 字 而 讓 餐 桌 精 彩。 - 種籽設計 淦克萍



Bowl Writings | Safe Tableware

Bowl Vessels

Bowl Vessels

Bowls for Food | Collecting the Food from Mother Earth

碗文 | 安心食器 生活

Born in Hong Kong, Chiu studied in France before going on to serve as director of the Design and Cultural Studies Workshop. He has also worked as director for the Division of Cultural Research and Development of the Forbidden City, co-established with The Palace Museum Publishing House in Beijing. In addition, Chiu has been a member of the editorial committee for The Forbidden City magazine of Palace Museum. Notable works: "Beyond Chinese Wooden Architecture " ( 不只中國木建築 ), " No Mere Chinese Painting " ( 筆紙中 國畫 ), "Notes on the ‘Along the Qing Ming River’ " ( 筆記清明上河圖 ), " The Grand Forbidden City — The Imperial Axis" (大紫禁城──王者的軸線 ), " National Arts: The Wooden Chair " (國家藝術.一章木椅 ), and "We All Live in the Forbidden City" Book Series( 我的家在紫禁城 ).

From Taiwan's north to south, from the island's east across the Central Mountain Range to its west, we explore the diverse home dining of Taiwanese families. Although their customs varies, they all tell the stories of heart-warming home-cooked meals.

碗器 視野


碗器 視野

碗食 | 母食風土 採集

Bowl Thought | Revolutionary Food Design

趙廣超 Chiu Kwong-chiu

從北走到南,從西邊穿過中央山脈到東邊,尋訪不同台灣人家的餐桌風景,各異其趣的風 土人情,述說在家好好吃碗飯的餐桌故事。

Bowl's Origin

碗想 | 食物設計 顛覆

開飯了!在外工作的家人一起回家,母親張羅飯菜,孩子幫忙佈置碗筷。一家子圍坐一起, 大人談天,小孩邊吃、邊聽,順便學學規矩。若有客人來了,添隻碗、加雙筷,不論親疏, 也是圍成一桌的圓滿。碗像一雙掬起的手,珍惜家人辛勤的成果;筷子既可挾菜,亦可佈菜; 既是自持,也是佈施。 Let's dig in! After a day spent apart at work and school, the family gathers at home as dinnertime approaches. The mother prepares the meal and the children help set the table. The family sits around the table. The grownups talk while the children eat and listen, learning good manners. When there is a guest, the family prepares another bowl and extra chopsticks. It doesn’t really matter if they have a close or distant relationship, everyone just sits together at the table and there is a happy meal and delightful conversation. The bowl is like a pair of cupped hands, ready to receive and cherish the fruits of the family's labor. The chopsticks are used for taking as well as distributing food; they simultaneously symbolize both taking and giving.

第一個十年路,團隊用產品設計傳遞家,累積各式跨越文化的家滋味。在邁進下一個十年的 初始,我們重新拾起一雙碗筷,挾起一個家的故事,好好聆聽與吸納 ─ 家是食育的開始。

廚房裡的蒸氣灶火,茶碗油水,是每個華人家庭共享的幸 福印記。JIA Inc. 品家家品以華人人文起家,邀集國際設計 團隊,融合東西方觀點,跨越文化,跨越新舊,跨越空間, 抵達每個人心中的歸屬,家。


產品總覽 品牌歷程

碗器 收藏



碗器 收藏

Bowl Vessels

Bowl's Origin

Use of Bowls

These six dinner table stories all have their own keywords – a reflection of the stories' many layers. Through the integration of these stories with real produce, the audience can derive insight into their own dinnertime experiences. Objects in the exhibition are not limited to produce and kitchen utensils; many more are featured on the tables, adding further context and beauty to the stories behind the wonderfully prepared meals.

物 產 跟 人 之 間 是 雙 向 關 係, 但 都 因 為 有 了 心 意 而 在 餐 桌 上 得 到 彰 顯。 - 土生土長 顧瑋

Bowl's Origin

人是依食而做,依食而居,但飲食文化要成長繁茂,人和物產彼此的雙向互動關係是必須 的。這次展出的六個餐桌故事,背後都代表著一個家庭或是一群人,而物產的魅力,則因 為料理者的美好心意,而得到彰顯。本次展覽,即透過六張具有代表性意義的餐桌故事, 將人與物產的美好關係呈現出來。

Bowl Vessels

Product Overview



Each family’s dinner table story has their own unique keywords and they make the story even more fascinating – Gan Ke-ping, Seedesign

The relationship between produce and people is a two-way street, and it is always manifested on the dinner table by means of thoughtful preparation – Wilma Ku, On the Ground


Brand Story

淦克萍 Gan Ke-ping, 顧瑋 Wilma Ku

People work for food and live for food. But for a food culture to flourish, there must be two-way interactions between people and produce. Each of the six dinnertime stories exhibited represents either a family or a group of people. Their delightful thoughts while preparing the produce showcases the food's charm. By delving into these six stories, the exhibition reveals the beautiful relationship between people and produce.


碗 食

| 之一

碗食 | 之二



一家人在餐桌上吃飯, 就是要開心 Happy family dines together.

太平洋是家裡的大冰箱 The Pacific Ocean is our refrigerator.

深信廚房是家庭聯繫感情重要基地的黃姐,談起烹調步驟和調料方式皆信手 拈來,關於食材和料理的一切巧妙盡在俯仰之間。從設計菜單到食材採買, 構思料理順序與搭配,乾淨俐落,一如黃姐家的廚房,料理道具極簡,烹調 過程看起來也簡單易學。

從都市回到原鄉,推動部落文化與產業永續。婚前未曾下廚,婚後在浙江籍 婆婆的調教下,廚事一手包。老公總戲稱老婆上桌的都是「外阿美菜」⸺ 外省與阿美族料理特色的融合。

朋友慣稱黃姐,對食物有不可壓抑的情感。育一子,是創作歌手黃玠,兩 位自由的水瓶座在家,相處就像朋友。

Huang, co-author “Eat with Friends”, has an unbreakable connection with food. She is a chef and author of "Eat with Friends." She is the mother of singer-songwriter Dadado Huang. At home, the two freedom-loving Aquarians interact more like friends than mother and son.

《吃朋友》主廚 黃照美 Huang Zhao-mei Meal in a bowl

Glutinous oil rice

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 碗筷 愜碗 Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Bowl & Chopsticks Kkini

1. 準備長糯米、五花肉、乾香菇、蝦米、油蔥酥、醬油、胡椒、五香粉、肉桂粉、鹽。 2. 香菇泡軟、蝦米泡米酒約 10-20 分鐘。香菇切片,待用。 3. 五花肉、香菇、蝦米、油蔥酥、調味料,再淋上香菇水小火慢炒,切記醬油適量,避 免顏色過重,鹹度可以加少許鹽做微調。 4. 長糯 1 斤約 4 量米杯,每杯米加 0.7 杯水,可保持糯米飯 Q 彈。煮熟後,與料拌勻。 再透過回蒸約 3-5 分鐘,入味即可食用。 1. Prepare glutinous rice(600g), pork belly, dried mushroom, dried shrimp, fried shallot, soy sauce, black pepper, five spices powder, cinnamon powder and salt. 2. Soak the dried mushroom in warm water and dried shrimp in rice wine for 10-20 minutes. (keep the flavored liquid). Then slice them in pieces. 3. Fried the sliced pork, mushroom, fried shallot and shrimp with the spices. Add appropriate amount of soy sauce, salt, and the flavored liquid. 4. Mix all the ingredients with cooked glutinous rice. Steam for another 3-5 minutes and it is ready to serve.

問起部落與城市在飲食習慣與料理文化的區別,筱帆姐一聲斬釘截鐵的「差 那麼多」引起眾人的笑聲。那幾個字當然不是「那還用說」的意味,而是對 於原民部落一路承襲下來,始終未改的傳統與智慧的驕傲。 Asked about the culinary differences between her tribe and the city, Wu Xiao-fan does not need time to mull it over. "They couldn't be more different." she says energetically to everyone's amusement. Her response is not a sarcastic quip about the obviousness of the answer; rather, it conveys Wu's pride in the unbroken culinary traditions and wisdom passed down in her tribe for generations upon generations.

Huang Zhao-mei firmly believes that the kitchen is a communal area that ties a family together. A kitchen guru herself, Huang knows recipes – and how to execute them – like the back of her hand. From designing menus to purchasing the ingredients, she excels at mixing and matching key kitchen elements. Like those she prepares at home, the recipes require minimal utensils and simple, easy-to-learn cooking techniques.



Wu returned from the city to Amis Torik tribe and began working to promote aboriginal culture and environmental sustainability. Having never cooked before she was married, Wu was trained by her mother-in-law, a native of Zhejiang Province on China's east coast, to become a master in the kitchen. Wu's husband likes to gently tease her about her cooking, as "mainlander-Amis cuisine," meaning a blend of mainlander and Amis styles.

台東都歷部落工作者 吳筱帆 Wu Xiao-fan 餐桌碗食

Meal in a bowl

F i s h

s o u p

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 家當 葫蘆湯碗 Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Family Belongings Hulu Dinnerware Soup Bowl

1. 選用新鮮白毛魚、潮間帶海藻、薑片、魚腸。 2. 魚湯鮮甜的要訣除了海藻提鮮,更重要的是放入魚腸與內臟一起熬煮。 3. 可加入少許的鹽,帶出魚肉的肥腴鮮美。 1.Brown chub, fresh seaweed and fish intestine, sliced ginger. 2.Fresh seaweed and fish intestine can elevate the umami flavor of this dish. 3. Add some salt and it is ready to serve.


碗 食

| 之三

碗食 | 之四



在美濃笠山下, 食物說著鹹鹹香香的客家話

Under Bamboo Hat Hill in Kaohsiung's Meinong District, the food speaks the savory language of the Hakka people.

嘉義民雄的廚房裡, 也有酸甜鮮脆的道地越南滋味 Authentic sweet and sour Vietnamese flavor, found in a humble town in Chiayi, Taiwan.

如果食物說著母語,客家食物的母語香氣肯定是鹹鹹香香,聲音是脆脆卡滋 的。在舜文家的餐桌上,這母語力道展露無遺。蘿蔔苗蒸肉、炸豆皮、三杯 豆腐、鹹蛋苦瓜、炒青菜、絲瓜粄,主掌一家人的胃的大廚鍾媽,擁有一身 隨時辦桌的料理能力。

「我們出生在越南,卻是台灣教我們長大。」大概二十年前,金紅剛來到台 灣的時候,不會做菜,也買不到真正越南口味的食物和調料。如今,一桌雞 絲涼拌、越南酸辣湯、三杯豬肉、澎湃蔬菜盤、以及越南手沖冰咖啡 ...... 一 手好工夫,展露了滿載思念的越南滋味。

If food could speak the mother tongue of those who make it, Hakka cuisine surely has a salty language with crunchy tones. On Chung Shun-Wen's kitchen table, the strength of this language is on full display. Steamed pork with white radish sprouts, fried bean curd, three-cup tofu, bitter gourd with salted egg, stir-fried vegetables, and loofah pancakes . This is a testament to its chef, Mrs. Chung, mother of Chung Shun-Wen, and her ability to feed an army at a moment's notice.

"We were born in Vietnam, but we learned to be adults in Taiwan." Twenty years ago, when Nguyễn Kim Hồng first came to Taiwan, she could not cook – or even find authentic Vietnamese ingredients. But today, we see a table full of authentic Vietnamese cuisine, including shredded chicken salad, sour and spicy soup, three-cup pork, vegetable platters, and hand-brewed Vietnamese style iced coffee…Her cooking embodies Vietnamese flavors and her longing for them.

首位獲得「雲門流浪者計畫」資助的新住民。來台約二十年,主要拍攝新移 民相關紀錄片,《失婚記》是第一部作品。

美濃畫家,生長在文學養分豐厚的家庭,常被喚「鐵民的女兒」。主修膠彩, 家族記憶在流暢線描的創作呼之欲出。料理算是理論組,她說。著有《那年, 煙田裡:斗笠、洋巾、花布衫》。

Nguyễn is a Vietnamese immigrant filmmaker resides in Taiwan. She was the first new immigrant to receive sponsorship from the Cloud Gate Wanderer Program. She has lived in Taiwan for 20 years. She focuses on documenting issues affecting new immigrants from Southeast Asia. Her debut film was "Out/Marriage."

A Nihonga (Japanese-style paintings) painter from Meinong, Chung grew up in literary family. She is known as "the daughter of Chung Tieh-min." With Nihonga as Chung's major, memories of her family can be seen between the smooth lines of her paintings. "I’m kind of a theorist when it comes to cooking." she says. Her notable works include: "Na nien, yen yien li: Dou li, yang jin, hua bu shan" ( 那年,煙田裡:斗笠、洋巾、花布衫 ).

美濃膠彩畫家 鍾舜文 Chung Shun-wen

越南裔新移民導演 阮金紅 Nguyễn Kim Hồng



Meal in a bowl

Meal in a bowl

蘿 蔔 苗 蒸 肉

越 南 酸 辣 湯

Steam pork minced with dried radish leaves

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 紛雪碗盤組 深盤 20cm Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Rice Deep Plate 20cm


Vietnamese sour soup (Canh chua)) 1. 材料準備豬絞肉、日曬蘿蔔苗、鹽巴。 2. 豬絞肉與鹽巴調和,鹹淡請自行調整。 3. 鋪上日曬蘿蔔苗,進蒸鍋蒸煮,熟透即可。 1. Prepare minced pork, dried radish leaves and salt. 2. Mix minced pork and salt. 3. Put dried radish leaves on the top and then steam. Let it cook through then serve.

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 碗筷 瓢碗 ( 大 ) Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Bowl & Chopsticks - Bowl (L)

1. 選用吳郭魚、薄荷梗、羅望果、鳳梨、越南刺芫荽等香料。 2. 魚切塊汆燙,薄荷梗切段後入水滾熟,陸續放入香料與調味,酸辣請自行調整。 3. 可另加牛番茄或是空心菜,湯汁增加蔬菜鮮甜感。

1. Tilapia, mint stalk, tamarinds, pineapple and cilantro(Vietnamese long coriander). 2. Cut fish into chunks and blanch with hot water, in same pot put in herb (1) and season it to your liking. 3. Tomatoes and water spinach are optional.


碗 食

| 之五

碗食 | 之六



最好的滋味不在舌尖, 而是在心裡 The best tastes exist not on the taste bud but in the heart.

從家裡走入山裡, 再把山帶回家 Going into the mountains – and bringing the mountains home.

食物從土地到餐桌,是經過多麼長時間,多少人的辛勞和付出。吃飯,從來 不只是吃飽就好那麼簡單。在佛門裡說「飢餓是病,食物是藥」。吃飯,身 體得力,心靈獲癒。吃,其實是一種修行。而這番修行,從感恩開始。 From the earth to table, the journey of food is a long one and requires the labor and dedication of many people. Eating has never been about simply feeling full. As Buddhists say, "Hunger is a disease, and food is the cure." Eating is a kind of spiritual practice: it strengthens the body and heals the mind, and this spiritual practice begins with gratitude.

熱愛並學習爬山,享受野炊的樂趣。因為喜歡戶外生活,所以在自宅天台進 行著在城市裡也能被自然環抱的「山屋計畫」。

Wang is the founder of InFormat Design Curating. He loves the outdoors, particularly mountain climbing and outdoor cooking. To spread his love for the outdoor, Wang has launched the "Mountain Cabin Project." For this, he is transforming his rooftop in an attempt to surround himself in a natural environment in an urban setting.

Yeh, from International Bodhisattva Sangha, has practiced Buddhism for 30 years. She shares her knowledge generously and is invariably full of joy. Along with her partners, Yeh meticulously prepares Laba congee and hands it out for free in order to spread her philosophy of joy and happiness.

菩薩寺 葉惠貞師姐 Yeh Hui-chen

格式設計展策總監 王耀邦 Wang Yao-pang 餐桌碗食

Meal in a bowl

Laba congee

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 歲寒三友 梅花碗 15cm Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Winter Poem Plum Blossom Bowl 15cm

上山吃東西,怎麼吃的心態比吃什麼重要。無論家裡做飯,或是山中炊煮, 火候都是最關鍵的。掌握火候的程度,成就料理的格局。使用直火瓦斯,有 股特殊魅力,那是直接與料理對話的方式。而這樣的方式便是讓格子沉浸料 理最具吸引力的元素。 When eating in the mountains, the attitude toward eating is more important than what is eaten. Whether cooking at home or in the mountains, getting the heat right is critical. Selecting the optimal heat source and maintaining it at the correct temperature can separate success and failure. Cooking over a gas flame has a special charm; it is a direct conversation with the ingredients. This is what attracts Wang Yao-pang most to cooking.

虔心習佛三十載,說起佛法,知無不言,充滿喜樂。葉師姐帶領著夥伴們以 做工繁複的美味臘八粥,透過免費供養,力行廣布喜悅、快樂與幸福的生命 信念與能量。



Meal in a bowl

1. 選用白米、紫米、糙米等五榖雜糧。將香菇、豆干、芋頭、蓮子、枸杞、紅棗、桂圓、 芹菜、牛蒡、紅蘿蔔、毛豆等食材,切成可入口的小等份。 2. 先爆香炒米,再分別將食材一一攪拌入水煮粥。 3. 並放入乾海帶熬煮,提鮮。食材熟透後,再放上枸杞、芹菜,增加色彩與口感。 1. Prepare rice, purple rice and brown rice, then dice the mushroom, dried bean curd, taro, lotus seed, wolfberry, red jujube, dried longan, celery, burdock, carrot, edamame bean. 2. Slightly pan fried the rice and then adds all ingredients and water. Cook to boiled and simmer in gentle heat. 3. Add dried seaweed when all the ingredients are cooked through, add wolfberry and celery.

赤 鯮 茶 泡 飯

Red seabream Ochazuke

建議搭配 JIA 食器: 四季套組 冬盅 Enjoy the meal with dinnerware of JIA: Four Seasons Glass Set Winter Deep Bowl

1. 準備赤鯮、龜山島甜蝦、赤柚胡椒、香菇、柴魚高湯、米飯。 2. 快速汆燙甜蝦並過冷水,與赤柚胡椒攪拌均勻,為飯糰內餡。 3. 選用土鍋煮飯,雙手先塗抹海鹽後捏飯糰,再用鐵盤小火烤。 4. 鹽烤赤鯮,魚皮焦香;香菇薄切,烤至脫水;擱於飯糰上方,淋上柴魚高湯,即成。 1. Prepare red seabream, sweet shrimps, Japanese yuzukosho (a paste made from chili peppers, yuzu peel and salt), mushroom, katsuobushi broth and cooked rice. 2. Blanch the sweet shrimps with hot water and shock them with ice water. Then mix with Japanese yuzukosho. 3. Wrap the (2) with rice and shape it as a triangle rice ball. 4. Roast the sliced red seabream and mushroom. Put them on the rice ball and pour the katsuobushi broth around it.


碗 器

收藏 | 碗器 視野

碗器 | 傳統碗公 收藏 Bowl Vessels | A Collection of Traditional Bowls

碗想 | 碗文 | 碗用 台灣食器應該擁有自己的風格 - 台灣碗盤博物館館長 簡楊同

碗想 | 食物設計 顛覆

從小就對古物感到興趣,蒐羅不同時代的碗盤逾二十年。迄今約三萬件的收 藏裡,尤其覺得台灣碗盤很有特色。無論日治時期引進的陶瓷;五六〇年代 崛起的北投、鶯歌陶藝,每只碗盤都與在地的人和生活息息相關,具有濃厚 的地方色彩。裝飾圖案,如椰樹,呈現海島風情;魚蝦則反應當時農耕社會 對於生活富庶飽足的嚮往。台灣特色飲食繁多,而好食器搭配美食,相得益 彰,台灣的食器,其實更應該擁有自己的風格。

Bowl Thoughts | Revolutionary Food Design

The Taiwan Bowl and Dish Museum was established in 2012 has a collection of over 30,000 bowls, dishes and other dining utensils. Chien Yang-tong, the founder of the museum has been collecting old bowls and dishes for more than 20 years. He was fascinated by the local charm found in Taiwanese ceramic tableware. Back in the day, Taiwanese people longing for a richer life, they put their hope in the bowl as illustrations of fish, shrimp, coconuts and the ocean.

碗器 | 新品設計 視野 Bowl Vessels | Visionary Designs

一個能夠陪伴生活的物件 - 洪忠權 (JIA Inc. 品家家品設計總監 )

一只有深度的碗,除了盛裝一餐所食,一手就輕鬆掌握,用起來舒適自在之 外,更好的狀態是從備菜過程一路到上桌都能夠被利用。同樣的一碗設計, 三種尺寸,三種顏色的組合搭配,適於各種不同場合和使用的需求。形體的 部分,考量到手掌拿取的舒適度和施力點,並講求收納時能更充分利用空 間,因而誕生了這樣有機幾何的器型。 An Object That Can Be a Companion in Life – Spencer Hung (Design Manager, JIA Inc.) A bowl should hold a meal and be held comfortably. A bowl should also be used for preparing food in the kitchen. A bowl should share a meal or dine alone. The same shape of bowl in three sizes and three colors to fit every occasion. The strategically designed shape is meant for holding with one hand, pouring liquid as well as space-efficient storage, these were the key consideration in creating this organic, geometric vessel.

重現當代飲食生活樣貌的圖騰 - 張簡士揚 ( 只是工作室負責人 )

現今社會人們講求健康飲食,強調除魚蝦肉類外,還要多攝取蔬果,此次圖 騰設計,便擷取了這樣的飲食風潮和思維。乍看之下,圖騰呈現出來的是 魚、蝦、蟹三種海鮮,但往細部看,即可發現魚、蝦、蟹身軀部分的圖騰和 線條其實是不同的蔬果,像洋蔥、青椒、黃瓜、甚至番茄切片等,象徵了現 今的飲食生活趨勢。

論餐具 - 焦桐 ( 飲食文學作家 ) 器皿影響食物甚鉅,諸如使用不同的酒杯、茶杯,會改變酒和茶的味道,我飲陳年紹興酒, 都使用「點水樓」的陶製溫酒壺,這種溫酒壺具特殊的氣密度和導熱性,加入熱水,令酒 能較久地維持適口的溫度。夏日飲清酒則選用日製「地炉利」冷酒器,令清酒透露出爽冽 魅力。吃麵時我歡喜使用大而厚的瓷碗,先溫碗,再盛入麵條和湯,取其能有效維持熱度, 表現麵條的口感,熱呼呼地溫暖人心。

陳小曼 Slow Chen

碗文 | 安心食器 生活 Bowl Writings | Safe Tableware

美好的器皿都不斷探索工藝,令材質結合藝術,真正的美食須用美具,才能滿足審美的需 求。日常家用的器皿以安全、實用為主,其次才追求美麗;收藏品等級的器皿則供欣賞, 一般捨不得拿出來用,那是另一層次的審美功能。

有一次食養山房主人不曉得從那個博物館借出當年總督府的御用器皿,當骨董鎖在玻璃櫥 窗裡,也許能獲得吾人的驚嘆;然則我們洗淨它,叫它回到生活,委實是結合了視覺、觸覺、 味覺和嗅覺的審美感受,我清楚記得盛著前菜的那小碟是孔雀造型,它背著橘色鮮豔的海 膽,鮭魚卵和紫蘇葉,展翅欲飛。

焦桐 Jiao Tong

On Tableware – Jiao Tong (Writer) Tableware is a key factor in dining. For instance, the taste of wine and tea can vary significantly depending on the glass or cup being used. When I drink vintage Shaoxing wine, I use a ceramic wine-warming pot from Dian Shui Lou. The pot, which retains heat from warm water poured into it, features a special air seal and high thermal conductivity that help keep the wine at the optimal temperature for an extended period. When I drink sake in summer, I use a Japanese-made chirori wine cooler to bring out the drink's refreshing charm. When eating noodles, I like to use a large and thick porcelain bowl. The bowl is warmed up before the noodles and broth are placed inside. This allows the food's heat to be better maintained and the noodles' original texture to be more faithfully enjoyed; this warms my heart. A great vessel is the combination of materials and art. To fulfill our aesthetic needs, excellent cuisine must be paired with excellent vessels. For vessels used in everyday life, safety and functionality are the primary concerns, coming before aesthetics. Collector items, by contrast, are for appreciation; they are rarely used and serve a higher level of aesthetic function. The owner of Shi-Yang Culture Restaurant once managed to borrow vessels from a museum, used in the former Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan during the period under Japanese rule. They had been locked up in a glass cabinet like antiques, placed there as if to impress us. We cleaned them and brought them back to life. When we finally used them, they offered unique aesthetic experiences on the visual, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory levels all at the same time. I clearly remember the peacock design we created with the items served on that saucer; the bird, decorated with bright orange sea urchin, salmon roe, and perilla leaves, appeared poised to take flight.

碗用 | 工作坊 Use of Bowls | Workshops

10/28 SAT 14:00-16:00

10/29 SUN 14:00-16:00

張簡士揚 Zhang Jian Shi-yang, 洪忠權 Spencer Hung

挑食,常被用來形容因不喜歡某種食材,而拒 絕食用。每種食材都有其富載的營養素和獨特 的味道,透過不同的料理手法或調味,使原本 為人所抗拒的食材,有了可被接受的新面貌與 風味。

"Picky eaters" originally referred to those who refuse to eat certain ingredients out of distaste for them. However, every ingredient has nutrients and a unique flavor to offer. With the right cooking technique and seasoning, even ingredients many people find repulsive can earn a place on picky eaters' dinner plates.

Totem of Modern Food Lifestyles – Zhang Jian Shi-yang (Founder, Zishi Art)

In modern society, people are paying more attention to the value of healthy diets that emphasize fruit and vegetables in addition to meat and seafood. This totem design reflects this trend. At first glance, the totem depicts fish, shrimp and crabs. However, a closer look reveals that these sea creatures are composed of vegetables such as onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes, symbolizing the changing diets of contemporary consumers.

挑食是對飲食在意,而不是挑掉不吃 - 食物設計師 陳小曼

Being a picky eater means paying close attention, not being overly selective. – Slow Chen (Food Designer)

The Taiwan Bowl and Dish Museum – Chien Yang-tung (Founder)

簡楊同 Chien Yang-tung


主辦單位 :

鋦瓷技藝 碗盤補釘 _ 鋦月人生 陳高登

Ceramics Skills: Bowl Mending with Chen Kao-teng 以古法修復碗盤,重新審視生活物件的價值,透過化腐朽為神奇的修復,讓原本 器物上的缺陷成為獨一無二的美。

茶泡飯 _ 食物設計師 陳小曼

Ochazuke with food designer Slow Chen 藉由一碗簡單的茶泡飯來溝通挑食的設計,一步步解構食材,由參與者自行選食, 並採用 JIA Inc. 碗筷新品來演繹。

合作單位 :

感謝 各參展人的影像提供 / 攝影 Evan Lin、張晏瑋 / 插畫 王春子

11/04 SAT 14:00-16:00

11/05 SUN 14:00-16:00

餅食設計 _ 食物設計師 陳小曼 x 舊振南

Pastry Design with food designer Slow Chen and Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry

「米香丸」是新嫁娘用以表達成家滋味的一種方式,在活動中體驗全新 的演繹,透過參與把心中的滋味帶回家。

咖啡飲食 _ 咖啡人 王詩鈺

Coffee and Food with coffee expert Wang Shih-yu 手沖咖啡,手沖茶,在萃取和分享的過程中感受溫暖又有層次的療癒感, 並搭配上果乾小點,體驗悠閒美好的滋味。

JIA PLUS 網 路 商 店


新 會 員, 老 朋 友 註 冊 開 通 即 享

百 元 優 惠 券

掃描 QR Code 註冊開通 www.jiaplus.com.tw

首 創 雙 層 陶瓷濾杯,人人都能手沖好咖啡

JIA Inc. 手沖咖啡組─濾壺;蛋糕杯型、錐型濾杯;杯座

5 分 鐘 煮 好水,口感圓潤滑順 JIA Inc. 鐵器鑄鐵壺

JIA Inc. 碗筷系列 瓢碗組─瓢碗(大、中、小)、黑檀木筷、筷架


能讓水質 更 滑 順 , 室 內 戶 外 隨 時 喝 好 水

JIA Inc. 竹炭陶醒水芯隨身瓶

雙層鍋蓋 燜 煮 , 留 住 米 香 , 米 飯 更 Q 彈

JIA Inc. 蒸鍋蒸籠系列─蒸煮飯蓋


[ 台灣 ] 台北信義門市 台北松菸門市 台北復興門市 台中文心門市 台中新光門市

誠品生活信義店 2 樓 02-2722-2170 誠品生活松菸店 2 樓 02-6638-8382 SOGO 復興館 8 樓 02-8772-9829 南屯區大容東街 12 號 1 樓 04-2310-8687 新光三越台中中港店 7 樓 04-2259-8022

[ 中國 ] 上海基地概念店 黃浦區局門路 457 號 8 號橋主樓 105 室 上海萬象城門市 上海萬象城 B 座 B1 層 182 號 蘇州新光天地門市 蘇州新光商場 1 層 01020 號 [JIA PLUS TW] www.jiaplus.com.tw [JIA PLUS HK] www.jiaplus.com.hk [JIA 天貓旗艦店 ] jiainc.world.tmall.com 香 港 商 生 生 股 份 有 限 公 司 台 灣 分 公 司 | 11158 台 北 市 士 林 區 德 行 西 路 33 號 10 樓 | +886 2 2834 3377 | w w w .lif e- n- living.co m



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