Editing Essay Editing is a very important part of postproduction. Editing determines how viewers read,interpret and emotionally respond to a film. Through the late 1800’s to early 1900’s filmmakers were coming up with ideas on how film could be, it wasn't until 1915 when ‘The Birth of a Nation’ was created when more than one editing technique were used in films. In this essay, I will be talking about some of the many different editing techniques that are used in throughout the history and present TV and film. The first editing technique I will be talking about is one of the most effective. It is called match cut and it is transition between shots that match to create a dramatic effect. A successful match cut would be two shots that share similarities or look very similar in colour, shape,concept,etc. This done “so that the scenes can be unified both literally and metaphorically” (IGN 2014 http://uk.ign.com/top/moviemoments/4 accessed: 04/10/15) For example this gif shows the match cut in Lawrence of Arabia. This is a match cut because the orangey red colour of the lit match is the same as the sunset. This could symbolise that time is running out in the film but it also takes the viewer to the next scene seamlessly.The Arabian desert functions as a majestic backdrop and metaphysical land for Lawrence's exploits. Its two most famous shots and cinematographic images are the mirage shot to announce the arrival of Sherif Ali, and the match cut from the burning match in Lawrence's fingers to the rising desert sun. Lean admitted that almost all of the film's movement was from left to right, to emphasize the journey theme of the film. (Filmsite Movie Review 2014 http://www.filmsite.org/lawr.html accessed: 04/10/15)
This very famous scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” is a very good match cut because the shape of the drain matches the shape of her eye. The water swirling around the drain is mimicking the woman's lack of life as it draws attention to the life leaving her eyes. This is very effective because not only does it create an shocking sequence of shots, it makes it really sink in that this woman is dead. An editing technique that is often mistaken as match cut is jump cut. The reason they are often mistaken is the fact that in some cases they can look similar. A jump cut is a series of shots that are edited together which do not match. For example, a match cut is two shots edited together seamlessly so they are perfectly matched. Whereas a jump cut is the complete opposite, sometimes used to take focus away from the narrative.
This gif shows a type of jump cut known as the Kuleshov effect. Kuleshov was a filmmaker who discovered that putting two unrelated shots together to create a meaning. This effect makes the viewer think by giving them a story they have to piece together in their heads. Here we see a jump cut being used to “mimic” a conversation. Using a jump cut like this can be very effective because it engages the viewer and makes them feel like they are part of the conversation. Although this is different from the Kuleshov effect, it is still a jump cut as it is two shots which are different (from different angles and different characters) that have been created into a scene. In this particular example, it creates a evident emotional change in both actors. Match cut and jump cut are both ways of combining shots into sequences, but there is another editing technique that is called a cutaway. A cutaway can be the most obvious way of transitioning between scenes out of the three. However match cut, jump cut and cutaway are all ways of combining shots into sequences. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXsvIt_GI78 This is link is an example of cutaway in Jaws, this particular type of cutaway is called a person wipe. A person wipe is a very subtle way of showing a cutaway. In this scene it is used to create suspense as ia person walks across the screen it shows the lifeguard and then the ocean and then the lifeguard as another person walks across the frame. Not only does this create suspense, it shows a very fast paced development of drama. Parallel editing is the next technique I will be talking about. Parallel editing is an editing technique that is used to connect two different events and make them look as if they are happening at once. It is commonly used in action or crime shows/films to show two
significant happening at the same time. It is also known as cross cutting. A lot of the time it is used to create tension or unravel something we never thought would happen. 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts1x6uADFtM In this 2 minute clip taken from Silence of Lambs, you see a two things happening at once in different shots. You see the FBI getting ready to find the suspect, another series of shots show a young FBI alone also looking for the suspect and finally you see the suspect in his house with a victim. Combining this sequences to make it look like the FBI team and the lone agent both going to what they both think is the suspect's house builds tension in the scene and makes the viewer slide to the edge of their seat. This tension build up also creates a big expectation for the next shot where the both get to the door. When you see that the lone agent is at the suspect's door, it is a truly shocking moment in the film. 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwsK36BzcY This clip from Kill Bill, you are shown a different kind of parallel editing. A split screen is used in this to show the progression between the “villain” and the victim. I think the split screen is very effective because it sort of mimics a comic book or graphic novel and this shows a relationship to the genre because this film is actionpacked and not based in reality. Unlike the other example where you saw the different shots one at a time, both shots are seen at the same time. Showing the audience the importance of this scene. Continuity editing is almost the exact opposite to parallel editing. Parallel editing is about showing more than one shot in the same time frame to make it clear that the two events are happening simultaneously, whereas continuity editing is used to make a shot appear continuous. Continuity is mostly used to show digression of time and how its past or it's used as a way of making a long period of time go by. 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nIxppYXonE This scene from Notting Hill is an example of continuity editing being used to show that a whole year has past. One thing that is very helpful that makes the scene come together is the music, it doesn't change whole scene. The music combined with the actors same glum expression tells the viewer that his feelings for a woman have not changed, even though so much time has past. To summarise editing can make or break a film. Through the power of editing it, you can create a whole world and alter reality. Throughout film history editing has become more and more advanced. Editing used to be done in the filming process (the filming had to be shit and then restarted all over again) and now it can be done with a few clicks of a
button. One of the best things about editing is that new software is constantly being upgraded and created. Bibliography IGN 2014 http://uk.ign.com/top/moviemoments/4 Date accessed: 04/10/15 Filmsite Movie Review 2014 http://www.filmsite.org/lawr.html Date accessed: 04/10/15 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXsvIt_GI78 Date accessed: 06/10/15 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts1x6uADFtM Date accessed: 06/10/15 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwsK36BzcY Date accessed: 06/10/15 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nIxppYXonE Date accessed: 07/10/15