Mammoet World 5

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worldwide specialists in heavy lifting and w t roarnl d sp woi d r te s p e c i a l i s t s i n h e a v y l i f t i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t







Our people make it happen T&DP is vital for Mammoet’s performance

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Managing Shutdowns Mammoet transports Jumbo Various components for Melkoya

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Pushing to new heights in Baku

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‘Our people make it happen’ Despite state-of-the art equipment, advanced computer systems, a worldwide network and an overwhelming track record, Mammoet’s achievements are primarily the result of personal focus, dedication and professional expertise. As Roderik van Seumeren, CEO of Mammoet, comments on last year’s results and the outlook for the future, he triggers the discussion by stating that “although it seems we’re an highly advanced technical firm, we’re actually in the people business. Partly a joke of course, because technology certainly matters in our business, but I’m really serious when I say that our people are our prime asset”. Roderik van Seumeren, President & CEO.

Does this mean you also consider the ‘red men and women’ as your prime competitive edge? “When your corporate ambition is simply ‘to be the best’ it is clear to me that this can only be achieved with having the best employees you can dream of. This is not just a matter of clever recruitment. With extensive training and development programmes, embedded in our corporate culture, we strive to be an ‘employer of choice’. Of course, then our people should also have the best tools available and that is where equipment, engineering tools and a host of other systems come in. Jan van Seumeren Jr., CTO and responsible for the Fleet Management comments on this aspect on page 19 of this issue. But, as I said before, you just don’t get the best people automatically. In fact, you have to foster this in long term programmes that provide a continuous facility for learning and development. We invest a lot in both the professional expertise of all our employees, including local hires, whether they actually operate on a site or contribute to our success with supportive tasks. I’m really proud on what has been achieved so far and on the facing page you’ll learn more about our training and development activities.” Why is it so important to emphasize learning and development? “Everywhere in the world we face severe competition and customers have various considerations when they join us in a partnership. We want to make the difference. As from the early days of our company, training and development of our employees has always been important. With our T&DP program we structure and store the available information about personal skills and expertise. We can retrieve this information with queries whenever we want. We observe that the market for large project shifts to more remote areas of the world.

We respond by sending the best selected teams to these places. These crews are our own people with the right attitude. Sometimes they have to do the ‘impossible job at an impossible location’. In other cases there is a solid cooperation for years, for instance when we serve in maintenance projects and plant stops. It is our duty and especially the challenge of the management, to fulfill our client’s expectations again and again. We manage this only if our people are fully prepared on what they can expect, even if they’re working virtually alone. This can be achieved with proper personal skills and expertise, plus a high motivation. The latter develops in an attractive corporate culture while the first is the result of training and development. If both are right, you just have great confidence in your crews around the world, as well as in our engineers and all other ‘members’ of the Mammoet family and I think that is exactly where Mammoet’s success starts. By giving confidence, we show we take care about our employees, take their personal responsibility serious and offer all the tools they need for maintaining and expanding personal skills and expertise.” What illustrates this confidence best? “There are many examples but let me mention just one. Of course, all our transport and lifting activities have been engineered to details before our crews commence working on the site. However, unforeseen circumstances may happen, like changing meteorological conditions. In all cases our crane operators have the permission to stop the operations at any time if, according to their professional perception, a job possibly cannot be done safely. As the management, we will back-up his decision at all times and there will never be any repercussions whatsoever. In other words, if we’re serious in saying ‘people are our prime asset’ it is just logic that the crew on site has the final go or no-go. They’re part of a chain, but are responsible for the actual execution of the job. We have had several cases in which our operator was right to stop the operations and inform his line management. Our customers are very satisfied with such behavior, because that is what matters. It illustrates the dedication of our people at work. It is a behavior, even an attitude that matches the Mammoet culture? “Exactly, it is the result of that culture. Our people share basic values about their professionalism, dedication and loyalty to the employer ánd the customer. I like to seem them proud to work with

Mammoet, to enjoy daily success, to consider difficult situations really as challenges rather than problems and to exhibit mobility without borders. The latter becomes more important as, especially in the petrochemical segment, developments in very remote areas increase significantly. Before the real work starts there, we make sure we are present there already for a couple of years. This enables us to learn local regulations, set up local contacts and experience the local working conditions. This is how we paved our way in areas like Sakhalin, the Caspian area and China.” How do you ensure Mammoet employees share the same values? “Every Mammoet employee, including the management must complete an induction course. In addition, we register in a central database all personal certificates and their expiry date. The various courses for learning and development have been standardized but also leave room to add more local aspects and subjects. Well, as such training and development is not new of course, but the systematic and transparent learning management is a real improvement and illustrates also our corporate learning capability. A spin-off is that we can easily select the best crew for specific jobs from our own resources. What other interesting developments may we expect for the coming year? “We stay committed to serve our customers the best we can and doing wherever is required. Quality, safety and care about the environment should be obvious, but is never a routine aspect. Some challenging projects will be carried out in so-called “blind spots”. This means they are outside traditional markets or in new geographical areas like the prospective Sakhalin project. For the years to come I expect a shift towards the upper end of the contracting market. The projects become even more complex and require an indepth know-how, innovative approaches and often specific and specialized equipment. I think that every opportunity we get to add value to our solutions for the customers must be explored. That’s what my management stands for and that’s also what I stand for. I aim at steady growth, a no-nonsense approach and dedication to my customers through investment in our people.”

Think global and act local Patrick van Seumeren is Vice President of the Board of Management. He claims that Mammoet has an efficient balance between centralized management and co-ordination and regional taskforces that run the operations all over the world. “It adds to our quick response, to advanced logistics with a very large fleet, with services that extend to third parties and to our timely presence at emerging markets.”

Patrick van Seumeren, Vice President & COO.

The timely presence is also an early involvement with long term planning for customers? “The sooner we enter the planning stages, the better our added value can be. Quite often, our customers call upon us when plans are still on the drawing board. They not only need our expertise to detail transport and lifting plans, but also seek our advice in a host of related issues such as logistics.” Thus Mammoet’s development, as an organization and related to staffing, is triggered by the customers needs? “Yes, but there is more. The long lead times of many projects force us to anticipate on the customers needs even before they would realize such needs will develop! Personally, this is a commercial aspect that appeals to me in particular. The markets are not easy and will never be so. We

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háve to compete and we nééd to develop a solid strategy that maximizes our output for the benefit of the customer. This is also why I’m very pleased with the developments of our training, learning and development plans. Turning back to the balance between central and local organizations, what is really significant there? “Our main assets are people and expensive equipment. We should never forget that the important base for our success is in the rental business, which is typically managed from a local viewpoint. Those people and equipment stay within a region or even within a country, or sometimes even on a specific site when we talk about maintenance contracts. But other equipment, as well as specialists, are to be managed centrally. They enable our special projects that are eye-catching. They travel the world and it’s our task to schedule these such that they arrive always in time and leave in time too, bound for the next work. Furthermore the regional organization is essential to shorten the communication lines with customers. Of course we cannot establish a representative everywhere but we have an impressive list of points of contacts and local alliances that offer a quick and effective gateway to all Mammoet’s resources. These include worldwide logistics and, for instance, engineering

capacity. However there is more. Due to our worldwide precence we are familiar with various local cultures, regulations, laws and habits. This is really important since we then know in advance what to expect, plan accordingly and can move on at a steady pace.” What is Mammoet’s strategy, start small and expand to bigger projects, or the other way around? “We do both. In Canada we started with large projects that required our specialisms and from this we established a local company that serves smaller projects ánd maintenance prorgrammes. But in Brasil it worked the other way. Starting with a small foothold we managed to gain experience in working under those specific conditions and gradually became entitled to make bids for more advanced, complex jobs. Well, to do those two development tracks together just nééds a proper balance between a central organization and local infrastructures. Some people compare Mammoet with another animal, a chameleon. We can adapt to every circumstance that customers require us to do….”

T&DP T&DP is vital for Mammoet’s performance Corporate courses, ranging from a riggers training to engineering learning programmes, are of course not new to Mammoet. For decades Mammoet invests in the professional and personal development of all employees, both technical and non-technical specialists alike. This is why Mammoet crews operate all over the world with focus on their work, dedicated and an ever keen eye on Quality, Safety and Environment, thus complying with the corporate QSEstandards. However, the partial or total transformation to an e-learning approach, combined with live training, linked to the corporate wide employee management system, is new and in itself unique in the world of heavy lifting and transport.

Origin The Training & Development Programme (T&DP) has been developed to meet the requirements set by the market for adopting a more uniform, global way of working. Mammoet operates in many different countries, each with local regulations and standards. To avoid the time consuming checking and adaptation to these local circumstances over and over again, Mammoet

decided to comply worldwide with its own Mammoet Standard, set at such level it will cover any local regulations. An extra benefit is that customers know well in advance what to expect from Mammoet crews and representatives, in terms of professional skills but also in behaviour on the site. Hence, the T&DP is vital to maintain the high corporate standards and rules as defined in the QSE-standards. This is of immediate benefit to all customers since they know Mammoet will perform according to the pre-set specifications, time schedule and budget. Or do better than this…

Structure The T&DP has four elements. The first one, the induction course, is mandatory for all Mammoet employees and local hires. In addition, operational crews must be certified according to the Mammoet Standard and to obtain such certificate, the applicable courses need to be completed. The third element is the Crane Specific Handover Form. Crane operators are responsible to obtain a proper instruction for a specific crane other than he normally operates, before he starts. The instruction

and certificates are registered in a central database. Finally, the T&DP offers a Safety Guide. This is a small but comprehensive booklet that must be carried whenever on duty. Certificates will be kept in this booklet, ready for any on-site inspection by authorities. Core of T&DP is an online learning portal. This system manages the learning activities and links the results to the employee management system. Apart from the induction course, which is completely e-learning based, the portal facilitates all standardized exams. It is an option to offer content modules per course as well, but currently courses are given ‘live’ by trainers and teachers. The portal offers great versatility as specific training modules and exams can be readied for use by a counselee anywhere on the globe. With the registration of obtained results, Mammoet has always a clear insight of who is qualified for what. This eases the composition of specific teams for advanced tasks and provides a management tool to verify and check the validity of personal certificates.

Knowledge sharing All courses are based on the best practices, sampled from the rich Mammoet history. As Natasja Sesink, Manager Human Resources, explains: “Most of these courses have a theoretical module with a theory exam and a practical module facilitated with the necessary equipment. If the results of both exams are at a sufficient level, the counselee obtains his Certificate. As we from the HRM department run T&DP, it is important to note that the development of these courses was done in dedicated teams that covered colleagues with years of field practice. We do not want to load our employees with just theoretical knowledge only. The trick is to transform this knowledge into practical terms and awareness. Hence, it is about professional skills and behavior”. Natasja also indicates that the T&DP programme is very well received by all Mammoet personnel and by representatives of many customers. It illustrated Mammoet’s willingness to make huge investments in the personal development of its employees and to offer relevant career paths. “I know people would say that this is what they would expect from a company like Mammoet and this is true. But to get this intention really working and operational is a tremendous effort, an achievement that we are proud of indeed. It should be noted that more than 60% of our worldwide personnel is based structurally outside the Netherlands, with many having English only as a second language. This means the learning materials must be suited for use in different cultures, must be kept effective and must be maintained continuously. The latter is triggered by actively

One of the leading developers of course materials is Michael van Rijsewijk, an senior engineer and technical IT – specialist. He contributed to the theoretical parts of courses, for instance the Trailer Stability & Lashing Course. In fact, he actually gave this course module. “We had 23 counselees in five groups. During the course I discovered their already very fine professional level of skills and our presentations added to that even more. At times they were critical and gave valuable feed back. This is exactly what we intend, because only in this way we can constantly maintain and improve our learning materials. Another training project that I managed was the training of engineers around the globe on the use of our in-house developed software

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seeking feed back from counselees and by adding new ‘best practices’ to the body of the courses. In some cases, we translated courses to local languages, like Urdu.” Programming and the actual presentation of courses is the responsibility of about a dozen operational managers. These people also play an important role in the course development teams. In fact, they write major parts of the course. All have a solid engineering back ground and, of course, adequate field practice. A course is never ‘ready’ as Natasja said. It requires constant reviews and revision: the real knowledge sharing process. While the current course programme is mainly intended for operational tasks, the HRM department already embarked on the development of courses for non-technical job support. “My personal goal is that this T&DP becomes one of the corner stones of the Mammoet culture. The Mammoet Standards and Certificates stand for rock solid quality, professionalism and dedication. Some of our customers already demand a Mammoet rigging certificate or simular for rigging activities at their sites.” Bryan Cronie, Corporate QSE Director, couldn’t agree more with Natasja, he said. He considers the T&DP is of utmost importance in helping with the integration, success and use of the recently introduced Corporate Safety Manual where the standards focus on a “Full Compliance Safety Culture” currently being applied on a worldwide basis regardless of where or who

such as AutoCrane. The information generated by the different tailor made software programs is now in a standard form. Ensuring that the programs keep pace with developments in the concern will prevent the software from becoming outdated; we will be also be able to accommodate specific requirements stipulated by our clients and the users. Yes, it is tough for them, as we make long learning days, because normal operations often continue. It is Mammoet’s policy that we, as operational managers, also maintain our own skills by regularly managing on-site projects. I really love to be a teacher since I know my counselees are motivated, eager to learn and certainly not shy to give me feed back whenever that is needed.”

is doing which job. Major clients and local hires alike, our customers must be sure about our compliance with safety regulations, environmental care and of course, the competence of the people who provide the quality of what we do. It is completely understandable that customers explicitly request proof of our safety, environmental and quality levels, before awarding us their contracts. Thus, we have to make a manifest that the QSE rules and standards are really implemented in the knowledge and skills of our people, the T&DP helps ensure this.” Bryan further explains that he and Roderik are in the middle of a ‘road show’ to present the T&DP, its courses and the new Corporate Manual in all regional offices. As he says: “These presentations are targeted deliberately at the top of the management organization. If the management shows in person they acknowledge QSE and the T&DP, this good practice will be followed, filtered and copied down the line, into the veins of our global organization. Our regional management feels this is the right thing to do. It enhances our already renowned efforts in training development and QSE matters. Structured worldwide compliance and management learning information from our management systems are often cited as the major advantages and I agree but I would like to add something personal. Our field crews are often considered as the last element in a long chain of preparations. They make it happen and that is true. At the same time I consider them being the first element of another chain. Their behaviour, attitude, competence and skills make them the true ambassadors of Mammoet, a pivot point where mutual confidence between the customer and Mammoet develops and is being fostered. Just knowing that the T&DP and the Full Compliance Safety Culture incorporating a “right to refuse to take un-assessed and uncontrolled risk” applies for all our people, worldwide, makes me feel very satisfied and … proud.”

Petrochemical  EUROPE

Managing Shutdowns



Pernis and Moerdijk, The Netherlands

Main equipment Various cranes, jacking and skidding equipment


Mammoet was commissioned to carry out scheduled maintenance work on a number of process installations at plants in Pernis and Moerdijk. 84 cranes ranging from 8 to 400 tonnes as well as jacking and skidding equipment were deployed at the two plants. Plans were designed for both plants at a very early stage of preparations and were intended to avoid unpleasant surprises during the performance of the various shutdown jobs. An enormous workload confronted Mammoet during this period

and once again, we demonstrated that we always make the utmost effort to ensure that every aspect of our job satisfies our customers. The key to this success is evident; it’s the staff who ensure Mammoet’s achievements, from A to Z. It’s important to remember that Mammoet staff’s families also played an important role. They also felt the extra pressure caused by the work in shifts and at the weekends. The work carried out in shutdown periods is not always simple and there will inevitably be issues in need of further improvement.

In close cooperation with the customer Mammoet is always looking to further optimize planning and efficiency by getting the maximum out of people and equipment. Mammoet received e-mails and responses of acknowledgement from their cliënts in which they thank our firm for the quality of work and all efforts. The just renewed contract will enable Mammoet to prove that selecting Mammoet certainly is the right choice!

Factory to foundation transport Location Nijkerk, the Netherlands and Dormagen, Germany Main equipment AC 500 1


On a Monday a horizontal CO2 storage tank built by a tank construction company at Nijkerk, the Netherlands, stood outside the factory ready for transport. The AC 500-1 with an additional 40 tonnes of ballast was erected in the morning. The tank, with a weight of 74 tonnes, was 27 meters long and 5 meters tall and wide. Once the necessary slings, lifting beams and shackles had been hung on the hook it was time to lift the tank - a very precise job, since we had to avoid damaging the insulated tank. Thanks to the expertise of

the crane-drivers, the lift from the quay into the vessel went very smoothly; the inland vessel was then able to depart to the Stürzelberg industrial area near Dormagen in Germany’s Ruhr region. On its arrival at Dormagen the inland vessel was unable to berth close to the quay. For this reason two AC 500 1 cranes were deployed for the next transfer. Thursday was a German “Feiertag”, when cargo vehicles are prohibited on the roads; for this reason the cranes arrived at the site on the Wednesday. The lifting beams used in Nijkerk had accompanied

the tank so that they could be used to lift the tank from the inland navigation vessel and position it on the trailer. After 22.00 hours on the Thursday evening the tank was transported by road, with a police escort, to its destination eight kilometers from Dormagen. On the Friday morning one of the cranes had been erected at the site, in accordance with the lifting plan, so that it was ready to position the tank on its two concrete supports.

Return to Böhlen Location

Böhlen, Germany

Main equipment Main equipment: telescopic cranes, transport equipment


In Böhlen the first complete revision embedded within the regular Shutdown at DOW Chemical included most facilities such as a Cracker, a butadien plant, a styrene plant and an aromates plant. Mammoet, in a joint venture with Maxikraft, was responsible for the coordination and handling of all transport and crane services. Our project managers together with representatives of Dow made thorough preparations. The goal was to finish the job within the planned time and they made it. 36 telescopic cranes joined the internal and external transport activities executed on behalf of the many mechanical contractors involved. Our client was very pleased with the results, in particular the excellent co-operation with all partners, the technical performance and the quality of work, especially when it comes to safety issues. As a result our client expects Mammoet to perform again in such way during the Shutdown later this year.

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Going for Gold in Greece Location

Corinth, Greece

Main equipment PTC , SPMTs


A job in Corinth – about one hour’s drive from Athens - required the deployment of the Platform Twin Ring Containerized for the Motoroil Hellas 2005 Expansion Project. The crane was loaded at our Heavy Lift Terminal in Schiedam. The PTC was transported as 44 x 20 ft containers and 40 x 40 ft containers. All in all it perfectly fitted into a regular cargo vessel. Ten days later the vessel arrived at the Port of Elefsis. In twelve days the crane was erected in the required configuration. The job involved lifting two reactors, which were supplied on pontoons from Porto Maghera in Italy – where Mammoet Italy had loaded them one

week earlier. Two x 20 axle lines SPMT transported the reactors from the pontoon to the site, a distance of about two kilometers, in two days. The journey to within the crane’s reach involved passages under electricity and telephone cables, as well as under a railroad track. For this job the PTC had been erected with an 85.3-meter main boom; the CC 2800, which served as the tailing crane, was fitted with a 48-meter main boom. The heaviest reactor, with a weight of about 850 tonnes, was the first to arrive; its smaller brother, with a weight of some 750 tonnes, arrived the next day. Both reactors were safely placed on their foundations within a total of two days.


Fueled by Kyoto Protocol


Location Sarnia and Edmonton, Canada Main equipment Strand jack towers, CC 2600, SPMTs


Thanks to new Canadian legislation sparked by the 1998 signing of the Kyoto Protocol, all Canadian industry is now required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next 15 years. In particular, Canadian oil companies are now required to produce ultra-low-sulphur-diesel (ULSD) fuel, which must be available to Canadian consumers by September 2006. ULSD fuel is created by stripping sulphur out of diesel fuel by means of a distillate hydrotreater (DHT) process and accordingly, almost all refineries in Canada are installing a DHT reactor during the next 18 months. Mammoet Canada Eastern completed the first project of this type at a refinery in Sarnia. The 720-tonne reactor was fabricated in Italy and shipped to the Port of Sarnia. Mammoet

supplied a large deck barge and 48 axle lines of SPMTs to receive the reactor from the ship. The reactor and another smaller vessel were promptly fastened to a barge in preparation for an eight-kilometer voyage to the refinery. After the ramps were installed on the quay and activated the pumps, the reactor was transported from the barge to the refinery. At the location of a low piperack the reactor was offloaded from the trailers, both turntables were removed and the reactor was re-loaded onto a double 18-line SPMT. The final approach could then be made to the lifting location, where a 50-meter high guyless strandjack tower was ready to lift. The reactor was rigged to the 900tonne strandjack and a CC 2600 was ready to tail the vessel. The reactor was erected in the short course of three hours. Afterwards,Mammoet dismantled the lift system and shipped it to Edmonton, where it lifted another DHT reactor for the same client at Edmonton’s PetroCanada refinery. This tower configuration was a duplicate of the one in Sarnia and was erected in a congested area of the plant. Foundations created mat layout challenges but all were overcome and the lift was successfully completed in good measure and was only marred by the infamous Canadian winter weather. During the assembly temperatures were frigid and with the wind chill dipped to a low of -45º degrees Celsius!

Dryer Changeout

“Advanced equipment is still a dead thing.

Redwater, Canada Main equipment SPMTs,trailers, tower system, skid & jack equipment, cranes Location

It becomes alive when operated with craftsmanship by my


Areas of a dryer were deteriorating due to the corrosive nature of the product and was required to be replaced. The replacement dryer section weighed 75.7 tonnes and had a length of 18.8 meter and a diameter of 3.66 meter. The dryer was located inside the building structure and the area around the dryer was very congested and provided many challenges to set up equipment within the building. The client required a quick turn around since part of the plant was shutdown to perform that work. It took approximately 14 days to mobilize equipment, remove the old dryer, install the new dryer and demobilize from site. This project required using a wide range of services including a four leg tower system comprising of pipe stands stacked together forming the columns of the towers and beams to tie the legs together. Extensive planning and outstanding teamwork completed this job to the customer’s complete satisfaction.

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Jim Massicote First Mechanic, Mammoet Canada Eastern

Identical Twins Location Fort Mac Murray,Canada Main equipment CC 2800 crawler cranes, SPMTs


Two identical Demag CC 2800 cranes were deployed for the lifting of a module. For this lift both cranes were fitted with a 54-meter main boom, 30-meter jib and the complete superlift ballast trailer with an additional more than 200 tonnes of ballast. One crane had a lifting capacity of 196 tonnes and would be used to lift a load of 151 tonnes. In this instance its partner crane also had a lifting capacity of 196 tonnes. After all, the

Through the streets of Maptaphut



cranes were identical and so were the conditions to work in! However the load to be lifted by this crane was a little less, namely 129 tonnes! Once the cranes had lifted the module from 24 axle lines SPMT, the trailers could be driven clear. The module was then lifted above the structure in one continuous movement. The job was completed once the two cranes moved forward to position the module in its definitive location.

Location Main equipment

Location: Maptaphut, Thailand Main equipment: Scheuerle trailers


Maintenance work has been underway on the Gas Separation Plant Number 5 at the Western Industrial Estate, in Maptaphut, on the eastern seaboard of Thailand. B&J Mammoet unloaded all the heavy equipment needed for the project from five seagoing vessels. The cargo included a 75-meter depropanizer unit shipped to the Port of Maptaphut, where it was offloaded by the vessel’s onboard cranes. This unit was 75.18 m long, 5.19 m in diameter and weighed 320 tonnes. Two Big Sheuerler 8-axle trailers fitted with 300tonne turntables were used to transport the tank from the port to the plant. All preparations had been completed in advance for the transport. The 11 km long route preparation included the complete pruning of six trees at the first right turn after the port’s security exit, the temporary raising of numerous power cables along the roads, the temporary removal of traffic lights and power poles and the removal of a 20-meter section of the traffic island at the entrance to the GSP5. Thanks to the help of all local authorities we could complete the transport without problems. The initial 5 km was in the industrial area; the mid-stage was over public roads.The tank was delivered safely, with a minimum of fuss and delay, within five hours. Now we are looking forward to once again breaking the local record for the longest cargo, in the course of 2005 we expect to transport a unit with a length of no less than 100.5 meters.

Islands in the Stream Location Jurong and Pulau Ular Island, Singapore Main equipment CC 4800


About six years ago Singapore still had about a dozen little islands, including Sakra, Seraja, Ayer and Chawan. One petrochemical plant after another was being constructed on these islands and in those days reaching the islands was a time-consuming exercise, especially for the workforce. Every morning hundreds of people lined up waiting to board ferries and wooden taxi boats to the islands. But that’s all history now; the islands have been linked up together into one big island, Jurong Island, with a bridge to the main island. Mammoet has recently finished a project with the CC 4800 crawler crane on Jurong. The crane was

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shipped from Australia to one of Singapore’s very efficient ports, from where it was transported to the site overland and across the bridge. Once this project had been completed Mammoet needed to move on to Pulau Ular about two hours by boat. This island however is too remote to be linked to Jurong Island. Mammoet loaded the CC 4800 onto a barge and offloaded the crane at Pulau Ular using a floating crane. Only the heavy sections were loaded onto the barge, in order to avoid any demurrage on the floating crane. The remaining general cargo was transported on a second barge. The CC 4800 was assembled shortly after and the first lifts followed quickly.

Delivery on request Location Aktau Sea Port, Kazakhstan Main equipment RK 8500, LR 1350 1 and gantry system


Mammoet was contracted to execute lifting and transport operations of cargo for the Tengizchevroil project, an expansion of a refinery in Kazakhstan. As the construction site in Tengiz is not connected to the Caspian Sea, all worldwide manufactured items were shipped to Aktau, the closest seaport to the construction site. All units were

offloaded from ships or barges using the RK 8500 and transported to a temporary storage area on the port premises. On demand of the client these units were loaded one by one onto railcars for further inland transportation. For this reloading we applied a LR 1350 1 and the GC 260 gantry system since the weight of the vessels reached up to 444 tonnes with a maximum length of 66 meters.

Safe and clean in New Zealand

Location North Island, New Zealand Main equipment LR 1400



Changing the horizon Location Middle East Main equipment MSG 50, CC 3800, SPMTs



For the expansion of the Future Fuel Plant in New Zealand, an LR 1400 was loaded in Canada for shipment. The Australian and New Zealand authorities are very strict about their quarantine regulations. All the equipment that is shipped to Australia or New Zealand must be spic and span, with-out a hint of dirt. This can be quite a demanding task if a crane has been standing in the mud for the past two years. The crane passed the inspection without any problems and was offloaded in Marsden Point, a harbor on the North Island of New Zealand. A locally hired transport company took the transport to the site.

An American Hoist 9310 was waiting there to assemble our LR 1400. The same crane would be used later as a tailing crane to lift the reactor. The local transport company also supplied trailers for the transport of the 270-tonne reactor that was carried out under Mammoet’s supervision. Mammoet’s tasks covered the transport and installation of all heavy equipment. The completed job made Mammoet “Contractor of the Month”, a special Award that expresses our customers satisfaction. We pay a special tribute to our crew who was loading the ship on Christmas day to meet various deadlines!



The erection of two 800-tonne reactors at the MEG Plant of the 10th Olefin Complex subsequently resulted in Mammoet being awarded a second contract. The new contract was for the erection of two towers, each weighing 700 tonnes and 95 meters in length, at the Cracking Plant of the 10th Olefin Complex. For the purposes of the erection of these towers the MSG 50 moved from the MEG to the Cracking Site and reassembled in a configuration with an 86.9 meter main boom and 31.6 meter jib – and all within a record period of just 21 days. VIPs from the National Petroleum Company (NPC) and the Jam Petrochemical Company (JPC) watched the erection of the towers. The MSG 50 and the CC 3800

Biggest load ever moved Location Richards Bay and Secunda, South Africa Equipment Prime movers, Conventional trailers


Within its Rand 4.4 billion programme to produce cleaner fuels, South Africa’s biggest oil company had to move a total of 1200 tonnes of heavy equipment from Richards Bay to Secunda, a journey of about 700 km through South Africa. Mammoet Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd was contracted to move these loads in two phases. The first phase consisted of a C3 splitter of 720 tonnes, which came in two sections that had to be transported simultaneously. The lower section was 64 meters long, 8.5 meters in diameter and weighed 500 tonnes, making this the widest, longest and heaviest load ever transported over South Africa’s roads! The upper section of the splitter weighed 220 tonnes and was 34 meters long, with a diameter of nine meters. Mammoet used 5 x 700 HP MAN prime movers, 1 x 500 HP Mercedes prime mover and 74 axle lines of Nicolas conventional trailers to execute this task.

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The total convoy stretched over half a kilometer and was accompanied by several traffic officials, an ambulance and a number of service trucks carrying diesel, spare parts and tires as well as officers from the national telephone company and electricity company. It should be noted that 24 bridges had to be reinforced and all telephone lines and power cables had to be removed temporarily. On 23 November 2004, the transport left Richards Bay, arriving in Secunda on 12 December 2004. The average speed was five kilometers per hour and we were able to travel a maximum distance of 56 km per day. On steep sections however, we couldn’t cover more than 30 km per day. The second phase of the project includes the moving of a 400-tonne orthoflow converter with a length of 44 meters and a diameter of 10 meters, as well as a 100-tonne C2 Splitter with a length of 55 meters and a diameter of 5.8 meters.

erected and installed the towers without problems – and, in so doing, changed the horizon forever. As a result of this achievement Mammoet was awarded a third MSG 50 contract for the 9th Olefin Complex entailing the erection of one 62-meter and 620-tonne tower at a radius of 47 meters. The tailing was provided again by Mammoet’s CC 3800 crawler crane. The successful completion of these projects was made possible through the excellent teambuilding by Mammoet’s multi international team of specialists who worked together under truly extreme conditions, at ambient temperatures of around 50 degrees Celsius.

Civil Mammoet transports Jumbo




Amsterdam and Lelystad, The Netherlands

Main equipment Tugs, Pontoons and SPMTs


Mammoet transported a 26-year-old Boeing 747 Jumbo jet, by water and road, from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to an aviation theme park, in Lelystad. The aircrafts fuselage was transported on 18-axle line SPMTs and three pontoons from BTS, Mammoet’s subsidiary. The first leg of the journey, over water, brought the aircraft from Amsterdam Airport to the “Nieuwe Meer” waterway on Amsterdam’s boundaries. The transport was watched by a large number of spectators; hundreds, perhaps thousands of people stood on all the bridges along the route with their (video) cameras, ready to record the spectacular passage of the aircraft. Next, the aircraft was towed

through Amsterdam by three BTS tugs. The size of the aircraft was such that three-storey houses alongside the canals seemed no larger than doll’s houses. The journey over water continued along Amsterdam’s het IJ waterway and the lakes to Harderwijk where a 500-tonne and a 250-tonne mobile crane lifted the 180-tonne Jumbo from the pontoons onto the SPMTs.The SPMTs transported the aircraft along the final eight kilometers from Harderwijk to its destination, Lelystad. The last, but certainly not the least, job for our crew was the extremely difficult maneuver required to position the Boeing at the theme park.

Dusting off an old technique Location Main equipment

Frechen, Germany Air bags, jacking equipment


Mammoet launched a suction dredger with a length of 52 meters a width of 11.5 meters and a pontoon height of 3 meters. The suction dredger, with a total weight of about 300 tonnes, was to be assembled on the beach in Frechen, Germany. First, the suction dredger was mounted on eighteen 750-mm supports. Once the dredger had been jacked clear of the supports, they could be removed and replaced by the air bags. The vessel had to be jacked up at a total of sixteen points to remove the supports. It was then time for the changing of the guard and the suction dredger rested on the

air bags. Once the jacks had been removed a binoculars and a shovel were used to move the suction dredger into the launch position. To keep control the crew secured a winch to a ground anchor connected to the vessel’s stern. This was achieved by reeving the winch using sheaves. It was coming close to the end of the job and after a few speeches by the clients representatives the suction dredger was launched by the Mayor of the village of Frechen. Hydraulic shears were used to cut through a sling secured to the winch; the dredger then rolled under its own weight over the air bags into the water. Mission accomplished!

Head down! Location Nieuwkoop, The Netherlands Main equipment Pontoons, lifting installation


Early christening of Dilbar Location Alblasserdam and Schiedam, The Netherlands Main equipment SPMTs, pontoons, weighing and ballast system


Mammoet recently moved one of the most exclusive yachts in Holland. The 1450 tonnes four-storey high yacht has a large swimming pool, an on-board speed boat and guests can relax in the enormous living room or one of the many guest rooms...take your pick! Mammoet’s work consisted of weighing the yacht several times to determine the center of gravity, which will be necessary for it to float level in the water and to determine the weight for transport. This involved to move the yacht out of the construction building in Alblasserdam onto a pontoon, from where it was lowered into the water. The yacht was

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driven out with 48 axle lines SPMT. As the pontoon didn’t level with the quayside, ten trucks/trailer combinations with steel ramps, wooden mats and steel plates were used to fill out the difference. Once the yacht and the barge were pulled to a harbor in Schiedam, the rollover onto a smaller barge started. Mammoet’s ballast system was used to keep both barges at the same level during the transfer operation. Finally, BTS towed the smaller barge with the yacht into a floating dock. Here, the yacht was lowered into the water and returned to Alblasserdam where the building of The Dilbar will be completed.

A 13 tonnes excavator had fallen into the water, in the middle of the reed beds behind the “Nieuwkoopse Plassen” lakes. The machine was used for clearing the worked peat grounds. The top layer of the peat has to be removed, to give rare orchids a chance to flower. The big excavator was put into a peat barge to deal with this job. Only, it didn’t all go according to plan... The driver wanted to move onto land over the ramp of the barge when both tipped over. The four workers came out of it with nothing worse than wet clothes and a bit shocked. Retrieving a 13000 kilo crane from a ditch in the middle of a bog is no simple matter. “For Mammoet this job was a nice challenge. The problem was that the ditches were only three and a half meters wide and we needed at least 20 tonnes of lifting capacity,” says Theo van der Ham, Mammoet’s Account Manager on the project. “We brought four small barges to the location and widened the ditch, so that we could put three barges side-by-side. On the middle one we erected a lifting installation with a winch and the main boom of the PC 75. The fourth barge, lying behind the others, was filled with water and was used as a counterweight. The plan worked perfectly. Where a month ago the excavator was still under water, it was now dripping above the water without any problems and parked on terra firma.It was then the turn of the peat barge, which was pulled upright and pumped dry. The Mammoet crew then put the excavator on its caterpillar tracks and after that on the peat barge.

Railroad bridge derailed Location Dortmund, Germany Main equipment LR 1750, SPMTs

Scoring at Wembley Location London, United Kingdom


Main equipment Hydraulic and crawler cranes


The construction of the new Wembley Arena is in full swing. Once completed it will be the most spectacular football stadium in the world, built to the highest specifications, using the latest technology and offering every fan an unrivalled matchday experience. A team of internationally renowned architects, specially cooperating for the project, has ensured that the state-of-the-

art facilities are matched by a design that creates an electric atmosphere – making it the ultimate stage for major events. Piet Schouten, Senior Project Manager at Mammoet is stationed at this project almost permanently and together with 30 other colleagues he is busy literally day and night to meet the deadline for the completion. He comments: “At the moment there are about 13 hydraulic cranes and another 11 crawler cranes on the go here. They vary from a 30-tonne hydraulic crane to a PC 4200 crawler crane. We also apply eight locally hired cranes and another ten tower cranes that assist with the different types of work. The operators come from both Holland and England and we are running day and night shifts. It’s a pretty complicated logistical planning operation. For instance, for the grandstands, called the ‘Bowl’ here, we have to install 12,000(!) floor parts. We have two engineers on site permanently dealing with all the lifting plans. The new stadium has to be ready in spring 2006, when it will be officially commissioned for the final of the FA Cup. This important event will be the first of many glorious events to come!”

Dortmund, Wednesday morning, 07.00: equipment delivered. This time the job is to detach a railroad bridge and move it 150 meters away. The bridge is 102 meters long, 7.5 meters wide and weighs 880 tonnes. Our client received a number of tenders for this job, but no other tenderer came up with the idea to move the entire bridge in one go – a solution which results in major savings for the client. The solution required a crawler crane (LR 1750) at one end and 36 axle lines SPMT at the other end. Once the engineering department made all the calculations and prepared all drawings, it is time to load the LR 1750 for the transport and then erect it on the site; for this job the crane has 400 tonnes of superlift. The SPMTs are coupled together and the transport beams and the supports are positioned on the trailers ready to transport the bridge at the required height. Saturday afternoon, 13.00; the move can begin. The SPMTs are attached to the end of the bridge using their hydraulic systems to lift the bridge free, while the LR 1750 moves on its crawlers simultaneously on the other side of the bridge. Only one hour was needed to get the bridge to its new location, minimizing the time the railroad is closed; normal services resumed that same afternoon.

Tranferring cranes on Italian water Location La Spezia, Italy Main equipment SPMTs


Mammoet transported three container cranes from the small industrial town of La Spezia, close to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, to Durban, South Africa. An application had previously been submitted to get a permit for dredging the port, which was necessary to create the clearance required to load the container cranes onto a heavy-cargo ship. However, this was refused and Mammoet was then called in to load the container cranes onto a pontoon before transferring them to the seagoing vessel. Of course without prior dredging! The pontoon’s draught is less than that of a heavy-cargo ship. SPMTs (56 axle lines), winches, mobile water pumps and long beams were dispatched from Schiedam to execute the job. Since the container cranes were to be transported overseas,

Flying Saucers Location Madrid, Spain Equipment SPMTs


Mammoet moved a 34-meter diameter, 363-tonne satellite dish using 24 axle line SPMTs. NASA uses this satellite dish to track deep-space satellites such as the Mars Pathfinder, Jupiter Galileo and other unmanned space craft. The foundations of the Spanish dish had subsided and could no longer be used. The solution was simple; construct new foundations and relocate the dish on the new base. The plan for the move specified jacking up the dish on eight 50-tonne jacks and then maneuvering four six-axle line SPMTs in a star configuration (all four oriented towards the center of the dish)

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in the resulting space. The dish was then to be driven to the new location, where the jacks were to lower it onto the new foundations. The satellite dish needed to be jacked up 30 centimeters to allow the SPMTs to move under the structure. Once the SPMTs were under the dish the load was secured by welding clamps onto the trailers’ special deck-protection sheeting. To reach the new location the SPMTs needed to move a few meters straight ahead, swivel 30 degrees and then move a further few meters straight ahead. The transport required about an hour to complete. Finally, the satellite dish was successfully lowered onto the new foundations.

they first needed to be fitted with internal shoring to reinforce the structure. Once the first container crane was loaded on the pontoon, tugs brought the pontoon alongside the heavy-cargo ship. Winches were used to moor the pontoon alongside the vessel and the ballast was adjusted until the two decks were at exactly the same level. Next, the container crane moved onboard the ship and rotated through 90 degrees. The SPMTs’ hydraulic lifting systems were used to unload the crane onto special crane beams that had previously been welded onto the deck. The same procedure was used for the other two container cranes. Once the container cranes were safely on board they continued on to South Africa, where the next Mammoet crew was waiting for them.


Topping High


Location Glendale, Arizona, USA. Main equipment Strand jacks


Mammoet positioned an enormous roof construction on a stadium in Glendale, Arizona, USA. The roof, with a span of 213 meters, was lifted to the ridge of the stadium, at a height of 48 meters. The weight of 5600 tonnes was lifted with eight strand jacks, each with a capacity of 900 tonnes. Jack Tol, Engineering Manager, explains: “We had intensive meetings with our client for nearly one and a half years. Everything was planned to the finest detail. Our job was to provide the required equipment and expe-

rienced Mammoet specialists. The roof had to rest on four concrete columns. Each column is U-shaped when viewed from the top. The structure was constructed on the ground and the lifting points were in the U-shape of each column. We designed a frame to be placed on top of each column, fitted with two strand jacks. Near the top of each column we took a ‘bite’ out of the concrete. The roof was then raised to the top, above the bite. The transfer girder was positioned in the bite and after careful lining up the roof could be lowered onto the transfer girder.”

Mammoet received a response reading: “ Following the successful “Super lift”, we felt it was important to take a moment and express our sincere appreciation to Mammoet and the professional manner in which your important work at the new Cardinals Stadium was accomplished. Under your leadership, Mammoet management, organization, people and support services performed as promised and consistently met or exceeded all of our expectations.”

Mammoet bridge in Manhattan Location

New York City, USA.

Main equipment SPMTs, Towers


Mammoet carried out an eye-catching project in the middle of New York City, close to the famous Manhattan business area. The Third Avenue Bridge, built in 1898, needed to be replaced by a new bridge. The new bridge, a swing-type bridge carrying four traffic lanes into Manhattan will be installed over the Harlem River. The bridge was manufactured in Mobile, Alabama and was transported by barge to New York City a few weeks before. Mammoet performed the load-out of the bridge from the quayside onto the barge. This was contracted separately by the bridge fabricator. The project’s objective was to transfer the 2000-tonne bridge from a large ocean barge onto two smaller river barges, so that the bridge can be floated into its final position. This was accomplished by rotating the bridge on the large barge with 72 axle lines SPMT and then using ballasting to set the bridge down onto towers placed on the smaller barges. The project went extremely well and our client was very pleased with Mammoet’s performance. A film crew from Discovery Channel even came to New York to film the entire operation for a new show, “Ultimate Engineering”, to be broadcast in the new season. The bidding, planning, engineering and preparation of this challenging project during the past 2.5 years involved specialists from four Mammoet offices: Cambridge, Schiedam, Rosharon and Edmonton.

New old silos Location

Ashtabula, Ohio and Detroit, USA

Main equipment SPMTs, barge


In the early 1980’s a mortar company in Ashtabula was forced to close down and the facility, including two silos, remained idle for some 20 years. In 2004, the company became interested in Mammoet’s services when they planned a new ‘ship-to-truck’ transfer depot on a dock on the Rouge River in Detroit Michigan, a depot that would require a pair of steel silos of the same dimensions of the ones in Ashtabula. Mammoet carried out a laser survey of a highway bridge in the water transport route to verify the presumed clearance. Mammoet provided the company with a proposal to move the two silos in vertical position, both at the same time, between the two locations, guaranteeing the clearance under the bridge. The company accepted the proposal and Mammoet started the preparations. In Ashtabula, roadways had to be built under the silos and between their legs for the SPMTs that would be required to move the silos to the barge. Transport beams were

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installed between the silo legs to support the silos on the SPMTs. Custom barge grillage was designed and fabricated for the silos. A portion of the silos’ concrete foundations had to be demolished to allow the required clearance for the SPMTs. In Detroit, the mortar company had to re-design their new foundations to provide the clearance necessary for the SPMTs. Working in temperatures between -10 and -20 degrees Celsius Mammoet began moving the silos. Each of the silos was lifted with the SPMTs, driven to and onto the barge, rotated into position, jacked down to the barge deck and secured. In clear sight of the final obstacle, the Interstate 75 highway bridge, the barge was ballasted down to move the silos under the bridge. An optical laser level, which was installed on top of one of the silos, checked the clearance between the top of the silos and the underside of the bridge. A reading of 0.35 meters was enough to complete the barge delivery. Mammoet unloaded the silos and placed them on their new foundations. Next time we can only ask for better weather!

“Mammoet’s ambition is“ to be the best” This also mirrors my personal

Bridging the Bow River

ambitions. I feel proud to represent this highly respected global firm”


Brooks, Alberta, Canada

Main equipment hydraulic cranes

José Antonio Aguirre Rigger, Mammoet Venezuela


Mammoet Crane Inc. was commissioned to turn out a new bridge alongside an existing weak, one-lane bridge located by Brooks, Alberta approximately 250 km east of Calgary. Equipment included a 500 tonnes telescopic crane using 100 tonnes counterweight and a LTM 1300 with 112 tonnes of counterweight and superlift attachment. These cranes were situated on either side of the Bow River and one would hoist the bridge girder using a launching truss and a passing plate, pass the girder across the river to the other crane. Once across, both cranes would hook to each end of the girder, hoist and set in place. There were 16 girders in all, each weighing 112 tonnes a piece.

Preparing for a new take-off



Location Dubai Main equipment Crawler cranes


Dubai International Airport was established in 1959 by order of the late ruler, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum and was the first airport in the UAE. At that time, the airport only had one runway of 1800 meters. The airport is since then continuously developing and currently has two terminals, accommodating 100 airlines serving over 140 destinations. The second stage of the airports expansion program started early 2002 and is expected to be completed by 2006. It includes terminal three, concourses two and three, a mega cargo terminal, a flower center and an apron area. For the erection of the huge mainte-

nance hangar and offices Mammoet Dubai supplied four crawler cranes with capacities from 150 to 250 tonnes. The maximum lift executed was a 280 tonnes object that called for a 4-crane lift. The working conditions on site were very sandy & dusty. This added to difficult communications as a walky talky was not permitted to avoid interference with the airport operations. To guarantee the level of safety Mammoet arranged additional toolbox meetings and site inspections. During these meetings Mammoet also included all riggers and staff from our client to ensure safety and efficient cooperation.

Saving construction time Location Middle East Main equipment Crawler cranes


For the construction of a ship berthing facility on the Island of Kharg, several piles had to be driven from a barge. Mammoet Dubai was faced with the daunting task of assembling the Manitowoc 4600 Ringer on a barge in Ras al Kaimah in the United Arab Emirates. Due to several circumstances the

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original schedule of 12 days for assembly had to be shortened to 7 days. In these 7 days we worked relentlessly to get the ringer assembled as well as tested. The actual Piling Project was for a renowned Japanese contractor and even though the piling started later then intended it was still finished

ahead of schedule. The Japanese contractor was duly impressed by Mammoet’s professional attitude and drive for safety under any circumstance. Currently Mammoet is bidding another huge project for this contractor and with the performance in the back of all minds we have high expectations of securing it.

Offshore 



World record in Newcastle

Two down, one to go!

Newcastle, United Kingdom Main equipment SPMTs, Ballast system Location


Gorinchem, The Netherlands

Main equipment CC 2800, LR 1750, SPMTs, weighing system, ballast system



Just outside Newcastle, in the North-East of England, a monster was to be seen towering far above everything else in the area. The platform, with a length of 85 meters, 55 meters wide, a height of 30 meters and weight of almost 12000 tonnes is in size comparable to a large office building. Before the actual load-out, a Mammoet crew of fourteen was hard at work with all the necessary preparations, like unloading and mating the trailers, the installation of the ballast pumps, laying ramps, plus testing and inspecting all computer systems. The SPMTs had been dispatched from all over the world – a huge and extremely demanding planning task that required a lot of puzzling by the Operations Manager, Ludo Mous. Due to the great difference in

water level between high and low tide, the load-out had to be completed within a tight schedule. Three trailer operators inched the seven rows of 470 axle lines of SPMT onto the pontoon. The 150- meter pontoon was prepared to accommodate the weight of the platform in a safe way with 24 pumps, each with 1200 cubic meters per hour capacity, controlling the ballast. At six o’clock in the morning the giant was safely on its supports mounted on the pontoon. On the closing out of the contract, the client made a note under the ‘remarks’ section of the Mammoet “Certificate of Completion”, reading “Extremely professional and successful load-out, carried out very safely.” Following the successful load –out of the BP Clair topside, Mammoet loaded –out the BP Bruce topside as well.

To execute two identical jobs is a rare phenomenon in our business, but to do it a third time is against all odds. Yet it happens in Gorinchem were Mammoet handled six offshore pieces in 2003 / 2004, did so again last year and this year and will do so once more by the end of this year and 2006. The identical offshore modules have six pieces. Four of them, with 200 tonnes each, need stacking on top of each other as part of the integration and verification process. Then in the second phase of each job, these four pieces are taken apart and, together with two other 350 tonnes pieces, are

driven onto two seagoing barges. The (de)stacking and positioning on SPMTs is done with a CC 2800 and an LR 1750. Part of Mammoet’s job is also to determine the exact mass of each piece. During the load-out Mammoet’s computerized ballast system facilitates a safe loading of the barges. SPMTs are used for all driving, including out of the manufacturing hall to within crane reach. Two rather small barges are needed instead of a big one, since the destination of the offshore modules is in the Caspian Sea and can only be reached via inland rivers. As they arrive there, another Mammoet crew takes over for further handling.

Various components for Melkoya Location Main equipment

Zwijndrecht,The Netherlands, Hoboken, Belgium, Cadiz,Spain and Melkoya,Norway Crawler cranes, SPMTs, barges, ballast system


For the operation of the Snøhvit fields, Melkoya, a small island at the very top of Norway and just off the coast of the village of Hammerfest, is currently being equipped with a range of installations to extract the oil and gas. Pipelines are used to transport oil and gas from the oil fields to the installations on the island. The components for the Snøhvit project are brought in from all over the world since on-site construction of the installation is virtually impossible – it is completely dark on the island for six months of the year and in the winter the temperature falls to -40 degrees Celsius. Mammoet transports various components to the island from the numerous locations in Europe. At Hoboken Mammoet transported the process modules from the construction hall onto a seagoing pontoon. The restricted amount of space available at the yard and the occasional need for two modules to be driven onto the pontoon during one and the same tide was quite a challenge for the crew. In Zwijndrecht two 4000 tonnes components for a slug catcher

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were built. Mammoet was responsible for the complete transport contract meaning the load-out in Zwijndrecht, the seagoing transport and the loadin on Melkoya. Both before and after this load-in, work was also carried out on the other side of the Melkoya Island where the “Hoboken modules” were transported to their final destination and lifted into position. The modules were not heavy but they were long and their structure was not excessively sturdy. For this reason Mammoet had to lift all the modules at as many as 20 hoisting points, using a special large spreader. In Cadiz, a gas-processing installation is built on a 154-meter long and 54-meter wide pontoon. The Demag CC 12600 is present on this project, lifting the heavy components onto the pontoon – which will have a total weight of 24000 tonnes. Miguel Florez de la Colina, Mammoet Spain’s Branch Manager, explains: “We are endeavoring to offer our client the best possible service and have supplied some spectacular rigging. In addition, we supplied an enormous quantity of load spreading to lower the ground pressure to the level specified by the client”.

“We often work at remote areas and under

To the middle of nowhere

extreme conditions but

we serve them all over the world”


Lake Arthur and Morgan City, USA

Main equipment Strand jack towers, slide beams, barges


AMERICAS Highlight:

Freek Schipper SPMT operator, Mammoet Europe

Mad Dog move Location

Amelia, USA

Main equipment SPMTs, Goldhofer trailers, Ballast system

Mammoet USA Inc was contracted to load-out a 360-tonne Living Quarter module from Louisiana. The module was transferred from a 50-meter long barge onto a barge twice this length, with pre-installed lifting towers. The module then sailed in about eight days to a remote island at the coast of Venezuela. Here, a research station for marine biologists interested in the local turtle population is built, hence the name Turtle Island. The module was lifted using four strand jacks, towers and slide beams. The process took about one week to complete. At this location, there was nothing for more than 300 miles around.


Mad Dog is a 8700- tonne topside manufactured for BP at a yard in Amelia, Louisiana. It is part of the same Deepwater development to which also Holstein Thunderhorse and Atlantis belong. Mammoet used 316 lines of combined SPMT and Goldhofers for the load-out. The work also included the ballasting on the Heerema H627 600’ deck barge. Since only one slip was deep enough for the 11 meter deep barge, a site move of approx. 600 meters was required, including a 180-degree turn to align the topside on the barge. Since it would be installed on top of a spar, there were only four support points under the module. This presented specific challenges for the loadspreading arrangement on the trailers. Everything was stretched to the maximum load!

Sea Rose safely to sea Location

Cow Head and Port Weller, Canada

Main equipment SPMTs, tugs, barges, weighing system


In Eastern Canada, the Sea Rose FPSO will drill in the White Rose field, which is located several hundred kilometers off the east coast of Newfoundland. Mammoet’s services had been contracted for handling thirteen of the sixteen modules of this FPSO. The various tasks included weighing topsides, load-outs, seafastening and marine transportation. In addition Mammoet provided the design of all seafastenings and the sea transportation to Marystown with a subcontracted barge and tug. The modules ranged in weight from 100 tonnes to 1400 tonnes. Mammoet was very well-received at the construction yard as

the staff had good memories of Mammoet from the Hibernia and Terra Nova projects. At Port Weller in the Toronto area, a 900-tonne module was also “Moved by Mammoet”. The facility was not perfectly suited for loading out an offshore module and the project posed many challenges. After transporting the module out of the hall, Mammoet jacked up the module approximately 1.7 meters in order that it could be placed on the high barge grillages. The module was then weighed, the transporters were reconfigured and the module was loaded out onto the barge. Since the

barge and dry-dock were not large enough to accommodate traditional load-out methods, the barge was carefully placed on dock blocks and the load-out was performed over the portside. After the module was transported on the barge, the 60 axle lines SPMT were used to rotate the module 90 degrees and then transport the module over the grillages. The module was loaded out and towed through the St. Lawrence Seaway. The clearances were very tight so Mammoet designed and installed fenders on the sides of the barge to ensure that the module did not impact the walls of the locks.

On a Slow Boat to Sable Island Location

Dartmouth, Canada

Main equipment SPMTs, weighing system


Mammoet successfully completed the load-out of ExxonMobil’s South Venture topsides. The South Venture platform is destined for the South Venture field, located near Sable Island, 200 km offshore of Canada’s Nova Scotian east coast. South Venture is the fifth major offshore investment in this region; it joins the Thebaud, North Triumph, Venture and Alma platforms, which have

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been installed by ExxonMobil over the past few years. It should be noted that Mammoet was involved in most of the other platforms as well. The South Venture platform was constructed in Dartmouth, near Halifax, Nova Scotia’s capital city. After the platform was weighed by Mammoet and was confirmed to have a mass of 2180 tonnes it was loaded out onto the Boa barge Seven with 96 axle lines SPMT.

All operations were managed and performed by Mammoet Canada with assistance from Mammoet USA, who supplied the weighing system and 36 axle lines SPMT. In addition, the engineering department in Schiedam provided some supplementary engineering, such as the mooring designs and the ballast calculations.

Pushing to new heights in Baku




Baku, Azerbaijan

Main equipment Push- Up system, Strandjacks, Ballast system


The offshore sector is witnessing an exciting and challenging trend: the rapid increase in the weight of offshore module fabrication. The modified installation method (float-over instead of lifting) allows for the installation of heavier and larger modules, a development which is also understandable from an economic perspective. Reducing the number of components to be mated in the final assembly cuts the production time and the costs involved. However, the technical challenges are breathtaking. Can these leviathans actually be manipulated and transported? Mammoet has addressed these challenges by developing the concern’s Push Up System that can push up these supermodules to the required height.

The premiere of the computerized Push Up System was held at Baku, Azerbaijan. A total of six platforms are being constructed for The Central Azeri platform, which will drill for oil in the Caspian Sea. Mammoet successfully jacked the massive 15520-tonne Central Azeri topside to a height of 12 meters. This enormous structure had been assembled on the ground and once it was completed it was to be raised to the required height. Project Manager, Pieter Jacobs comments: “I was confident that the system would work; however, it is always exciting when a new system is used for the first time – and especially when the system is to lift a Giant of this size! The whole operation, including the weighing of the structure, was completed in just four days”.

Before Mammoet started with the load-out operation of the topside, a special load-out truss was installed under the structure. Four 900-tonne strand jacks installed at the end of the skidding track underneath this load-out truss skidded the topside to the quay. One day later, the entire topside was skidded onto the pontoon, which was ballasted by Mammoet’s computerized ballast system. The total distance covered during this phase was about 130 meters; the topside, inclusive of the load-out frame, weighed 16700 tonnes. The operation was even livened up by a visit from the President of Azerbaijan! In the coming years Mammoet has been awarded four additional contracts in Baku, for jacking operations involving platforms with weights of about 15000 tonnes.

Drill Towering Location

Baku, Azerbaijan

Main equipment Platform Ring, RK 8500, CC 4800, CC 2800, SPMTs


Azerbaijan is currently a beehive of activity; work is in full swing on a variety of major offshore oil and gas projects in the Caspian Sea. One of these projects is BP’s Shah Deniz project, for which one of the world’s largest Jack-Up gas platforms is built. Mammoet carries out all the major lifting and transport jobs on the site in Baku. The Caspian Sea is accessible solely overland or via the River Volga. Consequently the dimensions of the modules constructed all over world for this project were restricted to a maximum length of 16 meters and height of 12 meters. The modules were transported to the site on the River Volga, where they were unloaded with the Platform Ring. Concrete foundations have been poured especially for our Platform Ring and for the later

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fitting-out of the Jack-Up. The Platform Ring was erected in the usual main boom-jib configuration, ready to unload modules of a maximum weight of 800 tonnes. After unloading, the drillingrig modules were moved within the reach of the CC 4800 III and CC 2800, which carried out a number of (tandem) lifts to stack them on each other. Both cranes picked up the heaviest module and lifted it to a height of 20 meters and then carried out a series of moves and turns in preparation for the installation of the 720-tonne drillfloor. The top two modules of the drilling rig, weighing 250 and 140 tonnes, were lifted 80 meters into position using the CC 4800 with a main boom-jib configuration. Whilst the various modules were being unloaded and assembled, work was also in progress on the construction of the legs of the Jack-Up at the other side of the site. Frames were used to construct nine triangular sections of the legs; each section

was 50 meters long and weighed 520 tonnes. On their completion the two CC 2800s, working in tandem, lifted the sections out of the frames and loaded them onto SPMTs for transport to temporary storage. At the moment, The RK 8500, CC 800 and a CC 2800 set the legs upright ready for the fitting-out work.The SPMTs transport the sections (this time, upright!) to the Platform Ringer. The crane stacks the sections on each other to construct the 150meter legs. After assembling the legs and the drilling rig the Platform Ring, RK 8500 and other cranes install the piperacks, living-quarters, the flare and other modules – a total weight of some 6000 tonnes.

“When it comes to corporate values, two words summarize our true identity: Mutual respect”

Moving modules to Singapore Location

Maptaphut, Thailand

Main equipment SPMTs

Magdalena Lau Secretary and PR officer, Mammoet Singapore


B&J Mammoet Co Ltd. mobilized 44 lines of SPMT for the transportation from the site of fabrication to the Maptaphut jetty and for the load-out of three modules intended to be shipped by barge to Singapore for installation onto an FPSO vessel. The modules ranged from 370 to 850 tonnes, with the largest having a dimension of 32 x 17 x 16 meter. The contract included full service: transportation of those modules from the yard of fabrication up to alongside the final vessel in Singapore. Mammoet provided two barges to do the sea transportation from Maptaphut port in Thailand to Singapore. For each module the

weighing and related calculation of the center of gravity prior the load-out was part of the job. After weighing, depending to the tide in Maptaphut port, the load-out was done during each night at 02.00 hours. These operations included the mooring of the barges, the ballast calculation and the ballasting itself, as well as the sea fastening. In addition Mammoet transported with a conventional hydraulic trailer and loaded out by crane on the barge three smaller modules (less than 25 tonnes). Two weeks after departure the barges were alongside the production vessel (FPSO) for installation on board.

Pulling 19800 tonnes! Location

Jurong, Singapore

Main equipment Strandjacks


Mammoet assisted the Jurong Shipyard with the assembly of a ship hull, using an innovative and cost-saving concept. Four 900-tonne strand jacks were applied to pull an upper hull deck, resting on a load-out truss, 100 meters along two parallel skid beams. This brought the upper hull above the dry dock where the lower hull was waiting. Jurong Shipyard supported the weight of the deck by a large number of 15-meter tall structural supports positioned in the dock. The weight of the upper deck and the load-out truss, with a width of 75 meter, was an estimated 19800 tonnes. Once the mating was complete the

load-out truss was retrieved using two 900tonne jacks. The entire operation took just 10 hours. This rapid construction method is a major breakthrough compared to the traditional engineering process in which rigs are built with small elements on a floating lower hull. Using the new method the upper and lower hulls can now be constructed simultaneously. This construction concept won the Productivity Board of Singapore’s ‘Most innovative Award’. The client was extremely satisfied with all Mammoet’s work, right from our initial contribution to the design – and the very smooth operation.

Largest structure in Qatar



Location Main equipment

Mesaieed, Qatar Crawler cranes , trailers, weighing and ballast system


For the PSK1 Project in Qatar, several offshore structures were manufactured at facilities in Mesaieed. The structures included an eight- legged jacket construction and two bridges. For the transportation of these structures, Mammoet was contracted to supply cranes, weighing and load-out services. The cranes, a LR 1280, LR 1450 and a CC 1100 were used for the roll up operation of the 2200 tonne weighing jacket. After the successful completion of this phase, Mammoet Dubai used 40 lines of SPMT combined with 48 lines of Cometto conventional trailers for the load-out of the jacket. During the operation, ballast services were provided with a set of 600-tonne submersible ballast pumps. The jacket is the largest structure ever built in Qatar. After the two bridges were weighed and determined at 450 tonne each, they were safely loaded-out as well.

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Power 

New Power




Zeijerveen and Zwolle, The Netherlands

Main equipment Prime movers, trailers, jacking and skidding system


The Dutch national power grid encountered a potential problem with the power supplies in the North of the country, when a transformer in the city of Zeijerveen appeared to be worn out. A transformer on stand-by had to be found because it takes more than one year to manufacture a new transformer. There was one available in the city of Zwolle. However, the transformer had a weight of more than 215 tonnes. This is where Mammoet came in. Jacks and skids were used to place the transformer in Zwolle on a 15 axle line trailer. One prime mover in front of the trailer and a second prime mover behind the trailer moved the transformer along local roads to Coevorden. In the mean time two large telescopic cranes placed Mammoet’s 20-meter

steel beams in the hold of a vessel that would do the journey via waterways from Coevorden to the village Vries. Here, work was underway to construct a temporary quay from a large number of steel plates and concrete blocks. Cranes were also erected, ready to receive the transformer. Upon arrival the transformer was unloaded from the vessel and put down on temporary stops. The trailer then had space to move backwards under the transformer. After reloading the 26 kilometers with many traffic circles were waiting before the transport arrived at Zeijerveen. Mammoet’s jacking and skidding systems were used to move the transformer into the transformer house. Just for one year, because then the new transformer will be ready and Mammoet will redo the show once again.

Blowing off steam Location

Doel, Belgium

Main equipment PTC


Mammoet replaced two steam generators at a Belgian nuclear power plant. The generators, each some 20 meters tall and weighing 313 tonnes, serve as heat exchanges between the primary reactor circuit and the secondary steam-turbine circuit. Mammoet’s engineering department began preparing the plans two years in advance. Once the PTC was erected, together with a telescope crane, a 12-man crew were ready to start the real job. Two openings were made in the power plants

Full service for wind turbines Location

The whole area of Germany

Main equipment Telescopic and crawler cranes, additional equipment


Since August 2004, Kranringen Wind (KRW) Denmark in which Mammoet has a 50 % participating interest, has the contract for all lifting activities in Germany concerning the installation of various windturbine parts. The contract has been awarded by one of the biggest wind turbine companies. Mammoet Germany

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is responsible for the logistic and planning issues, the supply equipment and the actual execution of maintenance or new built services. A crane that perfectly matches the requirements for this particular job is the LTM 1500. The main boom of this telescopic crane has a length of 84 meter. In this specific market segment it is of vital importance to get mobilized quick-

ly because the ordering of the equipment is often one week or less before the date of execution. The scope of work normally covers changing of generators, gearboxes and blades. With Mammoet’s extensive fleet of cranes it is never a problem to get the right crane on time on any site.

domed roof made of a 70-centimeter layer of concrete and a 25-millimeter layer of steel. The steel structure attached to the domed roof was especially designed to accommodate the simple removal and installation of the generators. This prevented drastic modifications to the reactor building, thereby reducing the time needed to replace the generators. The new steam generators, manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, generate more than 40 MW additional electricity. So from now on they can blow off plenty of steam!


Great challenge



South Carolina, USA Main equipment Hatch Transfer System, Temporary Lifting Device Location

After a successful unit one outage at a nuclear power plant in South Carolina, Mammoet started with the outage of unit two. Pieter den Decker, task manager for rigging and handling comments: “Unit two was an even greater challenge due to the limited space in front of the Unit two reactor building. Again Unit two had two steam generators that needed to be replaced as well as one reactor head. After the construction opening (a big hole in the wall of the nuclear dome) was finished the real work for Mammoet started. Mammoet installed the Hatch Transfer System (HTS) in record time and placed the modified Reactor Cavity Decking (RCD) on the inside HTS. The Cavity Deck was placed using an auxiliary crane on the skid system mounted on the HTS. The modifications were made in close cooperation with Mammoet to establish a quick and easy replacement of these decking panels. The

Reactor Cavity Decking was placed in 36 hours, 72 hours faster then in Unit one! After the Decking was finished, the service structure of the old head was removed and Mammoet started to assemble the Temporary Lifting Device (TLD) inside. This time the auxiliary crane stayed inside during the assembly of the TLD. To allow a bit more room, shorter skid beams were used underneath this crane. After the TLD was assembled the old reactor was removed and the TLD hooked on to the first old generator. In no time the steam generators were replaced and the TLD was disassembled. The new reactor head followed straight after the TLD dismantling. At that moment, the Rigging and Handling was already eight days ahead of schedule. A goal date was set to remove the inside HTS and with all the effort that date was established. Now the construction opening was ready to be closed again ten days ahead of schedule.”

Heavy head Location

Florida, USA

Main equipment Hydraulic gantry, SPMTs, titan and skidding system


The work carried out during the outage of a power plant in Florida was related to the replacement of the reactor head. After many years of reliable service, the metal of the head had become corroded to a degree it needed to be replaced. At the same time, the technology of the control mechanism was also upgraded. Mammoet was awarded the contract to carry out the exchange of the 100-tonne head by a new unit. The new head was flown in from France on an Antanov cargo aircraft. It was subsequently moved by Mammoet to the power plant on an eight axle line trailer. A hydraulic gantry lifted it onto SPMTs. Mammoet constructed a special 15-meter high service platform using the Mammoet Titan system. This platform was deployed whilst

special water jets were used to make a temporary opening in the one-meter thick wall of the reactor building. The skid track was then inserted through this opening, ready to skid the old reactor head out of the building. It was lifted with the facilities own polar crane. Outside the building the head was lifted from the skid track using a 210-tonne tower crane and transported by a double six-axle line SPMT to a temporary storage location. An extra casing was installed to shield the radiation. In addition Mammoet also removed and exchanged two 45 tonne missile shields and some smaller equipment using the skid tracks. In spite of all the storms that had afflicted Florida, it was nevertheless possible to complete all the work ahead of schedule.

Quick response Location

Lloydminster, Canada

Main equipment Jacking equipment, auxiliary equipment


A shutdown in Lloydminster began with a dozen cranes working day and night shifts for a week, in addition to jacking and skidding jobs. Mammoet received a call from the client on Thursday morning saying that their Coker had shifted and it needed repositioning prior to the end of the shutdown, 14 days later. The same afternoon Mammoet specialists drove to site to inspect the Coker and to see what they could do to help the client. The Coker was separated directly below the weld joining the skirt to the shell. Another concern was the buckling of the skirt in several locations. Next day, Mammoet had designed a jacking lug, with equipment enroute from Cambridge and a safe plan to reposition the Coker. Tension and compression members were installed to

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resist the moment from the jacking lugs. These braces were fabricated as modular pieces to allow positioning through the bottom nozzle on the Coker. The jacking stands were installed and the final pre-lift step was to weld the jacking screws to the skirt. The Coker, 30 meters long and 7 meters in diameter, was lifted off the skirt with four 200-tonne jacks and weighed a total of 200 tonnes. Once clear the Coker was shifted on the Teflon slider plates utilizing the screw jacks. Rigging on the top nozzle provided stabilization since wind was a factor to be considered. After final positioning of the Coker the client cut out the damaged skirt and replaced it. This job would never have been completed on time without the teamwork of the Mammoet employees based on the tight schedule the client provided.

“Routine is a friend and an enemy. Proven expertise must be fed

Exchangers exchanged



with constant

Location Brunei, Malaysia. Main equipment CC1800 and Commetto trailers

self criticism on our achievements”


In Brunei we installed new exchangers at a plant, which is still in operation. There are four LNG trains and Mammoet derigged and rigged the crane each time to a new location – all in accordance with the procedures and restrictions imposed by working on a plant while it is in operation.The new heat exchangers arrived on an oceangoing vessel from Europe. The exchangers were offloaded by the vessel’s cranes onto a barge, which was fitted out with supports and load spreaders. After

Shah Nawaz Kahn Jacking and Skidding Supervisor, Mammoet Dubai

the load had been lashed down a Ro-Ro operation was carried out. Once all the arrangements for the permits and the police escort were completed the exchangers were transported 30km along a pitch-dark road. Once the last exchanger has been installed we had a long break while the mechanical contractors tied in both new exchangers. During each coming shutdown in 2005 we will remove one old exchanger.

A powerful job in Taiwan Location Main equipment

Aodi, Taiwan MSG and Selfpropelled Conventional trailers

Highlight: The Taiwan Power Corporation decided to increase its nuclear power capabilities at Lungman by adding units 3 and 4. A subcontractor contacted Mammoet for transporting the so called RPV, which is a core element of the power units. In addition it was Mammoet’s job to hoist the RPV and position it on its foundations at a radius of 63 meters. Quite a challenge

if you consider the weight of no less than 850 tonnes. Mammoet applied its famous MSG here with 67 meters main boom and 2600 tonnes ballast. Before the configuration could be commissioned, local authorities and the customer had to qualify the equipment. The test was done with 28 containers filled with sand and simulated the real lift. The same containers were used to test the road for the platform trailers of our

customer. As work shifted to the actual job, the RPV came in horizontal position. Supported by a tailing frame of the RPVs manufacturer, Mammoet erected the RPV and safely delivered it exactly on where it was supposed to land. Next year, Mammoet will redo this job for the second RPV that already arrived at the site and is kept in temporary storage.





Skidding high Location United Arab Emirates Main equipment Trailers, ballast pumps, skidding and jacking equipment


A desalination plant has been erected at a powerplant in the United Arab Emirates. Six evaporator blocks were fabricated in India and transported to the United Arab Emirates. Mammoet Dubai was contracted to perform the load-in from the barge using semi selfpropelled hydraulic platform trailers as well as ballast pumps. Subsequently it was a very tight fit to get the evaporators adjacent to its foundations. After removing the trailer the evaporator (weighing 415 tonnes) had to be jacked up 5 meters using climbing jacks. At this height the Mammoet crew had to insert four rows of extra skidding beams to connect with the already prepared skidding beams towards the foundation. A total skidding distance of 40 meters was required (hence 160 meter of skidding beam built up at an elevation of 4.5 meters!). This has been surely one of the most challenging projects performed by Mammoet Dubai in 2004!

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Something different Location Limbe, Cameroon Main equipment SPMTs, pontoon and auxiliary equipment.


In many countries it’s nothing less than a commodity: electricity, 24 hours a day. However, until recently they could not dream of anything like that in Cameroon. But a Finnish company has changed all that. It built a power station and contracted Mammoet for the transport of four electric motors and four generators. The electric motors generators were loaded on board of a vessel in The Netherlands and sailed to Cameroon. Once the ship arrived at the port, the cargo was unloaded and driven onto a pontoon. This all sounds very simple – but the port was not the final destination. Mammoet constructed a temporary quay to facilitate the load-out. The crew sunk the pontoon just off the beach. Then they laid containers, sandbags and dock boards around the pontoon so that two x 10 axle lines SPMT could drive the cargo to the beach. Then the crew constructed a new road from the beach to the ‘main road’. The motors and generators thus could proceed to the final destination. The Finnish company installed the equipment and now the local population has electric power 24 hours a day, even after a severe downpour or a storm – and Mammoet gained yet another interesting experience!

Mammoet News EMD: Striking investments Jan van Seumeren jr, CTO, oversees the EMD department and is technically responsible for Mammoet’s worldwide equipment fleet, including development, maintenance and availability through well-balanced logistics. Of course this equipment meets the corporate standards for safety and quality. A special domain of his tasks is the purchase of additional equipment, as well as trade of overhauled equipment.

Jan van Seumeren jr., CTO.

One of the most striking expansions of the Mammoet equipment fleet has to do with the SPMTs. What will be their first job? “The delivery of 258 new SPMT axle lines has almost been completed as this issue goes to press. This brings Mammoet’s SPMT fleet to a total of more than 900 axle lines. Although the new SPMTs are of the latest, third generation, they can be linked to existing equipment without any problems. A striking new feature is the increase of the maximum load per axle line to 40 tonnes. Immediately upon delivery and acceptance tests the new SPMTs head for the extreme conditions in Sakhalin, Russia, where they will perform various transports of modules on a 24 hrs / 7 days a week base. The SPMTs join other Mammoet equipment

already at work there, including a few dozen towvehicles and ground infrastructure preparation equipment.” A second example of fleet expansion is the order for a third Platform Twin Ring Containerized. When will this crane start its revenue business? “The market developments call for additional heavy lift capacity and we respond with this third PTC, to be commissioned in May 2005. The 1600 tonnes capacity crane is Mammoet’s seventh ring crane and one of the largest in the world. The main advantage in the PTC’s design it is its simple transport of all crane sections as standard 20 or 40 ft containers, with a maximum of 30.4 tonne per section. The containerized sections thus need no special transport arrangements, saving time and cost. The PTC is easy to handle and can operate in congested areas. The crane has been designed mainly to erect columns, for example in operational plants that have only limited space to rig and operate and for longer construction projects which require quick movements of heavy loads. The PTC’s rigid and sturdy ring construction enables such quick movements; the crane can be relocated within one day using its own

crawlers. The superlift configuration is unique and allows for heavier loads to be lifted. The ballast is connected to winches and positioned on the ring. The winches are used to lift the ballast and extend it behind the ring. Using the superlift, there is no need to dismantle ballast blocks once the load has been lifted and transferred to its new position. Load after load can be lifted and repositioned and after each lift the ballast is placed back on the ring before the crane moves on to a new position for the next lift. A perfect solution that fits our corporate ambitions: to be the best under any circumstance.”

Expansion Heavy Lift Terminal “When we look upon these huge and massive objects, we feel moved by Mammoet ourselves”

Mammoet Exhibits! Go-Expo Oil and Gas Exhibition June 7 - 9, 2005, Calgary, Alberta

Oil Sands Trade Show

Mammoet’s Heavy Lift Terminal near the headquarters in Schiedam is definitely a highly successful concept. It plays a pivot role in the worldwide logistics for heavy equipment in the Mammoet fleet. Currently, another 23,000 square meter of space is added for the storage and handling of this heavy equipment. Services are also available for third parties. An existing dock is filled and a harbor crane here will then be moved to a more efficient location. With such terminals, Mammoet increases its logistic versatility, aiming at the complete coverage of the chain from manufacturer to foundations.

September 14 & 15, 2005, Fort McMurray, Alberta

Southern African International Oil and Gas Exhibition September 26 - 29, 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa

Hadi Arabai Sales Manager, Middle East

QSE Acknowledgements On January 31 2005, Mammoet’s Terneuzen Branch had the honour of receiving the EH&S Contractor Award 2004 from Dow Benelux B.V., Terneuzen. Every year Dow Benelux B.V. presents two awards to its contractors: the EH&S Contractor Award, which purely relates to safety and the General Contractor Award which also addresses a wide variety of other issues. Mammoet won the latter award in 2003 and came second this year with a difference of just 0.1 point from the winner. Mammoet has often won a Dow award in the past: the Safety awards for 1989 and 1991 and the General awards for 1999 and 2003. Jan Karreman,Terneuzen Branch Manager, explains: “We are accustomed to high-level operations and we are very pleased with the results of the past years. Nevertheless, achieving a first or second place provides us that something extra. It is an acknowledgement of our constant striving to achieve further improvements in quality and safety. Issues we are not prepared to make any concessions whatsoever. In fact, these endeavors have become fully integrated in the daily work of all our staff. We are engaged in high-risk work. Consequently, we focus on as the improvement of our knowledge and skills, beneath aspects like conduct, attitude and, above all, mentality.”

-Mammoet World 2005

Page 19

Swift growth in Canada Mammoet Crane Inc. has just completed their second full year of operations in Alberta. Mammoet Crane Inc., has been widely accepted in the crane rental market in Western Canada and have enjoyed very exciting and busy times! As of December 31, 2004, Mammoet Crane Inc. was operating 46 hydraulic cranes ranging in size from 8 tonne to 500 tonne from two locations, Edmonton and Fort McMurray. But expansion was on the horizon and in late 2004, Mammoet Crane Inc. was awarded a 5-year maintenance contract. The contract involves the supply of cranes for maintenance, shutdowns and various capital projects for eight facilities throughout the province of Alberta. The award of this contract has spurred the opening of a new Mammoet branch in Calgary which opened its doors February 15, 2005. Because of this increased works throughout Alberta, our hydraulic crane fleet will be growing to over 100 cranes by June of this year. Our continuous and swift growth in the crane industry has been made possible by the huge support given to us by our ever increasing client base.



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® Labeled by Mammoet






Last year Mammoet introduced a new type of business: the development, MAMMOET SUMMER COLLECTION production and sales of workwear. Mammoet wants to offer 2005 innovative, competitive and above all safe workwear that, in all aspects, deserves a full approval by Mammoet.


The concept is clever, yet simple at the same time: Mammoet crew often work in extreme conditions and require the best equipment to do their jobs as expected, This not only applies to technical equipment, but also to personal items like clothing and shoes. Using actual Mammoet crew while they work as a ‘test bed’, the workwear undergoes the best real world test you can imagine. Currently, Mammoet offers jackets, trousers, body wear, socks and shoes, but plans are already being executed to expand this line to a full range for summer and winter conditions. In addition, existing items come in a ‘professional’ and ‘light’ version; the latter also attracts increasing attention in the common retail market. Consumers and professionals alike highly acknowledge the association

between their unique and robust workwear and Mammoet’s renowned worldwide image.

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For the past 5 years Mam moet World has of fered reader s a look behind the sc enes at Mam moet projects all over the wor ld. This issue even co ntains article s on two new record-b reaking proj ects!

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Submit your answer to ��� www.mamm petition by no later th an 31/12/2005 ��� . The winner w ill receive a co mplete� � � Mammoet w orkwear outfi t (in

SUPER COMFORT WORKJACKET, PLENTY OF POCKETS The initial 20 dealers received a full introduction at Mammoet’s headquarters in Schiedam and were very enthusiastic about the quality and ‘brand image’ of the Mammoet workwear. But beyond that, the actual end-users showed their high appreciation and let the revenues surge to a volume that significantly exceeded the expectations. That’s why Mammoet considers expanding the dealer network, also to other countries than The Netherlands. Please visit to check for your nearest dealer or to place your internet orders directly.

Can you giv e the names of the two c ountries wh ere these projec ts were carried out?

Mammoet Holding B.V.


• Mammoet Botlek, location Huntsman Phone +31 (0)181 292 680 Fax +31 (0)181 293 977 • Mammoet Westdorpe (Terneuzen) Phone +31 (0)115 472 600 Fax +31 (0)115 472 639

Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

Mammoet Global B.V. Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

Mammoet Trading

• Mammoet Deutschland GmbH Phone +49 (0)3461 4326 81 Fax +49 (0)3461 4326 88

Italy • Mammoet Italy S.r.L. • Mammoet Palumbo S.r.L. Phone +39 257 777 401 Fax +39 257 151 100

BTS Bergings- en Transport Maatschappij Scheffer B.V. Phone +31 (0)10 20 42 534 Fax +31 (0)10 20 42 653

Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

EUROPE The Netherlands Mammoet Europe B.V. Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442

Mammoet Van Oord Windmills B.V. Phone +31 (0)10 204 2549 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2696

Mammoet Nederland B.V. Phone +31 (0)10 204 2424 Fax +31 (0)10 204 2442 • Mammoet Geleen, location DSM Phone +31 (0)46 477 1802 Fax +31 (0)46 476 8405 • Mammoet Pernis, location Shell Phone +31 (0)10 472 0374 Fax +31 (0)10 416 48 85 • Mammoet Moerdijk, location Shell Phone +31 (0)168 355 811 Fax +31 (0)168 323 125 • Mammoet Velsen-Noord, location Corus Phone +31 (0)25 122 9341 Fax +31 (0)25 122 4488 • Mammoet Terneuzen, location DOW Phone +31 (0)11 564 8050 Fax +31 (0)11 563 0724 • Mammoet Dordrecht, location Dupont Phone +31 (0)78 630 9415 Fax +31 (0)78 630 9669

Sakhalin Mammoet Sakhalin LLC Phone +7 4242 42 52 35 Fax +7 4242 42 52 37


Mammoet Norge A/S Phone +47 (0)35 505 950 Fax +47 (0)35 505 960



Mammoet Transport Espana S.L. Phone +34 (0)91 376 8700 Fax +34 (0)91 386 9965

Mammoet Transport B.V. – Branch Tokyo Phone +81 (0)3 3280 6671 Fax +81 (0)3 6408 0722

United Kingdom

MVS Betonbouw B.V. Phone +31 (0)182 589 898 Fax +31 (0)182 589 899


• Shenyang Mammoet Heavy Transport & Lifting Co. Ltd. Phone + 86 (0) 242 281 8326 Fax + 86 (0) 242 281 8325 • Shanghai branch Phone + 86 (0) 215 306 8787 Fax + 86 (0) 213 308 5787


Mammoet Road Cargo B.V. Phone +31 (0)16 53 19 650 Fax +31 (0)16 53 15 535


Mammoet UK Ltd. Phone +44 (0)191 263 9222 Fax +44 (0)191 263 9333

Mammoet Russia LLC Phone +7 095 956 0838 Fax +7 095 956 0738

• Mammoet Romstar SDN BHD Phone +60 (0)679 932 00 Fax +60 (0)679 932 20 • Mammoet U.E.S. (Sarawak) SDN BHD Phone +60 (0)380 603 300 Fax +60 (0)380 603 210

Southern Africa


Kran Ringen Wind A/S Phone + 45 98 17 74 33 Fax + 45 98 17 28 07

Mammoet Southern Africa PTY Ltd. Phone +27 (0)11 882 4499 Fax +27 (0)11 873 8372

Mammoet (S) Pte Ltd. Phone +65 (0)686 11 638 Fax +65 (0)686 12 718





Mammoet Belgium N.V. Mammoet Transport N.V. Phone +32 (0)93 459 891 Fax +32 (0)93 455 376


• Mammoet Fostrans S.A. Phone +33 (0)495 06 14 74 Fax +33 (0)495 06 14 75 • Mammoet France S.A.R.L. Phone +33 (0)134 93 34 47 Fax +33 (0)134 93 34 49


Mammoet Fostrans Egypt LLC Phone +20 (0)2 519 5919 Fax +20 (0)2 519 6519

B&J Mammoet Co. Ltd- Ban Chang Phone +66 (0)38 882 556 Fax +66 (0)38 603 800 B&J Mammoet Co. Ltd.- Bangkok Phone +66 (0)23 16 1291 Fax +66 (0)23 16 1290


Design & Layout


Chris Pennarts, Ruud van Leeuwen, Mammoet Employees and others

Graphic Invention bv, De Meern

Texts and photos can only be reproduced after permission from the editor

Editor Mammoet Holding B.V.,

Text Mammoet Holding B.V.,


Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications, De Spil B.V.

Plantijn Casparie, Utrecht





clusive of a Ca ve (bag) and safety boot ��� � s).



In addition, thr ee consolatio n prizes will awarded to the be runners-up: 3 x Cave 107 – the new, spac ious and indes tructible bag the Mammoe in t workwear co llection.

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More informat ion about the Mammoe� �t� workwear co llection is prov ided on the Mammoe t workwear in ��� sert. Information ab out the comp etition rules is available at ww w.mammoet.c om/competitio n

� � � ��


Mammoet Australia PTY Ltd Phone +61 (0)7 3265 4600 Fax +61 (0)7 3265 4644

Mammoet Irga do Brasil Ltda Phone +55 11 3942 8167 Fax +55 11 3942 8130



Mammoet Lao Co. Ltd. Phone +61 730 109 424 Fax +61 730 109 828

Mammoet Venezuela C.A. Phone +58 0281 2744 866 Fax +58 0281 2750 539



United Arab Emirates

Mammoet de Mexico S.A. de C.V Phone +528 378 2079 Fax +528 378 2170

AMERICAS USA Mammoet USA, Inc. Rosharon/ Headquarters Phone +1 281 369 2200 Fax +1 281 369 2178 • South El Monte CA Phone +1 626 442 5542 Fax +1 626 442 0841 • Greens Bayou TX Phone +1 713 422 8850 Fax +1 713 422 8880 • Atlanta GA Phone +1 404 696 4982 Fax +1 404 696 4984 • Louisiana Phone +1 337 365 3200 Fax +1 337 365 3260 AVS Services LLc Phone +1 281 369 3900 Fax +1 281 866 7407 Mammoet New London Phone +1 860 4430 451 Fax +1 860 4429 565


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• CMK Mammoet Gulf, Dubai Phone +971 (0)4 333 1252 Fax +971 (0)4 333 1366


Trinidad PTM Limited Phone +1 (868) 653 3802 Fax +1 (868) 652 8030

Canada Mammoet Canada Eastern Ltd. • Montreal QC Phone +1 450 923 9706 Fax +1 450 923 1815 • Cambridge ON Phone +1 519 740 0550 Fax +1 519 740 3531 • Halifax NS Phone +1 902 450 0550 Fax +1 902 450 0545 Mammoet Canada Western Ltd. • Calgary AB Phone +1 403 252 0551 Fax +1 403 258 3846 • Edmonton AB Phone +1 780 449 0552 Fax +1 780 417 9623 • Ft. McMurray AB Phone +1 780 791 5049 Fax +1 780 791 5035

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