official publication of the san diego county medical society September 2011
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work! protect your patients’ access to quality healthcare pg. 29
gain (nonclinical) professional development skills
pg. 24
network with your physician peers pg. 30
stay informed of the issues and know when to take action
get the day-to-day assistance you and your staff need pg. 19
pg. 25
get your office manager the assistance she needs
pg. 26
promote your practice
pg. 24
increase your practice’s bottom line pg. 21
get the training you and your staff need
pg. 25
and more …
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S A N D I E G O P HY S I CI A N .or g septe m b e r 2011
Our passion protects your practice
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICI A N. o rg
thismonth Volume 98, Number 9
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work!
19 Day-to-Day Assistance 21 Increase Your Practice’s Bottom Line 23 Increase Your Personal Bottom Line 24 (Nonclinical) Professional Development 24 Promote Your Practice 25 Stay Informed • Take Action 25 Practice Management Training 26 Office Manager Assistance 26 Communicate With Your Colleagues & Patients 26 Shape the Issues 28 Technology Assistance 29 Protect Access to Quality Healthcare 30 Network With Your Physician Community 30 Be the Voice for Physicians
departments 4 Briefly Noted SDCMS and CMA Seminars, Webinars, and Events SDCMS Foundation Wins Statewide Award Implementing an EHR System? And More … 9 Your Monthly Benefits Check-up
Your Vital Benefit for September Q&A With Your Office Manager Advocate Q&A With Your Physician Advocate This Month’s Coding Question Deadlines & Reminders Payer Problems? And More …
Managing Editor Kyle Lewis Editorial Board Van L. Cheng, MD, Adam F. Dorin, MD, Kimberly M. Lovett, MD, Theodore M. Mazer, MD, Robert E. Peters, PhD, MD, David M. Priver, MD, Roderick C. Rapier, MD Marketing & Production Manager Jennifer Rohr Sales Director Dari Pebdani Art Director Lisa Williams Copy Editor Adam Elder
SDCMS Board of Directors Officers President Robert E. Wailes, MD (CMA Trustee) President-elect Sherry L. Franklin, MD (CMA Trustee) Treasurer Robert E. Peters, PhD, MD Secretary J. Steven Poceta, MD Immediate Past President Susan Kaweski, MD geographic and geographic alternate Directors East County William T-C Tseng, MD, Heywood “Woody” Zeidman,
MD, Kimberly M. Lovett, MD (A:Venu Prabaker, MD) Hillcrest Theodore S. Thomas, MD, Steven A. Ornish, MD, Jason P. Lujan, MD (A:Gregory M. Balourdas, MD) Kearny Mesa John G. Lane, MD (A:Marvalyn E. DeCambre, MD, Sergio R. Flores, MD) La Jolla Gregory I. Ostrow, MD, Wynnshang “Wayne” Sun, MD (A: Matt H. Hom, MD) North County James H. Schultz, MD, Douglas Fenton, MD, Niren Angle, MD (A: Steven A. Green, MD) South Bay Vimal I. Nanavati, MD, Mike H. Verdolin, MD (A: Andres Smith, MD) At-large and At-large alternate Directors Jeffrey O. Leach, MD, Bing S. Pao, MD, Kosala Samarasinghe, MD, David E.J. Bazzo, MD, Mark W. Sornson, MD, Peter O. Raudaskoski, MD, Mihir Y. Parikh, MD, Suman Sinha, MD (A: Carol L. Young, MD, Thomas V. McAfee, MD, Ben Medina, MD, James E. Bush, MD, Samuel H. Wood, MD, Elaine J. Watkins, DO, Carl A. Powell, DO, Theresa L. Currier, MD) other voting members Communications Chair Theodore M. Mazer, MD (CMA Vice Speaker) Young Physician Director Van L. Cheng, MD Resident Physician Director Steve H. Koh, MD Retired Physician Director Rosemarie M. Johnson, MD Medical Student Director Beth P. Griffiths
OTHER NONVOTING MEMBERS Young Physician Alternate Director Renjit A. Sundharadas, MD Resident Physician Alternate Director Christina Pagano, MD Retired Physician Alternate Director Mitsuo Tomita, MD CMA President-elect James T. Hay, MD CMA Past Presidents Robert E. Hertzka, MD (Legislative Committee Chair), Ralph R. Ocampo, MD CMA Trustee Albert Ray, MD CMA Trustee (OTHER) Catherine D. Moore, MD CMA SSGPF Delegates James W. Ochi, MD, Ritvik Prakash Mehta, MD CMA SSGPF Alternate Delegates Dan I. Giurgiu MD, Ashish K. Wadhwa, MD
14 10 Years On … Some Perspectives From Your Executive Director
by Tom Gehring
34 Physician Marketplace Classifieds
36 Give Us 5 Minutes, and We’ll Give You a Benefits Check-up!
36 S A N D I E G O P HY S I CI A N .or g se pte m b e r 2011
Opinions expressed by authors are their own and not necessarily those of San Diego Physician or SDCMS. San Diego Physician reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length as well as to reject any material submitted. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Advertising rates and information sent upon request. Acceptance of advertising in San Diego Physician in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by SDCMS of products or services advertised. San Diego Physician and SDCMS reserve the right to reject any advertising. Address all editorial communications to All advertising inquiries can be sent to San Diego Physician is published monthly on the first of the month. Subscription rates are $35.00 per year. For subscriptions, email [San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS) Printed in the U.S.A.]
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septAugust ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICI A N. o rg
brieflynoted calendar SDCMS SEMINARS & WEBINARS
10 Strategies for Economic Survival OCT 13 • 11:30am–1:00pm How to Oversee Your Biller(s) OCT 27 • 11:30am–1:00pm Changes to Medicare Regulations NOV 2 • 11:30am–1:00pm The Leader’s Toolbox NOV 11, 12 • 9:00am–4:00pm Litigation Traps for Surgical Practices NOV 16, 17 • 6:30pm–7:30pm, 11:30am–12:30pm
Providing Extraordinary Customer Service OCT 5 • 12:15–1:15pm
ICD-10 OCT 12 • 12:15–1:15pm • 6:15–7:15pm HIPAA 5010 Transaction and ICD10: Are You Ready? OCT 18 • 12:15–1:15pm EOB Analysis: Successful Claims Appeal OCT 19 • 12:15–1:15pm Key Financial Ratios to Increase Profitability OCT 26 • 12:15–1:15pm • 6:15–7:15pm Electronic Health Records Update NOV 2 • 12:15–1:15pm EHR: Meaningful Use NOV 9 • 12:15–1:15pm • 6:15–7:15pm Top 10 Ways to Save Your Practice Money NOV 16 • 12:15–1:15pm • 6:15–7:15pm Medicare 2012: Final Rules DEC 7 • 12:15–1:15pm
Basic Estate Planning OCT 6 • 12:15pm–1:15pm
What Would Happen to My Practice if I Were to Die? OCT 11 • 12:15pm–1:15pm
MACtoberfest 2011 OCT 18–20 • Marriott Marquis and Marina hotel, 333 West
Harbor Drive, San Diego 92101 • TEDMED 2011 at the Hotel del Coronado OCT 25–28 • Where the world’s most creative minds meet healthcare’s most innovative science. TEDMED celebrates conversations that demonstrate the intersection and connections between all things medical and healthcare related: from personal health to public health, devices to design, and Hollywood to the hospital. Together, this encompasses more than 20 percent of our GNP in America while touching everyone’s life around the globe. Apply today to attend this amazing event as space is limited. Always a sold-out event! Exclusive spots reserved for physicians in San Diego. Apply online at, and, upon acceptance, enter the Group Code: SD2011. 3rd Annual Heart and Vascular Conference 2011: Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention NOV 5–6 • La Costa Resort & Spa, Carlsbad • $125 •
HIT Corner
Implementing an EHR System? Join CalHIPSO, Partner With the SDCMS Foundation, and RECEIVE FREE SERVICES! Under the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, providers are eligible for financial incentives for demonstrating “meaningful use” of an EHR system. You can qualify for incentives either through the Medicare program or through the Medicaid (Medi-Cal) program. Eligible Medicare providers will be eligible for as much as $44,000 in incentives paid out over five years beginning in 2011. Medicare providers can begin demonstrating meaningful use as early as 2011. Starting in 2015, providers who have not demonstrated meaningful use will receive Medicare payment reductions. Why should providers join CalHIPSO and partner with the SDCMS Foundation while implementing an EHR system? • You’re ready to adopt an EHR and want some help doing it. • You need help selecting the right EHR vender from a vender-neutral source. • You’d like additional, high-level project management help during your implementation. • You’d like assistance achieving stage one meaningful use. • Even if you won’t qualify for incentive payments, you still want to implement an EHR system in your practice. • All of these services are free to you through the ARRA grant if your specialty is internal medicine, family medicine, adolescent medicine, general practice, OB/ GYN, or pediatrics. If you are interested in receiving these free services, contact Rob Yeates at the San Diego County Medical Society Foundation at (858) 300-2791 or at
legislator birthdays
One way to let your legislators know that you’re paying attention and that you vote is by wishing them a happy birthday! 4
State Senator Christine Kehoe (District 39) E: Sacramento Office: California State Capitol, Rm. 5050, Sacramento, CA 95814 T: (916) 651-4039 • F: (916) 327-2188 San Diego Office: 2445 Fifth Ave., Ste. 200, San Diego, CA 92101 T: (619) 645-3133 • F: (619) 645-3144
State Senator Mark Wyland (District 38) E: (via website) E: Sacramento Office: California State Capitol, Rm. 4048, Sacramento, CA 95814 T: (916) 651-4038 • F: (916) 446-7382 Carlsbad Office: 1910 Palomar Point Way, #105, Carlsbad, CA 92008 T: (760) 931-2455 • F: (760) 931-2477
S A N D I E G O P HY S I CI A N .or g se pte m b e r 2011
SDCMS Foundation Wins Statewide Award The San Diego County Medical Society Foundation will be awarded the 2011 Adarsh S. Mahal, MD, Access to Healthcare and Disparities Award at CMA’s annual conference and CMA Foundation dinner on Sunday, Oct. 16 for its work in addressing the unmet healthcare needs of uninsured patients throughout San Diego County. Through its flagship program, Project Access San Diego, the SDCMS Foundation has assisted more than 900 uninsured patients to receive specialty medical care through its network of volunteer physicians, hospitals, surgery centers, and other ancillary services since the program’s inception in 2009. Project Access patients are low-income adults who have no access to private health insurance through their employers, and are not eligible for public health benefits, such as Medi-Cal or CMS. Of San Diego County’s 3.2 million residents, approximately 415,000 nonelderly adults are uninsured and seek primary healthcare at one of the area’s 90 community health clinics, which are most often unable to provide access to specialty care except through Project Access. Extremely limited access to specialty care has been identified by the County of San Diego as a major challenge in the community. The SDCMS Foundation addresses these needs through a proven model that includes case management, which benefits the specialty physician, primary care provider, and patient. “Our volunteer physicians are thrilled to be able to give back to the community, know there is thorough follow-up with the patient’s medical home, and feel supported in their efforts,” says Stuart Cohen, MD, SDCMS Foundation board president. “We appreciate the recognition of CMA with this prestigious honor.” James T. Hay, MD, incoming CMA president, founded Project Access San Diego in 2008 as SDCMS Foundation president at the time, based on his research of similar programs throughout the country. There are 50 access programs in the nation, each with a slightly different operational model. Currently, 583 volunteer physicians, nine hospital systems, and 11 surgery centers provide care and donated services totaling more than $3 million to date.
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sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICI A N. o rg
brieflynoted advocacy brief
CALPAC: Fighting for You!
By Richard Thorp, MD, Chair, CALPAC
As chair of CALPAC (California Medical Association Political Action Committee), I wanted to give you an update on how we have been fighting for you in the political arena. CALPAC supports candidates and elected officials who are friendly to the House of Medicine. There have already been four special elections throughout the state this year: • Assembly District 4 (north of Sacramento): CALPAC supported Beth Gaines, a Republican businesswoman from Roseville. Mrs. Gaines handily won the election over Democrat Dennis Campanale. • Senate District 17 (Antelope Valley): CALPAC supported former Assemblymember Sharon Runner, a Republican businesswoman from Antelope Valley. Mrs. Runner also handily won the election over Darren Parker. • Senate District 28 (Los Angeles): CALPAC supported former Democratic Assemblymember Ted Lieu. Assemblymember Lieu defeated Republican James Thompson and moved to the upper house. • Congressional District 36 (Los Angeles): CALPAC was instrumental in AMA’s political action committee supporting Democratic Los Angeles councilmember Janice Hahn. Councilmember Hahn defeated Republican Craig Huey in the highprofile race. I can say that these members will now be strong advocates on our behalf. Despite our successes, we still face many challenges. Trial attorneys have already started a fight to overturn MICRA (California’s landmark Medical
Injury Compensation Reform Act), there are ongoing efforts to erode the prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine, and there are continuous efforts to challenge your scope of practice. Your support is needed to build on our successes and ensure that we have the necessary resources to prepare for the 2011–12 election cycle. These elections are going to be transformational for the California Legislative. The Citizen’s Redistricting Commission has finalized congressional, state Senate, state Assembly, and Board of Equalization districts. The perceptions of the commission’s decisions, good and bad, are likely to shape a national trend. These newly drawn districts, coupled with California’s open primary system, will result in a number of very contentious races. CALPAC has extensively studied the new districts and is preparing for these high-profile races on your behalf. The bottom line is this: We must be stronger than ever to defend against increased challenges to physicians, both in the Legislature and in the upcoming elections. That is why I am asking for your support. I have believed for some time that donating to CALPAC is one of the most important contributions that I make because it ensures Medicine has direct access to the policymakers who have the potential to come between me and my patients. Personally, I have been a President’s Circle member for nine years by donating $1,000 every year. By making a contribution today, you will ensure we continue to have the most active political affairs operation in California. 2012 is going to be a very challenging year, with many more high-profile elections for us to be involved in than ever before. Please visit to donate today! I look forward to working with all of you on behalf of our patients and our profession.
S A N D I E G O P HY S I CI A N .or g se pte m b e r 2011
get in touch Your SDCMS and SDCMSF Support Teams Are Here to Help! SDCMS Contact Information
5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92123 T (858) 565-8888 F (858) 569-1334 E W •
CEO/Executive Director Tom Gehring at (858) 565-8597 or COO/CFO James Beaubeaux at (858) 300-2788 or Director of Membership DevelopmenT Janet Lockett at (858) 300-2778 or Director of Membership Operations and Physician Advocate Marisol Gonzalez at (858) 300-2783 or director of medical office manager support and Office Manager Advocate Sonia Gonzales at (858) 300-2782 or Director of Engagement Jennipher Ohmstede at (858) 300-2781 or Director of Communications and Marketing Kyle Lewis at (858) 300-2784 or accounting and administrative MANAGER Nathalia Aryani at (858) 300-2789 or administrative assistant Betty Matthews at (858) 565-8888 or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GENERAL SUGGESTIONS
SDCMSF Contact Information
5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92123 T (858) 565-8888 F (858) 560-0179 W
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Barbara Mandel at (858) 300-2780 or project access PROGRAM DIRECTOR Brenda Salcedo at (858) 565-8161 or Healthcare Access Manager Lauren Radano at (858) 565-7930 or Patient Care Manager Rebecca Valenzuela at (858) 300-2785 or at Patient Care Manager Elizabeth Terrazes at (858) 565-8156 or at IT PROJECT MANAGER Rob Yeates at (858) 300-2791 or
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Your Monthly Benefits
check-up Get the MOST out of Your SDCMS-CMA Membership! Member Physicians & Office Managers: Beginning with this issue of San Diego Physician, we will be pulling together practice management and membership information content — in a department called “Your Monthly Benefits Checkup” — to ensure you’re getting the most out of your SDCMS-CMA membership. As always, thank you for supporting your San Diego County physician community and your patients by choosing to belong — “Physicians United for a Healthy San Diego” — and let us know how we can help!
This Month:
✓✓ Vital Benefit ✓✓ Office Manager Advocate Q&A ✓✓ Physician Advocate Q&A ✓✓ Coding Question ✓✓ Seminars/Webinars ✓✓ Deadlines & Reminders ✓✓ Payer Problems?
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICI A N. o rg
our Y y o M nthl
s Benefkit -up
HIPAA Compliance ToolKit SDCMS-CMA Members: Instead of paying an attorney thousands of dollars to develop a HIPAA policies and procedures manual for your office, consider taking advantage of CMA/PrivaPlan’s HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance ToolKit, a comprehensive, do-it-yourself resource for HIPAA compliance available at a discount to SDCMS-CMA members. The ToolKit provides: • document templates for HIPAA requirements, e.g., a Notice of Privacy Practices in English and Spanish that includes language necessary to comply with California law; • a complete set of policies and procedures that includes employee Internet/email use agreements and training templates; • a library of reference and guidance materials that provide detailed instructions on HIPAA compliance; • a guided program to complete a HIPAA Security Risk Analysis and generate the documentation needed to satisfy the Meaningful Use HIPAA requirement and provide eligibility for incentive funding; • email support on completing your HIPAA compliance program, as well as an email support line for your HIPAA compliance. The ToolKit is provided as an online product, available any time from your computer. It is also the only product that has been reviewed by CMA’s legal counsel and that is kept up-to-date with California privacy and security laws. SDCMS-CMA members can purchase the CMA/PrivaPlan HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance ToolKit at Be sure to choose the member version to get your discount!
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Q&A WITH YOUR OFFICE MANAGER ADVOCATE By Sonia Gonzales, Your SDCMS Office Manager Advocate Office managers of SDCMS member physicians are encouraged to reach out to Sonia — THINK SDCMS FIRST! — when you need help with a question or issue. Contact Sonia at (858) 300-2782 or at (submitted by an office manager of a 10-physician cardiology group with combined SDCMS-CMA membership of more than 20 years)
Does SDCMS sell, or can you tell me where I can purchase, a compliance manual for our office — something that would have policies and procedures surrounding chart audits, billing issues, etc.? Answer: Policy manuals for these issues are not sold standard since they are unique for each type of practice. You can hire a consultant to create one for you based on your current billing practices, or — better yet — you can have one of your staff be trained as your office’s “compliance officer,” i.e., someone with the authority to influence behavior and organizational practices.
Q&A WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN ADVOCATE By Marisol Gonzalez, Your SDCMS Physician Advocate SDCMS member physicians are encouraged to contact Marisol with any practice or membership questions at (858) 300-2783 or at (submitted by a board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgery SDCMS-CMA member of 30 years)
I had a patient come into my office with a service dog that was “in training.” This patient did not need the dog as they did not have a disability, but they told me they were the dog trainer for this service dog. Can I prohibit patients from bringing in service dogs that are in training? Answer: No, you cannot prohibit service dogs that are being trained by dog trainers from your medical office. As stated in California Penal Code 365.5: Any trainer or individual with a disability may take dogs in any of the places specified in subdivisions (a) and (b) [medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and physicians’ offices] for the purpose of training the dogs as guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs. The person shall ensure that the dog is on a leash and tagged as a guide dog, signal dog, or service dog by an identification tag issued by the county clerk or animal control department […]. In addition, the person shall be liable for any provable damage done to the premises or facilities by his or her dog.
By Michelle Pena, CPC, CHMB ( I’m receiving rejections from Medicare for our physical therapy service CPT 97014 as “procedure invalid for this date of service.” I have reviewed the 2011 CPT book, and it is a current code. Why is it being denied? Answer: Medicare does have an LCD regarding this procedure code, L28290 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Policy. HCPCS G0283 should be utilized for unattended electrical stimulation, and 97032 should be utilized for attended electrical stimulation. Remember to apply modifiers GP, GO, or GN to these procedure codes as the codes have an indicator of “5” on the 2011 Therapy Code list. Indicator “5” means “these codes are always therapy codes regardless of who performs them and they require modifier GP, GO or GN.” Furthermore, there is currently a physical therapy cap limit of $1,500. If the patient is still being seen after the cap limit has been met, a KX modifier can be applied if the clinician attests that services are medically necessary and justification is documented in the medical record. The sequencing of the modifiers does not matter — just make sure to append both a G modifier and the KX.
UPCOMING SDCMS & CMA SEMINARS/WEBINARS Don’t Forget: SDCMS members and their staffs attend free of charge all SDCMS and CMA seminars and webinars. See page 4 for a listing of our remaining seminars and webinars for 2011.
Let us take care of the paperwork so you can take care of your patients. The Perfect Solution... Do you have stacks of insurance applications and contracts to review and complete? Are the endless deadlines and documentation preparation creeping into patient time? At Amador Physician Services, our mission is to ease the burden of healthcare paperwork for administrators, office managers, and physicians alike so you can get back to the business of medicine. With 18 years experience working with the San Diego medical community we are well suited to assist your practice and ease your workload. • Registered in the PECOS system? • Opening a new practice? • Moving? • Adding a physician? • Incorporating? • Inundated with credentialing and recredentialing applications? • Problems with Medicare and Medi-Cal enrollment? We can help! At APS we have assisted numerous San Diego area physicians with these tasks and we can help you, too. Call us today and let us take care of the paperwork so you can take care of your patients.
Give Us 5 Minutes and We’ll Give You a Benefits Check-up!
Call SDCMS at (858) 565-8888 Today!
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
our Y y o M nthl
s Benefkit -up
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AND MEMBERSHIP DEADLINES & REMINDERS • ONGOING: TDC-insured SDCMS member physicians must satisfy their participation requirement once every two years in order to continue receiving their TDC medical professional liability insurance premium credit. Contact Janet Lockett at SDCMS at (858) 300-2778 or at • OCT. 1: Last day for eligible professionals (EPs) to begin their 90-day reporting period in time to attest to/receive their 2011 Medicare EHR Incentive Program payments. • NOV. 1: $50 Early Bird Dues Discount Deadline • DEC. 31: Reporting year ends for eligible professionals (eRx). • JAN. 1: SDCMS-CMA Membership Dues Deadline • JAN. 1: On Jan. 1, 2012, the HIPAA 5010 “implementation guide” standard will go into effect. This affects all of the HIPAA Standard Transactions, including the following pertinent transactions for most medical practices: electronic claims; electronic remittance advic-
es; electronic requests for eligibility and benefit verification and the responses; electronic referral authorizations; and electronic claims status. The last major change was in October 2003, when the HIPAA transactions and code sets rule took effect. The 5010 change reduces ambiguity in many of the transactions and provides for some very important new codes such as ICD-10. It also eliminates many of the situational codes while implementing requirements such as taxonomy codes on all claims. Medical practices should be preparing now for this change by ensuring your vendors (billing software, billing services, and clearinghouses) are ready and that your software is capable of generating a 5010 transaction. If your practice management systems are not compliant with HIPAA Version 5010 standards by Jan. 1, 2012, you will risk not getting electronic payments from Medicare or private insurers. • FEB. 29: Last day for eligible professionals to register and attest to receive incentive payment for calendar year 2011 (eHR).
Early Bird Special!
SDCMS Memb-eCMA rs
SavE $
SDCMS-CMA MeMber PhySiCiAnS: If you are paying full, non-discounted dues and are with a medical group of 19 or fewer physicians, you will receive a 5% discount on your 2012 SDCMS-CMA dues if you renew and pay in full before October 31, 2011.
Pay Early … Save Money
Renew Online Today at or Call SDCMS at (858) 565-8888
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Payer Problems? SDCMS and CMA Are Here to Help! Member physicians experiencing problems with contracting, insurance claims, or other reimbursement issues can get help from SDCMS’ physician advocate, Marisol Gonzalez, and CMA’s Center for Economic Services (CES). CES’ practice management staff has more than 125 years of combined experience in medical practice operations. Access to SDCMS’ physician advocate and CMA’s practice management professionals is a members-only benefit. It might be time to call if: • Your claims are not being paid in a timely manner. • You’re not being paid according to your contract. • Your claims are being denied after obtaining prior authorization. • You’re receiving unreasonable requests for medical records or untimely requests for refunds. • You’re having difficulty obtaining fee schedules or payment rules or both. • Your claims are being denied for untimely filing. • You’ve been presented with a managed care contract and you’re not sure if the terms are consistent with California law. Access to SDCMS’ and CMA’s advocates is a free member benefit and may include: • Education and guidance on reimbursement and contracting issues. • Advice on best practices for improved practice viability. • Information on your rights and responsibilities under California law and regulations. • Sample letters, forms, and toolkits. • Direct intervention with the payer when necessary. • Assistance filing a formal complaint with the regulator. • Help identifying and preventing payer abuse. To learn more or to request assistance, contact Marisol Gonzalez at (858) 3002783 or at
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Give Us 5 Minutes and We’ll Give You a Benefits Check-up!
Call SDCMS at (858) 565-8888 Today!
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
10 Years On … Some
Perspectives From Your Executive Director By Tom Gehring
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
# of members
September 17 marks my 10-year anniversary as SDCMS CEO and executive director. Here is an overview of what has been accomplished in the last decade, along with some thoughts on where we want to go in the next. I came on board at an inflection point for SDCMS and organized medicine. Much of what has been accomplished in the previous 10 years was made possible by the foundations laid down by those who served before us: my predecessor, David Knetzer, the presidents of SDCMS in the ’80s and ’90s — Bob Hertzka, David Priver, Rosemarie Johnson, Ralph Ocampo — who initiated many of the changes that have come to fruition over the last 10 years, and the team that had the wisdom to buy a building in Kearny Mesa in the mid-’70s. Every business (and yes, SDCMS is a business!) has a critical metric of organizational health. Ours is membership, and SDCMS has been successful. We are the only large county medical society in California that has consistently grown. For me, who has no patience, our growth has been painfully slow, but it has been steady and consistent at roughly 80–100 members net growth per year (See chart below). Since I’ve already articulated the heretical thought that SDCMS is a business, any CEO should insource core competencies and outsource non-core competencies. We’ve brought in-house everything that we were really good at (or needed to be really good at), and anything else was outsourced. My first hire was a director of communications, Kyle Lewis, who is still with us today doing a fabulous job. One of my first moves was to outsource anything
associated with the old building. My first president, Dr. Jim Hay, gave me four things to do: 1. Sell the Old Building: The physician leadership geniuses of the mid’70s built a fabulous building that in the early 2000s was hemorrhaging cash with a huge unfunded maintenance liability. In addition, being a landlord and a building manager was not a medical society core competency. We sold the building almost at the top of the market and now have nearly $5 million in the bank as a reserve and as an investment that spins off income to allow us to grow. 2. Restructure Governance: Our old system divided SDCMS governance and CMA representation in a way that led to many gaps and that did not recognize the need for a robust executive committee. With help from past presidents Dr. Eddie Canada and Dr. Ralph Ocampo, we rewrote SDCMS’ bylaws to merge governance and representation and to create a leadership process more in tune with the times. 3. Create a Philanthropic Arm for SDCMS: After almost a decade of work, championed in large part by past presidents Dr. Jim Hay and Dr. Carol Young, we now have a robust 501.c.3 foundation that is doing exceptional philanthropic work (e.g., providing life-changing healthcare services to San Diego’s most vulnerable patients through PASD and supporting medical students through scholarships and low-cost loans); our SDCMS Foundation was, in fact, just
recognized by CMA for its statewide leadership. 4. Fix the Policy Manual: Oh so boring … but any organization must have documented processes and procedures. After many years of work, the board has recently approved a detailed manual that articulates, above and beyond the bylaws, SDCMS’ operating processes. Every viable organization needs a strategic direction. Between 2001 and 2005, we went through several iterations of strategic planning and visioning, and finally arrived at a strategic vision, i.e., where we want to be — “Physicians United for a Healthy San Diego” — and a series of strategic outcomes, i.e., how we will know we’ve arrived: • an SDCMS that San Diego County physicians want to join • an SDCMS with sufficient resources • an SDCMS that is the voice of San Diego County’s physicians • an SDCMS with an infrastructure and staff that deliver service that “WOWs” Every year the board of directors and staff reexamine the strategic outcomes and plan specific steps for the coming year to make the vision and outcomes more of a reality. In San Diego County there are many, many physician constituencies — from the solo specialist in Alpine to the primary
The old building
2,562 2,578 2,652 2,390 2,419 1,920 2,029 2,056 2,163 2,195
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
sdcms care physician in a large Hillcrest practice, from a community clinic doctor to a UCSD MD/PhD researcher, from our medical students to our retired physicians — our customers run the gamut. SDCMS was not going to survive unless we became pluralistic, representing the shared needs of all physicians. In the last 10 years, SDCMS has developed that pluralistic mindset. This diversity of members is what I am most proud of in my 10 years as your executive director. Every constituency is represented in membership and in leadership. We have and will continue to address those things that physicians have in common while avoiding the divisive issues that engender that time-honored physician tradition: the circular firing squad. We have created a superlative staff, the SDCMS support team: • Our COO and CFO, Jim Beaubeaux, is my partner in local advocacy, keeps the infrastructure alive and well, and keeps
our finances under control. • Our physician advocate, Marisol Gonzalez, and our office manager advocate, Sonia Gonzales, provide member physicians and their office managers with concierge service. • Our director of data, Janet Lockett, doubles as our director of membership development, creating new value propositions for our members. • Our director of engagement, Jen Ohmstede, both manages the myriad opportunities for physicians to connect with SDCMS and supports the governance team. • Our director of communications, Kyle Lewis, manages the entire communications spectrum — from our e-newsletter, “News You Can Use” (which goes to over 4,000 email addresses), to our monthly magazine (which goes to all San Diego County physicians, not just members), to the annual report, to the directory, and to working with the
media. • Our director of first impressions, Betty Mathews, makes sure that when you call SDCMS, you always speak to a customer-friendly person, not an answering machine. Over a decade we’ve increased the value of membership. While every physician should join organized medicine, a tangible return on investment through vetted and appropriate member benefits makes the “join or stay” decision much easier! We have dramatically improved our infrastructure in a number of ways, but the two most important areas of improvement are our database and our website. If you are not taking advantage of version 3 of — our content-rich web resource for physicians and patients — then you’re missing out! We have spent half a decade making our SDCMS physician database an accurate and powerful tool.
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S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
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I’m particularly proud of SDCMS’ response during real crises, most prominently in 2001, with our ability to rapidly promulgate information during the anthrax scare, and in 2003 and 2007, with our ability to coordinate physician volunteers in response to the San Diego County wildfires. Our willingness to invest the time and energy through SDCMS’ legislative committee has resulted in long-term relationships with decision-makers, elected and appointed. While we don’t always get our way (and who does?), SDCMS’ phone calls get returned by the people in power. The aphorism “you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu” aptly describes our goal, which we have achieved! We’ve invested in the next generation of physicians. Our outreach to UCSD’s medical students (we annually recruit at least 75 percent of the class to join organized medicine), our work with the more than 1,200 residents in San Diego County
(our “Preparing to Practice” seminars, for example), and our aggressive and successful efforts to bring young physicians into the fold (our willingness to discount dues for doctors just starting out in practice) will pay dividends in the near and distant future. As a result of all these efforts, the age distribution of SDCMS members is evenly distributed. Like every organization, we had to make some tough calls. Our participation with San Diego Magazine in the selection of “Physicians of Exceptional Excellence,” a.k.a., “Top Docs,” has engendered controversy. We’ve taken some positions (and not taken other positions) that have not pleased some of our constituencies. There are still major hurdles to overcome. We need to bring Scripps Clinic on board (they are the only large group that does not have membership en masse). We need to fix the geographic practice cost index (GPCI) inequity. And we need to grow our membership to more than 50
percent of the physicians in San Diego County (particularly among the small and medium groups). That will keep us busy for a while! Please don’t hesitate to call me any time on my cell phone at (619) 206-8282 or email me at — I love hearing from our customers! My thanks for the privilege of serving with the phenomenal physician leaders of SDCMS, and particularly the 11 presidents I’ve worked with so closely — Drs. Hay, Muñoz, Knight, Canada, Young, Mazer, Ray, Cohen, Miller, Kaweski, and Wailes — and the entire staff of SDCMS. I’m often asked for the secret ingredient to SDCMS’ success — folks hint that perhaps there is a some silver bullet or magic potion. It’s just hard work, every day, doing good for those who do good. About the Author: Mr. Gehring is executive director and CEO of the San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS).
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Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work! 19 Day-to-Day Assistance 21 Increase Your Practice’s Bottom Line 23 Increase Your Personal Bottom Line 24 (Nonclinical) Professional Development 24 Promote Your Practice 25 Stay Informed • Take Action 25 Practice Management Training
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
26 Office Manager Assistance 26 Communicate With Your Colleagues & Patients 26 Shape the Issues 28 Technology Assistance 29 Protect Access to Quality Healthcare 30 Network With Your Physician Community 30 Be the Voice for Physicians
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
Day-to-day Assistance Full-time Assistance With Your Practice Management & Membership Questions!
Contact your full-time SDCMS physician advocate, Marisol Gonzalez, for practice management and membership assistance. Marisol can help with, for example, getting insurance reimbursements, connecting with experts in the field, answering your benefits and membership questions, helping with legal issues (healthcare, HR, ADA), helping with incentive program complexities (e-prescribing and PQRS), or support in finding the answers to keep your practice running smoothly.
Free Classified Postings
Place your classified ads (office space, physician positions available, non-physician positions available, clinical trials, practice announcements, etc.) in San Diego Physician and online at SDCMS. org (members can post and manage their own ads) free of charge and for as long as you like!
Full-time Assistance for Your Office Manager!
Be sure your office manager knows she can always turn to her SDCMS office manager advocate, Sonia Gonzales, with questions related to HIPAA, OSHA, EMR/EHR, personnel issues, billing issues, compliance issues, practice changes (adding a physician, NP, PA, etc.), and so much more!
Free Coding Hotline
If you’re unsure about a code and need it verified, access SDCMS’ free coding hotline at Coding@SDCMS. org (provided by SDCMS-endorsed CHMB Solutions).
Search SDCMS’ Online Database of Frequently Asked Questions Members and their staff can log in to and search SDCMS’ extensive database of frequently asked questions on topics ranging from economic advocacy to employment, legal advocacy, medical licensure, member benefits, and more. sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work! Free Attendance at CMA’s Webinars
Free Attendance at All SDCMS Seminars and Webinars
Watch online presentations on important topics of interest and interact with legal and financial experts from the comfort of your homes or offices.
All member physicians and their office staff attend SDCMS’ robust schedule of seminars and webinars held throughout the year free of charge.
Free California Emergency Driving Emblem Don’t get stopped on your way to an emergency! Receive a free California physician emergency driving emblem. Get the Reimbursement Help You Need From CMA’s Reimbursement Help Center
Trouble getting paid? Call CMA’s reimbursement experts for personal assistance with contracting or reimbursement issues.
Access All Recorded SDCMS Seminars at
Payer Contract Analysis With CMA’s Center for Economic Services To assist physicians with the contract review process (which includes proposed contract amendments), members have free access to objective written analyses of major health plan contracts. Each analysis is designed to help physicians understand their rights and options when contracting with a third-party payer, as well as an understanding of contract provisions that are prohibited by California law.
Free Access to CMA’s Medical-Legal Library (Formerly CMA ON-CALL) Are you getting all of your medical-legal and regulatory questions answered when you need them answered? CMA’s online library contains more than 4,500 pages of up-to-date legal information on a variety of subjects of everyday importance to practicing physicians. 20
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
HIPAA Compliance Assistance
HIPAA’s never done — stay compliant. Receive a discount on a complete, do-it-yourself HIPAA privacy and security compliance toolkit (CD-ROM).
Legal Services From CMA’s Legal Experts
CMA’s legal experts provide immediate member assistance for HR, medical, regulatory, and legal questions.
Legal Handbooks, HIPAA Compliance Toolkits, Practice Management Guides, Patient Forms, and More Access CMA’s online treasure trove of members-only resources.
CMA’s Physician Confidential Line
When you or your family need confidential assistance, will someone be there to help? CMA’s free 24hour confidential line assists physicians, dentists, medical students, residents, and their families and colleagues who may have an alcohol or other chemical dependence or mental/behavioral problem. Using it will not result in any form of disciplinary action or referral to any disciplinary body.
Increase Your Practice’s Bottom Line Professional Liability Insurance
Eligible members receive a 5 percent discount, a consentto-settle provision, free tail coverage for physicians insured for at least five years (in the event of retirement, permanent total disability, or death), prior-acts coverage, and industry-leading patient safety resources, including free CME, from SDCMSENDORSED The Doctors Company. This member benefit has saved more than 850 SDCMS member physicians nearly $460,000!
Pay Yourself/Your Staff/Your Expenses If You Become Disabled Receive discounts of 10 to 43 percent on individual disability premiums, 10 percent premium savings on overhead expense reimbursement insurance based on eligibility, stress claims (mental, emotional, and nervous disorders) treated as any other condition (no 24-month maximum cap on benefits), and “Own Occupation” sub-specialty coverage (receive benefits even if able to perform duties in another area of medicine) from SDCMSENDORSED Wealth Legacy Group.
Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill
Receive a minimum 25 percent discount on all Verizon phones with new/renewed service agreement (excluding any iPhone brand), a minimum 30 percent discount on all Verizon accessories (excluding any iPhone brand), free delivery and set-up in the office of your new devices, no shipping or handling fees for equipment or accessories, discounts of up to 8 percent on Verizon phone service, and waived activation fees for approved accounts with SDCMS-ENDORSED 4G Wireless. NOTE: Your family and staff are also eligible for equipment and service discounts!
Get Your Dues Reimbursed
Qualify for full dues reimbursement or dues offset with an investment of $300,000 — lesser amounts receive pro-rata reimbursement — with SDCMS-ENDORSED Wealth Legacy Group and Dunham Mutual Funds. sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work!
Prevent an IT Meltdown
Ensure Your Bank Is Working as Hard as You
Save Time and Money on Medical Supplies, Equipment, and Pharmaceuticals
Receive free analysis of your current purchases, 10 percent bottom-line savings compared to your current cost on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals (excludes vaccines, blood and plasma products, oncology drugs, HGH and HIV/AIDS drugs), discounts you can trust (you’re given 30 days’ notice on all medical supply price increases), same-day service to most San Diego County locations, calls answered by a person and not a machine, a noback-order guarantee program (never have your top 10 products back-ordered again, or you get them free), 24/7 web ordering (convenient online customized shopping lists), and a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee on all products from SDCMS-ENDORSED STAT Pharmaceuticals.
Receive no points on lines of credit and loans, half off points on commercial and construction real estate loans, free online banking, bank-at-work and courier service, waived ATM fees, and free first order of checks with SDCMS-ENDORSED IronStone Bank.
Receive a free site inspection and subsequent infrastructure recommendations, free inventory and assessment of network and hardware computing assets, and free analysis of Internet/telco/ data activity and subsequent ROI recommendations with SDCMSENDORSED Soundoff Computing.
Is Outsourcing Your Billing the Solution?
Receive a 50 percent discount on startup fees, a $33 per-physician-per-month services credit, 10 percent off outsourced IT support, 10 percent off alreadydiscounted Dell hardware solutions, and a free coding hotline with SDCMSENDORSED CHMB Solutions.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Let a PhysicianAttorney Help You Protect Your Practice and Your Assets
Receive unique insight into all of your legal needs, including medical malpractice, business law, real property transactions, tax planning, and trust and estate planning with the SDCMSENDORSED law firm of Alexander & Alexander. Let their unique Tower Law System save you about half of what you might normally pay. NOTE: SDCMS members receive an additional 10 percent discount!
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Squeeze All You Can out of Your Health Plan Contracts
Receive a free contracting analysis, a discount on hourly rates, and a package price on services for contract negotiations, including health plan contracts, from SDCMS-ENDORSED Coastal Healthcare Consulting Group.
Make Sure Your Prescription Pad Re-order Rut Isn’t Costing You Money
Receive discounted management consulting on productivity and patient flow, personnel, governance and management, market strategy and tactics, practice acquisitions, sales and mergers, and a free one-year subscription to UnCommon Sense from SDCMS-ENDORSED Practice Performance Group.
Receive a 15% discount on tamperresistant prescription pads and printer paper from SDCMS ENDORSED American Security Rx.
$ Don’t Write Off Bad Debt Unnecessarily Receive a 10 percent discount on monthly charges from SDCMSENDORSED TSC Accounts Receivable Solutions.
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
Is the Right Person Doing Your Accounting?
Receive a 15 percent discount on standard rates for professional services from SDCMSENDORSED AKT CPAs and Business Consultants — with an unconditional satisfaction guarantee: “SDCMS members who are not completely satisfied with the work AKT performs for them pay only what they thought the work was worth.”
Increase Your Personal Bottom Line
Make Sure Your Waiting Room Magazines Aren’t Increasing Your Malpractice Risk Receive a gift subscription to San Diego Magazine. Receive 50 percent off subscriptions to hundreds of popular magazines — with a best-pricematch guarantee — from Subscription Services, Inc.
Clinical Reference Guides
Receive a 30 percent discount on subscriptions to Epocrates products, such as the No. 1-rated Epocrates Essentials.
Auto and Homeowner Insurance Discounts From Mercury Insurance Group and Automobile Club of Southern California Along with your spouse, receive an exclusive 10 percent discount on Mercury’s already low auto insurance rates. Save even more with additional policyholder discounts (good driver, multi-car, antitheft device, good student, auto+home). You can save up to an additional 15 percent when you insure both your auto and home with Mercury. Along with your spouse, receive 4.5–14 percent discounts on all lines of coverage from the Automobile Club of Southern California.
Rental Car Discounts From Avis and Hertz Save up to 25 percent on car rentals for business or personal travel. Members-only coupon codes are required to access this benefit.
Disneyland Resort Ticket/Passport Discounts
Save 4–15 percent on tickets and passports to the Disneyland Resort with SDCMS Disney Days Tickets Online. Blackout dates apply. Members must be residents of Southern California. Tickets are valid through December 2011. sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work!
Advertise in San Diego Physician at up to 50% off Regular Rates SDCMS’ monthly magazine reaches ALL 8,000+ practicing physicians in San Diego and Imperial 8,500 counties, along with 500 politicians, journalists, hospitals, libraries, retired 8,500 technolo gy’s physicians, and uncompRomising others. foRwaRd maRch! July 2011
official publi c at ion of
(Nonclinical) Professional Development Skills
June 2011
Promote Your Practice
Make sure referring physicians can find you! Receive one free physician mailing list annually and a 50% discount on all additional mailing lists requested in the same year.
Create and Manage Your Online Physician Profile at
Only SDCMS member physicians are listed in the “Find a Doctor” tool at
Place Practice Announcements Free of Charge in San Diego Physician and Online at
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N . org septe m b e r 2011
physicians every month
Organized medicine at the county (SDCMS) and state (CMA) levels offers a variety of opportunities for physicians to be a part of the solution, and to develop skills and knowledge that foster both personal and professional growth: • Learn to be a more effective leader by attending SDCMS’ leadership training workshops: The Leader’s Toolbox, Outlook for Crazy Busy Docs, Financial and Legal Life Skills for (Financially and Legally Clueless) Docs. • Learn how to interact with legislators to move (and stop) legislation by attending SDCMS’ advocacy training workshops. • Learn to communicate effectively with the media by attending SDCMS’ media training workshops. • Join an SDCMS committee or commission: San Diego Physician Editorial Board, Bioethics Commission, Emergency Medicine Oversight Commission (EMOC), Group to Eradicate Resistant Microorganisms (GERM), Legislative Committee, Professional Conduct Committee, and more. • Sit on SDCMS’ board of directors.
Receive a Free San Diego County Physician Mailing List Annually
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physicians every month
Patient / Consumer
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Safety “physicians
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Physician Directory 2010–2011 “physicians
San Diego County Medical Society “Physicians United for a Healthy San Diego”
Advertise in SDCMS’ San Diego County Physician Directory (aka, “The Little Purple Book”) at up to 50% off Regular Rates
SDCMS’ San Diego County Physician Directory includes and is mailed to all San Diego County physicians, with SDCMS member listings highlighted.
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Appear in San Diego Magazine’s Annual “Health Annex”
Only SDCMS members are listed.
Become an SDCMS Spokesperson on Topics Within Your Specialty for San Diego County Media
Advertise in SDCMS’ Pictorial Membership Directory at up to 50% off Regular Rates
Ensure referring physicians know how to find you by appearing in SDCMS’ annual pictorial membership directory. Receive a free directory each year and a 50% discount on additional directories purchased.
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“Physicians United for a Healthy San Diego”
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
Stay Informed • Take Action
Receive Free of Charge and Free of Advertising SDCMS’ Bi-weekly E-newsletter, “News You Can Use” Are you letting deadlines critical to your bottom line pass? Receive the latest in medical, local, state, and federal news critical to your practice’s bottom line and to your patients’ health and wellbeing. Follow the Latest Health Policy and Practice Management Stories at
Follow SDCMS on Twitter to Receive Healthcare Alerts and Updates Directly to Your Smartphone
Sign up to Receive CMA’s Invaluable Publications CMA produces a number of publications to keep members up to date on the latest healthcare news and information affecting the practice of medicine in California. • CMA Alert • CMA Capitol Insight • CMA Practice Resources • CMA Press Clips • Legal Case List • Legislative Hot List • Regulations Quick List • OMSS Advocate
Receive a Free Subscription to SDCMS’ Monthly Magazine, San Diego Physician
San Diego County’s physician voice reaches all 8,000+ practicing San Diego County physicians every month. Receive a free subscription, free classified ad postings, and discounted display ads.
Practice Management Training CME Tracking/Credentialing
CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) certifies CME activity for credentialing purposes to the Medical Board of California, as well as to hospitals, health plans, specialtwy societies, and others.
SDCMS Members and Their Staff Attend Free of Charge All SDCMS Seminars and Webinars
Are you meeting your and your staff’s training needs? SDCMS’ seminars and webinars cover the gamut of policy and practice management topics, including legal issues, HIPAA, risk management issues, how to begin your practice, contract negotiations, getting paid, billing, and much more.
CMA Webinar Series
CMA’s webinar series gives physicians and their office staff the opportunity to watch online presentations on important topics of interest to help you meet regulatory and accreditation standards, learn effective practice management techniques, provide quality care, and more — as well as interact with legal and financial experts from the comfort of your homes or offices.
Watch All Recorded SDCMS Seminars Online at
All SDCMS member physicians and their staff can access all recorded seminars free of charge at Some of the more popular seminars from 2011 include “Focus on Payor Contracts With ACO Guidelines”; “Specific Strategies for Succeeding Under Healthcare Reform”; “How to Successfully Implement an EHR and Qualify for $1,000s in Federal Incentives”; “The Road to ICD-10”; and “Palmetto GBA/Medicare Provider Enrollment.”
Receive Significant Discounts at All SDCMS Certification Course
Including Certified Medical Office Manager, Certified Medical Coder, Certified Medical Insurance Specialist, and, new this month, Certified Medical Compliance Officer. sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work!
Free Coding Hotline
Office Manager Assistance Access to SDCMS’ Fulltime Office Manager Advocate
Let your office manager and staff know that they have a full-time office manager advocate at SDCMS ready to help them with any questions they may have, free of charge.
Free Attendance at All SDCMS Seminars and Webinars SDCMS member physician office staff attend free of charge all SDCMS seminars and webinars, covering legal issues, HIPAA, risk management issues, contract negotiations, getting paid, billing, and much more.
Become Certified at a Significant Discount
Members and office staff attend all SDCMS certification courses — including “Certified Medical Office Manager,” “Certified Medical Coder,” “Certified Medical Insurance Specialist,” and new this month “Certified Medical Compliance Officer” — at a discount.
Free and On-demand Access to All SDCMS Recorded Seminars at
CMA Webinar Series
CMA’s webinar series gives your office staff the opportunity to watch online presentations on important topics of interest to help meet regulatory and accreditation standards, learn effective practice management techniques, provide quality care, and more — as well as interact with legal and financial experts. ensure Your Office Manager has Her Own Username and Password
to access valuable members-only content, including SDCMS’ online FAQ database, members-only toolkits, SDCMS recorded seminars, and more.
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Are you unsure about a code and need it verified? Access a free coding hotline by emailing your coding question(s) to
Free San Diego County Physician Mailing List
Are you making sure referring physicians can find you? Receive one free physician mailing list annually and a 50% discount on all additional mailing lists requested in the same year.
Access SDCMS Endorsedpartner Expertise and Discounts to Save Your Physicians Time and Money Network With Your Office Manager Colleagues via Forums, Listserves, Pre-seminar Networking, and More
Post Free Classified Ads in San Diego Physician and Online at Receive Free of Charge SDCMS’ List of San Diego County Pharmacies — Updated Annually
Communicate With Your Colleagues & Patients Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate With DocBookMD for Free Members with an iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, or Android-based phone or tablet receive a free subscription to DocBookMD, giving you the entire San Diego County physician (members and nonmembers) database on your mobile devices. Bonus: You can HIPAAcompliantly, bi-directionally communicate — with photos — with other members who have signed up for the system.
Appear in and Receive a Free Copy of SDCMS’ Annual Pictorial Membership Directory
Members also receive a 50% discount on additional copies and a 50% discount on all directory advertising.
Send HIPAAcompliant Messages to Your Colleagues and Your Patients at Receive a Free Copy of SDCMS’ Annual San Diego County Physician Directory (aka, The Little Purple Book) Members also receive a 50% discount on additional copies and a 50% discount on all directory advertising.
shape the Issues Access to Decision-makers
SDCMS’ willingness to invest the time and energy through our Legislative Committee has resulted in longterm relationships with decision-makers, elected and appointed. The aphorism “you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu” aptly describes our goal, which we have achieved! Of note, the work of our Legislative Committee will be critical during the campaigns of 2012.
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Put Your SDCMS-CMA Membership to Work!
Write Articles for San Diego Physician Magazine SDCMS member physicians are invited to contribute articles — and showcase your writing skills — to San Diego Physician magazine, the voice of San Diego County’s physician community! Join an SDCMS Committee or Commission Editorial Board, Bioethics, Emergency Medicine Oversight, GERM, Professional Conduct, and more. Join a CMA Committee or Council CMA depends on the expertise of its members to make smart policy choices — Ethical Affairs, Information Technology, Judicial Affairs, Legislation, Scientific Affairs, Medical Services, Professional Liability, and more.
Technology Assistance Have You Done Enough to Prevent an IT Meltdown?
SDCMS-endorsed Soundoff Computing Corporation provides best-of-breed hardware, software, and network technologies for your medical practice, utilizing best practices for all aspects of IT implementations. SDCMS member physicians receive free site inspection and subsequent infrastructure recommendations; free inventory and assessment of network and hardware computing assets; free analysis of Internet/telco/data activity and subsequent ROI recommendations.
Write a Resolution for the CMA House of Delegates The HOD convenes annually to debate and act on resolutions and reports with myriad medical practice, public health, and CMA governance issues.
Help Identify and Elect Candidates That Share CMA’s Vision for Medicine and Healthcare Through the Work of CALPAC, CMA’s political action committee. Participate in SDCMS’ Grassroots Advocacy Campaigns via Advocate Personally With Legislators and Their Staff in Sacramento and Washington, DC SDCMS regularly sends teams of physicians and medical students to Sacramento and Washington, DC, to meet with legislators and their staff to discuss the issues important to physicians and patients. Become an SDCMS Physician Leader by Being Elected to SDCMS’ Board of Directors
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Ensure the Physician’s Voice Is Heard Locally
SDCMS works closely with numerous San Diego County-area organizations — UCSD StudentRun Free Clinic Project, Community Health Improvement Partners, UC San Diego PACE Program, American Red Cross, San Diego County HHSA, and more —to ensure the physician’s voice is a part of critical discussions being had and to add physician support to worthwhile causes and programs/ projects.
Join CalHIPSO, Partner With the SDCMS Foundation, and Receive Free Services
Under the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, providers are eligible for financial incentives for demonstrating “meaningful use” of an EHR system. You can qualify for incentives either through the Medicare program or through the Medicaid (Medi-Cal) program. Eligible Medicare providers will be eligible for as much as $44,000 in incentives paid out over five years beginning in 2011. Medicare providers can begin demonstrating meaningful use as early as 2011. Starting in 2015, providers who have not demonstrated meaningful use will receive Medicare payment reductions.
CMA’s HIT Resource Center
CMA is closely monitoring the electronic standards development process, and will be updating this resource center as new information becomes available at
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
Protect Access to Quality Healthcare
Support CMA’s Lobbying Efforts in Sacramento and Washington, DC Protect MICRA and Ensure Continued Access to Care for California’s Patients Protect Medical Staff Autonomy by Protecting the Corporate Bar to the Practice of Medicine Protect Patients by Fighting Scope Expansion Bills and Holding the Line on Practice Intrusions Bring State and Federal EMS (Maddy) Funds to San Diego County Support the Work of the SDCMS Foundation
Support a State Budget That Will Continue California’s Obligation to Provide Healthcare to the Medically Indigent and Working Poor Fight to Reform Medicare’s Inequitable SGR Formula Fight to Reform Medicare’s Inequitable GPCI Formula, which unfairly designates San Diego a Rural County. Support a Wide Range of Public Policy Solutions to Address the Public Health Crisis of Nearly Seven Million Uninsured Californians Ensure San Diego County Has an Adequate Physician Workforce by supporting SDCMS’ biannual physician workforce and compensation surveys.
Fight Onerous Take-it-orleave-it Contracts that often include provisions that are bad for patients and undermine the physicianpatient relationship.
Become a Volunteer With the SDCMS Foundation’s Project Access San Diego,
San Diego County’s only comprehensive network of coordinated, donated healthcare services for medical underserved patients. MedicAlert Individual and KidSmart Program
In times of crisis, ensure your medical issues are communicated. MedicAlert is a nonprofit foundation with over 50 years of lifesaving experience identifying and providing vital medical information to emergency personnel for over 4 million members worldwide. SDCMS members and their patients save $10 on new adult enrollments and $2.95 on Kid Smart Enrollments.
Fight Burdensome and Unnecessary Governmental Involvement in the Practice of Medicine
Become Involved in SDCMS’ Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Efforts Join SDCMS’ GERM (Group to Eradicate Resistant Microorganisms) Commission Join SDCMS’ Emergency Medicine Oversight Commission Join SDCMS’ Professional Conduct Committee Keep Watch Over the Health Plans to Stop and Rectify Their Abuses Fight Unfunded Mandates Fight for Adequate Vaccine Reimbursements Control the Physician Evaluation Process Promoted by Insurers sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Contact SDCMS: 858.565.8888 •
Volunteer Your Expertise As an Expert for San Diego’s Media Outlets
Network With Your Physician Community Be Part of the Solution! Become involved in any of a broad spectrum of engagement opportunities both SDCMS and CMA afford their member physicians. Become an SDCMS and/or CMA Physician Leader Attend SDCMS’ Many Membership Socials Held Throughout the Year Invite Your Colleagues to Your Own Events, open houses, etc., using SDCMS’ mailing lists, NYCU announcements, etc. Join an SDCMS or CMA Committee or Commission
Support and Participate in San Diego Physician Magazine, the only media vehicle that goes to all San Diego County physicians.
Be the Voice for Physicians
Trust your SDCMS-CMA Membership Has Grown Each Year Since 2001, from 1,920 in 2001 to 2,652 in 2010. SDCMS Has the Best, Most Comprehensive and Up-todate Physician Database in San Diego County
SDCMS Has Kept Its Budget in the Black Since 2001,
even riding the 2008 recession without going into the red.
It’s Easy to Join/ Renew Your Membership at
SAN DIEGO, CA OCTOBER 27, 2011 Presented by
Jointly Sponsored by
THIS COURSE WILL COVER DISEASE STATES CAUSED BY HORMONE DEFICIENCIES 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:30 2:00 3:30 4:00 4:30
Registration and Breakfast An Overview of Diagnosis and Therapy for Hormone Deficiencies – Ron Rothenberg, MD The Scientific Data behind Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism – Ron Rothenberg, MD Testosterone in Men – Stephen Center, MD Break Growth Hormone Therapy in Aging Adults – Ron Rothenberg, MD DHEA – Melatonin – Vitamin D – Ron Rothenberg, MD Lunch Estrogen and Progesterone Therapies in Women, also for younger Women before Menopause – Andrea Cole-Raub, DO Compounds used in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Break How to prescribe Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, including essential Labs needed to order for BHRT – Ron Rothenberg, MD
To Register Please Call 1-619-238-9510 30
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011 7AM - 6:30PM Local Technical Assistance
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Looking for a way to give back to the community? The San Diego County Medical Society Foundation’s (SDCMSF) mission is to address the unmet San Diego healthcare needs of all patients and physicians through innovation, education, and service. SDCMSF is proud to partner with volunteer specialty physicians and nearly 100 community clinics in the county who provide primary care services for the medically uninsured and underserved. These clinics have little to no access to specialty care for their patients and need your help!
Opportunities for Physicians 1
Volunteer for Project Access San Diego:
If you are a specialist in private practice in San Diego, please consider joining more than 180 specialists in the county by seeing a limited number of uninsured adult community clinic patients in your office for free. Project Access coordinates all aspects of care so your volunteerism is hassle-free for you and your office staff.
Volunteer for eConsultSD:
eConsultSD allows primary care physicians from the community clinics in San Diego to articulate a clinical question to a specialist and receive a timely response in a HIPAA-compliant, web-based portal. eConsultSD is an easy way for busy specialist physicians to give back to the community who are not able to provide direct patient care.
Obtain a Volunteer or Paid Position at a Local Community Clinic: SDCMSF is happy to connect specialist physicians with a community clinic that needs your services on site. This opportunity involves traveling to a clinic within San Diego County as your schedule permits.
Make a Contribution:
SDCMSF needs your support to care for the medically underserved in our community. Please consider making a contribution of any size to support the Foundation’s efforts. Contributions can be made online at or sent to the San Diego County Medical Society Foundation at 5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92123. Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your dedication to the medically underserved. If you are interested in any of the opportunities above, please contact Lauren Radano, program manager, at (858) 565-7930 or at The San Diego County Medical Society Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization (Tax ID # 95-2568714). Please visit for more information. Telephone: (858) 300-2777 or Fax: (858) 569-1334
SDCMSF was formed as a separate 501(c)3 in 2004 by the San Diego County Medical Society.
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g A septe u gu st m b2011 e r 2011
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The Heffernan Group
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Your Company Name Here
Your logo here
Professional Services page ads: • Are cost effective • Target physicians and their staff • Get you monthly exposure • Build your business • Start at $250/month for six issues
Sexuality Clinic of San Diego Cognitive/behavioral/psychodynamic therapy allows for understanding and treatment of sexual dysfunction, sexual addiction, and mental health problems. Relationships with others kindle thoughts in our minds about one’s self. The dramas are powerful and maintain their status at various levels of one’s psyche resulting in sexual and psychological turmoil. The therapeutic relationship with Dr. Silbert rn,cns,phd,faacs, promotes healing by trusting expression and freedom of the authentic self.
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Kolah Law Kolah Law is a San Diego based law firm that practices in the following areas of law: Healthcare, Business, Corporate, Estate Planning & Asset Protection, Lobbying and Alternate Dispute Resolution. Kolah Law is a unique law firm because it provides personalized niche legal services in many areas of Healthcare law. Further, Kolah Law is devoted to listening and communicating with clients to understand their short and long-term goals, and helping to make their practices successful with proven results.
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Looking for a cost-effective way to reach 8,500 physicians each month? Place your message here in the Professional Services page of San Diego Physician magazine. Rates starting at $250 for a six time contract. Contact: Dari Pebdani 858.231.1231 or
Your Contact Info Here sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
classifieds CLINICAL TRIALS CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDY FOR OPERABLE BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (BCC: Do you have patients whom you would consider for participation in a clinical research study for operable basal cell carcinoma (BCC)? If so, please refer them to Skin Surgery Medical Group’s Research Department. The research team at the facility is conducting a clinical study involving an investigational drug that is designed to inhibit a key pathway in cells, known as the Hedgehog pathway, which may be involved in the development of basal cell carcinoma. In this clinical study, the investigational drug is an oral tablet. Enrolled participants will receive study-related medical evaluations and the investigational drug at no cost. They will be compensated for study participation. Patients are eligible if they are 21 years or older, have previously untreated operable basal cell carcinoma, meet other study specific criteria. For more information, call the Research Department at (858) 292-8641. [962] PHYSICIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLE INTERNAL MEDICINE OPPORTUNITY: Full-time, BC/ BE internist to join private practice in Escondido. Inpatient/outpatient care with hospitalist rotation. Competitive salary, malpractice, benefits, and partnership potential. CV to [970] PHYSICIAN AND FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER FOR AMBULATORY CLINIC: Southern Indian Health Council is made up of board-certified physicians who are experts in primary care and health management. Working closely with a well-trained support staff, our medical providers have established a solid reputation of delivering quality outpatient care and a broad scope of services to individuals of all ages. We are seeking a fulltime, board-certified physician and/or nurse practitioner Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm. Must have current CA and DEA licenses; computer skills. A competitive salary, health benefits, vacation, paid holidays, sick time, CME, licensing reimbursement, malpractice coverage offered. Forward resume to or fax to (619) 4457976 or visit our website at Contact jobs@ or HR phone (619) 445-1188, ext. 291, or HR fax (619) 445-7976. [969] BC FAMILY PRACTIONER MD/DO WANTED TO JOIN OUR PRACTICE IN BEAUTIFUL CORONADO: Seeking FT family physician to join our practice before July 2012. There would be a salary assistance guarantee through a leading local IPA for first year and also a buy-in opportunity as well. The ideal candidate would be willing to share practice with one FT FP and PT FP in practice together and share call and expenses. There would be additional earning opportunities for PT inpatient hospitalist at local hospital as well. Hospital work is optional however. We provide a full range of pediatric and adult family medicine (but no OB). Our practice is well known and has a reputation of personal excellence and service to a wonderful community in an ideal location. Also there is very good earning potential as well. If seriously interested in this unique opportunity, please send your CV and references to, Attn: Gloria Rivera, or call (619) 435-3155 or fax (619) 435-3158. [968] BC/BE FAMILY PRACTICE PHYSICIANS: North County Health Services is a Joint Commission accredited, FQHC, celebrating nearly 40 years of service and serving more than 60,000 patients in multiple locations in North San Diego County. We have opportunities for BC/ BE family practice physicians for both full-time and perdiem positions. Spanish communication skills are helpful but not required. Compensation includes attractive base, incentive, and great benefit programs, malpractice, reimbursement for CME and licensure. This is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of patients who are under or uninsured without having the expense of overhead or management concerns, and provides work-life balanced hours. NHSC loan repay may also be available.
Contact or fax to (760) 736-8740. [966]
Beach CA 91932. Please fax resume to (619) 435-4489 or email to [944]
PHYSICIAN REVIEWER POSITION WITH SHARP HEALTH PLAN: Sharp Health Plan is seeking a per-diem BC internal medicine or family medicine physician to join our staff. The Physician Reviewer position with the Medical Management Department will be responsible for the Medical Authorization Review for Sharp Health Plan (the only commercial health plan based in San Diego). The weekly time commitment for this position is expected to be 10–20 hours per week. For additional information regarding the position and job requirements, please visit our website — — and keyword search for “Physician Reviewer.” Contact: Apply online at and click “Search Jobs.” Enter “Physician Reviewer” into the keyword search box to apply for position. For more information, contact Lori Gunter RN, BSN, with Sharp HealthCare recruitment at Sharp HealthCare is proud to be an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer (M/F/D/V). [961]
FAMILY MEDICINE: SHARP Rees-Stealy Medical Group, a 400+ physician multi-specialty group in San Diego, is seeking full-time BC/BE family medicine physicians to join our staff. We offer a first-year competitive compensation guarantee and excellent benefits package. Please send CV to SRSMG, Physician Services, 2001 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Fax: (619) 233-4730. Email: [928]
PHYSICIANS NEEDED: Family medicine, pediatrics, and OB/GYN. Vista Community Clinic, a private nonprofit outpatient clinic serving the communities of North San Diego County, has opening for part-time, per diem positions. Must have current CA and DEA licenses. Malpractice coverage provided. Bilingual English/Spanish preferred. Forward resume to hr@vistacommunityclinic. org or fax to (760) 414-3702. Visit our website at www. EOE/MF/D/V [912] CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER: Mountain Health and Community Services (MHCS) is an established, four-site, Federally Qualified Health Center serving both rural and urban medically underserved residents of San Diego County. A competitive salary, medical benefits, vacation, paid holidays, sick time, CME and licensing reimbursement are offered. Board-certified family practice and English/Spanish preferred. Position is 60% clinical and 40% administrative. Please send CV and salary requirements to or contact Tabitha at (619) 478-5254, ext. 30. Visit www. [960] SENIOR PHYSICIAN: Are you looking for a rewarding career giving care and hope to those who need encouragement? An exciting and challenging career as a senior physician awaits you at the County of San Diego. As the head of the HIV/STD/Hepatitis clinic, you would manage a team responsible for planning and directing clinic services. We are looking for a candidate who has the drive to excel and can work collaboratively on a team to improve the lives of San Diego County residents. We require a license to practice medicine in the State of California and at least three years of recent post-internship training or experience in internal medicine or as a general practitioner. For further information, visit [953] Internal Medicine: SHARP Rees-Stealy Medical Group, a 400+ physician multi-specialty group in San Diego, is seeking a part-time BC/BE internal medicine physician to join our staff. We offer a first-year competitive compensation guarantee and excellent benefits package. Please send CV to SRSMG, Physician Services, 2001 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Fax (619) 233-4730. Email [951] Dermatology: SHARP Rees-Stealy Medical Group, a 400+ physician multi-specialty group in San Diego, is seeking a full-time BC/BE dermatologist to join our staff. We offer a first-year competitive compensation guarantee and excellent benefits package. Please send CV to SRSMG, Physician Services, 2001 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Fax (619) 233-4730. Email [950] MD OR NURSE PRACTITIONER: Dr. Parmela Sawhney is looking to fill an MD or nurse practitioner position at her Imperial Beach office, located at 705 Palm Ave., Imperial
SEEKING BOARD-CERTIFIED PEDIATRICIAN FOR PERMANENT FOUR-DAYS-PER-WEEK POSITION: Private practice in La Mesa seeks pediatrician four days per week on partnership track. Modern office setting with a reputation for outstanding patient satisfaction and retention for over 15 years. A dedicated triage and education nurse takes routine patient calls off your hands, and team of eight staff provides attentive support allowing you to focus on direct, quality patient care. Clinic is 24–28 patients per eight-hour day, 1-in-3 call is minimal, rounding on newborns, and occasional admission, NO delivery standby or rushing out in the night. Benefits include tail-covered liability insurance, paid holidays/vacation/sick time, professional dues, health and dental insurance, uniforms, CME, budgets, disability and life insurance. Please contact Venk at (619) 504-5830 or at Salary $ 102–108,000 annually (equal to $130–135,000 full-time). [778] PRIMARY CARE JOB OPPORTUNITY: Home Physicians ( is a fast-growing group of house-call doctors. Great pay ($140–$200+K), flexible hours, choose your own days (full or part time). No ER call or inpatient duties required. Transportation and personal assistant provided. Call Chris Hunt, MD, at (858) 279-1212 or email CV to [801] PRACTICE FOR SALE INTERNAL MEDICINE PRACTICE FOR SALE IN NATIONAL CITY: $318,000 yearly average gross earnings for the past three years. Office-based busy practice of 31 years on the busiest street of the city. Option to add hospital practice to the office practice, with the nearest hospital 1.6 miles close. Two other nearby hospitals are less than 7 miles. Easily accessible location right between two freeways, I-5 and I-805. $89,000–$99,000. Terms negotiable. Financing if needed. Call (619) 948-4946 anytime or (619) 449-4318 7pm–2am. [945] INTERNAL MEDICINE PRACTICE FOR SALE: Beautiful beach weather, established 27 years with excellent reputation. Two exam rooms. Free-standing building. Main street corner location. Great visibility. Office shared with another physician. Patient parking. 2010 gross: $483K. Asking $245K. 100% financing available. Please contact ProMed at (888) 277-6633 or at info@promed-financial. com, or visit [906] OFFICE SPACE / REAL ESTATE HILLCREST OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE: Office space available at the corner of 8th Avenue and Washington St. in Hillcrest. Approximately 3,000 sq. ft. Surgical center building. Ample parking and freeway access. Proximity to Scripps Mercy Hospital. Contact Laura Hurshman at (619) 299-5000 or at [874] MEDICAL OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT/PRE-LEASE, NEW CONSTRUCTION, VERY AFFORDABLE: Very close to Grossmont Hospital and highways 8 and 125. New building being constructed at 5980 Severin Dr., La Mesa. Near corner of Severin Dr. and Amaya, just north of the Brigantine restaurant. Beautiful and functional design. Spaces from 950 to 1,500 sq. ft. available. Now leasing. Call Nathan at (619) 787-3422 or email [967] 3998 VISTA WAY, IN OCEANSIDE: Two medical office
To submit a classified ad, email Kyle Lewis at SDCMS members place classified ads free of charge (excepting “Services Offered” ads). Nonmembers pay $150 (100-word limit) per ad per month of insertion.
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
spaces approximately 2,000 sq. ft. available for lease. Close proximity to Tri-City Hospital with pedestrian walkway connected to parking lot of hospital, and ground floor access. Lease price: $1.95 +NNN. Tenant improvement allowance. For further information, please contact Lucia Shamshoian at (760) 931-1134 or at shamshoian@ [965] PRESTIGIOUS OFFICE SPACE IN THE SCRIPPS LA JOLLA XIMED BUILDING TO SHARE/SUBLET: This suite is currently a (+/-) 4,486 sq. ft. expansion to a dermatology office, offered at competitive lease terms. It offers several rooms that may be used as offices, examination or consultation rooms. Includes fully furnished, renovated reception/lobby area, janitorial services, access to common areas, sweeping views, onsite parking. Lessee is to verify all information prior to signing a lease. Located in the Ximed bldg. in Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla. Interested parties call Kelley at (858) 3628800. [964] SUBLET 1 OR 2 EXAM ROOMS AND PHYSICIAN OFFICE: Beautiful, new, spacious medical office suite located at 801 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA 92118. Shared waiting room, break room, and reception area. Majority of suite is presently occupied by a specialty physician. Ample, free, covered parking provided. Close proximity for patient convenience. For more information, please contact Karen at (619) 437-4406. [963] FOR LEASE: Medical office space (1,116 square feet) located at 300 South Pierce Street, Suite 103, El Cajon, CA 92020. Newly built suite includes: 4 exam rooms; 2 MD offices; reception and lobby area; ample parking (no charge); storage. If interested, please feel free to call Debbie at (619) 668-4700 or email [952] HILLCREST GENERAL OFFICE SUITES AND MEDICAL OFFICE WITH SURGICAL CENTER: Prime location in the medical community near Scripps Mercy/UC Medical Center. Offices for general business use such as accountant, lawyer, internet company, etc. Office for medical use is near move-in ready with exam rooms, reception/waiting room, offices, and storage. Patient parking available. T1 line for large voice and data communication needs. Property manager onsite. Contact Dottie Surdi at (858) 349-2007. [948] SHARE OFFICE SPACE IN LA MESA: Available immediately. 1,400 square feet available to an additional doctor on Grossmont Hospital Campus. Separate receptionist area, physician’s own private office, three exam rooms, and administrative area. Ideal for a practice compatible with OB/GYN. Call (619) 463-7775 or fax letter of interest to La Mesa OB/GYN at (619) 463-4181. [648] SCRIPPS/XIMED BUILDING, LA JOLLA, OFFICE SPACE TO SUBLEASE: Occupied by vascular and general surgeons. One room office available, with one or two exam rooms, to a physician or team. Located on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital, Ximed Building is the office space location of choice for anyone doing surgeries at the hospital or for anyone seeking a presence in the La Jolla area. Reception and staff available if needed. Full ultrasound lab on site in office for anyone interested in this service. For more information, call Irene at (619) 840-2400 or at (858) 452-0306. [921] NORTH COAST HEALTH CENTER, ENCINITAS, OFFICE SPACE TO SUBLEASE: Newly remodeled and beautiful office space available at the 477 Building. Occupied by seasoned vascular and general surgeons. One office and two exam room available. Great window views and location with all new equipment and furniture. Full ultrasound lab and tech on site for extra convenience. New hardwood floors and exam tables. Staff available for an add-in if needed. Plenty of free parking. For more information, call Irene at (619) 840-2400 or at (858)-452-0306. [922] LUXURIOUS / BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED DOCTOR’S OFFICE NEXT TO SHARP HOSPITAL FOR SUB-LEASE OR FULL LEASE: The office is conve-
niently located just at the opening of Highway 163 and Genesee Avenue. Lease price is very reasonable and appropriate for ENT, plastic surgeons, OB/GYN, psychologists, research laboratories, etc. Please contact Mia at (858) 279-8111 or at (619) 823-8111. Thank you. [836] SUBLET ~ 2 EXAM ROOMS AND PHYSICIAN OFFICE: Beautiful new spacious medical office suite located at 501 Washington St., San Diego 92130, contiguous to Vibra Hospital and across from Scripps Mercy Medical Campus in a Class A office building. Shared waiting room, break room, receptionist area included. Currently office suite is occupied by seasoned primary and specialty physicians. Ample parking, freeway access to interstates 5/163/8, ancillary services are in close proximity for patient convenience. Please contact Ms. Betterton or Dr. Carla Fox at (619) 299-2570. [914] 3998 VISTA WAY IN OCEANSIDE: Two medical office spaces approximately 2,000ft2 available for lease. Close proximity to Tri-City Hospital with pedestrian walkway connected to parking lot of hospital, and ground floor access. Lease price: $2.20 +NNN. Tenant improvement allowance. For further information, please contact Lucia Shamshoian at (760) 931-1134 or at [834] BUILD TO SUIT: Up to 1,900ft2 office space on University Avenue in vibrant La Mesa/East San Diego, across from the Joan Kroc Center. Next door to busy pediatrics practice, ideal for medical, dental, optometry, lab, radiology, or ancillary services. Comes with 12 assigned, gated parking spaces, dual restrooms, server room, lighted tower sign. Build-out allowance to $20,000 for 4–5 year lease. $3,700 per month gross (no extras), negotiable. Contact or (619) 504-5830. [835] SHARE OFFICE SPACE IN LA MESA JUST OFF OF LA MESA BLVD: 2 exam rooms and one minor OR room with potential to share other exam rooms in building. Medicare certified ambulatory surgery center next door. Minutes from Sharp Grossmont Hospital. Very reasonable rent. Please email for more information. [867] OFFICE SPACE IN UTC: Full- and part-time office in 8th floor suite with established psychologists, marriage and family therapist, and psychiatrist in Class A office building. Features include private entrance, staff room with kitchen facilities, active professional collegiality and informal consultation, private restroom, spacious penthouse exercise gym, storage closet with private lock in each office, soundproofing, common waiting room, and abundant parking. Contact Christine Saroian, MD, at (619) 682-6912. [862] OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE: Currently occupied by orthopedic surgeon. Great location close to Scripps/ Mercy and UCSD Hospital. Looking to share with part-time or full time physician. Fully furnished, fully equipped with fluoro machine and 4 exam rooms and staff. (NEGOTIABLE) Please contact Rowena at (619) 299-3950. [804]
time (16–24 hours) physician assistant who has a strong interest in orthopaedic medicine. We strive to provide the best orthopaedic care possible for all patients, and to treat each patient the way we would treat a family member. JOB SUMMARY: Provide a full range of physician assistant services and orthopaedic procedures within the scope of practice, which include, but not limited to, obtaining medical histories, performing physical examinations, requesting and evaluating diagnostic tests, rendering a diagnosis, formulating appropriate treatment plans and follow-up instructions autonomously or in collaboration with the supervising physician, prescribing medications as indicated, providing patient education, performing diagnostic ultrasound, aspirations, and injections under ultrasound guidance, application and removal of all types of traction, casts, splints, and other immobilization devices and equipment, providing wound care, functioning as first assist in the operating room, running and overseeing the injection clinics. REQUIREMENTS: current BLS — ACLS certification recommended; previous full-time experience working as a physician assistant in orthopedic surgery, with first assist experience preferred; new graduate applicants are welcomed; board certification under the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants; graduate from PA training program accredited by the Commission of Physician Assistants; must have current DEA licensure or otherwise be eligible to obtain a license; must be able to provide two letters of recommendation written within the last two years. Please email CV and two letters of recommendation to [949] MEDICAL PRACTICE ADMINISTRATOR FOR A BUSY SAN DIEGO OPHTHALMOLOGY PRACTICE: Candidate must possess a minimum of five years of medical administration experience. This is a full-time position requiring travel to two practice locations. Strong skill set required in delegation and structure of staff and policies. Experience needs to include financial reporting, good working knowledge of Quickbooks, payroll functions, and total human resource management. Duties will include: 1) Hiring, terminating, and training as well as responsibility for full management of the employees at two practice locations; 2) Credentialing, contract negotiations, financial reporting, and analysis of the practice on a monthly basis; 3) Oversight of the annual operating budget and development of business goals; 4) Assisting physicians in marketing and expansion related issues; 5) Submitting accurate and timely payroll information and processing all accounts payable information in a timely manner; 6) Performance of administrative duties to ensure the efficiency of the practice; 7) Oversight of quality assurance and compliance within the office practice in keeping with state, federal, and hospital policies and procedures. Fulltime position. Excellent benefits and compensation. EXPERIENCED CANDIDATES ONLY PLEASE. Respond with resume to [947] FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER OR PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT: Part-time to full-time position (4–5 days per week) available in the North region: Escondido and Temecula. The FNP or PA provides healthcare services to patients under direction and responsibility of physician. Candidates must have a current California PA or FNP license, DEA and CPR certifications. Please send CVs to Dr. Jim Schultz via email at or fax to (760) 796-4021, Attn: FNP/PA — North. [942]
NONPHYSICIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLE PHYSICIAN AND FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER FOR AMBULATORY CLINIC: (see ad #969 under “Physician Positions Available”) EXPERIENCED NURSE PRACTITIONER: We are a high-volume family practice office. We are urgently seeking an experienced NP to share in patient care duties. Minimum two years experience. Credentials must be up to date. The position is available part time. Flexible hours and competitive pay. If interested, please send your resume to We will be in touch. [954] PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT • PART TIME • ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY: Well-established, high-volume orthopaedic practice in Chula Vista has an opportunity for a part-
Place your advertisement here Contact Dari Pebdani at 858-231-1231 or
sept ember 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
Your SDCMS-CMA Member Benefits
5-Minute Benefits Check-up
Give Us 5 Minutes and We’ll Ensure You’re Taking Full Advantage of Your SDCMS and CMA Member Benefits! We understand and appreciate how busy you and your office staff are! So in order to ensure you don’t waste valuable time and money by NOT taking advantage of your SDCMS and CMA member benefits, we’re asking you to give us five minutes on the phone once a month, once a quarter, once a year — however often you see fit — to very quickly run through a checklist of our benefits so that we can make sure you’re taking complete advantage of your SDCMS-CMA membership.
Three Ways to Schedule an SDCMS-CMA Benefits Check-up: 1. Fax This Form to SDCMS at (858) 569-1334. 2. Email 3. Call SDCMS at (858) 565-8888.
Select the Benefits Category or Categories You’d Like a Check-up In: ❏ Day-to-Day Assistance ❏ Increase Your Practice’s Bottom Line ❏ Increase Your Personal Bottom Line ❏ (Nonclinical) Professional Development ❏ Promote Your Practice ❏ Stay Informed • Take Action ❏ Practice Management Training ❏ Office Manager Assistance ❏ Communicate With Your Colleagues & Patients ❏ Shape the Issues ❏ Technology Assistance ❏ Protect Access to Quality Healthcare ❏ Network With Your Physician Community ❏ Be the Voice for Physicians
Member Physician’s Name:________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ Tell Us When You’d Like SDCMS to Call to Run Through Your Benefits Check-up_______________________
Thank You for Your Membership with Sdcms and Cma! 36
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We Celebrate Excellence – Theodore M. Mazer, MD CAP member and tireless champion for access to quality health care, for those in need
800-252-7706 San Diego orange LoS angeLeS PaLo aLTo SacramenTo
For over 30 years, the Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. (CAP) has provided California’s finest physicians, like San Diego otolaryngologist Theodore Mazer, MD, with superior medical professional liability protection through its Mutual Protection Trust (MPT). Physician owned and physician governed, CAP rewards excellence with remarkably low rates on medical professional liability coverage – up to 40 percent less than our competitors. CAP members also enjoy a number of other valuable benefits, including comprehensive risk management programs, best-in-class legal defense, and a 24-hour CAP Cares physician hotline. And MPT is the nation’s only physician-owned medical professional liability provider rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best. We invite you to join the more than 11,000 preferred California physicians already enjoying the benefits of CAP membership.
Superior Physicians. Superior Protection. sept ember may 2011 SAN DIEGO P HY SICIA N. o rg
$5.95 | San diego County Medical Society 5575 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE 250 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 [ RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ]
Why choose between national resources and local clout? In California, The Doctors Company protects its members with both. With nearly 55,000 member physicians nationwide, we constantly monitor emerging trends and quickly respond with innovative solutions, like incorporating coverage for privacy breach and Medicare reviews into our core medical liability coverage. Our 20,000 California members also benefit from significant local clout provided by long-standing relationships with the state’s leading attorneys and expert witnesses, plus litigation training tailored to California’s legal environment. This uncompromising approach, combined with our Tribute® Plan that has already earmarked over $106 million to California physicians, has made us the nation’s largest insurer of physician and surgeon medical liability. The San Diego County Medical Society has exclusively endorsed our medical professional liability program since 2005. To learn more about our benefits for SDCMS members, call us at (800) 852-8872 or visit
Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP Chairman and CEO, The Doctors Company
Exclusively Endorsed by
S AN D I E G O P HY S I CI A N. or g septe m b e r 2011
We relentlessly defend, protect, and reward the practice of good medicine.