san diego county medical society
2012 AnnuAl RepoRt official publication of the san diego county medical society January 2012
Physicians Every Month
official publication of the san diego county medical society february 2012
official publication of the san diego county medical society March 2012
Every Month
Every Month
8,500 Physicians
8,500 Physicians
official publication of the san diego county medical society April 2012
Every Month
Every Month
8,500 Physicians
JameS T. Hay, mD cMa President
project Access San Diego has coordinated
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
official publication of the san diego county medical society august 2012
official publication of the san diego county medical society juLy 2012
8,500 Physicians
total woRk houRs
sPEcialty-sPEcific shoRtagEs
tiME to obtain an aPPointMEnt
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
8,500 Physicians
Every Month
sPEcialty-sPEcific REcRuiting
sPEcialty-sPEcific coMPEnsation data
houRs with PatiEnts (dis)satisfaction with thE PRacticE of MEdicinE
county MEdical sERvicEs
sdcms workforce & compensation survey
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
On line
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all others KeeP out!
One of the Many Ways SDCMS Strives to Support Our Members’ Office Managers and Practice Administrators! Page 18
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
The Is Com ComIng! The DaTa DaTa Is Ing! The DaTa Is ComIng! Ta Is ComIng! The Da DaTTa Ta Is Com ComIIng! The DaTa Is ComIng! The DaTa Is Com ComIIng! The DaT DaTa Is Com
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
official publication of the san diego county medical society OctOber 2012
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The DaT DaTa Is ComI ComIng! The DaT DaTTa a Is ComI ComIng! Com Ing!
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oFFicial PUblication oF the san diego coUnty medical society November 2012
8,500 Physicians
0.125 in
every physician’s voice matters!
Every Month
16 SDCMS’ Bioethics Commission 18 The Surrogate Who Demands ‘Everything Be Done’ 22 Informed Consent and Patient Autonomy 24 A Test of Autonomy 26 Global Health Ethics 30 The Integration Model Trifecta
celebrates physician volunteerism.
official publication of the san diego county medical society September 2012
edical Ofc s’ M eM CM an sD
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Every Month
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
8,500 Physicians
2008! This month, San Diego Physician
not your Usual aMa Meeting report
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
$4.7 million in donated services since
ToMorrow’s Morrow’s
PLuS: PPaca: an interview With dr. robert e. hertzka
official publication of the san diego county medical society june 2012
Every Month
8,500 Physicians
“WelcoMe to the Presidency, dr. hay.”
Our Obesity epidemic
official publication of the san diego county medical society May 2012
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
oFFicial PUblication oF the san diego coUnty medical society december 2012
Our mentOrs …
Physicians Every Month
GuidinG the Way
0.125 in
• Who Is GerM? • antimicrobial resistance • adult Immunization • Infection Prevention / Legislation / regulation • antimicrobial stewardship • Hantavirus Pulmonary syndrome
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
Physicians United for a Healthy San Diego
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
“Physicians United For a healthy san diego”
2012 2012 AnnuAl RepoRt
stopping medi-cal cuts A CMA-led coalition, spending more than $1 million in legal fees, convinced a federal judge to block the 10% Medi-Cal reimbursement rate reduction in early 2012. When overturned, CMA requested a rehearing before the full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
david Knetzer SDCMS celebrated the life of David Knetzer — SDCMS executive director from 1979 to 2001 — in our January 2013 magazine. David passed away in May of 2012.
stopping medicare cuts Due in no small part to CMA’s continued advocacy in Washington, DC, physicians providing care to Medicare patients avoided, once again, a 27.4% cut to reimbursement rates at the beginning of 2012. Fighting to Fix the unfair designation of san diego as a Rural county Legislative advocacy twice got us to within hours of repealing GPCI in 2012: once in February and again in December. The 2007 class-action lawsuit for $3.2 billion in retroactive compensation and prospective GPCI relief brought by three physicians — including one SDCMS physician — and seven California counties — including San Diego — against the Department of Health and Human Services continues to make its way through the courts.
SDCMS-CMA advocacy assured CMS would reject California’s request to impose mandatory copayments for Medi-Cal patients — copayments physicians would never have collected! In Douglas v. Independent Living Center of Southern California, CMA established a physician’s right to use the courts to enforce federal laws, thereby protecting safetynet providers from arbitrary cuts and potential retroactive recoupments. This precedent will now come into play in other actions regarding state and federal payment rules and access-to-care issues.
After DHCS repeatedly denied CMA’s requests for information on proposed MediCal cuts, CMA filed a lawsuit and the judge ruled that DHCS violated the California Public Records Act. mitigating the negative impact of the dualeligibles transition SDCMS and CMA limited the negative impact of the dualeligible demonstration project in San Diego by informing and educating physicians as to how to protect themselves and their patients in the transition.
scope of Practice CMA stopped physical therapists from treating patients directly without first seeing a physician by killing SB 924.
Fighting for Healthy Families CMA fought to prevent the elimination of Healthy Families, and, when further efforts failed, CMA came to within hours of getting the monies restored at the end of the legislative session.
continuing to Protect micRa In the last days of the legislative session, a move by trial lawyers to undermine MICRA was crushed by SDCMS’s and CMA’s shortterm advocacy and long-term pro-MICRA relationships with legislators. CMA killed AB 1062 and SB 558 and thereby stopped the elder abuse law from being used to get around the MICRA cap and plaintiff attorney fee limits. CMA ensured economic damage awards did not dramatically increase in all personal injury cases by killing SB 1528, a back-door attack on MICRA. In July, CMA and others filed an amicus curiae brief to support the constitutionality of the MICRA cap on noneconomic damages in Hughes v. Pham. CMA successfully litigated a MICRA case, resulting in a published decision upholding the constitutionality of MICRA’s $250,000 noneconomic damages cap and a rejection of the argument that MICRA infringes on the right to a jury trial because the noneconomic damages cap is not indexed for inflation.
CMA ensured penalties for illegally owning and operating a medical spa were increased by supporting AB 1548. CMA established that a physician could include a six-month — or longer — supervised experience requirement in the standardized protocol between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses.
Workers’ compensation Eleventh-hour intervention by CMA kept what was a “done deal” between labor and business from being harmful to the large majority of doctors who do work-comp. maintaining the Bar to the corporate Practice of medicine CMA stopped rural hospitals from employing physicians by killing AB 824. Protecting Hospital medical staff independence CMA assured medical staff independence and selfgovernance in El-Attar v. Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center. CMA supported a Modesto nephrologist’s whistleblower suit. CMA released its new Model Medical Staff Bylaws in March.
cultivating strong state and Federal legislator Relations SDCMS physician leaders, medical students, and staff traveled to Sacramento and Washington, DC, on multiple occasions in 2012 to build and maintain strong, personal relationships with our state and federal legislators. Physician Wellbeing SDCMS and the SDCMS Foundation helped wellbeing committees learn from each other by hosting the first California Public Protection and Physician Health (CPPPH) regional networking meeting. CMA joined a large coalition of healthcare providers to create a physician health program through SB 1483. Gov. Brown signed a bill to allow reasonable peer review sharing agreements between peer review bodies, while maintaining confidentiality and protecting the public health. monitoring san diego’s Physician Workforce SDCMS published the fifth of its biannual workforce and compensation studies, documenting trends for San Diego physicians. With AB 589, CMA established a program to provide scholarships to medical students who agree to practice in one of California’s medically underserved areas upon completion of residency. CMA’s AB 1533 to increase the number of licensed physicians who can practice in the state was signed into law.
Healthcare Reform: informing Physicians SDCMS helped physicians explain to their patients the changes that will be brought about by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). SDCMS physicians participated in a debate titled “Obamacare (PPACA) Is Harmful to Physicians and Patients,” with KPBS anchor Tom Fudge as moderator. SDCMS conducted an informational webinar to keep member physicians abreast of the impact of the June Supreme Court ruling. Healthcare Reform: influencing implementation On June 28, The San Diego Union-Tribune published an op-ed by James T. Hay, MD, CMA president and SDCMS past president, titled “Health care ruling: Requiring insurance coverage won’t fix everything.”
SDCMS Physician Workforce and Compensation Survey
Most San Diego media outlets turned to SDCMS for comment on the Supreme Court’s ACA decision: • The San Diego Union-Tribune • The North County Times • KUSI Channel 9/51 • KPBS Radio • KFMB-TV Channel 8 • Univision • KGTV Channel 10 • Fox 5 CMA demanded CMS’ proposed ACA rule requiring physicians to report and return Medicare and Medicaid overpayments be consistent with its other overpayment initiatives that provide for a three-year look-back period. With AB 1453 and SB 951, CMA prompted the establishment of a set of essential health benefits that insurers and health plans in California’s Health Benefit Exchange will be required to cover. CMA secured the prohibition of deceptive marketing by outlawing “copycats” from representing themselves as part of the California Health Benefit Exchange with AB 1761. CMA and SDCMS are deeply involved in molding the California Health Insurance Exchange so that, in 2014, it does not become the monopoly that depresses all reimbursements to Medi-Cal rates for all.
sdcms and cma Physician leaders
SDCMS member and past president James T. Hay, MD, served as president of CMA in 2012 (January UnionTribune: “Encinitas Doctor Heads California Medical Association”).
SDCMS member Theodore M. Mazer, MD, was elected vice speaker of CMA’s House of Delegates. CMA member Richard Pan, MD, was named chair of the California Assembly Health Committee. CMA member Sharon Levine, MD, was elected president of the Medical Board of California. The vast majority of candidates backed by CMA’s political action committee, CALPAC, emerged victorious from their contests in November 2012. CALPAC-backed CMA members Raul Ruiz, MD, and Ami Bera, MD, were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, unseating powerful and well-financed incumbents. SDCMS member Lawrence Friedman, MD, was named to California’s Telemedicine Board.
2012 2012 AnnuAl RepoRt
supporting Public Health initiatives With AB 2109, CMA ensured that any parent or guardian seeking a personal belief exemption for their child would need to obtain a licensed healthcare practitioner’s signature. With AB 1967, CMA guaranteed information on organ and tissue donation will be taught in school health and science classes statewide. SDCMS’s Emergency Medicine Oversight Commission (EMOC) is reducing prescription pain abuse in the ER.
CMA and its foundation supported myriad public health campaigns — cervical cancer, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, and more — fostering a healthier California. CMA endorsed Proposition 29 to dedicate new funds to cancer research and smoking cessation efforts. SDCMS worked with the County of San Diego to promote Live Well, San Diego! • influenza vaccine for healthcare personnel • influenza surveillance • pertussis epidemic survey • Hepatitis Free San Diego Project • and more. SDCMS educated physicians on emergent health issues throughout the year: MRSA • whooping cough • fake cancer drugs • salmonella outbreak • influenza A H3N2v • atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease • hepatitis A • flesh-eating bacteria • fungal meningitis • prescription drug abuse • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura • meningococcal disease. SDCMS was heavily involved in San Diego County obesity initiatives in 2012, making a difference in the health of our communities.
Policing the Health Plans CMA stopped physicians from having to inform enrollees in writing prior to providing out-of-network services by killing SB 1373!
Bringing the next generation into organized medicine Our excellent relations with UCSD resulted in almost 800 residents’ becoming SDCMS members! SDCMS held its annual “Preparing to Practice” workshop in April.
We signed up 100+ new UC San Diego medical students as members. SDCMS President-elect Robert Peters, MD, PhD, led UC San Diego’s Commencement Ceremony. SDCMS President Sherry Franklin, MD, led the procession of UC San Diego’s White Coat Ceremony. SDCMS sent medical students to Sacramento twice in 2012 to meet with our San Diego County legislators.
CMA halted insurance companies from further squeezing dollars out of healthcare delivery by killing AB 52.
CMA sued Aetna over its practice of terminating doctors the company claimed had breached contract.
CMA published a guide for physicians terminated by Aetna for out-of-network referrals. CMA obliged Aetna to eliminate its dual certification requirement for dermatologists and dermatopathologists. SDCMS assisted members when Aetna issued inappropriate refund requests to approximately 1,000 local physicians. CMA compelled Anthem Blue Cross to “cease-and-desist” for violating California’s unfair payment practices law. CMA forced Anthem Blue Cross to pay doctors money owed to them, with interest, for services provided to 2007. CMA fought a legislative struggle with Blue Cross and Blue Shield over criteria to consider before signing a payer contract. CMA addressed physician complaints regarding Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s refusal to honor assignment of benefits by sponsoring AB 1742. SDCMS-CMA helped physicians evaluate and negotiate complex managed care contracts. SDCMS-CMA assisted several physician practices that received refund requests from Blue Cross. CMA provided an objective analysis of the Blue Shield of California Independent Physician and Provider Agreement.
monitoring and affecting Regulations CMA killed a state regulation that would have legitimized “discount health plan” referral services. CMA published a complete summary of the Medicare / Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Stage 2 Rule. CMA’s input guided changes in the Physician Quality Reporting System, the valuebased payment modifier, the Physician Compare program, the Physician Feedback program, electronic prescribing, and the new care coordination fees. CMA strongly opposed the proposal to reimburse certified registered nurse anesthetists for chronic pain management. CMA urged the EPA to adopt the stronger “National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter” standards.
addressing growing audit Burdens SDCMS and CMA acted to relieve the burden of locating, copying, and mailing patient records imposed by CMS and other auditors. Physician Professional development • “Um Is Not a Word” Media Training • “The (Physician) Leader’s Toolkit” Workshops • “How to Be a Better Lobbyist” Advocacy Training • “Financial and Legal Skills for Docs” Workshop • “Taming Outlook” Workshop eHR & technology education • CMA published a guide to EHR Meaningful Use, Stage 2. • SDCMS conducted a members-only webinar to explain changes to Meaningful Use rules. eHR & technology assistance • The SDCMS Foundation offered free EHR implementation assistance to primary care practices and conducted EHR vendor demos in July and August. • SDCMS helped physicians meet the e-prescribing exemption deadline. eHR & technology implementation • CMA expressed its concerns that the proposed objectives and measures for Stage 2 were too aggressive given the capacity in the marketplace. • SDCMS is intimately involved in the establishment of a selfsustaining, San Diego-wide Health Information Exchange. • SDCMS surveyed where San Diego County’s physicians stand with respect to the EHR implementation process.
our seminars, Webinars, courses, and Workshops SDCMS and CMA conducted more than 70 seminars in 2012 with upwards of 800 physicians and office staff attending SDCMS’s seminars alone! A broad range of topics were covered, including: • Buying, Selling, Leasing Office Space • Dual Eligibles • HIPAA and Meaningful Use • ICD-10-CM • Lowering Practice Costs • Managing Challenging Patients • Medicare and Medi-Cal Topics • Payer Abuse • Social Media Basics • Workers’ Compensation (fourpart series) SDCMS conducted nine workshops in 2012. SDCMS partnered with PMI to conduct two courses in 2012: • Certified Medical Coder • Certified Medical Office Manager
events SDCMS’s White Coat Gala attracted more than 300 attendees, including six legislators. The 2012 Top Doctors Gala saw nearly 500 individuals in attendance.
office manager of the year! SDCMS held its fourth annual “Outstanding Medical Office Manager” in 2012, with Carol Carney winning — Carol was nominated by E.L. Sakas, MD, SDCMS-CMA member since 2005.
your sdcms Physician advocate at Work! In 2012, your physician advocate, Marisol Gonzalez, solved more than 500 member problems, including: • Working with Palmetto to get an internal medicine group paid the $30,000 owed it. • Helping an office manager with a DEA inspection. • Communicating to a small practice that installing security cameras in its hallway and waiting room was not a HIPAA violation. • Recovering $20,000 plus interest for a member surgeon who had problems with health plan denials. • Ensuring a member surgeon’s Medicare opt-out affidavit was retroactively approved. • Getting a $700 surgery procedure claim released for a member otolaryngologist. • Assisting members who needed help filing their e-prescribing exemptions.
2012 2012 AnnuAl RepoRt
communications and marketing San Diego Magazine again listed SDCMS (and only SDCMS) physicians in its April “Health Annex” and online in its “Find a Doctor” tool. We sent out 25 commercialfree e-newsletters, “News You Can Use.”
tangible member Benefits • More than 850 SDCMS physicians saved nearly $460,000 with The Doctors Company, SDCMS’ endorsed professional liability carrier, which offers a 5% membersonly discount on professional liability insurance. • More than 100 members used the results of SDCMS’s 2012 Medical Office Salary Survey. • SDCMS-CMA were able to recover roughly $700,000 in contested claims from payers. • We provided resources to help physicians transition to the new HIPAA 5010 Transaction Standards. • DocBookMD provides the entire San Diego physician database to members with iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones, or Android-based devices, with HIPAA-compliant bidirectional communication — with photos — for free! • SDCMS members enjoy: discounted disability insurance • a free annual physician mailing list • car insurance discounts • free classified ads • a free California Emergency Driving Emblem • significant savings on accounting services, security prescription pads, billing solutions, IT support, computer hardware, contract negotiations services, practice management consulting, banking, and legal services. • SDCMS created a private e-forum for the office managers and practice administrators of SDCMS member physicians.
We tweeted daily healthcare news and updates via our Twitter feed.
We published seven video updates to physicians on critical federal, state, and local issues. We published the 2012 edition of our Pictorial Membership Directory in January. We published 12 issues of San Diego Physician on varied topics, including “Our Obesity Epidemic,” physician volunteerism, technology, bioethics, San Diego County’s physician workforce and compensation, and more!
Keeping our members up to date on critical deadlines and issues! SDCMS kept you up to date on important practice management deadlines and changes: new healthcare laws • ICD-10 compliance date • HIPAA 5010 enforcement • Medicare e-prescribing hardship exemption • MediCal enrollment requirements • California employment law changes • Medicare participation deadline • and more.
sdcms membership continues to increase! SDCMS is now tied for first in California in total membership. We created the position of director of membership recruitment and retention to build relationships with new and current members.
SDCMS Membership in 2012: • Practicing Physicians: 2,683 • Resident Physicians: 918 • Medical Students: 355 • Total: 3,956
sdcms Financials
Physician Engagement
Physician Database
Rent: 11% Copier: 1% Credit Card / Bank Charges: 2% Insurance: 1% Miscellaneous Expenses: 3% Telephone: 1% Staff Time G&A: 12%
12% Benefits
Specialty Societies
Credit Card Commission
Specialty Societies
Advertising and Sales
54% Dues
2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2
A Life Saved: Collaboration and Coordination is the Essence of Project Access Joel did not know his life was in danger when he sought care at his community clinic for abdominal pain he had lived with for three years. Referred to Project Access, Joel, a father of two young children, participated in the March 2011 Saturday Surgery Day to diagnose his intestinal issues and bleeding. As part of the GI procedures offered at the semi-annual Kaiser Permanente Super Saturday Surgery Days, Daniel Anderson, MD, performed a colonoscopy; it revealed a rare form of familial colorectal cancer, diagnosed at Stage 4. Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer as as a cause of cancer deaths in Californians. And yet, is alsoofone of the mostinpreventable lateone 2008, themost diagnostic colonoscopies ait cause cancer deaths Californians.cancers. And yet,Since it is also of the preventable cancers. provided Kaiser have removed potentially-cancerous growths inhave 21 removed patients, Since lateby 2008, thegastroenterologists diagnostic colonoscopies provided by Kaiser gastroenterologists a life-saving measure.growths in 21 patients, a life-saving measure. potentially-cancerous Joel received imaging from Imaging Healthcare Specialists, oncologist Alberto Bessudo, MD, provided chemotherapy, and Eva Lean, MD, provided radiation therapy. Marco Tomassi, MD, and Huathin Khaw, MD, performed multiple surgeries to save Joel, and in addition, Kaiser Permanente provided genetic testing for Joel’s two children; his five-year-old son carries the marker, and will be followed for early detection and treatment. Joel is now back to work, knowing he will celebrate many more of his children’s special occasions. Project Access exists due to the dedication of our volunteer physicians, such as those helping Joel. We are here for patients like Joel so that we can improve health and change lives in our community.
Our Mission: Our Mission: Improving community health, Improving community health, access to care for all, and wellness access to care for all, and wellness for patients and physicians through for patients and physicians through engaged volunteerism. engaged volunteerism. Vision: Vision: Improving health, changing lives Improving health, changing lives
858.300.2777 858.300.2777
HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING 20122012 DURING 628 Physicians Volunteer for PASD 628 Physicians Volunteer for PASD Stony Anderson, MD Stony Anderson, MD with KP colleagues with KP colleagues Sandra Freiwald, MD Sandra Freiwald, MD and Paul Bernstein, MD and Paul Bernstein, MD
PASD PASD Physician Volunteers Honored in Community Physician Volunteers Honored in Community
DanielDaniel “Stony”“Stony” Anderson, MD,KPKP PASD champion and and “Stony” Anderson, MD, gastroenterologist, PASD champion and long-time Anderson, MD,gastroenterologist, KP gastroenterologist, PASD champion long-time physician volunteer, was honored by the County of San Diego Health physician volunteer, was honored by the County of San Diego Health & long-time physician volunteer, was honored by the County of San DiegoHuman Health & Human Services Agency in April 2012 as their HealthHealth Champions Services Agency in April 2012 as in their Public Health Champions ThemeChampions Awardee, & Human Services Agency April 2012 asPublic their Public Theme Awardee, the honor, for hisAccess. work Project Access.Access. Robert the highest honor, for highest histhe work with Project Robert MD, urologist, Theme Awardee, highest honor, for hiswith work withEisenberg, Project Robert Eisenberg, MD, was honored by the Grossmont Healthcare District was honored byurologist, the Healthcare District a 2012 Healthcare Hero for Eisenberg, MD,Grossmont urologist, was honored by theasGrossmont Healthcare District as 2012 Healthcare Hero for his volunteer contributions to PASD. We are so hisavolunteer contributions to PASD. We are so honored that two extraordinary as a 2012 Healthcare Hero for his volunteer contributions to PASD. We are so honored that extraordinary volunteers are recognized for theirthe volunteers aretwo recognized for their commitment to recognized improving health of those honored that two extraordinary volunteers are forcommitment their commitment to improving the health of those most vulnerable. most vulnerable. to improving the health of those most vulnerable.
ProjectProject AccessAccess San Diego now counts 628 628 San Diego now counts specialty care physicians as volunteers, providing specialty care physicians as volunteers, providing specialty healthcare consultations and services specialty healthcare consultations and services to uninsured adult patients. PASD is recognized to uninsured adult patients. PASD is recognized throughout the county as theasorganized systemsystem throughout the county the organized for local volunteerism. ThanksThanks to our to our for healthcare local healthcare volunteerism. growinggrowing number of volunteers, we have been number of volunteers, we have able been able to improve access to caretoand status status for for to improve access carehealth and health our community’s most vulnerable. our community’s most vulnerable.
2012 2012 Project Access San Diego Highlights Project Access San Diego Highlights Number of uninsured patients Number of uninsured patients receiving specialty care services receiving specialty care services
604 604
Number of uninsured patients assisted Number of benefits uninsured patients assisted 135 to receive public 135 to receive public benefits
Retired Physicians Retired Physicians at UC San Diego at UC San Diego
Retired Physicians Society Relaunched Retired Physicians Society Relaunched
ThanksThanks the efforts efforts ofMitsuo Mitsuo Tomita,MD MDand and Rosemarie Johnson, MD, to Rosemarie M.M.Johnson, MD, thethe Retired to the to the of efforts of Tomita, Mitsuo Tomita, MD and Rosemarie M. Johnson, MD, the Retired Physicians Society toured the UC San Diego Telemedicine Center and Physicians Society toured the UC San Diego Telemedicine Center and robotic surgery Retired Physicians Society toured the UC San Diego Telemedicine Center and robotic surgery lab,Blood thelab, San Bank, and over the history lab, therobotic San Diego Bank, andBlood reminisced overreminisced the of Scripps Health at surgery theDiego San Diego Blood Bank, andhistory reminisced over the history of Scripps Health at a presentation and booksigning by Sarita Eastman, MD, a presentation and booksigning by Sarita Eastman, MD, retired physician and author. of Scripps Health at a presentation and booksigning by Sarita Eastman, MD, retired physician and author. These lunch-hour meetings continuing These retired lunch-hour meetings continuing education andprovide opportunites to spend physician andprovide author. These lunch-hour meetings provide continuing education and opportunites to spend time with former colleagues. The group time with former colleagues. The group meets three to four times a year, and includes education and opportunites to spend time with former colleagues. The group meets three to four times a year, and includes those who retired from practice inmovedin those who retired from practice in the community, as well as others who have meets three to four times a year, and includes those who retired from practice the community, as well aswell others who have to SantoDiego to San Diego after retirement. the community, as as others whomoved have moved San after Diegoretirement. after retirement.
Number of donated specialty Number of donated specialty healthcare appointments healthcare appointments
1,901 1,901
Number of donated surgeries Number of donated surgeries
168 168
Number of volunteer specialty Number of volunteer specialty care physicians care physicians
628 628
Patient Marisol de la Cruz thanks her surgeon, Patient Marisol de la Cruz thanks her surgeon, Robert Eisenberg, MD Robert Eisenberg, MD City Heights residents City Heights residents received free flu shots received free flu shots thanks to Walgreens thanks to Walgreens pharmacists. pharmacists.
PASD PASD Immunization Initiative Launched Immunization Initiative Launched
San Diego County Medical Society Foundation ledled a collaboration of other Diego County Medical Society Foundation a acollaboration ofofother San Diego County Medical Society Foundation led collaboration other community agencies to adult rates immunization agencies toincrease increase adultimmunization immunization ratesfor forfluflu at community agencies to increase adult immunization rates forimmunization flu immunization at end ofend 2012. The County of San Diego, the Black Nurses Association, thethe endat ofthe2012. The County of San Diego, the Black Nurses Association, the San of 2012. The County of San Diego, the Black Nurses Association, the Chapter National Latina NursesWalgreens, Association, Walgreens, DiegoSan Chapter Latina Nurses Association, International Rescue the Diego SanNational Diego Chapter National Latina Nurses Association, Walgreens, International Rescue Committee, US Healthcare, WeSupportYou, the Mexican Committee, US Healthcare, WeSupportYou, the Mexican Consulate, and San Ysidro International Rescue Committee, US Healthcare, WeSupportYou, the Mexican Consulate, andpartnered San Health Centerto partnered with to outreach HealthConsulate, Center SDCMSF outreach andSDCMSF provide free flutoshots for andYsidro Sanwith Ysidro Health Center partnered with SDCMSF outreach and provide free flu shots for community members nine to 75 years of age. community members nine to 75 years of age. Sanofi-Pasteur donated vaccine in and provide free flu shots for community members nine to 75 years of age. Sanofi-Pasteur donated vaccine in addition to supplies from the County. This addition to supplies from the County. This effort is part of our goals to address Sanofi-Pasteur donated vaccine in addition to supplies from the County. This effort iseffort partis ofpart our of goals address preventable diseases. preventable diseases. our to goals to address preventable diseases.
WhiteWhite Coat Gala in Green Coat Brings Gala Brings in Green
The San CountyCounty Medical Society’s annualannual TheDiego San Diego Medical Society’s inauguration dinner, the White Coat Gala, benefitted inauguration dinner, the White Coat Gala, benefitted ProjectProject AccessAccess in Mayin2012 of a live May with 2012proceeds with proceeds of a live auction. Physicians gathered to celebrate their their auction. Physicians gathered to celebrate colleagues, learnedlearned about about ProjectProject Access,Access, and and colleagues, heard heard from Marisol de la Cruz, a local artist who from Marisol de la Cruz, a local artist who creditscredits her renewed healthhealth to Project AccessAccess and and her renewed to Project her physician, Robert Eisenberg, MD. She donated her physician, Robert Eisenberg, MD. She donated a painting, enthusiastically purchased by Alexe a painting, enthusiastically purchased by Alexe Page, Page, MD, a MD, PASD volunteeer and KP orthopedic a PASD volunteeer and KP orthopedic surgeon, and presented another to Dr. Eisenberg. surgeon, and presented another to Dr. Eisenberg.
ForFor a copy our fullour 2012 Annual Report, go go to or email us us at For aofcopy of full 2012 Annual Report, go to or email us at a copy of our full 2012 Annual Report, to or email at
SanSan Diego County Medical Society Foundation 5575 Ruffin Rd.,Rd., Ste. 250, San Diego, CACA92123 San Diego County Medical Society Foundation 5575 Ruffin Rd., Ste. 250, San Diego, CA92123 92123 Diego County Medical Society Foundation 5575 Ruffin Ste. 250, San Diego,