[ ] Aceves,Seema

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Neurology Including these specialties: Neurology – Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child – Vascular Neurology

San Diego County Medical Society Top Docs 2009 Maximum of 7 candidates Apides, Joel Medina Armstrong, Timothy Aung, Maung H. Bahreman, Amirhassan Bakst, Isaac Blumenfeld, Andrew M. Bradley, Christopher Charles Braheny, Sherry L. Breland, Albert E. Brewer, James Brian Bui, Jonathan Dzung Capobianco, Marc Casey, Anne Emily Catron, Phillip Wood Cetel, Mindy Beth Chaplin, Edward R. Chapman, William T. Cheng, Yu Dennis Chippendale, Thomas J. Chyung, Abraham Seung Chul Corey-Bloom, Jody Patricia Coskun, Derya Jim De La Vega, Frederick James Delaney, Patrick A. Delgado, Gustavo Alberto Demeter, Steven Devor, William N. Dove, Kristi Ann Ellis, Ronald J. Engel, Emily Rubenstein Evans, Sean Jeffrey Fanale, Christopher Vincent Filippi, David Samuel Fisher, Bena Fleisher, Adam Scott Flippin, Arthur M. Ford, J. Sterling Friedman, Edward B. Friedman, Jennifer R. L. Frishberg, Benjamin Mark Galasko, Douglas R. Gao, Er-Kai

Gleeson, Joseph Gerard Gratianne, Roberto Grosmann, Carla M. Gruber, Allen Bruce Grundman, Michael Haas, Richard H. Hawkins, Randall S. Hemmen, Thomas Martin Hinrichs, William A. Ho, Gilbert J. Hogan, Jeremy Lee Houser, Melissa Kay Huott, Patrick A. Iragui-Madoz, Vicente Jablecki, Charles Jackson, Christy M. Jaffe, Linda Jeanette Jaren, Olav Reinhard Kaires, Pamela A. Kalafut, Mary Ann Kaplan, Richard Keyvani, Madjid Kitchin, John S. Koller, Martin Koo, Edward Hao Mang Korabathina, Kalyani Kritchevsky, Mark Kurth, Matthias Carl Lasker, Bruce R. Lessig, Stephanie Lorraine Lewis, William J. Liang, Bertrand C. Licht, Jonathan M. Lieberman, David Nathan Lipton, Stuart Arthur Lobatz, Michael A. Lyden, Patrick D. Mahdavi, Zohreh Manassarians, Henrik Marks, Robert Lewis Martin, Frederic R. McCammon, Anne

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Mehta, Arvind Chandulal Meyer, Brett C. Miller, Timothy Matthew Moore, Homer Jackson Mower, Andrew Irving Nabangchang, Charcrin Nanavati, Rupa Lekh Nespeca, Mark P. Noack, Howard O'Brien, Christopher F. Olson, Scott Eric Paa, David F. Pagdan, Artemio Garcia Peery, Terry Scott Perkins, Erik Fenton Pierce, Aimee Lucinda Poceta, J. Steven Raffer, Paul K. Rafii, Michael S. Ratanawongsa, Boosara Rawat, Sumati Riedler, Scott A. Rim, Choon S. Romine, John S. Rosenberg, Jay H. Ross, Joel Sadoff, Mark N. Sahagian, Gregory A. Sahagian, Michelle Lynn Sajben, Nancy Lou Samuel, William S. Schim, Jack D. Schleimer, Jonathan A. Schultz, Paul Schweller, Thomas A. Selzer, Kenneth A. Serena, Jacqueline Elizabeth Shack, Michael J. Sharpe, Cynthia Marion Shhadeh, Akram Silver, Dee E. Simon, David B.

Neurology Sipe, Jack C. Snyder, Evan Yale Song, David Daiyong Spier, Cynthia Elizabeth Spinka, George A. Stone, Lori F. Tecoma, Evelyn S. Tiznado-Garcia, Ernesto Trauner, Doris Tuszynski, Mark H. Villa, Kenneth J. Wang, Chunyang Tracy Wang, Shen Ye Warren, Robert S. Yuan, Shauna Hsiaosan Zahller, Mary C. Zivin, Justin A. Zupancic, Michael John

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