[ ] Aceves,Seema

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Orthopaedic Surgery San Diego County Medical Society Top Docs 2009 Maximum of 10 candidates Abitbol, Jean-Jacques Abrams, Reid Allen Adamczyk, Mark John Adsit, William S. Akbarnia, Behrooz A. Akeson, Wayne H. Alberton, Gregory M. Alberton, Laura R. Alleyne, Neville Allred, Darin Wilbur Allsing, Steven R. Amory, David Anderson, Grady Prince Anderson, Hans J. Austerlitz, Mark S. Averill, Robert M. Baitner, Avi Chanan Balikian, Philip Ball, Scott Taber Balourdas, Gregory M. Barnes, Glenn D. Bates, James Eric Bean, Delois Behr, Christopher T. Bentley, Christian Bernicker, Jeffrey P. Boffman, Harry Randolph Bohart, P. Gregory Bongiovanni, Michael S. Booher, Kermit Rex Botte, Michael J. Bowman, William E. Bradley, Nathan Edward Braun, Richard M. Bried, James M. Brooks, H. Ward Brown, Richard A. Browning, William H. Bruffey, James Douglas Bruneau, Pierre Andre Bugbee, William D. Cage, Dori Jo Neill Capelo, Roderick Marcus Casey, John Michael Chadha, Harbinder Singh Cham, Roman B. Chambers, Henry G.

Chao, David J. Cierny, George Clapper, Mark F. Clark, James W. Clifford, Brendan Clifford, John William Clifford, Robert K. Close, Frederick W. Cohen, Brad S. Colwell, Clifford W. Cooperman, Andrew M. Copp, Steven N. Cummings, Michael J. Curran, William P. Daugherty, David Lee David, Tal S. Davidson, William H. Deitel, Kevin Mark Dodge, Larry D. Dreeben, Sharon M. Drinhaus, Rolf Richard Dunlap, Janet Easley, David T. Eastlack, Robert Kenneth Eek, Bjorn CJ Elsner, Chad Esch, James C. Eves, William Collin Ezzet, Kace Adham Fait, James Michael Finkenberg, John G. Fisler, Joel D. Fithian, Donald C. Fitzgerald, Brian Thomas Flannery, Gary Francis Flippin, Michael Arthur Flood, David Louis Foerster, Bruce Vincent Fornalski, Stefan Freeman, Roger A. Friend, James R. Fronek, Jan Garay, Alon A. Garfin, Steven R. Gelb, Robert I. Georgis, Theodore Gillingam, Bruce L. Page 1 of 2

Girard, Paul Joseph Gould, Robert N. Green, Daniel A. Greenfield, Richard Gullahorn, Leslie J. Hacker, Scott A. Hackley, David R. Hall, Jerome Christopher Hamer, Merlin L. Hamner, Dyson Lister Hanson, Peter B. Harris, William Benjamin Hartman, Andrew Philip Heiser, Joel M. Helgager, James A. Helmers, Scott Whittaker Hempton, Robert F. Henderson, Rodney Delano Hoenecke, Heinz R. Hofmeister, Eric Paul Holland, William Carl Horton, Eric Robert Houkom, John Howard, Brent A. Inman, Wayne Scott Jacobson, Mark David Jain, Rina Jankiewicz, Joseph John Jenkins, Richard G. Jercinovich, Igor Anthony Kane, Norman Keefe, Daniel Terrance Kelly, Jon Pembroke Kim, Choll Wan Kim, Janeth Francis Kimball, Michael P. King, Byron F. Knuff, Robert J. Knutson, Thomas R. Kopp, Franz John Korsh, Eric S. Krissoff, William Bruce Lake, John R. Lane, John G. Lapoint, John Malcolm Lee, Yu-Po Lenihan, Michael R.

Orthopaedic Surgery Levine, Leon Levine, Sidney H. Levine, Theodore Levinsohn, David G. Levy, Louis Joseph Loren, Gregory James Losse, Gary M. Luetzow, William Lukavsky, William L. Lurie, Louis Lyons, James Patrick Mack, Gregory Robert Mack, Ralph W. MacMorran, Ian Scott Maguire, Carl D. Mann, Joseph M. Manos, Richard Emanuel Markarian, Anthony Marshall, Stuart C. Marxen, Jeffrey L. Mason, Alanson A. Maywood, Robert M. Mazurek, Michael Todd McBride, Mark Tabin McClurg, James Rafael McKinley, Laurence M. McSweeney, James E. Metros, Kevin L. Meunier, Matthew John Meyer, Robert Scott Mikulics, Mark H. Miles, John W. Miller, Lisa S. Milling, Paul C. Mohlenbrock, William Mohler, L. Randall Moitoza, James R. Mooney, Vert Mubarak, Scott J. Muir, Richard K. Muldoon, Michael Patrick Murphy, John Murphy, Mark Edwin Murphy, Paul C. Myer, Jonathan Joseph Nelson, Mark Cutler Newton, Peter Owen Nichols, Stephen P. Nissanoff, Jonathan O'Meara, Patrick M. Oberlin, David W. Ohara, William Makoto

Oliver, David Allen Pace, Robert C. Pacelli, Lorenzo Lapo Padilla, Patrick Joseph Page, Alexandra Pallia, Christopher Sterling Peppers, Timothy A. Perlman, Mark Harris Perlman, Richard D. Peterson, Drew A. Pfeiffer, William H. Powell, Robert Stewart Previte, William J. Pring, Maya Elizabeth Raiszadeh, Kamshad Raiszadeh, Ramin Rankin, Glenn Richley, Richard C. Rickards, Enass Nader Roland, G. Charles Roper, Jonathan Geoffery Rosenfield, Alan Lyle Ryan, Michael George Sabourin, Thomas J. Sachs, Raymond A. Santore, Richard F. Sanzone, Anthony G. Scalone, James B. Schelkun, Steven R. Schiffman, Jeffrey S. Schultz, Jeffrey E. Schwab, Gregory H. Schwartz, Alexandra K. Seare, William John Sechriest, Vernon Franklin Selecky, Mark Thomas Serocki, John H. Sharp, Jacob Shoemaker, Scott Davis Shoemaker, Stephen C. Shoemaker, William L. Sitler, David Forrest Skyhar, Michael J. Smidt, Wesley Ryan Smith, David G. Smith, Jeffrey Mark Solomon, Daniel Jordan Stevenson, Craig D. Strizak, Alan Marc Subin, David K. Swenson, Frank Craig Tallman, Garrett James Page 2 of 2

Tasto, James P. Tayyab, Neil Arif Thomas, Walter Alain Thompson, Michael Allen Thorne, Roger P. Thunder, Richard Michael Tonks, Robert D. Tontz, Jr., William Logan Tontz, Sr., William L. Tradonsky, Steven van Dam, Bruce E. Vance, Raymond M. Walker, Richard H. Wallace, Charles Douglas Weistroffer, Joseph K. Wenger, Dennis R. Wile, Peter B. Williams, Larry S. Winternitz, William Welch Woody, Paul R. Yashar, Arnold Abraham Young, Edmond Pai Yu, Eric C.

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