[ ] Aceves,Seema

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Otolaryngology Includes these Specialties: Otolaryngology - Otology/Neurotology

San Diego County Medical Society Top Docs 2009 Maximum of 7 candidates Alavi, Sassan Amir, Roy David Amsberry, James Kieran Augusta, Frederick A. Azer, Philip Bach, Kevin Kendall Balough, Ben James Battaglia, Alexander S. Benz, Ronald T. Bernstein, Paul E. Beros, Andrew D. Berry, Julie Ann Bock, Bruce D. Bone, Robert C. Bothwell, Marcella Roper Brewster, Douglas Frank Broberg, Todd Brumund, Kevin Thomas Burnett, John R. Bush, James E. Chaffoo, Richard Albert Chopra, Rajesh Kumar Cueva, Roberto A. Cupp, Craig L. Davidson, Terence M. Davis, Cynthia R. Doherty, Joni Kristin Don, Debra Mei Eaton, Jeffrey Stuart Edens, Bruce Lynn Engel, Thomas L. Fantozzi, Richard Donald Fassett, Richard L. Fenn, Michael Ferouz-Colborn, Aliya Shahrain Fitzgerald, Patrick J. Flynn, Michael P. Forrester, Michael G. Foster, Chris B. Garrigues, Ned William Gaylis, Brendan Goodman, Paul M. Grant, James A. Haegen, Timothy William Halsey, William S.

Harris, Jeffrey P. Hilinski, John Marc Hoffer, Michael Ellis Holmes, Ralph E. Holtel, Michael R. Hunsaker, Darrell H. Jackson, Keith A. Jacobs, Robert D. Jiang, Wen Jimenez, Carlos F. Johnson, Terence Edward Karam, Amir Masoud Kearns, Donald B. Keefe, Michael Arthur Kramer, Marc E. Kripps, Marvin M. Kung, Brian C. Learn, Allison Ann Lebovits, Marc J. Ling, Edgar Huang Magit, Anthony E. Mahdavi, Mahmood Mansfield, Perry T. Martin, Peter James Mathiasen, Ronald Allen Mazer, Theodore Marc McCallion, Patrick G. McClain, Albert A. Mehta, Ritvik Prakash Merz, Meredith Nicole Miller, Kathryn Marie Minarcik, John R. Miya, Gary Yuhei Moradi, Amir Morelock, Michael Dennis Murrell, George L. Nguyen, Quyen To O'Leary, Michael J. Ochi, James W. Polterock, Jerrold Pransky, Seth M. Reisman, Bruce K. Rensink, Michael J. Rivet, Pierre G. Robbins, Harrison M. Page 1 of 1

Saad, John J. Saltzman, Stephen L. Schuetz, Charles M. Sherman, Maurice P. Shumway, Robert A. Smith, Geoffrey A. Stearns, Gregory Scott Taylor, Gretchen Collins Taylor, John H. Tesar, Charles B. Trotter, A. Donald Tylor, Dale Amanda Vaughan, John C. Verdugo, Gonzalo Hernan Wadhwa, Ashish K. Watson, Deborah Weeks, Brian Hunter Weeks, Russell Stuart Weisman, Robert Alan Yco, Mario S. Zim, Shane Aldwin

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