[ ] Aceves,Seema

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Pathology Including these specialties: Anatomic Pathology Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Chemical Pathology Clinical Pathology Cytopathology Dermatopathology Immunopathology

Medical Microbiology Molecular Genetic Pathology Neuropathology Pathology – Hematology Pathology – Forensic Pathology Recertification Radioisotopic Pathology

San Diego County Medical Society Top Docs 2009 Maximum of 10 candidates Abdelhalim, Fouad Mohamed Farouk Abou, Paul Yousif Adams, Stanley David Aller, Raymond D. Alspach, Amy Elizabeth Anderson, Shane Selassie Arias, Angelito M. Armas, Octavio Alonzo Arterberry, William C. Badr, Riem El-Sabbagh Baird, Stephen M. Bakhtar, Omid R. Barber, Francis A. Barnette, David J. Bass, Randall Dwight Bedoya, Adriana Angela Behling, Cynthia A. Benirschke, Kurt Bernard, Joan Ellen Beruti, Sue Bethel, Kelly Jeanne Blackbourne, Brian D. Blazado, Evelyn R. Bloch, Miriam J. Bobzien, Bonnie Ruth Bonadio, Jeffrey Frank Bookstein, Robert E. Bordin, Gerald M. Boswell, Pamela Davis Brinsko, Robert William Broome, Helen E.

Buckwalter, Naomi R. Bui, Jack Dac Bushman, Robert E. Bylund, David J. Cacheris, Phillip Michael Campbell, John B. Campbell, K. Cameron Campman, Steven Charles Carlson, Stephen R. Carry, James B. Chang, Bernard Stanley Chisari, Francis V. Choe, Moogil Comer, Stewart William Contardo, Marcus Dabbas, Bashar Danque, Pamela Ong Datnow, Brian Davenport-Grant, Etoi Malika Derienzo, Damian Philip Detwiler, Susan Patton Dreilinger, Anna D. Drum, Hong Liu Du, Emma Z. Elliott, Max L. Ellison, Douglas Jules Felix, Denison A. Fijman, Luisa Beatriz Francis, David J. Fremland, Harriet J. Galloway, Jenny R.

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Gersenfish, Gilbert Ghassemi, Majid Goldfarb, Theodore G. Gonias, Steven Gudewicz, Thomas M. Haghighi, Parviz Hakimi, Manijeh Hall, Frank Wesley Hansen, Doyle D. Hansen, Lawrence A. Hanson, Kelli Aleece Harrison, Nancy L. Hasteh, Farnaz Heravi, Kay Khossrow Ho, James Newton Ho, Steffan Nicholas Holburt, Ernest N. Holland, Swend Hollis-Perry, Karine Monique Holt, Glenn Edwin Hopkins, G. Bruce Huffaker, Art K. Humberson, Cora Sue Hyman, Michael Philip Imai, Mayuko Isaacs, Hart Janatpour, Kim Afsaneh Jariwala, Leena K. Jensen, Perry E. Jiang, Jie-Gen Jung, Byung-Il

Pathology Kan, Michael K. Kane, Edward Joseph Kanungo, Anuradha Kao, Jerry Kasyan, Armen Keefe, Robert E. Kellogg, Kim Anne Kelner, Michael J. Kennedy, Timothy Raymond Kidokoro, Yasuko Kim, Albert Kayoon Kolins, Jerry Kollin, Jozef Kollin, Marta Koo, Edward Hao Mang Kornberg, Richard Kotylo, Patricia Kropf-Deza, Barbara Krous, Henry F. Kunda, Anand Srinivas Kutner, Leon J. La Pointe, Lily K. Laipply, Thomas Charles Lammers, Roberta J. Lancaster, Lynn A. Lane, Thomas Andrew Larue, Steven Lee Lasser, Kenneth H. Laux, Ann Marie P Le, Dzung T. Lepay, David Andrew Li, Xun Lin, Grace Yan Ping Lin, Keming Linfesty, Ronald Louis Lloyd, Stanley J. Longway, Sharon R. Lopez-Velez, Domingo A. Losada, Miguel A. Lucas, Jonathan Raymond Macleay, Lachlan Mair, Sharon Malicki, Denise Michelle Mallon, Robert Bingham Maloy, Terence F. Mario-Singh, Blesilda Martin, Thomas Wayne Mathews, Kurt Ronald McGuyer, Curtis A. McLawhon, Ronald William McVay, Patricia A. Meadows, Noel S. Mena, Othon Jose Mendoza, Arturo E. Mercola, Daniel A.

Mhoyan, Anna Mirchandani, Haresh G. Mirchandani, Ila H. Miremadi, Arjang Miyai, Katsumi Mohrmann, Renee L. Molden, Daniel P. Muller, Wayne D. Nabai, Hossein Nakamura, Robert M. Nelson, Craig Lewis Newbury, Robert O. Ni, Hongyu Nickel, James R. Nicola, Marvin L. Niewiadomski, Slawomir Tadeusz O'Grady, Terence C. Oh, David OverSt., Kerith Lea Parast, Mana Mosamma Paxton, William Brooks Pei, Leo A. Peterson, Michael Ross Petroff, Linda Phillipson, Julia Pieslor, Peter C. Platt, Marvin S. Powell, Henry Caleb Price, Pamela Gray Quigley, Michael Maxwell Quintana, Paulina Gloria Raiszadeh, Mahindokht Rajput, Nusrat Bashir Ahmed Rearden, C. Ann Rezania, Dorna Richards, Harold J. Robbins, Bruce A. Robin, Howard S. Roche, William David Rodier, Ernest Stanley Romero, Laura S. Roy, Subhojit Rubin, H. Robert Ruiz-Esparza, Javier Ruiz-Velasco, Rodolfo Russack, Valentina Russo, Terri Anne Sadeghi, Saha Saffer, Helene Linda Safrin, Richard E. Sakas, Edward Lawrence Salyer, Diane Martha Cere Satter, Elizabeth Kline Sawkar, Ujvala A. Schaber, Bethann Page 2 of 2

Schlack, Kimberly D. Secord, Ann Shabaik, Ahmed S. Shah, Swati Ajay Shahidi-Asl, Mahnaz Sharoff, Norman S. Sharpe, Robert Wayne Shayan, Katayoon Shewmake, Stephen W. Shirer, Bruce E. Siefert, William L. Simental-Pizarro, Raul G. Singh, Veena M. Snider, Warren Kirk Snyder, Cynthia Sue Speelman, Patricia N. Spinosa, John Christopher Stanley, Christina Stayboldt, Carla Steele, Julie Bridges Steffen, Charles G. Stewart, John B. Strachan-Lazo, Jane S. Strobel, David Lane Sumida, Floyd K. Summers, Raymond Harper Swalwell, Christopher I. Tench, William D. Thompson, James Allen Tran, Khanh Phuong Tucker, Ernest S. Underwood, James J. Varki, Nissi M. Voland, Joseph Ronald Wagner, Glenn N. Walker, Frederick Douglas Wallace, Donna Marie Walter, Joseph F. Wang, Shen Ye Wang-Rodriguez, Jessica Y. Wasserman, Linda M. Watts, William Joseph Wei, Eric Xueying Weidner, Noel Wilcox, Gary J. Wolf, Paul L. Wu, Zhao Xu, Yin Yi, Joanne ES Youngkin, Tyler P.

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