Towards A More Responsive Urban Configuration The Case of Kuwait
Manal Alajmi 18148649
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON FACULTY OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT BARTLETT SCHOOL OF PLANNING MAJOR PROJECT: RECLAIMING PUBLIC LIFE in Hot Arid Climate: Towards a more responsive urban configuration, the case of Kuwait Manal Alajmi Word count: 8769 Figures and Diagrams: 1838
Supervisor: Colin Haylock Being a Major Project in Urban Design and City Planning submitted to the faculty of The Built Environment as part of the requirements for the award of the MSc Urban Design and City Planning at University College London, I declare that this project is entirely my own work and that ideas, data and images, as well as direct quotations, drawn from elsewhere are identified and referenced
ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to start by sending my love and appreciation to my parents who have supported me throughout my academic life. Thank you for all the love, support and encouragement. I would also like to thank my friends, family and colleagues for their motivation and just for being there for me and especially Yousra Margaret Aljohmani for her persistent positivity. I would like to extend my gratitude to the staff at The Bartlett and to Colin Haylock for their guidance throughout this research process.
ABSTRACT Urban open spaces play a vital role in supporting the social, cultural and economic life of cities while enhancing the health and wellbeing of its inhabitants. Attractive open spaces bring people to the streets and life to the city. Unfortunately, with the rapid urbanization and the introduction of automobiles, a lot of cities have adopted global paradigms that are insensitive to their climatic conditions, creating unsustainable and inhospitable environments for its inhabitants. Within hot-dry regions, precisely the case of Kuwait, the radical transformation from traditional compact urban fabric to fragmented urban sprawl, has formed a negative impact on the social coherence and public life of the city. This literature review highlights the fundamental determinants to the provision of active and vibrant open-spaces in hot-dry regions, to reclaim public life. The study of traditional urban settlements highlighted the basic understanding of climate-sensitive open spaces and social engagement. Urban morphology, spatial configuration, social and mixed uses play a vital role in the movement patterns and vitality of urban spaces. This research attempts to merge these findings to create a comprehensive study on vibrant open spaces within hot-arid climates. Case studies are selected within the global-north and the Middle-East to draw wider perspective while seeking climate-responsive and innovative approaches. The result of this research is a practical design toolkit which assists urban designers and planners in the provision of liveable open-spaces in hot-dry regions. The toolkit includes physical design principles supporting the provision of climatically tolerable open spaces, along with management guidelines to encourage and maintain regular use of open public spaces and pedestrian routes. The toolkit is then applied to configure/reconfigure a site in the centre of Kuwait City to test and evaluate its practicality. The result demonstrates a new approach to the sustainable provision of open public spaces while highlighting its limitation. This research aims to pave the way for healthier and more sustainable living for people and cities within hot-arid climates.
LIST OF FIGURES All figures are authors work unless stated otherwise Fig.1: Research approach Fig 2: Diagram summarizing the conceptualisation of the problem Fig 3: The benefits of great places Source: (, 2019) Fig 4: Impacts of modern planning in Kuwait Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 5: Project framework Fig 6: Methodology Fig 7: Relationship between urban planning and liveable public spaces Source: (Aljabri, 2014) Fig 8: Quality of physical environment in relation to activities types Source: (Gehl, 2011) Fig 9: Summary of key concepts Source: based on discussed literature Fig 10: Islamic cities open space hierarchical order Source: (Germeraad, 1993) Fig 11: Example of organic growth and user’s responsibility in sustaining the right to public space Source: (Germeraad, 1993) Fig 12: Example of Islamic urban layout Source: (Germeraad, 1993) Fig 13: Summary of Islamic urban planning principles and key concepts in public space design Source: based on discussed literature Fig 14: Impact of urban configuration on patterns of movement Source: (Lerman and Omer, 2016) Fig 15: Impact of street design and orientation on wind flow Source: (Golany, 1995) Fig 16: Case study approach Fig 17: Location of case studies Fig 18: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 19: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 20: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 21: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 22: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 23: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 24: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 25: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 26: Masdar city Source: (, 2019) Fig 27: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (, 2019) Fig 28: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (, 2019) Fig 29: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (, 2019) Fig 30: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (Jemaa El Fna, 2019)
Fig 31: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (Jemaa El Fna, 2019) Fig 32: Jemaa el-Fna Source: (, 2019) Fig 33: Mill avenue Source: (American Planning Association, 2019) Fig 34: Map of downtown Tempe with numbered study sites Source: (Crewe, Brazel and Middel, 2016) Fig 35: Fabric market Source: (Green, 2018) Fig 36: Fabric market Source: (, 2019) Fig 37: Fabric market Source: (, 2019) Fig 38: Fabric market Source: (, 2019) Fig 39: Yazd old town Source: (, 2019) Fig 40: Yazd old town Source: (far and far, 2019) Fig 41: Yazd old town Source: (Visitarm Armenia & Georgia Tours & Transfers center, 2019) Fig 42: Yazd old town Source: (, 2019) Fig 43: Summary of findings Fig 44: Kuwait: 85-year period Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 45: Location map Fig 46: Evolution of highway Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 47: Transportation data Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 48: Transportation data Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 49: Urban grain Source: (Rode, 2017) Fig 50: Compact form and narrow winding alleyways of Kuwait Town Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 51: Optimal street dimensions inspired by traditional transport method Source (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 52: Social order settlement vs. geometric order Source (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 53: Aerial view of old Kuwait source (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 54: Map of Sief Street in 1951. Yellow: Sief Street. Red: amarat (wholesale storges). Blue: governmental buildings Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 55: Sief street key zones Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 56: Sief street Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 57: Boat Launch, Sief street, 1912 Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 58: Souq al-Dakhli [The covered souq] Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 59: 1940s Key Kuwaiti souq areas Source: (Alajmi, 2009) Fig 60: Sawaber Source: (2:48AM - Everything Kuwait, 2019) Fig 61: Site location Fig 62: Site Source: (Flickr, 2019) Fig 63: Future metro plan Source: (re:kuwait, 2019)
Fig 64: Land-use map Fig 65: Transport map Fig 66: Landmarks Fig 67: Souq Sharq mall Source: (Kuwait Business Directory, 2019) Fig 68: Al-Seif palace Source: (, 2019) Fig 69: Central bank of Kuwait Source: (Pace, 2019) Fig 70: Al-Babtain library Source: (, 2019) Fig 71: Grand mosque [listed building] Source: (, 2019) Fig 72: Al-Hamra Tower Source: (, 2019) Fig 73: Kuwait stock exchange Source: (U.K., 2019) Fig 74: KIPCO Tower Source: (, 2019) Fig 75: Souq Al-mubarakiya [Historic market] Source: (, 2019) Fig 76: Assima Mall Source: (, 2019) Fig 77: Souk Al-Safat [old fabric market] Source: (, 2019) Fig 78: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Source: (aleqt, 2019) Fig 79: Safat Square Source: (Flickr, 2019) Fig 80: Al-Shaheed park Source: (ArchDaily, 2019) Fig 81: Liberation Tower Source: (Middle East Architect, 2019) Fig 82: Urban structure tools applied on site Fig 83: Urban grain tools applied on site Fig 84: Mix-use tools applied on site Fig 85: Final layout Fig 86: Sun path and wind analysis Fig 87: Shadow study Fig 88: Aerial views of final massing Fig 89: Building heights Fig 90: Streetscape tools applied on site Fig 91: Landscape tools applied on site Fig 92: Existing street Source: (Google Maps, 2019) Fig 93: Intervention A Fig 94: Intervention B Fig 95: Intervention C Fig 96: Detailed map of public space interventions Fig 97: Fixed use Public space Fig 98: Temporary use Public space Fig 99: Flexible use Public space
00 01 02 03
Acknowledgement Abstract List of figures
02 03 04
Research Topic and Question Conceptualisation of Research Topic Justification of Research Topic Contribution to Practice Aims and Objectives Research Plan and Methodology
08 09 10 11 12 13
Liveable public spaces: Global perspective Liveable public spaces: Traditional Middle Eastern perspective Traditional urban morphology Urban morphology and microclimate
14 16 18 19
Case studies approach Masdar city Jemaa el-fna Mill avenue Fabric market Yazd old town Conceptual framework
20 22 24 25 26 27 28
04 05 06 07
Design toolkit
Context overview Historic background Focus area Site analysis Toolkit application Interventions
38 42 44 46 51 58
Reflections Limitations
64 65
References Figures references Appendix
66 67 70
RESEARCH TOPIC AND QUESTION Re-activating public spaces and the pedestrian realm through looking into the configuration of cities in extreme climates over time; the case of Kuwait. How can urban configuration, spatial properties and social functions restore and enhance the quality of public life in hot arid climates?
Determinants of liveable public spaces in hot arid climates
Physical dimension
Environmental dimension
Social/Economical dimension Fig.1: Research approach
The turn of the 20th century saw the introduction of mass urban transportation which significantly neglected the humanisation of everyday city life by solely focusing on vehicular movement patterns. Outdoor urban spaces play a significant role in improving the physical wellbeing of its inhabitants whilst shaping the social, cultural and economic life of cities (Hass-Klau, 1999). This radical transformation changed the close-knit compact fabric which comprised of high levels of social coherence and cultural identity through its irregular and narrow street patterns and mixed uses into a set of fragmented quarters. The fine-grain urban fabric supported the provision of comfortable outdoor environments, countering the harsh climatic conditions. The new urban developments, however, are more regularly planned with wide streets separating the uses and functions of the city. This resulted in the fragmentation of the urban fabric which made outdoor environments much less comfortable and subsequently caused the loss of public life (Atash, 1993).
Dimensions in which public spaces impact the city
ACTIVE AND LIVABLE Outdoor Public Spaces
20th century introduction of automobile
Transformation of the urban fabric
Pedestrian-oriented Mixed uses Comfortable outdoor environment
Adaptation of a global paradigm Isolated functional zones Wide streets separating the uses and functions of the city Automobile dependency Lack of thermally comfortable outdoor environments
Support high level of social coherence and cultural identity
Lack of active and liveable public spaces Fig 2: Diagram summarizing the conceptualisation of the problem
This study will look at the existing public spaces and pedestrian conditions in Kuwait. Following the radical transformation of the urban landscape in the 1950s influenced by the Garden City movement. A decade into the implementation of the first Kuwaiti master plan, it faced much criticism, namely by architect and town planner Shiber, who criticised the plan for being radical and ruthless. It was believed the plan neglected one of the integral determinants of urban formation i.e. the climate conditions. Instead, the plan centred on planning for cars (Shiber, 1966). The formerly integrated urban spaces transformed into isolated functional zones and “privatized spheres of behaviour” (Al-Nakib, 2016). This urban morphology resulted in a lack of public focus and consciousness, which produced unattractive streetscapes for pedestrians, whether for commuting or using the street as a destination for economic or social activities. Outdoor public spaces have become inaccessible and detached from their surroundings, leaving them unoccupied and substituted by private indoor malls.
JUSTIFICATION OF RESEARCH TOPIC Why invest in quality public space? Public spaces play a significant role in the life of cities and everyone who lives in it. Public spaces shape every aspect of one’s life from open spaces to children’s playgrounds, to commuting to school and work, to having safe spaces to retire to as we age. Investing and protecting public spaces is a valuable aspect of living a healthy, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. As Ruskin (Gray, Bain & Rodgers 20113) noted, “the measure of a city’s greatness is to be found in the quality of its public spaces”. Jan Gehl argues that it’s only “on foot” that people can have a true experience of life between buildings; this experience creates opportunities for contact and social interaction, which has been reduced to the point of deprivation due to the dependency on automobiles (Gehl, 2011). It has been further argued by other scholars that such walkable opportunities can ease the life of people with limited transportation access while encouraging a healthier lifestyle (Gray, Bain and Rodgers, 2013). Investing in quality public space can yield many other benefits including the development of the local economy, the increase in property value, and the decrease on automobile dependency (Gray, Bain and Rodgers, 2013).
Fig.3: The benefits of great places
Ali Mandanipour claims that the nature of public spaces is highly influenced by the nature of the city, therefore as cities change, so does public space. The increasing scale of modern development alongside the historic changes in the city has impacted the public space deeply increasing both the size and number. Consequently, the nature of such spaces have lost their true significance which many scholars have identified as the shift from “place” to “space”. Space is considered impersonal and vague, while place embodies more meaning and value (Madanipour, 2010). Many humanist scholars engaged in public space and city rights, such as Jacobs, Sitte and Lynch, have criticised the modern approach and its global negative impact. The lack of quality public spaces in the Middle East has been highly linked to “modernisation” (Germeraad, 1990). Modern urban planning systems are influenced by western paradigms in response to globalization. Implementing western design concepts and cutting-edge technologies is regarded as a way of catching up with developed countries (Kiet, 2010). Due to major changes, the traditional perception of open public spaces have lost their value and place. Contemporary public spaces replaced the older traditional quarters, injecting western typologies, such as squares, plazas, waterfront, and streetscape, with more emphasis on its picturesque value rather than functionality. Public spaces within the Middle East are currently being criticised for not meeting the user’s needs nor responding to climatic requirements (Germeraad, 1990; Aljabri, 2014).
Why explore the concept of public space within the Middle East and precisely the case of Kuwait?
The socio-spatial patterns of old Kuwait town were characterized as diverse and functional. The port city life embraced cultural exchange and the acceptance of differences. People’s daily activities were enriched by multiple interactions with different social groups. At this period, people relied on each other to support their daily life. This form of dependency developed an
intricate sense of loyalty between different social groups, overcoming their diverse ethnic and socioeconomic status, and subsequently induced a strong sense of community and belonging. The city’s spatial configuration supported such behavioral attitudes. The morphological distribution of different sectors, residential, market, and port area were highly integrated to encompass its mutual functions. Shared experiences were celebrated through the networks of multiple encounter zones. The implementation of intricate compact form was essential to ensure comfortable environments capable of supporting such activities (Al-Nakib, 2016). Kuwait’s former social and cultural life has been replaced with segregation and isolation. The newfound dependence on automobiles and indoor spaces has established distorted social relations and a significant decrease in public health and wellbeing. Lack of walkability and participation in outdoor activities has increased Kuwait’s obesity rates. Also, the surge of traffic congestion and lack of appropriate pedestrian routes has resulted in high rates of traffic accidents and consequently injuries and deaths (Caton and Ardalan, 2011). Current literature regarding public space usage in the Middle East & North African (MENA) region is limited however available sources stress the need for efficient approaches to urban public spaces (Aljabri, 2014). Reclaiming outdoor public life is essential for a sustainable model of living. This research project will explore and investigate new design parameters that are regionally and locally specific. Furthermore, this research will provide a design toolkit to produce attractive and climatically tolerable outdoor urban environments. In addition to the design parameters, policies and incentives will be drafted to encourage and maintain regular use of such spaces.
Modern Planning and Urban Design: The Case of Kuwait Segregation and Isolation Absence of thermally comfortable and welcoming public spaces
High dependence on Automobiles
High dependence on Indoor Spaces
Other 6%
The contemporary practice of urban design and planning, specifically regarding public space, within the MENA region, does not correspond to users demands nor the climate. Mandeli argues that such a practice creates “picturesque areas that are easily constructed and maintained”, however they do not contribute to the quality of the public realm (Mandeli, 2008). Concerning the explicit cultural and environmental context, this study will be applicable to Kuwait City, as well as any developing city in the MENA region with extreme dry-hot climatic conditions. This research’s main features, the proposed urban design toolkit, policies and incentives will raise public awareness and create access to sustainable design processes.
6% car 53%
Bus 25%
Arranged transport 7% Public transport
Active transport
Taxi 2%
Employer bus 7%
Private motorised transport
Traffic congestion and high rates of traffic accidents Decline in public health and wellbeing 37.9 % Obesity – adult prevalence rate #11 in the world
Fig 4: Impacts of modern planning in Kuwait
Evolution of indoor malls that mimic outdoor environments High level of energy consumption
This research project aims to assist urban designers and planners in the provision of thermally comfortable and vibrant
outdoor urban environments. Additionally, it encourages pedestrian movement and activity in cities with hot-dry stressful weather in an attempt to support the health and wellbeing of its inhabitants while revitalising the social and cultural life of its community.
Investigate and Explore
Evaluate and Classify
Create Design Toolkit
Fundamental determinants for the provision of active and vibrant public spaces in hot-dry regions
The gathered data into Physical and Social determinants in order to translate them into workable design parameters
To support the provision of Thermally comfortable public environments
1. Investigate and evaluate fundamental determinants that support the provision of active and vi-brant open spaces in dry-hot regions •
Explore the concept of liveable public spaces and evaluate the design and planning approaches of case studies, used to ensure the provision of active and vibrant environments.
Investigate and examine historical urban morphologies within the Middle East that have supported the provision of comfortable and active open spaces in parallel to contemporary urban forms to reveal what went missing and
Liveable Public Spaces Approach In the Global North and within the Middle East
To support and encourage Active and Regular use of Public Spaces
what can be restored •
Investigate urban design solutions to achieve thermal comfort in open spaces in dry-hot regions
2. Classify the gathered data into physical and social determinants to translate them into workable design parameters to support the formation of vibrant public open spaces with an
Traditional urban morphology and public space approach Within hot-dry regions
adaptable urban form. 3. Deliver a set of design guidelines, policies and incentives for the provision of a thermally comfortable public space including
01couraging independent mobility and social interaction.
pedestrian networks and well-connected open spaces, en-
Microclimate and Thermal comfort approach In open spaces within hot-dry regions
Fig 5: Project framework
Research topic and question
Conceptualization of the problem
Research objectives
Justification and Contribution to practice
Literature review
Case studies
Analysis of fundamental determinants that support the provision of active and vibrant open spaces in hot-dry regions
Review of relevant case studies in the Global north and within the Middle East
Liveable public spaces: Global and Traditional Middle Eastern perspective Traditional urban morphology: Human behavioural and thermal performance perspective Urban morphology and Microclimate
Synthesis of findings
Analysis and allocation of the most appropriate findings from the collected data, to be further developed into a strategic set of urban design principles
Create Design Toolkit based on the assembled design principles
Site selection
Synthesis of findings
Site justification
Site analysis
Design proposal and toolkit application
Evaluation and limitation of the design toolkit on the chosen study area Reflection and conclusion
Fig 6: Methodology
Literature review
LIVEABLE PUBLIC SPACES: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Extensive research determining liveable public spaces within cities worldwide has highlighted the importance of multi-level planning and urban design in achieving successful outcomes. Each stage impacts the quality of the public realm, many scholars have noted that decisions made at early stages of strategic planning form the basis to which the development of well-functioning outdoor spaces are conceivable (Carmona, 2018; Gehl, Urban Configuration 2011; Madanipour, 2010).
vocating for the placement of buildings at the property line, a sense of enclosure can be achieved. In existing large undefined open spaces, the above atmosphere can be created by planting rows of matured trees resulting in a sense of a smaller enclosed space within a larger one (Gehl, 1971). Furthermore, Speck (2013) stressed that for cities to be more walkable, there should be a reason to walk, alongside a safe,Natural comfortable and interesting environment. Maintaining Law continuity in road-side conditions and length planning are vital Environment Planning for developing safe pedestrian routes, however, they often reTraditional Economic Environment Islamic city Urban Design sult in dull and boring constructs. Contrary to this, by providing design Influences Social compact and well-connected winding pedestrian networks this can enrich the walking experience while making it feel shorter Provides (Gehl, 2011). Additionally, managing vehicle traffic and parking City with good quality Livable public open spaces built environment spaces are critical to the safety and quality of these pedestrian Fig 7: Relationship Urban between Configuration routes (Speck, 2013; Gray, Bain and Rodgers, 2013). urban planning and liveable public spaces Jacobs best describes mixed uses as the need to Sustainable complex and intricate diversity of facilities to adopt an extremely Outdoor activities are highly influenced by the physical environ- Functional Physical Structure Aspects City generate well-functioning vibrant urban life (Jacob, 1961). Acment. Adopting a pedestrian-responsive physical framework tive frontages must be carefully managed when buildings face can stimulate human activities and encourage social Patterns interacof Movement public environments. A concentration of functions using narrow tion. Several scholars have emphasised smart growth, mixedand deep lots with physically permeable facades help animate use and form-based coding systems to support the production the public realm (Gehl, 2011). The mixing of various functions of functional cities for people. By addressing planning policies Impact of urban form on patterns of movement should be site-specific and evaluated based on community to promote compact and dense form, with a well-distributed needs. Collaborating with locals in the design of public spaces and accessible mix of uses within a convenient walking disreinforces the cultural identity whilst enhancing the sense and tance, 400-500 meters, the outcome will encourage walkability character of the place (Jacob, 1961; Gray, Bain and Rodgers, and subsequently contribute to a vibrant public realm. Further2013). more, the development of efficient multiple modes of public William Whyte had acknowledged the correlation betransportation provides more options to commute and reduce tween the quality of a space and the activities that take place automobile dependency(Gray, Bain and Rodgers, 2013; Gehl, around it. Building on this concept Jan Gehl, further classified 2011). activities into three different categories: necessary, optional and “With great distances between buildings, there is nothing social activities. Gehl associated optional and social activities much to experience outdoors, and the few activities that do with the qualities offered by the environment. Both scholars take place are spread out in time and space” (Gehl, 2011). have recognised the significance of people’s presence in atCities for people embrace human-scale buildings, narrow tracting more people (Gehl, 2011; Whyte, 1980). Inviting peostreets, and small public spaces in which the perception of the ple to spend more time outdoors centres on the art of placepublic realm is warm, intimate and personal. Defining public making at a local level. Providing a place that caters for different spaces is generally a matter of land-use regulations. By adContributes
Planning considerations
Well integrated planning system
Used effectively
Used enjoyably
groups of people and various types of activities will generate more social interaction and shared experiences. The provision of seating stimulates human activities such as people watching, eating, reading, socializing, etc. The careful consideration of seating positioned around spatial boundaries are more desirable to users with those oriented towards active views are more enticing. The adequate spacing of 100 meters between seating areas allows the pedestrian to rest on whilst using the open spaces (Gehl, 2011). Physical environment high quality
Physical environment low quality
Fig 8: Quality of physical environment in relation to activities types
Necessary activities
Optional activities
Social activities
Many scholars have stressed the impact of visual expression produced by the art and architecture surrounding urban spaces. Small and intricate details can form an amusing and memorable experience while improving legibility (Sitte,1945; lynch, 1960; Gray, Bain and Rodgers, 2013). The concept of “triangulation” by Whyte (1990) implies that the provision of a third object can stimulate social interaction. He has further identified elements such as water, greenery, and food as catalysts for the functionality of a space (Whyte, 1990). ‘Projects for public space’ has acknowledged that a successful public space generally needs to offer four qualities: accessibility, sociability, activities and uses while ensuring comfort. While all four qualities are important, comfort is critical to enhancing the time spent in these spaces. Comfort can be interpreted in many ways; it can be implied as to the availability of seating within a space or the provisions of protection from adverse weather. In cases where microclimate has a strong impact on the way people perceive outdoor environments, solutions are mostly context-dependent and therefore will be further discussed in a subsequent section (, 2019).
Responds to community needs
Water feature Mixed-use Well distributed and accessible
Commercial Residential Institutional Recreational
Trees Factors by William Whyte
Smart growth Car park Management
City for people
Street proximity
Connectivity Narrow and winding streets
Priorities pedestrian connectivity
Food availability
Triangulation (Events/performers/Art)
Uses and Activities
Quality Aspects by PPS
Livable Public Spaces
Multiple mode of transportation Human scale
Caters for different groups of people
Network of small public spaces
Compact and dense form
Recreational activities
Commercial and retail services with physically preamble frontages
Well programmed and managed day and night activities
Visual and physical accessibility Convenient linkage to public transport
Access and Linkage
Image and Comfort
Form-Based code Sense of enclosure Embrace architecture, artistic expression and continuity in time
Fig 9: Summary of key concepts
Comfortable microclimate
LIVEABLE PUBLIC SPACES: TRADITIONAL MIDDLE EASTERN PERSPECTIVE This focused study area is part of the Middle East, specifically an Arab Muslim region. Historical context is vital to further explore and understand liveable public spaces and for the development of a relevant toolkit.
odour, dust, and smoke and therefore restricted functions that produced them from being around residential areas and public spaces (Akbar, 1984).
Natural laws
Many scholars have linked the challenge with the use and perception of current public spaces within the Middle East to the major transformation of the traditional urban fabric and the implementation of western paradigms that do not represent the social-religious values of Islamic cities (Germeraad, 1990). In the early Islamic era, urban development within the Middle East took the form of an intricate and socially regulated organic urban form (Kiet, 2010). The main design principles used to shape Islamic cities were greatly influenced by the Sharī‘ah [Islamic law], natural law and social factors (Germeraad 1990). Sharī‘ah law was considered the main pillar with its strong influence in regulating both the natural and social aspects. The main concepts derived from Sharī‘al law included the concept of privacy, the institution of waqf [charitable endowment], and the responsibility of the user. Part of Shariah’s objectives is to be sensitive to both, humans and the natural environment, encouraging improvements and preventing damage (Germeraad, 1993).
Privacy: Due to the conservative nature of Arabian culture and Islamic law, the emphasis on privacy is strongly noticeable in the Middle East. The design of residential units and transitional spaces from public to private were centred around privacy, further expressing its degree of privacy and/or publicness to address the user’s perception (Germeraad, 1993).
Fig 10: Islamic cities open space hierarchical order
Waqf is a charitable endowment in which properties are donated for the public interest (Burckhardt, 1976). Waqf had a significant role in providing spaces for the public as well as maintaining historical buildings/sites (Germeraad, 1990).
The design of Islamic cities centres around a highly sensitive approach to local climate and natural resources. Sharail principles indicate the need for conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources (Germeraad, 1993). This was a fundamental approach in Middle Eastern cities due to the harsh climatic conditions. The climatically responsive urban fabric took the form of compact urban settlements with courtyards, narrow and covered streets, and small pockets of open spaces. Water was an essential urban element in public spaces: the use of fountains and water channels helped in cooling the space, while drinking fountains, provided by waqf, satisfied people’s thirst.
Users’ responsibility: Regarding user responsibility and the existing environment, the main principle was derived from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him), ‘There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm’. This religiously reinforces that any change within the built environment must not damage or harm the environment or the public. (Akbar, 1984). Public interest was preserved by this principle as well as the collaborative decision-making approach that governed this period. Decisions took the form of a “bottom-up” approach, whereby the user had a responsibility to ensure and protect their urban environment. In large cities, authorities were responsible for providing public spaces, they provided undefined open spaces giving room for the community to decide and develop them according to their needs (Germeraad, 1990). Planning permission proved sensitive towards matters such as noise,
Fig 11: Example of organic growth Fig 12: Example of Islamic urban and user’s responsibility in sus- layout taining the right to public space
Social principles:
Function principles:
Respons ib Respo le
of natural tion res iza o til limate
ri gn P
es ncipl
Social order was a fundamental principle. The grouping of people sharing the same blood, ethnic origin and culture was strongly emphasised in the way clusters were organized and semi-public spaces were shared (Kiet, 2010).
Natural Law
Development of open spaces within Islamic cities was based on preidentified functions and activities, which explained the efficiency of their organic growth (Germeraad, 1990; Kiet, 2010).
s prin cipl e D es ign
Provided in small pokets within high density and complex fabric
Provide Space
Provided water features Define Functions and Activities
gu late
Provided through a collaborative approch ip i nc
on Resp d to u s
bility nsi po es
y ac
Functional Factors
n sig De
Social Factors
cts religiou s efle
n s ig De
nc Pri
ds nee er
Us er Wa R q
Pr iv
1. social v 2. planning ties. 3. needs. 4. pedestr 5. density fabrics. 6. activitie 7. 8. and hea 9. form of geomet decorat 10. in an op
Traditional Islamic city Design Influences
a R spond to so nd Re ci
Avoids activities that cause discomfort Considers the scale of pedestrians and personal space Responds to user’s needs
o al
l values cia so rder
Public spaces in traditional Islamic cities were owned and controlled collaboratively by the public (Akbar, 1984). The range of public space typologies at this era differed from public spaces in Western cities. These traditional typologies included Musallas [prayer areas], courtyards, streets, souqs [markets], maydans [large open spaces in front of the central mosque], and sahas [small public spaces between street conjunctions] (see Appendix A for full transcripts).
s ce ur
Public space typologies in traditional Islamic cities:
Public space design key concepts
Reflects religious and social values
Public and semi-public spaces
Fig 13: Summary of Islamic urban planning principles and key concepts in public space design
TRADITIONAL URBAN MORPHOLOGY Human behavioural perspective
Planning considerations
ic ent
pen spaces
The impact ofConfiguration urban form on the behaviouralNatural attitudes has been Urban Law cited by many academics, In Hillier’s perspective, the urban fabrics structural and spatial configuration strongly correlates with patterns of movement and functionality. We must first understand the physical and functional aspects of cities simulTraditional taneously to achieve sustainability. “How we organise space Islamic city Design into configuration is the key to both the forms of the city and Influences how human beings’ function in cities” (Hillier, 1996, p.152). In his attempt to explore historical cities, Hillier described them as “Mechanisms for generating contact” because of the way they exploit movement to create encounter zones (Hillier, 1996, p.174). Urban Configuration
d enjoyably
Physical Structure
Functional Aspects
Sustainable City
Patterns of Movement
Fig 14: Impact of urban configuration on patterns of movement
The urban structure of historic Arab-Muslim cities usually revolves around a multifunctional core with a Mosque at the cenImpact of urban form on patterns of movement tre which acts as the focal point. The courtyard of the mosque is considered to be the primary public space. The surroundings are interconnected by a large network of souqs and alleyways that promote accessibility from multiple directions. Public spaces were limited to those areas (Atash, 1993). Moreover, moving around the intricate urban fabric instils a feeling of spatial continuity. While each public space reflects a distinct spatial characteristic, their coherence embraces legibility. The main street running from the gates of the city to its centre is defined
by retail and commercial use while being interconnected with a system of narrow alleyways that lead to residential clusters. This emphasises the transition from public to private settings, respecting the Arab cultural principle of privacy (Bianca, 2000).
Thermal performance in public open spaces Studies of traditional urban settlements formed the understanding between the physical configuration of a place and its climatic conditions. Traditional practices in indigenous societies shaped urban settings to be more responsive to specific urban environments. In the early urban design stages, data from other disciplines should be incorporated, to enhance urban comfort (Golany, 1995). Compactness was the primary planning approach in all traditional urban settlements within hot-arid regions. It reduces the exposed building surface to direct sunlight while increasing shade around pedestrian networks. Defining building orientation is considered crucial. N-S orientation is contemplated as the most effective within the scale of buildings, however, many scholars stressed the efficient use of NE-SW orientation to maximize the overall benefit within the scale of the city (Golany, 1983). The configuration of the urban fabric influences the wind moving around the city. In hot arid regions, the traditional use of flat roofs with uniform building heights supports wind flow over the city. However, in the case of dense modern cities the highrise buildings, if utilized carefully, can help divert the wind flow to ventilate and cool adjacent streets. Additionally, the use of narrow and winding streets reduces wind velocity and controls sandstorms, creating a comfortable micro-climate around open spaces (Golany, 1995).
Fig 15: Impact of street design and orientation on wind flow
Golany in his book ‘Design for arid regions’ highlighted the importance of micro-climate consideration within open spaces. The location of open spaces, their distribution around the city along with their size and relation to adjacent land use is vital for their success. Open spaces should be distributed in small pockets rather than one large open space. Locating open spaces within accessible distance from all land uses, animates the space while maximising shading from adjacent buildings. As water resources are limited in such regions, special attention should be given to the type of vegetation, focusing on native plants. This is important for sustaining an aesthetical environment (Golany, 1983).
URBAN MORPHOLOGY AND MICROCLIMATE Despite the significant association between thermal comfort and urban structure in hot-arid climate, there is a limited amount of recent research on the subject. However, several scholars have underlined the vital role which Height to Width (H/W) ratio plays in regulating outdoor thermal comfort, acknowledging the value of compact forms and deep canyons on comfortable micro-climates. Street orientation and vegetation were also recognised as fundamental aspects of mitigating the heat. In the case of NE–SW and NW–SE street orientations, Ali-Toudert & Mayer have identified H/W ratios of 2 or above as successful values to the provision of comfortable thermal environments. On the contrary, they have identified E-W orientation as troublesome in all cases regardless of the H/W ratio, and therefore recommended the implementation of galleries and trees to counteract negative effects (Johansson, 2006; Ali-Toudert & Mayer, 2006). While conducting a walkability study in Algeria, scholars have summed up the physical determinants of thermally comfortable open spaces into density, H/W ratio, and vegetation. Whereas diversity, connectivity, enclosure, and human-scale are essential aspects when attempting to stimulate walking behaviour in such regions (Mouada, Zemmouri and Meziani, 2019). Hatem and Heba further identified geometrical parameters and proposed urban guidelines for heat mitigation to improve outdoor thermal comfort in public spaces. They included H/W ratios and a set of street-side profile options depending on the street orientation (Mahmoud and Ghanem, 2018) (see Appendix B for full transcripts). Balakrishnan conducted field research focusing on pedestrian comfort in Sharjah, Saudi Arabia during the summer period. His findings indicate that the maximum acceptable exposure to direct sunlight is 10 minutes before an air-conditioned resting zone is required. He further developed a cooling spot as an alternative solution to air-conditioned zones, recommending 300 meters as the ideal spacing between the zones to avoid thermal stress (Balakrishnan, 2014).
City/ District
Streetscape/ Landscape
Glo ba l
Tra dit ion a
ates lim C ch rid roa tA p o p H lA
Yazd Old Town
Jamaa El-Fna
Glo ba l
Mill Avenue
Con tem p
y ar or
h oac r p Ap
Masdar City
Fabric Market
Fig 16: Case study approach
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Marrakech, Morocco Abu Dhabi, UAE
Yazd, Iran
Kuwait city, Kuwait
Dry subhumid areas Semiarid areas Arid areas Hyperarid areas
produced by ZOÏ Environment Network, September 2010 Fig 17:Map Location of case studies Source: UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
MASDAR CITY Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE Scale: City|District + Streetscape|Landscape
Named one of the most sustainable communities and host of a rapidly growing clean-tech cluster. Abu Dhabi’s Masdar city is home to business free zones and residential neighbourhoods with restaurants, shops and green spaces.
Phase 2 of the project is focused on a vibrant public realm, beautiful landscape and innovative urban planning. The aim is to encourage a healthy lifestyle while fostering an engaging community spirit. While several scholars have criticised individual master-planned projects within the Middle East for deserting citizen’s right to participate in the development process (Bagaeen, 2016), the project encompasses numerous valuable strategies that support well-connected and thermally comfortable public spaces. The approach combines passive systems drawn from vernacular designs with intelligent systems to deliver a contemporary urban form that is efficient and locally viable. The project implements fully integrated public spaces at early stages, providing the bases for public realm design (CBT architects, 2015).
CONNECTED AND WALKABLE PUBLIC REALM APPROACH: Network of shaded walkways and narrow streets
Fig 19
Mixed-use functions Bike infrastructure with a multi-modal public transit network
Fig 20
03 Fig 18
Fig 21
Multiple open space typologies – courtyards, plazas and linear parks
Passive urban cooling techniques
Hydro-zoning planting strategy to reinforce the natural environment Tree-lined walkways to provide shade and cooling through evaporation and transpiration
Street orientation and varied building heights to capture prevailing winds Fig 23
Building colours and materials to reflect solar energy Close building arrangement to maximise shading at nearby outdoor spaces Roof overhangs to protect building facades from direct sunlight
Fig 24
03 Fig 22
Fig 25
Fig 26
JEMAA EL-FNA Location: Marrakesh, Morocco Scale: Streetscape|Landscape Since the 11th centaury, Jemaa el-Fna has been considered Marrakesh’s main market square. The square is now one of the cultural attractions and most vibrant places in the city. The concentration of varied recreational activities, artistic and religious performances surrounded by mixed-use function, create an inviting atmosphere for both locals and visitors. Located at the entrance of the Medina, the square serves as a meeting point and a place for cultural exchange. From traditional medicine, fortune-telling, and local food to traditional performances such as storytelling, poetry, Gnaoua dancing, and Berber music, which creates constant vibrant energy. Colourful umbrellas cover most of the active and exchange areas, providing shade from the harsh sun. The surrounding buildings host hotels, cafes and restaurants offering an escape from the heat while providing a platform to observe the lively public space. In 2000 the whole market area had been pedestrianised and by 2001 the site got acknowledged as a “Masterpiece of World Heritage” by UNESCO. The shading & platform feature helped space thrive despite the threat of 21st-century modernization (Danesie, 2015).
EXTRACTED STRATEGIES Multi-use surrounding public square Traditional and cultural reflection of national heritage Flexible platform supporting both day and nightlife Diverse range of services: food, beverage, entertainment, etc.
Fig 28
Elevated viewing points to create a holistic experience Human scale architecture and distinct façade details Well-connected central location Shading elements around active nodes Fig 29
Fig 30
03 Fig 27
Fig 32
Fig 31
Location: Tempe, Arizona, USA Scale: City|District + Streetscape|Landscape
Adopt community-led design principles
Both social and economic benefits, Tempe City officials have set a goal encouraging pedestrian activity around Mill Avenue. Throughout history, Mill avenue gained constant attention as Tempe’s downtown destination. Rapid modification to its streetscape took place around different periods. In 1987, sidewalks were widened, and street planting and lighting were introduced. In 2004, bike lanes and on-street parking were integrated, reducing the four lanes to two while reducing traffic around the area. These initiatives supported pedestrian activities and social interaction. In recent years, the city council adopted strategies from New Urbanist models to create compact walkable environments, reduce commuting and improve the local economy. The project incorporated high densities in the form of urban infills surrounding narrowed streets. The council also adopted community design principles for its open space development plan. Another significant strategy was to invest in public art installations to reinforce the city’s cultural identity while enhancing the pedestrian experience (Gerszewski, 2014; APA, 2019).
Urban design features to mitigate heat: Overhangs, walkthroughs and vegetation placement Narrowed streets to calm traffic and accommodate new form of transportation Wide tree-lined sidewalks Active frontages Building height and orientation to be in response to natural factors: wind and sun radiation Land uses and open spaces to be designed with respect to daytime and night-time activities Increase shade around daytime activities: business and recreation open spaces Open space with heavy night-time activities to be positioned along wind flow Understand tree species in urban cooling Building structures to provide shade as needed
Fig 34: Map of downtown Tempe with numbered study sites
(Crewe, Brazel and Middel, 2016).
Thermally comfortable environments are essential to Tempe’s vitality. With the growing evidence of night-time heat trap in high-dense hot-arid cities (Ali-Toudert and Mayer, 2006; Yahia and Johansson, 2012), scholars have conducted a study testing outdoor human comfort around Mill Avenue. Based on their findings, they have proposed recommendations, which are included in the key findings, to enhance the thermal comfort around public spaces (Crewe, Brazel and Middel, 2016).
03 Fig 33
FABRIC MARKET Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait Scale: Streetscape|Landscape Post the 1952 modernisation plan of Kuwait, many projects around between the 1950s and early 1970s embraced an interconnected network of spaces and souks. The Fabric Market block exemplifies well-integrated arcaded walkways both through and around property lines. The adaptation of mixed/ variable uses around ground-level stimulated/enhances pedestrian activities. The building typologies formed a highly connected network of comfortable walkways. Pedestrians can walk from one building to another through shaded corridors, some of which are air-conditioned. The consistency of comfortable walkways alongside the publicly accessible ground floor level increased street life and consequently strengthened public life (Green, 2018).
EXTRACTED STRATEGIES Network of publicly accessible ground levels Arcaded walkways through and around the property line High-density mix-use blocks with human-scale massing and narrow corridors
Fig 35
Fig 37
03 Fig 36
Fig 38
Location: Yazd, Iran Scale: City|District
High density with a mix-use compact form
Located in the centre of Iran, Yazd city is one of the oldest cities with a history of over 5,000 years. Yazd’s climate falls under hot-arid regions. Excessive solar radiation and dusty winds played a significant role in the formation of its urban structure. The compact urban fabric/layout/structure along with multiple spatial features and passive cooling strategies helped create a hospitable environment for its inhabitants (Makvandi and Li, 2016).
Partially covered narrow and winding alleyways Passive cooling through wind catchers and water elements Urban structure orientation in response to climate parameters Fig 40
Fig 41
The main principle of Iran’s vernacular architecture is the orientation of buildings according to the path of the and wind direction. In Yazd city, following a NE–SW building orientation, supported optimum utilization of solar radiation and wind flow, precisely in the protection against direct harsh sunlight and undesirable wind (Sahebzadeh, 2018). The narrow and curved alleys supported by high walls and Sabat, arched roofs, provided shade around pedestrian walkways. Wind catchers are significant features of Yazd city, the high towers acting as a cooling system to replace hot air with a cooler breeze. Combining wind catchers with ponds are a common approach to improving the cooling process, resulting in supplying a cooler space (Keshtkaran, 2011). The integration of responsive urban structures with high density and mix-use encourages walking and cycling as the main modes of transportation (Monshizade,2008).
03 Fig 39
Fig 42
Global Perspective
Liveable public spaces
Traditional urban morphology
Urban morphology and Microclimate
03 Fig 43: Summary of Findings
Traditional Middle-Eastern perspective
Human behavioural perspective
Thermal performance perspective
ACTIVE AND LIVABLE Outdoor Public Spaces in hot arid climate Physical dimension
Social/Economical dimension
Findings to inform design principles at different scales
Place Making Macro
Safety User’s need Comfort Social inetraction Consideration of Social Value Value of place continuity
Community engagement Meeting space Personal distance
Micro-climate Control Urban Form Mix of building height Small public open space Narrow streets height/width ratio Street orientation Wind control Design Elements Shade Evaporative cooling Canopies Cool materials Trees
Connectedness Accessibility/Legibility Visual complexity/Attractivness Islamic patterns/Geometry
Urban form
Density + Mix
Height + Massing Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Spatial Image/Identity
Urban Grain
Public Realm
Compact and dense form
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Car-free or car management space Human Scale
Place Keeping
(, 2019)
Climate adaptability
Place management Food and drinks
Environmental dimension
Design for people not vehicles
Place Making
Provide infrastructure that supports multiple modes of transportation (metro, pedestrian networks and cycle lanes) Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
From Homogenous to Heterogeneous Avoid homogenous land use zoning and promote a heterogenous urban structure
Place Keeping Increase the percentage of public open spaces Open spaces comprise just 2 percent of the area of cities in the Middle East compared to 12 percent for European cities - UN Habitat
Place Making
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Fine urban grain Small urban blocks to generate a network of small and connected streetscape in order improve permeability and connectedness
Network of small and connected pockets of open public spaces Avoid large and isolated open public spaces and encourage small pockets of open spaces that links streets with recreational areas
Hierarchy of continuous and safe walkways
Prioritized pedestrian connectivity when possible
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Place Keeping
Improve pedestrian physical linkage and movement between locations and modes of transport
Place Making
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Place Keeping
Dense and diverse compact form Compact form that supports higher density and mix-use, (such as residential, commercial, institutional or recreational uses) around transportation nodes and open public spaces, Improving accessibility to local services and complementary uses within easy walking distance enables more trips to be undertaken on foot
Place Making
Plot orientation Establish optimum plot orientation to maximize shading and passive cooling along walkways and open spaces
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Place Keeping
Plot Compactness
Support the provision of narrow and thermally comfortable streets Enhance the sense of enclosure Support aforementioned density at a human scale
Mix of building heights
H:W Ratio Establish optimum height width ratio to maximize shading on walkways and open spaces in summer while ensuring proper sunlight in winter
Form-based code to ensure a sustainable urban structure Hight and massing to maximise the provision of thermally comfortable walkway networks and open spaces
Optimum H/W
Enhance sense of enclosure along walkways and open public space Support aforementioned density at a human scale
Enhance shading and passive cooling Ensure optimum height based on building location and orientation
Density Human scale
Highly stressful, require shading strategies
Place Making Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Street lighting to enhance safety
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Priorities pedestrians by maximizing the width of sidewalks
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Place Keeping
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Place Making Water element
Shading elements
Drinking Fountain
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Based on activities:
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities
Place Keeping
Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Provision of food
Open space to host temporary uses
Place Making
Urban form
Urban Grain
Height + Massing
Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface
Active Frontages Physically permeable active Frontages along walkways and open spaces to enhance safety and animation
Density + Mix
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Place Keeping
Image / Identity Architectural expression to support local identity and enhance legibility
Overhang | Arcade | Hybrid Maximize the use of architecture elements to protect pedestrians from direct exposure to solar radiation Arcade or Hybrid model recommended for E-W streets
Place Making
Urban form
Urban Grain
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Maintenance and management of public space
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Encourage night-time attraction
Site program [site specific events and activities] to encourage consistent use of public space Host national/traditional scale events and celebrations
Place Keeping
Encourage the use of public transportation through incentives Ensure activities to cater all user groups Ensure inclusivity and safety
Community engagement through participation in design and management of public spaces
CONTEXT OVERVIEW Location: Kuwait Kuwait City is located at the north-western end of the Persian Gulf at a latitude of 29° 20’N. Climatically, Kuwait falls under arid regions with proximity to the sea. The weather conditions are characterized as hot, dry and windy. The rapid urbanization and economic growth in Kuwait City have had a major impact on the socioeconomic status and lifestyle of its inhabitant. The complete transformation of the urban fabric following the 1950s master plan, illustrated by the significant changes in urban form and transportation infrastructures, had its impact on land use activities and population configuration within the area. The adopted plans and policies developed an automobile-dependent city, leaving no room for pedestrian life and social interaction on the street (Koushki, Ali,1993). (see Appendix C for more data).
Total population 4,178,572
Population density Metropolitan density
4,904 pers/km2
Total area
Urban living area density
17,399 km2
9,848 pers/km2 Peak density
52,941 pers/km2 Source: Rode, 2017
4, 178,572
Al-Manakh financial crash (1982)
Salmiya and Hawali developed (1964)
Kuwait liberation (1991)
0,8 %
60 ,000 2.5 1930
Oil discovered (1938)
1935 Population (pers)
First master plan finalised (1952)
Population density (pers/km
9,848 0,7 %
4,350 1960
Oil price crash (2015)
First oil shock (1973)
Foreigners outnumber locals (1965)
First oil export shipment (1946)
Iraq occupation (1990)
Second oil shock (1979)
Urban living area (km 2 )
GDP per capita (2010 US$)
(% of the GDP pc/1,000 litres fuel)
Fig 44: Kuwait: 85-year period
Middle East
Arabian Peninsula
Total territory area 17,399 km2 Metropolitan area 852 km2 (5% of the total area)
Urban living area 424 km2 (50% of the metropolitan area)
Metropolitan area (2015) Kuwait national territory
Fig 45: Location map
Urban living area (2015)
10 km
Public transport
Public transport
Disaggregating Kuwait’s population
Private motorised transport
Active transport Private motorised transport
Non-Kuwaiti population
Kuwaiti population Transport mode share
Population (2015) 1,291,139 pers % of the total population 31%
Population (2015) 2,887,433 pers % of the total population 69 %
Arranged transport 1%
Transport mode share
Highways (year) Urban living area density 3,043 pers/km 2 Peak density 9,888 pers/km 2
area – 143.8 km 19772 – 1,100,000 pers – 7,650 pers/km 1982 2– 1986
2015 minor roads
Urban living area Metropolitan area
Private vehicles 99% Urban living area – 4.9 km Population – 124,589 pers ULA density – 25,426 pers/km
g area – 424.3 km – 4,178,572 pers – 9,848 per/km
Population (2015) 1,291,139 pers % of the total population 31%
Urban living area – 45.6 km Population – 394,480 pers ULA density – 8,651 pers/km
Public transport
Urban living area – 143.8 km Population – 1,100,000 pers ULA density – 7,650 pers/km
Transport mode share Arranged transport 1%
Urban living area density 3,043 pers/km 2 Peak density 9,888 pers/km 2
Arranged transport 8%
Active transport
Private vehicles 99%
Urban living area – 330 km Population – 2,100,000 pers ULA density – 6,364 pers/km
Detached houses la rger plots Det ached houses medium and smaller plots Semi-detached
) 2
1982 – 1986
Highway length (2015) 309 km Number of interchanges (2015) 164
Highways (year) 1963 1977 1982 – 1986
2015 minor roads
2015 urban living area
Other land use (m ay include residential)
2015 minor roads
Metropolitan area
Met ropolitan area
2015 urban living area Metropolitan area
05 2000 s
20 10s
0 0
19 50s
1960 s
1980 s
1990 s
2000 s
20 10s
Fig 46: Evolution of highway
Housing typologies % area occupied by typology (2015)
10km 19 70 s
% population by typology (2015) 1%
Taxi 3%
Employer bus 8%
Active transport
Fig 47: Transportation data
Public bus 30%
Private motorised transport
Size of ULA added (km
Public transport
Private motorised transport
Highways (year)
Highway length (2015) 309 km Number of interchanges (2015) 164 Dominant typologies
Urban living area – 424.3 km Population – 4,178,572 pers ULA density – 9,848 per/km
Private vehicles 44%
Arranged transport 8%
Public transport 2
Other 7%
Private motorised transport
Urban living area – 281.7 km Population – 1,900,000 pers ULA density – 6,745 pers/km
Taxi 3%
Transport mode share
Public transport
2015 Private motorised transport
Population (2015) Employer 2,887,433 pers % of thebus total population 69 %
Urban living area density 6,805 pers/km 2 Peak density 51,582 pers/km 2
Non-Kuwaiti population
Kuwaiti population
Public bus 30%
Disaggregating Kuwait’s population
Metropolitan area
Private vehicles 44% 7%
2015 urban living area
Other 7%
Urban living area density 6,805 pers/km 2 Peak density 51,582 pers/km 2
Kuwait residential accessibility to bus stops by nationality, 2015
Mixed-use index (2015
0 - 0.05 (lower mixed
0.05 - 0.1
0.1 - 0.25
Kuwait residential accessibility to bus stops byNon nationality, 2015 Kuwaiti 12% 25%
0.25 - 0.50
0.5 - 1 (higher mixed
Metropolitan area
Total 11%
0% Non Kuwaiti
0-250 m
Non Kuwaiti
501-1 km
0-250 m
251-500 m
501-1 km
> 2 km
CBD typology Sharq
Population (2015)
Floor area ratio: 2.0 Average building height: 15 storeys
Urban living area density 9,848 pers/km 2 Peak density
Total 18%
Non Kuwaiti
Population (2015)
Jobs (2015)
0 ratio: 2.0 10km Floor area Average building height: 15 storeys
Urban living area density 9,848 pers/km 2 Peak density
Urban living area jo 4,014 jobs/km 2 Peak job density 98,091 jobs/km 2
28% 40%
20% 15%
Non Kuwaiti
0-250 m
Floor area ratio: 2.0 Average building height: 15 storeys
CBD typology 10,706 pers/km
1-2 km
100% 0
> 2 km
CBD typology 10,706 pers/km
10% > 2 km
501-1 km
Urban living area density 9,848 pers/km 2 Peak density
Fig 48: Transportation data
Jobs (2015)
16% 8% 1-2 km
501-1 km
251-500 m
Population (2015)
27% 501-1 km
251-500 m
40% 28%
0-250 m
Kuwait workplace accessibility to bus Total 18% 31% stops by nationality, 2015 0-250 m 251-500 m 0%
31% 32%
CBD typology Sharq
18% 0%
Sharq 0
Metropolitan area
CBD typology Sharq
CBD typology 10,706 pers/km
0.5 - 1 (higher mixed
Kuwait workplace accessibility to bus stops by nationality, 2015
Non Kuwaiti
0.25 - 0.50
1-2 km
15% Kuwaiti Kuwait workplace accessibility to28% bus stops by nationality, 2015
0.1 - 0.25
> 2 km
0.05 - 0.1
Sharq experienced major character alteration due to constant demolition and construction resulting in change of urban configuration and the presence of large vacant plots.
1-2 km
> 2 km
10km 0 - 0.05 (lower mixed
Floor area ratio: 2.0 Building height range: 1-62 storeys Average building height: 15 storeys
251-500 m
Sharq urban grain
1-2 km
Mixed-use index (2015
501-1 km
Kuwait residential accessibility to busm 0-250 m 251-500 stopsTotal by nationality, 2015 10% 21% 29% 20%
1-2 km
8% 100%
> 2 km
Fig 49: Urban grain
Urban living area jo 4,014 jobs/km 2 Peak job density 98,091 jobs/km 2
HISTORIC BACKGROUND Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait The deeply rooted Arabic and Islamic culture influenced the traditional urban fabric of Old Kuwait. This was demonstrated in the physical composition, organization of souks, streets, and building configuration, and cultural heritage. The old quarters reflected a simple and functionally built environment. Due to the harsh climate, the town was densely builtup and connected with narrow and winding alleyways that provided shade against the hot sun. Street hierarchy was defined by two different types: firstly, the main artery, which connected the main public structures and was built wide enough to occupy two passing camels simultaneously. The second type, a cul-de-sac, which is considered a semi-private feature and served as a transitioning space from public to private areas.
dancing as well as children’s games, such as horse, camel riding and swings, were among the activities that took place in Safat. Between Safat square and Seif street emerges the central souk along with a network of small and intricate sub-souks dispersed along the narrow streets. Some of the souks were covered with temporary screens to protect customers from the sun. Around these three major public souks lay several cafes and tea shops to serve customers and support the social life of people. As in most Islamic cities, the major mosque in the town centre had a large open space, serving as a public space, however, it supported more religious activities, such as praying, charity fundraising and selling religious goods. (Alajmi, 2009)
As a port city, sea trading activities and fishing were considered the main economic activities in old Kuwait and took place in Furtha, the major harbour in the city. Sief street was the main commercial area running along the seashore, hosting the town’s trading and entertainment activities. Ceremonial events, the launching and awaiting the arrival of Kuwaiti ships, were some of the major entertainment events that attracted many people, including women and kids. In contrast, Safat square was more focused on desert trading with Bedouin tribes coming from the Arabian desert. The central square was the starting point of major commercial streets and the most dynamic and vibrant public space. Apart from trading activities, the square hosted different events compared to Seif street. Daily security council meetings took place in Safat, including the punishment and public execution of thieves and murderers. On the other hand, many major festivities and public events took place in the square, such as Eid, victory celebrations, and coronations of new rulers. Traditional male
Fig 51: Optimal street dimensions inspired by traditional transport method.
Fig 52: Social order settlement vs. geometric order
Fig 50: Compact form and narrow winding alleyways of Kuwait Town
Fig 53: Aerial view of old Kuwait
Fig 54: Map of Sief Street in 1951. Yellow: Sief Street. Red: amarat (wholesale storges). Blue: governmental buildings.
Fig 55: Sief street key zones
Fig 57: Boat Launch, Sief street, 1912
Fig 56: Sief street
Fig 58: Souq al-Dakhli [The covered souq]
Fig 59: 1940s Key Kuwaiti souq areas
FOCUS AREA Location: Sawaber, Sharq, Kuwait City, Kuwait The study area for this research project will be located in Kuwait City. The specific site will be based in Sawaber, a central block within walking distance from the old Kuwaiti Souq [Al Mubarakeya], the Kuwait Stock Exchange and main financial districts. The Sawaber complex is a high-density residential building that has been considered as a modern heritage building. Unfortunately, due to lack of maintenance, escalating land values within the area and gentrification, the building was demolished in January 2019. The proposed Kuwait metro will have a main station within the site with two lines, one connecting it to the airport and the second to the Salmiya area, another highly dense commercial and residential area. The sustainable approach plan for the reactivation of the public realm in extreme climates will be superimposed on the chosen site.
Fig 60: Sawaber
10 km
The new site will present an opportunity to redevelop the existing urban form and to develop a new urban morphology. By reshaping the existing urban form, the proposal will present a more pedestrian-friendly, well-connected, walkable streetscape connecting pockets of vibrant and active open spaces. The new development will create an opportunity to apply urban morphology findings that support the provision of well-connected and useable public spaces. The design will implement the social and physical determinants of liveable public spaces. To design the city for people and not vehicles, Kuwait needs to reduce the dependency on the automobile by providing an infrastructure that supports multiple modes of transportation. For the new proposed metro lines to be viable, a network of safe and connected pedestrian corridors must be integrated linking the city with transportation hubs and existing public spaces.
1 km
Fig 61: Site location
Sawaber Station
Within proposed site Line 2 Connections
Salmiya Hight density and mix-use area
Line 3
Airport Fig 63: Future metro plan
Application site
Fig 62: Site
Site for new urban block approach Main street for retrofiting Secondary routes for retrofiting
Application site
0 50 100
Site for new urban block approach Main street for retrofiting Secondary routes for retrofiting Image view
500 m
SITE ANALYSIS While this map shows diversity in services, it shows a limited number of residential building and preserved historic sites. Additionally, it shows large vacant spaces due to dispersed urban grain.
Public park Civic buildings Educational
Existing building structures
Cemetery Religious buildings Multi level car park Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Mixed-use: Residential + Retail Commercial Petrol station Financial institutions Industrial Hospital Historic structures
Public park
Application site
Civic buildings N
Existing building structures
Cemetery Religious buildings Multi level car park Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Mixed-use: Residential + Retail Commercial Petrol station Financial institutions Industrial Hospital Historic structures Application site
0 Fig 64: Land-use map
250 m
500 m
1 km
The map shows unconnected pedestrian paths that are limited historic quarters and parks.
Transport infrastructure
Highway Primary road Secondary road Tertiary road Minor road Footpath Bus stop Future metro station Application site
Transport infrastructure
Highway Primary road Secondary road Tertiary road Minor road Footpath Bus stop Future metro station Application site
0 Fig 65: Transport map
250 m
500 m
1 km
N N05
500 m
1 km
1.5 km
1 2
3 4 Existing structures
Public Space Civic buildings Religious buildings Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Commercial Historic structures Application site
5 6 7
8 10
11 12
Existing structures
0 Fig 66: Landmarks
Public Space Civic buildings Religious buildings Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Commercial Historic structures Application site 250 m
500 m
1 km
Fig 67: Souq sharq mall
Fig 71: Grand mosque [listed building]
Fig 68: Al-Seif palace
Fig 69: Central bank
Fig 70: Al-Babtain library
Fig 72: Al-Hamra Tower
Fig 73: Kuwait stock exchange
Fig 74: KIPCO Tower
Fig 75: Souq Al-mubarakiya [Historic market]
12 Fig 78: Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Fig 79: Safat Square
Fig 76: Assima mall
Fig 80: Al-Shaheed park
Fig 77: Souk Al-Safat [old fabric market]
Fig 81: Liberation Tower
TOOLKIT APPLICATION people not In Design order for to design thevehicles city for peoProvide infrastructure that supports plemultiple and not vehicles, Kuwait needs modes of transportation pedestrian networks and cycle to(metro, reduce the dependency on aulanes) tomobile by providing an infrastrucDesign for people multiple not vehicles ture that supports modes of Provide infrastructure that supports transportation. In order for the new multiple modes of transportation proposed metronetworks lines to viable, (metro, pedestrian andbe cycle lanes) a network of safe and connected pedestrian corridorstomust to be inFrom Homogenous Heterogeneous tegrated linking the city with transAvoid homogenous land use zoning portation hubs and existing and promote a heterogenous urbanpublic structure spaces.
Place Making
Urban form Scale
Density + Mix Urban Structure Height + Massing Urban Grain
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Details + Materials Streetscape + Landscape
Public Realm
Facade +
Interface Height + Massing
Density + Mix
Public Realm
Streetscape + Landscape
Urban form
Urban Grain
Place Making Social and economic Social fabric and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: Environmental hot-arid climate aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
From Homogenous to Heterogeneous Avoid homogenous land use zoning and promote a heterogenous urban structure
Open spaces compromise 2% of the area in Middle Easter cities in Increase the percentage comparison to 12% inof European public open spaces cities 2019). To reOpen (Elsheshtawy, spaces comprise just 2 percent of the area of cities in the Middle East claim public life,N there should be an compared to 12 percent for European increase open spaces within an cities - UNin Habitat Increase the percentage of transporaccessible distance from public open spaces tation hubs. Open spaces comprise just 2 percent Proposed pedestrian corridors
Place Keeping
500 m 1 km
Existing Public spaces Future metro station Application site
Place Keeping
of the area of cities in the Middle East compared to 12 percent for European cities - UN Habitat
Proposed pedestrian corridors 500 m 1 km Footpath Existing Public spaces Future metro station Application site 0 Fig 82: Urban structure tools applied on site
250 m
500 m
1 km
05 N
PlacePlace Making Making
Urban form
Network Network of small of small and conand conFine urban Fine urban graingrain nected pockets pockets of open of open Small Small urban urban blocksblocks to generate to generate a a nected public spaces spaces network network of small of small and connected and connected public streetscape streetscape in order in order improve improve per- per- Avoid Avoid large large and isolated and isolated open open meability meability and connectedness and connectedness public public spaces spaces and and encourage encourage small pockets small pockets of open of spaces open spaces that that links streets links streets with recreational with recreational areas areas
Appearance Public Realm
FacadeFacade + + Interface Interface
Public Realm
Streetscape Streetscape + Landscape + Landscape
Place Making
Network of small and connected pockets of open public spaces Open public spaces will be distributed along pedestrian netAvoid large and isolated open works in small public spaces and pockets encourageto promote accessibility and enhance small pockets of open spaces that micro-climate. links streets with recreational areas
increase pedestrian safety.
Details + Materials
Transport infrastructure
Facade + Interface
Place Keeping
Place Keeping
Primary road Secondary road Tertiary road Minor road Footpath Bus stop Future metro station Application site
Hierarchy of continuous and safe walkways
Prioritized pedestrian connectivity when possible
Prioritized pedestrian connectivity when possible
Improve pedestrian physical linkage and movement between locations and modes of transport Proposed urban blocks
Integerated cycle lane and pedestrian path to tertiary and minor roads Shared road Pedestrian path
Application site
Fig 83: Urban grain tools applied on site
Transport infrastructure
Transport infrastructure
Existing structures
Open spaces
Integerated cycle lane and pedestrian path to primary and secondary roads
Transport infrastructure
Transport infrastructure
Existing structures
Proposed urban blocks
Improve pedestrian physical linkage and movement between locations and modes of transport Transport infrastructure
Hierarchy of continuous and safe walkways
Application site
Application site
Integerated cycle N lane and pedestrian path to primary and secondary roads Integerated cycle lane and pedestrian path to tertiary and minor roads Shared road Pedestrian path
Application site
Open spaces N
Transport infrastructure
Public Realm
Fine urban grain Network of small and conFine urban grain Improve physical linkage through hierarchy of continuous Hierarchy of continuous of continuous and andaSmall Prioritized Prioritized pedestrian pedestrian con- and Density + MixHierarchy urban blocks to generate aconnected pockets of open Small urban blocks to generate a safe walkways safe walkways nectivity nectivity when when possible possible safe cyclists and pedestrian networks. Integrate cycle lanes network of small and connected public spaces network and connected Adoptofa small compact and intricate form to support the provision of streetscape in order improve perImprove Improve pedestrian physical physical link- linkstreetscape in order improve perHeight + and Massing walkways topedestrian existing streets when applicable. Avoid large and isolated open thermally comfortable narrow alleyways, and improve accessimeability and connectedness age and age movement and movement between between localocameability and connectedness public spaces and encourage Priorities pedestrian connectivity by limiting vehicle access to tions and tions modes and modes of transport of transport small pockets of open spaces that bility Streetscape + Landscape links streets with recreational areas within the block. The use of shared roads to calm the traffic and Public Realm
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
+ Mix
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban form
Urban form
PlacePlace Keeping Keeping Urban Structure
s+ ials
Urban form
Height Height + Massing + Massing
Details Details + + Materials Materials
de + ace
DensityDensity + Mix + Mix
Urban Urban Grain Grain Social and economic fabric
Social and economic fabric Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Urban Structure Structure
100 m
250 m
Application site
500 m
Urban form
Dense and diverse compact form Compact form that supports higher density and mix-use, (such as residential, commercial, institutional or recreational uses) around transportation nodes and existing structures within and open public spaces,
The around the block is highly comproImproving accessibility to local services mised mixed-useusesfacilities with and of complementary within easy walking distance enables more trips to be limited residential areas therefore the undertaken on foot site will dedicate more land for residential uses along with other diverse facilities.
Place Keeping
Civic buildings
Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Institutional
Application site
Religious buildings
Religious buildings Multi level car park
Secondary road Tertiary road Minor road Footpath Bus stop Future metro station Application site
Multi level car park Mixed-use: Offices + Retail
Commercial Petrol station Financial institutions Industrial Hospital Historic structures
Mixed-use: Offices + Application Retail site
Petrol station Financial institutions
Industrial Hospital Historic structures
Civic buildings
Primary road
Transport infrastructure
Transport infrastructure
Transport infrastructure
etails + aterials
cade + erface
Public Realm
e + Landscape
Transport infrastructure
+ Massing
Existing building structures
ity + Mix
Existing building structures
an Grain
N Application site
Mixed-use: O Institutional
Existing struc
Open space
Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Institutional 100 m
250 m
Fig 84: Mix-use tools applied on site
Application site
500 m
0 Fig 85: Final layout
100 m
250 m
500 m
Application s
Public Realm
Public Realm
Height + Massing Height + Massing
Public Realm
Social and econo
Social and economic
Environmental aspect:
Environmental aspect: ho
Social and economic
Environmental aspect: ho
H:W Ratio Form-based code to ensure a H:W Ratio H:W aRatio ensure Form-based code toForm-based ensure a code to Establish optimum height width sustainable urban structure Establish height width Establish optimum height width sustainable urban structure sustainable urban structure ratiooptimum to maximize shading on walkStreetscape + Landscape Hight and massing toratio maximise the ratioontowalkmaximize shading on walkto maximize shading ways and open spaces in summer Streetscape + Landscape Streetscape + Landscape Hight and massing maximise theand open spacesways Hight and massing to maximise the provision of tothermally comfortable and open spacesproper in summer ways in summer while ensuring sunlight in provision of thermally comfortable provision of thermally comfortable walkway networks and ensuring open proper while ensuring proper sunlight in while sunlight in winter Facade + walkway networks and open walkway networks and open Optimum H/W spaces winter winter Facade +Interface Facade + Optimum H/W Optimum H/W spaces spaces Interface Interface Highly stressful, require shading E-W Enhance sense of enclosure along Highly stressful, Highly stressful, Details + strategies require shading require shading E-W E-W Enhance sense of enclosure along Enhance sense of enclosure along Details +Materials Details + walkways and open public space strategies strategies Materials walkways Materials walkways and open public space and open public space Height + Massing
Support aforementioned density at at Support aforementionedSupport density at Plot orientation N-S ≥2 a aforementioned human scale density Place Keeping N-S N-S optimum plot orientation ≥2 ≥2 a human scale human scale PlaceaKeeping Place Keeping Establish to maximize shading and passive Urban Structure cooling along walkways and open Support the provision Enhance shading and spaces provision Support the provision Supportofthe shading and Enhance shading and Enhance ≥2 narrow and thermalpassive cooling NW-SE Urban Grain ≥2 ≥2 and thermal-streets of narrow and thermal- of narrow passiveEnsure cooling passive cooling NW-SE ly comfortable optimum NW-SE streets ly comfortable streets ly comfortable Ensure optimum Ensure height optimum Plot orientation Enhance the sense of based on buildEnhance the sense of Enhance the sense of on buildheight based on build- height based enclosure ing location and orienEstablish optimum plot orientation Density + Mix enclosure enclosure ing location and orien- ing location Support aforementationand oriento maximize shading and passive NE-SW ≥2 Plot Compactness of building Density at aforemenSupport aforemen- Supporttioned tation Plot orientation density attation a ofMixbuilding cooling along walkways and open NE-SW NE-SW ≥ 2and opti≥ 2by best practice Plot Compactness Mix at inspired Plotand Compactness Mix density of building Density at Density H:W Ratiowidth Heights are established based on proposed street Due to the site orientation its position in Buildings are established heights Human scale tioned at a tioned density at a Form-based code to ensure a Height + Massing human scale spaces plot orientation Establish optimum heights Human scale heights Human scale human scale human scale Establish optimum height width urban structure to maximize shading andstreets, passive the site helped in around the plot perime- mum sustainable Height/Width ratio based on orientation relation to adjacent ratio to maximize shading on walkcooling along walkways and open Streetscape + Landscape Hight and massing to maximise the ways and open spaces in summer spaces into consideration the existing building heights around the site, the proposed heights establishing the optimum orientation for plots ter to maximize the plot Takingprovision of thermally comfortable while ensuring proper sunlight in walkway networks and open winter + storeys, to ensure the best posand streets to maximise shading around Facade compactness and define are mainly Optimum H/W spacesbetween 4-6 storeys with some buildings up to 10 Interface H:W Ratio Highly stressful, street along level while supporting human-scaled, low and dense form public spaces. The proposed layout avoids Details proposed streets and sible microclimate require shading E-W Enhance sense ofat enclosure + Establish optimum height width strategies Materials walkways and open public space ratio to maximize shading on walkKuwait is known for sandstorm winds, therefore the built form avoided high and free-standing E-W and N-S orientations and instead takes open spaces H:W Ratio ways and open spaces in summer Support density at in keep oriEstablish while optimum widthsunlight to buildings to aforementioned reduce the possibility of turbulence at street level advantage of ensuring theheight siteproper conditions N-S ≥2 a human scale winter shading on walkratio to maximize Place Keeping Optimum H/W entations to NW-SE and NE-SW ways and open spaces in summer while ensuring proper sunlight inHighly stressful, require shading E-W winter strategies June September MarchEnhance shading and Support the provision Optimum H/W ≥2 of narrow and thermalpassive cooling NW-SE Highly stressful, Highway require shading ly comfortable streets E-W Ensure optimum strategies Primary road N-S Enhance the sense of ≥2 height based on buildSecondary road enclosure ing location and orienTertiary road Support aforementation Civic buildings NE-SW ≥2 Density at Minor road N-S ≥ 2Plot Compactness tioned density at a Mix of building Footpath heights Human scale human scale Educational ≥2 Bus stop NW-SE Civic buildings
Enhance sense of enclosure along density at Support aforementioned openscale public space a human Place Keeping walkways and
≥2 NE-SW
Urban form
Transport infrastructure
Support aforementioned density at a human scale Place Keeping t the provision Enhance shading and w and thermalpassive cooling ortable streets Ensure optimum esion the sense of height based Enhance shading and on buildure ing location and orienmalpassive cooling NW-SE t aforemeneets Ensure tation optimum Mix of building Density at at a sedensity of height based on buildheights Human scale scale ing location and orienmentation NE-SW Mix of building Density at at a heights Human scale
North west wind South east wind Sun path
Transport infrastructure
Educational Cemetery
Religious buildings
Religious buildings
Multi level car park
Mixed-use: Offices + Retail
9 am
North west wind
Application site
Petrol station Mixed-use: Offices + Retail
Commercial Petrol station
Financial institutions Industrial Hospital Historic structures
Application site
Financial institutions Industrial Hospital
12 pm
Application site
South east wind
The proposed heights
Sun path
are tested several times through shade analysis
100 m
250 m
500 m
Fig 86: Sun path and wind analysis Application site
to confirm the optimum results all year round
3 pm
Future metro station
Multi level car park
Historic structures
Application site
Transport infrastructure
Hight and massing to maximise the Form-based code to ensure a provision of thermally comfortable sustainable urban structure walkway networks and open spaces to maximise the Hight and massing provision of thermally comfortable along walkway Enhance networkssense andof enclosure open spaces walkways and open public space
Form-based code to ensure a sustainable urban structure
Existing building structures
Details + Materials
Public Realm
Facade + scape Interface
ape + Landscape
Public Realm
ht + Massing
Public Realm
ensity + Mix
Urban form
erban Grain
Existing building structures
Urban form
an Structure
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Place Making
Fig 87: Shadow study
Civic buildings
0-5 Floors 6-10 Floors
Religious buildings Multi level car park Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Commercial Petrol station Financial institutions Industrial Hospital Historic structures
10-15 Floors
Application site
15-20 Floors Above 21 Floors
Proposed Buildings
Proposed Buildings
Existing Buildings
Fig 88: Aerial views of final massing
Existing Buildings
Existing building structures
1 Floor 4 Floors 5 Floors 6 Floors 8 Floors 9 Floors
10 Floors Fig 89: Building heights
100 m
250 m
500 m
0-5 Floors 6-10 Floors
10-15 Floors
15-20 Floors
Above 21 Flo 1 Floor 4 Floors 5 Floors 6 Floors 8 Floors 9 Floors 10 Floors
Streetscape tools are implemented
Place Making
to priorities pedestrian and cyclist Safe and well-con-
Public Realm
Details + Materials
Place Keeping
ery of the city centre
the width of sidewalks
safety and cyclist right-of-way. spots every 60 and marked crosswalks to •Intermediate Straightcooling and diagonal crossing Convenient are introduced whenever pedes300 m ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks trian routes intersects with a street to calm traffic and maximize
Tree lined sidewalks are implemented to provide shade. In the
trees arewalkable combined with shading elMake areas legible and accessible to all people
Benches and trash bins are placed around tree lined walkways
drinking fountains along walkTreemain lined roads sidewalk properpedesnumber of •Provide Sidewalks were widened around to with priorities ways and open public spaces
trians and calm the traffic
seating to provide shade and comfort
To support a pleasant walk when temperature rises, intermediate cooling spots and drinking fountains are introduced every 300 m Cooling spot + Drinking fountain •every 300m bus stops are poorly deExisting
05 0
Street Lighting
Crossing • Fully shaded walkway Bus stop Crossing Bus stop
100 m
250 m
500 m
Petrol station
Ind Financial institutions Ho Industrial
Institution Mixed-use: Offices + Retail
In order to encourage people to use more public transportation parking
is kept limited to existing parking Sites of intervention structures around the plot
Sites of intervention
M Religious buildings M Multi level car park Co Mixed-use: OfficesPe +
Residential Commercial
and encourage a smooth transition
Fig 90: Streetscape tools applied on site
Historic structures Residenti Commer Application site
Bench + Trash Bin and maintained, to encourCooling spot + Drinking signed every 100m fountain every 300m age the use of public transportaBench + Trash BinTree tion, well-designed bus stops are every 100m Street Lighting introduced to reduce heat stress Tree Fully shaded walkway
Ed Civic buildings Educational
within 100 m spacing to provide comfort and ensure cleanness Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
pedestrian connectivity
ements to maximize the effect.
Separate cycle lanes are introduced when applicable to ensure
case large vacant areas, Provide wellofdesigned bus stops to reduce heat stress
Limit parking struc-
tures to the periph- ans by maximizing Lighting are spread along all streets to secure pedestrian right-
Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface
ing links to public transport
Existing building structures
Height + Massing
tive, safe and well-connected walk-
Existing building structures
Density + Mix
Street lighting to en-
nected cycleby routes connectivity, providing attrachance safety
Urban form
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Due to large and unevenly distributed public spaces in Kuwait City, the use of such spaces is limited and irregular and, in some cases, the space is abandoned and unsafe. In order to reclaim the public life: •
The proposal introduces a hierarchy of well-connected and clearly legible network of public spaces along with small hidden courtyards to enhance the walking experience
The design proposal supports the provision of multiple scale open spaces with different characters
Public spaces are located around pedestrian routes and transportation hubs to develop a network of high quality and attractive walkways (visually and functionally) The proposal introduces different kinds of public spaces to accommodate various types of activities in order to attract
Civic buildings
a wide range of user groups and develop a diverse public
Based on the size of the space and its location in relation to adjacent function, the classification of these spaces range between fixed use, flexible use and temporary use.
Reintroducing main public spaces in front of mosques to reinforce the cultural image and identity
Active frontages are introduced around main public spaces Based on previous shading analysis, overhang and arcades are introduced to form a continuous shaded walkway
Facade interface
Open space type
to make the space more active and attractive.
Religious buildings Multi level car park Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Commercial
Open space type
Existing building structures
Petrol station Financial institutions Industrial Hospital
Flexible use
Historic structures
Fixed use
Application site
Temprary use Sites of intervention
Facade interface
Residential Commercial Mixed-use: Offices + Retail Institutional
Active frontages Overhang Arcade Existing arcade Application site
0 Fig 91: Landscape tools applied on site
100 m
250 m
500 m
Flexible use Fixed use
Temprary us
Sites of inter
Active fronta Overhang Arcade
Existing arca
Application s
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
opportunity for commercial seating to
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Urban form
Facade + Interface Details +
Tree lined sidewalk with Materials proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Cycle lane Transit stop
Street lighting to enhance safety
Limit parking structures to the periphStreet lighting to enery of the city centre hance safety
Priorities pedestrians by maximizing the width of sidewalks
Urban form
Social and economic fabric
Height + Massing Urban form
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Scale Appearance
Public Realm
Urban Structure
Limit parking struc- Priorities pedestritures to the periph- ans by maximizing Street lighting to enery of the city centre the width of sidehance safety walks Density + Mix Urban Grain
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Facade + Interface
Public Realm
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 Convenient and marked crosswalks to + Landscape LimitStreetscape parking strucPriorities pedestriensure safe and well connected pedestrian tures to the periph- ans by maximizing networks ery of the city centre the width of sideFacade + walks Interface Density + Mix Intermediate cooling every 60 Convenient and marked crosswalks to Limit parking struc-spots Priorities pedestriPlace Keeping Details + 300 m to the periphensure safe and well connected pedestrian tures ans by maximizing Materials networks Height + Massing ery of the city centre the width of sideSafe and well-con- Street lighting to enwalks Providesafety well designed bus stops to Make walkable areas legible and accessible nected cycle routes hance Intermediate cooling spots every Convenient and marked crosswalks to Streetscape + Landscape reduce heat60stress to all people Place Keeping 300 m ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks Urban Grain 300 m
Public Realm
Public Realm
Details + Materials
Urban form
Details + Materials
Due to large vacant area sidewalk are designed to com-
Provide well designed bus stops to Make walkable areas legible and accessible Intermediate cooling spots every 60 - reduce Convenient and marked crosswalks totoall people heat stress Place Keeping Details + 300 m ensure safe and well connected pedestrian Limit parking struc- Priorities pedestriMaterials Provide drinking fountains along walkTree lined sidewalk with proper number of Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large networks tures to the periph- ans by maximizing ways and open public spaces seating to provide shade and comfort ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways ery of the city width of toside- Make walkable areas legible and accessible Provide wellcentre designedthebus stops reduce heat stress walks to all people Place Keeping
bine shading element with trees to make the walkway
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected Provide drinking fountains along pedestrian walkTree lined sidewalk with proper number of networks ways and open public spaces seating to provide shade and comfort
Separate cycle lanes to ensure Street calming measures to prisafety and connectivity orities pedestrian connectivity Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Limit parking struc- Priorities pedestriwellmaximizing designed bus stops to tures to the periph- Provide ans by heat stress ery of the city centre reduce the width of sidewalks
Curb lane
Provide drinking fountains along walk-
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of
ways and open public spaces seating to provide shade and comfort Benches areareas positioned around trees to ensure sufficient Make walkable legible and accessible
Safe and well-con- Intermediate Street lighting to encooling spots every 60 hance safetywalkways around large m shaded Trash bins to benected spreadcycle alongroutes walk- 300 Fully ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people Streetscape + Landscape
Height + Massing
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Pedestrian realm
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Height + Massing
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 Convenient and marked crosswalks to create more active and attractive enm safe and well connected Fig30092: View of existingensure street Urban Grainpedestrian networks Place Keeping vironment Density + Mix Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Place Keeping
Details + Materials
Facade + Interface
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
more comfortable and attractive
Streetscape + Landscape
pedestrian connectivity and provide
Urban Structure
Density + Mix
Street lighting to enhance safety
Urban Structure
Place Making
Streetscape + Landscape
Appearance Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate Scale Social and economic fabric
Urban form Scale
Height + Massing
Facade + Interface
Urban Grain
Height + Massing
Streetscape + Landscape
Density + Mix
Priorities pedestriSidewalks are widened to priorities ans by maximizing
the width of sidewalks Place Making
Urban Structure
Facade + Interface
Public Realm
Height + Massing
Density + Mix
Streetscape + Landscape
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Street lighting to enhance safety
Urban form
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Density + Mix
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Grain
Details + Materials
Urban Structure
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Urban Structure
Facade + Interface
Place Making
Social and economic fabric
Place Making
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Place Making
Place Making
Urban form
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Travel lane
Provide drinking fountains along walkTrash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large Intermediate cooling spots every 60 Convenient and marked crosswalks to ways and open public spaces ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways 300 m ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
and safety
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Center median
Travel lane
to all people
Drinking fountains are introduced around main walkways
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Curb lane
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Pedestrian realm
Transit stop Cycle lane
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Place Keeping
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
05 Fig 93: Intervention A
10 m
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Place Making
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services
ate pleasant atmosphere
Streetscape + Landscape
Drinking Fountain
Details + Materials
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
trian right-of-way Priorities pedestrians by maximizing the width of sidewalks
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
ways to ensure clean environment
and support human-scale
mended for E-W streets ways and open public spaces and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
ple to stay while creating a pleasant view
Urban form Scale
Signages to make walkways
Make walkable areas legible and Place accessible Keeping
elements to protect pedestrians from direct exposure to solar radiation
more legible
seating to invite more peo-Arcade oraround pedestrian Hybrid model main recomProvide drinking fountains along walkTree lined sidewalk with proper number of Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large
Shared lane
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
Image / Identity Architectural expression to support local identity and enhance legibility
Details + Materials
Provide well designed bus stops to
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban form
Urban form Appearance
Streetscape + Landscape
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian Facade + networks Interface
seating to provide shade and comfort
Pedestrian realm
Overhang | Arcade | Hybrid Overhang to protect Maximize the use of architecture elements to protect pedestrians
from direct exposurefrom to solar radiapedestrian direct tion
sun Arcadeexposure or Hybrid model around recommended for E-W streets
narrow streets
Pedestrian realm
Gym zone
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways
Provision of food
Height + Massing
Active Frontages Physically permeable active Frontages along walkways and open spaces to enhance safety and animation
Place Keeping
Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Pedestrian realm
Facade + Interface
Limit parking struc- Priorities pedestritures to the periph- ans by maximizing ery of the city Density centre + Mix the width of sidewalks
Place Keeping
ing to secure pedes-
Trees to enhance micro-climate and cre-
Height + Massing
Urban Grain
Placesidewalk Keeping Tree lined with proper number of | Arcade | Hybrid Well distributed Balanced distribution ofOverhang Arcade to provide shade reduce heat stress to all people seating lightto provide shade and comfort Maximize the use of architecture
Urban form
Density + Mix
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Urban form
Urban Grain
Based on activities:
to all people
Street lighting to enhance safety
Urban Structure
Image / Identity Intermediate spots every 60 Architectural expressioncooling to support 300 menhance legibility local identity and
well-conStreet lighting enProvide drinking fountains alongtowalkTrash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around largeSafe and cycleand routes hancespaces safety open public ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathwaysnectedways
Urban Structure
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Facade + Interface
Make walkable areas legible and accessible Details + Materials
Details + Materials
Active Frontages Physically permeable active Frontages along walkways and open spaces to enhance safety and animation
Streetscape + Landscape Public Realm
Streetscape + Landscape
Height + Massing
reduce heat stress
Place Making
Shading elements
Density + Mix
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 -+ Mix Convenient and marked crosswalksHeight to + Massing Density 300 m ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
Shared lane to calm traffic and priorities pedesProvide well designed bus stops to + Facade trians
Safe and well-conPlace Making nected cycle routes
Urban Structure Priorities pedestrians by maximizing the width of sideUrban Grain walks
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Public Realm
Place Keeping
Urban Grain
Social and economic fabric
Urban Structure Streetscape + Landscape
Details + Materials
Water element
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Height + Massing
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate Public Realm
Place Making
Density + Mix
Facade + Interface
Street lighting to enhance safety
Urban form
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Place Making
Open space to host temporary uses
05 0
10 m
Fig 94: Intervention B
Fig 95: Intervention C
With the lack of quality public spaces, the proposal supports a network of car-free open spaces that will encourage people to use the city in a different way Based on previous classification of open spaces, three different types of spaces are furtherly developed to show how tools can be implemented to improve the quality and appearance of the public realm In order to manage and maintain the quality of the proposed public realm policies should be developed based on place keeping tools
Arcade Active frontage Arcade Fixed seating Active frontage Movable seating Fixed seating Signage Movable seating Drinking fountain Signage Lighting Drinking fountain Retractable shading Lighting Tree Retractable shading Water element Tree Pavement Water element
05 Fig 96: Detailed map of public space interventions
View point Pavement 0
50 m
100 m
View point
large ways
Place Making Place Making
Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Public Realm
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
Place Keeping Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Water element Tree lined sidewalk with properVegetation number of Urban Structure seating to provide shade and comfort
Place Making
Place Making
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large Safe and well-con- Street lighting to en-Urban Structure ways to ensure clean environment and unsheltered pedestrian pathways nected cycle routes hance safety
Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Urban Structure Vegetation Place Keeping
Water element
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Provision of food
Kids play zone
Urban form
Details + Materials
Gym zone
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Height + Massing
Streetscape + Landscape
Lighting Facade +
Based on activities:
Fixed use - predominantly in Streetscapeclose + Landscape proximity to transportation nodes and public services
Flexible use - provision of social
Place Keeping
and physical Facade + activities Interface Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and
community Details + events Materials
Open space to host temporary uses
pleasant retreat Drinking Fountain Shading elements quiet
Density + Mix
Height + Massing
hance the micro-climate and create a
Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Urban Grain
Public Realm
Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities Place Keeping
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Shaded seating
Density + Mix Drinking Fountain
Public Realm
Details + Materials
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services
Water element are introduced to en-
Grain ter Urban elements to enhance passive cooling
Social and economic fabric
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian networks
Based on activities:
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Shading elements
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface
Social and economic fabric
Urban form
duced along walkways Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
Priorities pedestrians by maximizingHeight + Massing the width of sidewalks
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Density + Mix
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Well distributed lighting to secure Drinking fountains are intro- Native trees are introduced close to waGrain pedestrian Urban right-of-way
Urban form
Height + Massing
Place Making
Image / Identity Architectural expression to support local identity and enhance legibility
Active Frontages Physically permeable Overhang | Arcade Arcade to | provide Hybrid shade Physically permeable active Front-
Maximize use of architecture active frontages to the around exchange points ages along walkways and open elements to protect pedestrians
spaces to enhancefrom safety andexposure anidirect to solar radiaanimate the space mation tion
Arcade or Hybrid model recommended for E-W streets
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Open space to host temporary uses Place Keeping
Provision of food
Active Frontages Physically permeable active Frontages along walkways and open spaces to enhance safety and animation
Streetscape + Landscape
Density + Mix
Priorities pedestrians by maximizing the width of sidewalks
Public Realm
Height + Massing
Urban Grain
Urban form
Urban form
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Density + Mix
Social and economic fabric
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Grain
Urban Structure
Street lighting to enhance safety
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Urban Structure
Image / Identity Architectural expression to support local identity and enhance legibility
Overhang | Arcade | Hybrid Maximize the use of architecture elements to protect pedestrians from direct exposure to solar radiation Arcade or Hybrid model recommended for E-W streets
05 Fig 97: Fixed use Public space
Place Making
Place Keeping
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Urban form
Density + Mix Height + Massing
Overhang | Arcade | Maximize the use of architecture Based on activities: elements to protect pedestrians Facade + Fixed use - predominantly in Interface from direct exposure to solar radiaclose proximity to transportation nodes and public services Details tion+
Streetscape + Landscape
Place Keeping
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Provide well designed bus stops to reduce heat stress
Make walkable areas legible and accessible to all people
05 Fig 98: Temporary use Public space
Shading elements
Drinking Fountain
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Urban form
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Provide drinking fountains along walk-
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of
Based on activities:
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities
Place Keeping
Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
open public spaces seating to provide shade and comfort of food Open space to host temporary uses Cafes, restaurants and food carts Balanced distribution of commercial Provision Large open spacewaystoandhost temporary uses such
as markets, and community events Waterfestivals, element Vegetation
and public seating to invite more people to provide options for people to stay to stay while creating a pleasnat view
when needed Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Open space to host temporary uses
Provision of food
Water element
Streetscape + Landscape
Details + Materials
Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities
Arcade or Hybrid model recomPlace Keeping Temporary use - Planned activimended for E-W streets ties such as festivals, markets and
Height + Massing
Convenient and marked crosswalks to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian Facade + Interface networks
Drinking Fountain Shading elements Retractable shading elements to provide shade
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces Hybrid
Priorities pedestrians by maximizing Density + Mix the width of sidewalks
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
reinforcing cultural image and identity
Urban Grain
community events
Provision of food
Urban Grain
Limit parking structures to the periphery of the city centre
Urban form
pleasant atmosphere Drinking Fountain
Shading elements
Details Shaded + seating Materials
Public Realm
Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban form Scale Appearance
Active Frontages Fixed use - predominantly in closeFrontproximity to transportation Physically permeable active nodes and public services Details + ages along walkways and open Materials Flexible use - provision of social spaces to enhance safetyand and ani-activities physical mationPlace Keeping Temporary use - Planned activi-
Facade + Interface
Facade + Interface
Trash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large and unsheltered pathways Open space topedestrian host temporary uses
Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Based on activities:
Urban Structure
Drinking Fountain
Shading elements
ways to ensure clean environment Vegetation Image / Identity Provision of food Celebrate views of existing mosque Trees to enhance miPlace Making Architectural expression to support to encourage continuity identity and enhance legibility in time while cro-climate and create Urbanlocal Structure
and mixed-use open spaces Based on activities:
Height + Massing
Public Realm
Water element
Details + MaterialsThe provision of multi scale
Public Realm
Streetscape + Landscape
Social and economic fabric
ape + Landscape
Density + Mix
Streetscape + Landscape The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Street lighting to en-Making Place hance safety
Urban Grain
ties such as festivals, markets and community events
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
ht + Massing
Facade + Interface
Height + Massing
nsity + Mix
Density + Mix
Public Realm
ban Grain
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban form
an Structure
Urban form
Water element
Urban Structure
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Urban Structure
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Place Making
Open space to host temporary uses
Balanced mix of fixed and movable seating
Safe and well-connected cycle routes
Place Keeping Convenient and marked crosswalks to Provide well designed bus stops to ensure safe and well connected pedestrian reduce heat stress networks
Shading elements
Drinking Fountain
Shaded seating
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Streetscape + Landscape
Make walkable areas legible and accessible Facade + to all people Interface
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of Place Keeping seating to provide shade and comfort
Based on activities:
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Place Making
Fixed benches to be oriented towards ac-
Kids play zone Gym zone Urban Structure Kids play environment is introduced in a close proximity
Playful water elements are
legible and display activities program
tive views and positioned next to trees to
Urban Grain and main pedestrian networks from other open spaces
introduced to enhance pas-
around the space
provide sufficient shade
Density + Mix to ensure safety and animate the space by catering for
sive coolingDrinkingwhile Fountain offering Shading elements
Open space to host temporary uses
Height + Massing different user groups
The provision of multi scale and mixed-use open spaces
Water element
fun play for everybody
Streetscape + Landscape Facade + Interface Details + Materials
Provision of food
Public Realm
Tree lined sidewalk with proper number of seating to provide shade and comfort
Urban form
Signages to make walkways more
Social and economic fabric
Provide drinking fountains along walkways and open public spaces
Height + Massing
Details + Materials
Provide drinking fountains along walkTrash bins to be spread along walk- Fully shaded walkways around large Provide ways well designed bus stops to Make areas legible and accessible ways and open public spaces to ensure clean environment andwalkable unsheltered pedestrian pathways reduce heat stress to all people
Water element Urban form
Urban Grain
Convenient and marked crosswalks to Densitypedestrian + Mix ensure safe and well connected networks
tures to the periph-
Details + ery of the city centre Materials
Priorities pedestri- Intermediate cooling spots every 60 ans by maximizing 300 m the width of sidewalks
Public Realm
Facade + Interface Limit parking struc-
Public Realm
Streetscape + Landscape
Limit parking struc-Place Priorities Makingpedestritures to the periph- ans by maximizing ery of the city centre the width of sidewalks Urban Structure
Social and economic fabric
Street lighting to enhance safety
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Safe and well-con-
cycle routes Height nected + Massing
Density + Mix
Intermediate cooling spots every 60 300 m
Street lighting to enhance safety
Urban form
Urban Grain Social and economic fabric
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
Urban Structure
Environmental aspect: hot-arid climate
ge ys
Place Making
Based on activities:
Fixed use - predominantly in close proximity to transportation nodes and public services
Shaded seating
Kids play zone
Gym zone
Flexible use - provision of social and physical activities Place Keeping
Temporary use - Planned activities such as festivals, markets and community events
Provision of food
Open space to host temporary uses
05 Fig 99: Flexible use Public space
CONCLUSION The fast growth and rapid urbanisation that Middle Eastern cities had gone through in the last few decades, created urban environments that are hostile and alienated form their own setting. Due to the high dependency on the automobile, the traditional compact urban fabric has been replaced with fragmented urban sprawl. This shift did not just impact the perception of public life within the area, but also resulted in sociocultural segregation. Thorough research on the determinants of global and Middle Eastern liveable public spaces was coupled with an exploration into the traditional approach to this. This was carried out through analysing case studies and reviewing literature. It became clear that the urban configuration has a large impact on the thermal comfort of microclimates around public space, and therefore pedestrian life. It was also evident that the segregation of uses did not foster walkability or active public life. The toolkit developed aims to tackle the challenge of creating liveable public spaces within hot-arid Middle Eastern cities. It promotes a new approach to reclaiming the city for people. Therefore, it is crucial that the toolkit ranges from the city scale to that of individual sites. In order to promote active and vibrant life, fragmented cities must rethink the way they approach new developments. Planning should reflect local values, with more sensitivity to context. This toolkit aims to change practice in urban planning within the Middle East regarding the provision of public spaces.
LIMITAIONS The positive realisation of the toolkit is dependent on the relevant technical studies being carried out. These would include wind tunnel assessments, daylight studies and thermal comfort analysis. Inescapably there are some months of the year when temperature and humidity peak. Regardless of the quality of the public space it would be difficult to maintain tolerable environment during this time. Furthermore, the climate crisis is exacerbating the situation. Shifting to a more sustainable lifestyle will inevitably require more than the provision of attractive public spaces and the mixing of uses. Initiating a cultural shift goes beyond the realm of simply planners and designers. It requires cooperation from many sides beyond the planning sector including politicians and the community. This would be necessary over a long period and therefore cannot be implemented instantly.
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APPENDIX A Musalla: A large open space dedicated mainly for prayers, and Islamic festivals. It was also used as a gathering and a preparation point for military events (Hakim, 1986). Courtyards: Courtyards were mainly part of residential buildings acting as a transitional area between different spaces with different levels of privacy. Their main purpose was for cooling. The same concept was applied in non-residential buildings, yet in this case, courtyards are considered public spaces or semi-public spaces depending on the function of the building. For example, in schools, courtyards were perceived as a semi-public space, while in commercial buildings, mosques, etc. they were perceived as a public space. (Hakim, 1986) Streets: Streets were classified based on their purpose and the social requirement of the user. As a result, streets formed a hierarchy of networks in which the depth of the street corresponds to its classification (Akbar 1984; Kiet 2010). Streets adjacent to mosques and markets were usually interpreted as an extension of public buildings, therefore serving as a gathering space. Souq: The Souq [the market] was integrated into the multifunctional core of the city. Usually, the souq surrounded the mosque which used as the focal point of the city centre. The grouping and distribution of units were based on the nature of goods, their function and the impact on the environment. The Souq used to function as an interconnecting layer, linking different civic and educational buildings with other religious and social structures. Two different types of open spaces were associated with the souq: maydan and saha.
Maydan: The main open space in the middle of the multifunctional space in front of the mosque, acting as the main public space for gatherings, socializing and celebrating. Activities which occurred in Maydan included: Eid, weddings, funerals, occasional festivals and Ramadan (Hakim, 1986).
Sahah: A relatively smaller space located at street junctions. A Sahah was usually surrounded by markets or public facilities, serving as a smaller gathering space with a more flexible character (Hakim, 1986).
APPENDIX B Appendix: B Strategies for heat mitigation to enhance urban microclimate. Source: (Mahmoud and Ghanem, 2018)
Land availability
(of total territory) Kuwait 1977
Disaggregating Kuwait’s population
Urban living area Metropolitan area 0
Non-Kuwaiti population
Kuwaiti population
Population (2015) 1,291,139 pers % of the total population 31%
Urban living area – 4.9 km Population – 124,589 pers ULA density – 25,426 pers/km
Urban living area – 45.6 km Population – 394,480 pers ULA density – 8,651 pers/km
Urban living area – 143.8 km Population – 1,100,000 pers ULA density – 7,650 pers/km
Transport mode share Arranged transport 1%
Urban living area density 3,043 pers/km 2 Peak density 9,888 pers/km 2
Urban living area density 6,805 pers/km 2 Peak density 51,582 pers/km 2
Land availability (out of total territory)
Private vehicles 99%
Detached houses la rger plots Det ached houses medium and smaller plots Semi-detached
) 2
Highway length (2015) 309 km Number of interchanges (2015) 164
Highways (year) 1963 1977 1982 – 1986 1990
Other land use (m ay include residential)
2015 minor roads
Met ropolitan area
2015 urban living area Metropolitan area
1960 s
19 50s
19 70 s
1980 s
1990 s
2000 s
Housing typologies % area occupied by typology (2015)
% population by typology (2015) 1%
Apartments 13%
Industrial areas 34%
65% 0
20 10s
Urban living area Available land Constrained land 44%
Abu Dhabi 49%
Taxi 3%
Employer bus 8%
Active transport Private motorised transport
Private vehicles 44%
Public transport
Private motorised transport
Size of ULA added (km
Dominant typologies
Urban living area – 424.3 km Population – 4,178,572 pers ULA density – 9,848 per/km
Other 7%
Arranged transport 8%
Public transport Urban living area – 330 km Population – 2,100,000 pers ULA density – 6,364 pers/km
Transport mode share
Urban living area – 281.7 km Population – 1,900,000 pers ULA density – 6,745 pers/km
Population (2015) 2,887,433 pers % of the total population 69 %
Public bus 30%
Mixed-use index (2015) 0 - 0.05 (lower mixed-use) 0.05 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.25
Kuwait residential accessibility to bus stops by nationality, 2015
0.25 - 0.50 0.5 - 1 (higher mixed-use)
Metropolitan area
23% 0
Non Kuwaiti
0-250 m
251-500 m
501-1 km
Kuwait city
1-2 km
> 2 km
Kuwait workplace accessibility to bus stops by nationality, 2015
CBD typology Sharq
Population (2015)
Jobs (2015)
Floor area ratio: 2.0 Average building height: 15 storeys
Urban living area density 9,848 pers/km 2 Peak density
Urban living area job density 4,014 jobs/km 2 Peak job density 98,091 jobs/km 2
10km Farwaniyah Sharq
CBD typology 10,706 pers/km
Non Kuwaiti
0-250 m
501-1 km
1-2 km
27% 40%
251-500 m
31% 20%
8% 100%
> 2 km