Architecture Research + Design Portfolio

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Aug 2021 - current

Graduate Teaching Assistant I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

• Conducted sophomore design studio as primary instructor, giving lectures ranging from concept formation to schematic design, design development, and 3D modelling.

• Prepared course material and graded students’ work.

Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

Student Fellow I Gensler

• Researched and identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) impacting the future of Law Office design in a post-COVID world.

• Designed a prototype for the ‘Law Office of the Future’.

Jul 2019 - Jun 2020

Designer | WRNS Studio, San Francisco, CA

• Collaborated with Project Architect on design of core & shell projects.

• Produced construction documents, details, and architectural renderings.

• Produced LEED documents for LEED Gold certification.

Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Intern Architect | WRNS Studio, San Francisco, CA

• Performed full building Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA).

• Produced graphical illustrations for client presentations

Aug 2017 - May 2019


Aug 2020 - May 2025 (anticipated)

Aug 2017 - May 2019

Mar 2009 - Sept 2015

Graduate Teaching Assistant I Pennsylvania State University

• Facilitated freshman and junior year design studio

• Assessed studio desk critics and final reviews

PhD In Architecture | Concentration: Technology and Environment

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Master of Science In Architecture | Concentration: Sustainability

The Pennsylvania State University

Bachelor of architecture (B. ARCH)

Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)


William Henry Meyer Scholarship | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

IAB Commendation Award | Institute of Architects, Bangladesh

Robert F Mast Fellowship | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ARCC King Student Medal | The Pennsylvania State University

Creative Achievement Award | The Pennsylvania State University

Pohland Graduate Fellowship | The Pennsylvania State University

1st place (multidisciplinary team of 20) | Race to Zero | U.S. Department of Energy

3rd place | Graduate Exhibition | The Pennsylvania State University

Napkin Sketch Showcase | AIA Philadelphia

3rd place | Visualizing the Future of the City | RIBA, exhibited at RIBA HQ, London


CAD and 3D: Revit, Rhino, AutoCAD, SketchUP, 3DsMAX

Visualization: Enscape, Vray

Simulation + Programming: Grasshopper, Python, Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO), Artificial Neural Network

Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

2022 2022 2020 2019 2019 2018 2018 2018 2016 2015
+1 8148808335
Contents R E S P O N S I V E S K I N masters thesis 04 L I Q U I D L I G H T course work 10 S K I N D E E P course work 14 F U L L B U I L D I N G A S S E S S M E N T internship 16 M A Y W E A P P R O A C H ? research fellowship 18 A B R E A T H I N G H A V E N design studio v 24 R E A C H I N G F O R T H E Z E N I T H design studio vi 30 D E M O C R A T I Z I N G T H E C I T Y design studio vii 36 M A D E I N B A N G L A D E S H design studio viii 44 A C I N E M A T I C E X P E R I E N C E design studio x 52 Full portfolio:


Designing an Adaptive Building

Envelope for Warm-Humid Climate Using Bamboo Veneer as a Hygroscopically Active Material


Research + Build

Master’s thesis

May 2019


1.5 years

Grasshopper, Butterfly

Adaptive facades in architecture have typically been identified with having high-tech complex automated systems. The low- and no-tech passive strategies based on material responsiveness are still in their infancy. This is precisely why such methods require a greater emphasis today as we investigate deeper into the realms of Responsive Architecture.

This research presents an exploration into bamboo veneer as an adaptive material to help rethink building facades as organic, breathable skins rather than a mechanized barrier between human and nature. A series of physical experiments were conducted to study the deformation of a bilayer bamboo composite consisting of a bamboo veneer bonded with a clear cellulose film. The film, being non-reactive to climate, amplifies the curving motion of bamboo, along with its return to the initial position. The outcome of the research consists of a working, demonstrable prototype for a no-tech adaptive façade pattern that, while undergoing a biomechanical response, performs particular functions including shading and/or ventilation, leading to a truly material-integrated architecture.


Shape Size

Grain angle

Passive layer Configuration


Humidity 51%

Humidity 93%

Preliminary experiments

Parameters for hygroscopic explorations of bamboo

Pattern explorations

In the first stage, veneer samples were studied, where bamboo veneers of different shapes, sizes and grain directions were tested under changing humidity levels to understand the nature of responsiveness. The second stage involved using the selected sample specimen to design modular façade patterns and create openings that big enough to allow airflow.

In the third stage, wind parameters of selected geographic locations were incorporated into design to create a module that is easy to construct using the simplest tools, addresses specific wind angles during its hygroscopic action, and is flexible enough to be placed inward or outward an exterior wall according to incoming or outgoing air.

In the final stage, a physcial prototype and a digital model of the façade was made through Rhino Grasshopper in order to conduct wind simulation studies. The digital model acted as a tool to understand and predict the hygroscopic behavior of the façade under wind conditions.

Final configuration Patterns along wind direction
2D patterns 3D patterns

Final design module being exposed to increasing humidity from 28% to 93%

Module opening analysis shows an opening angle 16°. opening was found to be at the center of the module

21° 23° 26° Δθ =4° Δθ =5° Δθ =3° Δθ =5° Δθ =2° Δθ =6° Δθ =3° Δθ =8°

16°. The maximum degree change in module length

The facade was modeled using Python scripting and wind simulation was performed at three open positions

Baseline Veneer angle 50⁰ 46⁰ 42⁰ 24° 40° 16° 29° 37° 42° 48° 53° 57°


performance analysis using building simulation





Performance analysis

December 2020

U of I campus

4 weeks

Grasshopper, Ladybug, Eddy3D, ClimateStudio, Wallacei, LunchBox

The primary idea for the pavilion was to bring daylight inside the underground levels of the Undergraduate Library at UIUC campus, particularly the south side where the classrooms are located by creating a reflective surface on the ground that would reflect light down through the opening. Since the site is highly symmetrical, the design started with a circular form, and then proceeded to break that symmetry by making it more fluid. This gave rise to a lofted structure, which spreads out near the bottom with concentric rings that can be used for seating, and becomes gently tapered toward the top.The lofted surface is divided into diamondshaped panels, whose surface perforations gradually decrease in scale toward the north of the courtyard. This ensures a denser array of reflective surfaces on the north to reflect light downward. The concentric rings are also made reflective to bring light down to the sub-basement level through a clear glass surface cut into the ground floor just under the structure.

The goals are to bring in daylight, reduce cooling loads, have minimal daylight obstruction on the adjacent Morrow plots and increase pedestrian wind comfort around the courtyard.


Four objective functions were selected:

Maximize sunlight hours on the adjacent agricultural land.

Baseline is 3853.7 sunlight hours.

Maximize illuminance inside the library, particularly the south wing, where classrooms are located. Baseline is 1946.8 lux.

Minimize energy use intensity inside the library. Baseline is 242.3 kWh/ m2/a.

Geometry Control

panelization axes scale factor 4 13 16 50 0.01 1 u divisions v divisions
june 21 sunny - 12 pm 1012 lux 1517 lux 708 lux 107 lux 384 lux june 21 overcast - 12 pm dec 21 sunny - 12 pm dec 21 sunny - 2 pm dec 21 sunny - 4 pm EUI - 229.1 kWh/m2/a Equip Fans Light HotWater Heat Cool
Parameter Studies
CFD simulation for south wind CFD simulation for south-west wind Wind comfort
<0 >5000 2500 Illuminance (lux)

Optimization using ANN (Artificial Neural Network)

Highest ranked fitness values

Population parameters for optimization:

Generation size and count: 10; 20

No. of Genes: 3 (U div., V div., min. domain for scale factor)

Total number of values: 145

No. of Fitness Objectives: 3 (Illuminance, Sunlight hr, EUI)

The optimization using ANN generated 10 Pareto Front solutions, all in Generation 19.

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pareto Front Solutions illuminance (lux): sunlight hours (hr): EUI (kWh/m2/a): illuminance (lux): sunlight hours (hr): EUI (kWh/m2/a): illuminance (lux): sunlight hours (hr): EUI (kWh/m2/a): U dividion: V division: scale factor: U dividion: V division: scale factor: U dividion: V division: scale factor: 11 38 0.44 11 40 0.44 11 22 0.8 11 38 0.49 11 38 0.44 10 26 0.62 11 18 0.43 10 16 0.42 11 38 0.44 10 42 0.62 1581.84 3850.45 227.20 1576.54 3849.88 227.46 1597.08 3850.56 227.65 1591.75 3850.79 227.92 1602.04 3850.64 227.76 1583.09 3850.84 227.35 1615.53 3850.50 227.48 1578.50 3850.69 227.21 1539.83 3850.97 227.43 1590.12 3850.80 227.58
Fitness Objective 1: Illuminance Fitness Objective 2: Sunlight hour Fitness Objective 2: Sunlight hr Fitness Objective 1: Illuminance Fitness Objective 2: Sunlight hours Fitness Objective 3: EUI Fitness Objective 3: EUI Fitness Objective 3: EUI Fitness Objective 1: Illuminance
-1520 -1540 -1560 -1580 -1600 -1620 -3849.8 -3850 -3850.2 -3850.4 -3850.6 -3850.8 -3851 227.8 227.3 226.8 18 13 8 0 5 0 5 0 5

def makeModule (origin, moduleSizeX, moduleSizeZ, openingAngle):

#This creates rectangular modules origin = (origin [0], origin [1], origin [2])

midPoint = (origin [0]+moduleSizeX/2, origin [1], origin [2])

endPoint = (origin [0]+moduleSizeX, origin [1], origin [2])

moduleCurve = rs.AddCurve ([origin, midPoint, endPoint]) path = rs.AddLine ([origin [0]+moduleSizeX, origin [1], origin [2]], [origin [0]+moduleSizeX, origin [1], origin [2]+moduleSizeZ]) module = rs.ExtrudeCurve(moduleCurve, path)

#This cuts the modules into a triangle

cutPoint1 = (origin [0], origin [1], origin [2])

cutPoint2 = (origin [0]+moduleSizeX, origin [1], origin [2]+moduleSizeZ/2)

cutPoint3 = (origin [0], origin [1], origin [2]+moduleSizeZ)

cutPoint4 = (origin [0]+moduleSizeX, origin [1], origin [2]+moduleSizeZ/2)

cutCurve1 = rs.AddCurve ([cutPoint1, cutPoint2])

cutCurve2 = rs.AddCurve ([cutPoint3, cutPoint4])

cutPath = rs.AddLine ((0,0,0), (0,2,0))

cutter1 = rs.ExtrudeCurve (cutCurve1, cutPath)

cutter2 = rs.ExtrudeCurve (cutCurve2, cutPath)

rs.FlipSurface (cutter1, True)

rs.FlipSurface (cutter2, False)

rs.TrimBrep (module, cutter1)

rs.TrimBrep (module, cutter2)

#This curves the modules

point = rs.AddPoint (endPoint)

rotatedEndpoint = rs.RotateObject (point, midPoint, openingAngle, (0,0,-1), copy=False)

copiedRotatedEndpoint = rs.CopyObject (rotatedEndpoint, (0,0,moduleSizeZ))


grip_index = 4 rs.ObjectGripLocation(module, grip_index, rs.PointCoordinates (rotatedEndpoint))

grip_index = 5 rs.ObjectGripLocation(module, grip_index, copiedRotatedEndpoint)

rs.EnableObjectGrips(module, False)

def makeFacade(currOpening):

myFacade = []

rs.EnableRedraw (False)

fSurface = rs.AddPlaneSurface (rs.WorldXYPlane(), 120, 3)

fPath = rs.AddLine ((0,0,0), (0,0,120))

fWall = rs.ExtrudeSurface (fSurface, fPath, True) for i in range (0, nrModuleX): row = [] solids = [] for j in range (0, nrModuleZ):

targetwidth = remap(i,[0,nrModuleX],width)

targetheight = remap(j,[0,nrModuleZ],height)

col = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixel(bitmap, abs(targetwidth-1), abs(targetheight-1))

currOpening = remap (col.R,[0,255],90)

origin = (i*myMSX, 0, j*(myMSZ+myMSZ/4*1.52))

#This moves the origin of hexagons if j%2 == 1:

origin = rs.VectorAdd (origin,[myMSX/6*1.88, 0, 0])

newModule = makeModule (origin, myMSX, myMSZ, currOpening)

#This creates the hexagons

A = rs.AddLine ([origin[0], origin [1], origin [2]], [origin [0],origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ])

B = rs.AddLine ([origin[0], origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ], [origin [0]+myMSX /3.2,origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ*1.38])

C = rs.AddLine ([origin[0], origin [1], origin [2]], [origin [0]+myMSX/3.2,origin [1], origin [2]-myMSZ*0.375])

hCurve = rs.JoinCurves ([A,B,C], True)

D = rs.AddLine ([origin[0]+myMSX/1.58, origin [1], origin [2]], [origin [0]+myMSX/1.58,origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ])

E = rs.AddLine ([origin[0]+myMSX/1.58, origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ], [origin [0]+myMSX/3.2,origin [1], origin [2]+myMSZ*1.38])

F = rs.AddLine ([origin[0]+myMSX/1.58, origin [1], origin [2]], [origin [0]+myMSX/3.2,origin [1], origin [2]-myMSZ*0.375])

hCurve2 = rs.JoinCurves ([D,E,F], True)

hexagon = rs.JoinCurves ([hCurve,hCurve2], True)

surface5 = rs.AddPlanarSrf ([hexagon])

sPath = rs.AddLine ((0,0,0), (0,4,0))

#This creates the front facade

if newModule:

row.append (newModule)

bSurf = rs.ExtrudeSurface (surface5,sPath,cap=True) solids.append (bSurf)

rs.DeleteObject (surface5)


row.append (myMSX)

sWall = rs.BooleanUnion (solids)

fWall = rs.BooleanDifference (fWall,sWall,True)

rs.DeleteObject (sWall)

myFacade.append (row)

rs.EnableRedraw (True) return myFacade

class EtoFacade(forms.Dialog[bool]):

#Create a slider def __init__(self):

# Initialize dialog box self.Title = ‘Humidity range’ self.Padding = drawing.Padding(10) self.Resizable = False

# Create controls for the dialog self.m_label = forms.Label(Text = ‘Enter self.mmx_label = forms.Label(Text = ‘100’) self.mmn_label = forms.Label(Text = ‘0’) self.mv_label = forms.Label(Text = ‘50’) self.m0_label = forms.Label(Text = ‘’) self.m_slider = forms.Slider() self.m_slider.MaxValue = 100 self.m_slider.MinValue = 0 self.m_slider.Value = 50

# Create the default button self.DefaultButton = forms.Button(Text = self.DefaultButton.Click += self.OnOKButtonClick

# Create the abort button self.AbortButton = forms.Button(Text = ‘Cancel’) self.AbortButton.Click += self.OnCloseButtonClick

# Create a table layout and add all the controls layout = forms.DynamicLayout() layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(20, 10) layout.AddRow(self.m_label) layout.AddRow(self.m_slider)

layout.BeginVertical() layout.AddRow(self.mmn_label, self.mv_label, layout.AddRow(self.m0_label) # spacer layout.AddRow(self.DefaultButton, self.AbortButton) layout.EndVertical()

# Set the dialog content self.Content = layout

# Start of the class functions

# Get the value of humidity def GetText(self): return self.m_slider.Value

# Close button click handler def OnCloseButtonClick(self, sender, e): self.m_slider.Value == “” self.Close(False)

# OK button click handler def OnOKButtonClick(self, sender, e): if self.m_slider.Value == “”: self.Close(False) else: self.Close(True)

# The script that will be using the dialog. def RequestHumidityInfo(): dialog = EtoFacade(); rc = dialog.ShowModal(Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow) if (rc): newValue = dialog.GetText() print newValue #Print the Room Number from return newValue def getAddress (selectedModule): #search for a user defined object found = False rowNumber = 0 for row in wholeFacade: columnNumber = 0 for module in row: for part in module: if part == selectedModule: found = True if found: break else: columnNumber = columnNumber + 1 if found: break else:

rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 print (“Address: “+ str(rowNumber) +”th row, return (rowNumber, columnNumber) def delModule (selectedModule, newOpening): address = getAddress (selectedModule) rowNumber = address [0] columnNumber = address [1] neighbors = [] rs.EnableRedraw (False) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber][columnNumber]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber][columnNumber-1]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber][columnNumber+1]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber-1][columnNumber]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber-1][columnNumber-1]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber-1][columnNumber+1]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber+1][columnNumber]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber+1][columnNumber-1]) neighbors.append (wholeFacade [rowNumber+1][columnNumber+1])

the humidity value:’) ‘100’) ‘OK’) self.OnOKButtonClick ‘Cancel’) self.OnCloseButtonClick controls self.mv_label, self.mmx_label) self.AbortButton) dialog.ShowModal(Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow) from the dialog control “+ str(columnNumber) +”th column”) [rowNumber][columnNumber]) [rowNumber][columnNumber-1]) [rowNumber][columnNumber+1]) [rowNumber-1][columnNumber]) [rowNumber-1][columnNumber-1]) [rowNumber-1][columnNumber+1]) [rowNumber+1][columnNumber]) [rowNumber+1][columnNumber-1]) [rowNumber+1][columnNumber+1])

SKIN DEEP programming a responsive building envelope



Scripting December 2018 Rhino, Python

The project utilizies the fundamentals of computer programming in the creative fields of arts and architecture, leading to the idea of generative design systems. The main objective is to explore the potential of computational tools to solve specific problems, while unleashing their creative power.

The basic constructs of programming are utilized through visual and textual programming languages, such as Rhino Python in order to develop computation with forms. Parametric design, procedural modeling, rule-based design, and other paradigms borrowed from computer science are used to generate a modular building facade that ‘open and close’ with changing humidity levels.


Results per life cycle stage

Results per life cycle stage, itemized by Division

100% 50% 0% 100% 50% 0%
Mass Mass 1.458E+007 kg 1.458E+007 kg 53266 kgSO2eq 53266 kgSO2eq 1.377E+007 kgCO2eq 1.377E+007 kgCO2eq 0.289 CFC-11eq 0.289 CFC-11eq 784803 O2eq 784803 O2eq 1.976E+008 MJ 1.976E+008 MJ 1.699E+008 MJ 1.699E+008 MJ 2.772E+007 MJ 4875 kgNeq 4875 kgNeq Acidification Acidification Eutrophication Eutrophication Global Warming Global Warming Ozone Depletion Ozone Depletion Smog Formation Smog Formation Primary Energy Primary Energy Nonrenewable Nonrenewable Renewable Energy Legend Concrete Metals Wood/Plastics Thermal & Moisture Openings & Glazings Finishes Concrete Metals Wood/Plastics Thermal & Moisture Openings & Glazings Finishes Concrete Metals Wood/Plastics Thermal & Moisture Openings & Glazings Finishes Concrete Metals Wood/Plastics Thermal & Openings Finishes Manufacturing Transportation Maintenance End of Life Legend Net value (impacts + credits) Manufacturing Life Cycle Stages Transportation Maintenance End of Life Net value (impacts + credits)


Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus TYPE

Mountain View, CA 1 month

Revit, Tally

The renovation and expansion project for Microsoft Silicon Valley office campus aimed to increase campus capacity in a sustainable way.

I was tasked with analyzing the embodied environmental impacts generated over the life cycle of the building, with regards to manufacture, transportation, construction, and demolition. This involved an in-depth Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) using Tally in Revit during the design and planning process so that the data could influence design decisions. The BIM model was imbued with the complete information about the building materials and architectural products that the structures will ultimately contain. This allowed the design team to move from typologies and “rule of thumb” environmental impact calculations to real-time assessments at pivotal moments.

Internship, WRNS Studio July 2018
Division Results per Division
2.772E+007 MJ 7% 8% 25% 27% 11% 19% 5% 5% Global Warming Potential Primary Energy Demand 25% 27% 27% 14% Renewable Energy Legend Concrete Wood/Plastics & Moisture & Glazings Metals Openings & Glazings


designing the law office of the future


Office Research Fellowship, Gensler

June 2022

Washington DC, 3 months

Revit, Rhino, InDesign

Partnering with expert law firms this projects sought to transform offices into inspiring magnets for both professionals and clients.

By implementing immersive and tailored experiences to motivate a highly mobile, multitasking workforce, our proposal for the future of law office incorporated hybrid schedule, mentorship among employees, co-working & collaboration. It reexamines how a typical private office plan may look in the age of hybrid work, balancing multiple work station typologies, the need for confidentiality and spaces that support deep focus work, and encouraging the social interaction and co-learning that drives most employees’ desire to work from the office, all while seeking to center both physical and mental wellbeing by providing alternative spaces for lawyers to relax and recharge.



BIOPHILIA Vegetation

air filtration.


Vegetation temperature


Reimagining toxic optics.






Dining, focus work, interaction.


Terrace access.


Options for privacy for focus work.

Dine + +




Optimized number of workspaces.


Personalized workstations


Providing discounted daycare rates.

Live +


Vegetation for de-stressing and filtration.


Vegetation to naturally regulate temperature & moisture.

UNIVERSAL ACCESS for universal access.


Reimagining ‘wellness’ to combat optics.

Learn + + Arrive


Smart PaveGen technology.


Real-time energy consumption feedback.


Solar power and kinetic energy to reduce energy costs.


Concierge service for a hospitality experience.


Physical space for signed conversations.

Optimizing visual conditions.


Anti-hierarchical seating.


LSAT prep classes. Outreach with Gallaudet University.


Visual and acoustic privacy screens.



Immersive digital experience.


Bar prep classes.



Open perimeter.


Workstation with movable privacy walls, integrated OLED screens.

ork +
23 PRIVACY IN PUBLIC SPACES TYPICAL Booth enclaves Collab spaces Conversation circle Interactive workstations Immersive environment VR office Interactive workstations Recharge stations Waterfall room FORWARDTHINKING Options for privacy in public spaces Innovative space typologies as kit-of-parts


designing a nature interpretation center

The project was aimed toward finding a creative design solution to deal with a particular threat to our natural environment and ecosystem. I chose to work for the conservation of Hoolock Gibbons that are fast becoming extinct from their natural habitats in Bangladesh , particularly Shatchhari forest.

The inspiration for the design was taken from the region’s landscape and culture. An in-depth site analysis, considering climate, rainfall, plantations, material was conducted. Traditional housing methods of the local tribes were translated in the design with the help of locally available materials, with minimum forest intervention, to blend it with the dense vegetation as much as possible.

A specific spot was selected with both palm and dumur plantation. Hoolocks being a brachiating animal cannot reside in palm trees, where the main structure is built. This keeps them away from human population. On the other hand presence of dumur trees all around will ensure presence of Hoolocks at all times, enabling visitors to observe their behaviors and habits. The entire structure is on an elevated walkway because of frequent flooding in the area.

STUDIO DATE LOCATION DURATION Recreational 301 August 2011 Sylhet, Bangladesh 6 weeks

Site Section

Fenestration was designed in such a way that it completely merges with the outer skin while itself acting as a shading device. Solid walls were avoided allowing a higher ventilation in the humid forest.

Section AA’

Wet season, with walkway resting comfortably above the flood level

Dry season

The master-planning of the Center is focused on the experience gained while passing through the spaces. The observation tower rises up through the trees offering spelndid views of the forest and its inhabitants. For water, hoolocks usually go to the lake made by the local tribe. A water source has been provided for them to ensure that they stay in that area for a longer time.



design for a commercial highrise building



Commercial 302

July 2012


6 weeks

This semester was about experimenting with structural systems to design a multi-functional highrise building.

I chose to work with the diagrid structure, not only to understand its inherent geometry, but also to have the opportunity to experiment with fluid forms that diagrid structures usually provide. Due to increased wind pressure at higher altitudes, I chose a smooth elliptical form, so that wind can pass along the building with minimum impact. Since in a tropical country like Bangladesh expansive glass facades can have a negative impact on the users, I opted to break it at intervals and bring in green. This would act as a break-out space for the over-stressed office workers. A careful selection of several wind hardy plants was made for the highrise garden. The deep cut-outs would further help in minimizing wind impact by allowing it to pass through.

The double skin glass facade would circulate air in the intermediate space to reduce interior temperature. To reduce heat gain, low-E heat reflective glass was used. The building has a varying diagrid angle from 73⁰ at the base to 69⁰ in the middle to 73⁰ again at the top.


Changes in the diagrid position in a typical grid

Typical floor Plan
Section AA’

A uniform system of diagrid was used as the main structural system to resist lateral forces. The columns and diagonals and bracings are all one.

An elliptical profile was chosen so that wind can pass along easily thereby reducing its impact on the highrise Deep cut outs at three levels help wind to flow through the building further reducing wind load.




DEMOCRATIZING THE CITY a public open space for democratic exchange



Urban design 401

February 2013

Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka

7 weeks

Inspired by the political turmoil of Bangladesh during 2013, the project was about designing a public space as a link between the state and the individual for people to interact, hold the state accountable, shape public debate, participate in politics and express their needs and opinions.

We chose the Manik Mia Avenue in front of Louis I Kahn’s National Parliament Building of Bangladesh as the site, due to its symbolic importance in the psyche of Bangladeshis. Rather than rising above the ground with the design, and blocking the Parliament Building, the site demanded that we go below. The site was analysed based on the six dimensions of public space design of Matthew Carmona and the necessary design parameters were identified.

An observation survey was conducted with the site at different times of the day, along with a questionnaire survey with the users and interviews with civil engineers and relevant city authorities. For the design aesthetics, I studied in-depth about Kahn’s design principles, ideas and concept for the Parliament Building, to better merge our design with the context.

© Naquib Hossain

Like Shangshad Bhaban, modernist architecture is understood to be utilitarian and sleek, staying true to its functional requirements. The space offers various elements for public use. Provision for wheel-chair bound people and narrow tracks for blind people at the interface between pavement and road are provided.

Kahn experimented with pseudo wall to create a natural interplay of light and shade and porticos with huge openings in the exterior for the building’s overall visual impact. A sunken space was chosen to enhance the monumentality of Parliament Building through design.

Toilet facility Drinking water Drainage system Soakable green Vegetation

Various eco-friendly materials are chosen for the public space. The main assembly area has soft paving material for user convenence. Pervious concrete captures rainwater and percolates it in the soil beneath. The defined open space blends with pleasant panoramas and vistas. Order, coherence and clarity was maintained as part of the visual dimension of the design.

Special attention was given for the selection of trees. Local plants were mainly preferred. The plants attract various types of animal life and generate a balanced ecological condition. Different types of plants which bloom in different seasons ensure an attractive natural setting round the year.



bangladesh film and television institute


Educational 502

January 2015

Savar, Bangladesh

13 weeks

The thesis project was intended to promote the recent wave of change in the movie industry of Bangladesh that has brought with it a number of young enthusiastic film-makers, actors and technicians. Following an in-depth environmental analysis, considering the adjacent lake, existing vegetation and the micro-climate. Consequently, the masterplan was a celebration of the landscape, the green and the blue. Film, like any other art form, requires a close connection with nature, and that is what was considered while designing the institute.

Additionally, the principles of filmmaking, particularly the Three-Act Structure, was reflected through the masterplan, where the public zone toward the west becomes the ‘Setup’, the academic zone in the middle transforms into the ‘Confrontation’, and the recreation zone overlooking the lake toward the east, the ‘Climax’.



2. Cinema Theater


4. Cafe

5. TV Studio

6. Set shop

7. Store

8. Dressing rooms

9. Cinema Studio

10. Parking

11. Admin office

12. Informal seating

13. Clasrooms

14. Central court

15. Amphitheater/ Outdoor film show

17. Deck

18. Outdoor shooting location

The existing university in the site was designed by renowned architect Muzharul Islam. Hence, I paid careful attention so as not to overpower his work, but to respect it by being subtle and rooted in the site. The institute was designed keeping in mind the geometry of forms and its connection to the landscape, as a homage to the great architect.

Film Center Lobby Seminar hall Section BB’ Section CC’
Cinema studio Sound stage

Surrounding vegetations were kept in mind while designing, to incorporate nature with the building through various pocket spaces and keep the overall structure grounded and connected with the environment.




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