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Owners requirements met
All of the owner’s requirements as described in the initial project goals framework ( Figure 1) were met.
On budget
The project was delivered for the target cost. However, the project team believed that they did not perform quite as well as they had hoped which resulted in a reduced profit pool of $316,865 which was 2.8% of the Target Cost. Even though the team collectively only received 33% of the potential profit, all of those interviewed considered it a success, especially as it was their first IPD project.
4 Months Ahead Of Schedule
The project benefited from the up-front investment for extensive early planning and resulted in 4-months of saving in project schedule. The project was completed in 11 months which is 39% faster than original schedule of 15 months.
In this project, the contractor tracked savings directly related to Lean implementation; which, on average, were estimated to be approximately $2,000 per week.
The IPD process resulted in several key benefits and positive outcomes.
• The lean methods and, particularly, the extensive pre-planning and focus on continuous improvement helped team to condense the project schedule by 4-months.
• Development of the owner’s “Values Matrix” not only clarified but also sped up decision-making processes. Also, it, along with the Big Room collaborative format, eliminated RFIs and change orders.
• For those interviewed, the collaborative project process resulted in a significantly improved overall experience compared to traditional practice.
• The IPD process provides a level of resiliency to team relationships through the principle of “putting the best interests of the project first” as was evident when the team was faced with a significant and potentially expensive unforeseen problem (the shear wall design described on page 9).