InvestIture AchIevement
InvestIture AchIevement
Ranger Level record JournAl
nAme: GC PF Logo 100% Size Sword - Reflex Blue (C100,M70,K5) Field - Red (M100,Y100) Inner Shield - Silver (White) Lines & Type - Gold (Y100)
complete this investiture achievement record Journal and at the end of the Pathfinder year you will recieve:
ranger level
pAtch ranger level
pIn & chevron Wilderness ranger level (AdvAnced)
rIbbon bAr
Wilderness Ranger Level is achieved by completing all Ranger requirements and Advanced requirements.
What is this record JournAl? This is the book that Pathfinders complete to become invested as a Ranger. When this Record Journal was being created the biggest concern was that not every person learns well by reading, memorizing, and writing. this book has less memorizing, less reading, and less BIG-ness. There is a grid on every page so you can...
te s p a a w w p i r n r o a l t o i te dr c
Investiture Achievement Record Journals are not designed to cram as much information as possible into your brain. This book is about YOU. You should learn more about God, yourself, and other people while having fun !
Š 2011 north american division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists GC PF Logo 100% Size Sword - Reflex Blue (C100,M70,K5) Field - Red (M100,Y100) Inner Shield - Silver (White) Lines & Type - Gold (Y100)
ISBN# 978-1-57756-820-9 printed in the u.s.a.
Design and layout: Ryan Kerbs
Personal Growth
Personal Growth 1. Be in Grade 8 or its equivalent.
My name is
Iw as bo rn on
Place a photo or draw your picture here.
I go to sch ool at I am in gra de _
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
2. develop your devotional life.
Study the Weekly devotional Guide (weeks 40 – 52) and the book of John utilizing printed or electronic resources.
Read the book of John.
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me? What is the theme in the verses I read? 2
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 40 JudGement Revelation 6-8 1 Peter 4:12-19 1 Peter 5:1-11 Romans 13 Job 14:1-7 Zephaniah 1-3
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 41 heaven Revelation 21 Matthew 12 1 Peter 3 Hebrews 4 Isaiah 21
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 4
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 42 BiBle Study Psalms 5 Psalms 32 2 Timothy 3 Isaiah 35 acts 17
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 43 ChallenGeS Matthew 22 luke 14:26 2 corinthians 7:1 Exodus 4 Matthew 24 luke 24
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 6
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 44 CallinG Isaiah 6 Matthew 4:12-25 acts 15 1 corinthians 3 acts 1
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 45 RedemPtion Genesis 3 Exodus 15:1-18 Isaiah 59 Psalms 98 Hebrews 1 Galatians 3
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 8
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 46 BeGinninGS John 3 John 11 Isaiah 40 Philemon 1 1 Kings 10 Psalms 137
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 47 SaBBath Exodus 12-20 Matthew 12 Mark 1-2 Hebrews 3 Genesis 1-2 Isaiah 56
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 10
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 48 ComfoRt Psalms 27 Psalms 25 Psalms 32 Hosea 6:1-3 Psalms 117 deuteronomy 10
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 49 futuRe Revelation 20 Psalms 46 Psalms 84 Psalms 90 Revelation 18
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 12
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 50 PeeRS 1 John 4 Isaiah 55 Joel 2 luke 15 Genesis 37-39 Genesis 40-44 Genesis 45-48
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 51 SeRviCe 2 corinthians 4 Mark 9 Matthew 25 1 corinthians 12 Matthew 9
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? 14
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
Week 52 diSCiPleShiP Mark 8 John 21 Isaiah 53 James 2 Revelation 22
What did I learn about God?
What did I learn about myself?
How can I apply this to my Life today?
What in this text is meaningful to me?
What is the theme in the verses I read? RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
3. a. Memorize the Pathfinder Law. b. Illustrate your understanding of the Pathfinder Law in an interesting way.
What does the Pathfinder Law mean?
Pathfinder Law The Pathfinder Law is for me to, Keep the Morning Watch. do my honest part. care for my body. Keep a level eye. Be courteous and obedient. Walk softly in the sanctuary. Keep a song in my heart. Go on God’s errands.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
4. learn the meaning of the aY Emblem.
What is the meaning of the AY Emblem?
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Personal Growth
no tes
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Spiritual discovery Spiritual discovery
1. Participate in a Bible marking program on the inspiration of the Bible. 2. Memorize the 10 commandments in Exodus 20:3-17.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
3. Read the 13 Baptismal Vows of the Seventh-day adventist church and share why each of them is important. 1. Do you believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit? Spiritual discovery
2. Do you accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of men, and believe that through faith in His shed blood men are saved from sin and its penalty?
3. Renouncing the world and its sinful ways, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, and do you believe that God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven your sins and given you a new heart?
4. Do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, recognizing Him as your Intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary, and do you claim His promise to strengthen you by His indwelling Spirit, so that you may receive power to do His will?
5. Do you believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word, and that it constitutes the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian?
6. do you accept the Ten commandments as still binding upon christians; and is it your purpose, by the power of the indwelling Christ, to keep this law, including the fourth commandment, which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of the Lord?
7. Is the soon coming of Jesus the blessed hope in your heart, and are you determined to be personally ready to meet the Lord, and to do all in your power to witness to His loving salvation, and by life and word to help others to be ready for His glorious appearing?
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
9. Do you believe in God’s Remnant Church, and is it your purpose to support the church by your tithes and offerings, your personal effort, and influence?
10. do you believe that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you are to honor God by caring for your body, avoiding the use of that which is harmful, abstaining from all unclean foods, from the use, manufacture, or sale of alcoholic beverages, the use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of its forms for human consumption, and from the misuse of, or trafficking in, narcotics or other drugs?
11. Knowing and understanding the fundamental Bible principles as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is it your purpose, by the grace of God, to order your life in harmony with these principles?
12. Do you accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion, and do you desire to be so baptized as a public expression of your faith in christ and in the forgiveness of your sins?
13. do you believe that the Seventh-day adventist church is the remnant church of Bible prophecy, Rev. 12:17, and that people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship? Do you desire membership.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Spiritual discovery
8. Do you accept the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and do you believe that the gift of prophecy in the remnant church is one of the identifying marks of that church?
4. Read The Pathfinder Story.
Spiritual discovery
for Wilderness Ranger
1. complete Ranger requirements. 2. Read/listen to Steps To Jesus.
3. Study and discuss two of the following life issues with your Ranger group and an adult: • Gossip • lying • Profanity • The World Wide Web • Sexually Transmitted Infections
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Serving others
Meet with the adventist community Services (in the united States and Bermuda) or adRa canada (in canada) leader in your area and ask about projects that your Pathfinder unit or class might be able to accomplish that would help meet needs in your community. alternate Requirement: ask an adventist community Service or adRa canada leader in your area to make a presentation to your Pathfinder Club or Unit which would include giving suggestions of how youth could help meet needs in your community.
What ar projects e community that you in your area ru can acc nit or class omplish?
Plan a community service project with your Pathfinder unit or class and complete it.
What project did I plan? What happened?
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
Serving others
1. Fulfill requirements #7 and #8 of the Serving Communities Honor.
2. Fulfill requirement #9 of the Serving Communities Honor. Complete at least 4 hours of volunteer service, including both time invested in the project mentioned in requirement number eight and time donated to other community services activities. How I helped
Serving others
for Wilderness Ranger
1. complete Ranger requirements. 2. Fulfill requirement #1 of the Serving Communities Honor. Read the following Bible texts and explain what they teach about the role God expects each christian to play in meeting the needs of the poor and suffering in the community: luke 10:25-37 Matthew 25:31-46
texts What do these y role teach about m poor in helping the g? and sufferin
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
making friends 1. Role-play the story of the Good Samaritan and think of ways you can serve your neighbors and carry out three of your ideas.
making friends
How c ou my ne ld I serve What t ighbors? d i d I ch r e e i d e a s arry o ut?
2. Fulfill requirements #1, #5 and #10 of the Family Life Honor.
W mo rol ha br th es t a th oth er, of re e e s fa th of Bibl r as iste the e Pr e a g r, r, op nd ive a he S n nd cy pi in ? rit
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
W s o mh a t a r e that e thin gs fa spe milies mon nd ey o n?
W sh way hat or ow s t ar int co ha e f ne er nc t I ive ig es er c hb t n an or in fo s? m r y
making friends
res What po is my nsibi my fina famil lity to nce y's s?
for Wilderness Ranger
1. complete Ranger requirements. 2. Complete the Family Life Honor, if not previously earned.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
health and fitness 1. learn the value of divine power & rest by: a. For five consecutive days, spend eight minutes each day in a quiet spot (no electronics, books or distractions) and reflect on ways God has touched your life during the last 24 hours.
health and fitness
H God ow has to my l uched ife?
Wh l i k lik e at qu e a and did ie bo n I t ut o tim m t e? y
b. Share what you liked and didn’t like about your quiet time with a friend or your group.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
c. Keep a sleep log for seven days. daY 1
daY 2
daY 3
daY 4 health and fitness
daY 5
daY 6
daY 7
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
d. Find an article on how lack of sleep affects the body and make a presentation about what you have learned.
health and fitness
pr How es w en as ta m tio y n?
Wha did t articl e I re ad?
Do en I ge sle ough t ep ?
e. Read these texts: Exodus 31:17 Ezekiel 20:20 Isaiah 58:13, 14 Matthew 12:11, 12
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
f. discuss the following question with your group:
H S a bo w w i a m ba ll I i ea th kee G o dn m y n i n g f u s o i t p t h l e wi e a re my nd po lation xper ll be phy sit shi ienc sic ivel p w e al h y im ith eal pac th? t
2. Earn the First aid Honor.
health and fitness
3. complete the Basic Water Safety oR Beginner Swimming Honor, if not previously earned.
for Wilderness Ranger
1. complete Ranger requirements. 2. Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as: President’s challenge active lifestyle Program live Healthy Bermuda Kids other __________________
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
nature Study 1. a. Read two articles from science that relate to the laws of nature. b. Review the story of the Ten commandments. c. Perform three experiments which demonstrate the natural laws of God (e.g. law of gravity, law of magnetism)
Experiment 2
Experiment 3
nature Study
Experiment 1
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
2. lichens/Shells Make an “eternal garden.� oR collect and identify 15 different shells and tell where they may be found.
for Wilderness Ranger
1. complete Ranger requirements. 2. Insects/Wildflowers collect and mount 15 species of insects representing at least six different orders. oR Draw, photograph or collect pictures of 20 kinds of wild flowers and identify correctly.
nature Study
3. Complete a nature honor at your skill level, not previously earned. (Skill level 2 or 3)
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
outdoor living 1. Complete requirements #1-11b of the Hiking Honor.
outdoor living
2. Earn the camping Skills IV Honor.
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
no tes
outdoor living
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
honor enrichment
- Advanced
for Wilderness Ranger
1. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of arts & crafts or Household arts. (Skill level 2 or 3)
Complete seven arts & Crafts honors to get this!
Complete seven Recreational honors to get this!
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
honor enrichment
2. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of Recreational, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries. (Skill level 2 or 3)
no tes
RangeR LeveL REcoRd JouRnal
GC PF Logo 100% Size Sword - Reflex Blue (C100,M70,K5) Field - Red (M100,Y100) Inner Shield - Silver (White) Lines & Type - Gold (Y100)
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