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Summer Camp Information
There is no better place to be this summer than at MPCC’s Summer Camps! With a wide array of themed activities, sports, crafts, and activities, there is no room for boredom.
• Campers will be placed into groups based on age. For school age camps, participants MUST have completed kindergarten. • MUST sign up at least one week prior to the start of your chosen camp. • Campers must bring their own snacks (2), breakfast, lunch, and a water bottle.
After Camp Care (Playschool Camps)
(Ages 3-5) After Camp Care is available for parents who need a little extra time to pick up their campers after camp! Each day will have age-appropriate activities, such as stories, crafts, and games. Each child will need to bring a nut free snack. After Camp Care is Monday-Friday and starts at the end of each camp, 12:00pm-3:30pm. MUST register one week prior to the start of your chosen camp(s). $60; AAM/$100/M; $112/R; $124/NR
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
*No camp 7/4 M-F M-F M-F M-F M-F 7/11-7/15 7/18-7/22 7/25-7/29 8/1-8/5 8/8-8/12 After Camp Care (School Age Camps)
After Camp Care is available for parents who need a little extra time to pick up their campers after camp! Each day will have ageappropriate activities, such as stories, crafts, and games. Each child will need to bring a nut free snack. After Camp Care is Monday-Friday and starts at the end of each camp, 3:30pm-6:30pm. MUST register one week prior to the start of your chosen camp(s). $65 per week (Week 3 - $55)
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Each week, participants will have a scheduled day to enjoy some fun in the pool! Parents will be given swim day information at the start of each camp. Participants must bring a towel and swim attire to p-articipate in pool activities. If you do not wish for your child to participate in pool time, please let Camp Staff know at the start of each camp.