NOVEMBER ACTIVITIES Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov.12 Nov.13 Nov.15 Nov.19
This program is designed to meet the needs of individuals with developmental/cognitive disabilities. Join us for arts, crafts, fitness, movies, computers & video games. Access our Wellness Center, enjoy our pool or take a walk in the park! We meet every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-2:30pm. Only $2 Drop in fee required or just $20 per month.
Nov.20 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 29
Tuesday with Todd PRTC Presentation and Excursion Yoga and Arts and Crafts AquaFit Tuesday with Todd AquaFit and Buddy Bingo Yoga and Bring something from home to do/share. AquaFit Tuesday with Todd HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING DAY! Yoga and Pickle with Carl AquaFit Tuesday with Todd AquaFit and "Hokey Pokey" in the gym
BUDDY NEWS Trick or Treat! The 2012 Buddy Halloween Party will go down in "Buddy History” as the bestest ever! We had such a great time dressing in costumes, decorating cookies, cupcakes and pumpkins and don't forget the drop the ghost (thanks David for the ghosts) in the pumpkin game. Many of the Buddies helped create the "Frankie" candy filled prizes that were a big hit. Eric and Josh proved to be great at drawing "Frankie" faces! The Buddies made some new friends from the Manassas Church of Christ. These kind folks not only provided pizzas, drinks and ice cream but joined in the Buddy spirit of having a good and joyful time. Great big Buddy thank you’s to Home Depot for donating over 30 pumpkins; Food Lion for the cookies and to all the Buddy families for donations and participation. It was a indeed "Monster Smash".
We have new Buddies! OOPS! Sorry I missed the new Buddy section last month... so here's a belated great big Buddy welcome to Jon, Kristin, Patty, Valery, and Vanessa D. who all joined in September. You are a wonderful addition to the group. The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round! On November 8 at 11:30 (be sure to have lunch early) the PRTC bus system will do a group presentation for the Buddies. It will include a presentation on the bus system followed by an "On-the Bus" experience. Let's Draw! "Tuesday with Todd” proved to be a huge success. Mr. Todd introduced the Buddies to drawing with charcoal by having them do a self portrait. Look for the portraits to be on display in the Buddy room soon. Mr. Todd was also on hand at the party helping the Buddies pick out decorations for their pumpkins. Thank you Mr. Todd for being a true and grand friend.
More Buddy News Looking Ahead! Last year the Buddies collected money to buy a gift for Toys for Tots. We will do that again this year so please bring $5 or however much you can afford to help someone who is less fortunate. We will collect the money on 12/6. Thanksgiving Food Drive. The Buddies will be collecting, along with the Community Center, non-perishable food items for the Manassas Serve/NVFS food pantry. There is a box in the lobby in front of the desk and the deadline is November 14. Election Day Pizza Party--Don't forget to vote! On Tuesday November 6 we will have a pizza party--everyone please bring $5 to cover the cost.
BUDDY OF THE MONTH Barbie Andoh lives in Bristow with her mother and sisters. Her mother is an assistant elementary school teacher and works with autistic children. She has worked at Panera Bread in Gainesville for almost six years and has a multitude of responsibilities. Her birthday is July 20. She joined the Buddy Club this past summer and says it is lots of fun. She has made many new friends and enjoys participating in the activities especially the dancing. Yeah! Bootie Shakers! In her spare time she likes to read books and watch sports on television. She has two favorite football teams--the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants. In school she played basketball at Woodbridge Senior High School. She enjoys shoe shopping with her family at DSW. She loves shoes! Her favorite colors are blue, yellow and a little bit of pink. She loves to eat pizza, chicken, Chinese, Jamaican and West African food with a little mac and cheese thrown in on the side. She loves to listen to music while jogging and you can often find her in the computer lab listening to music. Thank you Barbie for all you do for the Buddies!
City of Manassas Park Department of Parks and Recreation 99 Adams Street Manassas Park, Va 20111 Phone – 703.335.8872