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MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Policy No. MRIU-IQAC-PL-VAC/2015-16

MRIU Policy on Value Added Courses and SoPs for Implementation (Effective from the date of notification)

Notified vide MRIU/REGR/2016/26/2

dated: 31st March 2016

MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Sector -46, Surajkund Badkhal Road, Aravali Hills, Faridabad- 121004







Short Title and Application












Guiding Principles



Process of Development of VACs



Approval Process



Review Process






Annexure A- Standard Operating Procedure for


Implementation of Value-Added Courses

Policy on Value Added Courses 1. PREAMBLE Manav Rachna International University is highly committed towards the overall development of its students. Besides the courses undertaken by the students as a part of the curriculum of their chosen programmes, the value-added courses (VACs) help the students to develop and enhance their skills in the field of their own volition. As such the value-added courses play an important role in preparing students for academic flexibility and enrichment. Such courses also facilitate the students to keep pace with the latest technologies. Accordingly, the various departments of Manav Rachna International University (MRIU) shall be offering value-added courses with the aim to facilitate students to pursue courses of their choice and to enable them to learn extra courses beyond curricula and acquire more knowledge. 2. OBJECTIVES MRIU is committed to its mission to advance knowledge and educate students that best serve the nation. For the all-round development of its students it leaves no stone unturned to provide the opportunities to acquire more exposure and know-how to the students, which transcends the curriculum. To enhance the knowledge of the students in different fields, university would start value-added/certificate courses from year 2015-16 especially for keen learners. Value-added course shall aim to enrich the knowledge of students so that they can be better prepared to meet industry demands as well as develop their own skills. The keen learners can get enrolled in additional courses, acquire more value and can also opt for an interdisciplinary approach to learning. The additional knowledge to learners through such value-added courses shall help in improving their employability skills. It shall also provide an opportunity to students to develop inter-disciplinary skills.


3. GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Value-added courses shall be introduced on the basis of inputs from all stakeholders. In the beginning of the Academic year, all the value added courses identified by the Department would be open for the students. Students would be given freedom to choose the courses of their choice. Certificates would be awarded to the students who would attain minimum required attendance and successfully qualifies the assessment criteria as laid down and notified by the department at the time of notification of the start/registration of the value-added course. Validation and Finalization of eligible students for the final assessment/examination would be based on report prepared by course coordinator after completion of classes. Value-added courses shall be non-credit courses and shall be conducted by experts of the area so that additional values can be added in student’s profile. University will run sufficient number of such courses so that students can have good number of choice from given VACs basket. The value added courses will not be only confined for the students of parents department but they shall be available for the students of other departments also which provide an opportunity to students to develop inter-disciplinary skills. 4. PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF VACs Based on the inputs received from the various stake holder viz students, faculty, alumni, parents and employer in the form of suggestions/recommendations about the new emerging areas and keeping in view the requirements of giving additional inputs towards life skills and sustainability, each department and other prominent sections/cells of the university shall plan the value-added courses which shall be made open for the entire community of the students. On the basis of above inputs and requirements, the central committee at the University level shall also propose to the concerned department and other cells/centres of the university to plan and prepare the course contents of new VAC with expected outcomes and deliverables along with the scheme/process of assessment of the enrolled/registered students for that particular VAC for award of certificate of its successful completion. Accordingly the committee will be formed in each department with members who represent different levels in a department. It will be the driving force for planning and preparing its 3

deliverable contents, resource persons, expected outcomes etc for the planned value-added courses and chalk out its strategy for its effective implementation. The Dean/ HOD or a senior faculty will lead the committee and will include experience and committed members who gradually become experts during the development and implementation phases of the process. The faculty coordinator of each proposed VAC by the department shall then be designated by the HoD in consultation with respective Dean of Faculty to execute the planned VAC. 5. APPROVAL PROCESS All the proposed Value-added Courses to be offered by the departments or any Centre/Cell of the University in a particular academic year along with its all details shall be forwarded to the Academic Council for its consideration and approval through the office of Dean Academics. 6. REVIEW PROCESS At the end of every academic year, the reports of all the Value-added Courses offered by the departments and other centres/cells of the University during the academic year shall be shared discussed in the IQAC after compilation at the level of Director IQAC. In this meeting of IQAC, the continuation of value-added courses offered during last academic year along with new proposed courses shall also be discussed and decided. For the effective implementation of this policy the stakeholders involved are supposed to follow its documented Standard Operating Procedure attached as Annexure A under title “Standard Operating Procedure for Implementation of ValueAdded Courses” 7. EXIGENCY, IF ANY Notwithstanding anything stated in this Policy, for any unforeseen issues arising, and not covered by this Policy, or in the event of differences of interpretation, the Vice-Chancellor may take a decision, after obtaining if necessary the opinion/advice of a Academic Council. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final.








VALUE-ADDED COURSES This Document to be called as “Standard Operating Procedure for Implementation of Value Added Courses” is made for the purpose of effective implementation of the MRIU Policy on Value Added Courses (VACs). The stakeholders involved in the Value Added Courses are supposed to diligently follow the laid down policy and the SoP for the purpose of Value-added Courses for all programs/courses.

Operational Procedure Each Department will offer a variety of value added courses which will be conducted after normal scheduled timings of regular classes or during semester break. Value-added courses shall be noncredit courses. These courses will be conducted by experts of the area so that values can be added in student’s profile. University will run sufficient number of such courses so that students can have good number of choice from given VACs basket. Details of value added courses will be notified in each semester by the Departmental Head/ Dean. The value added courses will not be only confined for the students of parents department but they shall be available for the students of other departments also. It shall also provide an opportunity to students to develop inter-disciplinary skills. The concerned department offering VACs shall designate course coordinator for each value-added course for its smooth conduct and overall coordination in respect of delivery, attendance, assessment and certification. Each VAC will be of minimum thirty hours and can have theory or practical or blending of both theory and practical. For certification, attendance of 75% will be compulsory for successful completion of courses along with notified assessment/examination. Mode of assessment/examination can vary from course to course but shall be notified by the offering department at the beginning of the course only. After successfully completion of course, student will be awarded the certificate. Department shall normally run the particular VAC only when minimum 10 students register for that course. Regular monitoring will be done for value-added courses by respective departmental heads, Dean of Faculty and Office of the Deans Academics. 5

The following Standard Operating Procedure shall be followed at MRIU for ValueAdded/Certificate Courses for its students: ➢ All individual department shall identify Value-added /Certificate Courses to be offered by them based on the inputs received from the various stakeholders - Employers/Industry Experts, Alumni, Parents, Faculty and Students after due deliberations among the internal faculty









suggestions/recommendation to start a particular course of other area/specialization, the same can be forwarded to the concerned department for their consideration. The course can be Theory Based or Lab Practice Based or mix of both theory and lab practice sessions. ➢ The list of such proposed courses shall be forwarded to the office of Dean Academics with all the following relevant details for further working and to facilitate the approval of Academic Council. •

Title of the Proposed Course:

Course Coordinator:

Expected Course Outcomes:

Course contents in brief:

Duration of the Course:

Mode of Examination:

Semester in which the courses is proposed to be offered Odd/Even or both

Maximum Batch Size:

Any additional Requirement, if any:

➢ The list of proposed value-added/certificate courses which gets approved shall be communicated back by the office of Dean Academics to all the respective departments for further course of action. ➢ In case of any additional requirement of resources/funds exists to conduct the proposed course, the same shall be forwarded to the Board of Management for the necessary approval. ➢ The Course Coordinator, after discussion with the respective HoD shall facilitate to notify all such courses to be offered in each semester with complete expected course outcome


and expectations from the enrolled students to successfully complete the course and make them eligible for award of certificate. The broad guidelines for eligibility for award of certification shall be as under: •

The enrolled/registered student for the course shall be required to maintain minimum 75% attendance

He/she should get minimum 50% marks in the assessment made by the course coordinator including theory and lab practices, whatever applicable.

➢ After completion of the course delivery, the course coordinator shall do the assessment of students by conducting examination as per the requirement and notification at the time of its commencement. ➢ The Course Coordinator shall then forward the complete report of the course conducted by him/her to the respective HoD along with the list of students who have successfully completed the course with given minimum benchmarks. ➢ The students who successfully complete the course shall then be issued the Certificate duly signed by the Course Coordinator and respective HoD as per following format:

“MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Faridabad, Haryana) (Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC act, 1956) Faculty of ___________________ Department of ____________ Academic Year:_________ It is to certify that Roll No: student of programme of MRIU has successfully completed the certificate course / value-added course titled “ ” course code “ ” conducted by the Department from to . Course Coordinator

Head of Department”


All HoDs shall then forward the complete detailed reports of all the value-added/certificate courses conducted by their respective departments to IQAC before its 4th quarterly meeting. The above-stated SoPs for implementation of Value-added Courses shall remain operational and valid till the Policy of Value-added Courses of the University is revised


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