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Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year BIOCHEMISTRY, NUTRITION AND DIETETICS (BDS-BIOC-101) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 80

No. of pages: 2 Note: Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.



Multiple choice questions: a) Gout is a metabolic disorder of catabolism of: i) Pyrimidine ii) Purine iii) Alanine iv) Phenylalanine b) Important buffer of Extracellular fluid is: i) Bicarbonate/Carbonic Acid ii) Disodium hydrogenphosphate/Sodium dihydrogen phosphate iii) Plasma Protein iv) Organic Phosphate c) All are dietaryfibers except: i) Cellulose ii) Sucrose iii) Inulin iv) Dextrin v)) Lignin d) All of the following act as antioxidant except: i) Vitamin E ii) Vitamin C iii) Glutathione Reductase iv) Selenium v) Monoamine Oxidase e) Increased urobilinogen in urine and absence of bilirubin in the urine suggests about: i) Obstructive jaundice ii) Hemolytic jaundice iii) Viral hepatitis iv) Toxic jaundice 1x5


Write short notes on the following: i) Liver function tests. ii) Genetic Code and its features. iii) Mechanism of action of steroid hormones. iv Essential amino acids and biological importance of proteins. v) Sickle cell anemia.



Classify ‘Vitamins’. Explain biosynthesis and deficiency of Vitamin ‘D’. Discuss the regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism in detail. 10


Multiple choice questions: a) Which one of the following is a rate limiting enzyme of gluconeogenesis? i) Hexokinase ii) Phosphofructokinase iii) Pyruvate carboxylase iv) Pyruvate kinase b) Which one of the amino acids could serve as the best buffer at pH-7? i) Glutamic acid ii) Arginine iii) Valine d) Histidine


c) The class of lipoproteins beneficial to atherosclerosis is: i) Chylomicrons ii) High Density Lipoproteins iii) Very low density Lipoproteins iv) Low density Lipoproteins d) Iron is transported by ______ and stored as________. i) Intrinsic factor, hemosiderin ii) Transferrin, ferretin iii) Haemoglobin, transferrin iv) hemosederin , globulin e) Regulation of some enzymes by covalent modification involves addition or removal of: i) Acetate ii) Sulphate iii) Phosphate iv) Coenzyme 1x5 Q.5

Write short notes on the following: a) Ketone Bodies. b) Urea Cycle and ammonia toxicity. c) Energy generated on oxidation of one molecule of glucose. d) Fluid Mosaic Model of structure of Membranes. e) Structure of Collagen and Role of Vitamin C in its modification. 5x5


Classify ‘Enzymes’ with examples and explain the clinical importance of enzymes in details. 10


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year FRENCH (BDS-CDC-OE-001) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory.

No. of pages: 6

Section A Compréhension Écrite

Q.1 Lisez le dialogue et répondez aux questions suivantes:

C'est ma vie. Je m'appelle Angélica Summer, j'ai 12 ans et je suis canadienne. Ma famille et moi, nous avons déménagé (moved to) dans le sud de la France. Mon père, Frank Summer, est mécanicien ; il adore les voitures anciennes. Ma mère s'appelle Emilie Summer ; elle est infirmière dans un hôpital non loin de notre maison. Nous avons déménagé en France, parce que ma mère aime la culture de ce pays. La vie (life) en France est très différente de la vie au Canada. Ici, il fait toujours (always) chaud. Chaque dimanche, nous allons à la magnifique plage de Biarritz et nous achetons des glaces et après nous nageons dans la mer. Les Français sont très sympathiques. Nous parlons français quand nous sommes dehors, à l'école ou au marché. Mais, nous continuons de parler canadien à la maison. (A) Répondez aux questions : (Answer to the questions)


a) Quel temps fait –il en France ? _______________________________________________________________________ b) Qu’est-ce que la famille fait le dimanche ? _______________________________________________________________________


(B) Dites vrai ou faux : (True or False)


a) Ils parlent français à l’école.


b) L’homme collectionne les voitures anciennes.


c) La famille est canadienne


d) La mère s’appelle Angelica


(C) Donnez le contraire de : (Give the opposite of these words) a) Près


2 b) Chaud


Section B Expression Écrite Q.2

Prèsentez-vous Ou Décrivez votre ami(e) (Introduce yourself or Describe your friend)


_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


Q.3 Décrivez votre journée (Describe your day)


_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Section-C Grammaire Q.4 Complétez avec les prépositions données. (Complete with the given prepositions)


Entre , Sans, Sur, Prés de, Loin de, Avec, A gauche de, Contre, A drote de, Pour, Derriere, Devant,Dans, Autour de a) Les éléves sont __________________ la classe. (In) b) Il va à Delhi ___________________ une semaine. (For)


c) Il y a un restaurant _______________ de la mer. (Near by) d) Il y a un restaurant ___________________ du cinéma. (Around) e) Je vois une horologe _____________ le mur. (On the left) f) ____________________ le magasin, il y a un cinéma. (Infront) g) Le stylo est __________________ la table. (On) h) Je vais au restaurant __________________ mes amis. (With) i) Les arbres sont ________________ la maison et le jardin. (Between) j) Alina va à la plage ______________ Kusum. (Without) Q.5 Mettez au pluriel.


(Make these sentences plural) a) C’est une bonne fille. _______________________________________________ b) Il a un portable _______________________________________________ c) Elle aime la fleur rouge. _______________________________________________ d) Elle est américaine. _______________________________________________ e) C’est un stylo et un crayon. _______________________________________________ Q.6 Conjuguez les verbes reguliers suivants en presence:-


(Conjugate the following regular verbs in present tense) a) Elles ____________________des cahiers. (Jeter) b) Vous ______________________le musée. (Chercher) c) Ils ___________________ le lait. (Adorer) d) Marc __________________ dans sa chambre. (Entrer) e) Elles _______________________les livres? (Dessiner) f) Tu __________________les journaux. (Acheter) g) Elle _____________________ avec ses parents. (Diner)


h) Il _______________________au cricket. (Jouer) i) Vous ________________________ votre amis? (Commander) j) Nous __________________le travail. (Commencer) Q.7 Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs:(Mon, Ma, Mes ……………….. Leur, Leurs) (Complete the blanks with adjective possessive)


a) Alina va à la plage avec ____________ sœur et _____________ parents. b) Il range _____________ salon et ______________ cuisine. c) Nous porte __________ jupe et ____________ gants d) Vous ne faisons pas ___________ travail et ____________ exercices. e) Il oublie souvent _______________ clés dans _________ maison. Q.8 (A) Traduisez en anglais (Translate into English) a) Bonne nuit! _____________________________________ b) Monsieur


c) Merci!


d) Bonjour!


e) À demain!


(B) Complétez avec les mots propres (Complete with the correct word.) a) Bonjour, Alina! Comment ________________________ (FORMAL) (allez-vous/ça va?) b) Bonsoir, Kusum! Comment _________________________ (INFORMAL) (allez-vous/ça va?) c) Je vais bien, _______________________ (merci/ s’il vous plaît)



d) Ça va ! Et _________________________ ?(INFORMAL) (toi/ vous) e) Comme ci comme ça ________________ (A bientột/Bonne chance) Q.9 Complétez en utilisant les pronoms sujets (je,tu,il,elle,nous,vous,ils,elles.) (Complete the sentences by using subject pronouns)


a) ___________ parlez anglais.


b) ___________ manges le gâteau. c) ___________ aimons aller au cinéma. d) ___________ voyagent à Paris. e) ___________ invitons des amies de Paul. f) ___________ donne le livre. Q.10 (A) Complétez avec l’article défini.- (le, la, l’, les) (Complete with the definite articles)


a) Elle adore ______________ glace et ______________ bonbons. b) Vous regardez _________________ télévision. (B) Complétez avec l’article indéfini. - (Un, Une, Des) (Complete with the indefinite articles)


a) Elles ont _____________________ stylo. b) Elle a _________________ chapeau. c) Vous avez ________________ crayons. Q.11 Traduisez en français: (Translate into french)


a) It’s raining.


b) It’s pleasant.


c) It’s sunny.

__________________________________. Section-D Culture and Civilisation

Q.12 Réliez les colonnes. (Match the following) S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Column A Les Alpes Le brie Chanel La Loire L’Euro

5 Column B Un fleuve Un parfum Une montagne Monnaie Européenne Un fromage



Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year SPANISH (BDS-CDC-OE-002) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory.

No. of pages: 6

Comprensión Q.1

Lee el texto y responde a las preguntas.


¡Hola! Me llamo Marina. Tengo 13 años. Vivo en Sevilla. Voy (I go) al instituto Goya. Mi asignatura (subject) favorita es la historia. Yo tengo dos hermanos se llaman Juanjo y Víctor. También tengo dos perros que se llaman Jim y Jam. Los sábados por la mañana practica la natación (swimming), es mi deporte preferido (preferred). Por la tarde, hago (I do) los deberes y luego salgo (I leave) con mis amigos. Los domingos no salgo, me quedo (I stay) en casa. Por la mañana leo un poco, sobre todas novelas de ciencia ficción y por la tarde, veo (I see) la tele o navego por internet. Preguntas a) ¿Dónde vive Marina?


b) ¿Cuántos años tiene Marina?


c) ¿Qué es su asignatura favorita?


d) ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene y sus nombres?


e) ¿Qué hace Marina en el sábado por la tarde? ______________________________________________________________________.

f) ¿Qué hace Marina en el domingo por la mañana? ______________________________________________________________________.

g) ¿Cómo se llama su instituto? ______________________________________________________________________.

h) ¿Cuántos perros tiene Marina? ______________________________________________________________________.

i) ¿Cómo se llaman sus perros? ______________________________________________________________________.

j) ¿Qué es su deporte preferido? ______________________________________________________________________.



Lee el texto y responde las preguntas.


¡Hola! Yo soy Anjela. Mi hermano se llama Pablo. Su edad es 12 años. Él habla cuatro lenguas hindi, chino, español y un poco de italiano. Él también aprende inglés. Mi mejor amiga y mi hermano estudian en misma (same) escuela. Mi mejor amiga se llama María y ella tiene 16 años. Ella es muy guapa y estudiosa. Ella también habla cuatro lenguas. Nosotros vemos películas juntos. Yo amo a mi amiga mucha. Verdadero o falso: a) Pablo habla español un poco. __________ b) El hermano de Anjela es Pablo. __________ c) María y Pablo no estudian en misma escuela. __________ d) Anjela y María tienen 16 años. __________ e) La mejor amiga de Anjela es guapa y estudiosa. __________ Escrito Q.3

Describe este dibujo. ¿Qué estas personas están haciendo?


__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________



¿Qué vas a hacer en esta semana?


__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q.5

Hace 2 frases para cada verbo. a) Tener, nosotros


_________________________________________________________________ b) Vivir, usted _________________________________________________________________ c) Gustar, tú y yo _________________________________________________________________ d) Tomar, vosotros _________________________________________________________________ e) Entender, nosotros _________________________________________________________________ f) Bañarse, yo _________________________________________________________________ g) Hablar, ellas _________________________________________________________________ h) Escribir, él _________________________________________________________________ i) Aprender, ella _________________________________________________________________ j) Trabajar, ustedes _________________________________________________________________



Traduce en inglés.


a) Este es mi libro. ___________________________________________________. b) Esas son tus botellas. ______________________________________________. c) Aquellas son nuestras bolsas. ________________________________________. d) Estas son tus clases. _______________________________________________. e) Ese es vuestra camisa. _____________________________________________. Q.7

Gramática Escribe el horario en español.


a) 10:55 _________________________________________________________. b) 8:45 _________________________________________________________. c) 12:25 _________________________________________________________. d) 7:30 _________________________________________________________. e) 6:15 _________________________________________________________. Q.8

Elige la respuesta correcta.


1) ¿Cómo ___________________ llamas? a) tú b) se c) te 2) Mis padres ________________ en una fábrica. a) trabaja b) trabajan 3) ______________ dos y media.

c) trabajáis

a) son b) son las c) están 4) Cuando tengo tiempo libre, me gusta _____________.

a) bailar b) bailando c) bailo 5) Carlos _______________ treinta y dos años.

a) tiene b) es c) está 6) Todos los sábados yo ______________ tarde. a) levanto

b) me levanto

c) me levantas

7) Cada sábado mi amigo visita a ____________ padres. a) su b) sus c) suyo 8) La catedral está ________________ supermercado. a) detrás del b) detrás de c) detrás de el 9) A Roberta ____________ mucho los animales. a) se gusta b) le gustan c) les gustan 10) ________________ va a bailar con ella. a) él b) le c) ellos


11) Soy estudiante pero durante las vacaciones estoy _____________ de camarera. a) trabajando b) trabajar c) trabajo 12) La película es _________________ interesante. a) muy b) mucha c) muchos 13) Todos los días de este mes Marisa_______________ levanta a las seis y media. a) me b) te c) se 14) ¿_______________ casas hay en esta calle? a) cuántas b) cuántos c) qué Q.9 Completa las frases con el verbo gustar.


a) A Elena le __________________ los colores. b) A mi hermana pequeña no le ____________________ el lápiz. c) ¿Te _____________ los libros? d) A José le __________________ la historia. e) A Sohan y a Rohan les ____________________ la geografía. Q.10 Elije la respuesta correcta.


1) Martha_________ una guitarra. a) tengo

b) tenemos

c) tiene

2) Las señoritas________ comprar unos helados. a) tengo

b) tienes

c) tienen que

3) Mi hermana y yo_________ ver un DVD. a) Tiene que

b) tenemos que

c) tienen

4) Yo siempre___________ mucha tarea. a) Tengo

b) tengo que

c) tenéis

5) Ustedes__________ comer mucha fruta. a) Tienen que

b) tiene

c) tengo

6) Tú __________una clase de arte ahora. a) Tienen

b) tienes

c) tenemos

Q.11 Conjuga los verbos en paréntesis.


a) Mi prima y yo ________ (entrar) en la clase. b) Marquéz __________ (empezar) a trabajar para mañana. c) Yo siempre __________ (decir) la verdad a mi madre. d) Los niños ____________ (cepillarse) los dientes todos los días. e) ¿vosotros ____________ (ver) la película? f) Tu __________ (Callarse) durante la clase.


g) Mi hermano prefiere ____________ (ducharse) cada día. h) Nosotros ___________ (peinarse) el pelo. Q.12 Tradúce al Español.


a) 5 + 9 +0 = 14 ______________________________________________________ b) 3 + 7 + 15 = 25 ____________________________________________________ c) 11 + 10 + 12 = 33 __________________________________________________ d) 16 + 13 + 6 = 35 ___________________________________________________ e) 1 + 19 + 26 = 46 ___________________________________________________ f) 4 + 6 + 40 = 50 ____________________________________________________ g) 11 of June. ________________________________________________________ h) 20 of May. _________________________________________________________ i) I am 14 years old. ___________________________________________________ j) She is 20 years old. __________________________________________________

Q.13 Relaciona.


a) Como

la música

b) ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?

en la mañana

c) Habla

la comida china

d) Juega

los verbos

e) Desayuna

la película

f) Va

la carta

g) Ve

estoy muy bien. gracias

h) Conjugamos

el criquet

i) Escribimos

a la escuela

j) Escuchan

por teléfono


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year HUMAN ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, HISTOLOGY AND MEDICAL GENETICS (BDS-HUAN-101) Time: 3 hrs. Note:

Max Marks: 80

No. of pages: 2 Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt the Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.


Multiple choice questions: a) Which muscle "flattens cheek against gums and teeth": i) Orbicularis Oris ii) Zygomaticus major iii) Zygomaticus minor iv) Buccinator b) Atlanto-axial joint is a type of: i) Pivot ii) Plane iii) Saddle iv) Ellipsoid c) Name the muscle which protrudes the tongue and its tip toward the opposite side. i) Hyoglossus ii) Genioglossus iii) Palatoglossus iv) Styoglossus d) The parotid duct opens into the: i) Floor of the mouth at the sublingual fold ii) Vestibule of the mouth opposite the second maxillary molar tooth iii) Vestibule of mouth opposite the second mandibular premolar tooth iv) Foramen cecum e) The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by a branch of which cranial nerve: i) V ii) VII iii) IX iv) XI 1x5


Write short notes on the following: a) Development of the face. b) Vascular supply of the heart. c) Histology of parotid gland. d) Waldeyer’s ring e) Functional areas of the brain.




Long question: Describe the course, branches, distribution and applied anatomy of mandibular nerve in detail. 10


Multiple choice questions: a) The foraman cecum of the tongue: i) Indicates the origin of the thyroid gland ii) Indicates the origin of the superior parathyroids iii) Is posterior to the lingual tonsil iv) Is the opening for the submandibular duct b) The occipital condyles articulate with which bone: i) Axis ii) Clavicles iii) Vertebra prominens iv) Atlas c) The cervical fascia that forms the sheath of the parotid gland is the: i) Investing ii) Superficial iii) Buccopharyngeal iv) Pretracheal d) The nerve of the mouth that lies just medial to the roots of the third mandibular molar teeth is the: i) Lingual ii) Hypoglossal iii) Glossopharyngeal iv) Nerve to the geniohyoid muscle e) Ligaments of TM Joint are: i) Sphenomandibular ii) Stylomandibular iii) Lateral iv) All of the above 1x5


Write short notes on the following: a) Sternocleidomastoid muscle. b) Carotid sheath c) Sites for i/m injection. d) Bell’s palsy e) Liver



Long question: Describe the gross anatomy, relations, nerve supply, vascular supply and applied of a thyroid gland in detail. 10


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year DENTAL ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY AND ORAL HISTOLOGY (BDS-ORPA-101) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 80

No. of pages: 2 Note: Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.



Multiple choice questions: a) Incremental lines of enamel are called: i) Perikymata ii) von Ebner iii) Enamel cracks iv) Striae of Retzius b) A transient structure found during development of tooth is: i) Enamel septum ii) Enamel lamella iii) Enamel tufts iv) Enamel spindles c) The most numerous cell type in the pulp: i) Fibroblast ii) Odontoblast iii) Defense cells iv) Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells d) On the cusps of human molars and premolars, maximum thickness of enamel is about: i) 0-1 mm ii) 2-2.5 mm iii) 3-3.5 mm iv) 4-6 mm e) The cells of dental papilla will form: i) Cementum ii) Pulp iii) Dentin iv) Both ii) and iii) 1x5


Write short notes on the following: a) Zones of pulp. b) Bone cells. c) Classify cementum. d) Specialized mucosa. e) Structure of dentin.



Discuss the various functional stages in the life cycle of the ameloblasts in detail. 10


Multiple choice questions: a) Eruption time of permanent Maxillary Central Incisor is: i) 7-8 years ii) 10-12 years iii) 9-11 years iv) 9-12 years b) The longest root is seen in: i) Mandibular canine ii) Maxillary canine iii) Maxillary lateral incisor iv) Mandibular first premolar c) The mesial marginal developmental groove is seen in: i) Maxillary first premolar ii) Maxillary second premolar iii) Mandibular first premolar iv) Mandibular second premolar


d) The long depression or valley in the surface of the tooth between ridges and cusp is: i) Fossa ii) Pit iii) Sulcus iv) Ridge e) The smallest tooth in the human permanent dentition is: i) Mandibular central incisor ii) Mandibular lateral incisor iii) Maxillary lateral incisor iv) Maxillary central incisor 1x5 Q.5


Write short notes on the following: a) Various tooth numbering systems. b) Embrasures. c) Development of tongue with applied aspects. d) Functions of saliva. e) Ridge.


Write the description of permanent maxillary first molar from all aspects in detail. 10


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year GENERAL HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (BDS-PHSY-101) Time: 3 hrs. Note:

Max Marks: 80

No. of pages: 2 Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt the Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.



Multiple choice questions: a) The receptor organ that generates auditory nerve impulses is: i) Inner ear. ii) Organ of Corti. iii) Tympanic membrane. iv) Tectorial membrane. b) Immunoglobulin produced by mucosa of lungs is: i) IgA ii) IgE iii) IgM iv) IgG c) The system of fibers maintaining the structure of cell is: i) Actin. ii) Myosin. iii) Troponin. iv) Cytoskeleton. d) The plasma protein which plays a major role in maintaining viscosity of blood is: i) Albumin. ii) Globulin. iii) Fibrinogen. iv) Prothrombin. e) Stretch reflex it is an example of:

i) ii) iii) iv) Q.2

Monosynaptic reflex. Polysnaptic reflex. Asynaptic reflex. Bisynaptic reflex.


Short questions: a) Differentiate between upper and lower motor neuron lesion. b) Explain the causes, effects and correction for errors of refraction. c) Differentiate between active and passive transport across a cell membrane. d) Elaborate the different methods of contraception in females and males.


e) Explain the properties of a cardiac muscle. Also write a short note on ‘shock’. 5x5 Q.3

Long question: What is the normal serum calcium level? Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium in detail. What is tetany? 10


Multiple choice questions: a) Mass peristalsis occurs in: i) Esophagus. ii) Stomach. iii) Small intestine. iv) Large intestine. b) Koratkoff sounds is produced due to: i) Turbulence to the flow of blood. ii) Laminar flow of blood. iii) Closure of AV Valves. iv) Closure of semilunar Valves. c) Blood pressure depends on the following except: i) Stroke volume. ii) Heart Rate. iii) Peripheral resistance. iv) End -systolic volume. d) Following are the features of Myxedema Except:

i) Intolerance to cold. ii) Non pitting edema. iii) Mental retardation. iv) Menstrual irregularities. e) Which of the following is not the cells of cerebellum? i) Purkinje cells. ii) Granular cells. iii) Gaint cells of Betz. iv) Basket cells.



Short questions: a) Define and classify different types of Anemia. Write a short note on ‘Erythropoietin’. b) Draw an oxygen dissociation curve. Also list the factors influencing it. c) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic mechanism of blood clotting in brief. d) What is GFR? What is its normal value? How is it measured? e) Differentiate between Isometric and Isotonic contraction with examples. Also add a note on ‘Saltatory’ conduction. 5x5


Long question: Describe the composition and regulation of salivary secretion. Add a note on its functions in detail. 10


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (BDS-PSY-OE-001) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2 Note: Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.



Multiple choice questions: a) The ability to discriminate between different feeling states and label them appropriately is termed as: i) Motivation ii) Emotional intelligence c) Self-concept iv) Self-confidence b) Ravi has healthy self-esteem. Which of the following is NOT TRUE for Ravi? i) Ravi can express his needs ii) Ravi has a positive outlook on life iii) Ravi has an intense fear of failure iv) Ravi avoids dwelling on past, negative experiences c) The awareness of the constancy of the self is termed as: i) Categorical Self ii) Existential Self iii) Referent Self iv) Holistic Self d) External or objective aspects of oneself such as son, teacher, friend are termed as: i) Social roles ii) Self image iii) Personality traits iv) Social relations e) The people we compare with ourselves are called: i) Reactive groups ii) Reference groups iii) Exemplary groups iv) Standard groups 1x5


Write short notes on the following: a) Self-worth b) Ideal Self c) Kuhn’s Twenty Statement Test d) Steps to enhance self-esteem e) Importance of Life Skills



Explain the importance of self-assessment in a student’s life in detail. 15


Multiple choice questions: a) Which of the following is TRUE of eustress? i) Decreases performance ii) Generally short term iii) Perceived outside the ability to cope iv) All of the above are true b) Which of the following is a psychological effect of stress? i) Hyperventilation ii) Overeating


iii) Having a sense of impending danger iv) Crying c) The ‘Quadrant of Deception’ contains which of the following types of tasks? i) Both urgent and important ii) Important but not urgent iii) Urgent but not important iv) Neither urgent nor important d) Jayant’s friends think that he is short-tempered but Jayant does not believe the same about himself. Jayant is displaying which of the following? i) Unknown Self ii) Hidden Self iii) Open Self iv) Blind Self e) Sachin always says "I'll just go with whatever the group decides”. What type of behavior is he displaying? i) Assertive ii) Passive iii) Aggressive iv) Avoidant 1x5 Q.5


Write short notes on the following: a) Effect of stress on performance b) Differences between EQ and IQ c) Importance of goal setting d) Any one technique of stress management e) Procrastination


How can you use the time management matrix to your advantage? Explain in detail. 15


Annual Examination, August 2020 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – First Year RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CATALYST-I (BDS-RIC-101) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 80

No. of pages: 2 Note: Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt Part-A and Part-B in the separate answer sheets.



Multiple choice questions: a) Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency? i) Mean ii) Standard deviation iii) Mode iv) Median b) Which type of clinical examination done in oral health surveys? i) Type I ii) Type II iii) Type III iv) Type IV c) Which of the following referencing uses alphabetical ordering? i) Harvard style ii) Vancouver style iii) Oxford referencing iv) Chicago style d) Primary data is collected through: i) Interview ii) Hospital records iii) Reports iv) Old surveys e) Which of the following is not a type of research? i) Qualitative ii) Quantitative iii) Mixed iv) Exponential 1x5


Short questions: a) Different types of scales used in a research b) Pathfinder survey c) Measures of dispersion d) Method of collecting data for a knowledge, attitude and practice study design. e) Different softwares to detect plagiarism. 5x5


Describe the steps to assess the dental caries status of 3-5 year old school children in Faridabad city. 10


Multiple choice questions: a) Charts and graphs facilitate: i) comparison of values ii) to know the trend iii) to know the relationship iv) all of the above b) Calibration is a process to assess: i) Intraexaminer variation ii) interexaminer variation iii) specificity of study iv) both i) and ii) c) For large country survey which sampling method of choice are to be used: i) Multiphase sampling ii) multiple sampling iii) cluster sampling iv) multistage sampling


d) Census is conducted at every: i) 2 years ii) 5 years iii) 7 years iv) 10 years e) Which diagram is used to represent quantitative data? i) Bar diagram ii) Pie chart iii) Histogram iv) Multiple bar diagram



Write short notes on the following: a) Non probability sampling designs b) Index age groups in oral health survey c) Differentiate between reference and bibliography d) Why coding is done before data entry e) What is indexing? What are its use of indexing a journal? Enumerate various indexing databases in detail. 5x5


Describe the steps for conducting a survey among geriatric population in old age homes residing in your city in detail. 10


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.