MANAV RACHNA UNIVERSITY, FARIDABAD Sector 43, Aravalli Hills, Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Faridabad, Haryana 121004
Dr Babita Parashar Designation : Dean, School of Education and Humanities Qualifications : Ph.D.(Instructional Design) M.Sc. Biosciences, M.Ed.(Gold Medalist) Email
: 17 Years
Research Interest: Instructional Design, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education, Learning Disability, Open Educational Resources, Science Pedagogy + Journal Publication Details: Singla, A. & Parashar, B. (2022). “Social Emotional Learning through STEM Education: Educators’ Perspectives”. International Journal of Science and Research, ISSN 2319-7064, Vol. 11 Issue:1 January 2022 Abdul, S. & Parashar, B. et. al (2021). “The Pandemic, Infodemic and People’s resilience in India: Viewpoint” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.” June 2021. Jha, S. & Parashar, B (2021).”Policies and Practices for Inclusion in India: A viewpoint”. Shodh Sarita ISSN: 2348-2397 Vol: 8 Issue: 29. January-March 2021. Kumar,P. & Parashar, B.(2020) ‘Assessment of Scholastic and Co-scholastic performance of Secondary School Students with special reference to vision NEP 2020’, Sambodhi (UGC CARE), ISSN 2249-6661, Vol. 43, No. 04(XXIV) Oct-Dec (2020). Kumar,P. & Parashar, B. (2020) ‘A study on the mental health of students: with reference to global Pandemic of COVID 19’, Wesleyan Journal of Research (UGC Care), ISSN: 0975-1386, Vol 13, No. 4(IX) Oct-Dec (2020). Kumar,P. & Parashar, B.(2021). “Mental well-being during and after COVID 19 outbreak sub theme - role of counselors and teachers in students’ mental health.” Published in Mrida: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol: 1 Issue: 1, September 2020. Rastogi, A. & Parashar, B. (2017). ‘Restructuring Pre-service Teacher Education in India: Some Lessons from Finnish teacher Education System.’ University News ISSN-0556-2257 Vol. 55 No. 18, May 01-07, pg 9-17. Rastogi, A. & Parashar, B. (2015). ‘Criteria for Selection of Prospective Teachers: a Concern’. Teacher Education, ISSN: 0379-3400 Vol. 49, No 1-2, Pg 1-11, April & October, 2015. Rastogi, A. & Parashar, B. (2009)“ Effectiveness of E-content in learning concepts and teaching skills” in Indian Journal of Teacher Education Anweshika, NCTE ISSN no. 0974-7702 Vol. 6 No. 2 December 2009. + Conference Presentation: Parashar, B. (2022), presented paper titled ‘Lets’ Read: A case study of metamorphosis in Kargil Schools.’ At International Conference on Cultural Unification through literature and languages organized by MRIIRS from 28-29 January, 2022. Parashar, B. (2021), presented paper titled, ‘Inclusion: Mapping policies with practices’ at the international virtual conference on ‘Inclusive Education: need and Challenges’ organized by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences from 17-18 December, 2021.