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MANAV RACHNA UNIVERSITY, FARIDABAD Sector 43, Aravalli Hills, Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Faridabad, Haryana 121004

Dr. Geeta R Thakur Designation

: Professor, Department of Education and Humanities Head, Manav Rachna Centre for Peace and Sustainability Head, Centre Academic Leardeship Qualifications : M.Com. M.Ed. PGD in Instructional Design, Ph.D.(Organizational Behavior) Email : geeta.mrasc@mru.edu.in Experience : 19 Years

Research Interest : Organizational Behavior, e-Learning, Instructional Design, Innovative pedagogies, Peace education, Education for Sustainable development + Journal Publication Details: “Changing Role of Teachers in Online Education” Managing Education: Post Covid challenges and opportunities. Edited book by Haryna State Higher Education Council, Haryana. Thakur, G. R. “Using Mobile Technology in modem teaching” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Scopus indexed Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018, pp. 1550–1556, Article ID: IJMET_09_09_169 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=9&IType=9 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 Thakur, G. R. “People centric smart cities”, in 6th International conference on energy and cities of future EVF 2019 18th Dec to 20th Dec 2020. Thakur, G. R. “A study of Computer Self-efficacy among D.Ed. Student teachers”, International Research Analysis and Evaluation (Indexed and referred International journal) ISSN 0975-3486 July 2012, Vol. III, Issue-34, pp. 6-7, India. http://www.ssmrae.com/admin/images/62abf21f958199c5c4edf10dcd956cd8.pdf Thakur, G. R. “Integrating ICT into Teacher Education.”, International Recognition Research Journal-Indian streams Research Journal (Vol:2, Issue- 6 July 2012. ISSN no. 2230-7850).Impact factor 0.1870 Pp 11-13. http://isrj.org/UploadedData/1151.pdf Thakur G. R. “Inculcating Digital Citizenship among Student-Need of the Hour” ‘International Recognition Research Journal-Indian Streams Research Journal. Jam 2013 II/XII ISSN no. 2230-7850 pp 35-38. Thakur G. R. “A Study of Student Teachers’ Perception about Performance Appraisal” ‘Conflux Journal of Education’ (A Peer reviewed International Journal). Mallapuram India. pISSN 2320-9305 eISSN 2347-5706 Volume 1, Issue 6, November 2013 pp-102- 104. Thakur G. R. “Kindle Students’ Thinking through Digital Mind Mapping.” ‘Cognitive Discourses International Multidisciplinary Journal’ pISSN 2321-1075 eISSN 2347-5692 Volume 1, Issue 3 November 2013 pp-13-15. Thakur G. R. and Thomas B.K. “Impact of Collaborative Construction of Visual Concept Maps.” ‘Golden Research Thoughts. Multidisciplinary International Journal. Impact factor-1.960. ISSN 2231-5063 Volume-3, Issue-5, Nov-2013. Pp.15

Thakur G. R. “Indoctrinating Knowledge Management Culture in Educational Institutions.” International peer reviewed Scholarly Research Journal. ISSN 2278- 8808, PISSN 2319-4766. Jan-march 2014 vol II/VII Impact factor-1.38. Pp-270-282. http://srjis.com/srjis_new/images/articles/34.%20Print.%20Ms.%20Geeta%20R%20Tha kur.pdf Thakur G. R. “Factors Correlates of Organizational improving Stress management of Teachers in Educational Varsity-A descriptive study” e-Reflection: An International Multidisciplinary Peer reviewed Journal ISSN 2278-120X Volume-II IssueVI November-December 2013 pp360-368. Thakur G. R. & Thomas B. “Inculcation of citizenship values Board game” An International Peer reviewed Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English language. July-Septeber 2014 I/I ISSN2348-3083 pp 228-234. Thakur G.R. "A study of Organizational Culture of Colleges of Education in Maharashtra state." Transacademia: An International Journal of Education Jan-June 2014 Vol III/I . ISSN 2319-3492 pp-17-25 Thakur G.R. “Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Principals in Colleges of Education” European Academic Research. Bazau, Romania ISSN 2286-4822.Vol. II Issue 3/June 2014. Pp. 4428-4442. http://euacademic.org/UploadArticle/691.pdf Thakur G.R. “Training and effectiveness of multimedia e-content prepared by student teachers in Economics for students of std. IX”. An International Peer Reviewed and Referred Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies. ISSN 2278-8808 (E), ISSN 2319-4766 (P)Impact factor4.194. Vol-II/XIV. Sept-Oct 2014. Pp.55-62 http://www.srjis.com/srjis_new/images/articles/Sept- Oct2014/3.%20GEETA%20THAKUR.pdf Thakur G. R. “Using Web Quests for inquiry based and constructivist learning” Transacademia: An International Journal of Education Jan-June 2014 Vol III/I . ISSN 2319-3492 Pp. Thakur, G. R. "Heutagogical Learning Efficiency Model To ICT Integration in the Classroom" in International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering, Science and Management ISSN: 2456-1134 volume 02 Issue 02.August 2017, Impact factor 0.9392. Thakur, G. R. “Make your Google Search Efficient”, Pillai Journal of Educational Research and Technology, (PJERT) JanMarch, 2013, Vol. 02, No. 1, ISSN 2249-4367 pp. 64-73, India. Thakur G. R. “Heutagogical approach : Need of an hour in techno era”. Beacon of Teacher education. ISSN 2319-9962 Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2013. Pp 28-33. Thakur, G. R. “Understanding Organizational Behavior of College of Education at team process level”, Pillai Journal of Educational Research and Technology, (PJERT) Jan- March, 2015, Vol. 02, ISSN 2249-4367 No. 1, pp 52-62 India. Thakur G. R. “Computer Self-efficacy of D.Ed. Student teachers and Development of ICT based Blended Learning Model”, ‘43rd IATE International Conference on Teacher Education and ICT: Global Context, Policy and Framework, held by Institute of Distance and Open Learning and Department of Education, University of Mumbai, India, Dec 29- 31 ‘2009. Thakur G. R. “Effectiveness of Pictorial Concept Mapping in the teaching of Science.”, ‘epiSTEME-4 International Conference organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India. Seminar proceeding ISBN 023-033229-3, pp- 184-188 Jan 5- 9 ‘2011. Thakur G. R. “Asynchronous Learning and Professional Development”, ‘UGC sponsored International level seminar on Building Asynchronous Learning Environments: Opportunities and Challenges’, organized by, K.J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training and Research, India, March 11 ‘2012. Thakur G. R. “Using Web Quests for inquiry based and constructivist learning” ‘International Colloquium on Emerging Trends in Education, organized by Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, India, 21st Feb. ‘2015

Thakur G. R. “Correlates of Human Resource Management in Colleges of Education” ‘National level seminar on Managing Human Resources’, organized by Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, India, April 4-5 ‘2012 ISBN 978-81924684-1-9 Thakur G. R. “Asynchronous Learning and Professional Development”, ‘UGC sponsored International level seminar on Building Asynchronous Learning Environments: Opportunities and Challenges’, organized by, K.J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training and Research, India, March 11 ‘2012. Thakur G. R. “Instilling Energy Ethics Though ECAC” ‘National level seminar on Environmental Re-engineering:Series 3 – Sustainable Energy for All, organized by Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, India, Oct 19-20 ‘2012 Thakur G. R. “Digital mind mapping for Collaborative knowledge construction.” ‘International conference on Perspectives in Higher Education: Alternatives in the context of Globalization.’ Organized by Department of Education, University of Mumbai on 8th - 10th Jan 2014. Thakur G. R. “Nurturing Naturalistic Intelligence through integrated curriculum and constructivist based approach” ‘National level seminar on Environmental Re- engineering:Series 3 – Family farming, organized by Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, India, 8th -9th Dec ‘2014. Presented a paper titled “Heutagogy based e-Training model for digital skill development of teachers” in the National seminar on “Using ICT for Quality in Teaching-learning and Evaluation processes” organized by Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science on 16th December 2018 and published in Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies ISSN 23-4766 and Impact factor 6.177. Presented a paper titled “Sustenance of the local, cultural and place identity values through education” in the national seminar on Environmental Re-engineering series8: Year of sustainable tourism organized at Pillai College of Education and Research on 9th December 2017 and published in seminar proceeding with ISBN 978-93-82626-47-3. Presented a paper titled “Effectivenss of Computer games in the teaching of Mathematics concept” in the national seminar on “Paradigm shift in education for 21st century” organized by Rajendra Pal B.Ed. college held on 8th April 2017 and published in seminar proceeding with ISBN 978-81-933440-6-4. Presented a paper titled “Let’s make the Augmented Reality the ‘Reality” in the national seminar on “Designing the 21st century Classroom” organized at Pillai College of Education and Research on 9th 10th April 2018 and published in seminar proceeding with ISBN 978-93-82626-46-6. + Conference Publications: Thakur G. R. “Self-directed Professional Development through Online resources”, ‘International Seminar on Professional Development of Teachers organized by The Learning Community, India, Nov 17-18 ‘2012. Thakur G. R. “Women & the Socio-economic context”, ‘National level seminar on Women in Contemporary India: An Interdisciplinary Approach’, held by Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, India, Jan 17-18 ‘2008. Thakur G. R. “Information and Communication Technology and Teacher Education”, ‘National level seminar on Reaccreditation in Higher Education-Measures for Quality Sustenance’, held by Seva Sadan’s College of Education, Ulhasnagar, India, Sept-Oct 30- 1 ‘2009. Thakur G. R. “Nurturing Civic Literacy through BCGC” ‘National level seminar on Empowering Learners in the Contemporary Society’, held by Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel, India, Apr 1-2 ‘2011. Thakur G. R. “Inculcating Digital Citizenship among Student-Need of the Hour” ‘National level seminar on Innovative Approaches in Teaching though e-Learning’ organized by Jayawantrao Sawant College of Education and Rajarshi Shahu

College of Education, Pune, India, Dec 23 ‘2012. Thakur G. R. “An Effective Tool to Create Environmental Awareness:ECAC” ‘National level seminar on Creating Awareness to Conserve and protect Environment-Role of Teacher’ organized by H.B.B.Ed. College, Vashi, India, Jan 22-23 ‘2013 Thakur G. R. “Role of ICT in In-service Training of teachers”, ‘State level seminar on Role of ICT for Enhancement of Quality Teacher Educatiion’, held by K.C.E. Society’s College of Education, Jalgaon, India, March 9-10 ‘2007. Thakur G. R. “A study of Stress Management of Teacher educators of Mumbai University”, ‘state level seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education’, organized by Smt. Kahibhai Navale College of Eduction and Training, Lonavala, India, Feb 25-26 ‘2012. Thakur G. R., “Enhancing digital competencies through development of storyboard for creating multimedia e-content” at National conference on Innovative practices in Teacher Education on 11th 12th October 2014. + Research Supervised: Mr. Ramashankar Choursia on “Meditation intervention for mental health of secondary school students” ongoing Ms. Jamila Ansari on “ Development and evaluation of Sustainable competencies toolkit for business studies curriculum” ongoing Lt. Gen Rajiv Mishra on “Follower’s emotion regulation and Psychological Well-being across Leadership Styles in Central India: An Empirical study.”ongoing Col A N Soni on “An empirical study of Disasters Management Experiences in Upstream Onshore Oil and Gas Industry in India" ongoing Ms. Pratishtha Singh on “An investigative study of Assessment Practices in traditional & online set up in higher education institutes”. Ms. Bharti Chauhan on “An analytical study of formative Assessment in higher education Institute”. Ph.D. Supervisor, University of Mumbai since 2017 Guide for M.A. education of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Published Ph.D. research work and research project work on ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) USA. Minor research funded by University of Mumbai on the topic “Training and effectiveness of multimedia e-content based on ADDIE model prepared by student teachers in economics for the students of STD. IX Guided 15 M.Ed. students for their M.Ed. research work of Mumbai University and 4 students of M. A. education from Indira Gandhi Open University Evaluated 6 PhD thesis as an external examiner External Committee Member for Ph.D. entrance Test Interview conducted on 3rd September 2017 by Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at School of Education and Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra External Committee Member for proposal presentation of Ph.D. students conducted on 25th January 2018 by Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities school of Education and Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra. + Book/Chapter Publications: Thakur G. R. “Understanding Organizational Behavior of Colleges of Education”, Published by Laxmi publication, India and LULU Book Publication, USA, 2015 (ISBN: 978-1-329-17708-6). Thakur, G. R. Edited book: “Recent Trends in ICT in Education”, Published by Laxmi publication, India and LULU Book Publication, USA, 2015 (ISBN: 1-329-17281-4).

Thakur G. R. “An Effective Tool to Create Environmental Awareness: ECAC” ‘Encyclopedia of Environmental Education.’ (Vol-I) ISBN- 978-93-313-2270-8 APH Publication, New Dehli. Thakur G. R. “Organizational Behavior in the Colleges of Education.” ‘Teacher Education in India’ Edited by Rajive Kumar and Narendra Kumar. ISBN 978-81-762 5- 969-9 Sarup book Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. “Qualitative content analysis” Contemporary researches in Education” edited by Asha J.V. and Naseerali ISBN 978-81927973-2-8 Nas Publication. pp 120-123. “E-Portfolios” Edited book: “Recent trends in ICT in education” ISBN: 1-329-17281-4 year 2015. Published by Laxmi publication, India and LULU Book Publication, USA. + Administrative Responsibilities: Dean, Student Welfare, MRU Coordinator of Ph.D. Centre of MIT-ADT University, Pune Head, Centre for Academic Leadership, MRU Head, Manav Rachna Centre for Peace and Sustainability + Professional Affiliation: Member Advisory Board Saradar Patel University, Balaghat MP Member Advisory Board Sheel Niketan Group of Schools, Bhopal Sr Consultant, Cambridge Global Partners (Education & Management Consultants) UK, (Mumbai Office). Expert Consultant Instructional System Design and Educational management Systems Sr Solution Architect- School Management and Teacher development System for Scientific Study Associate Editor of International Journal of Social Scientific Research Journal. Associate Editor (ICT & Communication Studies) of Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium Enterprises (IJESMES), Kathmandu, Nepal, (2015-2016). Editorial Member of magazine titled “College Campus” published by Laxmi Publications. Associate Editor - Education Management - International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering, Sciences & Management (ISJCRESM), India, (2016-2017) Associate Editor of PCERP Seminar proceeding of ICSSR sponsored National seminar on “Designing the 21st century classroom ISBN: 978-93-82626-46-6. Associate Editor of Seminar proceeding of 2day National seminar on Systemic Integration ICT in education in the global context held at Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel on 17th and 18th April 2013. Associate Editor of Seminar proceeding of 2day National seminar on Designing the 21st Century Classroom” held at Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel on 9th and 10th April 2017. Member of Editorial Advisory board of Book on “Gender parity and Women Empowerment” published by Bonfring, India. Review Committee Member Cognitive Discourses International multidisciplinary Journal, Innovative Thoughts International research Journal and Conflux Journal of Education Life membership of All India Association for Educational Research Life Member, Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE) Life Member, National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) Associate Member, World peace Movement Trust, Meerut Curriculum Committee Member, I-CONSENT EXPERT ON GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENTAL INITIATIVES

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Rashtriya Madhyamic Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) as an advisor for the Accelerated Learning programme under RMSA. SSC: Expert, question bank preparation of Staff selection Commission IBPS: Expert for preparing entrance tests by Institute of Banking Personnel selection since 2016 till date. MSCERT: ICT expert core committee member to prepare training module for teachers’ training under Rashtriya Madhyamic Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) at MSCERT, Pune. DMRMVNM, Mumbai: As an expert, contributed for encyclopedia in Information Technology and Computer Science by Dyanmandal of Marashtra Rajya Marathi Vishvakosh Nirmiti Mandal, Mumbai. Visiting faculty for M.Sc. Nursing of MGM New Bombay College of Nursing for the course Instructional media and methods from 2015 to 2018 Visiting faculty of Department of education Of University of Mumbai for the course Instructional design and Teacher Education for International Schools since 2016 onwards. Visiting lecturer for study centre of IDOL University of Mumbaiat Pillai college of education for the M.A. (Education) in the subject Information and Communication Technology for 3 years (from 2008-09 to 2010-11) Visiting lecturer for study centre of IDOL University of Mumbai Pillai college of education the M.A. (Education) in the subject Guidance and Counelling for 4 years (from 2011-12 till date) Visiting faculty for the course “Teacher Education for International Schools" at Manjra Charitable Trust’s College of Education and Research, Airoli, Thane since 2016 till date. As instructor and counselor for YCMOU M.A.(Communication) at YCMOU study centre of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education and conducted sessions on Instructional System Design, Communication modes, Educational management and Nonformal Education in the workshops of Post Graduate Research Programme for YCMOU held at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education since 2012, Research guidance to research proposals of students of Post Graduate Research Programme for YCMOU held at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education since 2012, examiner and evaluator of Dissertations. Visiting faculty for the course “Instructional System Design” of Post Graduate Research Programme for YCMOU held at Manjra Charitable Trust’s College of Education and Research, Airoli, Thane, Maharashtra. + Expert for various organizations: Session on “Core: Heartfulness” organized by Chetna Society of K. R. Mangalam University on 2nd September 2021. Academic Audit Committee member of Department of Education of Somaiya Vidya University, Mumbai. Panel member on Selection committee of Assistant Professor at The Lord’s Universal College of Education on 1 st October 2021. Workshop on Use of Puppetry and Educational Resources in teaching through the course of Drama and Art in Education organized by St. Xavier’s Institute of Education on 20th August 2021 Syllabus framing committee member of Post Graduate Diploma in Technology based distributed Learning for Mumbai University. External examiner for MAEDU Project viva-voce of Indira Gandhi National Open University. Resource person for the session “Formative assessment and Feedback through Technology” for Aligad Muslim University Centre Malappuram AICTE ATAL sponsored Faculty Development Programme on 9th June 2021. Resource person for the session on “Technology during virtual era” Organized by Shyamnarayan Thakur College of Education, Mumbai on 10th June 2021. Resource person for the FDP for teachers organized by GoldCrest High on “Enriching Teaching learning beyond classroom” on 2nd May 2021. Resource person for the National webinar “Technology during Virtual Era organized by Thakur Shyamnarayan College of Education and Research, Kandivali on 10th April 2021 session on topic “ EEE model of Online learning”

Panelist of virtual Panel discussion on Indian Social Work organized by MGF Centre of Social work, Mahatma Gandhi Aantarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha on 13th April 2021 Resource person for the session on “Enquiry Based Learning through WebQuest”organized by St Teresa’s Institute of Education, Mumbai on 6th March 2021. Panelist for the Session on Management’s Perspective of Kurt Lewin’s Change Model 2 days International Webinar organized by The Lord’s Universal College of Education & Manjra Trust Colelge of Education, Navi Mumbai on 5th March 2021. Resource person for the Ph.D. course on the topic “Mendeley: Reference Management Tool” organized by Indian Institute of Teacher Education on 9th February 2021 Resource person of webinar on “Aspects of e-content” of webinar series on Transition from traditional to Blended learning: Challenges and opportunities organized by Madhav Institute of Technology, Gwalior on 30th January 2021. Chief Panelist for the session on “Need of Reconstructing Teacher Education’ in Four days national virtual academic summit of teacher education organized by Department of Education of AnnaMalai University , Madras on 29th January 2021 Resource person for the session on “Gratitude for Self-awareness “organized by Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha College of Education, Sangamner on 13th January 2021 Expert Panelist for the 2nd EduLeaders Talks on “Gratitude Is The Most Exquisite Form Of Courtesy” |organized by Weaving Dreams on 5th January 2021 Resource person of the session for Ph.D course on topic “e-Teaching e-Evaluation” organized by Department of Education, Kolahpur University on 15th December 2020. Resource person for the development of MOOC on the topic Professional practices of the course on Continuous Professional Development organized by AMU Centre-Malappuram, & MES Pillai College of Education & Research in collaboration with UGC HRDC University of Kerala from 21 to 27 September 2020 Resource person for the National Online workshop on “e-Teaching” organized by Brajrajnagar Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneshwar,Orissa on topic “Making learning interactive with Google classroom” on 27th September 2020 Resource person for the International conference on topic ”Mendeley for Reference Management” in two weeks International workshop on Research paper writing and publishing aspects organized by Department of Civil Engineering Manav Rachna Internal Institute of Research and Studies on 9th July 2020 Resource person for the Webinars conducted by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai on the topic “Making e teaching more Interactive” in July 2020 Coordinator, Online courses for Ph.D. Scholars, Ph.D. guide, Librarians University Administrative and academic officers and principals. It was affiliated to Solapur University. Interview Panelist, Subject Expert in the Selection panel for the interviews of Asst. Professor on 6th October, 2017 at K. J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education, Training & Research, Vidvavihar, Mumbai. Interview Panelist, selection panel to select the candidate for the post of scientific officer of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai. Interview Panelist, Subject Expert in the Selection panel for the interviews of Asst. Professor at Universal Lords College of Educaion, Malad, Mumbai. Resource person for the session on “Teaching, learning Research as spiritual journey in State level seminar conducted by MIT’s College of Education, Alandi on 8th December 2018. Resource person for the Refresher course conducted by Shivaji University, Kolhapur on Online learning, OER and Innovative

ICT based instructional strategies on 15th December 2018. Resource person for the Refresher course conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University, Wardha on Participatory learning on 13th February 2018. Resource person for the Orientation program of UGC HRC Aligad Muslim University, Aligad on OER and Innovative ICT based instructional strategies on 30th March 2019. Panel Discussion Expert Member for State Level Workshop at Ashoka Center for Business and Computer Studies, Nashik on 11th January 2019. Expert Talk in national seminar, topic ‘Online Learning: An Impetus to Higher Education’ in an ICSSR sponsored seminar on the theme ‘Ushering A Renaissance in Higher Education’ on 28th November 2015. + Expert for WORKSHOPS/Sessions/FDP: Conducted workshop on Instructional material for constructivist classroom at Manjra college of Education, Airoli on 17th November, 2018. Conducted workshop on Innovative instructional aids in Ashram School at Navjeevan Trust, Murbad on 13th Dec 2014. Conducted session on “Inculcation of Economic Values among students” in Manjara Charitable Trust College of Education and Research on 23rd September 2014. Conducted workshop on “Enriching learning experiences through e-learning” in Saket Colleges of Education on 20th April 2014. Conducted workshop on “Making classroom communication effective” in Saket College of Education on 17th April 2014. Conducted online Workshop through Skype on “Making Instructional material” in Thakur Shymnarayan College of Education and Research, Kandivali. Conducted workshop on Life Skill Education and career guidance for students in different schools of Boisar region on 21st and 22nd March 2014. Conducted workshop on “ICT in Education” in MES’ HOCL School on 25th September 2013 Conducted workshop on micro-teaching skills for special educators from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane on 30st August 2013. Conducted workshop on “Teaching aids workshop” in Manjara Trust’s College of Education, Airoli on 30th August, 2013. Conducted sessions on “Micro teaching skills” for member of the United Forums of Special Educators on 31st August 2013 at Punarvas Special School, Goregaon. Conducted workshop on “Making learning meaningful with innovative teaching aids” in D.Y. Patil Collge of Education on 17th July,2013. Conducted workshop on Life Skill Education for students in different schools of Boisar region on 4th and 5th March 2013. Conducted workshop on Teaching Aids in Thakur Shyamnarayan College of Education and Research,Kandivali, Mumbai on 16th January 2013. Conducted workshop on Teaching Aids in Pillai HOC College of Education and Research, Rasayani on 21st August 2012. Conducted workshop on Instructional material in St. Xavier’s Institute of Education, Churchgate, Mumbai on 3rd August 2011. Conducted workshop on “Making Teaching aids” in Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel in Aug 2008, Aug 2009, Aug 2010, Aug 2011, Aug 2012, Aug 2013. Conducted session on “Skill of explanation” during In-service training conducted by National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Navi Mumbai on 15 November 2011.

+Faculty Development Programme Workshop on “Interactive Visual Digital Tools and virtual reality tools for teachers” at Dr. Pillai Global Academy on 3rd August 2018 Sessions on “Innovative Digital tools for classroom teaching” in the XII In-service Teachers training programme organized by Anjuman-i-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy College of Education on 5th March 2018. Session on “Blended Learning with ICT” for the Faculty Development Programme of Karnala Sport Academy’s Group of Schools on 22nd January 2018. One day orientation to teachers of Uttar Bharat sabha Hindi high school and Junior college on “ICT in the classroom” on 29th April 2016 One day workshop titled 'Effective learning through online engagement' for faculty development programme of Dr. B.M.N. College of Home Science, Mantunga on 4th April 2016. Session titled “Digital tools and techniques in the classroom” for faculty development programme for the teachers of schools run by Karlana Charitable Trust, Panvel on 15th April 2016. Teacher’s training programme, Secondary and higher secondary Board for the District level Selection Grade training of secondary school teachers for handling the responsibility of theory and implementation of “Action research projects” for the year 2015 and 2016. Session on Set induction for the workshop on Micro skills at Pillai college of Polytechnic on 19th July, 2012. Orientation of B.Ed. students in the subject Information and Communication Technology organized by Manjra Charitable Trust’s College of Education and Research, Airoli, Thane on 28th Feb. 2011. +In-house trainings Conducted a session on “Formulating Rubrics for Project based learning” for Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manav Rachna University. Mentored Education for Sustainability Rush2 for the Rush Programme organized by Manav Rachna Educational Institutions from 2nd January to 9th January 2022. Resource person for the session on “Why Sustainability” and Digital and Media Literacy Education for Sustainability Rush2 for the Rush Programme organized by Manav Rachna Educational Institutions from 2nd January to 9th January 2022. Resource person for the session on “Why Sustainability” and Digital and Media Literacy Social Impact Rush for the Rush Programme organized by Manav Rachna Educational Institutions which were organized during 7th June to 27th June 2021. Mentored Social Impact Rush for the Rush Programme organized by Manav Rachna Educational Institutions from 7th June to 27th June 2021. Conducted training on “Advanced Microsoft Office” for the faculty of Manav Rachna University in Jan 2021. Resource person of the session “Assessment and Rubrics” of FDP on “Designing Outcome Based Education” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership, Manav Rachna University in collaboration with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies on 23rd December 2020 Conducted session on “Differentiated Instructions” in the course of “Innovative teaching-learning practices for 21st century learning” on 23rd September 2020. Conducted 18 hours Training on “Essentials of Online Learning with Microsoft Team” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership, Manav Rachna University in collaboration with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies on May – June 2020

Conducted 24 hours Training on “Enhancing Online Learning Experience” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership, Manav Rachna University in collaboration with Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies from April- May 2020 Resource person for the session on Digital tools for the Manav Rachna Dental College on 19th March 2020 Conducted training on “Digital tools for online learning” for the faculty of Manav Rachna University from 21st March to 26th March 2020. Resource person of the session “OER and Creative Commons” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership, Manav Rachna University. + Organized FDPs/seminar/workshops:

Organizing Secretary of International Conference on Food Sustainability: A Global Perspective organized by Faculty of Allied Health Science, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies in collaboration with Manav Rachna Centre for Peace and Sustainability, Manav Rachna University on 17 th and 18th September 2021. FDP on “Leadership Mastery though Self-Management” by Centre for Academic Leadership in collaboration with Heartfulness Education Trust from 27th December to 31st December 2021. Initiated and coordinated Academic leadership training programme for leadership in collaboration with Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP under the Government of India’s Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT). These trainings are for Vice Chancellors, Directors, Deans, Chairpersons, Heads of the Department and principals. Initiate and coordinated Contest ‘Innovative Teaching -Learning Practices’ in collaboration with Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai for teachers and teacher educators of all over India. Organized national seminar on “Designing the 21st century Classroom” organized at Pillai College of Education and Research on 9th 10th April 2018. Organized 2day National seminar on Systemic Integration ICT in education in the global context held at Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel on 17th and 18th April 2013. Organized 3-day SET/NET preparatory workshop for the students in Education held in Department of Education in North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 23-25 Jan 2008.Initiated and organized as a co-ordinator. +Awards Recipient of Distinguished Women Educator and Scholar Award by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 8th March 2018. Felicitation by Bank of Maharashtran Navi Mumbai on the occasion of Woman’s Day 2015. Guest of Honour on the occasion of 5th National Women’s Day Award by NFED 2015. Chief Guest on the occasion of Independence Day of St. Joseph School and Jr. College, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai +MOOC Courses Designed

Developed a Course on “Essentials of Peace and Sustainability which is being offered to PG department of Fakir Mohan University in collaboration of Manav Rachna University. Also coordinating and delivering the course. The project of development of course on Essentials of Peace is accepted by OER4BW Online mentoring programme of UNESCO.

e-PG Pathshala Content writer and presenter for 10 modules of e-text, videos and evaluation on topics like ICT in education, e-learning etc of Communication Technology under e-PG Pathshala: A gate way to all post-graduation courses which is a MHRD project under NME-ICT in academic year 2014-15. These modules were created for UGC under the Adult education course. SWAYAM Content writer for Online MOOC Course Communication Technologies in Education by Mumbai University in SWAYAM platform with more than 7,000 ... enrolment. UGC project of NME-ICT Developed 2 modules of e-content on Computer Hardware and Network Administration for the vocational course for undergraduate students for the UGC project of NME-ICT at Educational Multimedia Resource Centre, Indore. PMMMNMTT Project Developed Module on Role of Technology: emerging practices, visual literacy, media literacy and new media literacy; Computer hardware fundamentals; Computer network: LAN, WAN and internet; Software: meaning, types with respect to proprietary software, open source software, system software and application software. For the course ICT in education under PMMMNMTT Project for School of Education, Central University of Punjab. VIRTUAL CLASSROOM PROJECT MUMBAI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Conducted 12 sessions on Mathematics subject covering important concepts for class VI for ‘Virtual Classroom’ Project launched by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation in collaboration with Pearson Education Services and Sterlite Tech Foundation, to train the Primary school students of Marathi medium across Mumbai city.

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