MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES Sector 43, Aravalli Hills, Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Faridabad, Haryana 121004 Dr Kommi Kalpana Designation: Professor Qualifications: Ph.D (Sports Nutrition); UGC-NET Email: Experience: 17 Years of Experience Working with Premier Indian Research and Academic Institutions such as ICMR- National Institute of Nutrition, Sports Authority of India, New Delhi, National Institute of Sports, Patiala, ICAR- Indian Institute of Millet Research (ICAR), Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University, Pullela Gopichand Badminton Foundation and St.Francis College for Women, Hyderabad. Research Interest: Sports Nutrition, Hydration Science, Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic Aids, Food Psychology
Research Funding
PI – MRIIRS. A comprehensive study to establish the health benefits (in Vivo) of Nutri-cereals: A way forward to mainstreaming millets, Consortium Lead Ongoing IIMR, Funded by NFSM, ICAR, MOAFW, GOI – 21.7 Lakhs (on-going) PI 36 More than 10 Co-Investigator. Scientific Evaluation and Monitoring of Sports Performance lakhsof National Kho Kho Players: A multidisciplinary Approach, funded by Kho-Kho Federation of India - >20 Lakhs (Completed) Nutrition Support Research 2021
Kho Kho Federation of India, New Delhi
Project 2019
Sardar Vallabhai Patel National Police Academy, Govt of India, Hyderabad
National Cadet Crops (NCC) Govt of India, New Delhi
Telangana State Police Academy, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad
Telangana State Tribal Welfare School, Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad
Pullela Gopichand Mytrah Foundation Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Kalpana,K., Khanna,G.L. (2022). Assessment of Disordered Eating Attitude and Mental Health among Indian Kho-Kho Players. Nutrition and Food Science, DOI:10.1108/NFS-06-2022-0183 Kalpana,K., Cherian, K.S., Khanna,G.L. (2022). Energy Availability and RED-S Risk Assessment among Kho-Kho Players in India. Sports Sciences for Health, Kalpana,K., Khanna,G.L. Jyothi, A.N (2022). A Comparison of Body Composition and Blood Lipid Indices Among Kho-Kho Players based on Water Intake Pattern. Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine, 22(2),82 Kalpana,K., E Hussain, E., Bhati, P., S Vatsala,S., Khanna, G.L. (2022). Sleep Quality and Mental Health Status of Indian Male Kho Kho Players in a National Camp: A Crosssectional Observational Study. Sleep and Vigilance, 2, 223-228 Bhati,P., Annad,P., Das JJ., Kalpana, K., Sen,S., Hussain, M.E., Khanna,G.L. (2022) Predictors Of Physical Performance In National Level Male Kho Kho Players: A CrossSectional Analysis. Sports Sciences for Health, DOI: 10.1007/s11332-022-00923-2 Kalpana.K., Khanna,G.L., Arya.S. (2020). Scientific Support for Gaining Winning Edge in Olympics: Nutrition Perspective. International Journal on Physical Education and Sports Science, 1 (70), 1-9 Kalpana.K, Lal, P.R., Kusuma, D.L., Khanna,G.L. (2017). Impact of Spirulina on Exercise Induced Oxidative Stress and Post Exercise Recovery Heart Rate of Athletes in Comparison to a Commercial Antioxidant. Food Nutrition Journal, DOI 10, 2575-709 Kalpana K. (2017). Can we achieve micronutrient adequacy and cognition in children through millets. Food Nutrition Journal,142 (DOI 10, 2575-7091) Dayakar Rao, B., Mohamed, A., Kalpana, K., Sunooj, K.V., Patil, J.V., Ganesh, T. (2016). Influence of milling methods and particle size on hydration properties of sorghum flour and quality of sorghum biscuits. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 67, 8-13. Rajendra Prasad, M.P., Dayakar Rao, B., Kalpana,K., Radhika,,M., Vishnuvardhan Rao, M., Patil, J.V. (2016). Impact of Sorghum Supplementation on Growth and Micronutrient Status of School Going Children in Southern India - A Randomized Trial. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 83 (1), 9-14 Dayakar Rao, B., Bhargavi,G., Kalpana,K., Vishala, A. D., Ganapathy, K.N., Patil, J.V. (2015). Development and standardization of sorghum pasta using extrusion technology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52 (10), 6828-6833 Dayakar Rao, B., Kalpana, K., Srinivas, K., Patil, J.V. (2015). Development and standardization of sorghum rich multigrain flour and assessment of its storage stability with addition of TBHQ. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39 (5), 45-457. Rajendra Prasad, M.P., Dayakar Rao,B., Kalpana,K., Vishnuvardhan Rao, M., Patil. J.V. (2015). Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95 (8), 1626-1630. Rajendra Prasad, M.P., Dayakar Rao, B., Kalpana, K., Radhika, M., Vishnuvardhan Rao, M., Patil, J.V. (2015) Organoleptic Properties and Nutrient Composition of Indian Traditional Snacks Recipes Prepared from Sorghum. International Journal of Family and Home Science, 11 (1),43-48 Lakshmi Devi. N., Shobha. S., Sajid, A., Kalpana. K., Soumya, M. (2014). Utilization of extrusion technology for the development of millet based complementary foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 51,10, 2845-2850. Kalpana.K., Lal, P.R., Kusuma, D.L., Khanna, G.L. (2013) Ingestion of sugarcane juice and commercial sports drink on cycling performance of athletes in comparison to plain water. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 4 (3), 181- 189.
Lakshmidevi, N., Usharani, M.,Umadevi, K., Kalpana, K (2013). Evaluation of Jowar supplementation in MDM program on growth and nutritional status of school children in three regions of Andhra Pradesh. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 32(3), 241245. Lakshmi Devi. N., Aparna.K., Kalpana. K (2013). Utilization of fish mince in formulation development of pasta products. International Food Research Journal, 20(1), 219and 224. Aparna.K., Lakshmi Devi. N., Kalpana. K. (2013). Utilization of fish powder in ready-toeat extruded snacks. Fishery Technology, 50, 245 – 250. Lakshmidevi, N., Usharani, M., Umadevi, K., Kalpana, K. (2012). Feasibility of Introducing Jowar (Sorghum) in Mid-day Meal Programme in Three regions of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Social Work, 73(4), 601-606. Kalpana.K., Kusuma, D.L., Lal, P.R., Khanna,G.L (2012). Effect of spirulina on antioxidant status and exercise induced oxidative stress of Indian athletes in comparison to a commercial antioxidant. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science, 9(12), 36-48. Kalpana.K., Kusuma, D.L., Lal, P.R., Khanna,G.L. (2012). Nutritional status of Select Exercise Groups of Indian Athletes in the Sports Training Camp. Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 49(11): 485-493. Lakshmi Devi. N., Shobha. S., Soumya. M., Kalpana.K., Sajid A. (2012). Millet based ready to eat snacks for children based on extrusion technology. Beverage and food world, 34-36. Laxmi Narayana,R.S., Ranga, M.D., Manilal,K.P., Natraj,H.V., Kalpana,K. (2007). Effects of 12 weeks training of hip flexors on Sprinting and vertical jump performance of STC Kabaddi Players. Journal of Sports and Sports Sciences Khanna,G.L, Lal,P.R, Kommi.K, Chakraborty,T. (2006). A comparison of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet in Indian Sports women and its relation to sports performance. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, 2: 27-34. Kusuma,D.L & Kalpana, K. (2006). Nutritional status and morbidity pattern of adult slum dwellers in relation to their body mass index. Journal of Community Guidance and Research, 23, 111-121.
Conference Proceedings Full Paper
Dayakar Rao, B., Kalpana, K,,Ganapathy, K.N., Patil, J.V. (2013). Potential Functional Implications of Millets in Health and Disease. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security, Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 81-89335-47-2, FP 11: 69-77. Dayakar Rao, B., Bhargavi, G., Kalpana, K, Ganapathy, K.N., Patil, J.V. (2013). Development and Standardization of Sorghum Pasta Using Extrusion Technology. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 81Conference Proceedings Full paper 89335-47-2, FP 10:– 64-68. Kalpana. K., Kusuma,D.L., Lal,P.R., Khanna,G.L.(2012). Effect of sugarcane juice on exercise performance of athletes. Full length paper - Proceedings of Commonwealth Sports and Sports Science Congress, New Delhi, pg. no 114-130. Lal,P.R. and Kalpana, K. (2005). Carbohydrates in the enhancement of exercise performance. Souvenir of Ist national seminar on Sports, New Delhi. Lal,P.R. and Kalpana. K. (2007). Nutrition for the Budding Athletes. Souvenir of XXXIV BSF meet, Chandigarh.
Conference Proceedings Abstract
Kalpana.K., Ramesh. N., Ishani. G., Venkata Ramana, Y. (2019). Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Diet Quality of Track and Field Indian Athletes. Book of abstracts, 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, 3 6 July 2019, Prague - Czech Republic, Pg.448 Dayakar Rao, B., Mohammed, A., Kalpana K, Ganapathy, K.N., Vishala. A.D and Patil, J.V. (2013). Effect of Particle Size on Textural Characteristics of Sorghum Biscuits. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 8189335-47-2, PP 25: 289. Dayakar Rao, B., Singh, A.K., Maya, R., Kalpana, K., Ganapathy, K.N., Vishala, A.D., Patil, J.V. (2013). Selection of Suitable Sorghum Cultivar for Preparation of Sorghum Lassi. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 81-89335-47-2, PP 26: 289. Dayakar Rao, B., Bhargavi,G., Kalpana, K.,Ganapathy, K.N., Vishala, A.D., Patil, J.V. (2013). Development and Standardization of Sorghum Pasta. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 81-89335-47-2, PP 27: 290. Dayakar Rao, B., Shashma, S.D., Kalpana, K., Vishala, A.D., Ganapathy, K.N., Patil, J.V. (2012) Standardization of Particle Size for the Development of Sorghum Semolina. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 8189335-47-2, PP 28: 290. Kommi.K., Lal,P.R., Khanna,G.L. (2005). Effect of sugarcane juice on exercise performance of athletes. Commonwealth Sports and Sports Science Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 9th -12th March, 2006. Khanna,G.L., Lal,P.R., Kommi.K.,Chakraborty,T. (2005). A comparison of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet in Indian Sports women and its relation to sports performance. Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2nd annual conference proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 16 th -18th, 2005.
Books/ Book Chapters
Kalpana,K., Venkataramana, Y., Khanna,G.L., Shilpa, A. (2023). Book Chapter on Sports Nutrition in India: the past, the present and the future; Sports Science in India, edited by Tom, M. Dhingra, M., Majumdar,P. Routledge publications (in Press) Rao Dayakar Rao, B., Patil, J.V., Vishala, A.D., Ratnavathi, C.V., Ganapathy, K.N., Kalpana, K. (2013). Sorghum Recipes – A Healthy Choice. Directorate of Sorghum Research, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad, India, pp 64. ISBN-81-89335-38-3.
Resource Person in the Scientific Conferences/Symposiums/Workshops/ Seminars
Mainstreaming of Millets for Nutrition and Health Benefits, Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, 2022 Best Practice to Sports nutrition and Antidoping Awareness, Global Sports Medicine and Science Conclave, 2022 Regulation of dietary supplements: Herbal and functional food beverages and Sports. Symbiosis University, Pune, 2022. Use of artificial intelligence in precision nutrition. C.P and Berar E.S College, Nagpur, 2022 Use of dietary supplements in hypoxic training, MRIIRS, Delhi 2022 Tactic Fueling in Training Periodisation. MRIIRS, Delhi, 2022 Regulation of dietary supplements: Herbal and functional food beverages and Sports" Symbiosis University, Pune, 2021 Dietary antioxidants: Role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress and strengthening the immune system. International conference “Role of Micronutrients: Immunity and Health”, MRIIRS, 2021 Jury member, International conference “Role of Micronutrients: Immunity and Health”, MRIIRS, 2021 International conference “Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic aids use and abuse in sport”, SGT university, 2021 Chairperson: International conference on “Creating sporting culture in universities”, SGT university, 2020 Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic aids use in sports – UPM Malaysia, 2020 Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic aids use in sports – Symbiosis International University, 2020 Diet, Nutrition and Fitness, 18 th December, SVPNPA, Hyderabad, 2019 Physical Health Management: Nutrition Perspective, 3 rd December, SVP NPA, Hyderabad, 2019 Essentials of Nutrition in Sports Performance, 31 st August, Nagpur, India, 2019 Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic Aids, Pre-conference workshop of 50th annual conference of Nutrition Society of India, Hyderabad, 2018 Abuse of Nutraceuticals, Functional foods in sports, Antidoping education cum awareness programme , 30-31st August 2018, ICMR-NIN, Hyderabad, 2018 Nutrition for young athletes, VVS Laxman Academy, Hyderabad, 2018 Nutrition for young children, Glendale academy, Hyderabad, 2018 Postgraduate entrance coaching session for nutrition, St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad, 2017 Nutrition for young children, summer carnival, Hyderabad, 2017 Fluids strategies in Sports, Indian Dietetic Association, AIIMS, New Delhi, 2015
Presentations in International/National Conferences/Seminars
Kalpana.K., Ramesh. N., Ishani. G, Venkata Ramana. Y. (2019). Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Diet Quality of Track and Field Indian Athletes. 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 3 - 6 July 2019, Prague - Czech Republic. Dayakar, B., Singh, A.K., Maya, R., Kalpana, K., Ganapathy, K.N., Vishala, A.D, Patil, J.V. (2013). Selection of Suitable Sorghum Cultivar for Preparation of Sorghum Lassi. Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, December 18-20. Kalpana,K., Kusuma,D.L., Lal,P.R., Khanna,G.L. (2009). Impact of spirulina on antioxidant status and performance of athletes. Presented at 2 ndAP Science Congress, SVU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, Nov 14-16. Kommi.K., Lal,P.R., Khanna,G.L. (2006). A comparison of fluid replacement strategy in sports performance. II annual meeting of Indian Federation of Sports Medicine, New Delhi,
Honors & Awards 2019
Travel Grant, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India
Best Poster Award Global Consultation on Millets Promotion for Health and Nutritional Security. Society for Millets Research, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, India, December 18-20, 2013.
Young Scientist Sri Venkateswara University College of Biological and Earth Sciences, S.V. University, Tirupati
National Eligibility Test for Lectureship University Grants Commission, India.
Research Fellowship Sports Authority of India, New Delhi
First Rank in Nutrition B.Sc Examinations, S.V. University, Tirupati, India
First Rank SVUCET Examinations in Home Science, India
NCC ‘C’ certificate with ‘B’ grade
Merit Scholarship, S.V. University, Tirupati
Reviewer / Editorial Member of Scientific Journals
Frontiers in Public Health Frontiers in Nutrition Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism Asian Journal of Sports Medicine Journal of Medicinal Food Malaysian Journal of Nutrition Journal of Food Science and Technology African Journal of Food Science and Technology Food and Nutrition Journal
Professional Membership
Nutrition Society of India Society of Millets Research European College of Sports Science International Organization for Health, Sports and Kinesiology
Administrative Responsibilities Aug ‘21to Sep ’22
Head (In-charge) Faculty of Sports, MRIIRS Delhi -NCR, India
June ‘21 to Aug ‘21
Associate Dean, FAHS, SGTU
Oct ‘20 to Aug ‘21
Head, Dept. of Nutrition and Dietetics SGT University, India
Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop Organized 2022
Millet Fest – Millets for Nutrition, Health and Sports Performance
International Conference on Advances in Hypoxic training, MRIIRS
International Conference on Advances in Training Periodisation, MRIIRS
Global Sports Science Conclave, MRIIRS
E-sports, MRIIRS
International Conference on Dietary Supplements: Use and abuse in Sports, SGT University, Gurgaon
Nutrigenomics: A way forward for personalized nutrition
Nutrition for Corporate Workforce: Experience and Opportunity
Energy Balance: Components and Evaluation methods
Complications of obesity and Diabetes: Biology of Food and Nutrition
Member - Registration Committee 13th Triennial Conference of Indian Women Scientist Association, Hyderabad
Member -Poster Committee 50th annual conference of Nutrition Society of India, Hyderabad - 500007, India
Member -Poster Committee NIN Centenary Year Conference, Hyderabad