MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES, FARIDABAD Sector 43, Aravalli Hills, Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Faridabad, Haryana 121004
Prof(Dr) Pratibha Singh Designation: Professor Qualifications: Ph.D.( Nutrition) Email: Experience: 21 years Research Interest: Clinical Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition, Geriatric Nutrition Journal Publication Details: 1. Singh P-A study of risk assessment index to predict cardiovascular diseases among young adults (Aged 20-40 years)” in British Journal of Sports Medicine, pg-i75,10.1136/bjsm.2010.078725.248. 2. Chaudhary R,Singh P-Algorithm to use hepatitis Bcore antibody and/or ID-NAT for HBV screening” in ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2231-5780, VOI.3(5),May2013.Online available at in 3. Bharti Gaur,Pratibha Singh Rates of respiratory virus – associated hospitalization in children aged<5 years in rural Northern India” in Journal of Infection(2013) 4. Bharti Gaur,Pratibha Singh Effect of varying surveillance case definitions on burden estimation of Respiratory Syncytial Virus infection associated hospitalizations among children in a rural community of Northern India” International Journal of Global Health:PMCID:PMC4652925(2)Nov.2015;1-9 5. Singh P-Assessment of risk for CVD among young adults using risk assessment index” in Journal of Indian Dietetic association; pg – 121;Vol.35S,Nov2011 6. Siddhartha Saha1,Bharti Gaur Pandey2*, Avinash Choudekar3*,Anand Krishnan 4, Sanjay K. Rai4,Pratibha Singh2,Mandeep Chadha, Renu B. Lal1 ,Shobha Broor3 , “Evaluation of case definitions for estimation of respiratory syncytial virus associated hospitalizations among children in a rural community of northern India, journal of global health, December 2015 • Vol. 5 No. 2 • 020419 7. N.Kalra,P.Singh, “ Mobile learning among Physiotherapy undergraduates: An evaluation of current status,
dispositions and performance”. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development volume 10 (9) December 2019 8. T.Gupta, P.Singh, “Association between Nutritional Status and Decline in Functional Capacity”. International journal of basic and applied research, pp1067-1072 Vol. 9 Number 5 ,May 2019 9. N.Chauhan, P.Singh, “Food insecurity and Its Impact on the dietary behaviour and Health”Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol. 11, No. 9 September 2020 10. A.Nalinkumar,P.Singh , “An Overview of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp)-An Underutilized Crop in India-
Nutritional Value and Health Benefits”Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 9(7): pp3944,Sept 2020 11. Shashi Mathur and Pratibha Singh Nutritional and Non-Nutritional Parameters Associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A review International Journal of Medical Research &Health Sciences, 2020, 9(11): 5561 ISSN No: 2319-58 12. Pallavi Sharma, Pratibha Singh Catering facility-Really improved the performance of the Employee International Journal Health Science and Research Vol.10;issue 9 September 2020