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MANAV RACHNA UNIVERSITY, FARIDABAD Sector 43, Aravalli Hills, Manav Rachna Campus Rd, Faridabad, Haryana 121004

Dr. Rashee Singh Designation

: Associate Professor

Qualifications :M Ed, MA-Sociology, NET (Education), Ph. D (Education) Email : rashee@mru.edu.in , hodeducation@mru.edu.in Experience: 14 Years Google Scholar Profile

Research Interest : Educational Psychology, Pedagogical practices in Social Science, Adolescent issues + Journal Publication Details: Varma R., Singh R.(2021) “A study of effect of different leadership styles of principal on teacher’s job satisfaction in secondary school teachers of Mumbai region”, Journal of Modern Thamizh Reseach, ISSN-:2321984XS No 42, page no 288-300, Vol 9 NO. 4 Maheshwari A., Singh R. (2021) “Improving Student’s learning ability through social constructivist approach”, International Journal of Current Advanced Research,O:23196474,ISSN:P:2319-6505,Impact Factor :6.614 Issue 10 (c )page No.25410-25413 Rajain M., Gupta K., Singh R.(2021) “A Comparative Study on the Occupational Aspiration of BPL and NonBPL Cardholder Students of Class 9th in Government Schools of Haryana”, Journal of Education , Rabindra Bharati University, ISSN:0972-7175, Vol XII Rajain M., Gupta K., Singh R.(2021) “A review of Academic achievement in relation to study habit as influencing factor”, NIU International Journal of Human Rights, ISSN No 2394-0298 Vol 8 (VI), 2021 Singh R., Sabharwal S.(2020) “Ethical Dilemmas of a Teacher”, Pramana Research Journal, ISSN No- 2249-2976 Volume 10, Issue 6,June-2020 Sabharwal S., Singh R., (2019) “Stress Management-An Overview”, University News, ISSN No 0566-2257 Vol 56 No 25, June18-24,2018 Singh R., Meenakshi (2016) “Importance of parental involvement in helping slow learners to cope up with the stress and strain of studies”, International Academic Journal of Research, ISSN No. 2348-7070 Vol3, Issue 1, April 2016, page no 35-38 Singh R. (2014) “Parent adolescent relationship of juvenile delinquents and non-delinquents” International Academic Journal of Research, ISSN No. 2348-7070 Vol1, Issue 2, October 2014, page no 27-34 Dhull I., Singh R.(2014) “Importance of value education in our educational system” International Academic Journal of Research, ISSN No. 2348-7070 Vol 1, Issue 1, April 2014, page no.55-57 Singh R.(2013) “A study of emotional maturity among senior school students in relation to different dimensions of home environment” Educational & Psychological Research, ISSN No 2230-9586 Vol 3, Number 1, Jan 2013, page no. 16-19 Singh R.(2013) “A study of the problems faced by students and teachers in computer education at school level” Yugshilpi, ISSN No. 0975-4644, Vol 7, Issue-11, Sept.2012-Feb.2013, page no. 393-401 Dhull I., Singh R.(2012) “A study of emotional maturity among senior school students in relation to their self-

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