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End Semester Examination, Dec. 2021

B.Sc. (FS&T) - Third Semester FOOD MICROBIOLOGY AND FOOD SAFETY (BFST-DS-302) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 1 Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Each question carries equal marks. Q.1

Briefly explain the importance of microbiology and classification of microbes based on morphological structure and staining characteristics. 20


Explain growth curve to include Stages, characteristics and factors affecting microbial growth. [CO1][L2]20


Explain the importance and sources of food spoilage causing microbes in milk, meat, fish and canned products. [CO2][L3]20


Define fermentation, types, application of fermentation and health benefits of fermented foods. [CO2][L2]20


Explain the method of production of sauerkraut, cheese, yoghurt and tempeh. [CO4][L3]20


Write in detail about food borne diseases, food infection and food intoxication. [CO3][L3]20


Explain in detail about GMP, GHP and HACCEP.


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