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End Semester Examination, May 2022

B.A./B.Sc. (Hons.) (Applied Psychology) – Second Semester FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (BAP-DS-201) Time: 3 hrs.

Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 1 Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. Q.1

Answer in brief: a) Write a short note on ‗nature of social psychology‘. b) Explain the concept of social loafing and how to reduce it. c) Differentiate between the ‗equilibrium and disequilibrium‘. d) Discuss the basic factors that influence attitude formation. e) Explain ‗intergroup conflicts‘. f) Differentiate the Piaget‘s and Vygotsky‘s theory of cognition. g) Define ‗schema‘. h) Write a short note on ‗social facilitation‘.



Explain the concept of person perception and highlight the important features. Discuss the basic biases involved in person perception. [CO2] [L4] 20


Define ‗social psychology‘. Write a detailed note on ‗importance of social psychology in context to India‘. [CO1] [L3] 20


Discuss the basic characteristics of prosocial behavior and its determinants/factors. [CO3] [L5] 20


‗Bullying a product of aggression‘ explain it with examples. Elucidate the basic management intervention/strategies of aggression. [CO3] [L5] 20


Explain the nature of groups. Discuss the role prejudice, stereotype and discrimination in group formation. [CO4] [L4] 20


Define ‗attitude‘. Critically evaluate the various theories of attitude.

[CO3] [L5] 20

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