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Annual Examination, August 2022 Bachelor of Dental Surgery – Second Year GENERAL AND DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS (BDS-PHAR-201) Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 80 Note:


No. of pages: 2 Question Paper has TWO parts: PART-A and PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question. All questions are compulsory. Draw the diagrams where ever necessary. Attempt PART-A and PART-B in the separate answer sheets.


Multiple choice questions: a) Two drugs are said to be bioequivalent if: i) Both drugs produce comparable biological effect in experimental animals. ii) Both drugs produce comparable clinical effects and side effects.. iii) Both drugs containing same active ingredients, same dosage forms and administered via same route, result in comparable rate and extend of absorption. iv) Both drugs contain active ingredients of similar biological activity. b) Drug of choice for anaphylactic shock is: i) Epinephrine ii) Norepinephrine iii) Dopamine iv) Dobutamine c) Which type of drugs are better absorbed sublingually: i) Strong electrolytes ii) Lipophilic drugs iii) Quaternary ammonium compounds iv) Hydrophilic drugs d) Which of the following is a long-acting insulin analogue? i) Insulin aspart ii) Insulin glulisine iii) Insulin lispro iv) Insulin glargine e) Which of the following is an oral direct thrombin inhibitor? i) Warfarin ii) Argatroban iii) Dabigatran iv) Fondaparinux 1x5


Write short notes on the following: a) FQ drugs. b) Pharmacological management of myocardial infarction. c) Write briefly about selective COX-2 inhibitors. d) Management of status asthmaticus. e) Opioids in the management of pain.



Explain the mechanism of action, examples, adverse effects and uses of „Local AnestheticAgents‟in detail. 10

PART-B 1/6

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