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\otification T h e5 r hJ u l y , 2 0 1 2 ofthe GovernorofHaryana No.L€g;-l912012,-ThefollowingOfdinance promulgarcduriCerclause(l) of article2IJ of the Consritution of India,on the 2nd luly. 2012,is herebypublishedfor generaliaformation:.HaryanaOrdinanceNo.3 of 201: THE TIARYANAPROHIBITION OF RAGGTNGIN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ORDINANCE, 2012 Ar (]RDTNANcE

Io provrdefor prohrbirronol raggrngin educaftonalin'ritution" rn Ihe Stateof Haryanaand for mattersconnecledtherewithor incidentalthereto. Promulgatedby the Gove.nor of Haryana in the Sixf)-third Year of the Republic of India. Wheredsthe Legrslarure of rhe Sirta of Haflana,s nor rn ,iessron and rhe Governor is satisfiedthat c ircumstancesexist which renderit necessarvfor him io take immediate nction; \o\a. therefore. ,n e(ercrseof the powersconferredb) cl"use{ | | of aflicle2l I ol r h e C o n s tt u l i o no l l n d r a .t h e G o \ e r n o ro f H l r y a n ah e r e b )p r o m u l g a t ersh e lollou rng Ordinance: 1. This Ordinance may be called the Haryana Flohibitiofl of Raeging in Fducarionalfnsrrturion Ordrnance.20,?.

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In this O.dinance,unlessthe context otherwisereiuires,r (a)

"rommittee" meins an _antlraggi,jg :,-cmmiiiee(oasrituted uncier section5 of the Ordinanc;:


edJcalirnlaljnstitut.on ,ne.lnsa .cnoor.r'ollegc.unlverrlryor an insaitutionand iis constituent unit and includes canteen.hostel or : transpo( provided by schcol, college or university, whether within or ouisidelhe premrsec: ''Gorernmenr"means Governmentln rheSrae ot Har)dnd.


"Head" meansthe Vice-Chancellor of the Universily, Principal of r\e Cullegeof Prircipal/lreadIra.rer of rheSchool.ar the casemay

HARYANAGOVT.GM. (EXTRA)' JIILY 5' 2012 (ASAR.14,1934SAKA). be. headof an institutionor Directo.of an educationalinstitution' by whatevernaniecalled;. "institution" meanstechnicaland professionalinstitution and includesinstilutionimpartingeducationand researchfacilitiesset up by all Act ofPailiamentor State; _ragging'means or i' ltkcly to cause doingan act whlchcauses of rnlimidali"n !hreat or or dPprehension or fear insuiior-annoyance includesthe ar'ld student or outrageof the modestyor injury to a followingacls.nafielY:(i) abermenttd ragging: !o raggtng: (ii) ctiminalconsptrac) andrio(ingwhileraggrng: (iii) unlawfulassembly (iv) public nuisancec.â‚Źatedduringragging: (v) verba!abuseand aggressior\indecentgesturesand obscene behaviour: (vi) outragingthe modestyl (vii) injury to body,causinghurt or grievoushurt: {viii) wrongfulresttainli (ix) firongful confinemenu (x) useof criminalforce: offence: aswellassexual {xit assault (xii) extor(ioni (xiii) trespass: (xrv) offenceagainstProPenY. (xv) criminalinlimidation: hImiliarian: {rvii pli}:icali: Ps"ch.llogisal or IhredtI^ defame: (xvii) defamation (xviii) any type of abtsethroughelectronicmedia; (xix) threatto comdit any or all of the abovementionedoffences; (g) ,.Ordinance"meansthe HaryanaProhibitioo of Raggingir EducationalInslitutionOrdinance,2012; (h)

"State"meanstheStateof Haryana:


"studenf' meansany personpursuingeducationin an educatlona institution.

HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.),J1JLY5,2OI2 (ASAR. 14, 1934SAKA) (l) Thereshallbe a completeprohibitionof raggingol a studentin all 3. ragging theeducationalinstitutions,in any fo.m aridndture. (2) No educationxlinstitutionsbaLipermitor condoneany incidentof including raggingin anyform andshalltakerllnecessaryandrequiredmeasures but not limited to the provisionsof lhe Ordinanceto achievethe objecfiveof eliminatingraggingwilhin the educationalinstitutronor outside' (3) No studentshallpiactiseraggingin anyform, within o. otltsidethe premises of an educationalinslitution. wrlhtne rn'rrrrrron. .hlll rake:crronin accorddnce lal All educalionrl Ordinanceagainstthosefoundguilty of ragging. 4.

TheHeadshall: (i) be overall responsibleto stop and preventragging and take all to prchibit raggingin educational necessarypreventivemeasures instirutionand shallensurethat no personpractisemggingln any inslilutionand of aneducational form withinor outsidethepreririses adoptrequiredmeasuesto achievethe object; (ii) obtain an undertakingin writing from the student,iri casehe is in caseheis lessthan eighteenor aboveorfrom his parents/guardian eighteenthat he shailnot altempt,ab€tol commit.agginginsjdeor outsjdethe educationalinstiiutionat the time of admission; I

(iii) give full publicityto the provisionsof theOrdinanceand aboutthe membersof the committeealongwithlheir mobilelumbersetc by placjngthesameatprominettplacesaswell asatnoiiceboardin the educationaiinstitutionand also make it a palt oi prospectus3nd uploadit on its website,if an), (iv) give full publicity to the punishments to be awardedfor raggi.g throughopencircilars and suitablepostersin the educational institution:and (v) notify any changein the constitutionof thecommitteeimrnediately , andshalltakenecessary actionas perclause(iii) above.

.. (1) There shall be constitutedwith immediateeffecl on€ or more 5. uPonstrength institutionsby theHead,depending committee(s) in all educational institutionandthemrmberof ofpremisesofthe €ducalional ofstudents,vastness departments etc. (2) Eachcommitteeshallconsistofthreeseniorfacultymemb€rsout of whichat leastone shallbe a womanandseniormostamongstthemshallbe the fiom lmongst Thecommitteeshall alsoconsistof tworepr€sentativs Chairperson. theparentsof the studentsincludinga womanto b€ nominatedby the Headl


HARYANAGOV'|.GAZ,(EXTRA-).ruI-Y 5' 20i2 (ASAR.14.1934SAKA)

Provided tha! in caseof an educalionalinsiitution exclusrvelyfor boys or girls.all the membersmay he maleor female.esthecasemay be (3) The parentsof the studentsnominaiedin a committeeshall hold o f f i c cl o r J m d r r m u ml e r mJ f t u J t r ( J d e m r ie " i u n ' (I) The committeeor any memberthereofshall havepower rc inspect 6. rhaldny whereit apprehends anv classroom,hostelroom or anyotherenclosure of the same incidentof raggingis beingcommittedor (hereis apprehension (2) Thecommineemay lake appfopriatestepsandsuggestsuehmeasures' !o the Head. as deemednecessarY, (3) On receiptof an information by any memberof tle committeefronr the head, a student,pnrentsor any sollrce in vJrrilngor thaclgh any electronc 01-the mediathat ari act of raggingis beingcommiltedor thereis apprehension raid, if conducl end may the Charrperson same. he shaLlintimate the same 1o necessaryor take other approptirle stepsto stop the act oi ragging (4) The member or the commiitee may conduct on lhe spot inquiry observinga fair and transparentprocedureand the princlpl€ of naturalj ustice and shall give an adequateopportuni!y to lhe victim studentand the studenl accused offaggjng andother witnessesand may also asklhem to produceother documenls or witnesses,if necessary,concerningthe incidentof ragging' (5)' The commiiiee shall submil the inquiry report to the Head withtn seventytwo hours ilf the incident for appropriateaction undei the Act: Provided that in case an offence is committed under the provisions of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860) and is a cognizableoffence' the member shall immediately rcport the matter to lhe Head. (1) Tbe HeadshalLexan ine the leport and if satisfi€dwill takeapproprrate ?. action as per lhe gravity of offence (2) On receiptolthe reportol ragging,thellead will direct the commrttee to make an inquiry and report(3) The committee, or on receipt of any information concerning any .epoifed incident of ragging the Head,shall immediateLydntermineif a criminal offence is adeout and ifso, it either on his own motion or thlough a membef of the committeeauthorisedby him. proceedto file First Information Repori rmmediatel): Provided that thg educalionalinstitution shall aiso conlioue \r'ith its o\ n inquiry and other measureswithout warting fbr action on the part of the police and such rem€dial action shall b€ initiated and compleied immediately (4) If lhe Ilead is not satisfiedwith the rePortmadeby the committe€' he may. himself, conductan independentenqurryal4 passany apprrtprialeordersin wfl(ing.lor rer\J rs Io be reeorJcdtterc n

IIARY/\N7\ COVT. (lrV TEXIRAL JUI-Y5- :Cl2 (ASAR.l l. l9i,l SAKAI He may alsodecideto lodgeFirst tniormstionRepo il an oflenceis found to ()1 1860)tnd is a havebeencommittedunderthe IndianPenalCode. 1860(45 (o!nr, ilole ol-fen - e. Repon hus Punsnmenr' 8. tl) ]n a pfovencaseofrlgging. whelherF'irstInform;rli(rn been lodgedor not, the tlead shall imposea punishmentof suspensionlbr at leasi be and a period of lwo semestersor one annuallcademic yeal ls the casemii_ in Io (x ) 3s describ9d ii) penalties of may alsoimposeany one or a combination, .)fsub-sectlon(2). as reponed by {2) Dependirg upon thâ‚Ź naturealld gravily oflhe offence the commitlee. the Head may impose any one oI combinalion of the follci\"inB punrshmentsupon the student(s)found guihy. ind othel or fellowship sch'Jlrrlhrp (0 withholdingor withdrawing bel1ellis:

| l nr :l u n i r ' : 'Y l t ( ' ' m e n d r l i L r n ( ' ( i , { ' r r ' e l r , n g c a m p r r s n l r c e 'rpr e

{ i i i ) debarrjng from .ppearing in nny tes! or ex'nrnrtron or othr:r e \ dL L a t , . np r r c e r s

(iv) wiihhcldingof .esults: instittrdon in afl! ('') debarnng fiom represeniingthe educaticrDal

regional.natil)nalor internationalrne.t. Furnameni,youlh festivaietc.:

( v r ) suspensionor expulsionf.om the hostel: of admission; (vii) cancellarion insdtulionfor a fromtheeducalional iviii) rustication years; three upto


(ix) expulsionfrom the educationaiinstLt!lionand consequeni debarring from admissionto any other cducalronitlinstituuon for a period of threeYears, {x) Lmposilronof fi.e upto twenly tlYe thousandrupees' or dircclion oflhe pfovlsionsot !heOrdinanoe 9. ln caseofany contrrvention l or r)rdermadethererndefby an educatronnl instiiutio. the lle'rd shal be Dunishable wirn irnpnscrn:cn!fct a lenn which maj'erlend lo siji monrhsrnC wilh il're which may extend'"o twenty-five thousandrupees. institulicrn'n 10. (l) The Go!emmentmay intposea fine on an educalioiral issued hy lhe orders drrcclii)nsor caserl is not complyingwith lhe pfcv!:nons. Lbvernmeni, from iimc to time, which may extendl(r r\r() lircsrupeesln caseoI a , J l c 3 c \ c n .u l a n di r v el r , r r . J \ e o I r u n i \ e r i r l \ " Providedihat no fine shallbe imposedunlessxn oppodunityol'personal instrtullon heuringhas beengi!en to an educxtionaL

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