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1. Name: Geeta Nijhawan 2. Education: Ph.D: “Robust Automatic Speaker Recognition System”. Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, INDIA, May 2015 Master of Technology: Electronics & Communication Engineering, 2006 Bachelor of Engineering: Electronics Engineering, N.I.T Raipur ( Formerly, Govt Engg College), INDIA, 1995. 3. Experience: 24 years 4. Academic experience:  Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies (NAAC A Grade) FET, Faridabad, Haryana, India. Professor in ECE department (July 2016 to till date) Full Time; Manav Rachna International University (NAAC A Grade) FET, Faridabad, Haryana, India. Associate Professor in ECE department (Jan 2011- Jun 2016) Full Time; HOD in ECE department (Mar 2011-Sept 2013); Assistant Professor in ECE department (Nov 2009-Dec 2010) Full Time.  Career Institute of Technology & Management, Faridabad, Haryana, India. Lecturer in ECE department (Aug 1998-July 2002) Full Time, Sr. Lecturer in ECE Department (Aug 2003-Feb 2007), Assistant Professor in ECE department (Mar 2007-Oct 2009) Full Time. 5. Current membership in professional organizations:  Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education (LM-115859)  Life Member of The Institution of Engineers, Calcutta (F-1228257). 6. Special Achievements:  Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with MIMO System, 9th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, ICICSE-2021, Hyderabad ,GNI, Hyderabad, Scopus Indexed LNNS Springer Proceedings,3-4th Sept 2021, Awarded Best Paper 

Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, IOT Connectivity and Applications- A Survey,International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference, IEEEC-2021, Delhi, DTU delhi, 23-24th Oct 2021, Awarded Best Paper

7. Service activities (within and outside of the institution): 

Working as Associate Dean – FET since Dec 2018

One PhD guided and Five students are pursuing Ph.D

Guided Six M. Tech dissertations

Reviewer of manuscript, entitled "Energy allocation & transmit antenna selection scheme massive MIMO" for International Journal of Electronics: Taylor & Francis

External Evaluator for evaluating PhD Thesis entitled "STEGANOGRAPHY AS A TOOL OF DATA HIDING IN CLOUD COMPUTING" : Noida International University.

Member Department core team for NAAC accreditation work and SSR preparation

Member core team for Annual Report

Attended & presented various research papers in National Conference, International Conferences and journals.

Organized & attended various seminars, workshops and faculty development program at department level.

Worked as Centre Superintendent (Examinations- End Term), Superintendent Evaluation, Superintendent ( Practical Exams) Ph D Guided

Ms Poonam Ghanghas Nov 2020 Patent Details –date of filing 31/8/2020 & date of publication – 25/9/2020 An Apparatus for Identification and Classification of a signal in over the air OTA system and method thereof : Anita Khosla, Geeta Nijhawan, Ashish Grover, Richa Adlakha

9. Publications: 

Poonam Ghanghas ,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, A PSO Based Antenna Array Optimization For Wimax And WLAN Application Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) ISSN: 1943-023X Vol. 10, 07-Special Issue, 2018 Sudhir Dagar, Geeta Nijhawan. A Review on FPGA Parallel Architecture for Object Detection. Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology.2018;8(2):42-48p

Poonam Ghanghas ,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist Design of E-shaped and Circular Array Antenna to improve the performance for WLAN and WiMax Network Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems(JARDCS) ISSN: 1943- 023X Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue, 2019 Pages: 52-59

Dipa Kokane, Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, ‘Evaluation of Non-Orthogonal Techniques for Advance Wireless System’ in ‘International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)’, ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019. Page No.: 1849-1854.

Sudhir Dagar, Geeta Nijhawan. Performance Analysis With Differential Evolution Optimization For Moving Object Detection Using Back Ground Subtraction. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020, pp. 269-281[Scopus]

Suman Arora, Geeta Nijhawan, Gourav Verma, An investigation and implementation of solar-thermal based hybrid energy harvesting system for WSN, "International Journal of Advanced Research Engineering and Technology (IJARET)", Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021, pp. 182-195, ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.12.3.2021.020.

Abhinav Kumar, Parv Kukreja, Aashutosh Vats, Geeta NIjhawan, Machine learning and its application in temperature monitoring "International Journal of Advanced Research Engineering and Technology (IJARET)", Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2021, pp 75-84I SSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499 DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.12.4.2021.009

Abhinav kumar , Divyansh Dixit , Anish Raj , Geeta Nijhawan, IOT Security with Blockchain, YMER , ISSN : 0044-0477, pp 7-19, VOLUME 20 : ISSUE 11 (Nov) – 2021

Minu Sethi, Geeta Nijhawan, “A comparative evaluation of microwave antenna designs performance on digital MR image in hyperthermia system”, International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSYSE), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2017 , pp.220 – 227

Darshna Kundu, Geeta Nijhawan, “ Performance Analysis of Adaptive Channel Equalizer Using LMS, Various Architecture of ANN and GA”, Volume 12, Number 22 (2017) , pp. 12682-12692

Darshna Kundu, Geeta Nijhawan, “ Performance analysis of gradient decent algorithm based adaptive filters for noise cancellation in Signal Processing”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application,Vol 7, Issue 7, 2017, pp 05-10 Geeta Nijhawan, M.K. Soni,”A new design approach for Speaker Recognition using MFCC and VAD” I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2013, 9, July 2013 , MECS Publishers, pp 43-49

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Geeta Nijhawan, M.K. Soni,” A Comparative Study of Two Different Neural Models For Speaker Recognition Systems”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1,Issue-1,June 2012,pp 67-72 Geeta Nijhawan, M.K. Soni,” Noise Robust Techniques for Speaker Recognition: A Review” International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing ,Vol 2,Issue 2,May 2012 ,pp 109-114. Geeta Nijhawan, M.K. Soni, Speaker Recognition using Support Vector Machine,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887),Volume 87 – No.2 ,February,2014,pp 7-10 Geeta Nijhawan,M.K.Soni, Real time Speaker Recognition of Hindi words,International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB) ISSN: 2074-9023 (Print), ISSN: 2074- 9031 (Online),MECS Publisher ,April 2014,pp 35-40 Geeta Nijhawan, M.K. Soni,Speaker Recognition using MFCC & Vector Quantisation,International Journal of Recent trends in Engineering & Technology, ISSN: 2158-5563,Vol 11,Issue 1,2014,pp- 211 – 218 Shivanker Dev Dhingra, Geeta Nijhawan , Poonam Pandit, ISOLATED SPEECH RECOGNITION USING MFCC AND DTW, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013,pp4085-4091. Ankita Sharma, Geeta Nijhawan,” Rainfall Prediction Using Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 3 Issue 3, Year May,2015, pp 65- 69. Farheen Fauziya and Geeta Nijhawan, “A Comparative Study of Phoneme Recognition using GMM-HMM and ANN based Acoustic Modeling” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887),Volume 98– No.6, July 2014,pp 12-16.  Nivedita Chitra & Geeta Nijhawan, “Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern and Support Vector Machine”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 Issue 06, Volume 3 (June 2016),pp-103108  Minu Sethi & Geeta Nijhawan,” Design of Microwave Antenna for Hyperthermia System” I.J. Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2016, 4, 39-47, Published Online July 2016 in MECS.  Minu Sethi & Geeta Nijhawan,” A Two Slotted Circular Microwave Antenna Design for Hyperthermia System Applicators” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 148 – No.6, August 2016,pp 35-39.

Conference publications  Shah, O. A., Ahmed Khan, I., Nijhawan, G., & Garg, I. (2018). Low Transistor Count Storage Elements and their Performance Comparison. 2018 International Conference on

Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN), 801– 805. 

Sudhir Dagar, Geeta Nijhawan. Modified Architecture for Detection of Moving Objects. IEEE Com-IT-Con 2019 (IEEE # 45641) Organized by Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana -India, 14th-16th Feb 2019[Scopus]

S. S. Nijhawan, A. Kumar, S. Bhardwaj and G. Nijhawan, "Real-time Object Detection for Visually Impaired with Optimal Combination of Scores," 2019 6 th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), New Delhi, India, 2019, pp. 307-311. Published in IEEE Xplore. ●

An Encyclopedic Consideration of hybrid energy harvesting on wireless sensor network in INDIACom - 2019; International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section, held on 13th - 15th March, 2019 at Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi (INDIA). Published in IEEE Xplore

Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist ,Power Allocation Optimization for Non Orthogonal Multiple Access, ICRISET 2020,4-5th September, 2020 at BVM, Gujarat, India

Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with MIMO System, 9th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, ICICSE-2021, Hyderabad ,GNI, Hyderabad, Scopus Indexed LNNS Springer Proceedings,3-4th Sept 2021, Awarded Best Paper

Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, IOT Connectivity and Applications- A Survey,International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference, IEEEC-2021, Delhi, DTU delhi, 23-24th Oct 2021, Awarded Best Paper

Dipa Kokane, Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Alamouti Technique for Future Wireless Communication,2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing & Industry 4.0-2021,C2i4-2021, Bangalore, CMRIT, Bangalore, 16-17th Dec 2021, IEEExplore

Dipa Kokane,Geeta Nijhawan & Shruti Vashist,6th International conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, IIIT Kota, Rajasthan, 17-19th Dec 2021, Scopus Indexed LNNS Springer Proceedings

Shruti Vashist, Geeta Nijhawan ,” Modulation techniques for emerging digital cellular mobile radio system”, National Seminar ‘Emerging Trends in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication & Control System – PDM, Bahadurgarh,pg.40, 20th Feb 2007.

Geeta Nijhawan, Shruti Vashist ,” Spectrum efficiency in cellular mobile communication”, National Seminar ‘Emerging Trends in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication & Control System – PDM, Bahadurgarh,pg.39, 20th Feb 2007. Shilpa Dua, Geeta Nijhawan, Speaker Recognition System, National Workshop cum Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics & Computing ‘RTMC’ 11 , 21st May 2011. Organized by the Department of Computer Engineering ,Information Technology & Department of Mathematics at Technological Institute of Textile & Science (Bhiwani),Haryana. Shruti Vashist, Geeta Nijhawan, D.S.Gotra, Mobile Wireless Channel Implementation using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System(4G),pg.223, 8th-10th Dec 2010National Conference on Computational Engineering: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization.

Books & Publications:  Communication Systems-Manav Rachna Publications  Elements of Electronics Engineering- Manav Rachna Publications  Analog Electronic Circuits- Manav Rachna Publications Book Chapters

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G. Nijhawan, S. Vashist, A. Khosla and S. S. Nijhawan, “Introduction to Blockchain Technology”, Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things: Challenges and Applications in Bitcoin and Security, Apple Academic Press, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). A. Khosla, S. Vashist and G. Nijhawan “Blockchain Technology in Healthcare”, Publisher: Springer.. G. Nijhawan, S. S. Nijhawan and M. Sethi, “Hyperthermia Treatments”, Micro and Nano Technologies, Noble Metal-Metal Oxide Hybrid Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Applications, pp. 241-263. Published by Elsevier.

9. Recent professional development activities:  

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Organized and attended AICTE sponsored one week STTP on Internet of Things (IOT) for Emerging Engineering Applications ( Aug t0 Sept 2021- 4 series) Participated in an ICT based AICTE recognized Short Term Training Program on “Embedded Systems” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NITTTR, Chandigarh from 19 March- 23 March, 2018. Participated in an ICT based AICTE recognized Short Term Training Program on “Wireless Communication” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NITTTR, Chandigarh from 30 October- 3 November, 2017. Participated in Workshop on “Preparation of Quality Self-Learning Support Material for MOOCs “ organised during September 28-29, 2017 in I-Block Auditorium. Participated in ICT based training programme on ‘Strategic Management and SWOT Analysis for Institution Excellence’ conducted by EDIC Department, NITTTR Chandigarh from 21 - 25 August 2017 at MREI campus (Remote Center). Participated & attended 03 days of workshop on “FTTX Home Connect” at Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad during 2nd Feb to 4th FEB' 2017.

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Participated & attended one week national workshop on ‘Instrumentation Using Lab VIEW’ held during Dec’ 19 till 23th Dec 2016. Participated & attended two days workshop on ‘NI Lab VIEW’ held on 18th and 19th Nov 2016. Participated & attended ‘Workshop on Experiential and Outcome-Based Learning’ held during May’30 till 10th June 2016. Member of organizing committee of three day ‘International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations’ held during 8th till 10th October 2015. The Conference was technically supported by IEEE and ISI Kolkata. Member of organizing committee of ‘Professor Summit on ATMEGA 168PB and SAMD21 MCUS Embedded system design using AVR and ARM based MCUs on 29.9.15 and 30.6.15 Member of organizing committee of One day Workshop on IPR: Awareness and Government Initiatives, sponsored by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India on 17 th JUNE 2015

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