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Curriculum Vitae 1. Name: Pratima Manhas 2. Education:  Ph.D : “Performance Improvement of OFDM system for Wireless Communication Systems”. Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, INDIA, September 2018  Master of Technology: Electronics & Communication Engineering, IASE Sardarshahr,Rajasthan, INDIA,2006  Master of Administration: Operations Research, IGNOU, New Delhi, India 2007  Bachelor of Technology: Electronics & Communication Engineering, PTU, Jalandhar, INDIA, 2003. 3. Academic experience:  Manav Rachna International University (NAAC A Grade) FET, Faridabad, Haryana, India. Associate Professor in ECE department (July 2014 till date) Full Time; Assistant Professor in ECE department (July 2009 -June 2014) Full Time; Sr Lecturer in ECE department (Jan 2008-June 2009) Full Time; Lecturer in ECE department (Jan 2005-Dec 2007 ) Full Time  Greater Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India. Lecturer in ECE department (Aug 2004-Dec 2004) Full Time 4. 5. 6. 7.

Non-academic experience: NA Experience: 17 years Research Area: Wireless communication Systems(OFDM) Certifications or professional registrations: Wireless communication training(6 months) from Rawelcom, New Delhi (Aug 2012-Dec 2012)

8. Honors and awards: Paper titled “PAPR reduction of OFDM using recurring SLM with cyclic block codes schemes” presented at IEEE based International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization ,ICRITO 2015 at Amity University, Noida on 2-4 Sept 2015. Adjudged the Best paper presentation award during the conference. 9.    

Service activities (within and outside of the institution): Practical Coordinator for external practical Examination Overall Coordinator of Bulk SMS regarding attendance and sessional performance. Lab Coordinator for Communication Engineering Lab Mentorship for 6th semester students

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Important publications and presentations from the past five years: ‘OFDM PAPR reduction using Recurring SLM with Cyclic & Linear block codes schemes’, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni, International journal of Telkomnika Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering vol 16, No.1: Oct 2015(Scopus indexed). Performance Evaluation of various Channel Equalization Techniques in terms of BER for OFDM System”, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Communication for Industrial Systems ,Vol. 3, No. 2 (2016), pp. 55-2,, GVschool publication( Australia)

“OFDM System Performance Evaluation under Different Fading Channels and Channel Coding using Matlab Simulink,” Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni ,Indonesian Journal of Electrical

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Engineering and computer science,vol 5, No. 2,Feb 2017,pp-260-266, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v5.i2(Scopus indexed) “Quantum implementation of Reversible logic gates using RCViewer+ tool “,,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral, Jyoti Verma , “International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and information Security( Springer),23rd to 25th Feb 2022. “Machine Learning Approach based on Fuzzy logic for Industrial Temperature regulation”, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral, Jyoti Verma, Sunanda," International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and information Security( Springer), 23rd to 25th Feb 2022. “A Comprehensive Study on Automated Vehicle Collision System Using IOT in Vehicular Environment”, Pratima Manhas,Monika Dhiman,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 12422 – 12432 “ Roadblock of Quality Education and its Avoidance”, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral, Jyoti Verma, Solid state Technology,Volume 63, Issue 5,pp 4547-4551,2020 “BER Computation of OFDM system using real audio signal for Rician channel "Pratima Manhas,Dr. M.K Soni,Ms Shaveta ,International Conference on Sustainable computing in Science,Technology and Management at Amity university, Jaipur on 26th - 28th Feb 2019 published by Elsevier Digital Library. “Optimized OFDM Model Using CMA Channel Equalization for BER Evaluation,” Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni , Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2017, pp. 133~139, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v6i2.614( Scopus indexed) “Comparative analysis of different wavelet filters and image enhancement using Histogram equalization’,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,International Conference on Materials,applied physics & Engineering(ICMAE-2018) held at Indore ,Madhya Pradesh “Implementation of comparator using different styles of modeling”,Pratima Manhas, Arshdeep,Sachin, International Conference on Latest trends in Electronics& communication Engineering held at IIMT college of Engineering , Greater Noida on 9th -10th April 2019 “ Review analysis of N-bt parity generator circuit using Xilinx”,Pratima Manhas, Siva, Shristy,Kashif, International Conference on Latest trends in Electronics& communication Engineering held at IIMT college of Engineering , Greater Noida on 9th -10th April 2019 “Implementation of OFDM system using image input for AWGN channel”,Pratima Manhas, Dr M.K Soni, 7th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering,ICICSE-2019 held at Guru Nanak Institutions,Hyderabad on 16th -17th August 2019(Scopus indexed).. “Engineering for change: A broad understanding” ,Pratima Manhas, Parv Kukreja,Shaveta Thakral presented at IE(I) 52nd Engineers' Day 2019 celebration on 15th september 2019 Hotel Millionaire Faridabad.Paper published in IEI Souvenir. “A Review paper on analysis of different types of code converters using Xilinx”, Pratima Manhas , Achsa Benjamin ,Shreya Suman, 8th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics & communication Engineering, ICIECE-2019 at Guru Nanak Institutions,Hyderabad on 2 nd -3rd August 2019(Scopus indexed). Comparison of OFDM System in terms of BER using Different Transform and Channel Coding’ , Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni ,International Journal of Engineering & Manufacturing(IJEM),Vol 6, No. 1, PP.28-34, Pub. Date: 2016-1-8,DOI: 10.5815/ijem.2016.01.03.MECS ‘Comparison of various channel equalization techniques in OFDM system using different digital modulations’Pratima Manhas, Dr.M.k Soni, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering vol 3, No.3: Sept 2016(Scopus indexed). ‘Performance Analysis of DWT-OFDM and FFT-OFDM using Various Digital Modulation Techniques and Channel Coding", Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni , International Journal of Computer Applications(0975– 8887)Volume 128 – No.11, October 2015 ‘BER analysis of BPSK, QPSK and QAM based OFDM system using simulink ‘,Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni, IJEEE vol 7 issue 2, july- dec 2015,page no.54-60

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‘Comparison of BER analysis in OFDM using linear and cyclic block codes for different Digital Modulation Techniques’, Pratima Manhas, Dr M.K Soni, IEEE based International Conference on Computational intelligence and communication technology(CICT-2016) held at ABES , Ghaziabad on 12-13 Feb 2016(Scopus indexed). ‘A review of PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM systems’, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni MR journal,vol 6, No. 2, Dec 2014 ‘PAPR reduction of OFDM using recurring SLM with cyclic block codes schemes’, Pratima Manhas ,Dr. M.k Soni, IEEE based International conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and. Optimization (ICRITO 2015) held at Amity University , Noida on 2-4 Sept 2015(Awarded best paper). ‘BER analysis of BPSK, QPSK and QAM based OFDM system using simulink’, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.k Soni, International conference on recent advances in engineering science and management (ICRAESM-15) held at PHD chamber New Delhi on 30 Aug 2015. ‘Performance Analysis of OFDM system using LS, MMSE and Less Complex MMSE in terms of BER, SNR and MSE’,Pratima Manhas, Shobit Bulani, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), issue 6, Volume 3(June 2016) ‘Synchronization Issues in Wireless OFDM Systems: A Review’,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181,Vol. 3 Issue 3, March – 2014,Page no. 993-995 ‘Power Optimized Reversible Sequence Generator’, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181,Vol. 3 Issue 3, March – 2014,Page no;996-999 ‘Synthesis & optimization of Reversible Binary to Gray Code converter- A Review’,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral, presented paper at ICETEC,Amritsar DEC,13 ‘OFDM Technique For Wireless Communication system’, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at ICETEC,Amritsar DEC,13 ‘Synchronization Technique For OFDM system’,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral, presented paper at Telnet 2013 ,Amity Noida, Feb, 2013 ‘Synthesis of reversible Sequence generator’, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at National conference at TITS Bhiwani ,April, 12 ‘Golden child of Future Technology-LED ‘,Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at International conference(ICACC )at NIT Hamirpur , April 2011 ‘LTE - New Evolution in Wireless Technology’, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at International conference (ETCSIT) at Gulzar Group Khanna, Feb 2011

‘Multimedia for Higher Education & M-Learning’, Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at “National conference on emerging trends in wireless technologies at Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai, July 10

‘Educational Technology Innovation -M learning’ , Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral presented paper at International conference at Geeta Institute of Technology & Management Khanna , Oct 2010

11. Updated Citation, h index, i10 index Citations h-index i10-index 12.

List of Courses/STC/Workshop attended

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Writing High Impact Research Papers and Proposals-May 2015(1day)

PVC portal –Jan2015(1 day)

Promoting Quality of Academic Environment through Soft Skills-Dec 2014(1Day)

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PVC-Dec 2014(1 day) Quality workshop for Engineering faculty organized by internal quality assurance cell-Sep14(1 day)

Current Global Pedagogical Practices-May 2012(1 day)

One day workshop on" Program Education Objectives and Program Outcomes(1 day)

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STTP on optical Communication at NITTTR Chandigarh(5 days) STTP on Robust control and applications at NIT Kurushetra (5days) STTP on Intelligent control at NIT Kurushetra( 5days) Office Functioning & how to be more productive at work( 1day) IEEE international conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations (ICSCTI-2015)”on 8-9th Oct 2015 at MRIU. One day workshop on Internet of things by Intel higher education Program on 26 sept 2016 at Manav Rachna International University. Attended 2 day workshop on Labview held on 18th & 19th Nov. 2016 at Manav Rachna International University. Attended 5 day workshop on Instrumentation by Labview held on 19-23rd Dec 2016 at Manav Rachna International University. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “Wireless Communication” by NITTTR Chandigarh on 30 Oct – 3 Nov 2017 at MRIU. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “Strategic Management and SWOT Analysis for Institution Excellence” by NITTTR Chandigarh on 21Aug – 25 Aug 2017 at MRIU. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “VLSI Design” by NITTTR Chandigarh on 9 Oct – 13 Oct 2017 at MRIU. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “Embedded Systems” by NITTTR Chandigarh on19 March – 23 March 2018 at MRIU. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “Smart Grid and Distributed Generation Technologies ” by NITTTR Chandigarh on 7th –11th Jan 2019 at MRIU. Attended 5 day ICT based STC on “Advanced Level "Digital System Design ” by NITTTR Chandigarh on 28th Jan –1st Feb 2019 at MRU. Attended Short Term Course on Self Configured Wireless Sensor Networks by NITTTR from 30th July -3 Aug 2018 ,ECE deptt MRU. Attended Short Term Course on Next Generation Wireless Networks by NITTTR from 16th July -20th July 2018 ,FCA deptt MRIIRS.

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Attended 5 days STC on “5G communications” by IIT Ropar on 8th April -12th April 2019. Attended 5 days STC on "Effective Teaching in collaboration with NITTTR, Kolkata on July 15th-19th 2019. Attended 5days VLSI Chip Design Hands on using open source EDA" from 8th-12th July 2019 (by Expert of IITR , SCL,VEDA-IIT and Industry Expert under MOU with MNIT Jaipur and ECE, FET, MRIIRS)

Attended five days FDP on Image and Signal Processing using Scilab by NITTTR chandigarh from Aug 5th 2019 to 9th Aug 2019. Attended faculty development program on "Natural Language Processing" from 6th to 10th January 2020 by MNIT Jaipur Global National Knowledge Network (NKN), an initiative of the Ministry of

Electronics & IT, Government of India. 13.     

List of Books Published Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,Digital logic design,4th edition(2012),KATSON Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,VLSI design, 4th edition(2012),KATSON Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,VLSI design(IP university), Ist edition(2012),KATSON Pratima Manhas, Shaveta Thakral,Digital Electronics, 1st edition(2010),KATSON Shaveta Thakral, Pratima Manhas,multimedia systems

14. Reviewer Details:  Reviewer of CSNT-2016(International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies at Chitkara university, Chandigarh)  Reviewer of e-book Ardino meets MATLAB----- Interfacing, Programs and Simulink by Rajesh singh published by Benthem science publication. 15. Current membership in professional organizations: IAENG 16. Innovations in Teaching Learning: Apart from teaching various minor projects were made by students related to subject like BCD to seven segment decoder, 2 bit comparator, T flip flop, code converters etc. 17.   

Special achievement/relevant paper: Reviewer of CSNT-2016(International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies at Chitkara university, Chandigarh) Reviewer of e-book Ardino meets MATLAB----- Interfacing ,Programs and Simulink by Rajesh singh published by Benthem science publication. Paper titled “PAPR reduction of OFDM using recurring SLM with cyclic block codes schemes” presented at IEEE based International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization ,ICRITO 2015 at Amity University, Noida on 2-4 Sept 2015. Adjudged the Best paper presentation award during the conference.

16. Prominent Publications with link:  “OFDM PAPR reduction using Recurring SLM with Cyclic & Linear block codes schemes”, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni, International journal of Telkomnika Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering vol 16, No.1, Oct 2015(Scopus indexed),DOI: 10.11591/telkomnika.v16i1.8469

Online link: 

“ Performance evaluation of various Channel Equalization Techniques in terms of BER for OFDM System”, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Communication for Industrial Systems ,Vol. 3, No. 2 (2016), pp. 55-2, GVschool publication( Australia) online link :

“OFDM System Performance Evaluation under Different Fading Channels and Channel Coding using Matlab Simulink,” Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni ,Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and computer science,vol 5, No. 2,Feb 2017,pp-260-266(Scopus indexed), DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v5.i2 Online link:

“Optimized OFDM Model Using CMA Channel Equalization for BER Evaluation,” Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni , Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2017, pp. 133~139( Scopus indexed), DOI: 10.11591/eei.v6i2.614 Online link:

“ Comparison of OFDM System in terms of BER using Different Transform and Channel Coding”, Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni ,International Journal of Engineering & Manufacturing(IJEM),Vol 6, No. 1, PP.2834, Pub. Date: 2016-1-8,MECS, DOI: 10.5815/ijem.2016.01.03 Online link:

“Comparison of various channel equalization techniques in OFDM system using different digital modulations”,Pratima Manhas, Dr.M.k Soni, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering vol 3, No.3: Sept 2016(Scopus indexed) online link:

“Target Network Selection Algorithm based on Required Dwell Time Estimation”. Jyoti Verma, Sunanda Gupta, Pratima Manhas, Vasudha Arora . Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI). ISSN 2089-3272(Scopus indexed), Online link:

“Performance Analysis of DWT-OFDM and FFT-OFDM using Various Digital Modulation Techniques and Channel Coding", Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni , International Journal of Computer Applications(0975– 8887)Volume 128 – No.11, October 2015, DOI: 10.5120/ijca2015906674. online link:

“BER analysis of BPSK, QPSK and QAM based OFDM system using simulink”,Pratima Manhas , Dr. M.K Soni, IJEEE vol 7 issue 2, July- Dec 2015,page no.54-60, online link:

“Comparison of BER analysis in OFDM using linear and cyclic block codes for different Digital Modulation Techniques”, Pratima Manhas, Dr M.K Soni, IEEE based International Conference on Computational intelligence and communication technology(CICT-2016) held at ABES , Ghaziabad on 12-13 Feb 2016(Scopus indexed) Online link: nements=4223929056

“PAPR reduction of OFDM using recurring SLM with cyclic block codes schemes”, Pratima Manhas ,Dr. M.K Soni, IEEE based International conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and. Optimization (ICRITO 2015) held at Amity University , Noida on 2-4 Sept 2015(Awarded best paper) online link:

Personal Profile Name


Pratima Manhas



Date of Birth


Indian August 19, 1982

Marital status : Permanent Address :

Married Flat No.403,Tower-5, Zion Lakeview Apartments, Sector 48, Faridabad 121001. Phone no. : 9971180860 Declaration: I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars. Place: Faridabad


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