The University of Manchester - Annual Performance Review 2011-12 Manchester Museum

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APPENDIX 1: Courses involving museum staff and collections


APPENDIX 2: Esteem Measures and International Interactions


APPENDIX 3: Feedback on Museum policy & practice


APPENDIX 4: External organisations we work with


APPENDIX 5: Publications by Museum staff


APPENDIX 6: Visitor statistics for HEFCE

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INTRODUCTION 2011-12 represented another year of significant achievement for the Manchester Museum. Visitor numbers increased yet again, by 5% to an all-time record of 367,000. This is in large part due to ongoing investment in the experience provided to visitors, from temporary exhibitions to permanent galleries, and from events and activities to ‘wraparound’ facilities such as shop, café and toilets. Family visits increased from 150,000 to 184,000, an increase of 23%. There were over 35,000 visits by students from the University of Manchester, who now represent 10% of our total audience. The number of HE courses using the museum rose by 67%, the number of research activities by 41% and the number of students using the collections by 38%. The latter increases were due to a concentrated focus on working with academic staff over the course of the year. The main priority for the first part of this year was to secure ongoing core funding. The Museum’s Director led the co-ordination of a major bid to Arts Council England (which has taken over national responsibility for museums and galleries following the demise of the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council) for Major Partner Museum funding, which was to replace the previous Renaissance funding for regional museums. The Manchester Museums & Galleries Partnership (comprising the Whitworth, Manchester Museum and Manchester City Galleries) was awarded £5.2m over three years from April 2012, which represents the highest amount awarded in the country, ahead of Birmingham Museums, Tyne and Wear and Oxford and Cambridge Museums, reflecting the ambition and range of work set out in the application from the Partnership. The Partnership has, in addition, been awarded a grant of £240,000 from ACE under their new Catalyst scheme to help us develop fundraising and development work across the three Manchester institutions, and in collaboration with the Cumbria Museums Consortium, the Partnership will also be managing a further £880,000 of Regional Museum Development funding over three years to drive development and deliver sustainability, resilience and innovation in NW museums and galleries. These awards make Manchester one of the main museum and gallery centres outside London. In recognition of this, the Partnership has been invited to join the National Museum Directors Council, and is now ranked as a quasi-national institution. Central to the Major Partner Museum work has been the appointment of three key posts across the Partnership, Heads of Commercial Activities, Development and Communications. These three posts were filled in the course of the year and are now co-ordinating activities in these areas across Manchester Museum, the Whitworth and Manchester City Galleries. One of the year’s principal achievements was the successful fundraising and planning for the three new galleries of archaeology and Egyptology, ‘Ancient Worlds’ which opened to great acclaim in October. It included a world first; the development of a haptic interface which allows users to virtually touch fragile objects, funded with £80,000 from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. The Keeper of the British Museum’s Department of Egypt and Sudan tweeted after the launch ‘What the Manchester Museum does today, the British Museum may do tomorrow’. MM APR 2012


We maintained a successful series of temporary exhibitions during the course of the year, balancing displays which showcase University research or history (Grave Secrets, Alan Turing & Life’s Enigma) with family-focused shows (Unearthed: Ancient Egypt). Running alongside these was a large and diverse programme of public events, including a new strand aimed specifically at adults called ‘Museum Meets’. In total, we ran 249 events, which attracted a total of 78,000 people. We are particularly proud of our commitment to accessibility, and this year our Visitor Services team were trained in providing services for deaf and visually impaired, as well as autistic visitors. Our ‘Skills for the future' trainee Haddy has been giving spontaneous tours to our Deaf or hard of hearing visitors, which has been instrumental in continuing to make the collections as accessible as possible. In September we published the first ever book-length colour souvenir guide to the Museum and its collections. Consisting of 14 chapters over 156 pages, it sets out the history of the Museum, and gives overviews of the key collections, with features on the University academics who use them for research and teaching, and chapters on the Museum’s activities with schools and the community. The Museum and its Learning Team continue to play a significant and integrated role in the University’s Widening Participation Strategy, and with the Whitworth Art Gallery deliver a high proportion of the University’s WP provision. Due to the closure of the hugely popular Egyptian and archaeology galleries, our formal schools visits are slightly reduced this year and we received 19,549 visits. One of our most effective partnerships is with Central Manchester University Hospital NHS Trust. During the last year, we have worked with 3,761 people (patients and their families and medical staff) as part of this work, and in February 2011 we delivered +Culture Shots, a week-long series of taster events run by museums and galleries that were designed specifically for health professionals, over 7 days, 5 Hospitals & 70 workshops. This was the first time an event like this has happened in a hospital setting both nationally and internationally. We continue our commitment to working with volunteers and during 2011-12 we worked with 151 who gave a total number of 10,035 volunteer hours. We are actively involved in the citywide network (Cultural Volunteer Coordinators Forum) dedicated to cultural and heritage volunteering. The Museum provides an extensive loans service nationally and internationally, and has lent a total of 66 objects to 6 exhibition venues in the UK during the course of this year. Whilst many loans are to other museums, in the last year, 2,822 further objects and specimens were lent to 9 UK and 15 international universities for research and teaching purposes. We raised almost £250,000 in new external grants in the course of the year, as well as £39,000 in donations. One of the Museum’s main objectives is to contribute to the University’s sustainability agenda because of its huge collections of natural science material. Details are given in the report below, but one of the things we are particularly proud of is the initiative to train Manchester Museums and Galleries Partnership staff in beekeeping. Four staff across the three organisations have now been trained, MM APR 2012


and the first hive installed on the roof of Manchester Art Gallery, with the first 80 jars of honey being produced in October. We plan to install hives at the Manchester Museum and the Whitworth in 2013 and begin to sell the honey in our shops, as well as train more staff in what has become an excellent and unusual workforce development activity. SWOT Template Manchester Museum Strengths


Ø New structure with Whitworth bedded in and working successfully Ø Successful approach to external fundraising has raised the resources to proceed with capital redevelopments, and we are confident of raising further funds to complete gallery renewals Ø Well trained and committed staff and excellent collections in a listed building Ø The two key foci on intercultural understanding and promoting sustainability enable clear linkage to university, city-region and national priorities Ø A large and dedicated audience, many of whom come from the local area, and can act as advocates for the University

Ø Much achievement is dependent on project funding Ø Building infrastructure needs constant maintenance Ø International partnerships have not progressed as extensively as desired



Ø University’s Goal 3 on Social Responsibility represents an excellent opportunity to bring the Museum closer to the heart of the University Ø Arts Council funding means we will work increasingly collaboratively with others Ø Emphasis on tackling issues such as biodiversity, volunteering, sense of place and worklessness represents an opportunity to work towards greater links with City Council objectives Ø Provision of space showcasing University heritage allows us to relocate to larger temporary exhibition space Ø New thematic collecting programme can lead the sector

Ø Core funding is constantly under pressure Ø Resignation of one or both Directors would leave the structure vulnerable Ø Increase in risks, from thefts to child protection means we must maintain or increase vigilance

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Actions to be taken in mitigation of weaknesses and threats: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

Maintain successful approach to project fundraising, bolstered by new Partnership arrangements Maintain good relationship with Estates to ensure short- and long-term maintenance is implemented Develop international partnership with Japanese university museums and with Ghana museum in 2012-13 Continue advocacy for core funding from HEFCE, Arts Council, University and other funders (see Risk Register) Both Directors committed to current roles for at least another 5 years Continuously monitor risks and take mitigating actions at Joint Leadership Team and Health & Safety Committee

PERFORMANCE AGAINST THE MANCHESTER MUSEUM STRATEGIC PLAN 1. Create a great visitor experience through excellent services and innovative programmes Temporary exhibitions The following exhibitions and installations were held in the course of the year: We are extInked (9 Jul-4 Dec 2011) In the year that the world celebrated Charles Darwin’s bicentennial birthday, and to celebrate the opening of our Living Worlds gallery, we teamed up with artist group Ultimate Holding Company to present 'We are extInked', an exhibition documenting the story of the unique arts and ecology project ‘ExtInked’, which was undertaken in partnership with The Marine Conservation Society, Buglife (The Invertebrate Conservation Trust) and The People’s Trust for Endangered Species, Anatomy Projects and made possible through the financial support of MIRIAD. One hundred drawings of endangered British species, created by artist Jai Redman, were permanently tattooed onto 100 volunteers in a continuous three-day public event. The result of this unique performance was an army of 100 ambassadors for threatened and rare birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, plants and fungi from around the UK, raising money and awareness for the conservation partners and promoting education about changing ecologies and species loss. MM APR 2012


Unearthed: Ancient Egypt (30 Sep 2011-6 Sep 2012) In September 2011 our highly popular galleries of Egyptology and Mediterranean Archaeology closed for refurbishment. In order to meet the demand from schools for displays of Ancient Egypt to meet their curriculum requirements, we decided to develop a year-long temporary exhibition, particularly focused on schools and families. We were able to draw on the assistance of Terry Deary, author of Horrible Histories and Egyptian Tales, who played the character of Egyptologist Dr Digby in the introductory film. Children were invited to assist Dr Digby in investigating and recording the many objects he and his team have excavated, including toys, farming tools, stone carvings and burial goods, which in turn help an understanding of the ancient Egyptians’ home life, working life, language and beliefs. This was a highly popular hands-on exhibition, which was well received by schools and families. Grave Secrets: Tales of the Ancient Nubians (19 Nov 2011-4 Mar 2012) This third floor exhibition was one of a series of displays which showcase the work of University of Manchester academics, in this case a research project undertaken by the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology on bone specimens and artefacts excavated during the Archaeological Survey of Nubia (1907-1911), by Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, former Professor of Anatomy at The University of Manchester, who is credited as one of the founders of Palaeopathology, the study of ancient disease. One of the most important outcomes of the original project was the creation of several important palaeopathology study collections, now dispersed throughout the UK. The collection contains evidence for Nubian health and disease, and as such is an invaluable resource for studying ancient Nubia. Featuring specimens from the Nubian Pathological Collection housed in the Natural History Museum, London and material from The University of Manchester displayed alongside excavation photos and artefacts from The Manchester Museum, Grave Secrets revealed what has been learnt about life and death in this ancient civilisation and how the museums and laboratories of today are continuing to tell the story of the ancient Nubian people. We Face Forward: Anansi Stories (2 June-16 September 2012) Manchester’s principal contribution to the Cultural Olympiad was ‘We Face Forward’, a celebration of West African contemporary art and culture, involving the Whitworth Art Gallery, the Manchester Museum, Manchester Art Gallery, the Gallery of Costume, the National Football Museum, and a programme of music developed by Band On The Wall. The Manchester Museum’s contribution was an exhibition on Anansi the Spider, a popular trickster character in West African and Caribbean folklore, who started life as a man, but due to his mischievous ways was turned into a spider by his father, the Great Sky God. Because of his small size, Anansi uses his intelligence to survive and stories of his adventures are spread across the African diaspora. Using the Museum’s natural history and ethnographic collections, The Manchester Museum worked with the African Caribbean Carers Group and artist Alan Birch to develop a re-interpretation of the Anansi Spider stories. The group’s resulting artworks, printed stories and MM APR 2012


Museum objects were displayed in the Museum’s reception area, with an Ipad featuring community members telling the stories. There was also an associated programme of family and adult events, featuring storytelling, live music and other performances. Alan Turing and Life’s Enigma (24 Mar-18 Nov 2012) As part of the Turing centenary in 2012, the Museum developed an exhibition focusing on Turing’s time at the University of Manchester when, at a time when people knew very little about genetics or DNA, he used the early computer to try to crack how a soup of cells and chemicals could transform itself and grow into complex natural shapes - a subject known as morphogenesis. In the exhibition, Turing’s work in this area was explored alongside his trial and conviction for homosexuality, and his subsequent ‘treatment’ with a course of chemical injections and suicide. The exhibition was developed as a partnership between the Museum and CHSTM, led by Henry McGhie and Alice Nicholls (CHSTM), with significant input from Prof John Pickstone, academics in FLS, the Schools of Chemistry and Computing, and the University Equality and Diversity team. The exhibition attracted significant media attention, especially considering its relatively small scale, and significant international interest. The programme accompanying the exhibition focused on Turing and creativity, on the value of thinking differently, and on Turing’s sentence and treatment; these were chosen as reflecting a particularly ‘Manchester’ approach. The programme was well-reflected in and fully integrated into the Alan Turing Year programme of events. The Museum was heavily involved in the Turing’s Sunflowers project, co-ordinated by MOSI and the Manchester Science Festival. Gallery redevelopment work 2012 saw the culmination of a four-year programme of planning and fundraising to redevelop the Museum’s three galleries of archaeology and Egyptology to mark the centenary of the original opening of the building which houses them. The project cost £1.57 million, with all funds being raised externally, including a contribution of £750,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The year 2011-12 was spent working intensively with the designers and the wider project team, completing the fundraising, and preparing objects and content for display. The galleries were opened on 26 October by Sir Richard Leese as an example of university and city partnership, and the opening was attended by some 700 people. The new displays try to show how visitors can find out about people in the past through the objects they left behind. The first gallery, ‘Discovering Archaeology’, uses archaeologists of the past and present as guides to the different archaeological techniques that help us reconstruct the lives of ancient people. The contemporary archaeologists are nearly all from the University of Manchester. The second gallery, ‘Egyptian Worlds’, again uses people – from today and known ancient Egyptians -- as guides to this long-lived civilization. The upper gallery is called ‘Exploring Objects’ and looks at why museums have such large collections, much of which is held in the stores, and what we can learn from studying it. There is also a screen which showcases current University research in archaeology. Technology is now advanced enough for us to be able to plan the digital elements of our galleries alongside the physical ones. With the MM APR 2012


agency Cahoona, we developed an extensive mobile version of the Museum’s website, and installed free public wifi in the galleries, so that visitors can access further information on the collections and themes during their visit, and at home. On the upper gallery we have installed a prototype ‘haptic’ interface, developed with funding from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, which allows visitors to virtually touch objects. This has the potential to open up museum collections which are not normally accessible to the visually impaired, and indeed to sighted visitors. The Foundation is so pleased with this development that they have asked us, with our partner Touch and Discover Systems, to submit a bid to them for the further development of the prototype into a robust device that can be rolled out to other organisations. The other major current project is the refurbishment of the Birds gallery which has remained unchanged for over 25 years and is inappropriate for the needs of current audiences. It is being transformed into a gallery called ‘Nature’s Library’ which examines the Museum’s systematic collections of natural science, why we have them and what can be learned from them. It will again showcase research being undertaken in the University, and is scheduled to open in April 2013. The impact of the Living Worlds Gallery redevelopment Living Worlds, opened in April 2011 as a new type of natural history gallery, has been widely recognised as a novel and an innovative way of approaching both natural history collections and environmental sustainability. The Museum was selected by leading museum professionals as one of the top 50 museums and galleries in the UK (in the Independent): “Its natural-history galleries, with traditional stuffed-animal displays, have been given a creative new lease of life. Expect something exciting and engaging from the soon-to-open Ancient Worlds galleries.” Formal evaluation of Living Worlds has been undertaken in a variety of ways, including visitor surveys and other feedback, by structured observation and monitoring the use of the dedicated Living Worlds smartphone app, notably through a bespoke evaluation of 308 visitors by a placement student from Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam. Results demonstrate that 89% of visitors viewed the redevelopment of the gallery as a success, which is extremely positive given that it is undoubtedly a radical change. Most visitors (83%) considered it to be inspiring and a similar number (84%) considered it to be accessible. A significant proportion of visitors (37%) said they were more likely to get involved with activities relating to environmental protection as a result of their visit. One reviewer in Museums Journal commended the redisplay as, “an ingenious and arty revamp … new displays work beautifully within a very elegant and practical Victorian ambience, rather than fighting against it”. An editorial noted how “It must be tempting to go for a “safe pair of hands” when choosing a design company for a big project, but this can sometimes lead to mediocre galleries that could be anywhere. There are exceptions, of course. Manchester Museum's Living Worlds gallery is a playful and inspired redisplay of its natural history collection”. Living Worlds was shortlisted for the Museums + Heritage Permanent Exhibition award 2012 and in the Design Week Awards 2012, having been submitted in the Exhibition Design category. It was short-listed for the EAUC Green Gowns award in the Social Responsibility category, the submission having been developed in partnership between the University Environmental Sustainability Team and the Museum. Feasibility study MM APR 2012


In the latter part of the year, Buttress Fuller Alsop Williams were commissioned to undertake a feasibility study examining the potential of dedicating the current temporary exhibition gallery to a permanent display on University Heritage. This includes a study of options for creating a new temporary exhibition space elsewhere in the Museum and the redisplay of the top floor galleries. The feasibility study will report in December 2012, after which a proposal will be put to Capital Planning Sub-committee. Courtyard space – Allotment The Museum Allotment has now been registered as a Big Dig Garden and has a team of volunteers (as well as staff) who look after it and develop activities for the wider public. Corridor Manchester The Directors of the Museum and Gallery sit on the quarterly meetings of the Culture on the Corridor Working Group, which includes, amongst other things, consideration of the impacts of the cross city bus scheme (see actions from last year’s APR). Marketing and branding: National and Regional media work The Museum’s coverage in printed press, TV, radio and online was once again a combination of reactive media responding to enquiries and proactively generating coverage for our own programmes and exhibitions. We continue to supply curators and other staff to provide comment on issues of the day such as a rarely seen spider or Museum sector issues. We also work closely with colleagues in the University press office to ensure that if we are not best placed to provide comment, we will coordinate with the press team to ensure someone is able to do so. The Museum is also regularly used as a location for filming or photography for University academics, such as Bill Sellars and dinosaur related stories. One notable development this year has been our excellent relationship with CBBC who regularly use the Museum as a backdrop/location for items on Newsround. This year we have successfully achieved coverage for our public programme in the local media. Our popular Big Saturdays, school holiday programmes and other events feature every week in the Manchester Evening News “Out and About” column on Fridays and in holiday or thematic specials, for example on half term or Halloween, as well as being syndicated across the region. We also appear in Urban Life, Manchester Confidential, Big Issue in the North, Kids Confidential and The Natter. The Independent regularly features Museum events in its top 10 things to do this weekend, and the adult programme - Museum Meets - has featured in the Manchester Evening News, the Daily Telegraph, Radio Manchester, Emerald Street and the New Statesman. Our main exhibitions this year gained coverage on national and local TV and local press, and our awards (Clore Learning Award and Kids In Museum finalist) were featured in the Daily Telegraph and on Radio Manchester and MEN. We have featured in the sectorial press for new museum developments and our practice – for example Museums Practice featured our Visitor services team and staff are regularly asked to provide comment on museum sector related developments. MM APR 2012


Social media We are active in developing our social media profile in addition to our established platforms of blogs, Facebook and Twitter. During this period we added Pinterest, Storify and Soundcloud. We appointed leading online engagement designers Sumo to develop our Facebook-Flickr Tagger game to facilitate engagement with photos of museum objects, and we began consultation with Finetra who will soon launch a live webcam in the vivarium. We opened up collections data at CultureHack North which led to press interest in our innovative use of collections from the Guardian and BBC Radio 4’s Front Row. The new Ancient Worlds mobile website delivered new interpretation including photography by Paul Cliff and 3D content by Little Star, and the Ancient Worlds blog and Egypt Manchester blog were given a permanent presence in the Ancient Worlds on Ipads. Improved wraparound facilities Considerable time and energy has been given to making improvements to the front-of-house aspects of the building, including opening up the Museum Shop, a new Reception Desk and an extensive programme to upgrade visitor facilities, especially to enhance our offer for corporate events. The House Services team continue to work closely with University Estates and have contributed to a feasibility study looking at exhibition and access facilities in the future at ground and 3rd floor levels of the building. We completed the signage review for the museum and replaced all the old and out of date signs, installed new signage indicating what is on each floor, and refreshed the street-facing posters and banners. The Museum and Whitworth are now part of a Visitor attractions working group with the University marketing team that is developing and implementing the new University style guidelines and will be re-developing all the attraction websites over the next two years. This year has seen a successful ongoing programme of marketing the museum as a visitor attraction plus reaching large, new audiences for museum meets – the adult programme. The family programme continues to gain excellent attendance figures. This year the Museum had its busiest day on record – 8th October 2011 when 3419 people visited. Accessibility Accessibility was one of our main focuses this year. The training for the Visitor Services team included: • Autism training - Positive About Autism • Introduction to BSL (British Sign Language) - Hearfirst • Description tours – Henshaw • Deaf Awareness – Hearfirst As part of the 'Skills for the Future' traineeship scheme this year, the Visitor Services team took part in training and delivering three VSA MM APR 2012 11

Level 2 Certificate in Cultural Heritage (previously NVQ) and three members of the management team trained as Assessor Level 3 Vocational Qualifications. Our ‘Skills for the future' trainee Haddy has delivered 3 signed tours for various groups, but primarily she has been giving spontaneous tours to our Deaf or hard of hearing visitors, which has been instrumental in continuing to make the collections as accessible as possible. We have also implemented raised images for all gallery spaces and to be added to all handling tables. Souvenir Guide publication In September we published the first ever book-length full colour souvenir guide to the Museum and its collections. Consisting of 14 chapters over 156 pages, it sets out the history of the Museum, and gives overviews of the key areas of the collections, with features on the University academics who use them for research and teaching, as well as chapters on the Museum’s activities with schools and the community. It is sold in the Museum shop and is proving very useful as a gift for VIPs who visit the Museum, or when travelling abroad.

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2. Facilitate innovative educational opportunities for Early Years, schools, colleges and lifelong learners Early Years The Manchester Museum and Galleries Partnership (with the Whitworth as named lead) won the Clore Award for Museum Learning and £10,000 for its innovative work with early years children, their families and carers. Judges particularly highlighted the strong partnerships with local care settings and providers and our leading work on early intervention and the under 2s. Darren Micklewright, a local early years teacher from Wilbraham Primary school, accompanied the Head of Learning and Engagement to the interview and spoke passionately about the work his 3-4 year olds had done at the museum and how much he valued the collections, building and staff. Local partnerships underpin the formal early years programme. The Early Years Coordinator has now been appointed a governor at Martenscroft Nursery and School and works closely with early years educators from across Manchester. Between October 2011 to March 2012, our pilot work with under 2s was externally evaluated (by Mair Health and Education) and this has fed into our new Baby Explorer programme. Delivered twice monthly, we are struggling to meet demand and are developing museum-based complementary resources for parents with very young children. In partnership with Kids in Museums, we will be leading a national seminar looking at innovation in cultural early intervention work in March 2013. Schools and Colleges The Museum and its Learning Team continue to play a significant and integrated role in the University’s Widening Participation Strategy, and with the Whitworth Art Gallery deliver a high proportion of the University’s WP provision. Due to the closure of the hugely popular Egyptian and archaeology galleries, our formal schools visits are slightly reduced this year and we received 19,549 visits. ‘Unearthed: Ancient Egypt’ – the learning-led temporary exhibition ran for the full academic year, whilst the Ancient Worlds galleries were redeveloped. The learning team ran a successful learning programme with 8,231 primary school pupils attending taught workshops within the space and many more visiting on self-led visits. Much of the work this year has been focused on the reopening of the Egyptian and Archaeology galleries and the crucial primary offer to accompany this. The Primary Coordinator has established local teacher networks and piloted several activities across local schools to ensure this new programme meets curriculum needs. The newly developed programmes include The Egyptian World: Museum Secrets, Mummies and Pyramids! (Key Stage 2), Dig Stories: Bringing the Past to Life (KS2) and Empire Explained (KS3). The primary programme is already advance block-booked until February half term 2013. The Secondary and Post-16 Humanities Coordinator has developed a new Humanities programme for KS3, 4 and Post 16 pupils visiting the Museum; 'Enquiring Minds'. This programme focuses on developing students’ critical thinking skills and engaging them in lively, MM APR 2012 13

thought-provoking debates that stem from the Museum's rich collection. Topics include investigation of what is meant by the term Empire as well as considering the relationship between humans and the natural world. The Secondary and Post-16 Sciences coordinator continues the successful work with the Natural History Museum-led national programme Real World Science. In partnership with NHM, Oxford University Museum and the Great North Museum, we have developed the new secondary science '99% Ape' workshop, which explores the themes of common ancestry, diversity and natural selection and investigates how we as modern Homo sapiens sapiens evolved from more primitive ancestors. Outside of the RWS partnership, the secondary science programme has seen a number of new programmes including the successful new A-Level study day – ‘A Sustainable World?’, developed in collaboration with the Tyndall Centre and the Sustainable Consumption institute and ‘Rogue Cell’ developed in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Matrix Research. In conjunction with the Museum’s temporary ‘Alan Turing and Life’s Enigma’ exhibition, the learning team also offered a highly popular KS4 and A-Level study days in collaboration with the School of Mathematics. Eight new postgraduate demonstrators were recruited from the Faculty of Life Sciences and have undergone training to deliver science programmes at the Museum. In addition to our core learning offer, we continue to work on distinct projects and partnerships with local schools. A good example of this is the Whitworth Park Archaeology Project which took place in Autumn 2011 with 60 KS2 pupils from Heald Place and Medlock primary schools and 30 students from Xaverian and Acquinas Colleges taking part in the archaeological dig itself as well as historyrelated activities to find out more about the local area and its recent past. This project was undertaken in collaboration with the Whitworth Art Gallery, the University’s Archaeology subject area and the Friends of Whitworth Park. We worked with 30 pupils from Birchfields Primary School during National Takeover Day, when they came and took on staff roles within the Museum. We also work with a class from Birchfields who chose and interpreted a ‘highlight’ object for our new Ancient Worlds galleries. The Learning Team also took part in Haveley Hey Primary (Wythenshawe) School’s ‘World of Work Day’ with 30 Year 4-5 pupils, showcasing what it is like to work in a Museum and University. A developing strand is our work with pupils with learning difficulties, who are provided with live animal-handling sessions in the vivarium. This included several visits from Aquinas and Loretto colleges, and where 40 students with learning difficulties were taught directly using the live animals during special sessions led by the curator. Working with educators The Learning Team has been increasingly involved in CPD events for initial trainee teachers and existing qualified teachers. These have included close working with 80 students from the PGCE course at the University of Manchester focusing on how to enrich the curriculum through object-based learning, work with MMU’s Creative Conference programme for trainee teachers and hosting a two-day programme for Future Teachers looking at how the Museum and the Whitworth might support maths and science secondary and post-16 learning. MM APR 2012 14

Lifelong learners The museum’s adult programme, Museum Meets, has four key strands - After Hours, Urban Naturalist, Talks and Courses. After Hours are evening social events where visitors encounter the unexpected, where artists, scientists, film makers, writers and musicians animate our collections in special one-off performances. Since November 2011, over 1000 people have come to these events, run in partnership with a diverse range of organizations from artist collective Ultimate Holding Company to the Black Health Agency. Urban Naturalist (a programme of workshops for people interested in natural history), and the talks and courses draw particularly upon the expertise of University academic staff and researchers and practitioners from across the UK. Highlights have included partnership events and courses with The Confucius Institute, Sustainable Consumption Institute, Hulme Community Garden Centre, WEA and New Economics Foundation. In total, 3075 adults have participated in Museum Meets with a further 19,233 adults participating in our Big Saturday and other museum events. In recognition of this increased commitment to adult learning, the Museum was invited to host the annual North West Adult Learners week awards (June 2012). Developed in partnership with NIACE, over 200 people attended this event and it has been confirmed that we will also host next year’s award during Adult Learners Week. NIACE have also asked us to co-develop a national seminar on adult learning in Museums, targeted particularly at University Museums and collections. Anna Bunney, Curator of Public Programmes, participated in the Learning in Museums Grundtvig funded European programme which took place in Finland (October 2011), Latvia (April 2012) Sweden (October 2012). This European programme explores adult learning in museums across Europe and it has now been confirmed that we will be hosting study visits for groups working in Older Learning, Cultural Dialogue and the Future of Museums, a partners meeting and an international conference on partnership working in adult learning in May 2013.

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3. Engage our many communities in ways that are meaningful to them Partnerships We have been developing large scale events with key community partners throughout the last year, as an effective way to engage local communities and bring them in to the museum. These have included a community/fathers day with Barnados, Afterhours with the Black Health Agency (and 20 associated community groups), courses with Hulme Community Garden Centre and Cultural Champions event targeting BME communities with Valuing Older people at Manchester City Council. The Museum led a successful £70,000 ACE bid to deliver a public engagement and music programme, in partnership with Band on the Wall, for the We Face Forward season (see above). The Museum hosted a seminar on the Pan African Congress, concerts, workshops and activities, many led by West African artists and musicians. The Manchester Museum and Galleries Partnership also developed a joint programme with libraries across the city and delivered an outreach programme (Artbus) with Band on the Wall to community libraries throughout the city-region, including Powerhouse Moss Side, Hulme, Gorton and Wythenshawe libraries. We continue our fruitful partnership with the BBC. The Museum’s public programmes are now a regular feature on BBC Radio Manchester. In October 2011 we hosted BBC Planet Dinosaur and saw record numbers with over 8,000 visitors participating in this tour. This was such a huge success that we are following up with the Prehistoric Autopsy Tour in October 2012 to coincide with the BBC Two series Prehistoric Autopsy. BBC Learning’s new hands-on exhibition is aimed at families with children aged 7-12 years old and enables visitors to come face-to-face with three of our earliest ancestors: a Neanderthal, a Homo Erectus and an Australopithecus Afarensis. The centrepiece of the exhibition will be the actual models used in the television series. Arts and Health One of our most effective partnerships is with Central Manchester University Hospital NHS Trust. The award-winning Arts for Health programme was established in May 2008. Our work has focused on delivering projects and programmes in collaboration with Manchester Schools Hospital and Home Teaching Service, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Complex Health Needs Wards at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. During the last year, we have worked with 3,761 people (patients and their families and medical staff) as part of this work. In February 2011 we delivered +Culture Shots, a week-long series of taster events run by museums and galleries that were designed specifically for health professionals, over 7 days, 5 Hospitals & 70 workshops. This was the first time an event like this has happened in a hospital setting both nationally and internationally. Over 2800 people took part in +CultureShots. Contributions included several sessions with the live animals from the vivarium. It was clear that exposure to the live animals themselves had beneficial implications for hospital staff and patient health and wellbeing. This paved the way for a further special session in June 2012 named ‘Young Explorers’, where live animals were taken to Manchester Royal’s Children’s Hospital nursery and proved a real delight for over 40 children aged 3+. MM APR 2012


We are moving forward with the implementation of a five year strategic plan for our partnership with Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The hospital has over 10,000 staff and a footfall of over 1,000,000 a year. We have been piloting a series of art-based approaches to elective modules within the medical and nursing curriculum, as well as CPD opportunities for GP trainees and health lecturers. We have also run several events promoting workforce development for staff members in cultural organisations working within the health sector. We work closely with academic colleagues on the programme. We are co-contributors to a research programme being undertaken by PSSRU, NIHR School for Social Care Research, University of Manchester: An evidence synthesis and economic analysis of the effectiveness of arts and humanities activities and interventions on the health, wellbeing and quality of life of older people in care home populations. We are also currently developing new partnerships – locally within the Faculty of Medical Humanities and internationally with the University Australia and the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Families Family visits have remained high during the last year and an increasing number of one-off events and partnerships now underpin our core family programming. During 2011-12, the Museum received 184,192 family visits (53% of our overall visits). These have included the Manchester Histories Festival and the Manchester Weekender alongside family-friendly festival events, such as the Children’s Book Festival and Manchester Science Festival. We have introduced new family learning resources and increased the number of Magic Carpet and Baby Explorer workshops for our very youngest visitors. The Museum’s Big Saturdays, a monthly drop-in event for all ages, remain our most popular event, with hundreds of visitors attending each month to participate in workshops, lectures, activities and performances. Partnerships remain key to the success of Big Saturdays, ranging from academic partnerships across the University and especially with colleagues in the Faculty of Life Sciences to wider partnerships with the Royal Exchange Theatre and Band on the Wall. One of the most popular was Bug Big Saturday that was cocurated with students from the Stockport College Illustrations degree course. Students met with the curator who introduced them to the entomology collection, which they then used as inspiration from creative bug activities for families. Students also captured the process on film. During the last year, we have also developed more targeted work with a broader range of non-traditional families. 1 October 2012 was the first ever Grandparents Day at the Museum (and the Whitworth) and we are working with The Audience Agency to set up the Museum’s own grandparents focus group and develop the family offer for grandparents and other carers. We are also working in partnership with Barnados to look at how we engage single fathers and very young children and newly arrived families to the city.

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Major Partnership Museum funding has enabled increased working across the Manchester Museum, Whitworth Art Gallery and the Manchester Art Gallery, and the family programme has particularly benefitted from this joined up approach. The We Face Forward season saw joint marketing of the family offer across all the venues and this will continue every summer holiday. Valuing Older People Work to support the city’s Valuing Older People (VOP) network continues through Museum Comes To You visits and working with partner organisations such as Age Concern, Nigerian Women’s Group, Shore Green Supported Housing and the Black Health Agency. The Museum Comes To You mobile collections outreach programme has focused primarily on working with socially isolated older people within their communities; working with museum volunteers to deliver to a range of local residential homes and day units and approximately 19 new and established community groups including partnerships with the African Caribbean Care Group and Henshaws Society for Blind People. The museum has continued to work with the VOP cultural champions scheme. The Head of Learning and Engagement now sits on the Valuing Older People Management board and chaired the recent cultural strand of the Age Friendly Manchester launch, bringing together all the organisations across the city (social care, health, MICRA and research organisations) who work to make Manchester a better place to grow older. As part of the We Face Forward exhibition, we worked with the African Caribbean Care Group to develop the Anansi exhibition using the Museum’s collection to interpret traditional Anansi stories of the group. Twelve people from the carers group participated and their group’s stories were turned into a performance in the Museum, working with the Royal Exchange Theatre and the Men’s Room (an arts and social care agency working with young male street-based sex workers or those at risk) with 30 young men participating with six lead performers. We have developed Coffee Cake and Culture, a pilot project working with residents from a care home and a supported housing trust, diagnosed with early onset dementia. It is running for six months and being evaluated by Professor Brenda Row. The aim is to provide a forum for dialogue and to create a shared experience for carers and residents through looking at museum objects and art works at the Manchester Museum and Whitworth Art Gallery. These included visits to the Vivarium by residents of Shaw Green and opportunities to handle the animals. In recognition of our leading work in this area, the Museum has been invited to join, as a key partner, the British Museum’s Age Collective programme, funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The Head of Learning and Engagement now sits on this steering group, with senior colleagues from the BM, Glasgow Museums and Ulster Museum and will develop a series of nation-wide seminars exploring how museums might develop meaningful work with older people. Volunteering MM APR 2012


We continue our commitment to working with volunteers and during 2011-12 we worked with 151 who gave a total number of 10,035 volunteer hours. We are actively involved in the citywide network (Cultural Volunteer Coordinators Forum) dedicated to cultural and heritage volunteering. We have had particular success working on targeted volunteering programmes. In 2011, the Cultural Strategy team at Manchester City Council funded a volunteer and training programme addressing current needs in employment and skills development. A total of 12 unemployed individuals from the local area successfully completed the programme, which ran from November 11 – March 12. Of these participants, 8 have gone onto secure employment, a high proportion gaining jobs in the heritage sector at organisations including: National Football Museum, Manchester Art Gallery, Salford Museum and Art Gallery and York Minster. A second strand of work developed a series of bespoke training sessions for professionals working with volunteers in the cultural and heritage sectors. Between December 2011 – May 2012, four training sessions were delivered at the Museum, which were attended by a total of 62 delegates. We are partners in two key European funded volunteering programmes. In the last 12 months, two project meetings of the Labyrintheme programme have taken place at the Museum and we hosted a successful pilot course which was attended by 16 representatives from a variety of arts, heritage and participatory theatre organisations from across the country. The project was recently showcased at the IMTAL-Europe conference in Sweden and we have worked closely with University staff (Professor Tony Jackson) and European partners throughout. We have also received funding (€20,000) from the Grundtvig Life Long Learning Programme for a new project, ‘This is Us - Our Place, Our Culture’. The partnership is led by People's University, Croatia and includes partners from Portugal, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Iceland. It will be built around six partner meetings, creating a platform for inter-generational learning and volunteering through the themes of culture and ecology. In December 2011, in partnership with Imperial War Museum North, we received a first round pass from the Heritage Lottery Fund to develop Improving Futures: Volunteering for Wellbeing. If successful, this 3-year programme will create opportunities for 200 people who are ‘at risk of social isolation’ enabling them to develop the skills and confidence to help them become more fulfilled and productive members of their communities. Improving Futures will allow us to work in collaboration with a wider network of heritage partners and become a regional hub, providing infrastructure to support heritage venues who wish to develop their understanding of responsible and supportive volunteering. The second round application will be submitted in December 2012. If successful, the grant is worth £511,309. Nature and Me The ‘Nature and Me’ project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund as an accompaniment to the Living Worlds gallery, has resulted in the development of 42 short films of local people, some of whom work in the University, with a wide range of perspectives on nature. These films will be made available via the Museum website and some will be shown in the Museum. MM APR 2012 19

4. Ensure that the Museum plays a distinctive role in the teaching, learning and research programmes of the University Teaching and Learning Use of the collection and staff expertise for HE teaching has been increasing consistently in recent years. This last year has seen particularly significant increases in use due to a concerted effort to engage with academics for teaching, research, impact and public engagement. While the Museum contributed to 59 university courses in 2010-11 (49 of which were University of Manchester), this figure has been increased to 98 courses in the last year, representing a 67% increase. The majority of these (80%) are in the University of Manchester (see Appendix 1 for details). Museum staff routinely seek qualitative feedback on the difference that the Museum’s involvement has made, whether through access to collections or to specialist staff, to the student experience (see actions from last year’s APR). The number of students whose teaching and research engages with the Museum increased by almost 40%. Again, this is due to a concerted attempt to increase student engagement (see Appendix 1). During 2011-12, a number of initiatives were developed to enhance student learning and experience. Head of Collections Henry McGhie met with Richard Reece to discuss how the Museum can best integrate with BlackBoard (see actions from last year’s APR). It was agreed that the most effective means of communicating the Museum’s potential regarding teaching and research was addressed by the Museum’s main website. As a direct result of this meeting, a number of significant alterations were made to the website, explaining (for the benefit of both academics and students) how the Museum can be used to support student teaching and learning, research (including procedures for using specimens for sampling) and, notably, to support the Impact agenda. Museum staff have been heavily involved in discussions around University College. While internships and volunteering will not, of themselves, form part of the University College education (see actions from last year’s APR), emerging proposals mean that the Museum (and other Cultural Assets) could potentially offer internships and volunteering through a related system of awards (based on the Manchester Leadership Award model) that complement UC courses but are overseen by the Directorate of the Student Experience. Head of Collections Henry McGhie is part of the Awards Group, chaired by Tim Westlake; he has also met with the Director of University College to discuss how the Museum can be best integrated into this initiative. The Museum is currently developing a bespoke University College course around Cultural Engagement in association with the Whitworth and John Rylands Library. This is expected to be live from September 2013. The intention is that this course (and possibly others) develops skills that would be implemented by students giving public tours of the Museum and other Cultural Assets; this would be directly comparable with the volunteering element of the MLP (and would be overseen by the DSE). The Museum’s ‘Living Worlds’ gallery will form a case study in the current UC course ‘Becoming Global’, run by Susan Brown and Peter Fay, and will involve contributions by Museum staff. The Museum supported and investigated various internship/volunteering/career development opportunities over the last year. As a nonacademic unit, the Museum can offer industrial-year placements to University of Manchester students. In the past year, the Museum had three of these placements, all from FLS (before they entered their final year). They worked with zoology and entomology collections, and MM APR 2012 20

on the development of the exhibition ‘Breed: the British and their Dogs’ (supported by a bursary from FLS), developing a range of transferrable skills. The Museum supported an internship initiative developed by the Careers Service, providing two internship places, one with the botany collections and one with the earth sciences collections. Internships aimed to develop transferable skills to help internees develop their CVs for the future. A student is currently working alongside the Curator of Botany on the development of resources that support student learning. Head of Collections Henry McGhie contributed to the development of the PIPS proposal to BBSRC, led by Prof Cathy McChroan (FLS), and committed to providing opportunities for students on the scheme. It is anticipated that the first student on the scheme will join the Museum from September 2013. In addition, the Museum offers volunteering opportunities for working with the organisation of collections, and in public engagement activities. A significant number of volunteers are students in the University. Henry McGhie met with a number of staff to explore ways in which the Museum can best support student teaching and learning, including Prof. Rosalie David to discuss ways in which the Museum could best support teaching and research by the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology. A collection of animal bones (formerly in the FLS teaching collection) was provided to the Centre for teaching purposes. Curator of Egyptology Campbell Price meets regularly with staff from the Centre to facilitate on going close engagement. He met with Programme Directors for Zoology and Botany (FLS) to promote use of the Museum. Henry also met with Neil Mitchell, David Schultz and Mandy Edwards (SEAES) in December 2011 to work towards greater usage of the Museum’s resources by SEAES staff and students for teaching and research. He provided notes on the various ways that the Museum can support teaching (enhancing School teaching and delivering distinctive object-based teaching) and research (and sampling application procedures), together with a list of contacts. This led to the development of a new option for final year projects around public engagement. A student is currently working on this new type of project, contributing to a major new gallery redevelopment (Nature’s Library). The ‘Living Worlds’ app is also being used for teaching in SEAES as a direct result. As well as supporting a large amount of student teaching and learning led by Faculty members, all full-time Curators teach on a variety of University of Manchester courses; a number of other Museum staff also teach students. The emphasis is on providing distinctive teaching that cannot be provided directly by Faculties. This can be simplified into four categories: • • • •

object-based teaching whole-organism biology and environmental-sustainability-related teaching discipline-based teaching practice-led teaching

In terms of object-based teaching, in the humanities, Museum curators teach about material culture, its creation and interpretation, making extensive use of the Museum collection. In the natural sciences, objects are used in a variety of tutorials, practicals and lectures. For example, the Curator of Earth Sciences leads five practicals in geotechnics with students from MACE. We have increased capacity MM APR 2012


for object-based teaching through the use of the Resource Centre and adjacent Seminar Room, where tutors can demonstrate objects to their tutees, and we are currently working on a targeted programme that aims to increase the use of the Resource Centre for student teaching. In terms of whole-organism biology and environmental-sustainability-related teaching, the Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology, the Curator of Arthropods and the Curator of Botany all taught on FLS research skills modules and field courses (to France, Manchester and Majorca respectively). Arrangements were made for an additional member of staff to attend a field course in the coming year. The ‘Urban Biodiversity’ field course is run in Manchester and engages students with local biodiversity and sustainability agendas, as well as with the existing Museum collection. The Living Worlds gallery has been extensively used for tutorial groups from FLS and SED around environmental sustainability. Henry McGhie liaised with the Environmental Sustainability Team to find opportunities where students could engage with their work through tutorials, resulting in a mini-bioblitz of Whitworth Park (in association with Matthew Cobb and Maggy Fostier of FLS) and mapping bird nests around the campus (in association with Matthew Cobb). The Curator of Herpetology leads two practicals using live animals from the Museum’s vivarium. In terms of discipline-based and practice-led teaching, staff contribute to a large number of seminars, tutorials and lectures. Head of Engagement Esme Ward contributes significantly to the MA Creative Learning module, as part of the MA AGMS/APP (Arts Policy and Practice) within the Institute for Cultural Practice, together with other Museum staff. Links with the MA in Art Gallery and Museum Studies continue to be very strong: a number of staff contribute to the delivery of the MA, through direct teaching; by hosting work placements (four students during 2011-12); and by regularly answering enquiries and providing material for study. Staff facilitate a large number of student projects, essays and other activities, and supervise a smaller number of projects directly. Museum staff are currently involved in the supervision of six PhD students directly, including one CASE-funded studentship in partnership with FLS and one in learning in museums. Other courses make use of the Museum’s resources as part of self-directed learning exercises. This can take the form of tours, worksheets or use of the Resource Centre. Joyce Tydesley was appointed as an Honorary Research Associate, to integrate the Museum into the online Diploma course in Egyptology. Student Engagement The Student Engagement Coordinator has built upon previous success and developed a strong social programme in partnership with key student bodies across the University and beyond. 849 students have participated in this programme aimed at enriching the student experience. Highlights included xtremuseology, a student-oriented initiative in partnership with the Centre for Museology and Manchester Museum that aims to encourage students to think critically about practices, behaviours and conventions of museums, galleries and other cultural and heritage environments. For the We Face Forward project, we worked on a Student Volunteering Programme, recruiting a team of 30 student volunteers (from west African diaspora or French-speaking communities) who worked over the opening weekend, Manchester Day Parade and WFF Flash Mob and Olympic Torch Relay. MM APR 2012


The Student Engagement Coordinator was also invited by the Culture on the Corridor working group to develop a programme for students, near the beginning of the new term, to raise the profile of the cultural facilities on the Oxford Road and encourage students to use them. The result was the Student Weekender: a weekend of art, music and cultural events along Manchester's student corridor that took place on the third weekend in October. Student Internships As part of the University’s pilot Summer Internship programme, we advertised two summer internships, particularly aimed at those fluent in French or from a West African background. We appointed very successfully to both posts and the student interns supported the public programme and artbus, which travelled to communities and libraries across the city-region throughout the summer. Research Research activities are defined as ongoing collaborations, publications and other forms of work that use the collection or staff expertise. As a university museum, the Museum is used very intensively for research when compared with other museums locally. The Museum supports research by: • • • •

facilitating the responsible use of its collection for research by others communicating the results of research to the general public (see elsewhere) through the social responsibility and impact agendas through staff undertaking approved programmes of research

The only Museum staff on academic contracts are the two Museum Academic Joint Appointments; one of these (Dr Phil Manning), has now moved to become full-time in SEAES. Undertaking research is not a priority for other Museum staff and is only allowed to take place where it is necessary to develop and deliver high quality public programmes (exhibitions, events and talks), or to promote the contents of the Museum collection and an understanding of it. During the last year, Phil Manning had nine papers published in peer-reviewed journals, including Science, Biology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society and the Anatomical Record. He produced one electronic book published around his research on chemical ghosts in fossils, which supported the Royal Society Summer Exhibition. The exhibition, developed by the University of Manchester Palaeontology Research Group, showcased their synchrotron-based research that was recently published in the journals Science, Proc. Roy. Soc. B and PNAS. The exhibit was singled-out by Radio 4 as a key exhibit and was aired alongside the announcement of the Higgs Boson Particle. Phil also had eight abstracts published at International Symposia, gave twelve Keynote Lectures at International Meetings in the USA, Canada, Germany and the UK. Two of his PhD students successfully complete their studies. Phil’s Dinosaur CSI blog received MM APR 2012


over 30,000 hits in the past 12 months, with main audiences in order of hits, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, France, South Korea, Spain and India. During 2010-11, the number of research activities involving the Museum increased significantly to 1288, a 49% increase on the previous year. During 2011-12, this again increased to 1,877, a 41% rise on the previous year. This increase is due to a concerted attempt to increase the number of students and others using the collection and other resources. As outlined above under Teaching, significant changes were made to the Museum website, explaining how the Museum can support the teaching, research and impact agendas. Henry McGhie attended a workshop about Pathways to Impact organised by EPS (Dee-Ann Johnson and David Schultz) in January 2012, to discuss how the Museum could support development of impact statements, and opportunities for public engagement in the Museum. He provided notes on developing impact statements to attendees, together with a list of Museum contacts. Henry McGhie, Dmitri Logunov and Rachel Webster attended meetings of three of the six Research Groups in FLS to explain how the Museum can contribute to research and teaching. In the past year, policies relating to the use of the collection were revised and simplified. These included the Policy on the Care and Use of Human Remains and the Acquisition and Disposal Policy. The Policy on the Care and Use of Human Remains was put out for public consultation (now ended) via the Museum’s website. The application process for Sampling and Analysis was revised and simplified to encourage greater use of the Museum collection for research; this has been communicated to a number of Faculty staff. The Policy on the appointment of Honorary Curatorial and Research Associates developed in the previous year has seen two such appointments make significant contributions to the organisation and understanding of the collection. The Museum established a Resource Centre on its top floor gallery in 2007 to act as a central, publicly visible area where researchers can book in to study objects from the stored collections. The Centre had 615 individual visitors in 2011-12, a 20% increase on the previous year. The majority of these are University of Manchester students researching particular objects or topics for coursework. The Curator of Earth Sciences organised a Space and Meteorites day with SEAES researchers to develop research use of the Museum, and a lecture on William Boyd Dawkins with Prof Jamie Woodward (Geography). Wendy Hodkinson worked with Janet Wolff (Cultural Sociology) on the history of the Simon family. Stephen Welsh worked closely with Prof Mick Worboys and Neil Pemberton on the development of the exhibition Breed: the British and their Dogs, based on research undertaken in CHSTM Research partnerships The CASE-funded studentship in partnership with FLS continues her work on the Museum collection and develops this during the course of her research. This is the first time that the Museum has managed to obtain a CASE studentship and it may be possible to increase this number; this has been communicated to a number of FLS staff. MM APR 2012


Non-academic staff also participate or lead on research projects drawing on the Museum’s collections, often in collaboration with academics from the University of Manchester and other institutions, in order that the Museum collection can be understood for the benefit of the wider public. The Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology continues to work on the biography of one of the Museum’s major donors, working in collaboration with Dr. Kirsten Greer of Queen’s University (Ottawa). He continued his work on Animals as Symbols and Signs, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, and contributed to an exhibition at the University of Oslo on this project, which is nearing completion. The anthology of this project is due for publication next year as a standard museum studies textbook. Curator of Arthropods Dmitri Logunov continued to publish articles on spider taxonomy (see Appendix 5). Head of Conservation Sam Sportun led a project involving tactile feedback technology (haptic technology) that takes advantage of a user’s sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations or motions to the user. This work can now be seen on the Ancient Worlds gallery and is a major innovation in museums, notably in engaging people with visual disabilities. This project is sponsored by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and has attracted sector-wide interest as a new museum technology. Sam has also completed her research alongside Professor John Tyrer (Professor of Optical Instrumentation at Loughborough University) to produce a 3D touch-sensitive replica of an Egyptian Stela, which is also now on show in the new Ancient Worlds galleries. The Curator of Herpetology continues to investigate the husbandry of captive and captive-bred amphibians in the Museum’s awardwinning vivarium. He continues to research the captive breeding and genetics of the endangered Lemur Leaf Frog, in partnership with The Amphibian Ark, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Costa Rican Amphibian Research Centre, Norden’s Ark, The Horniman Museum, Salford University, Cologne Zoo, and Knowsley Safari Park.

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5. Become known for our fresh approach to the development and use of the collection Following closely on the heels of the new Living Worlds Gallery that opened in April 2011, the main focus for the whole collection care team has been the conservation and preparation of over 3500 objects from the Museum’s collections for the major gallery development, Ancient Worlds. This resulted in a complex phased programme of work in order for a large number of items to remain on public display during the temporary exhibition, Unearthed; Ancient Egypt – a huge success with both school groups as well as family visitors. Sam Sportun, Collection Care Manager at the Museum has worked closely with the designers and case manufacturers in managing the client requirements of the project as well as the conservation needs and collection care aspects of the Ancient Worlds gallery refurbishment. Luke Lovelock, the new Multimedia Technician has already had a huge impact on the delivery of AV and other multimedia technologies in the Museum, with much time devoted to content for the Ancient Worlds galleries. In particular, a project with colleagues at the University Hospitals using CAT scans will give visitors a virtual journey beneath the layers of pigment and fabric enclosing two of the Egyptian mummies from the collection. In addition staff have also been closely involved with the planning and delivery of a number of temporary displays, including the conservation of a further 50 items, notably Grave Secrets, Alan Turing and Life’s Enigma, We Face Forward, and Breed: The British and Their Dogs which opened at the beginning of October 2012. As well as the public facing aspects of these extensive projects, members of the Collection Care team continue to work closely with colleagues throughout the Museum to ensure objects are in suitable condition for display, loan to other institutions and access for study and research purposes. A major project to rehouse the Museum’s important mummy collection is temporarily on hold whilst storage areas are monitored further for health and safety reasons; this has resulted in work to rationalise alternative storage spaces and collaborate with the University Estates department to source temporary off-site storage within the campus. The team’s Preventive Conservator, a joint post with the Whitworth, ensures environmental conditions across the galleries and stores are monitored and maintained, and has been developing an Integrated Pest Management training programme for all Museum staff. Staff in the Collection Care team collaborate with curatorial and learning teams to select objects for use in outreach activities, such as Big Saturdays, Museum Comes to You boxes and for the Museum’s In Touch handling tables; this work has been enhanced during this period by the creation of a dedicated outreach store and access area. Relevant handling training is given to in-house staff and volunteers, and staff contribute to University teaching, for example on the Art Gallery & Museum Studies MA, and in the Archaeology subject area, and the wider museum community. A particular highlight this year, has been working with Velson Horie, Honorary Museum Associate in Conservation, and children from Matthew Moss High School, on the Midden Project – a project linked to Ancient Worlds and relating to the deterioration of buried objects. The Conservation department has benefitted from a 9-month conservation intern from the archaeological conservation course at Durham University, and a Creative Apprentice, part of a city-wide scheme to encourage workplace experience within the cultural sector, both of whom gained invaluable practical training alongside experienced members of staff. In June 2012, Luke Lovelock, received funding via the University’s Investing in Success scheme to attend InfoComm 2012, the largest training and trade show in the audio visual industry, where he participated in 11 training courses over a 7 day period. MM APR 2012 26

Sally Thelwell joined the team in June 2012 to manage the Museum Resource Centre on the third floor and enable access to the Museum’s rich collections via a central, publicly visible area. During the period 2011-12, the Resource Centre had a total of 615 student/volunteer visitors; of these 51 were HE students, mostly from the University of Manchester (including Art Gallery & Museum Studies, Archaeology, Health and Social Care, Anthropology, African Archaeology, Politics, Egyptology, Geography, Paleontology, Medicine, Philosophy, and Classics), Manchester Metropolitan University and Bolton University, and 15 were recorded as FE students from Stockport College. A new adjacent Seminar Room is extending the use of the Resource Centre for group visits, and feedback from users will go towards future development of this facility. The Identification Service, which is run from the Resource Centre, brings a regular flow of members of the public and a variety of objects on which they seek an opinion; associated with this is the monthly visit of the Finds Liaison Officer who records and identifies the finds made by local metal detectorists. The Museum provides an extensive loans service nationally and internationally, and has lent a total of 66 objects to 6 exhibition venues in the UK during the course of this year. Whilst many loans are to other museums, in the last year, 2,822 further objects and specimens were lent to 9 UK and 15 international universities for research and teaching purposes. Thematic collecting The Museum is embarking on a pilot programme to revitalise its collecting programmes. Apart from the huge national institutions such as the Natural History Museum, most museums which collected systematically in the 19th and early 20th centuries have effectively ceased collecting, owing to changes in legislation, reduction in resources, and scepticism about the objectivity of systematic collecting. Rather than become a time capsule reflecting a particular period, the Museum is leading the way internationally in re-thinking collecting in these kinds of museums, by beginning to collect thematically. Our first theme is ‘Trees’, and we have begun a pilot project to involve curators in all disciplines in a programme based on the theme of trees, and which where possible involves the public. For example, we have held a bioblitz with members of the public recording species in Whitworth Park, which led to the discovery there of the horse chestnut leaf mining moth, which attacks the leaves of horse chestnut trees. Originally from Macedonia, it was first recorded in the UK in 2002 and this was the first record in this part of the UK. As part of this, we have also contributed to a project called Conker-Tree Science, which is enlisting the public in trying to map the effects of these moths. The next steps are to make this much more multidisciplinary and relational. This includes working with Red Rose Forest, which is the Community Forest organisation for central and western Greater Manchester, working with local communities, businesses and partners, to develop well-wooded, multipurpose landscapes and improve the quality of life in the area. We’ll look at the role of urban trees, videoing community members talking about the trees that are significant to them, and collecting examples of modern urban trees and seeds.

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6. Make sure we manage and develop our resources, facilities and workforce to deliver our objectives Raising funds During the reporting period the following grants have been raised from external sources: Funder DCMS/Wolfson Foundation Oglesby Charitable Trust Sir Siegmund Warburg’s Voluntary Settlement John Spedan Lewis Foundation Arts Council England Grants for the Arts (for We Face Forward, with the Museum as lead partner )

£ 140,775 20,000 10,000 3,892 75,000

An additional sum of approx. £39,000 has been secured in donations to the Museum from the general public. This included donations for the successful culmination of the fundraising campaign to redisplay the Museum’s spectacular Plesiosaur fossil, discovered by the late Dr. Fred Broadhurst, and through the Gallery’s donations box. In addition, over the course of the year successful funding applications were also submitted to the following funders (although final notification of the outcome was only received after the year had ended). Funder St Modwen Environmental Trust Foyle Foundation Pilgrim Trust V&A Purchase Grant Fund Headley Museums Archaeological Acquisition Fund

£ 20,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 4,000

Revenue Fundraising Applications for revenue funding to external funders continue to be made to support exhibitions and learning programmes. In partnership with Whitworth Art Gallery and Manchester City Galleries, the Museum began the process of supplementing its existing revenue funding streams by launching a new joint legacy fundraising initiative. The initiative will form the basis of a concerted focus upon legacy support in the years ahead. MM APR 2012


On 25th June 2012 the Museum’s Head of Development Steve Walsh became part of a wider development team which will operate across the Manchester Museums and Galleries Partnership. The team is led by Jo Beggs, previously Head of Development for the Whitworth Art Gallery. The team spent the first month working to assess the current situation and look at where partnership working can benefit the fundraising function. A new strategic plan is currently being written. Jo Beggs is a committee member and Steve Walsh is a member of the North West Development Network (previously the NW Museums Development group) which was re-launched during this reporting period to involve development professionals from across the cultural sector in the region. Steve Walsh represents the Museum at the University’s Development Forum, run in conjunction with the Division of Development and Alumni Relations, which brings together DDAR and cultural assets deveIopment staff on a quarterly basis to share prospect information and co-ordinate approaches to potential funders. Over the course of the year, the Museum has supported a number of visits/tours organised by DDAR for distinguished alumni, the Director of NAFUM, and a Trustee and Chief Executive of The Wolfson Foundation. Organisational Development Middle managers and other shared staff from the Whitworth and Manchester Museum underwent a programme of professional development over the past year which involved them learning how to work together more effectively. Environmental work The Museum’s vision, headlined in its Strategic Plan 2012-15, incorporates working “towards a sustainable world” as one of two main strands of work, in terms of programming, operationally and in terms of working culture. Specifically, this year, the Museum was awarded ‘Bronze’ in the Green Impact Awards, and is currently working to achieve Silver. In addition, we were informed by Lucy Millward that the University’s nine point rise in the Green League was in no small measure due to the information provided by the Museum on its own activities. One of the things we are particularly proud of is the initiative to train Manchester Museums and Galleries Partnership staff in beekeeping. Four staff across the three organisations have now been trained, and the first hive installed on the roof of Manchester Art Gallery, with the first 80 jars of honey being produced in October. We plan to install hives at the Manchester Museum and the Whitworth in 2013 and begin to sell the honey in our shops, as well as train more staff in what has become an excellent and unusual workforce development activity. The Museum wants to ensure that all staff see sustainability as part of their core work. All staff will have responsibilities relating to MM APR 2012


environmental sustainability identified in PDRs and will have this built into workplans. Director Nick Merriman launched a new initiative (mirrored at the Whitworth) during this reporting period to raise awareness of, and engagement with, environmental sustainability among staff. All staff are required to undertake two days work (pro rata for part-time staff) outside of their day-to-day role, which contribute directly to the University and Museums’ environmental sustainability agenda. The two days are used to deliver a ‘Green Pledge’, set out at the beginning of the year in PDRs. The range of activities includes: supporting Green Impact (through leading on items or supporting staff from cognate teams working on particular items), supporting University-wide initiatives and promoting environmental sustainability initiatives to other staff. Henry McGhie was filmed talking about the Museum in relation to social responsibility and biodiversity; this will form part of the forthcoming induction for new staff and students. A number of Museum staff are involved directly in student teaching relating to environmental sustainability, much of which is focused on distinctive whole-organism biology (see under section on University Teaching and Research for further details). A mini-bioblitz of Whitworth Park was organised in association with zoology tutorial groups from FLS. The Living Worlds gallery has been extensively used for tutorial groups from FLS and SED around environmental sustainability and will form a case study in ‘Becoming Global’, a University College course run by Susan Brown and Peter Fay. This will involve contributions by Museum staff. A plot of ground in front of the Museum has been developed as a partnership demonstration project with FLS and Estates to assess and monitor biodiversity in areas planted with indigenous plants and with common ‘garden centre’ plants. The Museum and Whitworth work with the Friends of Whitworth Park who have been working with students through Manchester Student Volunteers and Events Management students (MMU) to make infrastructural improvements to Whitworth Park and provide community activities. Tree planting, the establishment of a wildlife area, a bioblitz (developed as a partnership between the Museum and Museum Youth Board, Whitworth and Friends of Whitworth Park) have enabled students to get involved in sustainability and the University’s local community. On 16th April 2012 twenty staff from the Museum and Whitworth took part in a sustainability workshop run by Pete Stringer from Red Rose Forest. Pete delivered a presentation about the work going on in the wildlife area in Whitworth Park and explained the thinking behind, and results to date from, the i-trees project. Participants then spent two hours planting small plants in the wildlife area. In a second workshop the following day, fifteen staff took part in a green infrastructure planning workshop, looking at from the air images of the local area and identifying improvements to walking and cycling routes, car parking, and tree planting. Staff are encouraged to take part in university-wide and community initiatives (ie. cycling events, Edible Campus initiative, lectures and talks). As a Museum with some of the finest natural history collections in the UK, the Museum runs a very large number of events and initiatives relating to environmental sustainability. In the past year these have included: • Nature-themed Big Saturdays on nature themes, notably Plant Fascination Day, developed in partnership with FLS and a related food-security event developed in partnership with FLS and the SCI. MM APR 2012 30

• •

• • • • •

• •

Public debates in the Museum, including a ‘Climate Change Question Time’ with contributions from Kevin Anderson (Tyndall Centre). Turing’s Sunflowers project, in association with MOSI and Manchester Science Festival, with input from, and opportunities of engagement for, students in the School of Maths, CHSTM, FLS, School of Computing, School of Chemistry, where members of the public and schools grew sunflowers to demonstrate Fibonacci numbers. Public tours of the Vivarium delivered by Zoology students Behind-the-scenes public tours of natural history collections in Entomology, Zoology and Botany Public volunteering on the maintenance of the allotment The monthly ‘Urban Naturalist’ series of public events, including adult-learning and skills-development events relating to nature and environmental sustainability. Museum curators and engagement staff participated in bioblitzes in Whitworth Park (2), Harpurhey Ponds and Clayton Vale, surveying and recording wildlife, talking to the public and developing new collections, with events in Whitworth Park also involving students Curators supported specialist training days for amateur beetle and fly enthusiasts (coleopterists and dipterists) The Museum developed 42 films of local people (including many University staff) with a range of attitudes to nature, with films being made by students from Stockport College. These will be made available online and potentially in the Museum, as the ‘Nature and Me’ project (funded by HLF), accompanying the Living Worlds gallery. An A-Level Sustainability Day was developed and delivered in the Museum. This has been hosted 3 times over the past 7 months at the Museum, making contact with 60 students so far. The aim of the day is to introduce students to research taking place within the University on the issue of sustainability and challenges them to consider how to encourage action from individuals to promote sustainable behaviour. The day has included contributions from Adisa Azapagic (School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science), Gemma Jones (School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science), John Broderick (Tyndall Centre), Ralitsa Hiteva (SCI)

IT support Useful meetings were held with IT Services to resolve the issue of support for the collection database, and regular meetings are now held with Tyrell Basson, head of PSS IT Services, to ensure that the Museum and Gallery are integrated into long term planning. A bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund is being prepared by Museum and Gallery staff to develop an improved search function for the database (see Actions arising from previous APR). Commercial activities There were major changes in the café in the course of the year. First, the café contractor Couture was bought out by Host Management, which made a number of changes to the offer. Second, in the light of the imminent end of the current contract, discussions were held MM APR 2012


with Procurement and with University Catering on the appropriate way forward. Towards the end of the year in question, a proposal was made by University Catering to take the café operation in house for an experimental period of a year. After detailed discussions over the menu and investment, we decided to go for this option, with the result that the Museum café will be operated by Chancellors from January 2013. Prior to that, we had invested in the capacity of the café by increasing external spaces and by investing in a separate cold prep space. This work was completed in June 2012 and there is an ongoing analysis to track increase in profit and operational benefits We began to improve the profitability of the shop and its congruence with the Museum’s mission by reviewing shop policy, redesigning the space and examining a separate shop for adults. With the appointment of the Head of Commercial Operations across the Manchester Museum and Galleries Partnership, an analysis and review of buying has led to a buying strategy that is closely aligned to the Museum's mission, values and visitor profile; the retail space was completely re-orientated in Summer 2012 with new and refurbished existing units to be a better fit within the entrance hall as well as having much better visibility from the outside of the building and within. We launched an e-commerce site via Cornflower; but this is still a pilot site with new products/ranges being developed as part of the overarching new buying strategy. Work still remains to be done within the main Museum website as part of re-branding improvements. We also developed the corporate hire offer by refurbishing the Kanaris theatre and other spaces, and promoting the wedding business. Newly decorated spaces, new furniture, floor coverings and blinds were all in place by July 2012. New events and weddings marketing material was designed, produced and being used from July 2012.

To streamline administration, a new EPOS (Electronic Point Of Sale) system was purchased with the Whitworth in August 2011, with data management work within EPOS 'back office' occurring during 2012 following data transfer by commercial team. A new room bookings system (Artifax) was also purchased with the Whitworth. All relevant staff were trained in it and the system is operational across the Museum and Whitworth. Finance See statement below Esteem Measures (see also Appendix 2) Museum staff are frequently consulted by peers for further information on their expertise or on the Museum’s innovative practice, as well as serving on national and international bodies. This year we achieved the following awards: MM APR 2012


• • • •

Joint winner of the Clore Award for Museum Learning 2012 (with Whitworth as lead body) Longlisted for the Telegraph Family Friendly Museum Award 2012 Living Worlds gallery shortlisted for the Museums + Heritage Permanent Exhibition award 2012 and the Design Week Awards 2012 in the Exhibition Design category Four of our staff achieved Investing in Success Awards

At the end of the year, we were named as one of the 50 best museums in the country by the Independent. Director Nick Merriman continues as Chair of the University Museums Group, the professional body representing university museums, and represents university museums on the Arts Council’s Integration Group, which has overseen the transfer of museum funding responsibilities from MLA to the Arts Council, and in numerous other fora. He is also Chair of the Museums Association’s Ethics Committee and speaks nationally and internationally in this role. He continues to serve as an External Expert for the Wellcome Trust’s Strategic Awards Committee, and as External Examiner for the City University MA Culture Policy & Management, and was asked by Manchester City Council to work with the National Football Museum to develop a temporary exhibition programme for the Museum before it opened its new building in summer 2012. Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology Henry McGhie continued as Assistant Chair of the International Council of Museums Working Group on Collections Care (Natural History Collections). He visited the University of Oslo as a Visiting Guest Professor and is an Adviser to the University of Oslo Museology programme. Deputy Head of Collections and Curator of Archaeology Bryan Sitch sits on the committee of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society medieval section. Curator of Earth Sciences David Gelsthorpe is on the committee of the Natural Sciences Collections Association, the leading UK group of natural science curators. NatSCA has an international membership. Keith Sugden is Honorary Vice President of the British Association of Numismatic Societies, and Secretary (and a Trustee) of the UK Numismatic Trust (a grant-awarding body for numismatic research and conference funding). Honorary Curator of Archery Wendy Hodkinson is the Chairman of the Society of Archer-Antiquaries, and Honorary Vice-President of the Civil Service Archery Association. She is the North West Archery Organiser for the Civil Service Sports Council. Dr. Lindy Crewe continues on the committee for the Council for British Research in the Levant, is a member of the editorial board for the journal Levant, a reviewer for publications for Antiquity, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Journal of Archaeological Science, and was invited to affiliate her Cyprus project with the American Schools of Oriental Research CAP (Committee on Archaeological Research and Policy) programme. MM APR 2012 33

Phil Manning presented internationally and at prestigious national conferences on his work on dinosaurs. This year these included presentations at the TEDx conference in Manchester, and gave keynotes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and at the SPAR International conference, Houston, Texas. Nicola Walker continues as Vice Chair of the Institute of Conservation, Professional Conservator-Restorers Accreditation Committee. Esme Ward, Head of Learning and Engagement, chaired the Cultural Offer and Ageing Population strand of ‘Ageing Artfully’, the National Conference on Ageing and Culture, supported by the Barings Foundation, Manchester International activity (see also above and Appendix 2) Museum staff continue to work internationally and to received requests for research visits and advice from international colleagues. For example, Andrew Gray, Curator of Herpetology, represented the Museum and University at the 7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada (August 2012), Kate Glynn, Volunteer Coordinator, spoke at the Grundtvig Conference on Adult Volunteering, Warsaw, Poland (November 2011), and Nick Merriman was invited as speaker at conference on ‘Knowledge Transfer of Research Institutions and Research Museums’ on behalf of the Humanities Section of the Leibniz-Association, held at the Romisch-Germanisch Zentralmuseum in Mainz, 11-12 December 2011. Peer review (see actions from previous APR) The Directors of the Museum and Gallery investigated peer review mechanisms amongst other university museums, and discussed in detail the Oxford University process with the Director of the Pitt-Rivers Museum. They reported back to the Deputy President, with the recommendation that a peer review be undertaken after the opening of the new Whitworth (summer 2014), as this would set a suitable benchmark for future review.

MM APR 2012



Annual increases in, and broadening of, participation in educational programmes and public visits to the Manchester Museum 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 % change Comment 224,852 264,141 339,981 349,273 367,082 +5% Continued improvements to galleries and programmes

b) Contacts with school age children







c) Number of contacts with people from priority groups Customer Satisfaction







Annual increase in levels of satisfaction in users of the Manchester Museum 2007-08

d) Results of annual user satisfaction surveys Academic Engagement





% change +2%

97% rated 96% Very 99% Very 96% Very 98% visit as or Fairly or Fairly or Fairly Very or excellent or Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Fairly good Satisfied Annual increase in levels of teaching and research use of the Manchester Museum 2007-08

e) Number of research activities drawing on collections including contribution to publications, seminars, partnerships, PhD supervision etc

3 galleries of archaeology and Egyptology closed for refurbishment from Jan 2012: these are particularly popular with primary schools


200809 661




% change





Increase is due to building new links with researchers and teachers and through improved and determined attempts to capture information better than we did in the past, notably course MM APR 2012


codes. f) Number of teaching courses drawing on collections/staff (to include report on course unit survey scores on which Museum staff teach)


g) Number of students involved in research and teaching activities








98 (79 U of M and 19 other) 4,315

+67% (+61% UoM courses; +90% other HEI courses) +38% overall


2,149 U of M students taught by Museum non-academic staff in lectures and seminars; and additional 447 taught by nonacademic staff on tours (not claimed); and 1,045 U of M using curators and collection; and 420 MAJAs; and 254 from other HEI

MM APR 2012


THE MANCHESTER MUSEUM MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Performance Indicator Communication h) Evidence of pervasive, meaningful engagement of staff at all levels in strategic planning and decision-making Staff Summary i) Staffing summary: headcount (FTE) Admin & management Clerical Computing/IT Manual/craft Technical ATR Other Total Financial Management j) Confirmation of managing within budget k) Detailed financial statement, including breakdown of income sources and external grants generated, and commentary l) Details of new grants awarded in 2011-12


• • • •

Comment (include target where appropriate)

Monthly staff briefings Monthly staff updates & Director’s briefings Monthly joint leadership team meetings Annual all-staff day setting objectives for year

14 25

2009-10 (13.30 FTE) (20.11 FTE)

14 (10.87 FTE) 12 (10.03 FTE) 1 (1.00 FTE) 16 (14.00 FTE) 82 (69.31 FTE)

2010-11 2011-12 20 (19 FTE) 22 (19.6 FTE) 22 (19.96 FTE) 27 (24.31 FTE) 1 (1.00 FTE) 1 (1.00 FTE) 6 (5.86 FTE) 4 (3.71 FTE) 12 (11.03 FTE) 12 (11.53 FTE) 61 (56.84 FTE) 66

(60.16 FTE)

Confirmed: see below See below See above

MM APR 2012


FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR 2011-12 The Manchester Museum Management Accounts 31 July 2012 Cumulative Actual £’000

Budget £’000

Variance £’000

1,411 25 20 1,068 40 2,564

1,407 0 20 854 15 2,296

4 25 0 214 25 268

Pay Non-Pay

(2,265) (1,197)

(2,278) (882)

13 (315)

Total Expenditure













HEFCE Income Tuition Fees Endowment Income Other Income Investment Income Total Income

Net cost Endowments adjustment Net cost after endowment adjustment

Summary of 2011-2012 Income The Museum reports income received to budget as a favourable variance of £268k. Key variances are explained below; HEFCE Income MM APR 2012


HEFCE income was £4k higher than budget.

Tuition Fee Income • No tuition fee income was budgeted but £25k was received via cross faculty teaching adjustment and short course fees. Endowment Income • Endowment income was in line with budget. Other Income Generated Income Café Shop Schools Visits Corporate Hire Other Income HUB ACE Haptic We Face Forward Nature and Me Family Futures Other

£’000 59 169 45 94 367 241 113 79 54 17 15 182 701 1,068

Total Other Income • • •

HUB funding was replaced with ACE funding part way through the year. Haptic funding was used to install a ‘touch and discover’ system to assist the visually impaired. Income from shop, cafe and school visits was £57k below budget.

Investment Income • £40k of donation income was received in the year, compared to a budget of £15k. This mainly related to donations to fund the replacement of the plesiosaur cabinet. MM APR 2012


Expenditure The Museum reports expenditure as an adverse variance of £302k. Key variances are explained below; Pay •

Pay costs were £13k below budget

Non Pay • • •

Non pay costs have mainly increased due to higher than budgeted grant funding which is matched with expenditure. A non pay overspend was approved for £34k of necessary IT replacement costs. £4k related to Investing in Success, which was also to be funded centrally.

Summary Museum net cost is £903k, £39k adverse to budget, although £34k of this was an agreed overspend to fund necessary IT replacement and £4k was related to Investing in Success. After these adjustments, the Museum result was in line with budget.

RISK STATEMENT See separate spreadsheet

MM APR 2012


2012 Returns from the Vice-President and Director of the Manchester Museum

3 0 3 100%

Key: 3 0 3 100% 3 0 3 100%

Positive 1 2 3 33% 3 0 3 100% For Cultural Assets 3 3 0 0 3 3 100% 100%

Vice-President: WAG, UoML, MM and Jodrell

3 0 3 100%

Manchester Museum

3 0 3 100% N/A



0 0 0 N/A

Where required by the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations, do you have a written scheme of examination and are examined periodically in accordance with that scheme by a competent body?

Have you provided a return to Safety Services listing all of your pressure systems, in accordance with Safety Circular 3/2012?

Have you assured yourself that allyour pressure systems are subject to effective maintenance arrangements?

Do you have the right number of Fire Evacuation Marshals for your areas of responsibility?

I understand my legal and management responsibilities for Health & Safety and related matters, as set out in the University's Health & Safety Policy.

Are you able to confirm that all University-owned laptops in your area of responsibility have been encrypted?

Are you aware of your responsibilities as a senior line manager in relation to Data Security?

Does your Operational Plan contribute to the University's targets for reducing carbon emissions?

Do you maintain, or have access to, a Register of Interests?

Are you satisfied that your authority to spend (and those exercising it on your behalf) is not compromised by any conflict of interest?

Are you satisfied that all necessary internal control processes are in place to ensure that any significant variances from your approved budget can be properly identified and controlled ?

Are you confident that you understand your financial management responsibilities?



0 0 0 0 0 0

N/A Average


Negative N/A N/A Note: we started a Register of Interests in Sept 2012 MM APR 2012


BENCHMARKING DATA University museum funding now comes directly from HEFCE and no performance indicators are returned. Therefore no further benchmarking data is available

APPENDIX 1 Courses involving museum staff and collections

Museum staff as course co-ordinators ARGY30231 Feasting and Crafting in the Eastern Mediterranean (formerly `Prehistoric Cyprus') (3rd year) ARGY30011 Issues and Controversies in Archaeology and Ancient History (3rd year). ARGY20942 Changing Worlds in the Near East and eastern Mediterranean (2nd year) [lecture] ARGY60382 Producing and consuming heritage (3rd year) EART 20112 Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution, 2nd year undergraduate Museum staff giving lectures/facilitating sessions/providing materials FLS- four final year (BSc Hons) projects supervised AHVS1062 Objects & Exhibitions AHVS20111 Afterlife of Objects: collecting, museums, display, Stephen Welsh gave a 1 hour lecture and led a 1 hour seminar AHVS33101 Representing China: museums, collections, colonialism and art [Stephen Welsh 2 seminars] AHVS60272 Digital Heritage [1 two hour training session] AHVS60282 Museums & Archaeology 2 Seminars AHVS60862 Policy & Practice ARGY07915 MA Ancient World Studies ARGY10501 Archaeology Vocational Skills 1 MM APR 2012


ARGY10132 Introduction to World Archaeology ARGY10331 Introduction to World Archaeology [lecture] ARGY 20001 Long Essay (Archaeology, Level 2) [3 students] ARGY20192 [lecture] ARGY20502 Archaeology Vocational Skills 2 ARGY20932 European Prehistory ARGY20942 Changing Worlds in the Near East and eastern Mediterranean (2nd year) [lecture] ARGY30000 Dissertation supervision (Archaeology, Level 3, 4 students) ARGY30011 Issues and Controversies in Archaeology [Bryan Sitch led a 1 hour seminar] ARGY30232 Prehistoric Cyprus course ARGY30501 Cultural Resource Management Vocational Skills/ Theory and Practice in Archaeology [guest lecture and seminar] ARGY30561 Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Europe - Chantal Connoller (borrowed material to be used for teaching into the Museum) ARGY30362 Museums, Anthropology and Material Culture ARGY30391 Personhood and body [lecture and seminar] ARGY30502 Archaeology Vocational Skills 3 ARGY30501 Theory and Practice in Archaeology (Level 3) Stephen Welsh gave a 1 hour lecture ARGY60052 Archaeology of Ritual and Religion (Level 3) [Campbell Price 1 hour seminar involving handling collections] ARGY60131 Complex Societies MA [seminar] ARGY60102 Archaeology of Artefacts ARGY60342 Mesolithic Europe MA module ARGY60351 Archaeology Past, Present and Future BIOL10000- first year Biology tutorials BIOL1042- Introduction to biodiversity [Andrew Gray led 2 practicals] BIOL10602 - first year field course [two prefield course sessions, Dmitri, Rachel and Henry] MM APR 2012


BIOL10622 - first year field course [two prefield course sessions, Dmitri, Rachel and Henry] BIOL10632 - first year field course [two prefield course sessions, Dmitri, Rachel and Henry] BIOL10642 - first year field course [two prefield course sessions, Dmitri, Rachel and Henry] BIOL10622 Field Course in Comparative and Adaptive Biology (000782)- FLS 1st year (Rachel Webster 1 week field course) BIOL20000 Biology level 2 tutorials- Rachel Webster led a tutorial with a tour and access to collections BIOL20662- Research Skills Module- Animal Behaviour and Evolution (Henry McGhie 2 week field course) BIOL20742 Vertebrate Locomotion, 2nd year undergraduate BIOL20861- evolution of animals BIOL20872 Urban Biodiversity and Conservation RSM (023184) (FLS)- Dmitri Logunov 2 lectures and 8 practicals BIOL21221- Animal Diversity- unit uses museum galleries in an EBL exercise BIOL30000 3rd year biology tutorials- Henry McGhie led one surveying bird nests around campus BIOL30331 Current Trends in Human Anatomy from Clinical & Research Perspectives- `skull fest' held in Museum using wide range of mammal skulls BIOL31111- Evolutionary Developmental Biology (FLS) (David Gelsthorpe) BIOL 60220 MSc: Introduction to Ancient Egypt (KNH-Centre for Biomedical/Forensic Egyptology, MSc): 6 x 2 hour lectures, zooarchaeology teaching collection developed with Henry McGhie CLAH31400 Egypt in the Graeco-Roman World (Religions and Theology, Level 3) Campbell Price led a tour of stored collections and discussion; Bryan Sitch led a 1 hour seminar CLAH60510 Study of the Ancient World: Techniques and Approaches. Level 4 Masters and PhDs (Keith Sugden led a 2 hour double seminar) EART 30372 Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 3rd year undergraduate EART 10012 South Devon Field Trip 1st Year undergraduates, EART10211- 1st year introduction to Palaeontology course (EPS) EART 20112 Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution (Year 2) includes 2 'field trips' to the Museum MM APR 2012


ENGL60381- The Past in Popular Culture (Henry McGhie led a 1 hour tour) GEOG30350 Geography of Life [1 lecture and 2 tours] MACE 10211 First Year Geotechnics Course for MACE (School of Engineering) [lecture and 5 practicals] Third year Geography/geology- two projects supervised CIAH 0230: Introduction to Ancient History SAHC 10122 Living and Dying [Campbell Price gave a 1 hour lecture] SAHC60052 Creative Learning (Esme Ward led 4 seminars including 1 with Anna Bunney, Andrea Winn and Menaka Munro led 1 seminar) SAHC70101 The Museum and its Contexts (Stephen Welsh led a 1 hour seminar, Living Worlds forms a case study for a field visit) SOCY20181 Sociology, Race, Gender & Difference (object based session in museum) SOAN30082 Anthropology of Museums [Stephen Welsh gave a seminar and students prepare individual object biographies] SOAN20852: Materiality, Sensoriality and Visuality [Stephen Welsh led a 1 hour seminar] SPLA30382 Revolutionary Creativity and American Inspiration [2 tours and seminars, Bryan Sitch and Stephen Welsh] SAHC 60082 Museum and Gallery Curating (Curating Archaeology route)- Dmitri Logunov and Bryan Sitch led a seminar; Campbell Price led a tour of an exhibition and led a discussion; Sam Sportun gave 2 lectures; Stephen Welsh led a seminar MA: Vocational placement (Art Gallery and Museum Studies, MA): [1 in Anthropology, 1 in Archaeology, 1 in Entomology] MA: Art Gallery and Museum Studies [K Exell 1 lecture; D Gelsthorpe 2 hour training session on documentation and databases, R Webster assistance with 2 dissertations] MA: Construction of the Sacred [seminar] MEarthSci 1st year tutorials- D Gelsthorpe assisted with 3 tutorials MEarthSci final year project- D Gelsthorpe assisted with project MA History of Science, Technology and Medicine SED 1st year Geography tutorials- use Living Worlds FLS industrial year placements- 2 placements (1 with Henry McGhie, 1 with Dmitri Logunov) MM APR 2012


Online learning resources for archaeology through the Contact project on lithics, with Elizabeth Healey. Use of collections and expertise for student teaching in other HEI -Debates in World Archaeology, University of Chester HI4003, Campbell Price gave a 1 hour store tour and led discussion. -Research Skills and Publication II, University of Liverpool ALGY 748, Campbell price led a 1 hour handling session - MMU, Interpretive Arts BA level 3, Rachel Webster provided access to botany collections (4 visits) - MMU, Textiles BA level 3, Rachel Webster provided access to botany collections x 2 -MMU, 3D Design level 3, Rachel Webster provided access to botany collections -MMU Historical and Critical Contexts unit on Level 6 Embroidery -Open University, AA100, Stephen Welsh led a seminar -UCL MA Museum Studies- student thesis using Living Worlds as a case study -University of Leicester MA Museum Studies- case study on sustainability and museums for thesis -student placement from Durham University Conservation course -Newcastle University, MA Museum Studies, used Living Worlds smartphone app as case -study for student dissertation. -Salford City College- Wildlife conservation- student used collections for thesis -MMU MSc Wildlife Conservation- uses bird collection in preparation for field course to Madeira -Manchester City College- arts course- drawing based on collection -Masters Degree for a Sustainable Future- student wrote guest blog posts relating to Living Worlds -Stockport College BA photogprahy -Stockport College BA Design -Stockport College BA Illustration -Stockport College Foundation Year TV Production

MM APR 2012


APPENDIX 2 Esteem Measures and International Interactions

2012 Clore Award for Museum Learning. The Manchester Partnership (with the Whitworth as named lead) won the Clore Award for Museum Learning and £10,000 for its innovative work with early years children, their families and carers. Judges particularly highlighted the strong partnerships with local care settings and providers and our leading work on early intervention and the under 2s. The prize attracted widespread attention across the sector and more locally (BBC Radio, Nursery World, Museums Association conference etc). British Museum partnership Partnership with British Museum – Age Collective: The Manchester Partnership is a key regional partner in the programme Age Collective, led by the British Museum. Other partners are National Museums of Northern Ireland and Glasgow Museums. Funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, four organisations will host national seminar and a joint international conference (late 2013) on the theme of ageing populations and cultural entitlement. Head of Learning and Engagement sits on the steering group for this programme. Natural History Museum Partnership The Museum is one of the national partners in the secondary science programme Real World Science. The first shared programme – Colour of Nature (based on the Museum’s own Nature’s Palette workshop) has been piloted and was launched at a special event at the Natural History Museum on October 2012. Investing in Success Awards Naomi Kashiwagi, Student Engagement Coordinator, was awarded funding (£11,500) for ‘In the Mix’; a series of music/sound/art commissions, events and an interactive website that will animate the University of Manchester’s cultural resources. This project aims to contribute to student engagement and the student experience at University of Manchester for current and prospective students. Wendy Gallagher, Arts for Health programme manager has been awarded £15,000 from the University of Manchester, Investing in Success Scheme to develop an Artmed programme and international partnerships with the University of Sydney, NSW Art Gallery and Canberra National Gallery Andrew Gray was awarded £6500 funding for Museum Engagement development & conference attendance: North America. The project provided a unique opportunity for Andrew to represent the University of Manchester at a World Congress in Herpetology and conduct working training visits to several complimentary institutions over 3 different North American cities as preparation for the redevelopment of Museum’s vivarium, planned in 2013. MM APR 2012


Luke Lovelock, Multimedia Technician, received funding to attend InfoComm 2012, the largest training and trade show in the audio visual industry, where he participated in 11 training courses over a 7 day period. Conferences and groups Esme Ward, Head of Learning and Engagement Chaired the Cultural offer and Ageing population strand of Ageing Artfully; National Conference on Ageing and Culture, supported by the Barings Foundation, Manchester (November 2011) Guest speaker at the Kids in Museums national Family Fortunes event, Manchester (March 2012) Invited to sit on Valuing Older People Management and Advisory Group, Baring Foundation and Manchester City Council Invited to sit on the steering group for the Age Collective programme, led by the British Museum. Invited to represent Manchester Partnership at curious minds Manchester Bridge Development (funded by Arts Council England). Sits on University of Manchester Social Responsibility Steering group Wendy Gallagher, Arts for Health Programme Manager Appointed Vice Chair on Manchester School Hospital Service and Home Teaching Service Board of Governors in September 2012 Presented at ENCATC ( European Network for Cultural Administration and Training Centres) Arts - Health Entrepeneur conference, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in October 2012 Presentation at Arts for Health Conference, University of Notre Damn, Freemantle, Perth in November 2012 Presented +Culture Shots, BGEN Inspiring Learning Through Plants, ‘Green at heart; supporting health and wellbeing through plants,’ Chelsea Physic Garden, London (September 2012) Andrew Gray, Curator of Herpetology Represented the Museum and University at the 7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada (August 2012) Keynote lecture at the International Herpetological Society’s annual conference (June 2012). Delivered a specially arranged talk for North American Manchester University Alumni in California, highlighting the current engagement, research, and international conservation activities of the Museum (July 2012) Kate Glynn, Volunteer Coordinator Speaker at speak at Grundtvig Conference on Adult Volunteering, Warsaw, Poland (November 2011). Elaine Bates, Early Years Coordinator Appointed Governor at Martenscroft Nursery and Primary School Anna Bunney Invited to launch of Museums at Night at 11 Downing Street (April 2012). Presented on The Happy Museum at NCCPE and University Museum conference (January 2012) MM APR 2012


Partner in the Learning in Museums Grundtvig funded European seminar programme; Finland (October 2011), Latvia (April 2012) Sweden (October 2012) Henry McGhie presented on the ‘Living Worlds’ project and smartphone app at the NHM at the Ke Emu Global Users’ Group conference. Campbell Price presented on ‘Egypt in the First Millennium AD at the Manchester Museum’ at the Pagans, Christians and Muslims: Egypt in the First Millennium AD conference held at the British Museum. He also presented on ‘Gleanings from Gurob: Reinvestigation and Redisplay at the Manchester Museum’ at the Gurob Harem Palace Project conference in Liverpool. Bryan Sitch attended the Museum Archaeologists conference in Bristol; he presented at the Gender & Medieval Studies conference on his work investigating the Museum’s skeletons from Heronbridge and also spoke at a conference on Monsters. He organised a dayschool in the Museum on his investigations into the Heronbridge skeletons. This dayschool was extremely popular and attracted 75 people.. He also attended a seminar at Creswell Crags seminar. Keith Sugden attended the Autumn Lecture Weekend of British Association of Numismatic Societies, held at Cardiff University, and the Annual Congress of British Association of Numismatic Societies, Bournemouth. Stephen Welsh attended the Federation of International Human Rights Museums: Museums Fighting for Human Rights, held at the International Slavery Museum, Liverpool. He led a session at the ‘Authenticity’ conference organised by CHIMERA. Steve Devine, Social media officer, spoke at the Discover Open Data conference at Cornerhouse in March 2012. Steve spoke at CultureHack North in Leeds in November 2012 and Steve presented at Museums Next 2012 international conference in Barcelona in May 2012. He also presented to the Friends of Henshaws about the Museum’s digital engagement. Nicola Walker - Vice Chair of Institute of Conservation, Professional Conservator-Restorers Accreditation Committee (Completed term July 2012) Irit Narkiss – CPD Reader for Institute of Conservation Professional Accreditation of Conservator-Restorers (PACR) Phil Manning gave the following keynotes and invited lectures: June 2012. Manning, P. L. Bright Lights & Dinosaurs, TEDx lecture, Manchester, UK. June 2012. Manning, P. L., Wogelius, R. A., Sellers, W. I. and Bergmann, U. Mapping Prehistoric Ghosts in the Synchrotron. Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, keynote lecture. April 2012. Manning, P. L. Dinosaurs, synchrotrons and space-shuttles. SPAR International, Houston, Texas, keynote lecture. Feb. 2012. Manning, P. L. Synchrotrons, museums and dinosaurs. Science and Technology Funding Council public lecture series, MM APR 2012


Swindon (UK), invited lecture. Feb. 2012. Manning P. L. Digging for Dinosaurs in Hell Creek. National Museums and Galleries of Merseyside, Liverpool (UK), invited lecture. Jan. 2012. Manning, P. L. Dinosaurs, space shuttles and synchrotrons. SLAC Photon Science Seminar, Stanford University (USA), invited lecture. Dec. 2011. Manning, P. L. Dinosaur mummies. The St. Bede’s Christmas Lecture, Manchester (UK), invited lecture. Dec. 2011. Manning, P. L. Synchrotron-based imaging sheds new light on pigmentation of sauropod skin. 2nd International Workshop on Sauropod Biology and Gigantism, Bonn (Germany), invited lecture. Nov. 2011. Manning, P. L. Dinosaurs of the Hell Creek Formation. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, (USA), invited lecture. Oct. 2011. Manning, P. L., Wogelius, R.A. and Bergmann, U. Synchrotron light reveals chemical ghosts of past life. Advances in Terrestrial Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology: Special Session: Geochemical Techniques and Examples Using Inorganic and Organic Molecules in Fossil Soils, Plants, Invertebrates, and Vertebrate Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (USA), keynote lecture. Sept. 2011. Manning, P. L., Wogelius, R. A., Buckley, M., Dongen, B. E. van., Lyson, T. R., Bergmann, U., Webb, S. and Sellers, W. I. A multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of fossil hadrosaur integument and the taphonomic role of skin pigment in exceptional preservation. The Hadrosaur Symposium, Royal Tyrell Museum, Drumheller (Canada), invited lecture. Visits by overseas academics and overseas museum professionals Nick Merriman: Visits by delegations from Malmo Museums, Sweden, Hedmark County Museum, Norway, and Dutch Museums Association Invited as speaker at conference on ‘Knowledge Transfer of Research Institutions and Research Museums’ on behalf of the Humanities Section of the Leibniz-Association, held at the Romisch-Germanisch Zentralmuseum in Mainz, 11-12 December 2011. Dmitri Logunov: - Dr A.V. Barkalov (Syrphidae) from the Siberian Zoological Museum (Novosibirsk, Russia), 10/08 - Chavalit Vidthayanon from Thailand came to see how the collections are stored and preserved. - Eric Tamm from USA came to see the collection of the Peppered Moth Henry McGhie: 27/1- /11/11 Leona Roberts, Falkland Islands Museum Trust 27/1- tour of museum for Yoshikazu Ogawa and Daiji Hirata, National Museum of Science and Nature, Tokyo (tour of London, to Manchester and MOSI) MM APR 2012


French group for Turing exhibition Campbell Price: Christiane Ziegler, Hon. Director of Egyptology at the Louvre (25/6/12) Pauline Parent, MA student from Ecole du Louvre (26/7/12) Bryan Sitch: Yigal Sitry (28/11/11) re Assyrian metalwork Management team from Museum Salling in Denmark (7/3/12) 6 people Rachel Webster: 1 day. Prof Janis Antonovics (University of Virginia) to look at anther smuts and Lydia Becker sheets. 14/12/2011; 30/6/2012 Habacuc Flores Moreno, PhD student from University News South Wales, Australia. Researching physiology of introduced plant species over time. Stephen Welsh: 1 - 15/12/2011 - Denzin, Norman K - College of Communication Scholar, Research Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamoaign – Buffalo Bill collection. Dr Claudio Marsilio, University of Lisbon: 17th century English monetary history, with particular reference to the silver bullion market – Liz Pascal and Oceanic ceramics; Norman Denzin, Research Professor University of Illinois and Buffalo Bill archive; Dr Satoko Parker, USA, and Hamada ceramics Dr. Sandy O’Sullivan, Batchelor Institute, Australia; Philip Edgar, Ta Papa, New Zealand; Research enquiries from overseas academics and museum professionals with rough details David Gelsthorpe • • • • •

Enquiry about fossil plant collection loan, Christine Strullu-Derrien, University of Angers, France Enquiry about fossil loan Dr. Jean VANNIER, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Laboratoire de géologie de Lyon, France Research visit looking at Ichthyosaurs: Judy Massare, New York State University, William Wahl, The Wyoming Dinosaur Centre Research enquiry about Paraxerus from Marta Moya, Museum of Geology of the Seminary of Barcelona Loan enquiry from Jakub Prokop, PhD. Entomology Research Group, Department of Zoology, Charles University, Prague

Enquiry about fossil flowers (Williamsonia) from Anna Pavlova, Reference Librarian, Fundamental Botanical Library, National Institute Of Carpology, 21-167 Konenkowa Street, Rus-127560 Moscow 24/05/2012 enquiry from Thijs Vandenbroucke, Chargé de Recherche du CNRS, Université Lille, France, PhD research on mass extinctions 12/07/2012 enquiry about a fossil loan from Jakub Prokop, PhD., Entomology Research Group, Department of Zoology, Charles University, Vinicna 7, CZ-128 44 Praha 2, Czech Republic Enquiry about fossil plant collection loan, Christine Strullu-Derrien, University of Angers, France MM APR 2012 51

• • •

Dmitri Logunov • • •

One research loan has been requested and granted: Russia (beetles). Four research loans have been requested and granted: UK – 3 (beetles & true bugs), Finland – 1 (spiders). Seven research loans have been requested and granted: Finland (spiders), Germany (2), Czech Republic and Mexico (beetles), UK (wasps), and UK (micro-Lepidoptera).

Henry McGhie: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Rowena Craick, Australia, on Living Worlds; Kirsten Green Queens on Dresser; 5/12 Dai Herbert, loan of type to South African Museum; loans of bryozoa to Spain to Oscar Reverter-Gil Jason Anderson- African tits Marie Sempres- Seville- vultures in collection Liv Emma, Oslo- Nansen and birds S Hammer, Glasgow- faeroese seabirds Jonas Ehrsam- pythons- Switzerland R White, Uni of Kent- Australian Parrots Clare Dinham, Buglife- brownfield sites AB Black- Australia- grasswren specimens Chris Gleed Owen- reptile specimens, Bournemouth Hein van Grouwe NHM- Faeroese ravens Moazzam Khan, WWF Pakistan shells Fleischer collection, Germany

Campbell Price: • • • • • • •

Claude Laroche, Paris, on heart scarabs (6/2/12) Abdel Wahed Inrahim, Alexandria, on stela of Sobek-khu (3306) (April ‘12) Dr. Valentina Gasperi, University of Bologna, on imported pottery from Gurob (Feb-April ’12) Tamás Mekis, Budapest, clearer images Salford EA7 image (22/6/12) Kei Yamamoto, MMA New York, archive info on #4702 (19/7/12) Nick Wernick, Toronto, image of slingshot (20/7/12) Nenad Markovic, Belgrade, info on Saqqara in the Late Period (31/7/12) MM APR 2012


Bryan Sitch: • • • •

Dr. Sebastiano Ivan Pappalardo, student at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, re necropolis of the Late Bronze Age at Tell elFar'ah South (Beth Pelet. Burial goods of the Tomb 928, 931 and 958, (5/9/11); Régine Hunziker-Rodewald Professeur d'Ancien Testament Faculté de Théologie Protestante, Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg (Oct 2011) re Jordan clay figurines; Yigal Sitry Doctoral student at Bar Ilan University re Assyrian metalwork. Tobias Helms student of the Frankfurt based research training group "Value and Equivalence" re blade cores from Mesopotamia (7/3/12); M.Barta of Charles University, Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology re photo of false door

Keith Sugden: • •

Prof W Bloom, Murdoch University, Australia: Medallions struck by Matthew Boulton (we were able to produce 19 specimens) D Whitham, PG student @ University of Manchester: Oscan coins (research project on Oscan language and script)

Rachel Webster: •

14 – 17/7/2012 Prof Janis Antonovics (Uni of Virginia) and Carolyn Farnsworth (PhD student in History). E-mail conversations regarding Lydia Becker specimens and to arrange future visit.

Stephen Welsh: • • • • •

Alexia Moretti, Sorbonne, Paris, France – She is an archaeology student who required further information about our Peruvian ceramic collection. Mercedes Gonzalez, Instituto de Estudios Cientificos en Momias (IECIM), Madrid, Spain, and Peruvian mummy; Rebecca Major, Texas A&M, USA, and AGMS PhD advice; Catherine Nichols, Arizona State University, USA and Charles Heape Collection; Peter Bowles, USA, and Plains Indian objects;

MM APR 2012


APPENDIX 3 Feedback on Museum policy & practice From: Kathryn Adamson Sent: 08 February 2012 11:34 To: Subject: Museum Experience Hi there, I am a PhD student in Geography, and recently visited the museum with my undergraduate tutorial group. I have not visited the museum in a year or two, but grew up in Manchester so have spent quite a lot of time there on school trips or visiting with friends and family over the years. I now also work on a science-public outreach programme with support from the Geological Society and Quaternary Research Association, so have a real interest in the presentation of science and academic understanding to the wider public. I would mainly like to point out what a fantastic job you have done in renewing the exhibits over the last few years. I have always enjoyed the museum, but it now seems to have a completely new lease of life and this is wonderful! The museum was busy with people of a range of age groups and all of them were outwardly enjoying their visit! The Living Worlds exhibit is excellent. I particularly enjoyed the ways that different media were combined here, such as the Hiroshima glass and paper cranes. I thought the use of every day objects and useful facts/figures and quotes put things into context very well. The entrance section (before the Egyptians) was very well done - I liked the hand written approach, as it really brought research, fieldwork (and the notetaking process!) to life. In the Palaeontology section, I particularly enjoyed the exposure of some of the Plesiosaurs in a kind of 'excavation' type case, so that they are much easier to view. In the Egyptian hall I also spoke to some very knowledgeable members of staff about some of the artefacts. This made for a very exciting discussion about egyptian lithics and ornaments, and their enthusiasm was a very nice addition to my visit. Thanks again for providing me, and my tutees, with such a thought provoking and exciting visit. I am looking forward to coming back soon! Kathryn Adamson PhD Research Student School of Environment and Development The University of Manchester

---------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Anna MM APR 2012


I just wanted to say a proper Thank You for your support on Saturday. Your professional, positive attitude, gentle humour and amazing 007 Agent ability to be two places at once all helped to make the Turing Textiles Workshop the success it was. kind regards Gwyneth Depport Textile Artist & Designer

------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Elizabeth Merritt [] Sent: 07 May 2012 15:59 To: Henry Mcghie Subject: RE: natural history museums as superheroes Dear Henry, Thank you so much for sending these links. I have been a huge fan of your museum ever since following the Manchester Hermit project. I am not surprised to learn you tackled the reinstallation of the natural history galleries with similar imagination and flair. I particularly love Russo's quote, “What I want to transmit is emotion and surprise." My friend Peter Linett, who co-manages Slover-Linett Partners in Chicago, often writes on their blog about his frustration that most museums studiously avoid being funny, sexy, or emotional. We are often so obsessed with merely being right that we fail to capture people's interest. I also love that you thought of the artistic aspect of presenting natural history specimens--a powerful approach that is often overlooked. Would you be interested in writing a guest post for the CFM Blog about the reinstallation? I would be particularly interested in hearing more about what it was like to work with Villa Eugenie--where Russo and his staff questioned your assumptions or pushed you past your comfort point to discover something new and good. Yours from the future, Elizabeth Elizabeth Merritt Founding Director, Center for the Future of Museums American Association of Museums


MM APR 2012


From: Michael Cutts <> Date: 26 April 2012 10:53:36 GMT+01:00 To: Lucy Millard <>, Henry Mcghie <> Subject: Manchester Museum and Sustainability Dear Lucy and Henry, The gallery is a wonderful new way of experiencing a museum, bringing the viewer into a modern appreciation of interacting with exhibits. By using new interactive tablets and smartphone app, the viewer is given the space to reflect on the ideas on show, starting a springboard into exploring the interconnected nature of sustainability. A beautiful space merging the traditional gallery experience with modern technology, it shows the viewer that they are a part of nature and not just an observer of it. The interconnectedness of sustainability is something we really take care to explain and get children to experience using our Cycling4SEEd filmmaking sessions in schools and it's an central realisation for students to make. By doing this ourselves we are taking a moment to get students to reflect on their roles and responsibility before they capture their work on sustainability in their school to share in a national documentary on 'the UK's Best Sustainable Schools.' Sorry it's taken a while to get this to you - we have been beset by problems on the road and so far only visited half the schools! Only in Edinburgh so far, we have 300 miles to John O'Groats and then headed back down to London. I did purchase a scooter in Manchester to continue the journey after damaging my tendons, but this has just been stolen in Edinburgh. Back to the drawing board then (public transport). Hope this finds you well and thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule to host us. We hope to use the footage as part of the documentary to go out to the 35,000 schools in the UK to show your ideas about interconnectedness and the idea of schools using museums effectively. Kind regards, Michael Michael Cutts ------------------------------------------------------------Hi David, I just wanted to give you some feedback about our visit to the museum today. The children had an absolutely fantastic time, and are really inspired and enthused about our Dinosaurs/Animals themes. The Explorer Sacks are superb and really brought the museum to life (it is amazing how much more exciting the exhibitions seem to be when you look round them holding onto a plastic animal!) I think the Explorer Sacks are a brilliant resource and it is wonderful that you allow groups to use them for free. I will definitely be recommending the Museum to colleagues and friends in others schools for their visits and am sure we will be back in the future. I also have no doubt that the children will be back to visit with their families in the near future. I also need to say that all the museum staff are very friendly and very helpful. Thank you again, Amy Howard and Heyes Lane Primary School MM APR 2012


----------------------------------------------------From: Michael Vale <> Date: Friday, 20 July 2012 11:46 To: Clare O'Mahoney <>, David Hauk <> Subject: Thank you Dear Clare and David Thank you for arranging the recent school work placement in the Museum for my son Thomas Vale – he had a tremendous time and got loads out of his experience there, exactly what work experience should be like -many of his school friends appeared to stack boxes and were bored for a week in other placements! On the first day being given a key and access to behind the scenes areas showed a level of trust and responsibility he really appreciated, he has enthused about the biggest collection of this, that or the other in the UK, he’s held the oldest type of fossil from the beginnings of life on earth, he handled snakes, worked on preservation‌ excellent. Please pass this on to everyone involved. Working for the University it is easy to focus on the day to day challenges of your role - it is so reassuring to see another facet of the remarkable institution we all work for. Thank you Mike Vale Mike Vale CISA CRISC +44 7768688882 IT Services University of Manchester

MM APR 2012


--------------------------------------------------------------Hi Nick & Maria Thanks for your best wishes. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 8 months & I have found the work really interesting & informative. The biggest difference I have noticed though, coming from a local authority background, was the culture of the organisation. Everyone I have worked with has been so friendly & thankful for any advice / support – it has certainly given me a more positive perspective of employers & let’s hope the next job is as good. I’m not a fan of goodbyes & happy just to slope off but I do intend to visit the new exhibitions so will hopefully catch up with people then. The shorter commute will be great – my children are delighted that I will still be at home when they wake up. However if they were a few years older I would have definitely considered staying. Thanks again for your support & good luck this weekend with the triathalon. Paula Gibson (Finance Manager)

MM APR 2012


APPENDIX 4 External organisations we work with • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

SureStart Manchester steering group -PPEL (parents as partners in early learning project) Manchester City Council Early Years steering group Wellcome Trust BBSRC Heritage Lottery Fund Natural History Museum Oxford University Museum of Natural History World Museum Liverpool Tyne & Wear Museums Salford Education Business Partnership Gorton Local History Group Brunswick Church Community Centre Manchester City Council Environmental Campaigns Team Manchester City Council Joint Health Unit Groundwork Manchester Lime Arts Manchester City Council Children’s Services Manchester City Council Gifted & Talented Coordinators Tameside College – Travel and Tourism links Levenshulme High School – China AimHigher Project The Amphibian Ark Norden’s Ark Conservation Centre, Sweden Zoological Society of Chester and Chester Zoo – Captive breeding programme collaboration for Critically Endangered species Zoological Society of Bristol and Bristol Zoo – Captive breeding programme collaboration for Critically Endangered species The Horniman Museum Costa Rican Amphibian Centre Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica BBC – Bristol Natural History Unit – Close links continue to develop through film work ARKive Action for Sustainable Living University of Oslo Lincoln University - BA (Hons) Conservation & Restoration, and MA Conservation of Historic Objects MM APR 2012


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Durham University - MA in Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects Henshaws Society for Blind People Manchester Museums Consortium (Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester Art Gallery, Imperial War Museum North, Lowry, People’s History Museum, Museum of Science and Industry) John Rylands Library, Deansgate Cornerhouse National Football Museum Manchester Literature Festival Manchester Science Festival Manchester Weekender Confucius Institute Chinese Arts Centre Chinese Community Centre Kids in Museums Manchester Made it Easy Tourism Network Visit Manchester All About Audiences Manchester Hoteliers Consortium MIMAS Opera North The Guardian and Guardian Northerner blog City Co – the Manchester’s City Centre Management Company. MadLab Young Re-wired state Open Data Manchester Manchester Digital Development Agency Future Everything Start, NHS arts-based mental health service Durham University - MA in Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects (Lauren Mcghee, Oct 2011- July 2012) Cardiff University - MSc Conservation Practice (Sarah Potter, 16th July – 30th Aug 2012) Lincoln University - MA Conservation of Historic Objects (Maria Ledinskaya, 16th July – 10TH Aug 2012) The Manchester College, MCC Creative Apprenticeship Scheme Matthew Moss High School, Rochdale Henshaws Society for Blind People John Lewis Partnership, mentor via the North West Business Leadership Team

MM APR 2012


APPENDIX 5 Publications by Museum staff Hodkinson, AW 2011. ‘Touhu’. Arrowhead no.118. Logunov DV, F Ballarin & YM Marusik 2011. New faunistic records of the jumping and crab spiders of Karakoram, Pakistan (Aranei: Philodromidae, Salticidae and Thomisidae). Arthropoda Selecta, 20(3): 233-240. Logunov, DV 2011. Giant brides and dwarf grooms – sexual size dimorphism in spiders. Feedback, the ASAB education newsletter, 31: 15-18. Logunov, DV 2012. British entomology collections of the Manchester Museum. J. Lancs. & Chesh. Ent. Soc., 133 & 134 (2009 & 2010): 20-44. Logunov, DV 2012. Why do museums have natural history collections? Feedback, the ASAB education newsletter, 52: 12-15. McGhie, HA 2011. Dresser’s ‘A History of the Birds of Europe’. Pp. 89-91 in Priority! The Dating of Scientific Names in Ornithology. AVES Press, Northampton. McGhie, HA 2012. Living Worlds at the Manchester Museum. in SS Jandl and MS Gold (eds.) A Handbook for Academic Museums: Exhibitions and Education. Museums Etc., London. Logunov, DV and N Merriman 2012. The Manchester Museum: window to the world. The Manchester Museum, UK. Price, C 2011. Entries #2, 8, 126, 138, 147, 148, 151-154, 158, 172-175 in C. Routledge (ed.) Quest for Immortality. The Bolton Collection. Teipei. Price, C 2012. The Chantress Asru: The Manchester Mummies and Modern Science. Pp. 211-213 in P Bahn (ed.) Written in Bones. How Human Remains Unlock the Secrets of the Dead. Quintet, London. Price, C 2012. Scotland at Saqqara. The Work of the Saqqara Geophysical Survey Project, 1990-present. Friends of Saqqara Foundation Newsletter 10 (Leiden, 2012): 49-53. Price, C 2012. Review of K. Jansen-Winkeln. 2009. ‚Inschriften der Spätzeit. Teil III. Dyn. 25.‘ (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz). Orientalische Literaturzeitung 107.3: 146-148. Price, C and G Criscenzo-Laycock. ACCES-ing Egyptian and Sudanese Collections in the UK, Egyptian Archaeology 39 (Autumn 2011): 37. Sitch, BJ, 2011. ‘Museums, Human Remains and Disposals’. Pp. 120-147 in P Davies (ed.) Museums and the Disposals Debate. Museums Etc., London. Sitch, B 2012. Summary of Bristol conference 2011 for Society of Museum Archaeologists newsletter, article on Heronbridge collections and ‘Making Exhibitions of ourselves: recent and proposed archaeology displays at the Manchester Museum’. Museum Society of Museum Archaeologists Journal. Sugden, K & I Jones 2011. Dies of Henri le Rus. British Numismatic Journal 81: 234-7 (and plate). Sugden, K & P Stoddart 2011. Twentieth century British campaign medals: a continuation of the 19th century?. Pp. 1965-72 (and 5 plates) in Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, 2009. Publications by Museum Honorary Curatorial Associates Proudlove, GS 2011. Notes on authorship, type material and current systematic position of the diplopod taxa described by Hilda K. Brade-Birks and S. Graham Brade-Birks. Bull. Br. Myriapod & Isopod Group 25: 2-13. Proudlove, GS & Logunov DV 2011. Myriapodological resources in the Manchester Museum. Bull. Br. Myriapod & Isopod Group 25: 14-36. Publications by others on the Museum collection James, G 2012. The Shati Collections 5: a selection from the Manchester Museum. Olicar House. MM APR 2012


Jepson, JE, VN Makarkin, RA Coramc 2012. Lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera) from the Lower Cretaceous Purbeck Limestone Group of southern England. Cretaceous Research 34. Yasuoaka, Y 2012. Some Remarks on the Palm Columns from the Pronaos of Herakleopolis Magna. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 97: 31-60. [detailed publication of Acc. no. 1780]

Bergmann, U., Manning, P. L., and Wogelius, R.A. 2012. Chemical Mapping of Palaeontological and Archeological Artifacts Using Synchrotron XRays. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 5, 361-389. Sellers W. I., Hepworth-Bell, J., Falkingham, P., Bates, K., Brassey, C., Egerton, V. M., Manning, P. L. 2012. Minimum convex hull mass estimations of complete mounted skeletons, Biology Letters, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0263. Barden, H. E., Wogelius, R. A., Manning, P. L., Edwards, N. P., You, H., van Dongen, B. E. 2011. Morphological and geochemical evidence of melanin preservation in the feathers of the early Cretaceous bird Gansus yumenensis, PLoS ONE, 6(10): e25494. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025494. Manning, P. L. and Falkingham, P. L. 2011. Communicating science with dinosaurs. In Leng, J & Sharrock, W. (eds), Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice, Information Science Reference (IGI), Chapter 24, 587-610. Manning, P. L., Wogelius, R. A., Buckley, M., van Dongen, B. E., Lyson, T., Bergman, U. Webb, S. and Sellers, W. I. 2011. A Multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of fossil hadrosaur integument and the taphonomic role of skin pigment in exceptional preservation. International Hadrosaur Symposium extended abstract volume, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Canada, 91-96. Schachner, E. R., Manning, P. L., and Dodson, P. 2011. Pelvic and hindlimb myology of the basal archosaur Poposaurus gracilis (Archosauria: Poposauridaea), Journal of Morphology, DOI:10.1002/jmor.10997. Wogelius, R. A., Manning, P. L. Larson, P. L., Barden, H., Edwards, N. P., Webb, S. M., Sellers, W. I., Taylor, K. G., Dodson, P., You, H., Da-qing L. and Bergmann, U. 2011. Trace metals as biomarkers for eumelanin pigment in the fossil record, Science, 333(6049), 1622-1626 Edwards, N. P., Barden, B. E., Dongen, B. E. van., Manning. P. L., Bergman, U., Sellers, W. I., and Wogelius, R. A. 2011. Infra-Red mapping resolves soft-tissue preservation in 50 Million year old reptile skin. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B., doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0135 Falkingham, P. L., Bates, K. T., Margetts, L. and Manning, P. L. 2011. The ‘Goldilocks’ effect: Preservation bias in vertebrate track assemblages. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2010.063 Falkingham, P. L. and Manning, P. L. 2011. The Transjurane Highway dinosaur tracksites and their biological significance and application for inchnological studies of dinosaur palaeobiology. Palaeontologie et Transurane, 34, 4-13. MM APR 2012


Appendix 6 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2012

Visits Visits -­‐ total

Visitor statistics for HEFCE Manchester Museum Whitworth Art Gallery 367082 178810

Visits (exc schools) School visits Number of public events Attendance at public events Number of HE visits Number of FE visits

Web stats

347533 19549 249 77889 4231 1645

Visits (web) Unique Visitors Page views Pages/visit Avg visit duration Bounce rate % New visits

Demographics Priority groups (all exluding schools) % of BME No. of BME % of C2DE no. of C2DE % of Disabled no. of Disabled

168656 10154

298095 225542 1166918 3.91 00:02:21 39.20% 73.47%

180072 125612 713942 3.96 00:01:58 41.76% 66.86%

13 45179 19 66031 11 38229

12 20239 9 15179 12 20239

Notes This is the figure used for all % calculations below facilitated HE contacts visits from Yr 12 & 13 students Some extra web stats added for information

School numbers are removed from these calculations MM APR 2012


Non-­‐priority %

Priority combined and de-­‐duped % priority No. priority

Visitor Origin -­‐ % Manchester rest of NW rest of UK Overseas Outside of the region

Family Visits % of family visits No. of family visits

Connection to UoM Connection to UoM -­‐ % Studying Teaching Other Connection to UoM -­‐no. Studying Teaching Other

User satisfaction Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neither nor Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied


38 132063

63 13 19 6 25

53 184192

16 10.08 1.76 4.86

35031 6117 16890

80 18 1 1

72 removing those that are in more 28 than one group 47224 65 12 17 7 24 using rest of UK and overseas 23 38791 18 9.36 1.44 7.2 15786 2429 12143 58 28 8 5 1 MM APR 2012


Very and quite combined



MM APR 2012


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