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Friday, September 18, 2015
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2 - The Northshire FreePress - Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday18 FARMERS MARkEt WEST PAWLET The West Pawlet Farmers Market takes place every Friday from 4-7 p.m. year-round outside the West Pawlet Rod & Gun Club. Information: 802-6459928. PoEtRy READINg MANCHESTER The Gossamer Stone Poets will hold a poetry reading with several poets at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 18 at Manchester Community Library. Free and open to the public. Information: 802-362-2607. CoNtRA DANCE TINMOUTH The first Tinmouth Contra Dance of the season will take place from 8-11 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 18 at the Tinmouth Community Center, Route 140. All dances are taught; a partner is not needed. Live music with Brendan Taaffe on guitar and Randy Miller on fiddle, with Amelia Fonteina and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin calling. Beginners should arrive at 8 for a lesson. Admission is $9 adults, $7 teens and free for kids 12 and under. For directions, call 802-235-2718.
Saturday19 FARMERS MARkEt RUTLAND The Rutland Downtown Farmers Market takes place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays at Depot Park, Rutland. Information: 802-342-4727. AuDItIoNS DORSET Shakespeare on Main Street will hold auditions for its 2016 summer production “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead” from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 19 at the Dorset Playhouse, 104 Cheney Rd., Dorset. Actors 18 years and older should prepare a one-minute monologue. To attend, call Gary Meitrott at 802-282-2581 or email info@ MuSEuM ANNIvERSARy GRANVILLE The Slate Valley Museum, Water St., Granville, will celebrate its 20th anniversary from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19 with a time capsule and cake. Admission is free, and all are welcome.
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BASkEt PARty MANCHESTER The Manchester Eagles Battenkill Valley Aerie #2551 Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Basket Party at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19. Drawing starts at 1 p.m. Admission of $8 includes free light lunch, 20 tickets and chance at door prizes. Extra tickets will be sold for $3. Proceeds benefit the scholarship fund. SLovAkIAN DINNER GRANVILLE A take-out Slovakian Dinner to benefit John Labas will be served from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, East Potter Ave., Granville. Cost is $13 for homemade Pieroghi, Kapusta, Kielbasa, desserts, more. Proceeds benefit Labas in his recovery from Guillain-Barre Syndrome. HAM & BEAN DINNER EAST DORSET The East Dorset Congregational Church will hold a ham and bean dinner at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19 at the church on Mad Tom Road in East Dorset. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 5-12 and free for kids under 5. Proceeds will go toward repair of the chapel and church. AutHoR EvENt MANCHESTER Author Nancy Marie Brown will discuss her new book “Ivory Vikings: The Mystery of the Most Famous Chessmen in the World and the Woman Who Made Them” at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19 at Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. Free and open to the public. Information: 802-3622200 or
Sunday20 BoRDER RuN CASTLETON The Southwest Freedom Riders will host their 20th Annual Border Run on Sunday, Sept. 20. Sign-in is from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Irving/Jiffy Mart on Route 30, Castleton Corners. Cost is $10 per person. All are welcome. Information: 888-299-SWFR. vERMoNt INvENtoRS MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS Historian Paul Wood will give a slide presentation “Inventive Vermonters A Sampling of Farm tools and Implements” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20 at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Middletown Springs Historical Society at the Historical Society building, 10 Park Ave., Middletown Springs. Meeting opens with a dessert buffet. All are welcome to this free
event. Information: David Wright at 802-235-2376. BENEFIt CoNCERt MANCHESTER A Neighbor to Neighbor Benefit Concert will take place at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20 at the Southern Vermont Arts Center. Enjoy lots of laughs, handclapping and foot stomping. Tickets are $15. Information: 802367-7787. RoASt BEEF DINNER GRANVILLE A roast beef dinner will be served from 4-6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20 at the Raceville Community House, Butler Rd., Granville. Cost is $9 adults, $5 for children 4-12, and free for kids under 4. Take-outs are available. All are welcome.
Monday21 ACtIvE LIStENINg MANCHESTER Rev. Claire Longtin North will present a workshop “Being an Active Listener” from 1-2:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 21 at Manchester Community Library. Free and open to the public. Information: 802-362-2607. FARMERS MARkEt GRANVILLE The Granville Farmers Market will take place on Mondays from 2-6 p.m. at the Big Lots parking lot on Quaker Street. For more information, call Beth at 802-645-0398 or Cyd at 518-6421653. AuDItIoNS DORSET The Dorset Players will hold auditions for actors between the ages of 14 and 70+ for “August: Osage County” at 6:30 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 21 and 22 at the playhouse, 104 Cheney Rd., Dorset. Visit for a full description of characters, and call 802-867-5570 for a copy of the script. CRAFt CLASSES WELLS Craft classes for adults will take place at 6:30 p.m. on third Monday of each month at the Wells Village Library in Wells. This month’s craft is how to make a scrapbook page. Call the library at 802-645-0611 to sign up or just drop in. Free and open to the public. BEEkEEPERS MEEt MANCHESTER The Southern Vermont Beekeepers will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 21 at the Manchester Community Library. Guest speaker is Pat Imbimbo. Anyone interested in beekeeping is welcome. Information: 802282-3498.
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StoRy tIME MANCHESTER Manchester Community Library will hold Preschool Story Time at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Free and open to the public. Information: 802362-2607. yoM kIPPuR MANCHESTER Havurah Keruv of Manchester will hold Yom Kippur Kol Nidre service at 6:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at Zion Church, 5167 Main St., Manchester. All desiring a place to worship are welcome. Information: BINgo MANCHESTER The Manchester Eagles Club, Routes 11/30, Manchester, will hold Bingo at 6:45 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Information: 802-375-2801 or 802-362-2025. CoNCERt BENNINGTON Hui Cox and the Order in Concert will be presented at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept.2 2 in the Deane Carriage Barn at Bennington College. Free and open to the public.
Wednesday23 yoM kIPPuR MoRNINg MANCHESTER Havurah Keruv will hold Yom Kippur Morning Serivce at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at Zion Church, 5167 Main St., Manchester. Afternoon service Yiskor/Neilah at 5:30 p.m.; Final Shofar at 7:30 p.m. Break fast to follow. Information: keruvgroup@ AFRICAN WILD ANIMALS GRANVILLE The Pember Museum will present an after-school program on the African Wild from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23, focusing on elephants, cheetahs, and giraffes. Discussion, hands-on artifacts, museum search and a craft. Twitch, a nine-month-old Pygmy Hedgehog, will make his debut appearance. Free and open to children age five and older. Registration is not necessary. Information: Bernie at 518-6421515.
ANtIquE APPRAISAL GRANVILLE The Granville Lioness Club will host its annual Antique & Jewelry Appraisal Roadshow from 6-8 pm. on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at the Granville Hook & Ladder, Quaker Street. Cost is $5 per item or $10 for three items. Information: Nancy Williams at 518-642-0709. HIStoRICAL SoCIEty MANCHESTER The Manchester Historical Society will hold its annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at the Manchester Community Library. Information:
Thursday24 RHyME tIME MANCHESTER The Manchester community Library will hold Rhyme Time for Tots at 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Free and open to the public. Children must be accompanied by adult caregivers. Information: 802-362-2607. ENERgy FutuRE BENNINGTON A discussion “Vermont’s Energy Future” will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24 at CAPA Symposium, Bennington College. Free and open to the public.
Friday25 AutHoR EvENt MANCHESTER Acclaimed author Jim Shepard will discuss his new novel “Book of Aron,” about young children caught up in the Holocaust, at 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25 at Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. Free and open to the public. Information: 802-3622200 or
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EINStEIN’S tHEoRy MANCHESTER Green Mountain Academy will present Union College Professor Chad Orzel in a talk “What to Tell Your Dog about Einstein” from 5:30-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23 in the Hunter Seminar Room, Burr and Burton Academy, Manchester. Registration is $15 in advance or $20 at the door. To register, call 802-867-0111 or go to
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The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 • 3
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Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
(2) BLACKSMITH working tools. $35. 518-747-3558
(2) VERY LARGE bags of little girls clothing size 7-8 & 10-12, freshly washed. $20. 631-241-6342
( 4 ) T I R E S Tr a z a n o 1 9 5 / 60R15, used only three weeks. $95. 802-645-0544
45 ACP AMMO 230g LRN, 50 rounds. $20. 518-2820041
BEER MUGS and glasses. $50. 802-780-7837
CAR SEAT clean, excellent condition. $20. 518-638-8543
(4) WOODEN STACK tables. $20. 518-686-9388
ABETTA SADDLE 15” seat, very nice condition. $99.99. 518-638-6534
BICYCLE adult womens. $50. 518-695-5541
CARD TABLE 30 x 29, good condition. $20. 802-235-2301
CRAFTSMAN ELECTRIC L AW N M OW E R 1 9 ” c u t / mulch, excellent condion, seldom used. $65. 518-7534009
BICYCLE Gary Fisher, red, adult male, needs minor repairs. New $329, sell for $99. 518-753-6026
CHAIN LENGTH fencing, 100’ roll, 5’ high, with gate, excellent condition. $50. 518-638-8543
CRAFTSMAN 5-PIECE cordless set with case, charger and batteries, good condition. $70. 802-278-8275
BICYCLE RACK for small Reese hitch, holds 2 bikes. $25. 802-375-9441
CHILDRENS GAMES Chess, checkers, Monopoly, Family Doctor, Dominoes. $25. 802-780-7837
CRAFTSMAN PRESSURE wa s h e r, 2 0 0 0 P S I , 5 h p, works. $85. 518-642-3727
(2) LARGE HAND carved and signed wooden ducks, can be used as planters. $90. 802-293-5499 (2) NEW 5 GALLON military type metal fuel cans. $50. 518-638-8978 (2) PROPANE TANKS 20 gallons, full, for barbecue grill. $50. 802-362-4243 (2) SEARS CRAFTSMAN lawn mower, wheels 11.5”, good condition. $20. 802375-9653 (2) SOLID MAPLE end stands, step style, 19”W x 22”H x 27”L. $50. 802-2352301 (2) STUDDED SNOWS 185/ 70R14 Nokian Hakkapelitta, 30% worn, on Prism/Toyota rims. $70. 802-375-6160 (2) TIRES 255/65R18, 50% tread. $65. 518-796-5303 (2) TIRES Wrangler 265/ 70R17, 70% tread. $90. 518796-5303
(3) FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR water filters model WFCB. $30. 518-642-9490 (3) PIECE SNORKEL set, fins, mask and snorkel, pro shop purchase. $30. 518258-1631 ( 3 3 9 ) P RO B OW L E R S CARDS printed 1990 past and present legends. $25. 518-499-5059 (35) MOVIES on DVDs and Videos, comedies, westerns, dramas. $20. 518-499-5059 (4) CLUB CAR gulf car t tires, rims & caps, 18x8.508, new. $99. 802-235-2301 (4) PLACEMATS woven, 17” x 12”, off-white with apple design in center, never used. $6. 518-692-8519 (4) TIRES All Weather Goodyear, 185/65R14, nice set. $99. 802-645-9727 (4) TIRES P265/75R16, 50% tread. $95. 518-796-5303
(5) INDIAN DOLLS collectibles. $60. 518-642-9490 (50) LITTLE GOLDEN books, Disney books, history books. $99. 802-780-7837 (55+) HARDCOVER and paperback books, multiple genres. $20. 518-499-5059 (6) ARROWS Easton Carbon Raider 400 new, cut at 27”. $25. 518-642-8103 (6) WOOD CHISELS with wood handles, 1/4 inch to 1 1/2 inch. $25. 518-747-3558 (70) OLD COMIC books from 1960s, fair shape, readable value. $5. 518-499-5059 223 CAL ONCE fire brass, 1000 rounds. $45. 518-2820041 40 CAL ONCE fired brass, 1000 rounds. $45. 518-2820041
AGRIMART lawn sweeper. $30. 518-642-3727 ALL WOODEN two drawer f i l e c a b i n e t w i t h c a r ve d ducks from Orvis. $60. 802293-5499 ANIMAL CAGE with handle, plastic, steel door, 23”L x 18”H x 21”W. $15. 802-2352301 ANTIQUE BOOKCASE or China cupboard with glass door. $50 obo. 518-695-6926 A N T I Q U E C H E R RY a r moire. $50 obo. 518-6956926 ANTIQUE WOODEN blanket chest. $75. 802-375-9313 BACKPACK Camp Trails, aluminum frame, two large pockets, many small pockets. $10. 518-854-7422 BARITONE SAXOPHONE on stage stand, new in box. $49 obo. 802-265-3878
BLACK & DECKER workmate folding stand. $15. 518638-8603 BRASS CYMBALS pair, 16 inch, new in box. $90 obo. 802-265-3878 BURTON AIR snowboard with small bindings, good condition. $99. 518-677-3568 BUTCHER BLOCK cart, like new. $75. 518-527-5914 CANNING JARS three cases of pints, five cases of jelly jars. $80 obo. 518-638-8543 CANOPY TARP 10’ x 10’ with metal legs and rope tie downs, excellent condition. $25. 518-638-8543
Please type or print.
CLAY PIGEON THROWER metal spring loaded mounted on plywood. $60. 518-7965303 COCA COLA X-mas glasses, playing cards, pictures and traps. $75. 802-7807837 COMPOUND BOW, PSE, Polaris left handed, 55-70 lbs., 30” draw. $50. 518-7534370 CONVECTION OVEN excellent condition. $75. 518692-7766 CORDLESS DRILL Sears with all accessories and carrying case, 14v. $25. 802362-4243
CRAFTSMAN CHAINSAW 20 inch bar, 3.1 cubic inches. $45. 518-642-3727 CROSCILL COMFORTER 104” x 96”, bed skirt, shams, drapes, sheers, accent pillows, 13-pieces, clean, floral. $75. 518-638-8101 DEEP FAT FRYER T Fal, 12 cups capacity, deep fat fryer hardly used, multiple uses. $25. 802-362-4243 DESK with chair, tiger wood, very good condition for its age, possible antique. $99. 518-480-5241 DIRT DEVIL used, runs well. $15. 802-768-8120
Finds Under $100
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Finds Under $100
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Finds Under $100
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Finds Under $100
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4 • The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
DISHES 8-piece set with serving dishes, butter, salt, pepper, etc., Adirondack Studio Nova. $50. 518-779-5307
G A R D E N W AY YA R D CART with back drop door, 25” x 41”. Paid $375, sell for $99. 518-779-5307
LARGE BAG of women’s plus size pants, size 18-24. $50. 518-499-1584
NEW IN BOX Kitchen table 30” x 48”. Cost $300, sell for $50. 518-695-6926
DISNEY PRINCESS play hut, nylon, folds flat, completely washable, Disney Princesses all around. $19. 631-241-6342
GEORGE FOREMAN Indoor electric griddle/grill, like new. $10. 802-375-9653
NEW SET OF 4’ John Deere brush-hog blades. $50. 802265-7942
S P E A K E R S Pe av y f l o o r monitors, 12” 2 way, excellent condition. $99. 518-6423077
TOWABLE TUBE 2-person. Asking $75. 518-642-2783
LAUNCHPAD lighted nocks pack of three, new in box. $25. 518-642-8103
RADIAL TIRES 235/45R17 97H, very good condition. $95. 802-265-2210 or 518282-9618
L AW N M OW E R 1 5 ” r e a r wheels, easy to push, 5hp B&S motor. $75 obo. 518222-3197
NICE KITCHEN farm table with two chairs, wood top, white legs, good condition. $75. 518-695-6306
RIGHT FRONT FENDER 1967 Chev/GMC, ck10-30, new Goodmark/GM Repro. $85. 802-375-6160
STEEL TOE BOOTS size 8.5, Redwing, new. $50. 518-854-9142
LEATHER JACKET black, womens large. $20 obo. 518301-1200
OFFICE CHAIR large, gray, suede-like, rolling. $40. 518753-6026
LED DASH light, blue/white. $25. 518-527-5914
OLD SCYTHE with long cur ved handle and hand sickle. $25. 518-747-3558
DOG/CAT CRATE plastic, 24 x 18 x 24” high. $20. 802824-5488 D R E S S E R f i ve d rawe r s, brown, real wood, a must see. $60. 518-480-5241 DRESSER WITH MATCHING mirror, light cherry, nine drawers. $75 obo. 518-3011200 DRUM PAD practice kit with base peddle, assembled. $99. 802-683-5896 DUCK DECOYS set of 10 hens and drakes with weights and line. $50. 518642-8103 ELECTRIC GUITAR Silvertone SG Style with small amp, excellent condition. $80. 518-642-3077 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER three sections in good condition, lots of storage. $99. 518-854-9142 FISH FINDER Hummingbird #120, like new. $99. 518854-9142 FLEECE THROW Christmas cat print, good condition. $20. 518-499-1584 FOOD SAVER 3200 series, brand new, still in box. $90. 518-692-7766 FOUR DRAWER metal file cabinet. $25. 518-258-1631 FOUR WHEELED r ubber tire pony size wagon. $50. 518-638-8978
GIRL WITH KITTEN print throw, good condition. $20. 518-499-1584 GLOSS BOSS FLOOR polisher. Like new, used once, instructions included. $20. 802-768-8120 GOLF SET Wilson, 10 irons, 3 woods, putter, bag and umbrella. $50. 518-854-7422 HAMILTON BEACH slow cooker/crock pot, like new. $10. 802-375-9653 HAND-CRAFTED massage table, extra wide, wooden frame. $99. 518-929-3090 HOMEMADE TRUNCH with tray, 13” wide, 12” high, 33” long. $10. 518-638-8603 HONEY EXTRACTOR two frame, hand cranked, plastic tub, Root Mfg. CO. $99.99. 518-692-7779 HORSE BRUSH TACK box, shingled roof, hinged door, 31”H, 24”W, 12”D. $5. 802375-9655 HUFFY TRAIL BIKE red, 21”, 10 speed, good condition, used little. $55. 802273-3585 HURRICANE MOP like new. Sells for $39, asking $15. 802-768-8120 K E R O S E N E H E AT E R 23000 BTU, new in box, never used. $50. 518-527-5914 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS mostly hard cover mysteries by best selling authors. $20. 802-768-8120
LIGHTED CURIO cabinet, brown, almost 6ft tall, perfect condition. $80. 518-480-5241 MAPLE TABLE with four chairs, perfect for small apt, ver y good condition. $50. 518-480-5241 MARINE VINYL maroon color, ten yards, new in box. $60. 518-638-8101 MAXI-RUB electric back and foot massager, hardly used. $50. 802-375-9653 MEN’S JOHNSON’S green wool hunting pants, never wor n, 46 x 30, unhemed. $50. 802-824-5488 METAL 4 FT Farm gate with hardware. $15. 518-6386534 M I C R OWAV E OV E N L G brand, 1200 watts, 22” x 15.5” x 16”, white, countertop, excellent condition. $30.
OXHUB LAMP with antique stagecoach design, 6-sided shade. $50. 518-692-8519` PET CAGE 18 x 10 x 12, excellent condition. $15. 518692-7766 PHILCO RADIO CHASSIS and speaker, super heterodyne eleven 1930’s model. $40. 518-531-4367 PRESSURE TANK 20 gallons, used. $40. 518-6386315
COAL FOR SALE Anthracite. Rice, Pea, Nut and Stove. cell 518-424-5663 or 518-642-9819
10 TON EQUIPMENT trailer, needs some work, $1000/ obo. 518-683-0490 or 802287-9278 after 3:30 pm.
CAR OR TRACTOR hauler, registered for 10000 lbs. $1250. 518-854-3698
RUG braided wool fabric, 4 x 6, off white and cream, good condition. $50. 802-824-5488
A L L Q UA L I T Y H A R D WOOD FIREWOOD accurate measured loads, seasoned and green available. 802-855-3974 or 518-6421558.
A LT H O U G H M A N C H E S T E R N E W S PA PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Advertising submitted for legitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be misleading. Once an ad has started running it is nonrefundable.
HUNTING CLUB HAS OPENINGS Town of Dresden, great hunting and fishing. For info 518-668-2849
OUTDOOR RUGGED toddler play set, slide, ladder, climbing wall, etc. $49. 631241-6342
Articles For Sale
Articles For Sale
RUG braided wool fabric, 3 x 5, brown and dark yellow, good condition. $35. 802824-5488
RADIAL ARM SAW Craftsman 10 inch with stand and extra blades, very good condition. $99. 518-692-9292
BULL MOOSE SHOULDER mount, 55 inches wide, 18 points, great addition to the camp or man cave. $1800 firm. 802-645-9130
OLD STEEL RUNNER snow sled, brand name “Paris”, 13” wide, 45” long. $12. 518-6388603
MONROE-SWEDA CASH register early 60’s vintage. $75. 518-531-4367
FISHER 7’ 6” SNOW PLOW like new, $1500. 802-2874177 call after 2pm.
6 ” x 1 8 ” P O W E R M AT I C PLANER 5HP, electric, single phase with self sharpener, $2500/obo. 802-236-9668
OLD SHOEMAKER tools, two hammers and two shoe anvils. $65. 518-747-3558
P RO PA N E H OT WAT E R heater, Power Flex, 50 gallons, used one year. $99. 518-378-4810
HP5940 PRINTER with color/black ink cartridges and new black cartridge. Hardly used. $60 fir m. 518-6422061 K O H L E R G E N E R ATO R powered w/John Deere diesel 6 cyl, 8 KW, $10,000. 518-683-0490 or 802-2879278 after 3:30. S N OW B L OW E R J o h n Deere, electric start. $200 obo. 518-642-3776
call to advertise here!
RIGHT FRONT FENDER 73 to 80 Chev/GMC, ck10-30, new Goodmark/GM Repro. $85. 802-375-6160 RIPCORD ARROWS rest like new pro model. Paid $120, sell for $75. 518-6428103
MISCELLANEOUS PLASTIC insulators, snap-on and nail on with wire. $20. 518638-6534
C R A F T S M A N L AW N TRACTOR with wagon, 42 inch deck, like new. $400. 518-642-3776
RIGHT FRONT FENDER 60 to 66 Chev/GMC, ck10-30, new Goodmark/GM Repro. $85. 802-375-6160
Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES. Heat your entire home and hot water. EPA Qualified. Call today about limited time, money-saving offers! Beecrofts 518-7534402 DRY FIREWOOD you pick up, stacked in one half cord lots. $100 cash. Located in West Pawlet. 802-274-1140 SEASONED FIREWOOD $250 per cord cut, split & delivered. 518-642-2859 NYS HEAP VENDOR
Free FREE brown vinyl siding. 802-236-6519 or 802-2733687 FREE double sink unit, c. 1959, white enamel on metal, needs surface work or for metal scrap. 518-792-1803
STEREO CABINET with cd tape record player equalizer speaker. $85. 518-686-9388 STEREO W/SPEAKERS AM/FM radio, CD, cassette, portable. $25 obo. 518-3011200 TALKING BOOKS 7 disc. $25. 518-692-7766 TELESCOPE large oval table. $50. 518-642-3727 TELEVISION 14” Goldstar. $5. 518-854-7422 TELEVISION 27” Sylvania, with remote. $5. 518-8547422 TENT 8 x 12, 2-room, good condition with rain fly. $99. 518-854-9142
TRIPOD STABILIZER for 5th wheel camper. $60. 802375-9441 TRUCK CAP and bed liner, fit ‘96 Dakota with 6.5 ft bed. $99. 518-677-3313 TUBULAR 4 FT farm gate NN with hardware. $35. 518638-6534 TWIN MATTRESS and box spring with bed frame, like new. $99. 802-287-4779 U A R C O - V I N TA G E R E CORDER register receipt writer. Still works, collectable. $65. 518-531-4367 UPRIGHT PIANO Chas M Stieff, Baltimore, good condition. $50. 518-692-9054 UPRIGHT PIANO needs a little work. $99 obo. 518-6953284 V I N TAG E S T E N OT Y P E stenotype company Chicago mid 1930’s model, collectable. $15. 518-531-4367
SAUDER COMPUTER center armoire, very good condition, distressed pine. New $289, sell for $99. 518-7536026
TEXTBOOK General Organic Biological Chemistry, new, excellent condition. $25. 518-695-4318
SLEEPER SOFA Beige, full size Ser ta mattress, ver y nice condition. $60. 802-3759676
T E X T B O O K V e t Te c h 9781416057000, excellent condition. $17.50. 518-6954318
SM COMPUTER with many parts, works. $50. 518-6869388
TEXTBOOK Workbook Vet Tech 9781416057024, excellent condition. $5. 518695-4318
WOMENS BRIGHTON bracelet, gold/silver bangle, brand new. $50 obo. 518301-1200
SMOKER/ROASTER with buffet server, 18 quart capacity, electric cooker, multiple uses. $50. 802-3624243
THREE SHELF WOODEN bookcase, 29”H, 35”W, 9”D. $5. 802-375-9655
WOOD WARDROBE three shelves, three drawers, two doors. $60. 518-258-1631
TINWARE four coffee mugs, five 10.5” diameter plates, blue, never used. $7. 518692-8519
WOOL THROW with unicorn print, good condition. $20. 518-499-1584
SOFA 88 x 33 x 25, excellent condition. $99. 518-6929054 SOUND SYSTEM YAMAHA HTR-5732 AV receiver w/5 speakers, 3 Bose 2 Polk. $55 obo. 518-642-2326
Garage Sales DRESDEN, NY 207 Dresden Hill Road, Saturday 9/19 & Sunday 9/ 20, 9am-3pm. Sheet rock l i f t , s c a f fo l d i n g , d o ck floats, camper and mobile home great for hunter’s camp, large post hole digger on trailer, and lots more. GREENWICH 86 lowber Rd. (Bald Mt) Sat. 9/19 9am-4pm & Sun. 9/20 9am-1pm. Cleaning out household items kitchen wares, bedding, much more. Something for everyone. All must go! VICTORY MILLS 104 Lafayette Street, Friday 9/18 & Saturday 9/19, 8am-4pm. D o r p l e a f t a bl e , c h a i r s , household items and much more! WELLS, VT 518 East Wells Road, Sautrday 9/19 & Sunday 9/20, 12 noon to 5pm. Moving Sale! Tools, furniture, paintings, linen, dishes, patio.
TO D D L E R C A R b o o s t e r seat. $9. 631-241-6342
WARING BLENDER glass, never used. Paid $100, sell for $40 obo. 802-293-5499 WEED WACKER electric, used once. $40. 802-2935499
YASHICA FX-103 camera with additional lens not digital, requires film. $25. 518527-5914
Guns & Ammo CRAGIN’S GUN SHOP BUY * SELL * TRADE 105 State St, Rutland, VT 802-773-9781 WORK 802-558-2300 CELL
Health & Nutrition FREE PILLS! FREE PILLS! V I AG R A 1 0 0 m g . , C i a l i s 20mg., 44 pills, Only $99.00. Buy The Original BLUE PILL NOW! Call 1-888-797-9013
Lawn and Garden LAWN TRACTOR new belt & battery, 38” deck, 12 hp, Br iggs & Stratton motor, dump cart. $300. 518-6423776 P O U L A N P RO L AW N MOWER 42”, like new, $700. 518-692-9073 S E A R S L AW N M OW E R electric start, self propelled, used three times, good condition. $275. 518-686-9388
PETS-LIVESTOCK Dogs-Cats-Pets AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF P U P S b o r n Au g u s t 1 s t . wormed, first shots, $500/ each. 518-854-9903 C H I H UA H UA T E AC U P PUPS 8 weeks old, f ir st shots, all colors, males & females, $300+. 518-538-6371 FREE kittens, multi-toed, male and female. Call 518744-4917 or 518-232-1837
Farm Animals FREE duck. 802-236-6519 or 802-273-3687
Buying ~ Selling Hiring ~ Renting For all your classified needs call 642-1234.
The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 • 5
Employment SUBSTITUTES NEEDED: TEACHERS, ASSISTANTS, CLERICAL AND SCHOOL NURSES. Interested in gaining school district experience with a flexible schedule? Apply through the WSWHE BOCES Substitute Teacher Registry: or call 518-746-3375
AUTOMOTIVE SHOP looking for full time employee to do vehicle detailing, shop maintenance, light mechanical and light body shop. Please apply to War ner’s Auto in Granville, NY.
call to advertise here!
Telescope Casual Furniture, Inc.
Hiring EXPERIENCED aluminum mig and tig welders first and second shift. Applicant must have a minimum of 2 years production experience. Starting at $17/hour. Piecework target system with significant higher earning potential. Shift differential for 2nd shift. Full time position with benefits after passing a 90-day trial. Successful applicants must pass an in-house welding test.
Apply at Telescope Casual Furniture, Inc. Main Office, 85 Church Street, Granville NY
MECHANICAL SUPERVISOR Knowledge of electrical, plumbing, carpentry and some computer skills necessary. Contact Bill at 802-287-8361 for more information or send resumes to Currier Memorial School 234 North Main Street Danby, VT 05739 Telephone: (802) 293-5191 Fax: (802) 293-5518 “High Levels of Learning for ALL Students Through Personalization”
Qualified applicants please submit your application through SchoolSpring Applications accepted until positions are filled. EOE*
GRANVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL TEACHERS Seeking NYS CERT. applicants for the following openings: (1) Secondary Math 7-12 (1) Secondary Special Ed 7-12 Application Deadline: 9/30/15 ONLINE APPLICATIONS ONLY @
BUS DRIVERS - $18.25/HR Must be 21 and be eligible for a Class II Chauffeur’s license with CDL endorsement issued by the NYS DMV. Application deadline: 9/21/15 Call (518) 642-0660 for more information. Applications for Bus Driver can also be downloaded from our website: District Tab/Employment/Support Staff Application.
H A R T F O R D H E A LT H CARE AT HOME is now hiring PERSONAL CARE AT T E N DA N T S ! ! A p p l i cants must have a CURRENT and VALID CNA certification, a CURRENT and VALID Driver’s License with Reliable Transportation. Homecare experience is preferred but not necessary. Please contact Matt Andrus by phone at 860478-3597, by email at matthew.andrus@hhchealth.o rg or apply in person at 300 Queen St., Southington, CT 06489. Flexible schedules.
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS (2) Positions available. Fuel Oil and Propane Gas Drivers. CDL Class B license with Hazmat, Tank and Air Brake endorsements. CETP preferred. Pay based upon exper ience. Health Insurance, 401K available. SignOn Bonus. Send resume to: Lake Champian Coal Company, PO Box 118, Whitehall, NY 12887 or email: MASON NEEDED Clean dr iver’s license. Reliable transportation. Brick, block, stone and concrete work. Starting pay $18/hr or more based on experience. D S Masonry Inc. 802-287-5139
CHG Transport, Inc. has an immediate opening for 1 OTR or regional driver with a minimum of 2 years driving experience to haul dry freight from Upstate NY to Southern States or regional freight within the Northeast. - Competitive Pay - Medical & Dental Benefits offered - Clean MVR within the last 3 years a must - No Touch Freight Please contact Carl George III @ 518-854-3125
Equinox Terrace, the premier Assisted Living facility in Manchester, Vermont, has an opening for RESIDENT ASSISTANTS, 1st and 2nd shifts, full-time with benefits. Apply in person, or call/email Renee Burch, Health Services Director, today! (802) 362-5141
BET-CHA TRANSIT A School Bus Company Are you a stay-at-home parent? Retired? Need extra money? We have available openings in the Poultney/Orwell area as a driver. We Offer: • Great pay/complete training • Medical and Dental plans • Life Insurance • Summer and holidays off/collect unemployment What we need from you. • A commitment to work 1-2 hours in the morning and 1-2 hours in the afternoon for 180 days a year. • Able to relate well with children. • A clean driving record.
To find out more about the benefits and rewards of being a School Bus Driver, call 802-388-7800 and ask to speak to Don.
To place an ad, call
1.800.354.4232 Cambridge Valley Machining, Inc. V: 518-677-5617 F: 518-677-5874
28 Perry Lane, PO Box 160 Cambridge, NY 12816
Production Planner and Scheduler Job #1263 Cambridge Valley Machining currently has an opening for a highly motivated and team-oriented Production Planner and Scheduler. Summary: The Production Planner and Scheduler is responsible for scheduling daily production to satisfy customer needs for on-time delivery of parts that meet specifications. Duties and Responsibilities: • Execute and continually improve production scheduling system, including daily production schedules. • Plans, prepares, issues and controls daily machine/personnel schedules to optimally balance and prioritize customer needs, production capacity and lead times for special processes (heat treat, coating, etc.) • Coordinate interdepartmental activity with sales, engineering, quality control, manufacturing, inventory control, shipping/receiving and purchasing to ensure timely receipt, review, acknowledgement, scheduling and delivery of customer orders. • Advises management of the status of work in process, material availability and potential production problems to ensure the personnel, equipment, materials and services are provided as needed. • Actively manage open order backlog. • Expedite orders due to customers’ requests or to recover from missed deadlines. • Facilitate monthly inventory counts. • Publish weekly status reports to key management and project leaders. • Help oversee the movement of goods into and out of facility. • Determine and communicate staffing requirements. • Enforce safety and sanitation regulations. • Support TPM and 5S programs. • Other duties as assigned. Required Education and Experience: • High School Diploma or GED a minimum • At least 4 years’ experience in manufacturing (preferably machining) • Associates or Bachelors in Engineering, Business or other technical degree preferred. • Management Skills • Experience with 5S and Lean Manufacturing techniques • Working knowledge of MS office • Experience with Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains preferred Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed above are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable qualified individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Benefits include health and dental plan, life insurance, paid sick/personal vacation time, flex time and 401K. Salary-commensurate with experience and qualifications. Send or email resume to: Cambridge Valley Machining, Inc.
PO Box 160, Cambridge, NY 12816 Reference Job 1263 518-677-5617 Ext 247 CVM is an equal opportunity employer/Disabled/Veterans/Females/Minorities
Career need a shift in gears? Find that perfect job right here in the classifieds!
Advertise In The Classifieds You’ll Be Glad You Did!
6• The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015
Manchester Newspapers’
Apartments WHITEHALL 2bdrm, $700/ mth incl heat & hot water, W/ D hook-up, no pets, 1st mth +sec & ref. 518-307-2174
Every Service For Every Purpose Cleaning Services
Plumbing & Heating
AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL CLEANING Call Patty for free quote 802-558-9610
SMILANSKY PLUMBING & HEATING Granville/Salem/Greenwich Robert Smilansky Owner 518-832-0086
Electrician JOIN OUR SERVICES DIRECTORY TODAY! 2” Display Ad Special! Call Today! 800-354-4232
Heating & Cooling Formerly Dunbar’s Heating Service
24 hour Emergency Service Cleanings/Installs/Service Decks/Porches/Carpentry Drywall/Flooring/And More Free Estimates
518-642-1302 802-683-8583 GRANVILLE, NY
BOURN TREE SERVICE Over 30 Years Of Service Fully Insured * Free Est. Brush Chipping * Land Clearing. 518-642-2182 DOANE TREE SERVICE Stump Grinding * Tree Removal * Free Estimates Insured 802-287-1977
Specializing in
SLATE REPAIR and All Types of METAL ROOFING Fully Insured Complete Roofing Service M. Faxon, Pres. Granville, NY 12832
Tree Service
REAL ESTATE For Sale COSSAYUNA LAKE/ARGYLE 30 x 40 storage barn, beautiful bldg lot 170 x 1600 ft-6.2 acres on East Lake Rd, 1 m i n f r o m b o a t ra m p. $69,900. 518-441-9910
Vacation Property CANCUN, MEXICO TIMESHARE FOR SALE. Royal Sands Resort. 3 bedrooms, sleeps 8, 2 bathrooms, 2nd floor, balcony, beachfront. $16,900. Call for information 413-592-9160
call to advertise here!
Apartments GRANVILLE Brookview Town Houses. 1 & 2 2bdrm apts, offering $200 off 1 mth rent. Starting at $545. Water, sewer, onsite laundry, snow & garbage removal. 845-4361215. GRANVILLE nice 1bd. $550/ mth +sec. Heat & hot water incl. No Smoking/Pets. 518415-7785 or 518-642-9339 GRANVILLE recently renovated 2bdrm, valid references, affordability. Mutual Respect Rentals 518-632-5023 GRANVILLE lg 1 bdrm upstairs, stove, fridge & dishwasher, newly rennovated. $525/mth. 845-207-9288 VILLAGE OF GREENWICH 1-2bdrm apt., 2nd floor, on street par king, $600/mth +util. References & security deposit req. Preble Realty LLC 518-854-7888
Mobile/Modular Homes WHITEHALL 2 bdrm private lot at 29 1st Ave. No Smoking/Pets. $500/mth plus util & references. 518-499-0913
Office Space
CAMBRIDGE, NY luxury 3 bdrm, 3 BA home. Adjoining state forest, gated off-street parking. Newly rennovated kitchen, stainless appl, granite counter tops, W/D, AC, ground & snow maint incl. $1250/mth + util. Call evenings 518-854-9840
GRANVILLE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, shared reception area, heat & utilities incl., $550/mo. 518-642-9490 or 518-6423942.
GRANVILLE Picturesque 1 bdrm, completely renovated & modernized. W/D Hook up. $700 mth + heat & util., 1st, last & sec req’d. MUST SEE! 518-642-3647
EXIT ONE SELF-STORAGE Heated Units Also Available Route 4-A Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3330
L A K E S T C AT H E R I N E , Wells Vt. 2 bdrm, fully furnished, ver y clean, great quiet spot to enjoy winter over looking the lake. No Smoking. Available SeptJune 2016. $750/mth + util & Ref. 518-321-9640 NORTH GRANVILLE Newly remodeled 4bdrm house on land for rent, option to buy. Private location. $800/mth. Credit check. 518-642-6363 or 518-744-9652
GRANVILLE Storage Building 1700 sq ft of open area. $500 mth, 1st, last & sec req’d. Must See! 518-6423647
Vacation/ Recreational WA R M W E AT H E R I S YEAR ROUND IN ARUBA. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available. Sleeps 8. $ 3 5 0 0 . E m a i l : for more information.
CLASSIFIED AD RATES: $13 • 20 Words • 3 Weeks!
Here is the item I want to sell: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Payment Information: Name: __________________________ Phone: ___________________ Address: __________________________________________________ ____________________________ State: _____ Zip: _______ Paying by check# _______ Credit Card: ❑ MC ❑ Visa ❑ AE ❑ Dis Card# __________________________ Exp: ______ CCV Code: ____
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 3:00PM! Manchester Newspapers PO Box 330 • Granville, NY 12832
518-642-1234 | 800-354-4232
The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 • 7
MATTHEWS AUTOMOTIVE De-icing chemicals at all time high on NY roads. Protect your vehicle at Krown Rust Control in Salem, NY. Have you taken a close look at your vehicle lately? In this part of the world, if your car has been on the road for even just a few years, the first signs of deterioration have already begun to appear in the form of rust - unless of course you’ve taken preventive measures to protect it.
active providing the best protection available against corrosion. Not only does the Krown product protect metal surfaces, but it also lubricates moving parts, and repels moisture from electrical components contributing to fewer electrical breakdowns.
It is a fact that we live in one of the most corrosive environments on earth.
Krown customers consistently report reduced maintenance costs and money saved in downtime and replacement parts.
“The use of de-icing chemicals on our roads is at an all-time high. Without proper protection most vehicles will rust rapidly”
In business since 1986 and with more than 250 locations, Krown is the only company of its kind that annually certifies its technicians. In addition the Krown product consistently outperforms all competitive products which is why we protect more vehicles and equipment than any other company.
Corrosion results in expensive breakdowns, electrical failure and compromised vehicle safety. Krown Rust Control is a leader in automotive rust protection and body maintenance. Krown is a unique, environmentally friendly product that contains no toxins, no solvents and is non-flammable. The Krown product remains
We are excited to announce the opening of a new Krown Rust Control location in Salem, NY. Please see our ad below and book your appointment today! For more information on our product and how it can help your vehicle to last longer, look better and maintain a higher value, visit
Special Offer $10
A Krown Rust Protection Application*
Plus a FREE Aerosol Can of Krown Rust Inhibitor Salem, NY 150 South Main St. (518) 854-3070 SALEMADVERTORIAL
*Valid at Krown Salem only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer valid on Krown application at regular retail price. Offer expires Nov. 30, 2015.
8 • The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 Autos 1982 CORVETTE mint condition, T Bar, very low mileage, candy apple red. 518584-5308 1987 SUZUKI 4 wheel ATV LT230E, good condition, low usage, 1 owner, garaged, and chains. $1100. 518-2829995 1996 VOLVO 850 turbo wagon, new muffler, brakes, oil pan, good/fair condition. $2000. 802-394-2505 2003 SUBARU OUTBACK Wagon, 247k miles, fair to good condition, inspected/ r e g i s t e r e d , n ew b r a ke s. $2100 obo. 518-331-9566 2003 SUBARU FORESTER standard. $1500 obo. 802394-7885
2005 CADDY SEDAN DEVILLE Platinum/beige leather, 70K, loaded, chauffeured, always garaged, last year mode. Asking $7350. Available Nov 1st. 802-379-4669
2007 PONTIAC G6 GT exc e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , p owe r everything, sunroof, great mpg, 114k. $6800 obo. 802287-2241
2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 4 dr sedan, gray, 50,500 miles. $13,397. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439.
1967 18 FT ALUMINUM hull Starc cuddy cabin/trailer and 1987 35 HP Mercury motor. $1800. 518-854-7876
1975 HARLEY DAVIDSON Electric Glide, low mileage, original paint. $9000. 802287-9408
2013 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 dr sedan, black, 45,362 miles. $17,897. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439.
1985 20FT INVADER with galvanized trailer, cuddy cabin, inboard motor. $1000/ obo. 518-638-8745
2004 STARCRAFT ARUBA fifth wheel camper, 30 ft, sleeps 6/7, lightly used, good condition. $9000. 518-6325798 or 518-744-4805
2014 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 Sedan, 7,461 miles, red. $18,197. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439.
CANOE aluminum 16 ft Loweline, oars included. $350 obo. 518-810-5361
2005 CHEVY IMPALA runs good, 159k miles, AC, PW, black, little rust. $2995. 802282-2232 2005 TOYOTA RAV 4 AWD, 133,000 miles, excellent mec h a n i c a l c o n d i t i o n , n ew brakes, hitch, clean, pale green. $7195. 518-854-9134 2 0 0 6 C H E V Y I M PA L A 72,400K. Black A/C, PW, remote starter. Premium sound s y s t e m . 6 d i s c c h a n g e r. VGC. $5,500. 802-362-4646 2007 MKZ LINCOLN beautiful with leather seats, remote starter, 6 CD changer, heated seats with memory. $8650. 802-779-1208
2008 FORD ESCAPE 4wd, navigation, leather, hybrid, hitch, sunroof, excellent condition, clean, 155k miles. $6500 obo. 201-921-4420 2010 MERCURY MILAN 4 d r s e d a n , 6 7 , 3 5 0 m i l e s. $9,897. Call Lia Nissan 855825-6439. 2011 DODGE CALIBER Main Street Edition, 39900 miles, 25 mpg, silver, black interior. $10,000. 518-3387621 2 0 1 1 M E R C U RY M I L A N Premier, 49k, grey, heated leather seats, FWD, power, bluetooth, excellent condition. $11500. 802-770-2912 2012 KIA SPORTAGE SX 4 dr sport utility, 31,310 miles. $19,897. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439. 2012 NISSAN FRONTIER S V 4 d r c r ew c a b, gray, 35,302 miles. $22,387. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439.
2014 NISSAN ALTIMA 4 dr sedan, 22,883 miles. $19,997. Call Lia Nissan 855-825-6439.
Auto Wanted CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not, Sell your Car or Truck TODAY. Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-800-871-0654
Boats 15.5 FT Centerboard Sailboat, needs some repair, mounted on trailer. $750. 518-642-2031
Campers/Trailers 1994 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 5th wheel, 30’. $6500. 518499-1424 1999 CLASS A GEORGIE Boy 34’ Motorhome, Triton V10 (gas), new tires, only 19000 miles, over $35,000 in extras, custom built, must see. $20,000. 860-933-5342. 2004 5TH WHEEL Mobile Suite, 36 feet, 3 slides, excellent condition, fireplace, washer, dr yer, Craftmatic bed and more. $21,500 obo. 802-265-8079 or 802-7791011
2007 5TH WHEEL Keystone 31ft, slide, 2 bdrms, lg fridge, AC/heat, canopies, surround sound, nonsmoking owners, excellent. $25,380, Reduced $15,500/obo. 518-638-8745 2009 ROCKWOOD 5TH WHEEL 26’, w/slider hook u p, ex c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $18,000 firm. 518-632-5366 2 0 1 0 M O N TA N A 5 T H WHEEL 35’, used once due to sickness, many extras, excellent condition. $27,500. 518-642-1129
Classic & Antiques 1940 FARMALL A-TRACTOR restored showroom condition, parade-ready w/ heavy flat bed trailer. $4000 package/obo. 802-273-2712 or 516-593-2249 Hubbardton, VT
Treating Customers Like Family! FAMILY OWNED
Autobody Repairs • 100% Warranty Free Estimate Insurance Work Welcome • We accept used motor oil!
7311 St. Rt. 22, Granville, NY
6 miles south of Granville on Route 22
Fax: (518) 642-3039
1999 HD SPORTSER 1200 custom, 10,400 miles, lots of chrome, new tires & battery, spotless. $6,800. 802-2822803 2003 HD DYNA LOW RIDER 2400 miles, gun metallic blue, anniversar y edition. 1450 cc. Screaming eagle exhaust pipes. $8000. 802265-4945 2005 883 HARLEY DAVIDSON Must sell. Not broken in. 497 miles. To see call 802-468-2435 HONDA GOLD WING 2010 with a Road Smith trike kit, $25,000. Wells, VT 802-6451925
ATV’s /Snowmobiles
1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA Convertible, Tuxedo Black, factory 348cid V-8 280hp, Powerglide, AC. $15000. or 845-535-9609
( 2 ) 2 0 0 2 A R C T I C C AT ZL600 EFI SS snowmobiles with reverse, 1663 miles and 1594 miles. Asking $2500 each. 1996 Triton open trailer with new wheels and tires. Asking $400. $5000 for all three. 518-793-0830
1960 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 318 wide body motor, push button transmission, 4 door. $3500. 518-232-9685
2005 ARCTIC CAT F7 Sno P r o, o ra n g e i n c o l o r, 2 k miles. $3000. 802-287-1772
Farm Equipment
Mechanical Service
1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $5000. 802-325-3127
1964 JOHN DEERE 1010 tractor, 35hp, gas, hydraulics, loader, bucket, PTO, three-point hitch, good condition and rubber. $4995. 802-375-6330 2-1961 AND 2 INTERNATIONAL CUB CADETS good pulling project. $300 for the pair. 802-236-9668 INTERNATIONAL cub size antique tractor, all reconditioned, 12 volt. $3000. 802235-2137 JOHN DEERE MOD 550 HD ag tiller, 52” working width, 6 blade rotor, with flip clutch, adjustable offset, EC, $3000+ new, asking $1780. 518-692-9292
Four-Wheel Drive 1996 FORD RANGER 4X4 4.0 liter V6, 163,000 miles, runs & drives good. $1500 firm. 518-642-1812
SNOWMOBILE & TRAILER Yamaha RS Venture 900cc Touring, 2 up, very good condition & low mileage with double tilt trailer, good condition. $4900. 802-645-9181
Tires, Parts, Accessories ( 4 ) 2 3 5 / 7 0 / R 1 6 Tra c t i o n tread, $200. 802-236-9668
Pickups, Trucks, Vans 2003 FORD F250 V10, auto, trailer tow package, 81k miles. $8500. 518-753-4895 2005 FORD F150 XLT, new tires, dealer serviced, moonroof, little rust, 104k, good c o n d i t i o n , o n e o w n e r. $13000. 518-642-2601 2005 RAM 1500 SPORT S LT Q u a d C a b 4 x 4 , 5 . 7 hemi, 145k miles, red, hard tonneau, tow pkg, 20” wheels, always ser viced, typical rust for age. $9150. 518-282-9005 2 0 0 9 TOYOTA TAC O M A Access Cab, 4 cyl, 5 speed, 85k miles, well maintained. $15,500. 802-645-0080
Want to see your Garage Sale Listed Here?
GARAGE SALE SPECIAL • $19.00 for 20 Words, 25¢ Each Additional Word • Make sure to include the town in which the sale is taking place, address of the sale, date(s) of sale, time(s) of sale and any other information you would like to mention about the sale.
PAYMENT INFORMATION: Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____-____-______ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: _______________ Paying by: Check # _______________________ Credit Card: MC Visa AE Discover Card # ___________________________________________ Exp ______/____________ CCV Code _________
CALL: 518-642-1234 OR 800-354-4232 EMAIL: MAIL: Manchester Newspapers, PO Box 330, Granville, NY 12832 To Place Your Ad Today!
10 • The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015
The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015 • 11
12 • The Northshire FreePress • Week of September 14, 2015
N. Bennington Rd. - Bennington, VT
1-866-607-1560 A member of the AutoSaver Group
#BS15487B 99,651 Miles
#BS15229C 67,737 Miles
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#BS15555C 113,740 Miles
#BS15398B 97,036 Miles
#BS15226C 90,692 Miles
#BS15252B 100,110 Miles
#BS16042A 77,397 Miles
#BS15398AA 63,103 Miles
#BS15806A 86,142 Miles
#BS15597A 80,353 Miles
#BS15695A 79,477 Miles
#BS15633D 37,349 Miles
#BS15793A 63,989 Miles
#BS14725A 55,549 Miles
#BSP213A 55,572 Miles
#BSP226B 60,562 Miles
#BS15241B 56,553 Miles
#BS15461A 123,593 Miles
#BS14722A 51,031 Miles
#BS15644B 67,850 Miles
#BS16045A 82,145 Miles
#BSP240B 83,333 Miles
#BS16033A 79,531 Miles
#BS16038AA 58,793 Miles
#BS15250A 41,428 Miles
#BSP234A 45,374 Miles
#BSP223 58,551 Miles
#BS15651A 21,296 Miles
#BSP221 36,814 Miles