Community Guide ‘16
THE LIQUOR STOP Price Chopper Plaza, Granville, NY 518-642-9262 Monday - Thursday 9AM - 8PM Friday & Saturday 9AM - 9PM
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Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 1
Make 2016 spectacular with
2 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Table of Contents
On the cover Our cover photograph was taken by North Granville artist Victoria Whitney. Victoria enjoys taking pictures of the Granville area because it is "a beautiful and wonderful place." "Granville and the surrounding area have such a rich and unique history that captures my imagination.
Chamber of Commerce .................... 27 Churches ...................................... 16 Clubs & Organizations ...................... 20 Community Services ........................ 26 Emergency Services ...........................6 Government ....................................8 Greetings from the publisher ................4 Health & Recreation......................... 24 Important County Numbers ................. 13 Index of Advertisers ......................... 32 Schools ........................................ 14 A publication of Manchester Newspapers 14 East Main Street, Granville, N.Y. 12832 (800)354-4232
Publisher John M. Manchester
Research Joyce Rider
Cover Photo Victoria Whitney
Advertising Anne Marie Short, Tom Jackson, Deb Brosseau, Renae McKittrick
Graphic Design Jane Cosey Don Martin
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 3
Greetings, Granville! The New Year is upon us, and what better time to receive your all-new Granville Community Guide. This year's edition is 36 pages and is filled with everything and anything you need to know about living in the Town of Granville. We also would like to thank the staff at the Granville town and village offices for their assis-
tance and to all our loyal advertisers who have allowed us to bring this keepsake edition to you free of charge. We hope you find it useful and you keep it handy throughout the year for easy reference John Manchester, Publisher
Small Animal Hospital Jeffrey Meyer, V.M.D. Beth Kissack, D.V.M.
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17 West Main Street, Granville, NY 518.642.8120 Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 5
Emergency Services Fire & Rescue Rescue Squad Captain Paul Zinn 64 Potter Avenue Non-emergency 642-1830 Granville Hook & Ladder (Village) Chief Dan McClenning Non-emergency 642-2401 Granville Engine & Hose Co. No. 1 (Village and South Granville) Chief Michael Zinn Non-emergency 642-2511 Penrhyn Engine & Hose (Middle Granville) Chief Milt Dunbar Non-emergency 642-2865 North Granville Hose Co. (North Granville) Chief Scott McCullen Non-emergency 642-3820
Law Enforcement Granville Police Department 51Quaker Street Chief Ernie Bassett Jr. Non-emergency 642-1414 Washington County Sheriff Sheriff Jeff Murphy Under Sheriff John Winchell Non-emergency 518-746-2475 Civil Office 746-2475, Option 6 New York State Police North Granville, NY Non-emergency 642-9455 (if no answer 583-7000) FBI Albany, NY 465-7551
Granville Hook and Ladder is located on Quaker Street 6 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Hospitals / Medical Glens Falls Hospital 100 Park Street Glens Falls 926-1000 Rutland Regional Medical Center 160 Allen Street Rutland, Vt. 802-775-7111 Granville Family Health Center 79 North Street 642-0612 Mettowee Valley Family Health Center 278 Vermont Route 149 West Pawlet, Vt. 802-645-0580 American Red Cross 74 Warren St. Glens Falls, NY 792-6545
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 800-232-4636 Domestic Violence Hotline 800-942-6906 Poison Control Center 800-222-1222 Rabies Information Washington County 746-2400 Suicide & Crisis Hotline 518-689-4673 Child Abuse & Maltreatment Hotline 800-342-3720 Washington County Sexual Treatment and Recovery Services Hotline 800-225-7114
Skene Valley Agency 76 County Route 18 Whitehall, NY
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M. Shaw Insurance 76 Main Street Granville, NY
Battenkill Valley Insurance 78 W. Main Street Cambridge NY
Call John, Maria, Tom, Jackie , Candy, Denise or Randy at any office to see if we can help you save on insurance today! Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 7
Government Town of Granville
6,669 residents (2010 census) Town Supervisor Matt Hicks (2015) 642-1500 Ext. 1 642- 9027 (H) Town Board Tom Cosey Sr. (2017) 642-1643 Matthew Rathbun (2019) 642-9289 Mary Emery (2019) 642-1094 Ken Quick (2017) 642-2730 The Town Board meets on the second Thursday at 7 p.m.
The Granville Town Board: Mary Emery, Tom Cosey, Supervisor Matt Hicks, Matt Rathbun and Ken Quick.
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Vanessa DuVal and Becca Gordon •
“Building our communities, one project at a time.” Route 4
8 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
74 Depot Street, Poultney, VT
Government Town Clerk Jenny Linda Martelle 642-1500 Ext. 4 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Deputy Town Clerk Julie Goff 642-1500 Ext. 2 Superintendent of Highways Eric Towne 642-2560 Town Accountant Joel Carpenter 642-1238 Constable Ray Boyea 642-1500
Town Justices Roger Forando Paul Manchester 642-1500 Ext. 3 Town Court is held on Mondays Court Clerk Brandi Cutter Town Assessors 642-1500 Ext. 6 Daniel Boone, Sole Assessor Dorothy Roberts, Clerk Office Hours Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon
Health Officer Dr. Gordon Thomas 642-2931
Town Attorney Mike Catalfimo 465-3484
Animal Control Officer Nancy Quell Ed Holland 692-2840
Local Ordinance Officer Russ Bronson 791-1745
Planning Board Dean Hyatt John Norton Todd Smith – Chairman Nat Baker Jeff Prouty Meetings on third Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Town Historian Vacant
Village of Granville 2,543 residents (2010 census)
HOMEMADE SOUPS, BREADS & DESSERTS 4 East Main St., Granville, NY 12832 • 518-796-3188
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Government Village Office 51 Quaker St. Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Mayor Brian LaRose 642-2640 361-9553 (cell) Trustees Frank Caruso 642-2574 Dean Hyatt 642-9987 Paul Labas 361-2666 Gordon Smith - Deputy Mayor 642-1884 Meetings on first Monday at 7 p.m.
The Granville Village Board: Mayor Brian LaRose, Gordon Smith, Paul Labas, Dean Hyatt and Frank Caruso
Physical Therapy PC Celebrating Over 25 Years of Patient Focused Care In Your Community A trusted, local source for Physical Therapy serving the Slate Valley communities of Vermont and New York from two convenient locations in Fair Haven and Poultney, Vermont. 153 Main Street, Suite B Poultney, VT
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(802) 265-4055 10 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
SPEECH THERAPY SERVICES, PLLC 88 Mettowee Street, Granville, NY 12832 Specializing in Speech and Language Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Adults Accepting Fidelis Care, CDPHP, GHI, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare
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Emergency Openings • Certified & Bonded Safes • Security Systems • Cameras
Government Granville Village Clerk/Treasurer Rick Roberts 642-2640
Planning Board Christina Bishop, Chairwoman Russel Bronson Robert Sheridan Matthew Rice
Deputy Village Clerk Denise Davies 642-2640
Zoning Board of Appeals Edward Fish George Macura John Freed Molly Celani
Justices Roger Forando 642-9386 Paul Manchester 642-9386 Public Works Superintendent / Sewer Plant Manager Dan Williams 642-1815
Code Enforcement Officer, Village Fred Roberts 321-9060
Code Enforcement, Washington County Steve Smith 746-2150 Village Attorney Michael Martin 745-0511 Animal Control Officer Nancy Quell 692-2840 Nuisance Wildlife Rick Vladyka 642-1531 Dave Guest 642-1125
Washington County Board of Supervisors, Chairman TBD 746-2210 County Treasurer Albert Nolette 746-2220 County Clerk Stephanie Lemery 746-2170 CONTINUED
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802-287-4114 Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 11
Government County Attorney Roger Wickes 746-2216 County Administrator Chris DeBolt 746-2100 District Attorney Tony Jordan 746-2525
State of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 518-474-8390
Rep. Dan Stec 140 Glen Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 518-792-4546 Sen. Elizabeth “Betty” Little 5 Warren St., Suite 3 Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 743-0968 455-2811 Albany office 561-2430 Plattsburgh Office
Peter and Roxann Flynn 2227 Rte. 22A Hampton, NY 12837 Fax (518) 282 9007
Reservations: (800) 423 9648 (518) 282 9648
Minutes to Whitehall, Fair Haven, Poultney & Granville!
Federal Government Sen. Charles E. Schumer Leo W. O’Brien Building Room 420 Albany, N.Y. 12207 518-431-4070 (and) 202-224-6542 (Washington) Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Leo W. O’Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square Room 821 Albany N.Y. 12207 518-431-0120 212-224-4451 (Washington) Congresswoman Elise Stefanik 136 Elm St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 743-0964 512 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-4611
State Offices Consumer Protection Board 800-697-1220 Attorney General’s Office 800-771-7755 Department of Transportation 518-457-6195 Education Department 518-474-3852 Environmental Conservation 632-1200 Forest Rangers Salem 518-335-5445 (cell) Health Department 793-3893 Labor Department 457-9000
CELEBRATING 42 YEARS! 12 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
County Numbers Child Care (Head Start)...................................499-1900
Mental Health Department ............................. 792-7143
District Attorney .......................................... 746-2525
Youth Bureau .............................................. 746-2330
Office For The Aging ..................................... 746-2420
Cooperative Extension .................................. 746-2560
Parks & Recreation ...................................... 746-2440
Board of Elections ....................................... 746-2180
Public Works .............................................. 746-2440
Building Code Enforcement ............................ 746-2150
Social Services ........................................... 746-2300
Board of Supervisors .................................... 746-2210
Soil and Water Conservation District ..................692-9940
Real Property Tax Services ............................ 746-2130
Solid Waste ..........................................802-775-7722
For inquiries on Delinquent Tax Info……........…..746-2220
Supreme and County Court Clerk ......................746-2520
Child Support Collection Unit .......................... 746-2300
Treasurer’s Office ........................................ 746-2220
Department of Motor Vehicles ......................... 746-2162
Historical Society ........................................ 747-9108
Washington County Fair..................................692-2464
Workers Compensation Office ......................... 746-2185
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YEAR-LONG SPECIALS! Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 13
Schools Granville Central School Website Mary J. Tanner School Route 22, Middle Granville 642-9460 Principal Diane Dumas Grades K-2, 264 students Granville Elementary School 61 Quaker St. 642-9357 Principal Stacey Roberts Grades 3-6, 332 students Granville High School 58 Quaker St. 642-1052 Principal Camille Harrelson Assistant Principal Daniel Poucher Grades 7-12 700 students Athletic Director Eileen Troy
The Mary J. Tanner School is located on Route 22 in Middle Granville. Treasurer Kim Perry District Clerk/Asst. to Superintendent Connie Resetar Tax Collector Tamme Taran
Administration 58 Quaker St. 642-1051 Superintendent Mark Bessen Business manager Cathy Somich
School Board Members Eric Scribner Suzanne McEachron, Vice-Pres. John McDermott Nekia Torres Audrey Hicks – Pres.
MID TOWN Automotive
Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair NY State Inspections Full Automotive Repair 9622 State Rte 22, M. Granville, NY 12849
(518) 642-2267
14 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Carrie O’Brien Ambrosi Greg Bourn Jo-Lynne Bartholomew Molly Celani Meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the high school library. Truthville Christian Academy North Granville 642-2517
Pre Schools Granville Head Start Center Church St., Granville 642-0661 Little Rascals Preschool Beecher Road, Granville April Fiacco 642-2065 Precious Moments Route 22, Middle Granville Malinda Prieur 642-9942 ABC 1-2-3 Rt. 22, North Granville Maureen Bernstein 642-1064
JOEL D. CARPENTER ~ Certified Public Accountant ~ 34 Main Street • Granville, NY 12832
518-642-1238 Business & Individual Taxes Tax Planning, Accounting & Financial Statements ALL PHASES OF BOOKKEEPING
Serving Our Community
Granville Masonic Lodge When it comes to history, Granville Lodge #55 Free and Accepted Masons is second to no other local organization. The Lodge was chartered as Liberty Lodge on Dec. 7, 1796, making it the oldest organization in Granville and the oldest Masonic Lodge in Washington County. It has been part of the Granville Community for 219 years. The Lodge first met at the home of Elijah White in North Granville. In 1806, for monetary reasons, Liberty Lodge was reissued a new charter with the name Granville Lodge #55. The Lodge still holds the original Liberty Lodge charter, which was signed by notable New Yorkers such as Dewitt Clinton and Robert R. Livingston, who helped draw up the Declaration of Independence. For the first 165 years of its existence, the Granville Lodge met in 28 different places from North
Granville to Middle Granville to the village of Granville. From 1960 to 2002, the Lodge owned the former Hewett house on Quaker Street. When maintenance of the large home became too much for the organization, members sold the building and built a new structure at 97 North Street and named it the Slate Valley Masonic Center. It is also home to Sylvan Star Chapter #122. The Lodge’s new home has become an integral part of the community. The Masons have hosted a public dinner on Election Night for the past 14 years. In addition, they allow other community groups such as the Cub Scouts and the Garden Club to use their building for meetings. The building is also rented out for other functions including baby showers, bridal showers and numerous other events. To rent the building, call Michael
Sales & Service Jct. Rtes. 22 & 149 Granville, NY
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Angiolillo at 642-9707 or Lois Warner at 642-2724. “It’s used as a community center,” said Angiolillo, President of the Board of Directors. In the summer months, the lodge holds a chicken barbecue in Veterans Park during the Thursday night concerts. “We’ll do it again in 2016,” he said. The Granville Lodge currently has 45 members. At the peak of membership in Granville, there were more than 175 Lodge members. Anyone seeking information about becoming a member should call Master Paul Casavant at 642-1731 or Secretary Philip Humphries at 642-9499. Any man over the age of 21 can petition for membership. The Granville Lodge is part of the Free Masons, the oldest fraternal organization in the world. The club is a charitable and educational society dedicat-
ed to morality, mutual aid, charity, leadership, religious toleration and political freedom. Fourteen U.S. presidents were Freemasons, from George Washington to Bill Clinton. Several signers of the Declaration of Independence were also Freemasons. The Granville Lodge shares its building with Slate Valley Chapter #122, Order of the Eastern Star of the State of New York. The chapter was chartered in 1896. Any woman over the age of 18 or man who holds membership in the Masonic Fraternity may request a petition for membership. The Slate Valley Chapter assists the Granville Lodge in many fundraising activities. For more information about Slate Valley Chapter, call Mike Angiolillo at 6429707 or Lois Warner at 6422724.
Personalized, Professional Service “For All of Your Real Estate Needs in New York and Vermont” 4 East Main Street, Granville, NY 12832
(518) 642-9030 • Fax: (518) 642-0615 Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 15
Churches Granville Baptist Church 642-2245 Pastor Rev. James Peterson 23 Quaker Street Services Sunday School and Worship 9:30 a.m., Bible study Mon & Thurs. 11:00 a.m. at 7 Quaker St. Email jcpeterson@ Calvary Baptist Church 642-2219 Pastor Randy McKee Route 22, North Granville Services Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study Service, 6:45 p.m. Bible Institute (SBI) Thurs. 6 p.m. (Prior Registration Required) First Church of Granville Pastor Roger Whiting 642-9445 Call for meeting place and times. Granville Assembly of God 802-645-9181 (home) 518-495-3363 (cell) Pastor Bill Steinmetz 18 Bulkley Avenue Sunday Service 9:30 a.m.; Home group meeting, call for details. Trinity Episcopal Church 642-2883 Pastor Rev. Art Peters 35 East Main Street Services: Sunday 10 a.m.; Tues 9 a.m. morning prayer, bible study 9:30 a.m. United Church of Granville A congregation of the Presbyterian and United
The Granville Methodist Church is located on Church Street. Methodist Churches 642-1853 or 642-9039 Pastor Rev. Jerry McKinney Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School 10 a.m. Winter months: Services at 18 Church St. (Nov-Apr) Summer months: Services at 4 Quaker St. (Apr-Oct) Please join us on Fridays from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Church St. location for Free community lunch. St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church 642-1262 Rev. Joseph Arockiasamy 23 Bulkley Avenue Services Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. Saturday Mass, 4:00 p.m.; Monday , Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Mass, noon; Confession Saturday 3 p.m.
16 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Church of Christ Pastor Ben Fronczek meets at North Granville Methodist Church Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday www.granvillenychurchofchrist. org email: granvillechurchofchrist1@ Raceville United Methodist Church 477 Butler Rd. Contact Doug Baker, 642-3927 Services: Sunday 9 a.m. South Granville Congregational Church 642-2094 Pastor Rev. Robert Flower 7179 Route 149 Services Kid’s Church, 9 a.m. Worship, 9 a.m.
A Men’s Prayer Breakfast is held the second Saturday of every month at 8 a.m. at the church, and a Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast at A.J.’s the second Saturday of every month at 8 a.m. Bible Study Thurs. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Truthville Baptist Church / Truthville Christian Academy 642-2517 499-1002 (pastor) 232-7430 (cell) Pastor Rev. Kevin Gebo County Route 12A, North Granville Services Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday afternoon service, 1 p.m.; Prayer and Bible study, Wednesday at 7 p.m.; Youth group Wed. 7 p.m.
150 employees
More than 50 years
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 17
Serving Our Community
Granville Rotary Club For more than 90 years, the Granville Rotary Club has been an active organization in the Granville community, providing service ranging from youth projects to health and the environment. The 25-member club continually aims to fulfill Rotary International’s slogan of “Service above self,” said Granville Rotary President Amy Nelson. At the local level, the club participates in Granville’s annual Clean-up Day. The club also holds a “Warm the Children” spaghetti dinner to help raise funds to purchase warm clothing for local children. Nelson said that the Granville Rotary awards an annual scholarship to a gradu-
ating senior who has demonstrated service through their volunteer work in the community. Another yearly Rotary project is the conducting of mock interviews with high school seniors. “It helps them prepare for real world interviews, whether for employment or college,” Nelson said. The club is also known for the distribution of dictionaries to third graders each year. “We also do a Purple Pinky Day for polio awareness,” said Nelson. Each year, the club holds a day in which in return for a $1 donation, elementary school students get their pinky finger painted purple. The “purple pinky” represents Rotary’s dedica-
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“We are looking for community projects that we can help out with,” Nelson said, “whether monetarily or through time and effort.” At the global level, Rotary International focuses on disease eradication (especially polio), promoting peace, clean drinking water, saving mothers and children around the world, and promoting education and the local economy. Rotary International has 1.2 million members around the world. The Granville Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. at AJ’s Restaurant. Anyone wishing to learn more about the club or how to become a member can call Amy Nelson at 518-932-4246.
A beautiful 100+ year old completely renovated D&H Railroad Station. Mickey & Wayne Shaw
tion to the eradication of polio, she explained. One event that gets the entire community involved is the club’s annual Trivia Night, which attracts a few hundred trivia fans who enter into a goodnatured competition to raise funds for Rotary projects. This year’s Trivia Contest is slated for Jan. 30 at the Granville Hook and Ladder. Granville Rotary also sponsors Red Cross blood drives each year. Every other year, the club brings the Kelly Circus to town to entertain local families and children. Even with all these activities, the club continues to seek new ways to contribute to Granville and the surrounding area.
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18 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
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Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 19
Organizations American Legion The
Legion, chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutualhelp, war-time veterans’ organization, is a community-service organization that now numbers nearly 3 million members – men and women – in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts. Call 6421759.
Boy Scouts of America The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America— incorporated on Feb. 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916—is to provide an educational program for boys and young adults to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and to develop personal fitness. Granville offers many scouting opportunities for boys. For more information on local groups, call Brian Gardner, Troop 44 at 222-2996 or the Twin Rivers Council at 792-6468.
Catholic Charities of Warren & Washington County Catholic Charities, recognizing human need at all stages of life, responds to all persons regardless of race, creed or lifestyle, with special emphasis on the economically poor and the vulnerable. Catholic Charities serves and empowers persons in need, advocates for a just society, calls forth and collaborates with women
and men of good will in fulfillment of its mission. Call 7936212.
Democratic Committee Chairperson Nicholas Silitch 642-8086 A political committee open to any registered Democrat in the town of Granville. It sponsors a civic project each year and fundraisers. Meets on the second Wednesday of the month at the village offices.
Friends of the Pember Library The Friends of the Pember Library is a club devoted to supplementing and furthering the library’s resources and help them financially whenever possible. The Friends help plan fundraisers, including the annual book sale, and buys items for the library like racks, computer tables, large print books, and whatever the needs may be. They also support the library’s social programs, including the planning of an annual Christmas Open House at the Pember. New members are always welcome. For more information, call Secretary Edie Riker at 642-2132.
of methods including organized clubs, school-enrichment groups, special interest groups, individual study programs, camps, school-age child care programs, and more. For more information contact Cornell Cooperative Extension of Washington County at 7462560.
Girl Scouts Granville offers troops of all levels, from Daisy and Brownies to Juniors and Cadets. For more information on local groups, contact Diane Wescott at 642-0767.
Granville Area Chamber of Commerce The mission of the Chamber of Commerce is to help promote business in the area. The purpose of this organization shall be to advance the prosperity of the Granville area, to promote the commercial interests of the business
community, to support civic, cultural and educational pursuits and to bring about closer cooperation among those engaged in retail trade, manufacturing, farming, services and professional practice, and to secure concerted action on their part to improve the environment of business. The Chamber of Commerce office is located at One Main Street and can be reached at 642-2815. Meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. at the Chamber office (at A.J.’s in the winter months).
Granville Area Lioness Club The Granville Area Lioness Club was established in 1979 and serves Granville, Hartford, Wells, Vt., and Pawlet, Vt. The club does community service, gives to schools, creates Thanksgiving baskets, sponsors Christmas families and provides other services to the community and local area. The Lioness Club meets on the fourth Tuesday at A.J.’s
4-H 4-H is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States with more than 6.8 million participants and more than 610,595 youth and adult volunteers working directly and indirectly with youth. 4-H serves youth through a variety
20 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
VFW Post 1653 is located on North Street
Organizations Restaurant. For further information, call President Mary Ann Sokol at 642-9494.
Granville Heritage Society The club’s main purpose is to research, document and preserve the history of the town of Granville. People who are interested in history and educating people about Granville are invited to contact Lee Comar at 6429566. Granville Heritage Society meets every other month.
Granville Leo Club The Leo Club is a youth service organization that is a branch of the Lions Club. The organization is open to students in grades 7-12. The Leo Club is involved in community activities including World Service Day, children’s Christmas shopping and bloodmobile. The club meets once a month after school. Call Jen Dashef at 518-636-6336
Granville Lions Club Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club organization with nearly 1.4 million members in more than 46,000 clubs in 187 countries. The Granville Lions Club has been serving the Granville area since 1960. The club is part of district 20-Y2, under district 20-New York State & Bermuda, Inc. Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday at A.J.’s Restaurant. Call President Rick Roberts at 6429773..
Granville Lodge #55 Free and Accepted Masons Master Michael Paul Casavant 642-1731 The Free Masons are the oldest fraternal organization in the world. The club is a charitable and educational society dedicated to morality, mutual aid, charity, leadership, religious toleration and political freedom. For further information about the Granville Lodge of the Free
The American Legion is located on Columbus Street.
Mason organization, call secretary Phil Humphries 642-9499.
Granville Rotary The Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build good will and peace in the world. The Granville Rotary Club was formed in 1924 and meets on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at A.J.’s Restaurant. For more information contact President Amy Nelson at 932-4246 or any Rotary member.
Knights of Columbus Council # 343 Park Street The largest lay organization in the Catholic Church, the Knights support the church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education and civic involvement and offer aid to those in need. Call Tom Covino at 642-2509.
Slate Valley Garden Club Founded in 1974, the Slate Valley Garden Club provides an atmosphere of friendship and enjoyment, welcoming those in the Granville area who enjoy gardening. Ongoing projects include Beautification Awards for village properties, as well as maintaining some village
gardens and a scholarship to Granville graduates studying horticulture. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. from April until December at the Masonic Lodge on North Street, unless otherwise specified. For more information, call Kathy Hayward 642-3024.
Mettowee Valley Senior Citizens The Mettowee Valley Senior Citizens groups is an organization open to Granville area senior citizens 65 and older. They meet the first and third Thursday of the month at the Senior Center on Morrison Avenue at 1 p.m. for refreshments, fun and socialization. They also arrange trips frequently. Membership is $5 a year. Everyone welcome. For more information contact President Lois Warner 642-2724.
Republican Committee The Republican committee meets quarterly to help keep the Republican party alive and thriving in Granville and to gain new membership while fundraising in the area. The committee promotes Republican candidates for offices at the national, state and local level. For more information contact Chairman Nat Baker at 7964992.
Mettowee Valley Ecumenical Council The Mettowee Valley Ecumenical Council holds monthly meetings of clergy and CONTINUED
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 21
Organizations lay delegates from participating churches and other interested people from the community. The council sponsors special youth events, concerts, dramatic presentations, informational meetings training sessions, forums, workshops, support groups and other programs of community interest. Call 642-2245 for information.
Skenesborough Chapter) This group, the largest fraternal organization in the world, is a social order composed of persons with spiritual values but it is not a religion. For more information call Secretary Michael Angiolillo at 642-9707.
Granville District 3 VFW Post 1653
Order of the Eastern Star, Slate Valley Chapter #122, State of New York (formerly Sylvan Star
The Veterans of Foreign Wars has been the voice of our nation’s veterans for more than a century. The nation’s
oldest major veteran’s organization, the VFW and its members symbolize volunteerism and community service to America and the world. Call 642-1599.
Border Riders Snowmobile Club President Dan Daigle 260-8704 The Border Riders, founded in 1970, is a group of snowmobile enthusiasts that organizers club rides, maintains an extensive trail system throughout the town, and promotes
snowmobile education and awareness. Meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at the Pine Grove Diner starting in September and running through May. Membership available for individuals and families.
Don't be left out! Call 642-1234 to have your business included in the next years Granville Community Guide.
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Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 23
Health & Recreation BOWLING Slate Valley Lanes 642-9855 Middle Granville Road MARTIAL ARTS Tigers Lair Dojo 642-1321 Sensei Theo Parker, 4th Degree Black Belt. SWIMMING Lake St. Catherine State Park 802-287-9158 Open mid-May through Oct. 15 HEALTH/FITNESS CENTER Gemini Fitness 11 E. Main St. 642-2550 Open Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-7 p.m.
SNOWMOBILING Border Riders Snowmobile Club Inc. Dan Daigle, President 260-8704 Meets the first and third Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Pine Grove Diner September through May. New members always welcome. SPORTS Granville Little League See Granville Little League Facebook page for information Granville Horde Youth Football & Cheerleaders Greg Scribner 642-3616 Granville Youth Soccer Art Vaughn 338-6477
Granville Men’s Softball League Marc Teller 642-9684 Granville Girl’s Junior Basketball Art Vaughn 338-6477 Granville Boys Youth Basketball Eric Ramey FISHING Mettowee River, Indian River Lake St. Catherine ICE SKATING Granvillle Skate Park Little League Field, Glen Street. During the winter months, the Granville Skate Park is transformed into an ice skating rink, weather permitting. Contact the Granville Village office for details at 642-2640.
SUMMER CONCERT SERIES 642-2640 Free concerts are held each Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the Granville Veterans Park starting in June. MUSEUMS Pember Museum of Natural History West Main Street 642-1515 Hours Tuesday through Friday, 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Slate Valley Museum 17 Water Street 642-1417 Hours Tuesday- Friday, 1 to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Slate workers admitted free of charge.
2016 Summer Concert Series Granville Veterans Memorial Park • Thursday Evenings from 7-9 PM JUNE 9th TS Ensemble: Engaging, High-Quality Octet featuring standards from The Beatles, Santana, Chicago, etc
AUG. 4th Satin & Steel: 10-Piece Classic R&B Horn Band-A First Class Act!!
JUNE 16th Washington County Band: Musicians from all parts of Washington County present their talents in a diverse and very engaging program!
AUG. 11th The Starline Rhythm Boys: Highly- engaging trio featuring Old-time country, Bluegrass and Rockabilly music
JUNE 23rd No Concert (GCS Baccalaureate) JUNE 30th Grand Central Station: Pop, R&B and a wide range of standards from the 60’s to today JULY 7th American Longboards: Features American Music from the 50’s, 60’s, and More! JULY 14th New York Players: Outstanding Big Band SoundTop 40, R&B Don’t Miss This One! JULY 21st Harold Ford & the Cash Band: A concert dedicated to the extraordinary music of Johnny Cash JULY 28th Daryl Magill featuring The Cagney’s & The Pneumatic Horns: Highly Interactive Entertainers-Pop, R&B, Big Band- One of our Very Best! 24 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
AUG. 18th Enerjazz: Eighteen Piece Band that will take you back in time-Swing, Rock, Ballads & more
Poultney-Granville Town Band Sunday Evenings- August 7, 14, 21 & 28 6:30 – 8:00 PM The Poultney-Granville Town Band features talented area musicians that perform marches and concert band specialties.
This event is made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts Decentralization Program, administered locally by the Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council.
GLENS FALLS 793-2888 Corner Dix Ave & Quaker Rd Open Daily 9-8; Saturday 10-5; Sunday 12-4
Quality Manor
Furniture & Mattress
• Free Delivery & Set-Up (*within 50 miles) • Some items not exactly as shown • 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH NO INTEREST for credit qualified. • Full Service Department *Items not exactly as shown. All items subject to Prior Sale.
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 25
Community Services Mettowee Valley Ecumenical Food Pantry Based in the basement of St. Mary’s Church, 23 Bulkley Avenue, the food pantry is open to registered residents in the Granville School District on Saturdays from 11 to 11:30 for eligible people. To determine eligibility, contact the church at 642-1262 to fill out an application. Proof of current address and income is required. To make donations of either food or money, which are always welcome, send these to Mettowee Valley Ecumenical Food Pantry, 23 Bulkley Avenue, Granville, N.Y. 12832.
Pember Library 33 West Main St. 642-2525 Open Tues. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Wed. and Thurs. 1-8 p.m., Fri. 12-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. web address http// Haynes House of Hope 7187 Rt. 149, South Granville 642-8155 Haynes House of Hope is a not-for-profit care home for the terminally ill that can accommodate up to two residents. Not a medical institution, the main focus of care is
What’s in Your Backyard? 800+ square miles waiting for YOU to explore
to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each resident in a peaceful environment. Donations and volunteers are always needed. Contact Executive Director Carol Finke at 642-8155 for more information. www.thehayneshouseofhope. org
North Granville P.O. 642-1441 Postmaster Elizabeth Nichols Window Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to noon Sat., 8 a.m. to noon. Lobby Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. to noon
Recycle Center Route 22 South 642-3026 Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Middle Granville P.O. Postmaster Dawn Chittenden 642-0541 Window Mon.-Fri., 9:15 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.; 2:30 p.m.- 4:15 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-noon. Lobby Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
U.S. Post Office Granville Postmaster Karen Trufant 642-1190 M-F: Window 8:30 - 11 a.m. and noon - 4:00 p.m., Lobby: 7:00 a.m - 5 p.m. Sat: Window 9 a.m. - noon Lobby: 7:00 a.m. - 3 p.m.
SPCA of Upstate New York Queensbury 798-3500
1142 County Route 24, Granville, NY
(518) 642-9855 Visit our website to learn more about what’s happening in your neighborhood! 26 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Don't be left out! Call 642-1234 to have your business included in the next years Granville Community Guide.
Chamber of Commerce ARTISTS Bill Brassard Rte. 22 AUTO SALES, SERVICES & RENTALS A-1 Express Rent-A-Car 24 Co. Rte. 26 642- 9513 Brown’s Auto Salvage 170 Depot Terrace Bomoseen, Vt. 800-660-4290 Fair Haven Chrysler Dodge 20 Liberty St. Fair Haven, VT 888-583-6013 sales MB Auto Salvage 112 Dekalb Rd. 642-3063 Mid Town Automotive 9622 St. Rte. 22 642-2267 Neeson’s Classic Cars 7583 Rte. 22 642-2565 Slate Valley Automotive 7311 St. Rte. 22 642-3167 Warner’s Auto Body of Granville, Inc. Church St. 642-1342
Zappones Chrysler Jeep Dodge Rte. 22 642-3030 BUILDING SUPPLY / HARDWARE American Hardware 57 Church St. 642-1334 Curtis Lumber 9511 St. Rte. 22 642-2855 BUSINESS SERVICES/ FINANCIAL Citizen’s Bank 1108 Rte. 149 Pawlet, VT 802-645-0300
Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. 8646 St. Rte. 22 642-2206 Great Meadow Federal Credit Union 26 East Main St. 642-8100 Joel D. Carpenter, CPA 34 Main St. 642-1238 NBT Bank 122 West St. Rutland, VT 802-363-8377 TD Bank 6 Main St. 642-1010
CONTRACTORS Daigle Construction, LLC 90 Honey Hill Lane 642-1438 CUSTOM CABINETS Quality Comes First 9975 State Rte.22 642-2172 ELECTRICAL & HEATING Rollstone Electric 2664 Co. Rte. 17 636-8259
Donald P. McPhee, Attorney at Law, 192 Main Street, Salem, NY 854-9111 Edward Jones Investments 136 Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 792-0085 Gary Gutowski Attorney At Law 76 Main St. 642-9200
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 27
Chamber of Commerce FLORIST The Florist at Mandy Springs Nursery 1637 Co. Rte. 28 642-3676 FUNERAL SERVICES Robert M. King Funeral Home 23 Church St. 642-1122 GASOLINE & FUEL OIL Apollo Industries N. Clarendon,VT 802-446-3466 Cosey Fuel Oil 100 North St. 642-4688 Race Oil Corporation 48 Potter Ave. 642-1800 Surban Propane 1480 Rt. 9 Ft. Edward, NY 793-2862 HEALTH & BEAUTY Blown Away Hair and Nail Salon 62 Main St. 642-2249 VIP Barber Shop 2-4 West Main St. 307-8937 Whitney’s West Side Styles 2660 Co. Rte. 17 642-1331 HEALTH CARE SERVICES Donna P. Johnson, Physical Therapy 5 Madison St. 642-9519 28 4th St., Fair Haven, VT 802-265-4055 Family Dentistry 89 North St. 642-2111 Granville Family Health 79 North St. 642-0612
Sweeny Chiropractic 2 Riverside Dr. 642-2022 Mettowee Valley Family Health Center 278 VT. Rte. 149 W. Pawlet, VT 802-645-0580 Mettowee Valley Speech Therapy Services 88 Mettowee St. 642-3942 HUMAN SERVICES Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth 203 Main St. Hudson Falls, NY 390-0878
Skene Valley Group 76 Main St. 642-3360 LANDSCAPING & NURSERY Brownie’s Lawn Care 6736 St. Rte. 22 Salem, NY 222-5496 Mandy Springs Farm Nursery, Inc. 1637 Co. Rte. 28 642-3676 Matt Rathbun Landscaping 181 Hatch Hill Rd. Whitehall, NY 642-3366 MANUFACTURING
Haynes House of Hope 7187 St. Rte. 149 642-8155
Manchester Wood Middle Granville Road 642-9518
Holbrook Adult Home 73 North Street 642-3476
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics 1 Sealants Drive 642-2200
Indian River Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 17 Madison St. 642-2710 The Orchard Nursing & Rehabilitation Centre 10421 St. Rte. 40 642-2346 INSURANCE McPhillips Insurance 132 Main St. Greenwich, NY 692-2831 NFP Property & Casualty Services, Inc. 74 Depot St. Poultney, VT 802-287-2324 Northern Insuring Agency 94 Main St. Whitehall, NY 499-0444
28 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Telescope Casual Furniture 75 Church St. 642-1100 Winn Manufacturing 12 Burtis Ave. 642-3515 MEDIA Manchester Newspapers, Inc. The Granville Sentinel 14 East Main St. 642-1234 Pine Tree Broadcasting Co. 1214 Rte. 30 Poultney, VT 802-287-9031 MOTELS & INNS Golden Sands Resort, 3654 Lake Shore Drive, Lk. George, NY 668-2203
Lake George 3645 Lake Shore Drive, Lk. George, NY 668-2203 Organbarn B & B 672 North Grimes Hill Road 812-6171 Panorama Motel St. Rte. 22A Hampton, NY 518-282-9648 Pine Grove Motel 2 Montray Place 642-4627 Station House B & B 75-77 Main St. 518-955-0771 MUSEUMS Pember Library & Museum 33 West Main St. 642-1515 Slate Valley Museum 17 Water St. 642-1417 ORCHARDS & FARMS Birch Hill Farm, LLC 7505 State Rte. 22 642-9555 Hicks Orchard 18 Hicks Road 642-1788 Irish Hill Dairy 67 Little Burch Hill Rd. (528) 361-5896 Parkland Alpaca Farm, Inc. 7565 St. Rte. 149 642-3618 Wing Clydesdales & Horse Farm 215 Truthville Rd. No. Granville 642-3700 ORGANIZATIONS Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce 136 Glen St. ~ Suite 3 798-1716
Chamber of Commerce Granville American Legion Post #323 10 Columbus St. 642-1759
Gemini Fitness 11 East Main St. 642-2550
Branch Auto Parts 55 Main St. 642-2330
Granville Area Lioness Club PO Box 315 642-0709
Slate Valley Lanes Middle Granville Rd. 642-9855
Chapman’s General Store 7 Main St., Middle Granville 642-1870
Granville Lions Club PO Box 4 642-1261
WOH Wrestling 29 Boulevard, Queensbury, NY 260-8759
Eco Cents Bottle Redemption Center 27 West Main St.
Granville Rotary Club 53 Main St. 642-2998 Mettowee Valley Ecumenical Council 642-1262 Modern Woodmen of America, Route 30, Wells, VT 802-645-0323 Slate Valley Garden Club PO Box 315 Middle Granville PRINTING / GRAPHICS Printing Plus 284 Beecher Rd. 642-1810 REAL ESTATE Country Horizon Realty 4 East Main St. 642-9030 DC Realty 73 Quaker St. 642-1862 Heritage Manor Realty 209 Co. Rte. 28 Hebron 642-3664 Michael “Craig” Campbell Realty 52 Quaker St. 642-2274 New England Lakeside Realty, Inc. Rte. 30, Wells, VT 802-645-9001
RESTAURANTS & TAVERNS AJ’s Restaurant 72 Quaker St. 642-3237 Ma & Pa’s Place 33 Quaker St. 642-9722 McDonald’s of Granville St. Rte. 22 642-3449 O’Callahan’s Pub & Grill 22 Main St. 642-0200 Pine Grove Diner 68 Quaker St. 642-1520 Rathbun’s Maple Sugar House 165 Hatch Hill Rd. Whitehall, NY 642-1799 Scarlotta’s Car Hop 45 Quaker St. 642-2445 Slice of New York Pizzeria 24 West Main St. 642-4685 Subway of Granville 8642 St. Rte. 22 642-2007 The Barn Restaurant & Tavern Rte. 30, Pawlet, VT 802-325-3088 What’s Up Dawgs? 70 Quaker St. 642-8102
Edwards Liquor Warehouse 11A West Main St. 642-1111
The Village Yarn Shop 4 East Main St. 796-3188 SELF STORAGE Granville Self-Storage 112 Church St. 7295 St. Rte. 149 796-4949 Village Self Storage 16 Lions Lane 802-770-2292 SERVICES
Fred’s Granville Pharmacy 79 Quaker St. 642-3733
B & D Container Rentals (dumpster rentals) PO Box 68, Middle Granville 854-9555 Driftek Computer Systems 67 Church St. 642-5049
LaFlammes Furniture Quaker St. Plaza 642-9155
Empire Septic Service 72 Dick Hill Rd. 232-4481 or 632-5297
NAPA Allied Auto Parts 37 Quaker St. 642-9000
Hicks Memorials 127 Dodge Hill Road 642-2558
Rite-Aid 116 Quaker St 642-2332
James Nestor Land Surveyor 20 Theriot Ave., Chestertown, NY 494-4746
Edwards Market 11 West Main St. 642-2224
Schoony’s North Granville Grocery 10254 St. Rte. 22 North Granville 345-5049
Mead’s Lock Shop 88 Truthville Road 642-2673
Stewart’s Shop 56 Quaker St. 642-9662
PC Doctor PO Box 2 642-3878
Stitchy Women 144 Main St., Poultney, Vt. 802-287-4114
Springer Waste Management 1392 Rt. 9, Fort Edward 800-339-8861
The Beverage Warehouse 87 Quaker St. ~ Suite #1 642-8071
The Liquor Stop Price Chopper Plaza 642-9262
Baker Slate Company 1362 Rte. 24 642-3808
Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 29
Chamber of Commerce Camara Slate Products 963 So. Main St. Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3200
Tatko Brothers Slate Co., Inc. Rte. 22A Middle Granville 642-1640
Evergreen Slate 2027 Co. Rte. 23 Middle Granville 642-2530
Western Slate, Inc. & WSI Landscape Stone 113 Dekalb Rd. 802-287-2210
Newmont Slate Co. 720 VT Rte. 149 W. Pawlet, VT 802-645-0203
Muddy Trail Jerky Co. 85 Quaker St. 642-2194
Sheldon Slate Products Co., Inc. Depot St. Middle Granville 642-1280
Positive Energy, NY, LLC Granville, NY 955-0402 (cell) 642-9426 (home) 642-8110 (office)
TAXIDERMY Whitney’s Hunting Supplies 2 Church St. 642-9570 TRACTORS & LAWNMOWERS Moore’s Corners, Inc. 8626 State Rte. 22 642-1720 Wing Truck & Trailer, Inc. 219 Truthville Road 642-9100 TREE CARE
VETERINARY SERVICES Granville Small Animal Hospital 9928 Rte. 22 642-1283 Granville Veterinary Service, PC 1987 Co. Rte. 23 642-1676 WINERY Slyboro Cider House 18 Hicks Rd. 642-1788
Cal Bourn Tree Service 21 Raceville Rd 642-2182
How can the Granville Area Chamber of Commerce help you? Health Insurance - The Chamber offers cost effective options to our small businesses through our group plan. Advertising - The Chamber promotes the Granville Area and also provides opportunities to join in on collaborative advertising efforts with other member businesses. Events-The Chamber currently organizes three key events May-Town Wide Garage Sale September-Autumn Leaves Car Show
Not listed?
December-Tree Lighting and Santa visit in the park The Chamber is a group of businesses that elect to pool a small portion of their cash resources and time to promote the Granville area to the world. Together, we are much stronger than one. We encourage all businesses in the Granville area to join in on the excitement and show the world what Granville has to offer. For Information about the chamber and/ or the Granville area, go to or call 642-2815.
We at Manchester Newspapers have made every effort to ensure the comprehensive nature of this Granville Community Guide. If you find your organization, club, service or attraction is not listed, please contact us about being included in our updated online Granville Directory and in next year's print edition by phoning 642-1234.
30 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Serving Our Community
Granville Lions Club Since its founding 55 years ago, the Granville Lions Club has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local community. The club’s latest project is the purchase of a vision screener, an $8,000 piece of equipment that will be used by Granville Lions in local schools and for senior citizens to check for vision abnormalities that require further attention. “It’s a useful tool,” said Granville Lions President Rick Roberts. “In less than 60 seconds, it can analyze the eye and tell if you need a prescription for glasses or have other abnormalities like cataracts or macular degeneration.” The Granville Lions Club will be one of the first Lions Clubs in New York state to own this state-of-the-art technology. The vision screener is in keeping with the mission of Lions Club International to prevent blindness and
restore eyesight. In 1925, Helen Keller challenged the Lions Club to become “knights of the blind,” and the organization has focused on these issues since that time. Through the years, the Granville Lions Club has donated many thousands of dollars to the Lions Eye Institute in Albany, which offers the latest medical advances for those with difficult cases. Roberts noted that the Granville Lions have sent local residents there for procedures, which can be done at an affordable cost. “It’s great to be able to help someone with sight,” said Roberts. “It’s a great gift to be able to give.” Beyond contributing the Lions mission of sight, the Granville Lions contribute greatly to the local community. “We’ve probably donated in excess of $50,000 to the Granville Little League through the years,” Roberts
is able to make these donations because of its warehouse sale of Telescope Furniture that takes place each year on Friday evenings and Saturdays from May until the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. The warehouses are located on Lions Lane, behind the Granville Post Office on Main Street. Roberts noted that anyone interested in serving their community by joining the Granville Lions is welcome to attend a meeting to learn more. The club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month at AJ’s Restaurant on Quaker Street in Granville. Granville Lions are in District 20-Y2, part of the 1.4-million member Lions Club International, which has 26,000 clubs around the world. For more information about the Granville Lions Club, call Rick Roberts at 518-642-9773.
Robert M. King Funeral Home Dignified Funeral Services Prearrangements Available Serving All Faiths
said. “We recently gave a $10,000 donation for their latest project.” Other local beneficiaries of the Lions include the Pember Library and Museum and the Slate Valley Museum. A few years ago, the club purchased a $20,000 thermal imaging camera for the Penrhyn Engine and Hose Company. “It not only helps the firefighters,” said Roberts. “It has also been used in search and rescue.” The club’s annual events include the Fourth of July Kids Day, two bloodmobiles, Kids Christmas, in which club members take local youth shopping for Christmas presents for their family, and a senior dinner at Christmas time served to residents at Mountainview Commons. In addition, the club gives three $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors at Granville High School each year. The Granville Lions Club
(518) 642-1122
23 Church Street, Granville, NY 12832
24 WEST MAIN STREET, GRANVILLE, NY Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016 • 31
Index of Advertisers Automotive/Auto Parts Branch Auto Parts .................18 Mid Town Automotive ...........14 Turunen Truck & Equipment Repair .................9 Banks/Financial Great Meadow Federal Credit Union Inside Back Cover Glens Falls National Bank.... 23 Joel Carpenter C.P.A. ............14 TD Bank ..................................8 Ticonderoga Federal Credit Union .................................19 Beer/Wine/Liquor The Beverage Warehouse .....13 The Liquor Stop ......................1
Computer Services ProSoft..................................11
Locksmith Mead’s Lockshop ..................10
Funeral Services/Memorials Robert M. King Funeral Home ..................................31
Lodging Panorama Motel ..................12 Station House B & B .............18
Furniture Livingston’s...........................25
Manufacturing Telescope Casual Furniture ... 3 St. Gobain Performance Plastics .17
Hardware/Lumber American Hardware ................1 Curtis Lumber .......................27 Macleod’s Lumber ..................8 Health Donna P. Johnson Physical Therapy ...............................10 Fred’s Granville Pharmacy ......1 Mettowee Valley Speech Therapy Services ................................. 10
Bowling Slate Valley Lanes .................26 Beauty Salons Whitney’s West Side Styles. 12
Human Service Holbrook Adult Home ...........11 The Orchard Nursing & Rehabilitation Center ............4
Organizations Granville Area Chamber of Commerce ............ Back cover Granville Rotary Club ............12 Washington County Tourism 26 Real Estate Country Horizon Realty .........15
Retail 2nd Time Around ...................4 Livingston’s...........................25 Mandy’s Spring Nursery .........2 Moore’s Corners ...................15 Papillon Fashion Boutique ......9 Salem Farm Supply ...............27 Stitchy Women .....................11 The Stovery...........................13 Village Yarn Shop ..................9 Walker’s Farm Home & Tack ....................................22 Solar Installers Positive Energy NY, LLC ......... 5 Veterinary Services Granville Small Animal
Restaurants/Eateries A.J.’s Restaurant & Pub ........13 Bernardo’s Restaurant & Sports Grill......................22 O’Callahan’s Pub & Grill ..........9 Slice of NY Pizzeria ...............31
Hospital ................................4
Insurance NFP .........................................8 Skene Valley Group .................7
Mettowee Valley Senior Citizens One of Granville’s most active and lively organizations is the Mettowee Valley Senior Citizens. The 80-member group currently meets at noon on the first and third Thursday of each month at their building at 7 Morrison Avenue in Granville. “We’re more of a social group,” said President Lois Warner. From October through spring, the organization holds a soup and sandwich lunch at the first meeting of the month. In addition to the regular meetings, there is a group that meets on Tuesday mornings for crafts. According to the Mettowee Valley Seniors bylaws, said Warner, the purpose of the organization
is “to maintain and support programs designed to promote a spirit of fellowship and sociability.” “We support each other,” she commented. Meetings frequently have a guest speaker. Recent speakers have provided helpful information such as knowledge about changes in health insurance. Another guest spoke on the history of North Granville. Musical groups also entertain from time to time. At the meeting on the third Thursday in December, the clowning group the Battenkill Joeys will perform. The Mettowee Seniors work in conjunction with the Washington County Senior Citizens, said
32 • Manchester Newspapers • Granville Community Guide • 2016
Warner. “They provide programs for us also,” she said. The group enjoys travel, and offers both day trips and extended trips to its members. Last spring, said Warner, they went on a nine-day vacation to Myrtle Beach. In September 2015 they went to Boothbay Harbor in Maine. Next September, the seniors will travel to Branson, Mo. The Mettowee Valley Senior Citizens is open to anyone 50 years of age and older. Residents over the border in Vermont are welcome to join also, Warner said. Dues are just $5 per year. For more information about the Mettowee Valley Seniors, call President Lois Warner at 518-642-2724.
Senior Shuttle The Granville Senior Shuttle is a free service for senior citizens who reside in the town and village of Granville. It operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. transporting seniors to the location of their choice… doctor’s offices, hair salons, churches, grocery stores, retail businesses, the library and museums are just a few examples of the locations the senior shuttle travels to. Call 361-7677 to arrange for pick up!