Greetings, Fair Haven, Benson & West Haven! It is with great pleasure that the staff at Manchester Newspapers, publishers of the Lakes Region FreePress, brings you your all-new 2016 Community Guide. This year's edition is brimming with just about everything you need to know about living in the towns of Fair Haven, West Haven and Benson. From community organizations to church service times to important school and governmental information - and more - whatever it is you need to know, it more than likely is on these pages. And, as always, special thanks to our advertisers who so generously supported this edition and has allowed us to bring it to you free of charge. We also would like to thank those who assisted us in compiling all the information inside this year's edition. We hope you enjoy this edition and keep it handy throughout the year, right alongside your 2016 Lakes Region Phone Book. John Manchester, Publisher
June 16 June 23 June 30 July 7 July 14
Onion River Jazz Band Mellow Yellow Spurs USA 40th Army Band James Mee and the Freeze
Table of Contents Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Emergency Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 State Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Credits PUBLISHER: John M. Manchester RESEARCH: Joyce Rider ADVERTISING: Deb Brosseau, Anne Marie Short, Thomas Jackson ADVERTISING DESIGN: Jane Cosey, Kerry Gavin, Don Martin WRITING: Glenn Reed
A publication of Manchester Newspapers 14 East Main Street, Granville, N.Y. 12832 (800)354-4232
July 21 July 28 August 4 August 11 August 18
Enerjazz Aaron Audet Band Joe Moore Band Michelle Fay Band JP Murphy Band
All concerts will be in the beautiful Fair Haven town park. Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guide • April 2016 • 1
Index of Advertisers ANTIQUES Carol’s Collectibles ................................17 Stateline Flea Market .............................41 APPLIANCES Stan’s TV & Appliance ..........................17 ATTORNEYS DeBonis, Wright & Carris ......................34 Howe & Howe Attorneys at Law ..............5 Phyllis R. McCoy-Jacien ........................17 AUTO DEALERS/PARTS/REPAIRING Brileya’s .................................................46 Brown’s Auto Salvage ..............................4 Burke’s Auto Repair ...............................39 Ed Davis Autos ......................................39 Fair Haven Chrysler Dodge ....................39 Fair Haven/Poultney Auto Supply ..........38 Rattlesnake Ridge Truck Services......…39 Turunen’s Truck & Equipment................12 BAIT & TACKLE SHOP Honey’s Bait & Tackle ............................17 BANKING/FINANCIAL/INVESTMENTS Frazier Tax and Bookkeeping .................31 Mary Hollister, CPA................................16 BANQUETS/CATERING Whitehall Athletic Club ..........................32 BINGO American Legion Post 49 ...............30 & 8 American Legion Post 50 .............46 & 30 Modern Woodmen of America...............30 Our Lady of Seven Dolors .....................30 BUILDING MATERIALS/HARDWARE Aubuchon Hardware ..............................20 Book Brothers Lumber ..........................43 Brown’s Quarried Slate Products ...........37 Gilmore Home Center ............................37 MacLeod’s Lumber & Hardware ............35 CATERING Depot Cafe & Bake Shop .......................25 Wheel Inn ..............................................25 CHIMNEY SERVICE Tom Doran .............................................31 CLEANING SERVICE Disaster Recovery Inc............................10 CLOTHING Carl Durfee’s Store ..................................8 CONSTRUCTION Burleson Builders ..................................42 EATERIES/RESTAURANTS Contemplating Life Café ........................25 Fair Haven Pizza House .........................25 Historic Grounds ...................................16 Iron Lantern Restaurant ........................25 Joe’s Pizza .............................................25 Perry’s Main St. Eatery ..........................25 Skene Manor .........................................16 Skenesborough Eatery...........................25 Sugar & Spice Restaurant .....................14 Sunrise Family Restaurant .......................7 The Depot Cafe & Bake Shop ................25 West Coast Tacos ..................................43 Wheel Inn ..............................................25 EDUCATION Community College of Vermont...............7
ELECTRIC Long Trail Electrical ...............................46 Slate Valley Electric Co. Inc ...................47 ENTERTAINMENT Devil’s Bowl Speedway ...........................24 FARM STANDS Pine Haven Farm ...................................43 Vermont Farmers Market .......................28 FITNESS CENTER/INDOOR SHOOTING SPORTS Whitehall Athletic Club ................................32 FLORIST Everyday Flowers...................................46 FLOORING Carpet King of VT ..................................35 Wood Floors by Tim Bird.......................43 FORMAL ATTIRE A Trace of Lace Bridal Boutique.............12 Fashion Corner ............. Inside Back Cover FUNERAL HOMES Ducharme Funeral Home .......................42 Durfee Funeral Home.............................33 Mallory Funeral Home ...........................20 FURNITURE Livingston’s ...........................................45 GROCERY/DELI G&L General Store ................................43 Liberty Beverage ....................................35 Prunier’s Market ...................................29 Putorti’s Market .....................................16 HAIR SALON Wavelengths ..........................................29 HALL RENTALS American Legion Post 49 ...............30 & 8 American Legion Post 50 .............46 & 30 HEATING AND COOLING, OIL, PROPANE SERVICES Fyles Bros. Inc .......................................39 Grand Father’s Heating ..........................43 Lake Champlain Coal .............................16 Rozell Energy Co Inc .............................18 Sam’s U-Save Fuels ...............................11 HEALTH CARE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region ..................................26 Donna Johnson Physical Therapy .........14 Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association and Hospic .........................................34 Slate Valley Physical Therapy ................39 The Orchard Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre .................................................40 Vermont Sports Medicine ......................33 ICE Maplewood Ice .......................................16 INSURANCE O’Shea Insurance ....................................4 Poulos Insurance ...................................42 The Durkee Agency................................48 Wood’s Agency ......................................18 INVESTMENTS Edward Jones Investment .....................10 LAUNDROMAT The Cleaning Center ..............................21 Lakes Region Laundromat .....................24
2 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
LAWN & GARDEN Gardens N’ Bloom .................................46 LODGING Applewood Manor .................................21 Marble Mansion Inn ...............................3 Maplewood Inn ........................Back Cover Panorama Motel ....................................47 MAPLE PRODUCTS Scribner Maple ......................................17 MARINE SERVICES Norm’s Marine Services ........................17 MUSEUMS Skene Manor .........................................16 Skenesborough Musem .........................17 ORGANIZATIONS American Legion Post 49 ...............30 & 8 American Legion Post 50 .............46 & 30 Fair Haven Eagles 3907 .........................38 Fair Haven Rescue Squad ........................9 Fair Haven Rotary Club ..........................13 Vermont Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce ....... Inside Front Cover & 23 Modern Woodmen of America...............30 PET/ANIMAL SERVICES Happy Paws Daycare .............................35 Rutland Vet. Clinic .................................37 REAL ESTATE/RENTAL Century 21 Bird .....................................13 Jeanne Bartholomew Realty ..................43 RETAIL Carol’s Collectibles ................................16 Priscilla’s Sweet Shoppe........................37 Stateline Flea Market .............................41 ROOFING & SIDING Markie Roofing & Siding .........................9 RV CENTER Exit 1 RV ...............................................22 SCREENPRINTING NYCE Designs .......................................11 SLATE PRODUCTS Brown’s Quarried Slate Products...........37 SMALL ENGINES/REPAIRS Fowler Services .....................................13 STONE - BUILDING/LANDSCAPING Adirondack Natural Stone ......................17 STORAGE Abanaki Inc ............................................19 J & L Storage ........................................38 Poultney Valley Storage .........................12 TANNING The Cleaning Center/Kokomo’s ...............38 TAVERNS Tomasi’s Tavern .......................................9 TOURISM Fair Haven Concerts in the Park ..............1 Visit Whitehall, NY ........................16 & 17 TRANSPORTATION Marble Valley Regional Transit District ..15 WASTE SERVICE Casella Resource Solutions ....................36 Spaulding Refuse ...................................34 WELDING Brigg’s Welding Services, LLC...............17
In An Emergency Ambulance/EMS
Fair Haven Rescue Squad 17 Prospect Street Fair Haven, VT Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 265-3620 The Rescue Squad is licensed at the highest level, paramedic. Each level of certification (EMT, EMT-Intermediate and Paramedic) must obtain continuing education credits every year. Look for the subscription drive that starts in July.
Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Department 3 North Park Place Fair Haven, VT Emergency: 911 or 265-3322 Non-emergency: 265-3125 If you are interested in joining and learning more about being a member of the Fair Haven Fire Department, call for an application from the Fair Haven Town Hall at 265-3010, or call Chief David Ward at 342-6875.
Benson First Response 2646 Stage Road Benson, VT Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 537-2611
Benson Volunteer Fire Department 2646 Stage Road Benson, VT Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 537-2611, 537-3791
West Haven Volunteer Fire Department North Road West Haven, VT Emergency: 911 or 265-8315 Non-emergency: 265-4499 If you are interested in joining the West Haven Volunteer Fire Department, or are looking for more information, call Tom Fucile at 265-8630.
Law Enforcement Fair Haven Police Department Chief: William Humphries Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 265-7839 After hours: 265-4531 CONTINUED
Marble Mansion Inn Bed & Breakfast Rooms from $80 to $140 per night Rates Include: • Beautiful Spacious Rooms • Gourmet Breakfast • 12 Rooms • Free Wi-Fi With Private Baths • New Eurotop Beds
Close to dining, skiing, major lakes, golf courses, Castleton University & Green Mountain College
12 West Park Place Fair Haven, VT 802-265-4556 Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guide • April 2016 • 3
In An Emergency FBI 151 West Street Rutland, VT Office: 773-6455 Fax: 773-2733
Rutland County Sheriff’s Department Sheriff: Stephen Benard 88 Grove Street Rutland, VT 775-8002 Vermont State Police (Rutland) 124 State Place Rutland, VT 773-9101
Castleton Family Health Center is located at 275 Route 30 North, Bomoseen. Vermont State Police Satellite Office at Fair Haven Police Department 3 North Park Place Fair Haven, VT 773-9101
Working for your best interest.
Hospitals/Medical Castleton Family Health Center 275 Route 30 North Bomoseen, VT 468-5641
Rutland Regional Medical Center 160 Allen Street Rutland, VT 775-7111 Regional Ambulance Service 275 Stratton Road Rutland, VT Business: 773-1746 Emergency: 911 “Serving People First with Pride, Proficiency and Professionalism” Vermont Poison Control Center 800-222-1222
Used Auto Parts 170 Depot Terrace, Bomoseen, VT
802-265-4548 Member owned.
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AGENCY, INC. Call Ed, Tammy, Jeannie, Zach or Elaine today! Route 4A, Castleton, VT
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4 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
CHRISTOPHER H. HOWE, ESQ. Cranston H. Howe (1922-2007) Linda L. Way (Legal Assistant)
37 Main Street, Fair Haven, Vermont 05743
Office 802-265-3595 Fax 802-265-3594 Email
Downtown Fair Haven… Where Business Happens We have all driven down the country road, past residential housing, fields and streams. We come upon a hill, and as we ascend the hill, a city appears in the distance. There may be small skyscrapers rising into the air, and your prospective changes. You have arrived in the hub of commerce. You are not in the rural country which surrounds us any longer. Coming up from South Main St. and Prospect north, you arrive at the metropolitan section of town and the heart of “Fair Haven Business District” appears through your front windshield. You may encounter a bus that says, “Fair Haven Special”, a taxi advertising Fair Haven, road signs directing traffic to Fair Haven Business District and signage, informing the public that they are in the slate hub of America. You are in “Fair Haven, Vermont” a special place opened for business! Among the Skyscrapers you will easily find my Law Office, on the ground floor… on the right as you head north in your car. There is plenty of slant parking directly in front of the office without parking meters to discourage your visit with Fair Haven business people, who seek to serve the public and provide services or commodities needed in our community. My assistant Linda Way and I offer the best possible representation, consultation and advice regarding legal issues and document preparation. The office is decorated with an ever changing collection of eclectic memorabilia from the past centuries. Our business equipment is state of the art leading to the greatest level of efficiency to assist client’s needs. My office offers expertise in probate practice, family law, real estate, civil law and personal injury. Fair Haven is a unique place and offers many goods and services. I am proud to work in this community, among the skyscrapers, in the “Heart” of Fair Haven.
A Vermont Lawyer in an Antique Office with State of the Art Equipment Helping you Understand your Rights. Retired Probate Judge
I am proud to serve Fair Haven’s Business District, the people of Fair Haven, the adjoining towns and the satellite villages. Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 5
Government Town of Fair Haven Town Offices 3 North Park Place 265-3010 Fax: 265-3176 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Town Manager Herbert Durfee, III 265-3010 Ext. 5 Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday Select Board Members: Chris Cole (2017) Dick Frazier (2017) Rod Holzworth II (2017) Bob Richards (2018) Jeff Sheldon (2019) Meetings: Every other Monday at 7 p.m. at the Municipal Building
Town Clerk, Treasurer Suzanne Dechame 265-3610 Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to noon
Town Agent Shaun Tomasi Town Attorney William Bloomer Town Auditors Steven Wolk Glen Roberts Town Grand Juror Shaun Tomasi Town Listers Judith Reed Sharon Adams Town Moderator Ceil Hunt Town Tax Collector Herbert Durfee III
Fair Haven County: Rutland Chartered: Oct. 27, 1779 Area: 11,659 acres Population: 2,734 (U.S. Census, 2010) Population Density: 160.7 people per sq. mile Tax Rate: $1.9670 (homestead);
$2.1142 (non-residential) Real Estate Taxes Due: May 10, Aug. 10, Nov. 10, Feb. 10 Water/Sewer Bills Due: March, June, September and December Dog Licensing: April 1
West Haven County: Rutland Chartered: Oct. 27, 1791 Area: 28.5 sq. miles Population: 264 (U.S. Census, 2010) Population Density: 9.3 people per square mile (U.S. Census, 2010)
Tax Rate: Residential: $1.9179 Non-residential: $2.2456 Grand List: $296,936 Real Estate Taxes Due: Oct. 27 Dog Licensing: April 1
Benson County: Rutland Chartered: May 5, 1780 Area: 45.36 sq. miles Population: 1,056 (U.S. Census, 2010) Population Density: 23.3 people per square mile
Tax Rate: Residential $1.7553 Grand List: Real Estate $1,008,747 Taxes Due Date: Sept. 15 and March 15 Dog Licensing: April 1
Town Trustee of Public Funds Maureen Hall Mary A. Phelps Town Zoning Administrator Caryl (Phil) Adams Constables Donald Proctor Sean Galvin Justices of the Peace Cindy Adams 265-4757 Lorraine Brown 265-3545 or 265-3843 Francis Dechame 265-9929 John T. Adams 265-3479 Jane Ellis 265-3203 Christopher Stanton 265-8280 Richard Frazier 265-3160 George Stannard III 265-4486 Roy Eckler 287-9975 Patrick Frazier 265-3160
6 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Planning Commission Members Paul Jardine Dave Eighmey Dani Roberts George Stannard III Zoning Board of Adjustment Cindy Adams Edward Brown Kevin Durkee Bonnie Rosati Tom Bruso Animal Control Call the police department Town Water and Sewer 265-3210 Town Water Treatment Plant 265-3544 Town Garage 265-3192 Transfer Station 265-8291 Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday; 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. on Saturday.
Town of Benson
Town Office 2760 Stage Road PO Box 163, Benson, VT 537-2611 Fax: 537-2612 Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesday 3 to 7 p.m. Select Board: Guy Charlton 537-3652 Robert Lussier 537-2671 Sam Bartholomew 236-6005 Gina Cull 537-2063 Sue Janssen 537-3111
Government Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of Current Taxes Daphne Bartholomew 537-2611 Assistant Town Clerk Fran Bowen Lisa Fontaine Auditors: Robert Bizek Tim Kenney Lynn Bowen Cemetery Commissioners Janet Ladd Leonard Lussier Susan Brown Russ Symons Don Parker Collector of Delinquent Taxes Daryl Burlett
Animal Control Dean Hanson 948-2228 Grand Juror Lisa Chalidze Listers Lois Trenn Ed Peltier Jeannine Bennett
Town of West Haven Town Office 2919 Main Road 265-4880 Fax: 265-3838 Hours: Town Clerk: Monday and Wednesday, 1 to 3:30 p.m.; Town Treasurer: Tuesday, 8:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Town Clerk Carol Richards
Town Grand Juror Harold Book
Town Treasurer Jennifer Book
Town Listers Joan Eckley Frank Gringere
Select Board Leland Ellis, Chair Christopher Hoyt Patricia Cole Meetings: Contact the town clerk for information regarding meetings. Town Agent William Kuehn Town Auditors Dawn Charron John Garrison Linda Garrison
Town Moderator William Kuehn Town Tax Collector Sharon Ryan Town Trustee of Public Funds Linda Arnold Town Zoning Administrator Willem Leeman Constable Timothy Cummings Justices of the Peace Leland Ellis
Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days A Week Dinners Thursday through Sunday
Featuring Daily Specials, Including Prime Rib, Chicken and Seafood. Homemade ~ Homecooked Affordable Family Dining BREAKFAST SERVED LATE EVERY DAY Chef Owned & Operated by the Burhans Family Rte. 30 North, Castleton Corners, VT
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 7
Government Christopher Hoyt Brian Book Greta Doran Linda Adams Planning Commission Leland Ellis, Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment Harold Book, Chairman Highway Superintendent Kyle Ellis Transfer Station (Fair Haven) 265-8291 Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday
State Officials State Governor Peter Shumlin 109 State Street, Pavilion Montpelier, VT 05609 802-828-3333 TTY: 800-649-6825 Fax: 802-828-3339 Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott 115 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633 802-828-2226 Fax: 802-828-3198
Attorney General General William H. Sorrell 109 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609-1001 802-828-3171
Robert Helm 647 Route 4A East Fair Haven 265-2145, 468-2222 (work)
State Treasurer Beth Pearce Vermont State Treasurer 109 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609 802-828-2301 TTY: 800-253-0191 Fax: 802-828-2772
District Addison-Rutland-1 (1) (Benson, Orwell, Shoreham, Whiting) Alyson Eastman 375 Mt. Independence Rd. Orwell, VT 05760 802-989-1088
Secretary of State Jim Condos 128 State St. Montpelier, VT 05633 802-828-2363 TTY: 800-439-8683 State Auditor Douglas Hoffer 132 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-5101 802-828-2281 877-290-1400 (toll free) Fax: 802-828-2198 State Representative District Rutland-2 (2) (Castleton, Fair Haven, Hubbardton, West Haven) William Canfield 12 Pine Street Fair Haven 265-4428
Vermont State Senators (Rutland County) Sen. Peg Flory (R) 3011 U.S. Route 7 Pittsford, VT 486-6854 Sen. Kevin Mullin (R) 118 Oxyoke Drive Rutland, VT 353-6770
Federal Officials United States Congressman Peter Welch (D) District Office: 128 Lakeside Avenue Suite 235 Burlington, VT 05401 802-652-2450 888-605-7270 United States Senators Patrick Leahy (D) District Office: 199 Main St. 4th Floor Burlington, VT 05401 802-863-2525 800-642-3193 Bernard Sanders (I) District Office: 1 Church Street 2nd Floor Burlington, VT 05401 802-862-0697 800-339-9834
Sen. Eldred French (D) 521 Town Hill Rd., Cutttingsville, VT 492-3304
Carl Durfee’s 802-265-3313
AFFORDABLE HALL RENTAL 200 CAPACITY Weddings • Showers Family Gatherings • Fundraisers FULL KITCHEN • BAR • PLENTY OF PARKING
M-F 9AM-7PM, SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4PM 8 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
State Offices Aging and Disabilities Rutland Offices 786-5990 Attorney General’s Office Consumer Assistance 828-3171 Dept. for Children & Families Rutland 786-5817 Dept. of Labor Rutland 786-5837 Dept. of Motor Vehicles Licensing and Registration 802-828-2000 Rutland Office 786-5815
Education Dept. 802-479-1030
Historic Preservation 802-828-3213
Tax Dept. 802-828-2505
Environmental Conservation Rutland 786-5920
Human Rights Commission 800-416-2010
Vt. Agency of Transportation 802-828-2667
Liquor Control 800-642-3134
Veterans Affairs 802-828-3379
Lottery Commission 800-322-8800
Veterans Home Bennington 802-442-6353
Fish and Wildlife Rutland 786-0040 Forest, Parks and Recreation Rutland 786-0060
Marble Valley Correctional Facility 786-5830
Governor’s Office 802-828-3333 TTY 800-649-6825
Secretary of State 800-439-8683
Health Dept. 800-464-4343
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Courts Criminal Division: 786-5880 Family Division: 786-5856 Probate Division: 775-0114 Civil Division: 775-4394
State’s Attorney Rutland 786-5851
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(802) 779-5979 Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 9
Fair Haven Concerned ‘poster child for non-profit’ The legendary Gandhi once said, “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” Fair Haven Concerned would rank high on Gandhi’s greatness list. After moving to its new location last year, the organization has continued to grow and continued to support those in need throughout the Fair Haven community. The benefit of the new location, on Main Street, is that the organization is now more prominent in the public eye than it was at its Washington Street location. Established in 1983 and part of the United Way of Rutland County, the group puts on a variety of different events to benefit those in the Fair Haven community, each and every year. The organization provides such crucial services as health care, emotional support and
advocacy, shelter, food, clothing, budgeting, emergency funds, transportation and hope for the holidays. All services of the Fair Haven Concerned are available to anyone in Fair Haven or West Haven free of charge, regardless of social status, creed, race, age or any other difference. One new addition to the various assistance programs offered by the organization came last year, when Fair Haven Concerned added a thrift store to its repertoire. Community members and organizations have donated many things to the program, such as clean clothes in a relatively suitable condition. Throughout the year, Fair Haven concerned does various fundraisers and charitable events, so anyone who is interested in helping the organization can do so by participating
Family owned and operated
in any of these events. The events are continually posted on the group’s Facebook page “Fair Haven Concerned, Inc.” Each year, one of the biggest fundraisers the organization does is the annual gala, which typically takes place in December. Last year’s gala raised $20,508.85, with scores of people packing the Fair Haven Inn for the event. Fair Haven Concerned also works with other community organizations and businesses throughout the year to put on other community-oriented events. For example, in March the organization worked in conjunction with the American Legion post and a few local businesses to conduct an Easter Event, which drew a huge crowd. United Way of Rutland County speaks very highly of the organization, saying, “This
agency is equipped and motivated to make any necessary changes in order to provide the best services possible. They have a strong board with diversified skills, amazing support from their community and volunteer base. They are a poster child for a non-profit in both operations and attitude. They are professionally run and a pleasure to meet.” Fair Haven Concerned is open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. The food shelf at Fair Haven Concerned is open Monday-Friday 10-11 a.m., and 4-6 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. For more information visit them at 73 Main St., call 802-2653666, email, visit www.fairhavenconcerned. info, or visit their Facebook page.
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Don't just restore...RECOVER! 10 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Services LOCAL SERVICES Fair Haven Free Library 107 Main Street 265-8011 Librarian: Carol Scott The Library has a collection of more than 18,000 titles for all ages and interests, public access computers, Wi-Fi access, DVD’s, Audiobooks, and interlibrary loan services available upon request. The library is open Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fair Haven Recreation Baseball/Softball Director: James Aldrich Summer Recreation Director: TBA Board Members: Brad Kendall, Chair David Camara, Jr. Michelle Murray John Lulek James Aldrich Since 1986, Fair Haven Recreation has been working to support improvements to
playgrounds and support baseball and softball programs in town. U.S. Postal Service 1 Marble Street 265-3205 Postmaster: Lisa Bassett Window Hours: MondayFriday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to noon Lobby Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m., Saturday 6:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Regional Services A great number of regional services are also available to Fair Haven residents. Fair Haven Welcome Center 1356 Prospect St. Rte. 4 East Fair Haven, Vt. 802-265-4763 E-mail: BGS. FairhavenInformationCenter@ The Fair Haven Welcome Center manages the Vermont Information Centers Division brochure distribution system. It serves travelers entering Vermont from New York and
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 11
Services entering New York from Vermont. It is open 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free Wi-Fi. BROC Community Action in Southwestern Vermont 45 Union Street Rutland, VT 775-0878 or 800-717-2762 Community Action in Southwestern Vt. is committed to empower, support, and educate individuals and families, in a manner which fosters personal growth, responsibility, and selfsufficiency though family
stabilization and development; education, training, and job creation; affordable housing; expanding community awareness and advocacy, in a nurturing environment of respect and dignity ever mindful of cultural diversity. Community Care Network 78 South Main Street PO Box 222 Rutland, VT 775-2381 Emergency: 775-1000 The Community Care Network’s primary mission is to improve the overall quality
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of life of residents in the greater Rutland Region by offering an array of high quality health, human service, education, employment and rehabilitative programs that empower individuals, families and communities to reach their full potential. HOPE Works 24 Hour Hotline: 802-863-1236 or 800-4897273 HOPE Works is dedicated to ending all forms of sexual violence through Healing, Outreach, Prevention & Empowerment.
RSVP and The Volunteer Center 6 Court Street Rutland, VT 775-8220 Recruits, trains and mobilizes volunteers to engage in direct service - sharing their expertise and talents to meet well-defined community needs and enhance the capacity of nonprofits throughout Rutland County. American Red Cross N.H. & VT Region 773-9159 or 660-9130 Regular business hours are 8:30am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri
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Bridal Gowns • Bridesmaids • Mother of the Bride Special Occasion & Prom 230 North Main Street, Rutland VT Call for an appointment: 802-779-9033
12 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Services The mission of the Red Cross is to relieve human suffering, wherever it is found; to protect life and health; to ensure respect for the human being, particularly in times of armed conflict and natural disaster; to help prevent disease; to promote social welfare; and to encourage voluntary service. The principles of the movement are humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice 7 Albert Cree Drive
Rutland, VT 775-0568 or 800-244-0568 RAVNAH is a comprehensive, certified, home and community health agency serving citizens with acute, chronic, and terminal illness. RAVNAH provides health initiatives such as flu vaccinations, foot care and blood pressure clinics, and cardiovascular screenings. Since 1946, RAVNAH has delivered quality services to residents of all ages and continues to be at the forefront in developing new and inventive ways to improve the quality of home health care and the overall health of our community.
Rutland County Humane Society 765 Stevens Road Pittsford, VT Shelter: 483-6700 Business Office: 483-9171 The Rutland County Humane Society is dedicated to advocating for and working towards a responsible and humane community. RCHS provides shelter and adoption opportunities for pets that are homeless and promote animal welfare through community programs that benefit both animals and people. The society is open noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Rutland County Parent-Child Center 61 Pleasant Street Rutland, VT 775-9711 or 800-480-9711 The Rutland County ParentChild Center is a communitybased, private non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and meeting the needs of children, youth and families. Its mission is to nurture children and families through supportive positive educational experiences that enhance their success in the community. Services include early childhood programs, therapeutic childcare,
FOWLER SERVICES Small Engines PARTS AND SERVICE Kerry & Robert AUTHORIZED DEALER Briggs & Stratton Standby Generators, too. 52 Packing House Road, Castleton, VT 05735
Real Estate
Routes 30 & 4A, Lake Bomoseen, VT With you we can accomplish even more. We meet Tuesdays at 12:15 PM at the Fair Haven Inn For more information call 802-558-2561
(802) 468-3200 e-mail:
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 13
Services parenting education and support, playgroups, integrated service and family support and much more. Rutland County Women’s Network and Shelter PO Box 313 Rutland, VT Business: 775-6788 24 Hour Hotline: 775-3232 RCWN&S is a non-profit human service agency dedicated to assisting survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Their focus includes outreach, education, advocacy, and crisis services to the communities of
Rutland County with the goal of protecting those who are victims of abuse, while working to prevent and decrease instances of further abuse. Rutland Regional Planning Commission The Opera House PO Box 965 67 Merchants Row Rutland, VT 775-0871 The RRPC provides leadership and technical expertise to encourage cooperative planning within and among the region’s communities and
area wide interests and to strive to improve the quality of life for people in the region. Rutland Region Transportation Council The Opera House PO Box 965 67 Merchants Row Rutland, VT 775-0871 The mission of the Transportation Council is to promote and support, throughout the Rutland Region, an integrated transportation system that facilitates commerce and communication and enhances quality of life.
NeighborWorks of Western Vermont 110 Marble Street West Rutland, VT 438-2303 NWWVT provides Vermonters in three counties with education, counseling and access to affordable loans needed to purchase, improve and help keep their homes. Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging 1085 U.S. Route 4 East, Unit 2B Rutland, VT 786-5990
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14 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Services Help Line: 800-642-5119 SVCOA is a private nonprofit community based organization whose goal is to support elders 60 years of age and older in maintaining maximum independence. The Council seeks to be responsive to both individual elders who need assistance to remain independent and to the communities in our region who need our technical assistance and support to identify elder needs and create locally based solutions.
Suicide Hotline 775-1000 Vermont Adult Learning 16 Evelyn Street Rutland, VT 775-0617 Vermont Adult Learning provides adults with essential education skills to further their educational, employment and personal goals in order to expand their options and capabilities in the family, community and workplace.
Fair Haven Free Library
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 15
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16 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 17
Organizations American Legion Post #49 American Legion Auxiliary Sons of the American Legion 72 South Main Street 265-7983 Commander: Walter Panoushek Auxiliary President: Elsie Ferman Sons Commander: Joe Donaldson The Legion, chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutualhelp, war-time veterans organization, is a communityservice organization that now numbers nearly 3 million members-men and women-in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts worldwide. Boys Scouts of America Troop 18 Fair Haven offers many scouting opportunities for boys. For more information on local groups, call Scoutmaster Z. Fred Lewis at 2732025 or the Boy Scouts of America Green Mountain
Council at 244-5189. Catholic Daughters of America Mariann Miller 518-499-9377 The purposes of the organization are to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational Apostolates of the church. This philanthropic organization contributes to many charities in support of the community, nation, and world. New members are welcome. The club meets the second Thursday of every month, except in Dec., Jan. & Feb. For more information, call the above number. Fair Haven Booster Club Jack Adams, President 265-4975 The Booster Club, in existence now for more than 30 years, plays an important role in the community. When athletic items are left out of or eliminated from the school district budget, the club is there to help “offset” those cuts. The club provides emotional support for the athletes, who know that the boosters are there for them.
Serving the Lakes Region area and beyond for over 60 years!
The club meets the third Thursday of every month. Eureka Lodge #75 131 North Main St. 265-4004 Jason Coltey, Worshipful Master John H. Davis, Jr., Secretary Chartered in 1867, Eureka Lodge #75 is a charitable fraternity whose mission is to support the local community through charitable donations. Meetings are the 1st Wed. at 7:00 p.m. (except July & Aug.); Annual Meeting in April. Fair Haven Concerned 73 Main Street Ashley Bride, Executive Director 802-265-3666 E-mail: http://www. FairHavenConcernedInc Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Food Shelf: Monday-Friday, 10-11 a.m. & 2 night shifts: 2nd & 4th
Wednesday of each month 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Since 1983, Fair Haven Concerned has coordinated clothing drives, Christmas tree giving, holiday food baskets, children’s summer nutrition/ activity and supported the Fair Haven Food Shelf. The organization also helps with utilities, heating costs, housing, and other undertakings. Fair Haven Historical Society 802-265-3010, ext. 8 E-mail: The society always welcomes new members who want to explore the past of Fair Haven. Individual, couple, family and lifetime memberships are available. To learn more, call the above number. Fair Haven Rotary Club Bill Stephenson, Current Pres. 235-2223 Jennifer Larson, Incoming Pres. (7/1/16) 265-2164 Vice President – TBA Caren Helm, Secretary Don Wood, Treasurer
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18 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Organizations The Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Meetings are held at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Fair Haven Inn. Fair Haven Eagles #3907 12 Academy Street 265-7966 David Hendee, President The Eagles meet the first and
third Thursday of the month. The club makes donations to several civic organizations and local schools. Girl Scouts of the Green Mountains 888-474-9686 Girl Scouts of the Green Mountains offers troops of all levels from Daisy (kindergartners) and Brownies (first, second and third grade) to Juniors (fourth, fifth, and sixth grade) and Cadettes (seventh grade and up). To register a child, or for more information on a local troop,
visit, or call the above number. Impact Fair Haven 265-8605 Contact: Pastor Marsh Hudson-Knapp Groups and individuals from Fair Haven area planning ways to make Fair Haven better. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month from 5-6p.m. at the Fair Haven Grade School. Check us out on Facebook. Knights of Columbus Council 810 Scott Clement, Grand Knight 265-3201
The largest lay organization in the Catholic Church, the Knights support the Church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education and civic involvement and offer aid to those in need. The Fair Haven group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall at St. Mary’s School. Vermont Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce PO Box 206 Fair Haven 265-8600
STORAGE CONTAINERS Ground Level, Dry, Safe & Secure Lock it up or lose it!
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802-483-9900 • Pittsford, VT • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 19
Organizations www.vtlakesregionchamber. org President: Kerry Fowler The Chamber of Commerce serves the towns of Fair Haven, Castleton, Hydeville, Benson, Hubbardton, Bomoseen, and the adjacent New York towns of Hampton, and Whitehall. The Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce meeting is held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 The Marble Mansion Inn, on the Green in Fair Haven Lions Club Butch Casey, President 468-3073 Pat Schroeder, Secretary 468-8927 John Brough, Treasurer 265-7996 Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club organization with nearly 1.4 million members in more than 44,800 clubs in 187 countries. Its main focus is to provide sight & hearing aid and assistance glasses for
anyone in need. Castleton Lions’ funds are focused on helping our neighbors in western Rutland County, and include not only eye exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids, but scholarships for FHUHS students, helping with other community-oriented events, and generally helping anyone with special needs.
The Nature Conservancy 348 Bentley Avenue Poultney 884-8126 The Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that is distinct from federal and state agencies and is one of the largest land trusts in the nation with a primary objective of protecting the species and natural communities that comprise Vermont’s natural heritage. It offers volunteer opportunities and internships year round. It also has hiking trails open to the public as well as a series of natural history talks yearly. Order of Eastern Star Mary Jane Eaton, Secretary
265-8179 This group, the largest fraternal organization in the world, is a social order comprised of persons with spiritual values but it is not a religion. They also sponsor local children to attend Conservation Camp. If you would like to be sponsored requests need to be made by the first of March. They meet the second Monday of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Building, 131 North Main Street. The Secular Franciscans St. Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order, the third order of St. Francis of Assisi, meets the fourth Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. at St. Mary’s School, Fair Haven. Inquires are welcome. The Sunshine Fund Neil Robinson 265-8187 Carl Ruby 265-8006
Since 1982, this organization’s primary goal is obtaining funding for the Fair Haven/ Castleton Special Olympics. 100 percent of all monies we raise are used in our own local area. Fundraising costs run less than 4 percent. We have never been on the tax rolls. United Way of Rutland County 6 Church Street, Rutland Executive Director: Nanci Gordon 773-7477 United Way of Rutland County is a catalyst through which local area participants build stronger and healthier communities. One of the 1400 United Ways in the United States, United Way of Rutland County is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in the community that need support through the work of partner agencies. It is the largest non-governmental fundraiser for local services in our community.
PROPANE TANK REFILLS • NIGHT CRAWLERS Route 22A, Shaw’s Plaza, Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3677 20 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Since 1939
Schools Teresa Perry, 2017 (1 yr) Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the grade school.
Addison Rutland Supervisory Union 49 Main Street Fair Haven 265-4905 Fax: 265-2158 Superintendent Ron Ryan Email: Curriculum Coordinator Sherri Nichols Email: Director of Special Services Kris Benway Email: Director of Finance Laura Jakubowski Email: Information Technology Coordinator Chris Cole Email: Executive Secretary Chelsie Young Email:
FHUHS Board Representatives Roy Eckler, 2019 TBA, 2018 TBA, 2018 Fair Haven Grade School. Accounts Payable Terry Havens Email: Payroll Ann Pelkey Email: Financial Assistant Barb Phillips Email: Medicaid/Special Education Assistant Debra Robbins Email: District Psychologist Daphne Tuthill Email: District Psychologist Sarah Kiefer Email:
THE BIGGEST! The Cleanest! The Best!
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Receptionist Kim Thirkield Email:
Fair Haven Grade School 115 North Main Street 265-3883 Fax: 265-2343 Principal Wayne Cooke Fair Haven Grade School Board Representatives: Michael Bache, 2017 (3 yrs) Chair David Carrabino, 2019 (3 yrs) Vice-Chair Tara Buxton, 2017 (1 yr) Clerk Julie Adams, 2018 (3 yrs)
Fair Haven Union High School 33 Mechanic Street 265-4966 Fax: 265-3602 Principal Brett Blanchard Assistant Principal Jason Rasco Director of Student Support Services TBA Guidance Counselors Mike Alexander, Director Debby Pelkey Ashley Duckett
Applewood Manor Bed & Breakfast A great place to get away!
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TANNING - 11 Beds & 1 Booth 51 Main Street, Fair Haven, VT • 802-265-3603 FRIENDLY ATTENDANT ON STAFF Laundromat Hours: 6AM-8PM Daily Office Hours: 9AM-8PM Mon-Sat, Noon-8PM Sunday
319 North Road, Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-5170
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 21
Schools Activities Director Pierre Cotton
each month in the high school library at 6:30 p.m., except for holidays and school vacations.
Fair Haven Union High School Board Members Pete DeCarolis, CH 2017 Roy Eckler, VC 2019 Sharon Adams, CL 2018 Jeff Breslen, 2018 Patrick Frazier, 2018 Trevor Ezzo, 2019 Michele Almeida, 2018 Andrea Ochs, 2017 David Renninger, 2018 Amy Hults, 2017 Lauritz Rasmussen, 2017 1 Open Position 2017 1 Open Position 2019 The FHUHS board meets the second and third Mondays of
Benson Village School 32 School Street Benson 537-2491 Fax: 537-2494 Principal Kim Doty Secretary Jeannine Bennett School Board Jody Goodhue, CH 2018 Amy Munger, VC 2017
Eric Shaw, CL 2017 Lori Renninger, 2017 John Wurzbacher, 2019 Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the school. FHUHS Board Representatives Amy Holts, 2017 David Renninger, 2018
Orwell Village School 494 Main Street 948-2871 Fax: 948-2754
Principal Patrick Walters Secretary Leigh Harris Orwell Village School Board Glen Cousineau, CH 2017 Alyson Eastman, VC 2019 Sarah Tetzlaff, CL 2018 Amy Roy, 2018 Peter Stone, 2017 Meetings: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the school, except for school vacations. FHUHS Board Representatives Michele Almeida, 2017 Andrea Ochs, 2018
SPRING IS HERE! Summer & Camping are On the Way!
Exit 1 RV YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR FUN! • SALES • SERVICE • SUPPLIES Exit 1 RV has the best prices and best service on new and used campers. A deal is not a GOOD DEAL without excellent service to keep you camping. That’s why we have been in business since 1959!! You owe it to your family to check out Exit 1 RV to see how we can help you save money and Camp Happy. We’re open from 8 to 6 M-F 9 to 5 on Sat, Gone camping on Sundays.
Next to the Welcome Center, Route 4, Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3400 • 22 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
The Vermont Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce invites you! For information on each event, see contact listed.
Spring Fling! ~ May 28th, join us on the Saturday of Memorial weekend! The town green comes alive! Parade, vendors, food, Fair Haven Rotary Chicken BBQ! Fun for the entire family! For more information call 802-265-8600. Green Mountain Lumberjack Show! July 2nd, on the town green. Watch exciting ax competitions and more! Brad Stevens - 802-265-8200 Summer Concert Series on the beautiful town green. Bring a chair, picnic tables are available. Enjoy a variety of live concerts, June to August. A perfect summer evening! History Day ~ Go back in time! An event celebrating residents and the history of Fair Haven held the 3rd Sunday in July. Watch the Lakes Region Free Press for details! 11th Annual Classic Auto & Bike Show ~ July 30th, held at the Marble Mansion Inn and the town green. Classic cars, trucks and motorcycles. Register early! Enjoy food, raffles and vendors. Fun for the whole family! New entries and vendors welcome! For more information or to register contact Kerry Fowler 802-468-3152 or Benson Family Day and Burdock Festival ~ Typically the first or second weekend of August. Enjoy the parade, town yard sales, great food and take a look at all the Burdock Festival entries! Call 802-537-2611 for more information. Applefest ~ Fair Haven’s premier Autumn event, held the third Saturday in September. This fundraiser for the Fair Haven Grade School showcases local apple vendors with maybe a touch of honey and maple. Watch a cider press, taste delicious baked goods and apple products from cider to pies. Enter the Apple Pie Contest. Vendors, food games and more! Check the Fair Haven Grade School website for more information. West Haven Fire Department Bow Shoot ~ Mid September, 2-Day Event! 3D Bow Shoot in realistic setting. For more information Trevor Ezzo 802-265-2084. Haunted Hay Ride ~ An October fundraiser for the Benson Fire Department. All can enjoy a scary, spooky, haunted hay ride through the back roads of Benson! Call 802-537-2611 for more information.
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 23
Churches First Baptist 6 South Park Place Senior Pastor Roland Smith 948-2057 Services: Sundays at 11 a.m.; Sunday: Adult Sunday School 10 a.m., Youth Bible Study/Meeting 7 p.m.; Monday- Bible Study with Jon Boule, 7 p.m.; TuesdayBible Study Cell Group 7 p.m.; Wednesday- Bible Study with Lew Stanley 7p.m. First Congregational Church of Fair Haven, UCC 2 North Park Place Pastor Marsh Hudson-Knapp 265-8605 Services: Sunday at 10 a.m.;
Childcare and Church School at 10 a.m.; Prayer Group- Tuesdays at 4 p.m.; Fourth Day Group2nd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.; Youth Group – Bible Study- Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m.; Mindful Meditation -Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; 12 Steps for Christians- Fridays at 4:30 p.m. United Methodist 18 West Park Place Rev. David Adams 265-3688 Services: Sunday at 8:30 a.m. Our Lady of Seven Dolors (Roman Catholic) 10 Washington Street 265-3135
Rev. Anthony Pittappillil, SDV, Pastor Rev. Deniskingsley Nwagwa, SDV, Parochial Vicar Mass Times: Saturdays, 4:30 p.m.; Sundays, 9 a.m.; Daily: Mon-Sat, 9 a.m. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 146 N. Main Street Rev. John Miller Jr. Co-Senior Wardens: Linda Genier 265-3277 Nancy Smith 537-4226 Jr. Warden: Mark Goodrich Services: Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m. Eucharist 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday
Healing Prayers 2nd Sunday Morning Prayer by lay leaders 1st & 3rd Sunday The West Haven Baptist Church 48 Book Road West Haven Services are held June 1 through the end of Sept. on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. The United Church of Benson 2793 Stage Road, Fair Haven, VT 537-2455 Pastor Holly Ross Noble Services: Sunday at 10 a.m.
For Your Convenience! Route 22A, West Haven, VT Kids 12 & Under Always Free!
2016 SCHEDULE ASPHALT TRACK (schedule subject to change) Sat., May 21 6:00 p.m. 50th Season Opening Weekend Sat., May 28 6:00 p.m. Yorkmont Auto Auctions “Memorial Day 5000” – $5,000 Prize Giveaway! Sat., June K 6:00 p.m. People’s United Bank 100 – ACT Late Model Tour – John Bruno Memorial Sat., June 11 --Off Sat., June 18 6:00 p.m. New England Antique Racers Sat., June 25 6:00 p.m. Rutland Regional Medical Center/Whelen Engineering “Hometown Heroes” Night Sat., July 2 6:00 p.m. Coca-Cola Firecracker Spectacular Sat., July 9 6:00 p.m. Rutland Herald Mid-Season Championships Sat., July 16 --Off Sat., July 23 6:00 p.m. Friend Construction Night Sat., July 30 6:00 p.m. NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Sat., Aug. 6 6:00 p.m. 5th Annual C.J. Richards Memorial Modified 67 Sat., Aug. 13 6:00 p.m. Heritage Family Credit Union “Member Night”
See page 44 for the complete NASCAR & Dirt Track Series schedule
802-671-8025 84 Vt Rt 30 N @ Castleton Corners Castleton, VT 6 am - 9 pm (last wash 8:00 pm)
24 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
DINING Lakes Region in the
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 25
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2987 VT Route 22A, Shoreham, VT
26 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Dates to Remember SPRING FLING May 28 A Fair Haven tradition for more than 20 years, Spring Fling is held in celebration of Memorial Day as the Fair Haven Chamber of Commerce honors our troops and veterans with a Memorial Day ceremony at the POW monument. The town green is abundant with vendors and great food. And be sure not to miss the Memorial Day parade that follows the military ceremony, a wonderful event enjoyed by many Lakes Region families and visitors. For more info call 802-2658600.
GREEN MOUNTAIN LUMBERJACK SHOW July 2 Local lumberjacks display their skills during this annual competition held on the Green in Fair Haven. Contact Brad Stevens, 802-265-8200.
11TH ANNUAL CLASSIC AUTO & BIKE SHOW July 30 Come and view all the varied and beautiful classic cars, trucks and motorcycles at this, the Seventh Annual Classic Car Show. Held at The Marble Mansion Inn and the Town Green in Fair Haven. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the judging starts promptly at 1 p.m. Enjoy the games, amusements, food, raffles and various vendors. For vendor or entry information contact Kerry Fowler @ 802-468-3152 or email fowlerservices@
3rd Sunday in July Go back in time. An event celebrating residents and the history of Fair Haven. Watch the Lakes Region FreePress for updates.
CLOTHING DRIVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES 7 p.m. on Thursdays, June to August The “Fair Haven Concerts in the Park” series brings a variety of live concerts to the residents of the community. Bands perform at the village green’s bandstand, and residents are invited to bring blankets or chairs to sit on. Door prizes, a 50/50, and water and popcorn will be available at each concert.
Held in August, this free clothing giveaway hosted by Fair Haven Concerned offers school clothes and more for area families. Call 265-3666 for details.
BENSON FAMILY DAY AND BURDOCK FESTIVAL Typically the first or second weekend of August Enjoy the parade, town yard sales, great food and take a look at all the Burdock Festival
entries. For more info call 802-537-2611.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT August Hosted by Fair Haven Area Neighborhoods, National Night Out is a community event aimed at making residents safer and healthier. The event features a variety of activities and is held on the green in Fair Haven.
WEST HAVEN FIRE DEPARTMENT BOW SHOOT Mid-September A two-day event, 3D bow shoot in a realistic setting. For information, contact the fire department at 802-265-2084.
through town. The event includes pumpkin carving and Halloween decorating contests in addition to other activities. Call 802-537-2611 for dates and times.
LAKE CHAMPLAIN DOWN HOME DERBY Late January Located on all Vt. waters, this derby features competitions for adults. Sponsored by the Benson Fish & Game Club 802-537-2468.
LIONS CLUB LAKE BOMOSEEN ICE FISHING DERBY Mid-February Taking place on Lake Bomoseen, the ice fishing derby has been a tradition for years.
APPLEFEST 3rd Saturday in September Fair Haven’s premier autumn event. This fundraiser for the Fair Haven Grade School showcases local apple vendors, with maybe a touch of honey and maple. Watch a cider press, taste delicious baked goods and apple products from cider to pies. This event also includes vendors, food, games and more. Check the Fair Haven Grade School website for more information.
HAUNTED HAY RIDE October A fundraiser for the Benson Fire Department, residents can enjoy haunted hay rides
LIONS CLUB FISH FRY March Benefitting the Lions Club, this fish fry has something for everyone.
GREAT BENSON FISHING DERBY Late February Headquarters located on Lake Champlain, this derby is open to all Vermont waters and features thousands of dollars in prize money, awarded in several categories. Fun for the entire family; proceeds benefit the Fair Haven Rotary Club. Contact Jeff Larson 802-5582561 for more info.
Left out? Is your business not included in this year's guide? Then give us a call at 800-354-42323 to make sure your business in included in next year's edition! Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 27
SUMMER MARKET: Depot Park, Downtown Rutland VT Wed 3-6 & Sat 9-2 May 7th to the End of Oct.
WINTER MARKET: 251 West Street, Rutland VT Wed 3-6 & Sat 10-2 November to May
FAIR HAVEN SUMMER MARKET: At the Park, Fridays June 3rd to Oct 28th, 3-6pm
HOLIDAY FAIR: November 12th, 2016 & CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FAIR: December 10th, 2016 Holiday Inn, Rutland VT
See our website for more details! 28 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Recreation Golf Whitehall Field Club 62 Poultney Street Whitehall, NY 518-499-0134 Lake St. Catherine Country Club 2725 Route 30 S. Poultney, VT 287-9341 Lake St. Catherine Country Club is a private golf course. Milestone Golf Club Whitehall, NY 518-282-9030 Nine hole public golf course.
Riding Pond Hill Ranch 1683 Pond Hill Ranch Road Castleton, VT 468-2449, 468-0578 Horseback riding and rodeos.
Swimming Bomoseen State Park 22 Cedar Mountain Road Castleton, VT
786-0060 winter 265-4242 summer Open from late May to early September Crystal Beach Route 30 Bomoseen, VT 273-2424 Half Moon State Park 1621 Black Pond Road Hubbardton, VT 888-409-7579 273-2848 summer Open late May to mid-October Lake St. Catherine State Park 3034 Vermont Route 30 S. Poultney, VT 888-409-7579, 287-9158 Open from late May to early September
Snowmobiling VAST 26 VAST Lane Barre, Vermont 05641 229-0005 Fax: 223-4316 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 29
Spring Fling & Parade Kick Off Memorial Day Weekend It’s late spring and the leaves have come out on the trees. The vegetable gardens have been planted. The smell of lilacs is in the air. And Memorial Day is near. Memorial Day weekend in Fair Haven also means that it’s time for the annual Spring Fling. Organized by the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce the 2016 Spring Fling will be held from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, May 28 on the Fair Haven Town Green. As always, it will be held concurrently with the Memorial Day parade. “Last year we had 40 vendors at the event,” says Chamber President Kerry Fowler, “and there was a wide variety of offerings, including many vendors that you see at a farmers’ market.” Offerings included car-
Pull Tabs, Horse Race & Weezel Tickets, Legion Baseball, 50-50 FOOD AND DRINKS
American Legion Post #49 72 South Main Street, Fair Haven, VT
EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7:00 PM (Doors open at 4:30 PM)
American Legion Post 50 PO Box 355, Bomoseen, VT • 802-468-8962
nival type games, food vendors selling hamburgs, French fries, snow cones and more, arts and crafts vendors offering everything from hand-made jewelry to wooden toys, as well as others. There are also many local groups with tables, such as the Cub Scouts and the Fair Haven Historical Society, while the Fair Haven Rotary traditionally holds a chicken barbecue to entice the taste buds. Fowler notes that volunteers from the Chamber, which has about 45 members, begin setting up for the Spring Fling at about 6 a.m., with vendors showing up soon afterward. He guesses that hundreds of people drop by and wander through the Green throughout the morning and early afternoon, and then attention switches to the parade, organized by the local American Legion Post #49. The parade begins immediately after a ceremony honoring this nation’s
10 Main Street • Wells, VT • 802-645-0323
SATURDAYS 7:00 PM Jackpot on 3rd Saturday of the Month is $2,000 in 53#s or less • BONANZA • 4 SPECIAL GAMES • U-PICK-EM
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30 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
veterans, which is held at the memorial at the intersection of Main and
Washington Streets. It begins and ends here and usually starts at around 1:30 p.m. and in past years has featured the Fire Department, little league teams, old automobiles, the Shriners and more. For further information about Spring Fling contact the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce at (802) 2658600 or check out their web site at Also remember that they sponsor the Annual Classic Car Show which will be on Saturday, July 30—also on the Town Green.
Applefest joins together businesses and community If an event has thrived for 30 years, then it must be doing a lot of things right. And if the same person organized it the vast majority of those years, then that person must like what she’s doing and be doing a great job. Kandi Ramey recently retired from her position as a secretary at the Fair Haven Grade School (FHGS) where she worked for 25 years. During her entire tenure she managed the popular Applefest that is held the third Saturday of September in the Fair Haven Town Green, diagonally across the street from the school. This year’s Applefest is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on September 17. The event serves as a fundraiser for the elementary school and, according to Ramey, raises an average of about $3,000 each year. “The money is divided up among the grades at the school and used for class trips and other school
projects,” says Ramey. Originally, Applefest was organized by the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce as “Octoberfest” and held in that unpredictable (weather-wise) month. “It was moved to September because it’s more likely to be warmer,” says Ramey. “And we’ve only had two rainy days in all the years since moving the date.” The first time was a learning experience, according to Ramey, because they had not planned on a rain date. Applefest attracts about 40 vendors every year, says Ramey. It includes a lot of arts and crafts, such as jewelry, and plenty of food
items from fresh apples and cider from the
local Brown’s Orchard to fried dough. Volunteers, largely drawn from the grade school, also sell refreshments such as hamburgs, hot dogs and soft drinks, while many of the FHGS children offer activities. Last year a popular activity included a variation on a dunk tank called the “balloon bust,” where participants can toss balls at water-filled balloons and soak a brave volunteer. Another popular offering is a “cake wheel,” where participants can win cakes baked and donated by parents and others. Many of the needed food and other items are generously donated by local businesses. Also featured, at noon, is the Fair Haven Grade School band playing in the park’s gazebo in the park. “Applefest is a great draw for the whole community,” Ramey emphasizes. “Lots of
businesses and others hold concurrent events that day, such as a book sale at the Fair Haven Library.” Past Applefest’s have also featured a barbecue sponsored by the local Rotary Club, food for sale at the First Congregational Church, nearby sidewalk sales and flea markets. While Ramey will no longer be organizing Applefest in 2016, she will still be involved as a volunteer. “It’s a lot of work, but after so many years I got it down to a science,” she notes. “I’ll still help whoever replaces me this year. It’s too hard to work on something for so long and completely let go. Besides, I enjoy it!” For further information about the Applefest, contact Patty Roberts or Lorna Morrison at the Fair Haven Grade School at (802) 2653883. You can also email Lorna at lmorrison@arsu. org.
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 31
400Banquet and Catering Services
32 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Chamber of Commerce ACCOMMODATIONS Edgewater Resort Roz Rogers 2551 Rte 30N Bomoseen, VT 05732 802-468-5251 Haven Guest House Bed & Breakfast Gisela & Werner Baumann 1 Fourth Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-8882
Marble Mansion Inn Greg and Sharon Parke 12 West Park Place Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4556 Maplewood Inn B&B Paul Allen-Webber 1108 South Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802)278-8286
ACCOUNTING Accounting Inc. Norm Williams 636 River Street Castleton, VT 05735 802-265-8686
ATTORNEYS Christopher H. Howe, Esq. Christopher Howe 37 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3595 DeBonis, Wright, Carris, P.C. David G. Carpenter 226 Main Street Poultney, VT 05765 802-287-9110
AUTO BODY REPAIR Precision Auto Body Steve Betit P.O. Box 477, 1529 Main St. Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-0327
AUTOMOTIVE A & J Auto Parts John Kulig P.O. 357, 176 West St. Rutland, VT 05701 802-775-5584
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 33
Chamber of Commerce Allied Auto Parts Jennifer Herbert Conway 138 State Street Rutland, VT 05701 802-775-5508 Arthur’s Auto Minnie A. Arthur 604 Post Road Rutland, VT 05701 802-775-3406 Fair Haven Chrysler Dodge F. Will Dodge 20 Liberty Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4964
R & D Automotive Dan McMurry 1015 Main St. Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-5268
BEVERAGES Beverage King Joe Sessock Rte. 4A Bomoseen, VT 05732 802-468-8917 Liberty Discount Steve Wolk 7 Liberty Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3820
• Real Estate • Estate Planning • Wills & Trusts • Corporations • Personal Injury • Divorce
226 Main Street Poultney, VT 05764
226 Main Street Poultney, VT
(802) 287-9110 FAX (802) 287-2031
Attorneys at Law
BOATING Woodard Marine Inc. Barb Woodard 615 Creek Road Hydeville, VT 05750 802-265-3690
CHILD CARE Fun in the Sun Child Care Kathleen Mongeur 138 Patricia Lane Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-5141
CONTRACTORS / BUILDING SUPPLY Coy Custom Carpentry Jim McCoy 10 Old Town Road Castleton, VT 05735 802-273-2693 Ellis Bros. Inc. Ellis Concrete Jared Ellis 443 Route 30 South Bomoseen, VT 05732 802-265-7899
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Joseph A. DeBonis • William Tracy Carris
• Residential Trash & Recycling • Commercial Trash & Recycling • Roll Off Containers up to 40 Cubic Yards • 12 Yard Containers for Household Cleanouts Removal of Metal FREEand Most Appliances
34 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Chamber of Commerce Gilmore Home Center Jeff Larson Rte. 4A Bomoseen, VT 05732 802-468-5676 Markie Roofing and Siding Josh Markie Lewis Lane Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-779-5979
EDUCATION Castleton State Univeristy 62 Alumni Drive Castleton, VT 05735 Dave Wolk, President 802-468-5611
Community College of Vermont Bethany Sprague 60 West Street Rutland, VT 05701 802-786-6996
EXCAVATOR Orwell Sand & Gravel Scott Hendee 1200 Park Hill Rd. Benson, VT 05743 802-345-6028
FINANCIAL SERVICES & INVESTMENTS Merchants Bank Jill S. Miller 97 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4961
FUNERAL SERVICES Ducharme Funeral Home Walter Durcharme P.O. Box 474 1939 Main Street Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-0026
Durfee Funeral Home Chris Book 119 North Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-8085 Mallory Funeral Home Gary Stanley 4 South Park Place Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3600
HEALTH SERVICES Donna P. Johnson Physical Therapy PC Donna Brown 28 Fourth Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4055
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7 LIBERTY ST., FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 • 802-265-3820 Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 35
Chamber of Commerce INSURANCE The Durkee Agency Mary Ann Munger 651 Rte. 22A N. Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3439 Wood’s Agency Dave Calvi 65 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3640
MEDIA SERVICES WNYV 94.1 FM / WVNR 1340 AM Judith Leech PO Box 568 E. Poultney, VT 05741 802-287-9031
NEWSPAPER Manchester Newspapers, Inc. John Manchester P.O. Box 330, 14 East Main St. Granville, NY 518-642-1234
Lakeside News/Rutland Sun Roy Newton P.O. Box 71 Hydeville, VT 05750 802-353-0573
OIL COMPANY Johnson Energy Thomas Johnson P.O. Box 12, 573 Rte. 4 Center Rutland, VT 05736 802-773-8143
PAVING Wilk Paving, Inc. Valerie Bietrodangelo P.O. Box 154, 738 Rutland Rd. West Rutland, VT 05777 802-438-5454 Wilk Sealing Chris Wilk Rt 4A Center Rutland, VT 05736 802-773-4400
Town of Fair Haven Herb Durfee 3 North Park Pl Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3010 Ext. 5
» Dependable Local Service
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802-438-2151 • RESOURCE SOLUTIONS ZERO-SORT® RECYCLING · COLLECTION · ORGANICS · ENERGY · LANDFILLS 36 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Chamber of Commerce RECREATION Prospect Point Golf Club, LLC Jason Ahern 111 Prospect Point Road Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-5581
REAL ESTATE Century 21 Bird Real Estate Wenda Bird 55 Rte. 30N Bomoseen, VT 05732 802-468-3200
Gilbert Realty & Development Corp. William Gilbert Rte 4A Hydeville, VT 05750 802-265-8834
RESTAURANTS Fair Haven Inn Mihaela Ieramias 5 Adams St. Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4907 Iron Lantern Lisa Forster 272 Rte. 4A Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-5474
Sweet Carolines Don Woods P.O. Box 511 West Rutland, VT 05777 802-438-5696
Castleton Farmer’s Market Lori Barker P.O. Box 246 Castleton, VT 05735 802-273-2241
The Wheel Inn Kathy Stannard 730 Lake Rd. Benson, VT 05731 802-537-2755
Pattie’s Patch Pattie Sbardella 12022 State Route 4 Whitehall, NY 02887 518-282-9018
RETAIL Carl Durfee’s Store Mary Martin 34 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3313
SENIOR SERVICES Castleton Community Seniors JoAnne Riley 2108 Main St. Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-3093
Rutland Veterinary Clinic at Castleton Corners, VT AN OLD- FASHIONED CANDY STORE Handmade Truffles & Other Fine Chocolates Sugar- Free Candy • Novelty Candy MaNle Creemie • Teaware • Gifts Gift Certif icates • Cards CALL FOR HOURS
Local Delivery and Shipping Available 199 Main Street, Poultney, VT - 802-287-4621
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Office 802-468-2297 Bud 802-558-0630 Charlie 802-236-3095 PRODUCTS, INC.
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Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 37
Chamber of Commerce Misty Heather Morn Reverend Francetta Tice Blissville Rd. Hydeville, VT 05730 802-265-3300
SERVICES Creative Workforce Solutions Gary Jaquith 190 Asa Bloomer Bldg. Rutland, VT 05701 802-786-5934 Lyne LLC Rachael Miller P.O. Box 75 Granville, NY 12832 802-578-6120
Fowler Mechanical Services Inc. Kerry Fowler 52 Packing House Road Castleton, VT 05735 802-468-3152 Pro Cycle Inc. Peter Esslinger 236 No. Shrewsbury Road N. Clarendon, VT 05759 802-773-2014 Spaulding Waste Services Robert Spaulding 175 Colvin Rd Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4458
Vermont Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce for supplying the listing of Chamber members!
Camara Slate Products Shawn Camara 963 Main St. Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3200
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BEVERAGES Tomasi’s Tavern Danielle J. Tomasi 2 Liberty Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-3593
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38 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
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802-265-4964 Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 39
Fair Haven Summer Concerts in the Park satisfy array of musical tastes Small town concerts have become numerous and popular throughout Vermont in the summer months and Fair Haven’s spacious town green offers the perfect venue for such an event. This year’s Fair Haven Concerts in the Park will be held every Thursday night in 2016 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for ten weeks, from June 16 until August 18. “We had a tremendous turnout last year, averaging about 400 to 500 people per concert,” says Concert Series Committee member, Scott Lobdell of Castleton. The Committee, which was created six years ago to help stabilize and grow the con-
certs, decided last year to move the start date of the concerts earlier in order to take advantage of more daylight at both ends of the series. “That worked out really well and we’re doing the same this year,” notes Lobdell. The Fair Haven Concerts have become well-established in the area as a destination point, largely due to the efforts of the Committee to attract more sponsors. “The sponsors have also helped us to attract more entertainment.” notes Lobdell. He also points out that the Concert Series donates $2,000 to a Fair Haven Union High School
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student who is furthering his/her education in music, and another $1,000 to Dodge House for homeless veterans, which is located in Rutland. The Concert Series features a wide range of musical acts to suit most tastes and draws heavily from local talent. It includes honky-tonk, country-western, bluegrass and Celtic/Irish as well as Big Band, classic 60’s and 70’s popular music and jazz vocalists. Half of the scheduled performers for 2016 are returnees from last year’s schedule and half are new. The Committee likes to rotate in new talent each year while also offering repeats of particularly popular acts. “We’re very happy about getting the 40th Army Band this season,” points out Lobdell. “We’re also excited that our opening band will be the lively Dixieland sound of the Onion River Jazz Band.” As always, the concerts will also include door prize raffles for both adults and children, a 50/50 raffle, and hot dogs, pop corn, water and soft drinks for sale. A variety of raffle prizes are donated each year including such items as hand-made pottery, refills of propane and gift certificates to local restaurants. “We’ll also be holding the popular, free ice cream nights again,” notes Lobdell. The dates for them will be June 16, July 14 and August 18. The schedule of performers for 2016 includes: June 16—Onion River Jazz Band (Dixieland Jazz) June 23—Mellow Yellow
40 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
(classic 60’s and 70’s) June 30—The Spurs USA (Country & Western) July 7—40th Army Band (traditional patriotic American) July 14—James Mee & The Freeze (acoustic adult/ contemporary) July 21—Enerjazz (Big Band) July 28—Aaron Audet Band (contemporary popular) August 4—Joe Moore Band (jazz, blues, funk) August 11—Michelle Fay Band (folk, swing, bluegrass) August 18—J.P. Murphy (Celtic) There is plenty of parking around the park for the Series and this includes disabled parking available close to the bandstand at the west side of the park. In the event of bad weather, once again the concerts will be moved to the inside of the nearby Fair Haven Baptist Church. “Last year it was only sprinkly for one concert and people just brought their umbrellas, so we didn’t need to go into the church,” says Lobdell. He would also like to recognize the many volunteers who help at the series, in addition to Committee members. “They sell tickets and refreshments, set up the sound system, put up and tear down for the event and more.” For more information on the Fair Haven Concerts in the Park, check out the web site at www.fairhavenvt. org/concerts. Also be sure to watch for the concert schedule sign posted in the park in May.
Fair Haven Rotary a big-time donor The Fair Haven Rotary gets involved. “We’re not just a club that meets on Tuesday afternoons and doesn’t do anything the rest of the year,” said club president Bill Stephenson. “There’s a difference between being a check-writer and getting out and doing work.” The community-based Rotary club takes pride in all it’s able to do for the people of Fair Haven, Castleton, Benson, Orwell, and Hubbardton. Whether it’s contributing to student scholarships, helping Impact Fair Haven, or lending a hand with Habitat for Humanity, the Rotary is always active. “It means we’re paying
attention,” Stephenson said. “It’s the local things that we do that I think are important.” The Rotary is constantly involved with raising money for the community with things like sportsmen’s raffles, chicken barbecues during Spring Fling and Apple Fest, and the ever-popular Great Benson Fishing Derby, which was again a huge success in February. And the best part is, all of the money it raises goes right back into the community for food shelves, scholarships, sending students on missions to Honduras, and more. In fact, the local club has been so successful that it learned recently that it was in the top 1,600 in donations
per capita of more than 35,000 Rotary clubs in the world with the $17,751 it has given out in the last 12 months. “Rotary is quite an organization,” Stephenson said. “There’s a little club in every community in the world, and we’re pleased to be part of that. We’re donating in excess of $17,000 a year, which I think of a club of 16 or 17 people is quite an accomplishment.” Of that money, more than $5,000 went to scholarships for local high schoolers planning on going to college, trade schools, and other forms of post-secondary education. It has also helped fund the Rotaracts, a collegelevel Rotary club at
Castleton University that gets involved with a number of its own activities, missions, and community service events. “This, to me, is next year’s leaders in the community, and you’ve got to pay back,” Stephenson said. “The motto ‘Service Above Self ’ is really what it’s all about, and when you can take a young man who couldn’t get education otherwise and you help him, that to me makes a difference.” Rotary meetings are held Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. at the Fair Haven Inn. For more information, call Bill Stephenson at 802-235-2223. “To me,” Stephenson said. “It’s well worth spending the time to be a good Rotarian.”
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The Santa Croce Band rocks the bandstanduring last year's concert series
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Your official guide to summer in the Lakes Region. Summer is just around the corner and the staff at the Lakes Region FreePress are already working on our 2016 Lakes Region Summer Guide. This 100+ page four color magazine contains everything you need to know to enjoy your summer in the Lakes Region. This keepsake edition will be distributed throughout the Lakes Region - and beyond - all summer long. It also will be hand delivered to camps on Lake Bomoseen and Lake St. Catherine. If you want to have your summer event included in this year's guide please forward it to calendars@ To advertise in the summer guide, call the FreePress today at 800-354-4232.
42 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
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2087 East Road, Benson, VT • 802-537-3652
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 43
Devil’s Bowl Speedway – West Haven, Vt. 2016 Schedule of Events ASPHALT TRACK (schedule subject to change) Day/ Date Time Event Sat., May 21 6:00 p.m. 50th Season Opening Weekend Sat., May 28 6:00 p.m. Yorkmont Auto Auctions “Memorial Day 5000” – $5,000 Prize Giveaway! Sat., June 4 6:00 p.m. People’s United Bank 100 – ACT Late Model Tour – John Bruno Memorial Sat., June 11 --Off Sat., June 18 6:00 p.m. New England Antique Racers Sat., June 25 6:00 p.m. Rutland Regional Medical Center/Whelen Engineering “Hometown Heroes” Night Sat., July 2 6:00 p.m. Coca-Cola Firecracker Spectacular Sat., July 9 6:00 p.m. Rutland Herald Mid-Season Championships Sat., July 16 --Off Sat., July 2: 6:00 p.m. Friend Construction Night Sat., July :0 6:00 p.m. NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Sat., Aug. 6 6:00 p.m. 5th Annual C.J. Richards Memorial Modified 67 Sat., Aug. 1: 6:00 p.m. Heritage Family Credit Union “Member Night” Sat., Aug. 20 6:00 p.m. Brown’s Quarried Slate/Brown’s Orchard & Farm Stand Night Sat., Aug. 27 6:00 p.m. Sugar & Spice Restaurant “Double Stack” Night Sat., Sept. 3 --Off Sat., Sept. 10 1::0 p.m. Vermont 200 Championship Weekend Sun., Sept. 11 1::0 p.m. Vermont 200 Championship Weekend & Leon Gonyo Memorial
DIRT TRACK (schedule subject to change) Day/Date Time Event Sun., May 22 6:00 p.m. 50th Season Opening Weekend – Mert “Socks” Hulbert Tribute Sun., May 29 6:00 p.m. Memorial Day Weekend Special – Sprint Cars of New England Sun., June 5 --Off Sun., June 12 6:00 p.m. Brown’s Quarried Slate/Brown’s Orchard & Farm Stand Night Sun., June 19 6:00 p.m. Central Vermont Motorcycles Father’s Day Special – Sprint Cars of New England Sun., June 26 --Off Sun., July : 6:00 p.m. WhistlePig Whiskey Independence Day Special – Sprint Cars of New England Sun., July 10 6:00 p.m. Vince Quenneville Sr. Memorial Mid-Season Championships – Sprint Cars of N.E. Sun., July 17 --Off Sun., July 24 --Off Sun., July :1 6:00 p.m. Whelen Engineering Night –POWRi Outlaw Midget Series Sun., Aug. 7 --Off Sun., Aug. 14 6:00 p.m. Sprint Cars of New England Sun., Aug. 21 --Off Sun., Aug. 28 5:00 p.m. Charlie LaDuc Memorial “Ol’ Reliable 54” Sun., Sept. 4 5:00 p.m. Labor Day Weekend Special – Sprint Cars of New England Sun., Sept. 11 --Off Sun., Sept. 18 5:00 p.m. NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Sun., Sept. 25 5:00 p.m. 2nd Annual Fabian Earthmoving Green Mountain Sprint Car Nationals Sat., Oct. 1 5:00 p.m. The Stove Depot “King of the Clay” 100
44 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
GLENS FALLS 793-2888 Corner Dix Ave & Quaker Rd Open Mon-Fri 9-7; Saturday 10-5; Sunday 11-4
Quality Manor
Furniture & Mattress
• Free Delivery & Set-Up (*within 60 miles) • Some items not exactly as shown • 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH NO INTEREST for credit qualified. • Full Service Department *Items not exactly as shown. All items subject to Prior Sale.
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 45
Everyday Flowers “When Words Escape, Flowers Speak” 200 Main Street Poultney, VT 802-287-4094
Residential Commercial Fire Alarms Security Phone Data Registered Sales & Service Generac Generator Dealer Phone: 802-287-5887 • Fax: 802-287-9622 Email: Dan Jones Owner P.O. Box 168, Poultney, Vermont 05764
Sylvia Demgard/Jane Colvin ~ owners Dikeman Road, 1 mile north of the Bomoseen KOA Campground, Rte. 30 North, Hubbardton ~ Look for our sign
Since 1995
Open 10 am-5 pm DAILY
See Christm you at as Time Trees, W for Kissingreaths & Balls!
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1253 US ROUTE 7 NORTH, RUTLAND VT 05701 (802) 773-3555
EVERY 3RD SUNDAY MONTHLY • Adult $9 • Child $4.50 PO Box 355, Bomoseen, VT • 802-468-8962
24,000 readers weekly turn to the FreePress for news, events and local shopping values. Shouldn't your business be advertising in the FreePress. Call 800-354-4232 to start. 46 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016
Don't Miss the
10th Annual Classic Auto & Bike Show Join us on July 30th at the Marble Mansion Inn and the town green in Fair Haven.
Peter and Roxann Flynn 2227 Rte. 22A Hampton, NY 12837 Fax (518) 282 9007
Slate Valley Electric, Inc.
Reservations: (800) 423 9648 (518) 282 9648
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1496 Greene Road, Fair Haven, Vt Minutes to Whitehall, Fair Haven, Poultney & Granville!
Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016 • 47
Kevin Durkee
Tom Pyle
Mary Ann Munger
Marion Sheldrick
Lisa Waterhouse
Amy Messer
For more information, contact us at:
THE DURKEE AGENCY 651 Rte 22A North, Fair Haven, VT
(802) 265-3439 48 • Manchester Newspapers • Fair Haven Community Guidebook • April 2016