The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011 • 13
Rutland u Bennington u Washington County
CALL 1-800-354-4232 DEADLINE Wednesday 2 P.M.
Need to move? Look inside for new homes and apartments
Looking for a new job? Look inside for a large listing of help wanteds!
Finds Under $100 Finds under $100 (2) 19” COLOR TV Sponge- Bob and Hello Kitty. Great for kids rooms, $30 for both. 518-321-5108 10 GAL. FISH TANK heater, vacuum, pump, rocks deco- ration. $50. 802-438-2035
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
Finds under $100
ACUITY VOLTGAGE GOLF bag. Excellent condition. Black & orange. $20. 518642-1544
CROCK, OLD, BEIGE, open round 8” dia., 4-1/2” high. $15. 518-692-9436
G O L F C L U B S 1 1 i r o n s, woods 1 & 3. $15. 518-6423456
ADJUSTABLE TRAILER AXELS (3) 12’-14’ adj. $85. 518-638-8637
CROSLEY 18 CU FT refrig- erator. Runs well, white. $75. Buskirk. Tina @ 518-6865073
GULBRANSEN ORGAN w/ walking bass, padded bench, owner’s manual. Nice cond. $99. 518-677-3162
MAGELLAN’S FOLDING SPORT seat & cane. 250 lbs. max. Like new. $15. 518-854-9259
P RO J E C T I O N S C R E E N HDTV 50”, RCA, picture dis- torted at edges. Needs pro- jector calibration to correct, $75.00, 518-406-8173.
W E D G E W O O D K I N G S - BRIDGE BONE China 2 complete place settings. Like new. $45 for both. 518-6953977
A I R H O C K E Y TA B L E . Standing kids size, $20. 802265-3796
DECORATIVE STRUCTU- RAL POST 85” tall. $20. 518-642-9003
WET SUIT LL BEAN size XL, long leg shor t sleeve. Exc cond. $35. 518-6929295
AIR HOCKEY TABLE w/ pucks & paddles, 5 ft long x 3 ft wide. Good condition. $40. 518-584-0572
DESK Pine, 7 drawers, 50” length, 15” width, exc. cond., $45, 631-848-6329.
HEADBOARD WITH STOR- AGE Sauder type for twin bed, very good condition, asking $25. Wells, Vt 802645-0016
P U B TA B L E , i n c l u d e s 2 high swivel chairs, good con- dition, $40. 518-321-5108
AIRDYNE EXERCISE BIKE $99. 518-642-2612
1 3 ” C O L O R T V, w o r k s good, $20. 518-677-5498
AQUARIUM TANK WOOD cabinet. Holds 4’ x 18” base. Two sto rag e doo rs. N ew $199, sell for $50. 518-2611238
15 INCH TIRE & RIM from Ford truck 5-lug T235/75R. $25. 518-638-8637
BABY BOY CLOTHES 0-9 mos. 2 boxes, excellent con- dition. $15. 518-695-6982
1913 TELEPHONE Good condition, antique. $99. Bus- kirk. Tina @ 518-686-5073
BABY TREND CAR SEAT, very good condition, $40. 518-677-5498
1988 COLLECTIBLE AVON ceramic American Indian stein. Never out of pkg. $99. 802-417-1203 anytime
BATHROOM VANITY mir- ror/medicine cabinet 20” x 80”. $10. 518-642-9003
2 END TABLES, Coffee ta- ble, $40 for all. 518-499-0169 235x70x16 “NEW” Good- year Eagle RS tire, retails for $150+, asking $50. 518-8547596 27” SAMSUNG TV with re- mote & owners manual. $75. 518-854-9647 3 1100-22.5 TIRES & rims. Great for site truck. $99. 518642-0680 3 9 0 0 - 2 0 T I R E S & r i m s. Great for site truck. $99. 518642-0680 3 P I E C E L I V I N G RO O M Furniture, $99.99 518-6420654 30” STOVE WHITE, black, clean as a whistle, 3 small, 1 lg, pot drawer. $65. 631-2416342
B E D F R A M E Tw o p i e c e high rise/trundle bed, no mat- tresses, great condition, $50. 802-645-0016 BOX SPRING BED founda- tion. Full size, premium firm. Always covered. Exc. $50. 518-695-5415 B O X S P R I N G & M AT- TRESS for double bed. Like new. $59. 631-241-6342 BRAND NEW IN THE box 42” ceiling fan. $25. 802-4685720
DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW with screen 27” x 18-1/2”. $40. 518-642-9003 DRESSER, KINCAID solid wo o d w / m i r r o r, 2 l i g h t s, shelves, drawers. $99.99. 518-654-7747 D RY E R M AY TAG M D E 2 4 0 0 AY W 4 . 0 c u f t compact, white, elec. New sells for $749. Used sum- mers only, $90. Cell 201787-6586 ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIM- MER $20. 518-642-1510 ENTERTAINMENT CEN- TER Oak, excellent 4’9”W x 4’9”H w/glass doors-stereo 28”x26” shelf TV. $99.99. 518-654-7747 EVERLAST STAIRCLIM- BER/STEPPER Good work- ing order. $20/obo. 518-2829733 FAN (HUNTER) 3 BLADES 24”. Switch, never installed, 1/2 price @ $60. 802-2658650
BRASS 16” CYMBAL cam- ber, old. Made in Germany. $40. 802-287-9462
FIREPLACE FREE-STAND- ING solid oak, 42x42x14, uses canned gel burners. $99.99. 518-282-9208
BRASS BULLET MOLD .120 old mini round ball. $60. 802-287-9462
FLAT SCREEN TV West- inghouse 23 inch. $50. 518642-8126
B U M P E R P O O L TA B L E New, felt on table, balls & sticks. $50. 518-663-8861
FLAT SCREEN TV’S Sony 32” & Panasonic 27”. Work great. $60 for both. 518-2611238
5 OLD WOODEN DOORS Various sizes, some with glass panes, heavy duty, $99. 518-642-3709
CAMCORDER, VHS, MAG- NAVOX Cose. Used once. Works great. $50. 518-6547747
7 DRAWER DESK and two 2-drawer oak filing cabinets. $50. 518-854-9647
CHAR-BROIL ELECTRIC PAT I O gr i l l 3 9 ” h i g h , o n wheels. Good condition. $25. 802-645-9136
7 PAIRS OF wooden single pane double hung windows. Great for camp or decor! $99. 518-642-3709
D I N I N G RO O M H U T C H , good condition, 2 piece, $50. 518-321-5108
FLUORESCENT CEILING LIGHTS (2) round 19” diam- eter. $15 for both. 518-6429490 FORD F250-350 GRILL for 2005-7. Black, in excellent condition. $75. 518-677-3072
COSCO BOOSTER SEAT for car. Black, good condi- tion. $10. 802-273-3734
FORMICA COUNTER TOP 5’ & 3’. Excellent condition. $39. Castleton 631-241-6342
9 . 8 H P M E R C U RY O U T- BOARD motor for par ts. $90/obo. 518-499-0918
COSCO BOOSTER SEAT for car. Black, good condi- tion. $10. 802-273-3734
FOUR 16” STEEL rims, late 90’s Ford F150 pickup, 5-lug. $50. 518-282-9208
ABOVE GROUND SWIM- MING POOL 3/4 HP motor & pump, $99. 518-753-4370
COUNTRY STYLE HEAD- BOARD twin painted pine w/ pencil posts. $10. 518-6929436
FUTON USED VERY little. Makes a great guest bed. Mattress has nice cover. Wood unfinished so you can stain yourself, 3 yrs old. $99. 802-278-8222
ABOVE GROUND POOL LADDER Assembled, never used. $99. 518-664-5060 ACE SUBMERSIBLE SUMP pump 1/3HP w/hose. Used very little. $65. 518798-1426 after 6pm
CRAFTSMAN POLY DUMP CART Pull behind (lawn tractor), $40. 518-854-7596 CRAFTSMAN 11HP RID- ING mower. Runs, needs a battery. $50. 518-642-3456 CRIB MOBILE Lights and music, good condition, $20. 518-677-5498
G A R D E N W AY C A R T (wheel barrow) Able to move heavy loads, dump panel in front, $40. 518-854-7596 GATORADE COOLER on wheels. $20. 518-642-1510
MAPLE TWIN BED Frame with headboard & footboard, box spring icl. exc. cond. $5.00, 631-848-6329. MENS BICYCLE 18-speed all terrain Roadmaster. Exc. cond. $50. 518-854-7698
RAY JEFF MARINE RADIO and 8 ft. antenna. Works good. $35. 802-468-5720
HI PRESSURE WASHER Works good. $99. 518-6423776
M E N S D R E S S PA N T S 38x29, 5 pairs + 2 pairs size 38 shor ts. New. $50 802417-1203
R C A P O R TA B L E D V D player. New with carr ying case & adapters. $50. 518796-7897
HOTPOINT CHEST FREEZ- ER 15 cu ft. $50. 518-7984248
MENS XL BROWN leather jacket. $30. 802-438-2035
RECLINER CHAIR Wing back, beautiful fabric, great condition. New $179, sell for $50. 518-261-1238
INTERIOR 6 PANEL Doors. 24” & 30” wide. New, un- painted white, $25.00 all, 631-848-3288. K E N M O R E A I R C O N D I - TIONER window model cool- ing. $99. 518-642-1510 K E N M O R E WA S H E R Works good. $60. 518-7984248 K E N M O R E WA S H E R Works great. $50. Located in Whitehall 405-823-0646 or 405-823-0648 KODAK ALL IN ONE print- er/copy, used once. $45. 518-692-9295 LADDER RACK should fit most small trucks, came off Toyota with rail system, $99. 518-686-4972 LADIES BICYCLE New Road Master speed bicycle, color blue. $75 cash. 518677-5020
MOWER TIRE/CARLISLE TURFMASTER 15.600-6 NHS on 1 hole rim, like new, $15. 518-854-9259 NEOPRENE WATER SKI vest Type III PFD. 3 for $25. 518-692-9295 NORDIC RIDER EXERCISE machine. Good working or- der. $20/obo. 518-282-9733 NORDIC TRACK SKI ma- chine. Excellent condition. $60/obo. 518-282-9733 O ’ B R I E N WAT E R S K I S Kevlar combos performers. Never used. $99.99. 802645-9136 OFFICE DESK metal, woodgrain top 24”x55”. $95. 518642-9490 OIL FILLED ELECTRIC RA- D I ATO R Pa i d $ 9 0 n e w. Used twice. Asking $50. Brent @802-468-0006 or cell 802-282-1844
RED WOOD LAWN FUR- NITURE love seat, no cush- ions, real wood, $50. 802265-3796 RESIN DECK CHAIR beige, back reclines, footrest pulls out. $10. 518-692-9436 ROOF RACK FOR bike uni- versal fit. $50. 518-677-3072 ROUND KITCHEN TABLE wood 41”. Good condition. $25. 518-796-7897
L A DY D U N L O P G O L F clubs, full set including putter & bag. Good condition. $75. 518-584-0572
OLDLE BOAT ANCHOR for small boat. $25. 518-7981426 after 6pm
TIRES 4 CHEV 5 in all on rims 16S + 16.5S. $99. 518590-4316
OVEN DOUBLE KITCHEN- A I D s e l f - c l e a n i n g bl a ck 27”W. $99. Wells 802-3252829
TOOL BOX 4 truck. Must see. $50. 518-590-4316
LAWN TRACTOR 18HP en- gine, 42” mower deck. Runs good. $99. 518-642-3776
PATSY CLINE 4 CD set, over 50 songs. Never opened. $25. 802-417-1203 anytime
L E AT H E R JAC K E T m a - roon, blazer style, ladies large. Excellent condition. $25. 518-642-2608
PELLA CASEMENT WIN- DOW 42 X 41, New still in box, $99.00, 631-848-3288.
LIKE NEW OLIVE green suede recliner. Less than 6 mos. old & used very little. $99. 802-278-8222 LITTLE TIKES LARGE CUBE. Slide with bench, ap- proximately 5’x5’, asking $50. Wells, VT 802-645-0016 LIVING ROOM CHAIR bur- gundy floral. Excellent con- dition. $75. 518-526-4181 L OV E S E AT BU R G U N DY FLORAL Excellent condition from Taft, 5 yrs old. $75. 518-526-4181
PELLA DOUBLE HUNG Window. 29 x 47, new still in box , $90.00, 631-848-3288. PHILLIPS AVENT ELEC- TRONIC steam sterilizer for baby bottles. Never used. $10 802-273-3734 PICTURE WINDOW 68” X 50” Single pane, wood frame, $99.00, 518-4068173. PORCH SWING Two peo- ple. Good condition with cushions. $25. 518-796-7897 PRINTER HP DESKJET 5740. $25/obo. 802-2653619
WII GAME MX vs. ATV Un- tamed, Wi-Fi connection avail. $20. 518-677-3851 WOMENS CROSS COUN- TRY skis (Kwik Step). $25. 518-642-3456 WOODEN ROCKING CHAIR with pads, $25. 518499-0169 WOODEN TRAIN and ac- cessor ies, train, track, bridge, etc. Over 100 pieces! Excellent condition, $40. 518-695-3977
SNARE DRUM 14” by R e m o. W h i t e , s e r. n o. 47641. $99. 802-287-9462 SOFAS. Two small matching convertible to twin beds, dark green, nice, $90. Greenwich 518-692-7336
PA I R O F 9 . 5 ’ W i d e f u l l length white vertical blinds with hardware, like new, $40.00, 631-848-6329.
WI GAME SKATE IT can use wii balance board to play. $18. 518-677-3851
SLIDING GLASS DOOR d r a p e s . Te x t u r e d , l i g h t brown. $8. 518-642-3456
OLD HORSE DRAWN dirt or manure scoop w/2 wood handles. $65. 518-798-1426 after 6pm
L AW N M OW E R , E L E C - TROLUX Electric star ter, battery & manual. $99.99/ obo. 518-499-1191
WI GAME SKI-DOO snow- mobile challenge. $18. 518677-3851
SEA SHELLS ALL varieties for craft projects. 5 gal buck- et & large bag, mostly all sorted by variety. $10. 518854-9259
LADIES MEDIUM BLACK lined leather jacket. $40. 802-438-2035
LARGE COLLECTION OF VHS tapes, movies & blanks, mostly blanks. $75. 518-677-3072
WHIRLPOOL DISHWASH- ER $50. 518-642-3709
TRAMPOLINE WITH NET. Large, good condition, $75. 802-265-3796 TREADMILL Excellent con- dition. $99. 518-642-2612 TROLLING MOTOR 12 volt Minnkota w/deck mount 28 ft lb torque. $99. 518-638-8637 TWIN BED, Dresser, night- stand, dark wood finish, $50 for all. 518-499-0169 TWO GENERATORS. Older style, one Coleman, other Homelite, need coaxing to run, $80. 518-686-4972 UMBRELLA TABLE oblong shape, white. Good condi- tion. $25. 518-642-1544 U N I V E R S A L G A R AG E DOOR opener. New, still in box. Was $43, sell for $20. Tina @ 518-686-5073 VENTURA HIGH BACK car seat. Weight 20-80 lbs. Good condition. $20. 518-642-1544 WAT E R TOW T U B E w / 2 tow ropes and medium size life jacket. $50. 518-2829208
ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements A L T H O U G H M A N - C H E S T E R N E W S PA - PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Ad- vertising submitted for le- gitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be mis- leading.
Exhibits & Shows July 30th Vermont Lakes Region Chamber of Com- merce 6th Annual Car Show! On the Town Green In Fair Haven, VT! For Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles. Fair Haven Rotary BBQ*Food*Raffle *Vendors*Music* Family Fun! To Register An Entry Or As A Vendor visit or call 802-265-8600.
Lost & Found FOUND: Digital camera, “Happy Bir thday Tristian” Call 802-287-5277 to identi- fy.
14 • The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011
To place an ad, call
1.800.354.4232 YARD WORK Strong young man needed for yard work, 1+ days a week, N. Granville area, $10p/hr 518-642-0786.
RN UNIT MANAGER Full Time 7-3 Monday-Friday, NO WEEKENDS
Per Diem 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7
Full Time 3-11 & Every Other Weekend
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST/COTA *SIGN ON BONUS* For Full Time Hiring Full & Part Time Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Competitive salary and benefits package! Call 877-339-6999x1 Fax 866-854-8688 Email: Complete Application at
positions needed to provide evaluation, consultation and direct services to identified students at various schools in the Addison Rutland Supervisory Union. For additional information contact Kristin Benway, Director of Special Services, at 802-265-4905.
FAIR HAVEN UNION HIGH SCHOOL • Assistant Girls Varsity Soccer Coach for Fall 2011
For an application, contact the Superintendent of Schools’ Office at 802-265-4905. Mail completed application along with cover letter, resume and three current letters of reference to Addison Rutland Supervisory Union, 49 Main Street, Fair Haven, VT 05743. EOE Positions will remain open until filled
17 Madison Street, Granville NY 12832
State of Vermont
Veterans’ Home Clinical Social Worker Vermont Veterans’ Home
We are looking for a compassionate person who understands person-centered dementia care to meet the social service needs of our Veterans, Spouses, and Gold Star Parents with dementia. You must understand evidence-based practices and behavioral interventions for people with dementia. You must possess excellent interpersonal skills as you will work with veterans/ members, families, medical and administration staff, and outside agencies. Understanding of psychiatric and substance abuse disorders is a plus. Bachelor’s degree in social work required, Masters in social work preferred. Vermont Social Work license required. Reference job posting #28596. Bennington - Full-Time. Application deadline - open until filled. The State of Vermont offers an excellent total compensation package. To apply, you must use the online job application at For questions related to your application, please contact the Department of Human Resources, Recruitment Services at (800) 640-1657 (voice) or (800) 253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Make a difference Founded in 1787, Castleton is a college community that values personal interaction with students and among colleagues. Your work will be appreciated here. You can help us make a difference in the lives of our students, and for the benefit of Vermont. Castleton State College is seeking applications for a part-time Biology Laboratory Assistant to provide support for biology laboratory courses in the department of Natural Sciences. Courses will include, but are not limited to, Microbiology (3 sections in Spring, 1 in Fall), Cell and Molecular Biology (3 sections in Spring), and Molecular Ecology and Evolution (1 section in Fall). Duties include preparing specimens and chemical solutions, culturing live organisms including bacteria, maintaining and operating laboratory equipment, proper handling of hazardous materials, and ensuring the laboratories and prep areas are well stocked and organized. Must be flexible, energetic and a team player. A Bachelor’s Degree in Biology or Microbiology is required but a Master’s degree is preferred; experience with molecular biology is also preferred. Part-Time; 25 Hours per Week, Academic Calendar. Hourly rate salary is within the VSC Grade 10 salary range, no benefits. This position is included in the VSC UP-PAT Bargaining Unit. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. Send resume, a Castleton employment application (available on and list of three references to Office of Human Resources Castleton State College Castleton, VT 05735 EOE
Career need a shift in gears? Find that perfect job right here in the classifieds!
J & J Trucking Co. Inc is presently taking applications for a part-time driving position. This person must have 5 years experience with dairy farm milk pickup, a New York and Vermont pickup license, valid class A CDL with tanker endorsement and a clean driving record, please call 802-325-3084 between 8am and 4pm.
The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011 • 15 Business Opportunities $500-$1000/DAY For an- swering the phone? You bet. No selling, no MLM, no prod- ucts to buy, no kidding! Call 8 0 0 - 6 5 8 - 5 8 2 1 . I R S a p - proved.
Financial GET FREE OF CREDIT C A R D D E B T N OW ! C u t payments by up to half. Stop creditors from calling. 800346-8417
Articles For Sale A NEW QUEEN Mattress set, still in shipping plastic, $150, 518-260-6653. APPLIANCES RECONDI- TIONED & GUARANTEED Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, Washers, Dryers. Best Selection, price & guarantee. New & Used Parts. Major Credit Cards 518-761-9501 59 Boulevard Queensbury, NY 800-640-4313 COAL FOR SALE Anthra- cite. Rice, Pea, Nut, Stove and Smithing. 518-642-9819 or cell 518-424-5663 DISH NETWORK delivers more for less! Packages starting at $24.99/mo. Local channels included! FREE HD for life! Free BLOCK- BUSTER movies for 3 months. 1-800-727-0305 FRANCO BELGO convector decorator coal stove. Good cond. $125. 802-468-5795 call after 3pm FREEZER MAGIC CHEF 5.3 cu ft. Excellent condition. $180. 518-692-8687 HOSPITAL BED Electric, asking $125/obo. Day bed with mattress, $100. 518854-9212 INBOARD MERCRUISER ENGINE 233HP 4173580Eg strndrv 4201875. Good cond. $800/obo. 518-638-5527 KALAMAZOO LIBERTY KITCHEN wood stove. Green & beige enamel, com- plete copper water reservoir. $600. 518-854-3331 LOG SPLITTER excellent, on wheels, home made. $1,000. 518-663-8180
Articles For Sale MPI MONITOR 441 Kero- sene heater, digital controls, with blower, $500/obo. 518632-0055 R I M O L D I OV E R L O C K COMMERCIAL sewing ma- chine. Elec. w/manual. Good cond. $300. 518-584-3859 SLOT MACHINE Mint con- dition. Asking $300/obo. Cell # 518-791-7475 or 518-7476602 SOFA/SLEEPER queen, ex- cellent, beige, new mattress pad, bedding $400. 518-7610714 STEREO JUKE BOX Rowe Model R-88, 200 selection, plays 45’s. CD quality sound. $895. 518-854-4910 TREADMILL: HEARTRID- ER soft strider, incline & roll- ers. $250. 518-761-0714
Auctions HAVING AN AUCTION? Advertise Here Reach 47,820 households! VT & NY Coverage! Line ad $19 Display ad $66 Call for details! 518-642-1234
Education A V I A T I O N M A I N T E - NANCE/AVIONICS Gradu- ate in 15 months. FAA ap- proved; financial aid if quali- fied. Job placement assis- tance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! 1-800-2923228 or
Firewood ALL CUT SPLIT & DELIV- ERED Hardwood firewood. green wood now available, any length. 802-316-6076 or 518-642-1558
Free FREE TIRES 250-+ all go! 518-590-4316 KING SIZE MATTRESS w/ twin box spring mattress. Good/fair condition. FREE. 518-282-9089
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
E D O R S E T, V T A S a fe Place Storage. 275 Tennis Way off Rte 7A. July 16th 9am. Contact 802-362-1185. Benefiting Habitat for Hu- manity.
W E L L S , V T H U G E TAG SALE. July 16 & 17. 8am4pm. Rain or shine. 178 North Street. Follow signs. 2009 RPM Xtreme 26 ft To- ghauler camper, 2002 Chev Blazer, John Deere 1020 tractor, Toro wheel horse tractor mower, trailers, 2x4 maple syrup evaporator, bikes, two fishing boats, lots of tools, fifth wheel hitch, new picnic table, banjo clock by Ingraham, cuckoo clock, blue hobnail 23 pcs, iron- stone bowl & pitcher, English cups & saucers, documented plates, much more glass- ware, silverware, thimbles, jewelry, watches, dolls, col- lectables, collection Lilliput Lane houses, post cards, dulcimer musical inst., bongo drums, sleigh bells, wood wheel barrow, fur niture, quilts, books, lamps, toys, sport cards, paintings, prints, photos, maple syrup, scales, elk horns, decoys, fish & wildlife mounts, lots of good hunting items, bear traps, lots of fishing items, snow- shoes, egg basket, apple bucket, boat tube, sleeping bags, tent, 1938 Hood milk can, much much more. Come look. Town wide sale Sat. July 16.
BUY THE BLUE PILL! Via- gra 100mg, Cialis 20mg. 40 pills+ 4 FREE, only $99.00. #1 Male Enhancement, dis- creet shipping. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1-888-7979013
WEST PAWLET Ron Taylor Sr. 3519 VT Route 153. July 16-17. 9am-3pm. 4 family. Lots of good buys, nice clothes, toys, books & ect.
HARMONY ELECTRIC GUITAR w/case. Excellent cond. $200/obo. Cell # 518791-7475 or 518-747-6602
WHITEHALL 40 School St. July 16-17 8am-3pm. Furni- ture, household items, every thing must go!
call to advertise here!
GRANVILLE 3 Family sale. 11 Brookside Lane off Hicks Road. July 16-17. Household items, clothes, collectibles, miscellaneous items. G R E E N W I C H M OV I N G SALE/OPEN HOUSE. 284 Rabbit Road. July 16-17 9am-5pm. Contractors tools, equipment, supplies, house- hold items, furniture, Ford pick up w/plow, BMW Z3 spor ts car, motorcycles, young womens clothing and much more. 518-692-9097 HOOSICK FALLS 12 Cum- mings Street. July 16th. 8:30am-3pm. Moving sale. Double bed, small freezer, kitchen table, bar stools, var- ious appliances, dishes and clothing. SOUTH CAMBRIDGE 1060 Master Street @ County Routes 114/74. July 16-17 9am-4pm. Tools, farm equip- ment, welding, saws, gar- dening, household, books, and more.
JAZZY POWER CHAIR For indoor and outdoor use, new batteries, asking $650/OBO, 518-695-5132/480-9564/ 518-695-6974.
Lawn and Garden JOHN DEERE 425 w/cab, 20hp gas, 7-Bushel Power Flow Bagger, dump cart, 47 2 - s t a g e s n o w bl o w e r, 54”blade, wheel weights & chains, $7000. 518-8547692 KUBOTA ZD21 PRO COM- MERCIAL zero turn mower, 21 HP diesel, 90 engine hours, 60”deck, $8300. 518854-7692 WOODS RM600 FINISH m o w e r, 6 0 i n c h c u t , 3 blades, rear mount. Good cond. $900. 585-750-7032
Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET/FLUTE/ VIO- LIN/TRUMPET/ Trombone/ Amplifier/ Fender Guitar, $69 each. Cello/Upright Bass/ Saxophone/ French Horn/ Drums, $185 ea. Tuba/Bari- tone Horn/Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-3777907
Wanted To Buy WANTED GUNS & AMMO Par ts or pieces. New or used. Good, bad or ugly. 518-854-7930
Dogs-Cats-Pets 8 M O N T H O L D bl a ck & white lab, female. FREE. Ask for Jason 518-307-6102 CONTINENTAL KENNEL CLUB. No litter fees. Hassle free service. Advertise your puppies for $1.00/month. Call CKC, Toll-free 1-800952-3376. FREE KITTENS BORN 610-11 Cute & cuddly, black & white, box trained, people & pet friendly, 518-642-9628. UKC REDBONE COON- HOUND PUPPIES Ready July 17th. Call Debbie @ 802-342-6334
Farm Animals N U B I A N G OAT S A D G A REGISTERED Milkers, doel- i n g s, bu ck l i n g s, b o t t l e d raised.518-686-0879
Hay & Grain HAY 2011 1st & 2cnd cut. Good quality horse/heifer hay, sq bales ave 40-50lbs, $2.75-$3.75, 802-345-5493.
Horses HORSE/STOCK TRAILER New-used equipment trailer, p i n t l e r i n g , h e av y d u t y, $1500/obo. 518-854-3669 R E A DY F O R G O O D Homes. 2 Just weaned spot- ted mini-jacks, absolutely adorable! $750.00 ea. or if taking both discount avail. 518-746-7463. STRAIN FAMILY HORSE FARM 50 horses, we take trade-ins, 3-week exchange guarantee. Supplying horses to the East Coast. www.strainfamilyhorsefarm. com, 860-653-3275. Check us out on Facebook.
Livestock For Sale ALPACAS-MUST SELL! Priced $1,000-$3,000. Some moms w/cr ias, beautiful black Peruvian stud. 518677-3162
Bruce’s Mobile Marine Services
We bring boat services to you! Winterize, dewinterize, tune-ups & repairs
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Cleaning Services A-1 CLEANING SERVICE Affordable, Professional Cleaning. Residential* Commercial. Exp. Ref. Insured & Free Estimates. Call Patty 802-235-1064.
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Lawn Mowing JUST MOWIN’ Trimmin’ & Edgin’ Lawn & Field Reasonable Rates 802-236-8031
Lawn Service /Landscaping BACK HOE Landscape Planting Top Soil* Manure York Raking*Brush Hog Bob Helm * 802-265-2145
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Tree Service BOURN TREE SERVICE Over 30 Years Of Service Fully Insured * Free Est. Brush Chipping * Land Clearing. 518-642-2182 STUMP GRINDING Afford- able Stump grinding. Bruce Monterio. Fully Insured. 603-783-1322
Topsoil/Gravel HAULING NICE BANKRUN Gravel* Screened Gravel* Blue Shoulder Stone Screened Cow Sand Black Screened Top Soil Fair Price * Henry Clark 518-677-3237*518-260-6555
16 • The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011 Autos
1948 FLEET CHEV 2DR, partly disassembled. $5,000 invested. Asking $4,000. 518-663-8180
1996 CHEVROLET CAVA- LIER 2-door, 4 cyl, standard, many new parts, looks good. $2500. 518-854-7871 eves
2 0 0 2 B U I C K R E N D E Z - VO U S M a r o o n , AW D, 3 seats, new tires, 88K. Many extras. $7000. 518-692-7536
1976 TERRY 5TH WHEEL 30’, needs works, fair condi- tion, $600/obo. 518-4991424
1980 FORD MUSTANG 5.0 5-speed. $1200. 518-6929906
1998 CHEVY MALIBU 74K. New tires, good condition. $2500. 802-375-9275
1989 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham (collectible) “Gangsta” car. No rust, well maintained. $1900. 518-8549228
2000 CHEVY CAVALIER 148K mi. Some rust, runs great, needs rear brake lines. $1100/obo. 518-686-4198
2002 CHRYSLER Concord LX 4dr sedan,loaded, only 54k original miles! $3800/ OBO. 518-744-9868
1 2 ’ A L U M I N U M S TA R - CRAFT fishing boat w/trailer/ new tires; 15HP Johnson outboard, Minnkota trolling motor, fish finder, new bat- tery. Exc cond. $2750/obo. Call Clarke @ 518-642-1063, 802-287-4137, 518-642-7579 cell
1995 GST MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE Turbo, 4cyl, 27 MPG, minor repairs needed, $3000/obo. 518-282-9972 1995 SUBARU LEGACY AWD, auto, 167K, good con- dition, $1295. Call 518-6420785 1996 BUICK RIVIERA 134,000 mi., power windows/ locks/seats, cruise, heated seats, air. $2300. 518-6956001
2000 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1-owner, in excellent condi- tion. $4400. 518-588-4585 2 0 0 0 S U BA RU F O R E S T 217,000 well maintained mi. Clean & solid, no issues. $2500. 802-273-2837 2001 SPORTS CAR Hyun- dai Tiburon, many extras, 4 speed, 71,000 miles. $3,000. 518-281-5971
2004 TOYOTA SCION XB 4 door, 110,000 miles, good condition, $7000/obo. 518642-3230 2005 MERCURY MONTE- REY Premier mini van. 103K, exc cond, loaded. $8,895/obo. 518-499-0219 2007 CHEVY COBALT LT L i ke n ew ; 2 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Many extras, winter tires, re- mote start, alarm. $11,500. 802-645-0179 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Exc. cond. A/T, 4dr,loaded! Good gas mileage. Asking $11,500/obo. 802-446-3036
Auto Wanted AAAA DONATION Donate your Car, Boat or Real Es- tate, IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-up/ Tow Any Mod- el/ Condition. Help Under Privileged Children Outreach Center, 1-800-883-6399. DONATE YOUR VEHICLE LOVE IN THE NAME OF C H R I S T. Fr e e Tow i n g & Non-Runners Accepted. 800549-2791 Help Us Transform Lives In The Name Of Christ.
16’ CENTER CONSOLE w/ 50hp Mariner engine. New B i m i n i t o p & t i r e s. R u n s great! $4200. 518-638-9000
2 0 0 3 1 6 X 9 C A R G O P RO motorcycle trailer. Aluminum, holds 2 bikes. Single axle. $5,750. 518-753-6048
1987 VW GTI convertible 5 yr old project 1992 Volvo 940 GL w/150K. Florida car, need nose. 802-273-2837
2001 DAKOTA QUAD Auto, loaded, silver, 135,000, SnoWay plow, cap, 4x4, $5500/ obo. 518-282-9972
1976 PENNYANN 24ft tun- nel drive boat with newer Vantage trailer. A classic fun family boat! $3500, 802-5374938.
2008 FLAGSTAFF/SHAM- ROCK FLT19 Ends pop out, fully loadd, brand new con- diton, used 2x, $13,900. 802855-1616 or 802-417-1984
1 9 8 8 B U I C K R E AT TA Looks and runs great, new tires, brakes, and tuneup, never run in the winter, ask- ing $2990. 802-273-2647
2004 DODGE DAKOTA 4x4 extended cab, auto, runs & looks good, 125K, $4200. 518-695-6180
1 9 8 9 BAY L I N E R C A P R I 2150 1yr old rebuilt Ford en- gine 5.8OMC. VGC. 2 own- ers. $5,995/obo. 518-6429012
2011 27’ KEYSTONE TRAILER Never used, electric jacks, tongue, awn- ing, slide out, queen bed, many extras, $27,000. 518499-2168
1990 MERCURY GRAND PRIX Southern car, flawless, 85,447 miles, $1995. 802325-3081
1990 SYLVAN 14’ Boat & trailer, no motor, $500. 802265-3129 BOAT-BAYLINER CAPRI 1986 Mercury motor 35HP, trailer. Very good condition. $4,000. 518-642-8126 STARCRAFT FISHING TRIHULL 28HP Evinrude. New paint, deck, rug, cushions, seats. $2,200. Lake Cos- sayuna 518-692-1097
For Sale
HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL OR RENT? Include a picture! Display Ad $44! NY & VT Coverage! Reach 47,820 households! Call for details! 518-642-1234
PAWLET BUILDING LOT With state permits, 2 acre lot w/ drilled well & out build- ings, 30 x 42 steel bldg, 14 x 26 pole barn, 18 x 23 shed, 170 ft. river frontage w/site for camper/gazebo, $75,000. 802-325-3118 evenings.
FORT ANN Unique 1bdrm, $575/mth. Neat 1bdrm, $550/mth. No smoking/pets, utilities, sec. 518-854-3134
MAINE - OUT IN THE WOODS Remote, Beautiful, 10 acre pasture. Take over payments of $278. Monthly ($24,755) Owner 1-207-9420058
WANTED Land to lease to tap Maple trees, contact 802779-5348.
LARGE PAWLET Bldg lot, w/state permits, 13.1 acres overlooking tranquil Flower Brook, south facing lot, w/ mtn views to E & W, great solar potential, $195,000. 802-325-3118 evenings
LAND 12 ACRES FISH-CANOE-SWIM 500’ DRIVEWAY BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES. Surveyed. Financing available. Only $49,900. Granville. Call owner today 617-480-4650
G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E 2bdrm, dishwasher, stove, frig, W/D hookup, heat incl., 1st, sec $675/mth. 518-6423915 or 845-207-9288 GRANVILLE 2bdrm apart- ments. W/D hookup, will consider pets, 1st mth & sec. 518-642-3454 G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E 2bdr m on first floor, W/D hookup, references and sec., $525/mth. 518-642-2820
GRANVILLE 1+bdr m up- stairs/downstairs, $450/mth +util, no pets. 1mths rent/ 1mths sec. 518-642-1464
RENTALS Apartments CEDARS SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY Take a Tour Weds 12:30pm! Off Bay St, Queensbury! 518-832-1701.
1 9 9 9 TOYOTA TAC O M A Extended cab, 69K, AC, bed liner, CD/stereo, $11,695. 518-677-5846
2002 FOUR WINDS 31’ Class C motor home. 26,900 miles, clean unit. $36,900. 802-438-5209
WE PURCHASE All types of real estate! Call Bill at Gilbert Realty today! 802-265-8834
1999 NISSAN FRONTIER 200K, runs great, great shape, $2200. 802-273-2053
14 FT DURANOTIC alumi- num boat w/25HP Mercury, trailer. $1,000. 518-499-1210
Monday-Friday 2PM-7PM Saturday 10AM-3PM Closed Sunday
1972 CORVETTE Survior all numbers match, Driver, nice cor vette, 4 speed, t-tops, $14,900. 802-273-2647
Four-Wheel Drive
1977 CORVETTE STING- R AY L o o k s a n d s o u n d s great. T-tops, 4speed, en- gine chrome, 350 motor, new Cooper tires, 94K, asking $15,500. 518-677-3448
2001 MONACO DIPLOMAT 38PBD 51.9K mi. Exc cond. Many extras. 518-584-2097
Classic & Antiques
GRANVILLE 6 rooms, 2bdrm, W/D hook up, energy efficient, yard & deck, refer- ences & sec., $500/mth.203240-7966 GRANVILLE Upstrs village effic. Cable/heat/furn includ. 1 person, no pets/smoking. $575/mth+sec. 518-6420510
27 FT FLEETWOOD TRAIL- ER Sleeps 6. Good shape. $3,250/obo. 518-642-2324
Commercial Equipment 1970 GMC 5 YARD Dump truck, 5spd trans., 2spd rear, new master cylinder, clutch, b r a ke l i n e s , e m e r g e n c y brake shoes and ignition switch. $2495. 802-265-8068
Farm Equipment
1948 FARMALL CUB re- stored show tractor, paradeready w/hydraulics. Must see. $2895. 802-273-2712
1982 HONDA CB400 17,000 orig. miles. $800. 518-6929906
1994 4900 INTERNATION- AL DUMP TRUCK Best of- fer. Call 802-342-0754
Four-Wheel Drive
1965 BUICK RIVIERA Barn kept, 425 cubic inch dual quads, 2 sets of wheels, all complete, $9900. 802-2732647
Apartments GRANVILLE-Mettowee Val- ley Apartments - 1 bdrm fully handicap accessible $507 rent; utilities average $63. In- cludes appliances, site laun- dry, trash removal. No smok- ing. Must meet eligibility re- quirements. For application 518-584-4543. NYS TDD Relay Service 1-800-4211220. Handicap Accessible Equal Housing Opportunity. G R E E N W I C H V I L L AG E New 2bdrm w/view and ac- cess to the Battenkill, $750/ mth +utilities. 518-466-0071. GREENWICH 2bdr m up- stairs with balcony, very de- sirable apt., no pets/smok- ing. $675/mth. 518-817-3635 GREENWICH 2bdrm, util- ities incl., fireplace, 900sq. f t . L e a s e / S e c . D e p. / N o smoking/pets. 518-937-4521 JOHNSONVILLE (1) 2bdrm, $650/mth +utilities. No pets. Security deposit. Call Debbie @ 518-307-3480 NEED TO RENT YOUR APARTMENT? Advertise here! 4 Lines $19/WK, 2 States! 518-642-1234 800-354-4232 Direct Mail Works!
POULTNEY Lg renovated upstrs 1BR, no smoking/ pets, snow & trash removal & dish included. Ref req. $600/mth 802-287-9004 SALEM/HEBRON 3bdr m duplex, 2 bath, $650/mth +util. Deck, garage, yard privileges. 516-946-5767
2008 FORD RANGER 4cyl, auto, air, 4WD, like new. $9,500. Bev 518-695-9240 95 FORD F-250 Diesel 7.3, 4x4, 170K, utility box/ladder rack, needs oil pump, truck only $1250/obo, truck w/box, rack $2250/obo. 802-6834163 or 802-273-2786
ANTIQUE Ford garden trac- tor with snow blower & belly mower, hydro stat, runs very good, $800.00 802-236-8031
Classic & Antiques
2005 DODGE DURANGO 4x4, 134K, new engine/tires, 3rd row seat, white, runs good, $6900. 518-812-3351
FORD F550 4X4 red, 16 ft flat body dump. Auto, diesel, 143,000 mi. $14,500/obo. 518-499-0213 or 518-6429506
1983 GMC 7000 366 V8, 5 speed, 2 speed rear, cab & chassis, very good condition, $3500. Will dicker. 802-4422646
NO. GRANVILLE 2BR up- stairs. $600/mth + sec. Elec. included. No pets. Available August 1st. 518-642-1242
Custom built with superior construction! This beautiful home has 3 bedrooms, an office and two full baths all on 9 + acres, bordered on three sides by Black Creek.
Commercial Vehicles
2001 CHEV S10 Auto, V6, all new tires, high miles. Runs great, no rust. $3500. 518-854-9131
1991 CHEVY 3500 Chey- enne Duals, 4WD, diesel, 120,443 actual miles, $1000. 802-265-3644 1 9 9 5 DA KOTA 4 W D V 6 , 6 0 K , a u t o w / p l ow. R u n s good. $1500/obo. 518-5478350 1997 GMC 4X4 K1500 new clutch, tires, brakes, ex- haust. $3000/obo. 518-4881120 leave message
1 9 8 6 H O N DA C M X 2 5 0 C rebel. Mint condition. 3,335 miles. $2,750 firm. 518-6428183 1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $7000. 802-325-3127 1997 HARLEY DAVIDSON FLHSTC 15,500 miles, every extra. Special color. $10,500. 518-499-1210 2001 HD ROAD KING, Elec- tronic ignition, pipes & back rest/rack, 8000 miles, $11,500. 802-325-3127 2007 HARLEY 883XL SPORTSTER 325 Miles, like new! $7,000/OBO, 518-6955132/480-9564/ 518-6956974.
SCHUYLERVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT 2bdrm, Sec, lease & ref. Call for more info. 518-695-4721
A R L I N G TO N , V T 2 + B R , 1BA, townhouse apt. $850 + utilities. Available immedi- ately. 802-688-9315
Vacation/ Recreational
2 BDRMS 2 BA Private lot in country, $950/mo incl. heat & hot water. Also 3BDRM mobile home, 1 BA on private lot, $800/mo, both 3 mi west o f Fa i r H a v e n V T. i n Whitehall, NY. 1st, last & sec. dep. req. 802-2653766 or 518-265-3146 FA I R H AV E N V I L L AG E 3bdrm, 2« bath, large master suite, $1200 +util. Sec., first mth, ref req. 518-499-1993 SALEM pvt/lake cottage year round on « acre w/heat- ed dbl car garage, fish & swim. $900 +util. 516-9465767
Mobile/Modular Homes GRANVILLE 3bdrm, 2BA, private country setting, $725 +utilities, 1st, last, security/ ref. Avail 8/1. 518-642-2193 GRANVILLE 2BR, big yard on private land. $600/mth + security deposit. 518-6424758
Storage EXIT ONE SELF-STORAGE Heated Units Also Available Route 4-A Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3330
FOR RENT: One week at the largest timeshare in the world. Orange Lake is right next to Disney and has many amenities including golf, ten- nis, and a water park. Weeks available are in March and April 2012. $850 inclusive. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 o r e m a i l :
Manchester Newspapers
REAL ESTATE Classifieds List your home, commercial property or find the perfect real estate investment.
Call today to advertise!
1 (800) 354-4232
The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011 • 17 Motorcycles HD 883 SPORTSTER CUSTOM 2004 Pearl white, lots of extras, real looker, serv i c e d a n d r e a d y t o g o. $5000. 518-642-2060 days or 518-642-8128 nights
ATV’s /Snowmobiles 1999 ARCTIC CAT ZL 600 Liquid, studded track, 4113 miles, $900/obo. Call 802342-0754.
ATV's /Snowmobiles
Pickups, Trucks, Vans
1999 YAMAHA SX 600 VMAX G/C helmet, jacket, cover, $1700/obo. 518-6428103
1968 GMC PICKUP Good condition, 4 speed trans. $2800. 518-647-2245
2 P O L A R I S S N OW M O BILES 1998 & 1999. Nice sleds! $3,000/obo. 518-7919741 2004 POLARIS 500 XC SP M10 suspension. 2000 Yamaha SXR 700, both in good condition. $5000. 518281-5971
DONATE YOUR CAR to the Outreach Center “Car for Kids” Program
• Free Pick-up & Tow • Any Model or Condition • IRS Tax-Deductible
1970 CHEVROLET SMALL BLOCK 307 Engine in 1980 Chevy 4 x 4 pickup, runs good, $750.00 802-2368031. 1974 PLYMOUTH full size w i n d ow va n . Au t o, r u n s good, inspected, 118K mi. $1,350. 518-677-5095 1990 FORD F350 86,000 orig. miles. $1750. 518-6929906 1992 FORD F-150 4x4, 5 spd, 81,000 miles. Runs great. $2,000/obo. 802-2871222 1997 CHEVY ASTRO VAN AWD, 6cyl, 129K, new alternator, runs great, $1950. 518-337-0752 1998 DODGE RAM 1500 V8, Auto/4WD, long bed & cap, extras, 98K miles, runs good. $3295. 802-265-4755 1999 DODGE 2500 4X4 pickup. Runs/looks great. New tires/brakes. Needs tranny. $1500/obo. 802-2874430 2000 DODGE RAM Sport 1500. Loaded. New tires. In excellent condition. $10,500/ obo. 518-686-5953 2000 FORD RANGER XLT, Super Cab, 4dr, auto, 4WD, EC in and out. Must see. $10,000. 518-859-8517 2002 FORD E-350 Lg ext cargo. 2 or 5 pass. 85K, 1 o w n e r, l o a d e d ! P r i va c y glass, always garaged. Runs & looks exc! $9,000/obo. 518-639-8900 2004 GRAND CARAVAN anniv edit. Loaded, leather, DVD, 145K mi. Well maint., some rust. $4,500. 518-6385431 2 0 0 6 D O D G E DA KOTA 2WD, 50K,4DR, Auto, Air, Disk player. NEW custom cap. Remote start. $13,000. 518-664-4202 8 7 F 3 5 0 D U M P T RU C K 90,000 miles, too many new parts to list, very little rust, box great condition, $2500. 802-683-4163
Advertise In The Classifieds You’ll Be Glad You Did!
3 Weeks / $1500
3 Weeks / $2500
For Items Priced Less Than $1,000 - Over $100
For Items Priced $1,000 or More
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Deadline: Monday 3 PM
18 • The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011
The Lakes Region FreePress • July 15, 2011 • 19
Stk# U2423 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Rear Entertainment, Loaded, 33k miles
$29,995 2007 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT Stk# U2689 Crew Cab, 4WD, Dump Bed, Auto, Air, 37k miles
Stk# U2602 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 68k miles
Stk# U2620 Convertible, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD 32k miles
2005 FORD F-350 XL
Stk# U2841 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 46k miles
2008 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT Stk# U2888 4WD, Auto, Air, 31k miles
$19,995 2008 JEEP WRANGLER X UNLIMITED Stk# U2951 4WD, Auto, Air, 22k miles
$25,995 2005 DODGE DAKOTA SLT Stk# U2992 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 76k miles
LIMITED EDITION Stk# U3031 4WD, Auto, Air, Rear DVD, Navigation, Leather, Sunroof, Loaded, 36k miles
2009 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT Stk# U3056 Hemi, Auto, Air, Reg. Cab, 18k miles
$27,995 2009 FORD FOCUS SE Stk# U3095 5 Speed Manual, Air, CD, 33k miles
$13,995 2000 FORD RANGER XLT Stk# U3108 Ext cab, Cap, Auto, Air, 4WD, 86k miles
$27,995 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT
Stk# U2791 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 43k miles
Stk# U2806 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 61k miles
Stk# U2866 4WD, Auto, Air, 55k miles
Stk# U2871 4WD, Auto, Air, 58k miles
2009 DODGE RAM 1500
2009 DODGE RAM 3500
2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT RUMBLE BEE Stk# U2891 Reg Cab, 4WD, 5.7L Hemi, 54k miles
Stk# U2899 Crew Cab, 4WD, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Loaded, 24k miles
Stk# U2880 Ext Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 52k miles
Stk# U2939 Crew Cab, Dually, Auto, Air, CD, 59k miles
$34,995 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT
Stk# U2967 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 20k miles
Stk# U2968
4x4, Auto, Air 34k miles
Stk# U2989 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 49k miles
2008 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING Stk# U3000 Auto, Air, CD, 32k miles
$19,995 2007 FORD EDGE SEL Stk# U3034 AWD, Leather, Air, Auto, 59k miles
$19,995 2011 DODGE RAM 1500
Stk# U3058 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Loaded, 16k miles
$38,995 2007 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT BIG HORN
Stk# U3097 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 36k miles
Stk# U3110 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Loaded, 63k miles
2005 CADILLAC ESCALADE EXT 2007 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Stk# U3135 Auto, Air, Leather, Sunroof, DVD, GPS, AWD, Loaded 35k miles
Stk# U2662 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 66k miles
Stk# U2690 Auto, Dump Body, 64k miles
2006 FORD F-350
SRT-8 Stk# U3147 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 34k miles
2008 DODGE DAKOTA LARAMIE Stk# U3005 Crew Cab, 4WD, Leather, Auto, Air, 34k miles
$22,995 2010 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LS Stk# U3035 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 21k miles
$28,995 2010 DODGE CHALLENGER SRT8 Stk# U3069 6 Speed Manual, Air, Leather, Moonroof, Navigation, Loaded, 9k miles
$39,995 2009 FORD F-550
2011 RAM 3500 Stk# U3009 4WD, Auto, Cab & Chassis, 45k miles
$32,995 2007 SATURN ION 2 Stk# U3039 5 spd manual, Air, CD, 57k miles
Stk# U3070 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Loaded, 916 miles
$41,995 2007 FORD MUSTANG GT
Stk# U3100 Auto, Air, 4WD, Plow, 16k miles
Stk# U3107 Air, CD Fully Loaded 38k miles
2010 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT
Stk# U3116 Reg Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 44k miles
Stk# U3125 4x4, Convertible, Auto, 9k miles
2008 FORD F-350 LARIAT Stk# U3152 Crew Cab, Auto, Air, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, 61k miles
2008 PONTIAC G8 GT Stk# U3155 Auto, Air, CD, 26k miles