Lakes Class 9-16-11_web

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16 • The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011

Rutland u Bennington u Washington County


CALL 1-800-354-4232 DEADLINE Wednesday 2 P.M.

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Looking for a new job? Look inside for a large listing of help wanteds!

Finds Under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

1950’S CROSLEY A N T I Q U E r e f r i g e r a t o r. Wor ks. $99.99. 518-6697134

2 PS2’S WITH six games and accessories. $99. 802366-0211

3 FT ALUMINUM storm door. $25.00. 518-695-3464

ALADDIN PICNIC KIT 60’s. Plaid zip case, 2 1-qt ther-­ mos, sandwich box. Scarce-­ ly used. $20. 802-362-2013

A N T I Q U E J E L LY C U P -­ BOARD 7 ft tall, 4 ft wide. Wainscoting. $99.99. 518260-8048

B E N N I N G TO N M I X I N G BOWL pink, blue, yellow, dark blue. Large. $50. 802293-5499

A L M O N D S TA N D I N G FREEZER works great. $30. 802-366-0211

A N T I Q U E M E TA L B E D Complete good condition, $2.00/OBO, 518-632-5774.

BENNINGTON MORTAR & PEDESTAL Perfect. $60. 802-293-5499

ALPINE MRV-F307 CAR amp/subwoofer mounted in pre-wired enclosure box. JL audio speakers. $99/obo. 518-692-7232

ANTIQUE SIMPLEX COW barn automatic water bowl cup. $40. 518-638-9000

BENNINGTON EGG TRAY l i g h t b r ow n , h o l d s h a r d boiled or fresh eggs. $50. 802-293-5499

2 COLOR TV’S small but good picture 13” Magnavox. $60/both. Greenwich 518692-2964 2 END TABLES wooden, excellent condition. $60 for pair. 518-499-2425

Finds under $100 1 PAIR HALOGEN dual bulb wor k lights. Adjustable stands. $70. 518-854-9439 10 INDOOR TRACK spot-­ light heads. Fits most track systems. $99 for all. 518638-9000 100 VCR TAPES Drama, comedy, action, classic mo-­ vies. Westerns. Perfect con-­ dition, all for $50.00, 518642-2391. 16 BAGS MASONRY “N” type cement. All for $90. 518-638-9000

2 MAPLE CHAIRS both for $20. 518-596-0003 2 M O T O R C Y C L E H E L -­ METS black, size medium. $40/both. 518-258-0806 2 NEW TIRES P235-75-15. $75. 518-642-3776 2 ORIGINAL INDOOR/OUT-­ DOOR Gooseneck designer lamps. $99 for both. 518638-9000 2 PELLET HANDGUNS CO2 powered 9mm & 357 s t y l e . M a n y ex t r a s . $ 7 5 takes all. 802-366-0211

2 STUDDED TIRES 2 front on rims off ‘84 Thunderbird. Serious calls only. Salem area. $55/all. 518-955-6466 20 GLASS CANNING jars. $5. Call 518-632-5476 after 9AM

300 VHS MOVIES orig. jack-­ ets. Rated G to R. $85. 518854-9439 3 0 0 + C A S S E T T E TA P E S Mostly rockn n roll, perfect condition. All for $40.00, 518642-2391.

20” X 38” MIRROR quarter inch thick. $15.00. 518-6953464

4 STUDDED TIRES P21575R-15 on Chevy rims. Used 1 season. $99.99 firm. 802375-2446

2 0 0 2 TOYOTA T U N D R A HUBCAPS set of 4. Gran-­ ville. $20/all. 518-642-1397 before 7pm

5 FULL ROLLS of Owens Cor ning insulation 3-1/2” thick by 15” wide. $49.95. 518-695-3464

2003 DODGE MIRRORS left and right. $25. 518-669-7134

585 TEKTRONIX OSCIL-­ LOSCOPE powers up shows trace. $1. Located in Poult-­ ney. 802-884-1004

21” LAWN MOWER 6.0 HP Briggs & Stratton, includes bagger. $50. Cambridge, NY 518-677-5072 23’ PORCH RAILING Top & bottom rail, balusters, all P/ T. $25. 518-642-0713

7-UP GALLON syrup bottle w/cap & label. Exc cond. $35. 518-677-2631 A 1914 CONSOLE radio for sale at $99. 518-597-3776

ANTIQUE CRIB floor rocker. Very good condition, very old. $99.99. 518-260-8048 ANTIQUE FURNITURE “GERMANY” 80+ yr solid pine w/HW veneer WARD-­ ROBE closet shelves, draw-­ ers, mirror, rod shows wear, $99. 518-642-1646 ANTIQUE FURNITURE “GERMANY” 80+ yr solid pine w/HW veneer King or 2 Twin beds, nite tables, stur-­ dy but shows wear, $99. 518-642-1646

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AQUARIUM 18” X 30” X 13”H $20. 518-258-0806 BA B Y BA S S I N E T A r m ’s Reach mini co-sleeper. Port-­ able, tan colored, exc cond. Retail $150, sell for $95. 518-232-9269 BABY SWING barely used. Like new and bouncy seat. $45. 518-639-4308 BED-ANTIQUE ROPE con-­ ver ted for mattress & box spring. $30. 518-642-9824 BENCHSAW CRAFTSMAN good condition. $25. 802273-3616

BICYCLE RACK, ALLEN $25. 518-642-1990 BIG MAN ROCKER recliner. Beautiful. Only $40. 518-6922964 BLACK & DECKER ROUT-­ ER 1HP. $30. 518-683-9884 BLACK & WHITE 2-PIECE fire suit for racing, size L-XL. $30/obo. 802-779-4953 BLACK LACQUER QUEEN size bedframe, enclosed sides & bottom w/top open-­ ing for extra storage. $75. 518-638-7010

Finds Under $100

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Finds Under $100

Finds Under $100

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Finds Under $100



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The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011 • 17 Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

B L AC K L AC Q U E R a n d glass top rectangular coffee table. $50. 518-638-7010

COLEMAN AIR BED w/cot 25” x 72” new in box. $20. 518-596-0003 COMPOUND BOW com-­ plete set-up for Jennings, composite limbs, new draw-­ string w/peep sight, quiver, sight pins for distance, rest. Set @ 55 lbs. $65. 802-3253807

F R I G I D A I R E F R O N TL OA D I N G wa s h i n g m a -­ chine, ss tub, good cond. $75. Arlington 802-375-9028

PAIR CUSHMAN READING chairs w/cushions; one rocks. $60/set. 518-6865303

D O U B L E M AT T R E S S & BOX spring. Asking $65. 802-287-4065

FRONT ROOM CHAIR $5, 518-587-7787.

HIGH SPEED INTERNET Satellite dish and modem. Direcway (Hughsnet) satel-­ lite and DW7000 modem. Worked great, no longer needed, $99. 518-663-5567

LITTLE TYKES BABY swing. Like new. $10. 518677-5878

BLACK METAL GRILL pro-­ tector for a pickup truck. $99.99. 518-638-7010

DOG HOUSE 28” x 42” x 30”H. Forest green roof, white sides. Very nice. $20. 518-258-0806

HINTERBERG QUILTING FRAME pine, will fit very large quilt. Exc. cond., used twice, $85.00, 518-695-3367.

MAPLE BED FRAME ad-­ justs for full or queen. Very nice. $20. 518-596-0003

BLACK PICTURE FRAMES set of 3 asst sizes new in box. Call for sizes. $25. 802375-1205 BLACK WROUGHT IRON ornamental style table w/ glass top & 4 chairs. $40. 518-692-7232 BODYTONE 375 ROWING machine. $10. 518-499-1990 BOTTLES-5 BLUE/GREEN Lg and sm, 3 clear Ball & Kerr. $10. 518-642-9824 BOYS CLOTHES 2T-4T. 2 garbage bags. $15. 518-6428032 BRAND NEW Baby Trend Expedition LX 3 wheel. Needs front tray, great deal, $75.00, 518-642-2391. BULL STEER HORNS leather board mounted 40”. $40. Granville 518-642-1397 before 7pm CAMERA PENTAX 35MM 1982, 3 lens, tripod, 2 came-­ ra cases & instructions book. $75. 518-282-9208

COMPUTER OR DESK chair on wheels. Good con-­ dition. $50. 518-638-8179 COUCH 6 1/2ft. wood, frame, dark stain, has cush-­ ions, but they need to be re-­ covered. Good couch for the kids or dog, $20, 518-6778866. COUCH WITH BUILT-IN re-­ cliners & matching loveseat. Good cond. $99. 518-8792558 C R A F T S M A N RO U T E R 110-120 volts, 1HP. $30. 518-683-9884 CRAFTSMAN 16” SCROLL saw. Cuts up to 2” thickness. $30. 518-854-9439 CRAFTSMAN 8” TABLE saw. Exc cond. $50. 518499-1990 CRIB good condition, white, JC Penney. $75. 518-6775878

CAST IRON WOOD stove, semi fancy. $90/obo. 518306-4186

CUPHOLDER & CD’S for car. Sits on floor, lots of stor-­ age. $5. 518-686-7137

CENTRAL WOOD LATHE 14x40. $95. 518-683-9884

DALE EARNHARDT CLOCK plus other memora-­ bilia. All for $25. 518-4699083

CHAIR VERY STURDY well built for dining room. Very good cond. $30. 518-6388179 C H I L D R E N S S N O W -­ BOARD great condition. $50. 518-499-2425 CHIMNEY GUARD new in box, black. $20. 518-6421990 C H O KO M OTO R C Y C L E H E L M E T l i ke n ew, s i ze small. $30. 802-558-0433

DELL DESK TOP Comput-­ er, Dimension 4100. Monitor, keyboard, processor, all soft-­ ware, good cond. windows XP, $75., 518-695-3367. D I N I N G R O O M TA B L E wood. Asking $25/obo. 802287-4065 DODGE TAILGATE 1990’s2003. $99.99/obo. 518-6697134

D R A I N AG E T U B I N G 5 ” black vinyl, 50 ft & 50 ft gar-­ den hose. $10 for all. 518642-9824 DUST BUSTER cordless hand vac, 14.4V, extra filter. Good condition. $5. 518-6929754 ELECTRIC MIXER WEST BEND $15. 518-642-1990

F U T O N G R E E N M AT-­ TRESS green and brown. Good condition. $85. 518638-8179 G AT E L E G TA B L E ve r y good condition. A steal at $99. 518-677-2631 GENERAL M+S TIRE AM-­ RITI P255/70R-16. Good tread. $15. 802-235-2301

HINTERBERG QUILTING HOOP 30 inch height & tilt, a d j u s t a bl e, m a p l e, ex c . cond., $75, 518-695-3367. INDUSTRIAL WHEELED MOP bucket w/wringer & mop, 44 qt. Like new. $50. 802-375-1205

E M E R S O N K A R AO K E PLAYER BRAND NEW in box, $40. 518-538-4722

GENTLY USED TO NEW baby clothes 0-18 mos. Win-­ ter jackets included, boys 6 bags. $75. 518-639-4308

ENGAGEMENT RING .3 di-­ amond, 14K, white gold, size 5. $50. 518-642-8126

GIRLS CLOTHES sizes 6-78. 2 garbage bags + shoes. $20. 518-642-8032

INFANT CAR SEAT like new, less than a year old. $25. 518-639-4308

EPSON SCANNER Perfec-­ tion 2580 photo. Exc cond. All info & CD-Rom. $20. 518692-9754

GLASS DISPLAY CASE length 72” width 20” height 38”, sliding doors. $99.99. 802-558-1797

JVC RX-558V Audio/video receiver, $50/obo. 518-2829269

EXERCISE GYM bio-dyne. $99. 518-677-5878

GOTHAM 10” CRYSTAL vase. Never used, in orig. box. $50. 802-293-5499

FENDER FUZZ-WAH ef-­ fects pedal, used. $15. 518282-0041 FIRESTONE STEELTEX RADIAL A/T LT235/85R-16 M+S tire. Real good tread. $15. 802-235-2301 FLEA MARKET STUFF 6 huge boxes, good stuff & more, worth $100’s. All for $75. 802-362-2013 FOOSBALL TABLE Perfect working order. Green top w/ butcher block frame. $99.99. 518-260-8048 FORD CAP for Ranger. $50. 518-642-3776 FORD F150 (4) steel rims 16” 5-lug. $50. 518-282-9208 FOUR THOUSAND WATT generator, hardly used. Orig-­ inal spark plug. $95. 802287-4041

G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E Large 1st floor, 3+bdrm, W/D hook-up, porches, $750/mth +util. No pets. First, security, references. 518-642-3454. GUITAR HARMONY 1970 complete w/pics & instruc-­ tion books. $30. 518-2829208 GUITAR INDIANA SCOUT very good condition. How to manuals, CD’s. $45. 518692-9754 GUN CABINET glass front w/bottom drawer. $40. 518677-2628 HALE KITCHEN TABLE with leaf. $95. 518-686-5303 H A N D I C A P WA L K E R S Like new. 2 for $45. 518-6388893

INFANT ACTIVITY CEN-­ TER play mat. Like new. $25. 518-639-4308

KENMORE HIGH POWER microwave oven. Good work-­ ing condition. $10. Located in Poultney. 802-884-1004 KENMORE SMALL APT size washer. $99/obo. 518282-9972 KENMORE SMALL APT. size dryer. $99/obo. 518282-9972 KITCHEN SINK DOUBLE bowl Elkay. Good shape, stainless steel. $40. 518686-7137 LADDER HUNTING STAND 16’H, XL. Extreme welded tubular steel. Used once. $90. 518-469-9083 LARGE TABLE LAMP $10, 518-587-7787. LARGE TRUCK BEDLINER like new. $99. 802-265-7942 LEAF BLOWER/VACUUM Toro. Used one season. Ex-­ cellent condition, 12 amps. $30. 518-692-9754

MANY MANY TYPES of bells. $50. 802-394-7885

MAPLE BUFFET Refur-­ bished, beautiful, $99.99, 518-642-1242. MASSAGE TABLE like new condition. $99/obo. 802-2879867 M AT T R E S S E S ( 2 ) Tw i n mattresses, $10, each box springs are free. Decent shape, 405-823-0648. MCDONALD’S TOYS 200+ (70+ in pkg) ‘84-’96. Also misc. BK, others. $50. 802362-2013 MIG WELDER 90 amp, gas-­ less, used twice. Like new. Serious calls only. Salem area. $99. 518-955-6466

PANASONIC 32” TV w/re-­ mote. Good picture. $20. 518-499-1990 PEDESTAL SINK very old cast iron covered w/porce-­ lain. $50. 802-558-1797 PET CARRIER 18 X 24 X 18”H. $10. 518-258-0806 P I A N O - E M E R S O N U P -­ RIGHT good condition. $50 donation to the Shushan Methodist Church. 518-8543738 or 518-852-6571 PING PONG TABLE folds up for storage. $25. 518-8549439 PLOW FRAME FOR Honda wheeler, fits CountyLine plow, used. $15. 518-2820041 POST HOLE DIGGER $10/ obo. 518-642-8126

MILK CANS One very old, one 40 yrs old. No tops. $20. 518-260-8048

PRESTO PIZZAZZ PIZZA cooker. New in box. $35. 518-499-1990

NEW DOUBLE BED box spring. Paid $200, asking $99/obo. 802-287-4065

PYRAMID 1000 WATT car amplifier & subwoofer mounted in pre-wired enclo-­ sure box. $99/obo. 518-6927232

NOKIA 6350 CELLPHONE orig. box, book, battery, wall charger, quickstart guide. $40. 802-558-0433 OLD 3 DRAWER dresser w/ mirror. Needs repair. $35. 518-686-5303 OLD WOODEN DRESSER $99/obo. 518-282-9972 OUTDOOR FLAGS various bag. $10. 518-642-1990 OUTDOOR FURNITURE 5 r e d w o o d s l a t e d fo l d i n g chairs. Very good cond. $20/ obo. 802-287-9867 OVAL CHEVAL MIRROR Oak, $45.00, 518-642-1242

RADIO FLYER Fire engine, 1930’s, $75.00, 518-6421242. S/8 WHITE CHINA Trimmed in gold, with matching gold flatware, $75. 518-306-4186 SANYO 31” TUBE TV ster-­ eo sound. Owner’s manual & remote included. Great pic-­ ture. $15. 802-884-1004 SET OF 6 ANTIQUE dining room chairs w/handmade needlepoint cushions. $89. 802-325-2500 S I N G E R S E W I N G M A -­ CHINE used 5x’s, 37 stitch-­ es, buttonhole & more. Great cond. $90. 802-375-1205

18 • The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011 Finds under $100

Finds under $100

SINGER TREADLE SEW-­ ING machine. In family 4 generation. Comes w/orig. book. $85. 518-686-5303

WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYER good condition. $75. Arling-­ ton. 802-375-9028

SINGER ZIG-ZAG sewing machine in dark wood cabi-­ net w/legs. Exc cond. $85. 802-235-2301 SKI VEST 3 neoprene ski gear vests. ASCG approved. $50. 518-692-9295 SKYLIGHT USED ALUMI-­ NUM clad insulated glass w/ screens 29.5”x46.75” open-­ ing. $75. 518-663-5143 SMALL WOOD STOVE cast iron 11-1/2W x 27D x 24-1/ 2H. $45. 518-686-4590 SMOKE MACHINE THEAT-­ RICAL magnum 550 w/re-­ mote, some fluid. $40. Gran-­ ville 518-642-1397 before 7pm

WHITE REFRIGERATOR excellent condition. $30. 802-366-0211 WOOD COOK STOVE 6 bur ner $99.99, 518-6421242. WO O D L A M P & TA B L E Asking $25/obo. 802-2874065 WOOD STOVE CHIMNEY pipes used 6” & 8”, lots of el-­ bows. $15. 518-686-7137

TABLE FOR DINING room. No chairs, good condition, one leaf. $75. 518-638-8179


TRUCK TIRE 8.25x20 12ply inspectable, 90% tread. $75. 802-558-1797 TURTLE SANDBOX used, in good condition. Comes w/ unopened sand. $25/obo. 802-265-3796 V-TECH COMPUTER looks like real computer, learning games. $10. 518-642-8032 VANITY TABLE with bench & mirror, $25, 518-587-7787. VERY NICE SMALL refrig-­ erator. Good for camp or basement. Works great. $30. Greenwich 518-692-2964 WEDDING GOWN white, chiffon silk. Preser ved in box. $700 orig. Asking $35. 518-282-9208

A L T H O U G H M A N -­ C H E S T E R N E W S PA -­ PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Ad-­ vertising submitted for le-­ gitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be mis-­ leading.

Exhibits & Shows TA S T E F U L LY S I M P L E / BASKET PARTY Try some super delicious food & order from the catalog. Followed by basket party! Win some great things. Door Prizes, 50/ 50 raffle. Proceeds to be donated to local charities. $5 admission with sheet of $25 tickets. Extra sheets will be available also. Sept 18, doors open 11am, American Legion Post 49, 72 South Main St. Fair Haven, VT. Donations Needed. 518-796-4761

Business Opportunities $500-$1000/DAY For an-­ swering the phone? You bet. No selling, no MLM, no prod-­ ucts to buy, no kidding! Call 8 0 0 - 6 5 8 - 5 8 2 1 . I R S a p -­ proved.

WHIRLPOOL DUAL TEMP top loading water cooler. $40. 518-879-2558






ANTIQUE WOOD STOVE Mfg Poultney Vt Oct 16, 1 8 4 5 , ex c . c o n d . n eve r used,$500. 518-642-1242


Articles For Sale



SRT-4RIMS (2) 2005 17” Dodge SRT-4 rims, used. $80. 518-282-0041

TREADMILL PRO FORM crosswalk electric. $85. 518692-9295

LAWSUIT CASH Auto Ac-­ cident? Worker Compensa-­ tion? Get CASH before your case settles! Fast Approval. Low Fees. (866) 709-1100 or


SONY CAMCORDER used little. $90. 518-692-2964

TRADESMAN 15” BENCH scroll saw. $30. 518-6839884


WORKBENCH length 72” depth 25”. Handmade, 2drawers. $15. 802-273-3616

SOLID MAPLE DROP sides table, 48” round. $75/obo. 802-265-3796

TOY S TOV E P O RTA B L E KEROSENE heater. 17,500 BTU. Good condition. $20. 518-642-1582

C A S H L E V E R AG I N G SYSTEM!! $300 Pays Out $1600 In 45 Days! Do It Over & Over Again, Ever y 45 Days! Call For Details! 800570-0448

WORKBENCH length 84” depth 25”. Handmade. $10. 802-273-3616

SNOW FORCE FULL face snowmobile helmet, XL. Ex-­ cellent condition. $35. 802558-0433

TABLETOP DISH WASH-­ ER 17”x20”x20”H. Never used. $25. 518-596-0003

Business Opportunities

TIGER OAK CHINA Cabi-­ net, late 1800’s/early 1900’s, $500. 518-642-1242

Articles For Sale (6) 8FT CHAIN chokers with hooks. $180. 802-293-5231 A NEW QUEEN Mattress set, still in shipping plastic, $150, 518-260-6653. APPLIANCES RECONDI-­ TIONED & GUARANTEED Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, Washers, Dryers. Best Selection, price & guarantee. New & Used Parts. Major Credit Cards 518-761-9501 59 Boulevard Queensbury, NY 800-640-4313 DISH NETWORK delivers more for less! Packages starting at $24.99/mo. Local channels included! FREE HD for life! Free BLOCK-­ BUSTER movies for 3 months. 1-800-727-0305 FURNACE with 275 gallon oil tank and some fuel in tank. $150. 518-747-3812. I N - G R O U N D P O O L I n -­ cludes wall panels, mortar, filter, coping. Purchaser dis-­ mantle. $800. 802-468-5383 NEARLY NEW SERTA mat-­ tress & boxsprings, 3 mo. old, always covered. Exc cond. $450. 518-686-5251 RASCAL MOBILITY scooter w/ramp & cover. Model 305. Var iable spd., Batter ies good. $450. 518-526-2805b



Sofas, Chairs, Dining Room Sets, End Tables & MUCH MORE! PS Doors, Moldings, Plumbing & Shutters

ACR METAL ROOFING/ SIDING DIST. Quality Prod-­ u c t s, L ow P r i c e s, M e t a l Roofing and Trims. Com-­ plete Garage & Barn Pack-­ ages, Lumber, Trusses. De-­ livery available. Free litera-­ ture. 1-800-325-1247,

Education A V I A T I O N M A I N T E -­ NANCE/AVIONICS Gradu-­ ate in 15 months. FAA ap-­ proved; financial aid if quali-­ fied. Job placement assis-­ tance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! 1-800-2923228 or

Firewood AFFORDABLE FIREWOOD By Gould’s. Dry & seasoned hardwood, boiler wood also available. Heap vendor. 518499-0307/518-857-0279 ALL CUT SPLIT & DELIV-­ ERED Hardwood firewood. seasoned & green wood now available, any length. 802316-6076 or 518-642-1558 LOG TRUCK LOAD’S Fire-­ wood. 7 cords $700. Also buying standing timber. 802287-9849 cell 518-538-3212.



27” COLOR TV with remote. Good condition. FREE. 518854-9647


FREE! Child’s desk, white, 43.5”Lx19”Wx28”H, storage on left. 518-677-5662


SUPER TRAINER EZT Plus 2002. Set of 2 electric dog collars. $300. 802-235-1068 after 5pm TUCSON DIRECT VENT g a s s t ove. 2 8 , 0 0 0 B T U, matte black, soapstone pan-­ els. $900. 802-235-1068 UTILITY CAP w/ladder rack for full size p/u. Has new lift cylinders, will fit variety of trucks. $350. 518-526-2805 UTILITY CAP for compact p/ u w/extended bed. Will fit a wide variety of trucks. Needs new lift cylinders. $250. 518526-2805

Auctions HAVING AN AUCTION? Advertise Here Reach 47,820 households! VT & NY Coverage! Line ad $19 Display ad $66 Call for details! 518-642-1234


Building Supplies

Furniture 72” CAMELBACK COLO-­ NIAL COUCH Maroon & beige, great cond., or ig $1000, now $300. 518-6861746


Saturday, Sept 17th, 2011 at 5pm HELD AT OUR NEW GALLERY AT 114 Main Street, Whitehall, NY 12887 (518) 499-1499

Featuring an excellent selection of rustic, traditional & other estate merchandise. Taxidermy, Native American items, canoes, books, stoneware & much more. Many unadvertised items! PLAN TO PREVIEW & ATTEND.

For photos, info & terms, view:


AUCTION PREVIEW: Friday from 3-6pm & Saturday 2pm until sale time at 5pm (914) 400-7297 or (914) 489-2399 Garage Sales

Wanted To Buy

HAMPTON, NY 21 County Road 20. September 16-18 9am-4pm. Tools, dishes, floor scrubber, Christmas items, chain saws and much more.

O L D PA I N T I N G S WANTED! Highest Prices Paid. Immediate Payment. Email Photo To: padum99, LJD Fine Arts, Since 1985. 914-388-0234

NORTH GRANVILLE 10263 STATE ROUTE 22. Sep-­ tember 16-17 9am-?. House-­ hold, holiday, name brand clothing, small furniture and much more.

PANS FOR BOILING SAP A combination of 2x8 or 2x9, must be raised flue. 802-2654512

S C H U Y L E RV I L L E 1 3 9 Coveville Road. September 17 10am-3pm. Proceeds to S.A.F.E.R. Mostly household items. 1960’s 45’s & 33 1/3 albums.

Lawn and Garden

Garage Sales FA I R H AV E N 1 7 Fo u r t h Street. Saturday, September 17th. 9am-1pm. Countr y Stuff Galore, furniture, gar-­ den, household, lots of ex-­ cellent books. Something for everyone! Visit Applefest & Loft89, too! GRANVILLE Saturday, Sep-­ tember 17th 9:30am-3:00pm. Rt. 149 to Taylor Hill Rd. Fol-­ low signs to 26 Halterman Rd. GRANVILLE 35 Morrison Ave. Saturday & Sunday, Sept 17 & 18, 9am-3pm. Tools and more. GREENWICH 523 County Route 74A. September 16-18 9am-3pm. Tools, floor sand-­ ers, air guns, old magazines, transit level, furniture, house-­ hold and toys.

1987 JOHN DEERE 318 18HP Onan, P-218 engine, 5 0 ” d e ck , gr e a t t ra c t o r, $2300 neg. 518-642-9373

Musical Instruments MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET/FLUTE/ VIO-­ LIN/TRUMPET/ Trombone/ Amplifier/ Fender Guitar, $69 each. Cello/Upright Bass/ Saxophone/ French Horn/ Drums, $185 ea. Tuba/Bari-­ tone Horn/Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-3777907

U.S. & FOREIGN COINS & paper money! No amount too small! Call Richard 518-6428156 or 518-683-1954 WOOD FIRED BOILER 140180,000 BTU with 16” or larger fire box. 802-265-4512

Dogs-Cats-Pets C H I H UA H UA Te a c u p PUPS 10wks, all colors, M/ F, 1st shots, $400+. 518642-4758. C H I H UA H UA P U P P I E S Longhaired, all colors, males, $400. Cambridge, NY. 518-677-2696. CKC COCKAPOO PUP-­ PIES 2 males, $300. 1 male Yorkie puppy, $600. First shots, wormed. 518-6812074 FREE BLACK & WHITE fe-­ male cat. 1 yr old. Wants to be loved & held. Needs a very good home. 802-6459326

Wanted To Buy

Farm Animals

$CASH$ for antiques and collectibles, estate clean outs. Honest Prices! Call Tom Cosey at 518-642-1643

DUTCH & HOLLAND LOPS Ask about papers, $10. 518681-2074 PIGLETS $65. Boar $200. Call after 6pm 802-468-2641

Hay & Grain

3 Weeks / $1500

3 Weeks / $2500

For Items Priced Less Than $1,000 - Over $100

For Items Priced $1,000 or More

WA N T E D : M U L C H H AY Square bales, plastic twine. 518-281-4261.

Horses FREE TO GOOD HOME Old quar ter horse and middle aged donkey. Must stay to-­ gether. 518-281-4261. HORSE/STOCK TRAILER New-used equipment trailer, p i n t l e r i n g , h e av y d u t y, $1500/obo. 518-854-3669 STRAIN FAMILY HORSE FARM 50 horses, we take trade-ins, 3-week exchange guarantee. Supplying horses to the East Coast. www.strainfamilyhorsefarm. com, 860-653-3275. Check us out on Facebook.

Name: Address:

Phone #:

Deadline: Monday 3 PM


The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011 • 19

Employment SLAUGHTER FLOOR WORKER Part Time, Monday through Wednesday, 7AM - 5PM

Call 802-537-2811 for info.


Permanent Employment • No Weekends • Benefits

Apply to: Morcon, Inc. 879 State Route 22, Cambridge, NY



The Castleton/Hubbardton and Castleton School Boards are looking for someone to record the minutes of their Board meetings. The Castleton Board meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm and the Castleton/Hubbardton Board meets at 7:00pm. For additional information contact Ronald Ryan, Superintendent at 265-4905. Mail letters of interest to: Addison-Rutland Supervisory Union 49 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743

Substitute Instructional Assistant The Wells Village School is seeking a substitute Instructional Assistant to fill in for a person on leave: The position is anticipated to begin October 1, 2011 through December 22, 2011. Associates degree (or higher) or successful completion of paraprofessional exam required; experience desired. Applications available online at ; or at the office of the superintendent. Send completed application, resume, and 3 letters of reference to: Superintendent of Schools RSWSU 168 York Street Poultney, VT 05764


Applications due by 9/22/11

Part-Time Dining Room Attendants & Line Servers. Evening & weekend hours available. On-call Waitstaff & Bartenders.

Please Apply In Person. CHARTWELLS DINING SERVICE Green Mountain College Withey Hall Ground Floor 802-287-8975 EOE/M/F/D/V

SEEKING PROFESSIONAL DRIVER! Opportunity for Seasonal or Part Time Heating Fuel Delivery Person at our Post Street, Rutland office. Experienced driver with CDL & Haz Mat endorsement required. For more information Contact:

Dan Poalino at 786-1280 or by e-mail to:

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1.800.354.4232 FULL TIME AND PART TIME

Help Wanted

Shifts end @ 8PM, weekends/holidays a must. Experienced, friendly and honest people please apply with resume:

F U L L E R B RU S H I N D E -­ PENDENT DISTRIBUTORS N E E D E D. S t a r t a h o m e based business. Need peo-­ ple who can use extra mon-­ ey. Servicing your own area. No Investment. Email:


CASTLETON HUBBARDTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 2011-2012 School Year Vacancy CASTLETON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL *Secretary – This position is .50% Guidance and .50% Special Education. Contact Bonnie Lenihan, Director of Special Services at 4685624 for additional information. To obtain an application call the Superintendent of Schools’ Office at 802-265-4905. Mail completed applications along with resume and three current letters of reference to : Addison-Rutland Supervisory Union 49 Main Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 EOE Position will remain open until filled.

Addison Rutland Supervisory Union Fair Haven Grade School Instructional Assistant – This is a full-time position to support students with academic, emotional and behavioral challenges. Experience with de-escalation techniques and a willingness to be trained in a physical intervention program (CPI) required. All candidates must be in good physical health and hold an Associates Degree or the equivalent of 48 college credits. For additional information, contact Deborah Smith, Director of Special Services at 802-265-3883. To obtain an application contact the Superintendents’ Office at 802-265-4905. Mail completed application with cover letter, resume, copy of transcripts and three current letters of reference to Addison Rutland Supervisory Union, 49 Main Street, Fair Haven, VT 05743. EOE Position will remain open until filled.

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20 • The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011




WANTED Land to lease to tap Maple trees. Contact 802-779-5348.

G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E Small 1BR on 2nd floor. $375/mth includes trash & appliances. 518-642-2820

GRANVILLE-Mettowee Val-­ ley Apartments - Accepting applications for waiting list for 1/2 bedroom apt. Includes appliances, site laundr y, trash removal. No smoking. Must meet eligibility require-­ ments. For application 518584-4543. NYS TDD Relay Ser vice 1-800-421-1220. Handicap Accessible Equal Housing Opportunity.

GRANVILLE CR 24, Beau-­ tiful, spacious 2bdrm, $675/ mth. For information call 518642-2295, leave message.


GRANVILLE Lg 2BR, W/D, plowing & garbage removal. Exterior decks. $525/mth + sec & ref. 518-744-9652

Brokers WE PURCHASE All types of real estate! Call Bill at Gilbert Realty today! 802-265-8834


For Sale


CHARMING 2BR HOUSE on the Mettowee River near museums. $74,000. www.houseforsalegranvillen HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL OR RENT? Include a picture! Display Ad $44! NY & VT Coverage! Reach 47,820 households! Call for details! 518-642-1234

Land/Lots ARGYLE 106 sur veyed acres at $1180 per acre. Cor-­ lew Realty 518-638-6473 HEBRON 5.6 acres, all wooded, $27,500. Owner fi-­ nacing. Bolden Realty. 518854-7493 SALEM 9 acres, open & wooded at end of town road. $47,500. Possible owner fi-­ nacing. Bolden Realty 18854-7493

CEDARS SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY Take a Tour Weds 12:30pm! Off Bay St, Queensbury! 518-832-1701. CLEMONS 2bdr m down-­ stairs, quiet wooded setting, W/D hook-up, very econom-­ ical to heat, references/se-­ curity, $500/mth +utilities. 518-499-0298 FORT ANN Unique 1bdrm, $575/mth. Neat 1bdrm, $550/mth. No smoking/pets, utilities, sec. 518-854-3134 G R A N V I L L E V I L L AG E 2bdr m, pr ivate entrance, large yard, will consider pets, $625/mth heat incl. First, se-­ curity, ref. 518-642-3454 GRANVILLE 1bdrm, suit-­ able for 1, heat included. No smoking. No pets. $550/mth +security. 518-260-2596

GRANVILLE 1bdrm, nice apar tment, W/D hook up, $450/mth. References/se-­ curity. 203-240-7966. G R A N V I L L E 5 r o o m s, 2 bedrooms, fenced yard, W/D hookup. $575. References/ security. 203-240-7966 GRANVILLE, NY 1 & 2BR. Starting at $545/mth. Offer-­ ing 1 mth free rent. Storage, onsite parking, laundry. No pets. 888-424-4204

GREENWICH 1bdrm, cute upstairs, lots of closet & stor-­ age space. Off st parking, $475 +util. Ref req. Pet con-­ sidered. A must see! 518854-9496. 2bdrm available soon. GREENWICH 2bdrm, W/D, no pets/smoking. $875/mth with utilities. 518-817-3635 GREENWICH Large 1 or 2bdrm, 2nd floor, private en-­ trance, $575/mth +utilities. 518-281-4261.

Castleton, VT - Castleton Meadows

Senior Subsidized Housing

Short wait list for a 1 bedroom unit for applicants with income at or below 1 Person: $13,200 2 Person: $15,100 Includes utilities, parking and laundry facilities Landlord, Credit & Criminal Checks Required Rent Based on 30% income

Call EastPoint Properties (603) 262-3718 Non-Smoking Property TDD Equipped

Apartments HOOSICK FALLS 2BR in-­ cludes stove, refrigerator, W/ D., no pets. Pay own fuel & util. $650/mth 518-686-5547 NEED TO RENT YOUR APARTMENT? Advertise here! 4 Lines $19/WK, 2 States! 518-642-1234 800-354-4232 Direct Mail Works!

Mobile/Modular Homes CLEMONS, NY Double wide, 2bdrms, country spot, $500/mth +security. No pets. Small trailer, 1bdrm, country spot by stream, $400/mth +security. No pets. 518-4990950 GRANVILLE 2BR mobile home. $550/mth + util & sec. 518-642-1242, evenings 518642-4744

NORTH GRANVILLE Spa-­ cious 2bdrm upstairs, $525/ mth +util., 1 mth security, in-­ cludes snow plowing/rubbish removal. 518-642-1464

WHITEHALL NY 10771 Rte 4- $795, Ranch, 3 bdrm on 2 acres. Call Ed Tyler Real Es-­ tate, 518-499-2720.

WHITEHALL 1bdrm, $450/ mth. 2bdrm, $675/mth, in-­ cludes heat & electric. No pets. 1st mth rent +security. & Ref. 206-222-5925

Vacation/ Recreational

WHITEHALL nice 1BR, heat incl. $575/mth. Efficiency apt. + util. $365/mth.+ Sec & ref. both apts. 518-932-4654 WHITEHALL 3bdrm, 2 full baths, W/D hookup, $575/ mth +security. 518-832-1421 WHITEHALL 1bdrm, stove, fridge, heat, electric includ-­ ed. Parking for 1 vehicle. No pets/smoking. $550/mth. 518-499-0682

Homes HUBBARDTON 3BR, 2BA on Lake Bomoseen, north end, 3-car garage, lg family room, deck, dock.$1175/mth for 1-yr lease. 802-273-2647 MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS, VT 3bdrm, 2bath, $700/mth +utilities. Private location. No pets. 802-287-4248.

FOR RENT: One week at the largest timeshare in the world. Orange Lake is right next to Disney and has many amenities including golf, ten-­ nis, and a water park. Weeks available are in March and April 2012. $850 inclusive. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 o r e m a i l : WA R M W E AT H E R I S YEAR ROUND In Ar uba. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available: Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, & Oct. 14, 2011. Sleeps 8. $2500. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 or email:

call to advertise here!

Office Space


FOR RENT Ideal for professional office or small service provider (massage, attorney, acupuncture, hairdresser, etc.) Two rooms within a professional building ~ 370 square feet, utilities included. Option for shared waiting room or for separate entrance. Handicap accessible and great off-street parking.

Leave message 518-642-1323 for further info.


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find who and what you need here!

The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011 • 21 Autos


1980 FORD MUSTANG 5.0 5-speed. $1200. 518-6929906

1 2 ’ A L U M I N U M S TA R CRAFT fishing boat w/trailer/ new tires; 15HP Johnson outboard, Minnkota trolling motor, fish finder, new battery. Exc cond. $1750/obo. Call Clarke @ 518-642-1063, 802-287-4137, 518-791-7579 cell

1995 FORD ESCORT GT 53K, very good condition. New tires, exhaust, brakes. $1850. 518-937-7521 1995 GST MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE Turbo, 4cyl, 27 MPG, minor repairs needed, $3000/obo. 518-282-9972

12’ MONTGOMERY WARD A l u m i nu m r ow b o a t w i t h oars, $200. 802-265-4476

1996 BUICK RIVIERA 134,000 mi., power windows/ locks/seats, cruise, heated seats, air. $2300. 518-6956001

1976 PENNYANN 24ft tunnel drive boat with newer Vantage trailer. A classic fun family boat! $3500, 802-5374938.

1996 RUSTY CHEVY astro van. Good engine, trans., cruise, AM/FM, tow pkg, airbags, 166K mi. $750. 518663-5143

1987 4 WINDS fiberglass boat 16’ gas inboard, 4cyl motor. Current VT regis. boat & trailer. $3,000. 802-2872274

1 9 9 9 F O R D C O N TO U R Clean, no rust, 93,151 miles. Cheap to run. 802-394-7763

1990 WAVERUNNER with trailer. $800/obo. Contact Anthony 518-260-2659

2000 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1-owner, in excellent condition. $4400. 518-588-4585

BOAT-BAYLINER CAPRI 1986 Mercury motor 35HP, trailer. Very good condition. $4,000. 518-642-8126

2000 SUBARU FORESTER 217,000 well maintained mi. Clean & solid, no issues. $2500. 802-273-2837 2001 SPORTS CAR Hyundai Tiburon, many extras, 4 speed, 71,000 miles. $3,000. 518-281-5971 2002 BUICK RENDEZVO U S M a r o o n , AW D, 3 seats, new tires, 88K. Many extras. $7000. 518-692-7536 2003 BMW 525i Loaded, leather, 5-speed, 121,000 miles, EC. Must see. Asking $9,800. 518-499-1561 2004 CADILLAC DHS, 78K, navy/tan leather. Fully loaded. sunroof, A/C seats, backup sensors. 802-558-3402 2004 TOYOTA SCION XB 4 door, 110,000 miles, good condition, $7000/obo. 518642-3230 2005 MERCURY MONTEREY Premier mini van. 103K, exc cond, loaded. $8,895/obo. 518-499-0219 2007 CHEVY COBALT LT L i ke n ew ; 2 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Many extras, winter tires, remote start, alarm. $11,500. 802-645-0179 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Exc. cond. A/T, 4dr,loaded! Good gas mileage. Asking $11,500/obo. 802-446-3036

Auto Wanted AAAA DONATION Donate your Car, Boat or Real Estate, IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-up/ Tow Any Model/ Condition. Help Under Privileged Children Outreach Center, 1-800-883-6399. DONATE YOUR VEHICLE LOVE IN THE NAME OF C H R I S T. Fr e e Tow i n g & Non-Runners Accepted. 800549-2791 Help Us Transform Lives In The Name Of Christ.

Campers/Trailers 2001 MONACO DIPLOMAT 38PBD 51.9K mi. Exc cond. Many extras. 518-584-2097 2002 FOUR WINDS 31’ Class C motor home. 26,900 miles, clean unit. $36,900. 802-438-5209 2 0 0 3 1 6 X 9 C A R G O P RO motorcycle trailer. Aluminum, holds 2 bikes. Single axle. $5,750. 518-753-6048 2008 FLAGSTAFF/SHAMROCK FLT19 Ends pop out, fully loadd, brand new conditon, used 2x, $13,900. 802855-1616 or 802-417-1984 2011 27’ KEYSTONE TRAILER Never used, electric jacks, tongue, awning, slide out, queen bed, many extras, $25,000. 518499-2168

Commercial Equipment 1970 GMC 5 YARD Dump truck, 5spd trans., 2spd rear, new master cylinder, clutch, b r a ke l i n e s , e m e r g e n c y brake shoes and ignition switch. $2495. 802-265-8068 1983 GMC 7000 366 V8, 5 speed, 2 speed rear, cab & chassis, very good condition, $3500. Will dicker. 802-4422646 1994 4900 INTERNATIONAL DUMP TRUCK Best offer. Call 802-342-0754 TRI-AXLE DUMP TRUCK 1984 GMC 400 CAT 13sp., new tires. Runs great. $9000. 802-558-0189

Classic & Antiques 1977 CORVETTE STINGR AY L o o k s a n d s o u n d s great. T-tops, 4speed, engine chrome, 350 motor, new Cooper tires, 94K, asking $15,500. 518-677-3448

Classic and Antiques

Four-Wheel Drive

1987 VW GTI convertible 5 yr old project 1992 Volvo 940 GL w/150K. Florida car, need nose. 802-273-2837 1 9 8 8 B U I C K R E AT TA Looks and runs great, new tires, brakes, and tuneup, never run in the winter, asking $2490. 802-273-2647 1990 MERCURY GRAND PRIX Southern car, flawless, 85,447 miles, $1995. 802325-3081

Commercial Vehicles

95 FORD F-250 Diesel 7.3, 4x4, 170K, utility box/ladder rack, needs oil pump, truck only $1250/obo, truck w/box, rack $2250/obo. 802-6834163 or 802-273-2786

Motorcycles 1 9 6 9 T R I U M P H T- 1 0 0 R Daytona. Original paint. Best offer over $5,500. 518-8547513 1982 HONDA CB400 17,000 orig. miles. $800. 518-6929906 1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $7000. 802-325-3127

FORD F550 4X4 red, 16 ft flat body dump. Auto, diesel, 143,000 mi. $14,500/obo. 518-499-0213 or 518-6429506

1 9 9 9 YA M A H A Y Z F 6 0 0 14,000 miles, cover, helmet, Joe Rocket jacket, $2500. 802-287-2285

Farm Equipment

2000 SUZUKI MARAUDER Great condition, low miles, well maintained, many extras, $2500. 518-361-9447.

JOHN DEERE 2030 DIESEL Starts and runs good, good paint, wide front, 3pt power steer ing/brakes, $6200. 518-695-6180

Four-Wheel Drive 1990 GMC JIMMY black, 2DR, 4WD, A/C, P/W. $500. 802-265-8724 leave message 1997 FORD F150 New engine, rear end, tire rod ends, brake lines, $3000/obo. 518681-2074 1997 GMC 4X4 K1500 new clutch, tires, brakes, exhaust. $3000/obo. 518-4881120 leave message 1998 4x4 FORD EXPEDITION 5.4 liter, needs cosmetic work, runs excellent, inspected, $1500. 518-6423574 1 9 9 9 TOYOTA TAC O M A Extended cab, 69K, AC, bed liner, CD/stereo, $10,500. 518-677-5846 2001 CHEV S10 Auto, V6, all new tires, high miles. Runs great, no rust. $3500. 518-854-9131 2002 FORD RANGER Edge, Extended cab, auto, 4DR, 6 disc CD. Ver y good cond. $5,000. 518-257-6978 2004 DODGE DAKOTA 4x4 extended cab, auto, runs & looks good, 125K, $4200. 518-695-6180 2005 DODGE DURANGO SLT, tan, 100K miles. Exc cond. Well maintained. $8495. 802-468-3042 2008 FORD RANGER 4cyl, auto, air, 4WD, like new. $8,900. Bev 518-695-9240

2001 HD ROAD KING, Electronic ignition, pipes & back rest/rack, 8000 miles, $11,500. 802-325-3127

Monday-Friday 2PM-7PM Saturday 10AM-3PM Closed Sunday


2002 FORD E-350 Lg ext cargo. 2 or 5 pass. 85K, 1 o w n e r, l o a d e d ! P r i v a c y glass, always garaged. Runs & looks exc! $5950/obo. 518639-8900

SHORT BOX Off 2005 red Chevrolet truck, includes LEER tonneau cover, bed liner, tailgate and bumper. $1500. 518-692-9414

Pickups, Trucks, Vans 1985 FORD F-600 dump t r u ck . R u n s g o o d , 5 s p d trans, 2spd rear. Body good. $2,500. 518-686-9136 1990 FORD F350 86,000 orig. miles. $1750. 518-6929906 1992 FORD F-150 4x4, 5 spd, 81,000 miles. Runs great. $2,000/obo. 802-2871222 1993 FORD 150 Truck, stand a r d , d e p e n d a bl e , r u n s great, new shocks. $1,500 518-664-9894 w 518-6648710

1997 CHEVY ASTRO VAN AWD, 6cyl, 129K, new alternator, runs great, $1950. 518-337-0752 1998 DODGE RAM 1500 V8, Auto/4WD, long bed & cap, extras, 98K miles, runs good. $3295. 802-265-4755 1998 GMC BUCKET truck w/chipper dump box, 55’ Boom & Mobark 12” chipper. $30,000/obo. 518-361-4049 1999 DODGE 2500 4X4 pickup. Runs/looks great. New tires/brakes. Needs tranny. $1500/obo. 802-2874430 2000 DODGE RAM Spor t 1500. Loaded. New tires. In excellent condition. $10,500/ obo. 518-686-5953 2000 FORD RANGER XLT, Super Cab, 4dr, auto, 4WD, EC in and out. Must see. $10,000. 518-859-8517

2 P O L A R I S S N OW M O BILES 1998 & 1999. Nice sleds! $3,000/obo. 518-7919741 2004 POLARIS 500 XC SP M10 suspension. 2000 Yamaha SXR 700, both in good condition. $5000. 518281-5971 2 0 0 5 H O N DA AT V T R X 250TE 250CC Recon Yellow. $2,000. 518-692-7916 or 518-692-9698 2005 YAMAHA VENTURE snowmobile, low miles, 600cc, 2 up. $4500. 802-2351068 after 5 pm 2010 FRONTRUNNER 800,S side-by-side U.T.V., w/top, windshield & winch. $7,600. 802-645-1925 SUZUKI 700 QUAD better than new. Upgrades, power accessories, low miles/ hours. $5400. 802-265-7921

with 17,000 Miles

38 MPG


with 6,000 Miles


1993 GMC 1500 2WD pickup, V6 4.3, auto, new tires, d r i ve n d a i l y, s o m e r u s t . $1600/obo. 518-232-1376

2 0 0 6 D O D G E DA K OTA 2WD, 50K,4DR, Auto, Air, Disk player. NEW custom cap. Remote start. $13,000. 518-664-4202 87 F350 DUMP TRUCK 90,000 miles, too many new parts to list, very little rust, box great condition, $2500. 802-683-4163


1999 YAMAHA SX 600 VMAX G/C helmet, jacket, cover, $1700/obo. 518-6428103


Auto Trans Full Power Equip Sync & Sat. Radio Cruise/Tilt

4 PA C E M A R K S N O W TRACKER Radial ST/Z M+S P205/55R16’s on rims from 99 Subaru Legacy GT, VG Cond., $400. 802-265-8669

1999 ARCTIC CAT ZL 600 Liquid, studded track, 4113 miles, $900/obo. Call 802342-0754.

to the Outreach Center “Car for Kids” Program


Pickups, Trucks, Vans

ATV’s /Snowmobiles

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Pickups, Trucks, Vans

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Tires, Parts, Accessories

35 MPG


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Open Saturday 8:30am-5pm, Monday-Thursday 8:30am-7pm, Friday 8:30am-6pm

SALES TEAM: JC Carmody, Craig Kyer, Nick Vooris, Chris Weir, Mark Robillard & Todd Distasio

22 • The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011

The Lakes Region FreePress • September 16, 2011 • 23

STEPHENS PRE-OWNED 518-692-9604 2551 Route 40 Argyle Road • Greenwich, NY 12834 Sales Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9-7, Wed, Fri 9-6, Sat 9-5

2008 CHRYSLER ASPEN LIMITED 2008 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Stk# U2813 Auto,Air, Leather, Moonroof, 4X4, Hemi, Navigation, 38k miles

$26,995 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT

Stk# U2841 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 46k miles


2009 DODGE RAM 3500

Stk# U2907 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 58k miles

Stk# U2939 Crew Cab, Dually, Auto, Air, CD, 59k miles



2011 RAM 3500 Stk# U3009 4WD, Auto, Cab & Chassis, 45k miles

$34,995 2009 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT Stk# U3056 Hemi, Auto, Air, Reg. Cab, 18k miles

$27,995 2004 FORD SUPERDUTY F-550 XL Stk# U3093 Auto, Air, 4WD, Dump Body, 64k miles


Stk# U3125 4x4, Convertible, Auto, 9k miles

$27,995 2009 HONDA ACCORD Stk# U3143 4 Dr, AUto, Air, PW/ PL, CD, 34k miles


2010 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LS Stk# U3035 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 21k miles

$27,995 2011 DODGE RAM 1500


Stk# U3058 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Loaded, 21k miles

$35,995 2009 FORD F-550 Stk# U3100 Auto, Air, 4WD, Dump Body, 16k miles

$43,995 2008 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Stk# U3131 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 60k miles


Stk# U3147 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, 34k miles


2008 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT Stk# U2888 4WD, Auto, Air, 31k miles

$18,995 2005 DODGE CARAVAN SXT

2007 SATURN ION Stk# U3039 5 Speed, Air, CD, 57k miles


Stk# U3070 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, 2k miles


$12,995 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE

Stk# U3226 Mega Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, CD, MP3, 47k miles


Stk# U3211 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 28k miles




Stk# U3076 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 73k miles

$15,995 DUALLY




Stk# U3137 5 Speed Manual, AWD, CD, 47k miles

Stk# U3141 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, MP3, 19k miles

$14,995 2008 FORD F-350 SUPER DUTY DUALLY KING RANCH Stk# U3149 Crew cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 54k miles



2009 CHEVY COBALT SS Stk# U3193 5 Spd Manual, Air, CD, MP3, 37k miles


$19,995 2009 HONDA CIVIC LX-S Stk# U3159 Auto, Air, CD, MP3, 25k miles

$17,995 2006 FORD SUPERDUTY F-350 LARIAT

Stk# U3182 Crew Cab, Auto, Air, CD, 43k miles

$33,995 2008 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER PREMIER Stk# U3198 AWD, Auto, Air, Leather, CD, MP3, Sunroof, 50k miles



Stk# U3219 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Sunroof, 92k miles

Stk# U3224 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 45k miles



2011 FEATHERLITE TRAILER 2007 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER Stk# U3234 NEVER USED! Stk# U3228 Bunkhouse and Two-Horse Trailer


Stk# U3116 Reg Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, MP3, 44k miles


Stk# U3208 Auto, Air, CD, 67k miles


Stk# U3110 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Loaded, 63k miles



Stk# U3054 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, CD, 57k miles

2010 DODGE RAM 3500 SLT




2007 FORD F-150 XLT


Stk# U3175 6-Speed, Manual, Leather, Sunroof, Air, Turbo, 26k miles




Stk# U3173 5 Speed Manual, 4WD, Convertible, 60k miles

Stk# U3185 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 19k miles



Stk# U3165 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 51k miles

TOURING Stk# U3189 Auto, Air, CD, 6k miles

Stk# U2899 Crew Cab, 4WD, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Loaded, 24k miles

Stk# U2992 Crew Cab, Auto, Air, 76k miles




Stk# U2943 Auto, Air, CD, DVD, 85k miles



2009 DODGE RAM 1500

4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 59k miles


2007 DODGE RAM 3500 Stk# U3236 Crew Cab, 4WD, 6-Speed Manual, CD, 44k miles


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