Lakes Classifieds 3/7/2011

Page 1

The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011 • 17

Rutland u Bennington u Washington County


CALL 1-800-354-4232 DEADLINE Wednesday 2 P.M.

Need to move? Look inside for new homes and apartments

Looking for a new job? Look inside for a large listing of help wanteds!

Finds Under $100 Finds under $100 15 HOLE CHICKEN nest box. $95. 518-928-2024 1974 SKI-DOO Runs, no registration, $99. 518-6325654 1 9 9 4 J E E P C H E RO K E E Small, front grill. $45. 802362-3757 before 8pm 2 TA B L E S AW S 1 b a n d saw. $99 takes all three. 518-928-2024 2 - D R A W E R L AT E R A L wood grain HD file cabinet. $30. 518-899-4488 200 45 RPM RECORDS in good condition. Have listing of all records. $20. 518-6927519 2005-10 HONDA ODYSSEY PARTS Rubber mats, $99. 518-852-8770 3 VHS TAPES Free Willy, Free Willy2, Free Willy3. Never used. $20. 518-6867035

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

Finds under $100

BUFFET STYLE HUTCH, good condition, 4’ 11 3/4” long, 2’ 7¬” tall, 1’ 7¬” wide, $30. 518-796-7897

D R Y E R L P G A S K E N -­ MORE HD, quiet pak, 80 se-­ ries, good condition, $10. 518-642-3647

GIBSON ELECTRIC RANGE 30” wide x 39¬” tall, works, white, $50. Can email pictures. 518-580-9027

ICE SPUD $30. 518-6424624

NOKIA TRACPHONE ac-­ cessories, house & car charger, good battery. $15. Gansevoort 518-507-6225

TAYLOR OUTSIDE WOOD BOILER Needs work, $99. 518-331-0590

BY FIT SOLUTIONS, In-­ cludes 2 videos on exercis-­ es, excellent condition. $99. 802-375-1261

EASTER STUFFED ANI-­ MALS Some still have tags. Large bunny, small chick, musical bunny. $7 for all 3. 802-273-3560

GIRLS CLOTHES size 5-8; some sneakers. $15. 518642-8032

CAMERAS & ACCESSO-­ RIES lenses, filters, flash units, etc. Whole box full from 1950’s. $95. 802-3756782 C A N O N C O M B O T E L E -­ PHONE, fax, copier. $20. 518-899-4488 CLOCK-GRANDMOTHER FROM kit, floor model 5 ft tall, chimes. $35. 802-3623757 before 8pm COLEMAN LIGHTHOUSE Propane lantern, new, $40. Call before 6pm. Granville 518-642-1397 C O S C O 2 P I E C E S E T. Stroller with infant car seat, excellent condition, $75. 518-677-5160 CROCHETED BABY BLANKET With the words Now I lay me down to sleep, 38”x34”, $20. 518-642-1636 DRESSER Antique Oak, 41”Wx18”Dx31”H, 4 drawer, 2 serpentine, $99.99 firm. 518-692-9961

ENTERTAINMENT CEN-­ T E R , C h e r r y, 2 p c , 72”Wx76”Hx16”D, 2 glass & 2 wood doors, excellent con-­ dition, $75. 518-642-3647 F I S H E R P R I C E S M A RT CYCLE Brand new, ages 36, plugs into TV, educational, $40 firm. 518-677-3211 FISHING BUDDY FISH find-­ er. Clamps to bucket, dock or side of boat. Operates w/ D-cell batteries. $60. 518642-4624 FULL SIZE COUCH Floral, 89«”long x 33¬” tall. Can email pictures. $99.99. 518580-9027 F U TO N B E D W I T H M a t -­ tress, good condition, occa-­ sionally used, $85. 518-9550935 leave message. GARBAGE BAG FULL of clothes 12 months to 2T. Some new with tags. $50. 518-698-0753 G E R E F R I G E R AT O R 61”Hx28”Wx27”D, $10. 518642-3647

GLASS STEREO CABINET and Sanyo system w/cas-­ sette deck and CD player. $65. 802-362-5267 G O O S E N E C K L A M P I n -­ door/outdoor, like new, $55. 518-638-9000 G R AC O S N U G R I D E I N -­ FA N T C A R S E AT w i t h base, like new, neutral col-­ ors, paid $80, asking $40. 518-677-3211 H.S. GIRLS, WOMANS S O F T BA L L E q u i p m e n t , gloves, bats, batting gloves, sliding shorts, Under Armor, bag, $99/obo. 518-577-5694 HEAD MANUFACTURER, LIQUID metal racketball racket w/case style #170. Retails $100, sacrifice for $70 in VGC. Used 1 sem. in college. 518-686-4867 after 5:30pm HOME MEDICS FOOT SPA with accessories, new, $25. 518-796-7897 HORSESHOES. 90 used, no nails, $75. Call before 6pm. Granville 518-642-1397

K E N M O R E F L AT T O P RANGE Black, 30¬” wide x 46¬” tall, $99.99. Can email pictures. 518-580-9027 KENMORE WASHER Very good condition, all cycles and options, works, 10 years old, $60. 518-692-9787 LACROSSE STICK, Chil-­ drens 40”, blue aluminum, used 1 season, $5. 518-6929961 LIKE NEW BAR height 42” round wood grain, multi pur-­ pose table w/black tubular legs. $45. 518-899-4488 LOAD HANDLER 2000 Un-­ load wood, stone & more from your truck easily. Han-­ dle incl., like new, works great. $75. 802-345-7271 MAGAZINE COLLECTION New York State conserva-­ tionist. Approx 250 in all. $75. 802-375-6782 MENS CLOTHES XL gar-­ bage bag full. Nice condition. $20. 802-273-3560 M I C RO C A S S E T T E R E -­ CORDER Excellent condi-­ tion. $15. Gansevoort 518507-6225 N AT I V E A M E R I C A N DANCING Drum, needs re-­ pair but sounds. Call before 6pm. Granville 518-642-1397

PAINTBALL GUN CO2 pro-­ pane tanks 20 oz. Reg. price $34.99. I have 2. Sell for $50. 802-683-8343 P L AY S TAT I O N 2 H a r d l y used, one unopened control-­ ler, memory cards, all wires & cables, instruction manual, $80. 518-577-5694 QUEEN SOFA/SLEEPER, blue figured sun damaged upholstery, good cushions/ padding, excellent mattress, solid construction, $25. 518692-9118

TIVO SERIES-2 dual-tuner DVR. Record 2 shows while watching recorded program. $60. 802-645-9355 TRAILER HITCH $99. 518852-8770 TRAILER WIRING HAR-­ NESS $40. 518-852-8770 T V E N T E R TA I N M E N T C E N T E R W o o d , 51”Wx17”Dx48”T, shelves on right for components, ask-­ ing $50. 518-677-3211

ROLLTOP DESK, Maple fin-­ ish, great condition, $99/obo. 518-642-2120

TWIN BEDS Excellent con-­ dition, sits one under other for double, detachable, $99. 518-955-0935 leave mes-­ sage.

SCALE-BABY/PET 44 lb capacity, mechanical. $60. 802-362-3757 before 8pm

TWO FISHING POLES Open faced reels, $40/obo. 518-692-7146

SKB DOUBLE GUN/DOU-­ BLE bow hardcase w/wheels for air travel. $65. 834-2353033

UNDER ICE BAIT keeper. If you fish, you know you can no longer take bait off the ice, this will pay for itself quickly. $35. 518-642-4624

SKI BOOTS Black adjust-­ able, excellent, size D4J or 5 or 6, $25. 518-686-5377 SLEEPING BAG brand new, adult. $15. Gansevoort 518507-6225 STINKY THE GARBAGE Truck (New). Paid $60, sell for $35. 518-642-8032

V-TECH PHONE 5.8 w/2 ex-­ tra handsets. One needs new battery. $10. 802-2733560 WAT E R F I LT E R , W h o l e house, not a softener, 5 mi-­ cron, new, never used, $20. 518-692-9961

3 VOLUMES VHS TAPES of Alien trilogy. Never used. $20. 518-686-7035

Just fill out these handy coupons below to place your FREE ads. Then send this form to us by mail or FAX.

4 DRAWER DRESSER $20. 518-796-7897 4 SHOPPING BAGS paper-­ backs. $10. 802-537-3175 Please leave message 5 0 0 E G G I N C U B AT O R needs plug, does work. $75. 518-928-2024 8 ALUMINUM STORM Win-­ dows with screens, all for $80. 518-638-9000 8 JIG SAW PUZZLES $5. 802-537-3175 Please leave message 8’ BOX WITH BED LINER off 2004 Dodge 2500, dent in passenger side, $75. 518331-0590 ADIRONDACK LIFE MAG-­ AZINES A total of 50 plus. $75. 802-375-6782 ADJUSTABLE BED, extra long, twin size, electric, raise or lower head and feet, $95. Cambridge 518-686-7025 ANTIQUE COW BARN Au-­ tomatic water bowl cup, $45. 518-638-9000 AU T H E N T I C PA N D O R A AMETHYST Love Knot ring size 7. Paid $160, asking $75. 802-779-7958 BIG BAG GIRLS CLOTHES size 12 to 18 months. Some new w/tags. $50. 518-6980753 BOYS CLOTHES sizes 2-5; some 24 mos. $15. 518-6428032

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Finds Under $100

Finds Under $100

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Finds Under $100



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18 • The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011 Finds under $100

Work Wanted

Articles For Sale

Farm Produce


WHIRLPOOL DRYER Su-­ per capacity, great condition. Moving, must sell for only $99. 802-362-5267

NEED HELP AROUND the house? Or cleaning out your bottle returns? Call Debbie 518-642-9692

O N E G E N E R ATO R R a n small farm, older model, trac-­ tor driven. $450. 518-6773830

B L AC K A N G U S B E E F Grass fed, cut to your order, $2.85/pound. Call for details 802-265-4816

WM ROGERS A1-PLUS Oneida Ltd in wooden case. Also extra serving pieces. $50. 518-686-7035

Money To Loan

PSP 3000 complete w/travel case, screen protectors, AC adapter, cyber power, 5 new games. $125. 802-375-1256

FRESH JERSEY MILK Unpasteurized $3/2qt. FreeRange Eggs. Grass-fed An-­ gus beef. Morningside, Lar-­ son. Wells, VT 802-645-1957

“COUNTRY” STYLE Ma-­ roon/tan table, 6 chairs, matching hutch, $650 all. “Old Country table, green/ tan, $350. 518-538-8160

Announcements A L T H O U G H M A N -­ C H E S T E R N E W S PA -­ PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Ad-­ vertising submitted for le-­ gitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be mis-­ leading.

AUTO LOANS Dealer will arrange low cost financing. We take anything in trade. We finance Bank-­ rupt-Bad Credit-No Credit. Call Now! 518-499-2886

Articles For Sale AMISH MADE TV entertain-­ ment center. Solid oak cor-­ ner cabinet w/32”TV. Like new. $400. 518-753-7865


Career Service A V I A T I O N M A I N T E -­ NANCE/AVIONICS. Gradu-­ ate in 15 Months. FAA Ap-­ proved; financial aid if quali-­ fied. Job placement assis-­ tance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! 1-800-2923228 or

APPLIANCES RECONDI-­ TIONED & GUARANTEED Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, Washers, Dryers. Best Selection, price & guarantee. New & Used Parts. Major Credit Cards 518-761-9501 59 Boulevard Queensbury, NY 800-640-4313

T-SHIRTS Custom Printed. $5.50 heavyweight. “Gildan”, Min. order of 36 pcs. HATS, Embroidered $6.00. Free Catalog. 1-800-242-2374. Berg Sportswear.40. USED MAPLE SAP spouts and hooks for sale. $1.00/ea. 802-235-1264 USED SAP BUCKETS, hooks, spouts & ?????? For details call 802-468-5487 WO O D S TOV E W I T H BLOWER. new at $1800, selling for $650/obo. Moved must sell. 802-265-2357

COAL FOR SALE Anthra-­ cite. Rice, Pea, Nut. 518642-9819 or cell 518-4245663

Auctions HAVING AN AUCTION? Advertise here and reach 47,820 households! VT & NY Coverage! Line ad $19 Display ad $66 Call for details! 518-642-1234


CHERRY BEDROOM SET Solid wood, never used, brand new in factory boxes. English dovetail. Original cost $4500. Sell for $895. Can deliver. Call Tom 781560-4409

ALL CUT SPLIT & DELIV-­ ERED Hardwood firewood. green wood now available, any length. 802-316-6076 or 518-642-1558

LEATHER LIVING ROOM SET in original plastic, never used. Original price $3000, sacrifice $975. Call Bill 617906-5416

ALL HARDWOOD TRIAX-­ LE load log length. Local De-­ livery. $900. Alexander Log-­ ging 518-499-0356 or 802342-0641

LOVE SEAT & Upholstered rocker w/ottoman, excellent condition, $250. 802-3253486

BUY FROM THE OLD Pensioner. 1Yr+ Sea-­ soned Hardwoods $175/ Cord You Haul. 518-6420680 CUT AND SPLIT HARD-­ WOOD Delivered. Green and dry wood available. Ven-­ dor for HEAP. 518-499-0307 or 518-857-0279

Miscellaneous AMERICAN DIABETES A S S O C I AT I O N To u r d e Cure: Join the nation’s most adventurous ride! The New England Classic 150 & 500+ on July 9th, 2011! http://­ decure

Musical Instruments MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET/FLUTE/VIOLIN/ TRUMPET/ Trombone/Am-­ plifier/Fender Guitar, $69 each. Cello/Upright Bass/ Saxophone/FrenchHorn/ Drums $185 ea. Tuba/Bari-­ tone Horn/Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-3777907.

Wanted To Buy DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Cash paid up to $10/box. Call Wayne at 781-724-7941 WANTED GUNS & AMMO Par ts or pieces. New or used. Good, bad or ugly. 518-854-7930

Dogs-Cats-Pets CHIHUAHUA TINY PUPS 8wks, all colors, M/F, 1st shots, $400+. 518-642-4758.

Hay & Grain 2ND CUTTING HAY For sale. 1,000+ bales. 802-2351264

HARDWOOD FIREWOOD Green, Cut, split & delivered. $150/full cord. 518-854-9113

Horses HORSE/STOCK TRAILER New-used equipment trailer, p i n t l e r i n g , h e av y d u t y, $1500/obo. 518-854-3669

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STANS TV & APPLIANCE Service & Refridgeration. Residential & Commercial All Major Appliance Parts 518-499-0019



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ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING Home or Business 20+yrs. Experience Affordable Quality Specializing in Old Houses Mark Adler 518-499-2543

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Jewelry Repair JEWELRY REPAIR Custom Work Also, Buying Gold & Silver Jewelry Dockside Jewelers 126 Main St. Whitehall NY 518-499-9001

Tax Preparation INCOME TAX REFUNDS IN JUST DAYS! Tax Preparation, E-File, RAL’s including EIC Credit Cards Accepted Joy’s Services 518-642-3230

Tree Service BOURN TREE SERVICE Over 30 Years Of Service Fully Insured * Free Est. Brush Chipping * Land Clearing. 518-642-2182

Arxx Systems & Foundations Waterproofing 35 Yrs. Exp. Insured Local Professional Contractor Friendly Free Estimates



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Deadline: Monday 3 PM

The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011 • 19

Employment We’re Growing Mettowee Mill nursery in Dorset, VT is expanding. If you have a passion for plants and enjoy working with people, this may be a career for you. Experience is preferred but will train the right person. Various full and part time positions are available. Please inquire within our garden center – 4977 Rt. 30 Dorset, VT or by calling (802) 325-3007. You may also email your resume to


Part Time Opportunity Must have a clean driver’s license and NYS CNA Certification.


Full Time 3-11 & 11-7 Part Time 11-7

GREAT PAY & BENEFITS! Call Us 877-339-6999x1 Or Apply In Person

Landscape Foreman Mettowee Mill Nursery in Dorset, VT is looking for dependable, self –motivated individual to head up one of our Landscape Installation Crews. Candidate should have previous landscape experience, be well organized and have the ability to manage individuals. Valid Driver’s license required. This is a full-time position with competitive pay and benefits. Stop by the garden center, 4977 Rt. 30, Dorset, VT or call Steve at (802)325-3007.



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SEASONAL PRO SHOP Member Services position available at the Dorset Field Club. Candidate must possess excellent people & computer skills and have prior retail experience. Knowledge of tennis/golf a plus. Full time, must have a flexible schedule, including evenings & weekends.

ENRICH YOUR LIFE! Help Inter national teenagers. Supervise their American ex-­ change program. P/ T, flex-­ ible, travel incentives, extra income, homebased. Host families needed also! 1-800518-3156, FULLER BRUSH SALES DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED. Start a home based busi-­ ness. Need people who can use extra money. Servicing your own area. No Invest-­ ment. R E G I O N A L M Y S T E RY SHOPPER Needed, You will be hired to conduct an all ex-­ penses paid surveys and evaluation exercises on be-­ half of BANNEST and earn $300.00 Per Survey. Our Em a i l A d d r e s s (

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17 Madison Street, Granville NY 12832

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DRIVERS WANTED CDL-A Regional Positions running Northeast 40-cents per mile / Home Weekends Quarterly Performance & Safety Bonus Loyalty Bonus @ 1-year! We are growing and looking for professional drivers domiciled in Saratoga and the surrounding areas! Candidates must be at least 23-years of age with a minimum of 2-years experience driving Tractor Trailer. We offer competitive pay, late model equipment, 24-hour dispatch, and benefits including a 401(k) with Company match. If you’re a professional driver, give us a call or go to our website to download an application:

Logistics One Transport, Inc. 33 Cady Hill Boulevard Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

#1-888-GO FOR L1 or #1-888-463-6751 Email:

Physical Therapy Manager Helping patients overcome their illness and injury – that’s what we’re all about! The Orchard Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre has received State and National Awards for Quality Care. We’re an 88-bed skilled nursing facility seeking a full time PT Manager to join our in-house therapy team! This full time, Monday-Friday, PT Manager will be responsible for the evaluation, planning, directing and administering of physical therapy for our short and long term rehabilitation residents. Must have strong communication and organizational skills, strong knowledge base or willingness to learn Medicare, MDS and case mix reimbursement regulations. NYS license required. We offer competitive wages, an excellent benefits package, and a home-like setting. If you’re ready to make a positive career move, then contact us for immediate consideration. The Orchard Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre 10421 State Route 40 Granville, NY 12832 Attn: David Lamando, Administrator P – 518-642-2346 F – 518-642-3870 Please visit us at: E.O.E


Need a JOB? Need EMPLOYEES? The classifieds bring together job seekers and potential employers every week. The Manchester Newspapers Classifieds 1-800-354-4232

20 • The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011

Lane/Lots SALEM 3.79 Acres, $25,000. Partially cleared. Nice building lot, just outside of town. Possible owner fi-­ nancing with 20% down. 518-677-5030*518-791-9823

REAL ESTATE WE PURCHASE All types of real estate! Call Bill at Gilbert Realty today! 802-265-8834

HAVE PROPERTY TO TO SELL OR RENT? Include a picture! Display Ad $44! NY & VT Coverage! Reach 47,820 households! Call for details! 518-642-1234

Land/Lots 50 UNDEVELOPED acresvillage of Fair Haven. 1/2hr from Killington. Mix of woods/meadow $129,000. 802-355-3237


GRANVILLE-Mettowee Val-­ ley Apartments - 1 bdrm fully handicap accessible $507 rent; utilities average $63. In-­ cludes appliances, site laun-­ dry, trash removal. No smok-­ ing. Must meet eligibility re-­ quirements. For application 518-584-4543. NYS TDD Relay Service 1-800-4211220. Handicap Accessible Equal Housing Opportunity.

EXIT ONE SELF-STORAGE Heated Units Also Available Route 4-A Fair Haven, VT 802-265-3330

G R E E N W I C H V I L L AG E New 2bdrm w/view and ac-­ cess to the Battenkill, $750/ mth +utilities. 518-466-0071.


For Sale


RENTALS Apartments CASTLETON LARGE 1BR newly renovated. W/D hookup $685 incl. heat, cooking, fuel, parking. 802-885-1131 CEDARS SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY Take a Tour Weds 12:30pm! Off Bay St, Queensbury! 518-832-1701. GRANVILLE 2BR, utilities included. References & se-­ curity deposit. Cabinets galore! 518-632-5023

NEED TO RENT YOUR APARTMENT? Advertise here! 4 Lines $19/WK, 2 States! 518-642-1234 800-354-4232 Direct Mail Works! P O U LT N E Y V I L L AG E 1 bdrm, $625/mth includes util-­ ities. First/last/security & ref. required. 802-897-2672. SALEM/HEBRON 3bdr m duplex, 2 bath, $650/mth +util. 2bdrm, upstairs, $600/ mth +util. Deck, garage, yard privileges. 516-946-5767 WHITEHALL 1bdr m apt, $450/mth +utilities, security deposit, references, no pets. Call 518-499-2049

Vacation/ Recreational FOR RENT: One week at the largest timeshare in the world. Orange Lake is right next to Disney and has many amenities including golf, ten-­ nis, and a water park. Weeks available are in February, March, and April. Cost for a Sunday week is $850 inclu-­ sive. Call Carol at 978-3712442 for more information. WA R M W E AT H E R I S YEAR ROUND in Ar uba. The water is safe and the dining is fantastic. Rent a condo for a week or more in May or October. Walk out to the beach. Sleeps 8. $3,000. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 o r e m a i l :

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The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011 • 21 Autos 1988 FORD 4X2 BRONCO II 26K on rebuilt engine, rust free, needs transmission work, $2350. 518-677-3138 1989 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham (collectible) “Gangsta” car. No rust, well maintained. $2500. 518-8549228 1990 VOLVO 740 WAGON One owner, 200K, runs & drives nice, no known prob-­ lems, $895. 518-852-8770 1993 CHEVY LUMINA Euro V-6, 108,300 miles. Good shape. $2,000. 518-6388717 1996 BUICK RIVIERA 134,000 mi., power windows/ locks/seats, cruise, heated seats, air. $2300. 518-6956001 1996 DODGE INTREPID 4 d r, a u t o, P W, P L , AC, 158K, well maintained, $1200. 518-632-5654 1997 FORD ESCORT 4dr, AC, auto, 153K, well main-­ tained, $1200. 518-632-5654 1999 MERCURY COUGAR 5spd, 2DR, 6cyl. Many new parts. $1500/obo. 518-6929421 2 0 0 0 H O N DA C I V I C L X . 35+MPG. Orig. owner, ex-­ cellent condition. 36,000 miles. $6800. 518-638-9000 2000 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1-owner, in excellent condi-­ tion. $4400. 518-588-4585 2000 MONTE CARLO SS 62K, loaded. Must sell. Ask-­ ing $5950. 518-338-6828 or 518-638-8800. 2001 SPORTS CAR Hyun-­ dai Tiburon, many extras, 4 speed, 71,000 miles. $3,000. 518-281-5971 2 0 0 2 C H E V Y I M PA L A 130,000 miles, great condi-­ tion, new par ts, asking $2000. 518-642-1374 2005 CHEVY COBALT LS 4-door, super clean. $6450. 518-338-6828 or 518-6388800 2005 MERCURY MONTE-­ REY Premier mini van. 103K, exc cond, loaded. $8,895/obo. 518-499-0219

2005 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE, 4-door, 67,000 miles. $6850. 518-338-6828 or 518638-8800 2005 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 52K, 5 speed, great MPG, asking $4950. 518-338-6828 or 518-638-8800. 2007 CHEVY COBALT LT L i ke n ew ; 2 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s. Many extras, winter tires, re-­ mote start, alarm. $11,500. 802-645-0179

Commercial Equipment 1970 GMC 5 YARD Dump truck, 5spd trans., 2spd rear, new master cylinder, clutch, b r a ke l i n e s , e m e r g e n c y brake shoes and ignition switch. $2495. 802-265-8068 1982 IH COE 8 speed direct, 300 Cummins, tandem axle, $1900. 518-854-9228

2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Exc. cond. A/T, 4dr,loaded! Good gas mileage. Asking $12,995. 802-446-3036

1983 GMC 7000 366 V8, 5 speed, 2 speed rear, cab & chassis, very good condition, $3500. Will dicker. 802-4422646

Auto Wanted

Classic & Antiques

AAAA DONATION Donate your Car, Boat or Real Es-­ tate, IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-up/ Tow Any Mod-­ el/ Condition. Help Under Privileged Children Outreach Center. 1-800-883-6399 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE LOVE IN THE NAME OF C H R I S T. Fr e e To w i n g & Non-Runners Accepted. 800549-2791 Help Us Transform Lives In The Name Of Christ.

1 9 4 8 FA R M A L L C U B SHOW TRACTOR paradeready, restored w/hydraulics. $3500. 802-273-2712 or 516593-2249 1977 CORVETTE STING-­ R AY L o o k s a n d s o u n d s great. T-tops, 4speed, en-­ gine chrome, 350 motor, new Cooper tires, 94K, asking $15,500. 518-677-3448


Commercial Vehicles

1 9 8 9 BAY L I N E R C A P R I 2150 1yr old rebuilt Ford en-­ gine 5.8OMC. VGC. 2 own-­ ers. $5,995/obo. 518-6429012

FORD F550 4X4 red, 16 ft flat body dump. Auto, diesel, 143,000 mi. $14,500/obo. 518-499-0213 or 518-6429506

BOAT-BAYLINER CAPRI 1986 Mercury motor 35HP, trailer. Very good condition. $4,000. 518-642-8126

Campers/Trailers 1997 WILDERNESS 5TH WHEEL Excellent condition, $7000. 518-642-2414 2 0 0 2 C O L E M A N W E S T-­ LAKE pop-up. Great condi-­ tion. $4500. 518-854-7837 2002 FOUR WINDS 31’ Class C motor home. 26,900 miles, clean unit. $36,900. 802-438-5209 TRAILERS Pace, Haulmark, FeatherLite, Bigtex, Bri-Mar, Sundowner Exiss, CM Truck Bodies, Full Service Rentals, Deliver y&Pickup. Open 6 days. CONNECTICUT TRAILERS, BOLTON, CT 877-869-4118,

518-854-7930 Monday-Friday 2PM-7PM Saturday 10AM-3PM Closed Sunday


Henry & Edsel’s

2008 Mercury Sable Premier FWD

3.5L-V6, 6-Speed Automatic, Leather Heated Seats, Power Moonroof, Reverse Sensors, 6-Disc Audiophile Stereo. Extra Nice. Finished in black. Only 24,220 miles.

Four-Wheel Drive 1997 GMC 4X4 K1500 new clutch, tires, brakes, ex-­ haust. $3000/obo. 518-4881120 leave message 1999 DODGE DURANGO 8cyl, automatic, 4WD. Good cond., needs transmission. $1,800/obo. 518-854-3584 1999 FORD EXPLORER 146K, $3000/obo. Salem 518-321-7333

1999 NISSAN FRONTIER 200K, runs great, great shape, $2900. 802-273-2053 2001 CHEV S10 Auto, V6, all new tires, high miles. Runs great, no rust. $3500. 518-854-9131 95 FORD F-250 Diesel 7.3, 4x4, 170K, utility box/ladder rack, needs oil pump, truck only $1250/obo, truck w/box, rack $2250/obo. 802-6834163 or 802-273-2786

Motorcycles 1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $7000. 802-325-3127 1998 HARLEY SPORTS-­ TER 1200(KIT) New tires & battery & slingshot mufflers, cinnamon red, 2nd owner, EC, forward controls, $4,000. 802-442-7317 2001 HD ROAD KING, Elec-­ tronic ignition, pipes & back rest/rack, 8000 miles, $11,500. 802-325-3127

2004 POLARIS 500 XC SP M10 suspension. 2000 Yamaha SXR 700, both in good condition. $5000. 518281-5971

1992 FORD F-150 4x4, 5 spd, 81,000 miles. Runs great. $2,000/obo. 802-2871222

1999 FORD F350 XL 4x4, 5.4/V8, auto, 8’ box, new brakes, 94K, cap, 1 owner, excellent condition, $9500. 518-237-0872

2004 YAMAHA RX1 1000 4 s t r o ke, l o n g t ra ck , 2 3 0 0 miles, mint shape, regis-­ tered, insured. Fast. $4000. 518-854-9736 or 518-6514014

1996 DODGE 2500 PICKUP 4x4 w/plow, blade r usty. Works good, needs exhaust. $1500. 518-955-8153

2000 FORD RANGER XLT, Super Cab, 4dr, auto, 4WD, EC in and out. Must see. $10,000. 518-859-8517

1997 CHEV S10 5-speed, 4cyl, rack bed, new parts. Runs good, nice runaround truck. $1500. 518-854-3552

2001 DODGE RAM 1500 4x4 quad cab. Runs great, does have rust, needs wind-­ shield & muffler. Trans was rebuilt, inspected until Dec 2011. $2500/obo. 802-2652357

GREEN KAWASAKI 80cc 4-wheeler. Excellent condi-­ tion. $1,000. 518-796-7464

Pickups, Trucks, Vans 12 PASSENGER VAN, 1999 Chevy Model 2500 LS, cap-­ tain chairs, 56K, 4 new tires, CD/tape, fully loaded, well kept, one owner. 518-6429855

1998 DODGE RAM 1500 V8, Auto/4WD, long bed & cap, extras, 98K miles, runs good. $3295. 802-265-4755 1999 DODGE 2500 4X4 pickup. Runs/looks great. New tires/brakes. Needs tranny. $1500/obo. 802-2874430

2 0 0 6 D O D G E DA K OTA 2WD, 47K,4DR, Auto, Air, Disk player. NEW custom cap. $14,000. 518-664-4202 87 F350 DUMP TRUCK 90,000 miles, too many new parts to list, very little rust, box great condition, $2500. 802-683-4163

BAD CREDIT / NO CREDIT - WE CAN HELP! All Cars are checked by Auto Check We will NOT sell cars that fail this test.

2009 YAMAHA 1700 ROAD STAR Loaded, 4900 miles, tow-pak, insta-trike kit, Black Cherry, $15,000/obo. 518747-3994

ATV’s /Snowmobiles 1997 KITTY CAT Good con-­ dition, $750/obo. Rich @ 802-293-5210 1999 POLARIS XC500 1900 miles, reverse, $1400. 1995 Po l a r i s I n d y 5 0 0 , 4 0 0 0 + miles, just rebuilt, track is soso, runs exc., $700. 802-3252151 1999 YAMAHA SX 600 VMAX G/C helmet, jacket, cover, $1700/obo. 518-6428103 2 P O L A R I S S N OW M O -­ BILES 1998 & 1999. Nice sleds! $3,000/obo. 518-7919741

Extended warranties are available. Call or stop into YORK STREET AUTO REPAIR

468 York Street - Poultney, VT | 802-287-5851

22 • The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011

The Lakes Region FreePress • March 11, 2011 • 23




*Repairs extra. Prior inspections excluded. No refunds. Expires 3/31/11

**Up to 5 quarts of oil for New Customers Only

STEPHENS PRE-OWNED 2009 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT Stk# U2330 Quad Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, 18k miles

$36,995 2007 SCION TC Stk# U2489 Auto, Air, Sunroof, CD, MP3, 53k miles

$12,995 2008 DODGE NITRO SLT

2007 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Stk# U2387 6 Spd Manual, AIr, Leather, CD, MP3, 9k miles


2008 DODGE RAM 2500 BIG HORN Stk# U2681 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 24k Miles



2006 DODGE DAKOTA SLT Stk# U2429 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 59K miles



2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Stk# U2440 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 89k miles



6 Spd Manual, 4WD, Diesel, Dump Body, 63k miles

Stk# U2690

Stk# U2696 Auto, Air, CD, 35k miles





Stk# U2698 4WD, Auto, Air, Leather, Moonroof, CD, MP3, 48k MIles

Stk# U2727 6 Spd Manual, 4WD, Air, CD 48k miles

Stk# U2755 AWD, Auto, Air, Leather 32k miles

Stk# U2763 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 81k miles






Stk# U2772 Ext Cab, Auto, Air, Leather, CD, 31k Miles


2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT Stk# U2853 4WD, Crew Cab, Auto, Air, CD, 62k miles


2008 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT Stk# U2887 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, MP3, 32k miles


2007 JEEP COMMANDER SPORT Stk# U2791 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 42k miles

$18,995 2008 CHRYSLER PACIFICA LIMITED Stk# U2863 AWD, Auto, Air, CD, Leather, 21k miles

$23,995 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT RUMBLE BEE Stk# U2891 4WD, Auto, Air, 54k miles



Stk# U2796 Crew Cab, 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 25k miles


2008 CHRYSLER ASPEN LIMITED Stk# U2813 AWD, Auto, Air, CD, MP3, 37k miles

$28,995 2004 JEEP WRANGLER X

Stk# U2866 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 55k miles

Stk# U2871 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 58k miles



2008 GMC ACADIA SLT Stk# U2900 AWD, Auto, Air, CD, 34k miles



Stk# U2901 4WD, Auto, Air, CD, 42k Miles


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