Complaints Procedure

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Contents 3

What is the complaints procedure?


How do I submit my complaint?


What happens next?


What if I am dissatisfied?


What happens if I’m referred to a complaints panel?


The role of the advice service


Important links

The information in this guide only provides general guidance on academic support and University policy. The leaflet should not be regarded or relied upon as a complete or authoritative statement of University policy or procedures. The University of Manchester Students’ Union advice service will not accept any liability for any claims or inconvenience as a result of the use of information in this guide.


What is the complaints procedure? Students who are registered on a course of study (or were recently registered) are able to raise concerns they have with their course or with a service they have received through the Complaints Procedure. By following this procedure, you will be offering the University useful feedback to improve the service they offer to students.

straight to the Director of Teaching and Learning Support in the Teaching and Learning Support Office (TLSO) without having followed the informal and formal route. In such cases, the Director of Teaching and Learning Support will decide whether to refer the complaint for consideration by a Complaints Panel or to an earlier stage in the procedure.

The University website (please see the useful links section at the end of this guide) sets out a comprehensive explanation of the policy and procedure and we suggest that you read the following in conjunction with this before calling in to see us at the University of Manchester Students’ Union advice service.

Scope of the procedure The University defines this procedure as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction which merits a response’ and will consider complaints on the grounds of • T he provision of programmes or parts of programmes of study, services or facilities by the University;

You are expected to submit a complaint within 8 weeks of the issue occurring to ensure that it can be investigated and resolved promptly.

• T he actions or lack of actions by the University or its staff.

There are two main parts to the procedure; Informal and Formal.

If your complaint does not coincide with one of the above, it may be another procedure that you need to follow;

You should aim to resolve the complaint informally with those you are aggrieved with. However, the University understands under some circumstances that the informal route is not always possible and the formal procedure is the only viable option available to you. With regards to particularly serious complaints, you may wish to complain

• C omplaints involving an allegation of misconduct by a student (see Conduct and Discipline of Students Procedure);

• A ppeals relating to examinations or assessments or to academic progress or against expulsion or exclusion on academic grounds (see Academic Appeals Procedure);


What is the complaints procedure? {cont} Formal Complaints

• C omplaints involving an allegation of harassment by a student or member of staff (see Policy and Procedure on Harassment);

Copies of the Complaints Form may be obtained from the Students’ Union, School or Faculty Offices, the Office of Student Support and Services, from the student intranet on the University website or downloaded from the links at the end of this guide.

• C omplaints against the Students’ Union (see Code of Practice on the Students’ Union). Ask for more information on any of these procedures. Or see the relevant booklets on our website.

The Faculty Office will acknowledge receipt of the Complaints Form within 5 working days and will determine whether the complaint should be dealt with in the Faculty or whether the complaint should more appropriately be investigated by the head of a service provider. In the event of this, you will be informed of decision.

Informal Complaints Informal Complaints are recommended wherever possible as it means issues can often be resolved very quickly to everyone’s satisfaction. This might include arranging to have a chat with a relevant member of staff (e.g. Academic Adviser, Personal Tutor, Adviser or Tutor in Hall of Residence or Head of the relevant service) or writing a letter outlining the concerns. Students should normally expect to receive a written or verbal acknowledgement within 5 working days and a full response within 15 working days of receipt of the complaint. If you do not feel satisfied with the outcome then you could choose to use the formal part of the Student Complaints Procedure.

It is expected that the formal procedure should normally be completed and a written response sent to you within 20 working days of receipt of the completed Complaints Form. However please be aware that it can take longer than this if a complaint is particularly complex. The University will treat all complaints seriously and will deal with them without prejudice, however, if a complaint is shown to be frivolous, vexatious or motivated by malice; disciplinary action may be taken against the complainant under the provisions of the Regulation on Conduct and Discipline of Students.


How do I submit my complaint? You must also state the outcome that you would like in event of the complaint being upheld. This must be realistic, proportionate and reflect the complaint itself. An Advisor can give you advice about possible outcomes if you are unsure.

You are required to complete the relevant form and submit a complaint within 8 weeks of the incident, complaints received after this time will not be considered unless there are exceptional circumstances to excuse the delay. You must write a detailed statement outlining the nature of the complaint (including as much information as possible such as dates, times, names), indicate what supporting evidence you are attaching, and details of how they have tried to resolve the complaint informally. If you have been unable to take action informally, you must explain as fully as possible within the allocated section why this was not possible.


What happens next? • D ismissal of the complaint as being without foundation, with reasons given to the student in writing.

The person investigating your complaint should be independent from the source of your complaint to ensure fairness and will facilitate all further dealings with the complaint to attempt resolution, this can include;

When investigations are complete the student will be contacted in writing within 20 working days (please be aware that investigations can take longer than this and in some instances can take a number of months) to be told of the decisions made and whether all aspects of the complaint have been resolved. If you are happy with the outcome, this is the end of the procedures but if you remain unhappy you can choose to take the complaint to the next stage (see ‘what if I am dissatisfied’ section of this chapter).

• correspondence between the parties; • n egotiation with the student or with appropriate members of staff or with both; • f acilitation of a conciliation meeting between the student and the staff concerned; • o r, if both parties agree, referral for mediation. The complaints officer can offer one of the following outcomes at this stage;

What if it takes more than 20 working days? Depending on the nature of the complaint, it can take longer than 20 working days to thoroughly investigate the situation and you should be informed if your complaint will take longer.

• A resolution, reached in co-operation with the School or service provider, or following mediation if appropriate; • P rovision to the student of information in explanation of the circumstances which led to the complaint; • R eferral of the matter to the Complaints Panel if the complaint raises serious or complex matters which require further investigation and enquiry (see ‘what if it is referred to a complaints panel’ section of this guide);


What if I am dissatisfied? Taking account of the substance of the complaint and the previous attempts at resolution, the Reviewer will then decide on an appropriate course of action, which may include:

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome you should try to evaluate carefully what it is that you remain unhappy with; For example, have some points not been acknowledged at all, is it that certain information has not been fully taken into consideration or the recommendations don’t match the concerns that were outlined?

• specific action to resolve the matter • r eferral to the Complaints Panel or to a new Complaints Panel • d ismissal of the complaint as being without foundation, in which case reasons will be given to you in writing.

You should put together a ‘covering letter’ explaining what you feel still needs to be addressed or re-looked at, and explain the reasons that they feel this way.

You should be notified of the Reviewer’s decision within 20 working days of receipt of the request for Review. If the Reviewer dismisses the complaint as being without foundation, there shall be no further opportunity for the complaint to be pursued within the University. You can submit your complaint to the Office of Independent Adjudicator (OIA) but this must be done within 3 months of the completion of procedures letter that you receive from the University. Details of the OIA can be found on their website;

You should comment on the impact that this outcome has imposed on you – this might be a continuation of how you felt originally or circumstances that may have changed for the worse. You really need to relate back to the original concerns. And don’t forget to state what you would like to see happen should your complaint be successful. You may request a review by sending this letter to the Director of Teaching and Learning Support within 10 working days of receipt of the formal response. The Reviewer may decide to seek further information from you and/or from others concerned.


What happens if I’m referred to a complaints panel? The decision of the Complaints Panel is final and you will be issued with a Completion of Procedures letter and can submit the case to the Office of Independent Adjudicator.

If your complaint is referred to a complaints panel, it should be done within 20 working days of referral and will consist of 3 academic staff and a Students’ Union representative that are completely independent from the complainants’ school. The Complaints Panel will consider both the substance of the complaint and also the way in which the complaint had been handled in the earlier stages of the procedure. Outcomes of the Complaints Panel may include;

What if all the internal procedures have been exhausted? Once all stages of complaint have been exhausted, you should be in receipt of a ‘Completion of Procedures’ letter, if you do not automatically receive this, we suggest that you chase it up with your School, Faculty, Teaching and Learning Office or service provider. . This deems the University to have exhausted all procedures within the University and allows you to take up the complaint with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) but this must be done within 3 months of the Completion of Procedures letter that you receive from the University. Details of the OIA can be found on their website;

If the complaint is upheld: • r ecommendations to the Dean of Faculty, Head of School or Head of Service Provider; • r ecommendations to University or Faculty committees in respect of relevant quality assurance issues or other procedures or policies; • a ppropriate redress to the student which may include payment of compensation and reasonable expenses; If the complaint is not upheld: • y ou will be informed in writing with reasons for its dismissal.


The role of the advice service It is important to remember that the complaints procedure is intended to be used to complain about University Services or provision that do not meet the standard or fulfil elements that you feel were either promised to you or you are entitled to. If you are unsure as to which procedure you need to follow, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Advice Service whose specialist Advisors will guide you through the correct process.

There is a range of ways that we can support you through this process. An Advisor can: • e xplain the full process to you and guide you through the stages. • r eview any draft statements that you prepare and offer suggestions. • m onitor the progress of your complaint. • a ccompany you to any meetings to provide support and representation. • h elp you to collate appropriate evidence to support your case.

Important links Regulation XVIII Complaints Procedure (Student) Complaints Flow chart Complaints form Faculty offices contact details formal-procedures/contacts/


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